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About Mitsuomi

  • Birthday April 12

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    5'7' Male...uh...Asian Heritage? =D
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  1. [COLOR=Red][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma]I just finished watching episodes 25 & 26 of Tenjho Tenge and also the "movie" Tenjho Tenge: The Lost Chapters. I'm sad to say that the ending was a dissapointment. It really did not finish the series and left me hanging "on the edge" of what was going to happen next. I really hope that there will be a second series because I do not feel that they did a good job for the ending. Other than that, it was a GREAT series! I really LOVED all the fighting scenes and I found that the animation was of great quality! Again, I so sorely hope there is a second series! I honestly would be heartbroken (to an extent) if ther wasn't! :animecry: Peace! :animesmil [/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=Red][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma]Hmmmm....I think it was a while ago, I dreamed I had Dragon Ball Z/GT powers myself :D It was heaps cool!!! :D I could turn Super Saiyan (SSJ 1 Only :animesigh ) and I was fighting some random enemy!!! It was great!!! :animesigh i want a dream on Tenjho Tenge :D[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=Red][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma]Tenjho Tenge right now is my favourite anime to watch! I think the storyline is intriguing in terms of plot depth. I've seen the main 24 episodes only but i am yet to view episodes 25 & 26, the OVAs. I think its a great anime but one thing i "disliked" was that around 10 or more episodes contained flash-backs, if not the whole episode was a flashback. I didn't really like the ending of the 24th episode so I hope the 2 OVAs clear everything up! I've seen the first 24 episodes in Japanese with English subtitles and the first episode in English, they are very similar but personally i enjoy the English version more, but that's just me. Tenjho Tenge is certainly one of the BEST anime series' I have watched! I think I should get the Manga to read... [/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  4. Mitsuomi

    Family Guy

    I watch family guy quite abit as well wen its on tv. i think its halarious!!! rofl, it sorta reminds me of the simpsons, but...more adult/teen orientated...i think....
  5. Yea!Thanks bro for the help! So yea...im gona check out Amazon, e-bay etc.. and c wat bargains i can snap up! Thanks! :D If u use MSN add me! :animesmil Peace!
  6. ROFL, i live in Australia and there's like one channel that has anime on it :animecry:. I think right now there's like som pirate-genre anime on where the main character can stretch his limbs. I thinks its called "One Piece" or somtin..it not that good :( . Hmmm..i think gundam SEED is also on that channel (Cartoon Network LOL) . :animesigh , i wish i lived in USA or a place with better anime channels...maybe japan? :animesmil Thanks for the help btw :animesmil lol im gona call my friend or somtin to let me borrow his Naruto DVDs! Lol!Now....where to find street fighter :animestun ....
  7. Yea, alot of my freinds are into naruto but i havnt seen it yet, i mite borrow a few episodes off him! Um...i think i saw the street fighter movie...i think it was Street Fighter Zero or somthing? Do they have a Street Fighter series?
  8. Mitsuomi


    Yea, i havnt watched Yu Gi Oh in a while either. It was a good anime at the time but i didnt get into the card game that much, my lil bro did though. But yea, its alright! Just wtach wateva u feel like watching! :animesmil
  9. Hi! Im Mitsuomi and im new here! :animesmil I would just like to know if there are any good fighting anime's out there other than Tenjho Tenge, Dragon Ball Z/GT etc...? I'm sorta bored right now and i dont know what to watch :animedepr Any suggestions?!?!?? Thanks! :animesmil
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