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Everything posted by AtomskOO

  1. Piano: The Melody of a Young Girl's Heart torrent(full name) First of all I think the music in this anime is just wonderful. I think that I'm a sucker for the piano, because two of my favorite anime series and soundtracks are piano heavy(kare kano and Evangelion). This series at first was just a "filler" series between the finishing of Read or Die the TV/Hellsing and the beginning of KareKano/Eureka seveN. But unlike the usual filler series that I've watched in the past (air gear, Ys) I went back to finish it. Its so lovey dubey and predictable, but it has pianos and its cute! Something just draws me to it. Anyway I was wondering if anyone knew an IRC channel with a bot that had the piano series and/or the soundtrack. The only ones that I know are nipponsei and nanashi and I dont believe that they had either. filler* Meaning not necessarily something I like with the utmost respect but something entertaining. By no means am I trying to stomp on air gear and Ys, there are just something I like better.
  2. My room is quite blan. Its about average size(like TV sitcom size) however, it's the only occuppied room on my floor. I have a bathroom, and two den-like rooms to myself, but I never use them. I rather use them from storage or something more practical. As for my room, its white, has one bed, and the worst desk in the history of man. The desk is some old marble like material and it gives absolutely no room under it for my feet. Sometimes my back hurts afters leaning over so much(to reach my cpu etc), so I do alot of surfing on my bed or downstairs. The room overall is pretty junky, because I have all of my college stuff in it like boxes full of miscalenous things and a mountain of clothes. It can get mesy sometimes, but its nothing like my brother's room(I can't see the floor anymore in his room).
  3. [quote name='Shiros_Hime123']how do i feel about the case? what kind of qestion is that?? [/quote] Sorry if I was unclear about that. What I wrote: "How do you guys feel about cases that are [U]like this one?[/U]" It was a reference to the statement made at the end of the last paragraph, which commented that the case was finally moving after ten years. "Like this one", meaning ones that go on for years without closure. I feel that it's a tragedy that cases are open this long, because the families and friends suffer for that amount of time. I'm glad to see that the case seems to be making progress towards that "closed" mark, but why so late? I guess I have to trust the law and assume that they are trying their best to solve cases.
  4. Did you guys hear about the guy in thailand who supposedly did it? I never even heard about the case until i saw the picture of the little girl. I was wondering who names their girl jonbenet and who writes on a ransom note, "Listen carefully!." You can't listen to a letter even if you tried. However my regards to the parents even after ten years. [url]http://msnbc.msn.com/id/14379566/[/url] I heard about it this morning, but it may have been leaked earlier. How do you guys feel about cases that are like this one. I would think that they would've closed it long ago. Are people that elusive?(well the prime suspect was in thailand)
  5. just wondering if everyone person on otkauboards had a myotaku account. or would it be better describe vise versa. since otakuboards has it own profile pages i was wondering if anyone actually used myotaku consistently. EDIT: crap sry bout that feel free to erase the double post
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