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About Super_Android18

  • Birthday 10/01/1988

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    i'm a MAJOR tomboy, and the BIGGEST dragon ball z fan around!!
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  1. ok, my fave movie would have to be "History of Trunks" cuz you get to see trunks go ssj for the first time, and i jelt like :bawl: ing when he just starts to scream and the digs his nails into his palms so hard they start to bleed. poor trunks!! newayz, i also like it cuz u get to see alot of Android 17 and 18
  2. i have another question: when trunks is watching cell transform into his perfect form after absorbing #18, he has another flashback where he sees cell standing over all of the dead z fighters in a dark room with lotz of puddles. now in the trunks saga, it clearly states that trunks has never actually seen cell, so how could he have a flashback with cell in it yet another flashback question: i forget exactly when, but trunks has a flashback about him and gohan standing behind a rock in the rainy city when gohan got killed by the androids. he remembers gohan telling him to stay there, then flying out from behind the rock, and challenging the androids. ok, i've seen the history of trunks, and in it, gohan knocks trunks out on a rock outside of the city so trunks can't get hurt during the battle. trunks wakes up after the battle and finds gohan dead, so how can he have that memory? sry if i got kinda off subject...
  3. :o i can't believe they're making us wait that long! but yeah, i think it'll be about next summer before we get to finish the saga... d@mn cartoon network... Ps ;) you're right... FUNIMATION SUX!!!! :D
  4. buu disgusts me, he's so gross and fat and stupid... back on the subject... yes, i agree with most of the reasons above, but mostly i think he is such a dumb a$s because he wuz created that way. he can't even pretend to be intellegent for a second!! (at least fat buu can't, the other buu's can:) buu is so nasty...
  5. oh crap, i can't figure out how to get the pic in... sry bout that...
  6. this is getting annoying... first they play the cell saga over and over and over again, then they stop right in the middle of a new saga?! :flaming: damn cartoon network!!!! :flaming: i hope their ratings drop...
  7. here's a pic of gohan looking all cool ssj2 that i drew, enjoy!
  8. well, i have a tie for fave. ep. first i like the one where 18 beats the crap outta vegeta, not that i dont like vegeta or anything, but dbz doesn't really have many powerful girls, and they haven't really shown any girls winning any fights. (other than videl, but that dosen't really count, cuz they deliberatly make her look bad, like she's living in the delusion that she is extremely powerful when she's just a weakling) and second, the one where gohan whops cell's android a$s, cuz gohan looked awsome when he finally snapped and beat the crap out of cell and his kids for squashing 16's head (and all of the other bad stuff he did) :D
  9. :flaming: :flaming: :flaming: he'd better give me that money soon..... and how do you ppl know that i have a good heart somewhere inside? :devil: j/k... i do think he gives 18 the money, you saw how scared he was of her at the tournament!!
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Forte [/i] [B]pretty good....I guess. [/B][/QUOTE] g... thanx..
  11. ANDROID EMOTION by Crissy Rizzotto ~As i stand all alone, cold and darkness surround me, and i shiver as i wonder, where you brother of mine? i need you now, for you alone were the one who understood me, you alone looked past the machine, and saw the human lying hidden within. my heart is being pulled in two different directions, i don't know what i should do. i know you would know though, so why did you have to leave me 17? why couldn't you stay? i wish someone would just deactivate me, maybe then the pain would end.~ ~deep inside, i keep telling myself that you'll come back, that i will be able to hear your voice just once more, even though i know it is hopeless.~ ~there is a human, krillen is his name, he says he loves me, what is love? is it the terrible pain and sorrow i feel inside? who is this human inside of me that is telling me to love him back, sould i? you are my twin, my "other half", with you i would be complete, or would i? there are hundreds of questions, thousands of questions eating away at my soul, stirring up my emotions, human emotions. who was i before i was turned into this twisted instrument of destruction? who is this person, this human living deep inside? does she know what love is? if i asked her, would she tell me?~ ~internally, i am restless, and externally i am calm. the pain is amost to much to bear, the fighting of conflicting personalities going on inside, i fear, will eventually destroy me. but you are at peace and one with the human inside of you, you always were. why am i afraid of destruction though? why do i hang onto this thing called life? i it because i am holdng onto the tiniest glimmer of hope? is it because i still don't believe that you'e gone? but i know you're gone, gone forever, o why did you leave me? please come back 17, i miss you...~ please tell me how you like it!
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