My room is quite blan. Its about average size(like TV sitcom size) however, it's the only occuppied room on my floor. I have a bathroom, and two den-like rooms to myself, but I never use them. I rather use them from storage or something more practical.
As for my room, its white, has one bed, and the worst desk in the history of man. The desk is some old marble like material and it gives absolutely no room under it for my feet. Sometimes my back hurts afters leaning over so much(to reach my cpu etc), so I do alot of surfing on my bed or downstairs. The room overall is pretty junky, because I have all of my college stuff in it like boxes full of miscalenous things and a mountain of clothes. It can get mesy sometimes, but its nothing like my brother's room(I can't see the floor anymore in his room).