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Everything posted by BlueEyedAngel

  1. [QUOTE=Marsh][FONT=Arial]Welcome to OtakuBoards, BlueEyedAngel. Here, we encourage intelligent discussion that can only spawn from a good thread-starting post. Yours is almost there, but it doesn't really give people much to talk about. Why do you like this band? What kind of music do they play? Answering questions such as these are a good idea when trying to start a thread. If you have any questions, please read the [U][URL=http://otakuboards.com/rules.php?]rules[/URL][/U], or feel free to PM me or one of the other moderators. Enjoy your stay at the OB. [/FONT][/QUOTE] The Soil Bleeds Black is a Pagan band that plays neo-mideval music. I've always been fiercly proud of my European heritage and had a particular fasination with the middle ages. Also, I'm Roman Catholic and enjoy such Catholic hymns as Veni, Veni, Emmanuel and Kyrie, which are on their album Mirror of the Middle Ages.
  2. Anyone know of that band? Any opinions? I like their album Mirror of the Middle Ages.
  3. I don't condone colonialism. I believe it undermined the right of the Asian and African peoples to independence, sovereinty, and self-determination. But what is multi-culturalism but counter-colonialism. One quick off-topic question... Does anyone know the band The Soil Bleeds Black? [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue][SIZE=1][INDENT][B]BlueEyedAngel[/B], I've merged your two posts together. In the future please do not double post. If you need to add something just use the edit button in the lower right hand corner of your post. Also please keep to the topic at hand if you wish to discuss bands we do have a forum for that titled Music, Movies & TV. ~indifference[/INDENT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  4. Out of curiosity, what do you think Japan would be like if it embraced multi-culturalism?
  5. Since you've already determined that whatever church it is I go to you're going to avoid it, I will not say what church I go to. But rest assured, my church is not racist or anti-semetic, in fact, it's not even nationalist. Replacement theology is not anti-semetic. When it comes to the conflict in the Middle East, my church is more sympathetic towards the Lebanese and the Palestinians than it is towards Israel. I should mention that racism and separatism are not a white phenominom. Take Israel for example. Not all the terrorists are Muslims, many of them are Jewish Zionists. The Israelis basically kicked the Palestians off their land to make way for the "chosen people". What about the Native American reservations in the US? Isn't that a form of separatism? It is indeed, but I respect the Native American right to preserve their own race and culture. If diversity and multiculturalism are so great, would anyone care to explain why the Middle East is so unstable? I should also point out, since we're all anime fans, that Japan is far from being multicultural. The population of Japan is 99.3% ethnic Japanese. This is no coinsidence. The Japanese are fiercly nationalistic. Their immigration system favors immigrants of there own ethnic stock. It's ok for the Japanese to do this, but if white people did this it would be "racist". Did you know that Israel has a "Jew only" immigration policy. Did you know that Saudi Arabia has a "Muslim only" immigration policy? By the way, for those of you who are wondering about my ethnic background. I'm about 25% English, and there's also some Scottish, Irish, and German, but I don't know percents. Ok, so America is a "nation of immigrants". Just for the sake of arguement, I'll go along with that. But take Europe for example, Europe has been homogenously white for the last 44,000 years. Non-white immigrants didn't start arriving in Europe until as recently as the 1950's. I know that there have been non-white Muslims in places like Spain and Italy, but those Muslims invaded Europe; they weren't welcomed as immigrants. When Britain was a homogenous nation, it was culturally stable. But the government couldn't leave well enough alone. They had to make it a multicultural society. The British people had (and still have) no say what so ever about the immigration policy. In history there have been many races and tribes that have diminished. But whites hold a unique place in history; they are the first race to diminish voluntarily. How do my parents feel about my white nationalism? I'd say my Dad is, more or less, understanding. My Mom is not quite as understanding. As far as she is concerned, race isn't even an issue. One time I made a racist remard and my Dad warned me that I could warrant violence from a person of another race. I replied "but if they made a racist remard about me, could I use violence against them?". He said the I could, but Blacks, Asians, and Hispanics are the ones doing most of the killing. So he pretty much made my point. I disagree with him about the Asians, though, they are actually, for the most part, less violent than whites. Did you know that the average IQ for Asians is 120; for whites,100; for blacks, 80? That's not a racist remard, that's statistics. If you disagree with me, I encourage you do do your own research on the correlation between race and IQ. I believe my IQ is about 124. Perhaps "comfortable" is not the word I'm looking for. I'm more or less comforable around other races. I think the word I'm looking for is "at home". I feel like I'm more "at home" when I'm around other white Anglo-Saxons. Enought for now. TTYL. P.S. I would like to thank all those who in any way came to my defence.
  6. Quick comment. Prussian Blue isn't quite my style of music. I much prefer the band The Soil Bleeds Black.
  7. Well, it took a while, but I finally finished reading all the posts. By the way some of you guys replied to my messages, it seems as if you hardly even read them. But here are a few of the ideas I'd like to refute: 1. I do not live a "sheltered life". The high school I go to is about 48% White, 23% Asian, 15% Latino, and 14% Black. I have constant contact with other races on a regular basis. 2. I have not been "brainwashed". I have been educated. Up until very recently, about a year ago, I myself was a strong believer in multi-culturalism. But then I did some research on the race issues, studied them carefully, and made my own conclusions. The book [U]March of the Titans a History of the White Race[/U] was a significant eye-opener for me. 3. I do not agree with [U]everything[/U] that Lynx and Lamb believe. 4. My parents did not teach me what I believe. Both my parents and all of my siblings are strong believers of the "race is only skin deep" theory. 5. I'm not a white "supremicist". I've made it perfectly clear that I regaurd all races as equal. However, I, as any normal person would, have a special devotion to people of my own tribe/race/ethnic group. "What whites in America are being asked to do is therefore utterly unnatural. They are being asked to devote themselves to the interests of other races and to ignore the interests of their own. This is like asking a man to forsake his own children and love the children of his neighbors, since to do otherwise would be 'racist' "([url]http://www.stormfront.org/whitenat/racism.htm[/url]). I have in the past dated an Asian girl and a Latino girl. They were very nice people and I liked them a lot. Nice people, but not MY people. Let's say, for the sake of arguement, that I was a hate mongering neo-nazi skinhead. Would dating a woman of another race be a prudent choice? It would be a disaster waiting to happen! Now, about the religious issue. I am very well aware the Jesus was a non-white Jew. I'm not anti-semetic, but I strongly believe in replacement theology, the belief that the Jews are no longer the "chosen people" and that the Church is the new Israel. I take God's command to "love my neighbor as myself" very seriously, be he black or white, Latino or Anglo, Jew or Gentile. But I love my family in a special way that I could never love another family; I love my race in a way that I could never love another race. Charity starts at home! Jesus said to "love your enimies". Let's take for example, the Muslims. After September 11, the London metro bombing, the riots in France, and the controversy over the Danish cartoon, I think it's time to realize that the Muslims are our enimies. We are to love the Muslims because Jesus said "love your enimies"; he did not say "denie who your enimies are". I do not blame immigrants for our problems. I blame the white Anglo-Saxon liberal politicians who promote open door immigration policies. By the way, I would never humiliate myself by going on the Jerry Springer show. Enough for now. TTYL.
  8. I'm overwhelmed! I have a limited amound of time, but I'll try to read all the posts here and work on a reply.
  9. Red 6: 1. I am mainly refering to the bussing that took place during the 1950's. 2. "People of all skin colours are all of the same kin, as they are all humans." By that logic, I could say "people of every family are relatives". It's true to a degree, but if inclusion/exclusion can apply on a family level, it can apply on a racial/ethnic/tribal level. 3. The "master race" was 30% of the world population in 1900 and in 2000 it was 15%. Today whites are only having 7% of the world's babies. We're hardly "spreading". I'm simply doing my part to ensure a future for my people. 4. Not much to argue about there. 5. It is much easier for say, German and Irish immigrants to blend in to a predominantly Anglo-Saxon society than it is for say, Mexicans. For Irish and Germans, once they assimilate into the culture and learn the language, that's about it. For Mexicans, it is more complicated because they LOOK different. 6. Every human being is of equal value, every religion is not equally valid. Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life. No man cometh onto the Father but by Him. 7. If that's how you define racism, than I am, by all means, a racist. Nothing to argue about there. John: " And if you want to take pride in something, let it be nationality, not race. Race isn't a good measure of anything." I define a nation as a people sharing a comman tribal origin/ethnic background, not as a geographic location on the map. FYI, in many parts of African people identify themselved with their tribe, more than they do with their country. Two people living in the same country, if they are of different tribal origins, will identify eachother as foreigners. Redemption: I do not consider whites superior and other races subordinate in the sense that you might think. In general, Asians have more intellectual ability; blacks more athletic ability, and whites are about in the middle. I do not desire to see whites rule over blacks or visa versa. I wish to see whites rule over whites; blacks over blacks, Asians over Asians. We all have the right to our soveriegnty and independence. Enough for now. TTYL.
  10. Hi. I'm new to this forum. Allow me to briefly introduce myself: I'm a huge fan of Japanese anime, and also a hardcore white nationalist. Yes, it is indeed possible to be both. I've read the posts about Prussian Blue, and I feel that Lynx and Lamb are so horribly misrepresented that it would be a sin to not defend them. When it comes to white nationalism, there is a very broad spectrum. On one end, there is the devout Christian, the straight A student, who bears no malice against other races, but merely wishes the best for his own people. On the other end, you have the hate monger, neo-nazi, skinhead, who wishes for the destruction of other races and an all-white world. I am the former. Some of my basic feelings and beliefs: 1. I opposed the FORCED integration of people of other races AGAINST their will. 2. I prefer the company of people of my own race. This does not mean that I have no friends of other races, it merely means that I am more comfortable amongst my own kinsmen. 3. I do not believe that inter-racial relationships are bad or wrong, however, they're not for me. I like white girls with blue eyes and blond hair, that's my preference. 4. Let's face the truth, our country was established by whites. For those of you who disagree, would you care to explain who it was established by? 5. The immigrants coming into our country today are not of the same stock as the people who founded this country and who have been the majority of the population for the last 230 years. Immigration is contributing to the balkanization of America. 6. When Indians have a sense of identity, it's called culture. When blacks have a sense of identity, it's called pride. When Jews have a sense of identity, it's called history. When whites have a sense of identity, it's called racism. 7. It is the racist who will exploit people of other races for his own benefit; it is the nationalist who will sacrifice his own self for the rest of his people. I've been to their website, and according to what I read, there is no hatred for other races, merely a love of there own race. It's my opinion (I could be wrong) that you guys reley too much on what you get from the mainstream media. Try to be open minded. If you are to condem these girls, you should at least know what it is that you are condeming. I could go on forever, but I'll stop there for now. If anyone wishes to debate this with me, I would be glad to. P.S. Wouldn't Lynx and Lamb look cool as anime characters?
  11. Hi. I'm new to this forum. Allow me to briefly introduce myself: I'm a huge fan of Japanese anime, and also a hardcore white nationalist. Yes, it is indeed possible to be both. I've read the posts about Prussian Blue, and I feel that Lynx and Lamb are so horribly misrepresented that it would be a sin to not defend them. When it comes to white nationalism, there is a very broad spectrum. On one end, there is the devout Christian, the straight A student, who bears no malice against other races, but merely wishes the best for his own people. On the other end, you have the hate monger, neo-nazi, skinhead, who wishes for the destruction of other races and an all-white world. I am the former. Some of my basic feelings and beliefs: 1. I opposed the [U][B]FORCED[/B][/U] integration of people of other races [B][U]AGAINST[/U][/B] their will. 2. I prefer the company of people of my own race. This does not mean that I have no friends of other races, it merely means that I am more comfortable amongst my own kinsmen. 3. I do not believe that inter-racial relationships are bad or wrong, however, they're not for me. I like white girls with blue eyes and blond hair, that's my preference. 4. Let's face the truth, our country was established by whites. For those of you who disagree, would you care to explain who it was established by? 5. The immigrants coming into our country today are not of the same stock as the people who founded this country and who have been the majority of the population for the last 230 years. Immigration is contributing to the balkanization of America. 6. When Indians have a sense of identity, it's called culture. When blacks have a sense of identity, it's called pride. When Jews have a sense of identity, it's called history. When whites have a sense of identity, it's called racism. 7. It is the racist who will exploit people of other races for his own benefit; it is the nationalist who will sacrifice his own self for the rest of his people. I've been to their website, and according to what I read, there is no hatred for other races, merely a love of there own race. It's my opinion (I could be wrong) that you guys reley too much on what you get from the mainstream media. Try to be open minded. If you are to condem these girls, you should at least know what it is that you are condeming. I could go on forever, but I'll stop there for now. If anyone wishes to debate this with me, I would be glad to. P.S. Wouldn't Lynx and Lamb look cool as anime characters?
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