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?Alright everyone, quiet down?? Raiga-sensei?s voice was unusually soft ? usually, when his class was making a ruckus such as this, he could be heard halfway across Konoha. There was an excited buzz in the air as the former classmates showed off their brand-new head protectors and tried to guess who they would end up with, offering both sincere and false congratulations to the others that had passed. Matsuda noticed that behind the comforting, warm smile on Raiga?s face, a hidden pain nearly begged to be released. [i]He couldn?t be sad to see us go? could he?[/i] Matsuda thought, incredulously. [i]After all the times he?s had to yell at us, scold us, punish us for misbehaving? he must have been looking forward to this day as much as we have![/i] He smiled and thumbed the head protector now tied firmly around his right arm. The class quieted and took their seats, the buzz now dieing down to a murmur. On the edge of their seats, they all awaited Raiga?s final instructions to them ? their teams. He waited until they were all settled and silent, standing before them for the last time, the same comforting smile never once leaving his lips. When all were silent, he cleared his throat and pulled a list from his desk. ?First off, congratulations to all who passed. I know it?s been a long, hard journey, but you?ve all done it ? you?re all genins now.? He waited for a moment, expecting cheering or something of the like, but when none came he continued, blushing slightly. ?During your genin years, you will be assigned to a jounin in groups of three ? we put the teams together based on those we believed would work well together based on how you have preformed over the past few years, while specifically focusing on yesterday?s exams.? The wait was killing him. Matsuda had to know. [i]Groups of three?[/i] he thought happily. [i]That could be me, Akoma, and Hatoma[/i]. The thought only made him smile even more. With Akoma there, maybe he could muster the courage to talk to her. Maybe more? ?Team three will consist of?? Matsuda was finding it hard to pay attention to Raiga. His thoughts kept drifting towards that of his potential new team. Everything would be perfect. He would become stronger, stronger then Okaru, then Kagoya, then Akoma even. And Hatoma would see it. She would see him become stronger, breaking free from his shy self, showing the world how strong he really was. He would prove himself, and she would see. It would be perfect ? it [b]was[/b] perfect. ?Team four will be made up of Matsuyu Hikaru, Otaka Chozo, and Nurimaki Hoto?. Matsuda offered a quick prayer for Hoto ? he was a good person, and it was a shame to see him end up with a jerk like Chozo, and an airhead like Hikaru. ?Team five will consist of Hagami Akoma, Kimane Hatoma, and ?? Matsuda couldn?t stop tapping his foot exitedely ? he was litterally sitting on the edge of his seat. ??and Marusuki Kagoya.? Matsuda?s jaw literally dropped. [i]No?[/i]. He slumped in his chair, and his head hit the desk in front of him, drawing a few surprised gasps and snickers around him. [i]No![/i] He sat there, intent on his own denial, until he heard his name called by Raiga along with two others. ?Team eight will consist of Shijeru Hotaru, Yotoro Matsuda, and Okiori Okaru.?
Unbelievable… Unbelievable! Hotaru had something to do with it? The only thing that kept Matsuda’s surging rage in check was Hoto’s tearful face as he ran away, most likely to show the head protector to his parents. Matsuda rounded on the two academy students – genins, now – and had to physically concentrate on his hand so as to not ball it up into a fist. He was surprisingly less angry with Hotaru – she hadn’t struck him. “That was the best you could come up with?” He managed to choke out. He started at Okaru, tempted to punch him again, to break the recently healed nose. “Next time, don’t involve me in your schemes Okaru – at least not without telling me before you attack me”. His shyness was gone. Rarely did it happen, but today it seemed to be happening far too often. Cold rage, ebbed still by the memory of Hoto’s smiling face, threatened to release itself. “Not without telling me next time. Got it?” Okaru nodded, his mouth quivering in the smile he was trying to hide. Hotaru’s face was blank. [i]"I'm.... really glad you passed too.” Hotaru said to him, fingering the head protector nervously. She was happy, her pretty face cracked by a smile a mile wide, but she still seemed somewhat nervous. [/i]Why…[i] Matsuda wondered. “I’m glad you passed too Hotaru. I knew you would… You, and Akoma, and Kagoya – even Okaru – I was sure you’d all do fine today!” Matsuda touched the head protector in his pocket, assuring himself it was still there, that he had passed the test. At mention of Okaru’s name, Hotaru dropper her eyes to the ground, blushing softly. “What’s up?” he asked her. Just then, Okaru joined the group, Hoto in tow. [/i] “Not without telling me next time” he repeated, driving his point home. He sighed, releasing the anger inside him, his nervousness returning. Hands in pockets, he eyes the ground carefully, afraid to meet their gazes. “I am glad that Hoto got his head protector... I’m glad we all passed.” “It was a good punch, Matsuda” Okaru said, a soft smile on his lips. Matsuda’s head whipped up, and he too smiled. “It was, wasn’t it?” Matsuda said with a laugh. It was a good punch. Okaru, one of the top students of the class, told him it was a good punch. Akoma would have said the same, but he was used to saying it, the words having lost meaning ages ago. Akoma was stronger, that’s just the way it was, but Okaru was sincere. Some day… some day he would win. Matsuda bid farewell to his friends – friends… they were friends now, even Okaru – and he began running home. He leapt from wall to wall until he made it on top of a nearby house, and then began running on the roof, his arms streaming behind him in the wind along with his messy pony-tail and sheathed katana. He was free. He had passed. He was the wind. He arrived back home, only to be confronted by his father. It was growing dark out, and he could smell his mother’s cooking wafting from the kitchen. His father simply stood there, waiting for him to return from the examination, his face made of stone like always, arms crossed in a stance that did not allow entry into the home. “I passed!” Matsuda announced, showing his father the head protector, the symbol of Konoha. His father stood there for a moment, his eyes absorbing the small piece of metal, devouring it with his sight. “… You’re not a chuunin yet…” was all he said, and walked away. “Come to me when you’ve become stronger,” he called back over his shoulder. Despite his shyness, his nervousness, his general insecurities, Matsuda grinned at his father’s back. “I will – this I promise upon my blade.”
Matsuda was sore all over, the dark bruise enveloping his right eye swelling at an alarming rate. Matsuda touched it gingerly, and groaned as the pain shot through his face. He kicked the chair closest to him and swore out loud. ?Damn Okaru! What the hell were you thinking!?? He had been left inside a classroom, told to stay until he was called upon. There would be no guards outside ? to disobey would be foolish beyond comprehension. They had even left his weapons with him ? his katana stood propped in the corner, and his kunai in its sheath on the back of his belt. The classroom was large enough to hold his entire year, and he had paced every step of it in the short time he had been confined to it. Letting out a sigh, he sat down in the closest chair, replaying what had happened over in his mind. Okaru?s assault had been both sudden and forceful. The onslaught had been relentless, punch after punch landed on his face. However, he had looked genuinely surprised when his surprised opponent broke his nose. [i]If I did nothing to him, then I didn?t warrant such an attack[/i] Matsuda thought to himself. [i]And if I didn?t deserve the attack, then why did he?[/i] Although they had rarely sparred, Matsuda could tell that Okaru had not used his full force ? if he had fought with all of his strength, Matusda would never have landed a punch on him. Despite making such a show, he had held back. There was only one scenario where such an attack would be used ? a diversion. [i]Diverting from what though?[/i] Matsuda wondered, but his thoughts were interrupted by the door opening in front of him. The chuunin from before entered. ?Are you ready?? ?For?? Matsuda replied, unable to look the chuunin in the eyes. He had failed the academy, let everyone down once again. He wasn?t good enough to become a ninja. He couldn?t beat Okaru. He couldn?t beat Akoma? ?You?re test ? it?s your turn.? Matsuda was stunned, the only sound escaping from his open mouth was that of silence. His turn? He was allowed to try again? He could do it. He could beat them all. He could become the best. A soft smile appeared on his face, betraying his nervous eyes. ?I?m ready.? The two walked down the hallways of the academy, Matsuda following the chuunin to the examination room. As they passed through the halls, he saw classmates of his, already with the headband of the genin. They took one look at him, at the bruises that covered his face, at his dirty, messy hair, and began to whisper. For once in his life, it didn?t bother him. Today, he was unstoppable. Today, he was Matsuda of the Yotoro clan. They finally stopped in front of a large set of doors, to which the chuunin knocked upon, and then left. ?Enter? came Raiga-sensei?s voice from inside. Matsuda had never particularly gotten along well with his teacher, but their relationship was far from a bad one ? Matsuda?s shyness simply didn?t allow him to get along with his sensei. Beside him sat Tsunade-sama, the fifth Hokage. She simply stared at him, here eyes intent on the student before her, a hawk watching its next meal. Matsuda gulped nervously. ?Are you ready, Matsuda?? Raiga-sensei asked, his face stern, but voice calm, nearly comforting. It only took Matsuda a moment to answer. ?I am.? ?Good. This examination will test your use of three basic jutsus, as well as two basic ninja arts. Over-all, you will be tested in five areas ? you must pass three tests in order to complete the examination. We will begin with the replacement jutsu?? Matsuda became lost in the rhythm of the exercises. He preformed the replacement jutsu, perfectly mirroring Raiga-sensei before him. Next, using his katana, he demonstrated a basic Yotoro-clan ninjutsu, the ?Mirror-blade Jutsu?. The blade of the katana began to shine brightly, and at once, a second sword appeared in his left hand ? the second, of course, being a fake. Sweat poured down his face, mixing with the dirt from his earlier fight. He failed the genjutsu test quickly, and the chakra control test as well, attempting to run up a wall, but falling quickly. He had counted on that however ? his chakra control was fairly weak, and his abilities in genjutsu were pitiful. With one test left, his taijutsu test, he drew his sword and began to concentrate. Taijutsu abilities focused on chakra build up, and release upon striking. It was what his father specialized in, and he had born witness to its awesome power time and time again. Today, they would bare witness to his. For the taijutsu portion of the examination, a wooden dummy had been erected in the center of the room. It was battered all over, a testament to those who had come before him today, and succeeded. Memories of his father flooded into his mind. He remembered the first time he had seen his father wield his blade, the solid black katana [i]Kurokasai[/i], the [i]Black Flame[/i]. He had stood in front of an oak tree, old in its age, roots set deep into the ground. With a yell, his father drove the blade through the tree, piercing its center, then leaping from the ground, cutting the tree evenly in two from the ground up. Today, he would do the same to the wooden dummy. His katana spun nimbly in his right hand, and steadied the whirring blade with his left. With a wild yell, he thrust the blade towards the dummy, the chakra built up in his hands, transferring fluidly into his sword. The moment the tip of the blade contacted the target, he released, and the blade slid fluidly into the wood. With a smile, he thrust up? the blade didn?t budge. [i]No?[/i] He wrestled with his sword, but it remained stuck inside the dummy. [i]No, no, no![i] ?Matsuda, that?s enough.? He turned around to find Raiga-sensei standing before him ? Tsunade-sama remained seated, still watching just as intently as before. ?I?m so sorry, sensei?? Matsuda said, his voice catching. Raiga smiled down at his student and place a hand on his shoulder. ?You passed? Matsuda remembered being told that he displayed enough potential to become a genin, but after he was handed the Konoha head-protector, he stopped paying attention. His feelings were mixed ? overjoyed that he had succeeded, he found it hard to understand why he was sad. [i]I was good enough?[/i] he thought sadly. [i]Next time, I?ll be better?[/i]
“It’s time to go…” The stern voice startled Matusda – lost in the movement, the flow of his blade, he had become disconnected from the world. His father stood before him, his face seemingly made of stone, no emotion leaking from the hardened cracks that lined his aging face. A long scar ran down the right side of his face, beginning from the temple, passing nearly through his eye, and ending at the center of his cheek. “Father?” Matsuda asked, hoping for even a glimmer of recognition, praying silently that his father had been watching. “Don’t forget your sword.” His father turned away. [i]When I pass today, he will have to acknowledge me…[/i] Matsuda tried to convince himself, already knowing it wasn’t true. As if he could sense his son’s thoughts, Matusda’s father halted, and offered one last piece of advice. “Don’t fail today.” Despite being a rainy morning, the afternoon weather was beautiful. The sun was shining, and the temperature was warm without being humid. A warm breeze ruffled his messy hair, and he couldn’t help but smile. Birds were singing, and children dotted the hard-packed streets, playing imaginary games. Matsuda chuckled, observing the over-all cliché feeling, but shrugged it off, enjoying it. Being so far away, Matsuda was one of the last to reach the academy. Already the members of his class were lined up outside. Akoma was near the front, his eyes shut, but strained. Everyone was quiet, Matsuda remarked. Even the girls who usually fussed over Akoma were quiet – a heavy feeling had descended upon the group, and anxiety and broken nerves ran rampant. Matsuda filed in between Hotaru and Hoto, and gave them both a nervous smile and nod of the head, to which he received back. Hoto was a mess, nearly on the verge of shaking. Matsuda tried to give him a comforting smile, but he couldn’t muster the courage. Instead, he leaned against the wall and stared at his feet, trying to avoid contact with the rest of the group. He didn’t have long though. “So what do you think we’ll be tested on?” Hoto whispered to Matsuda. Before he had a chance to answer, Hotaru replied, whispering to Hoto over his head. “I’ve heard it’s not that hard,” she said warmly, or as warmly as she could – despite being one of the more confident-looking members of the line, she too looked nervous. Kagoya, further ahead in the line, looked back and sighed, at which Hotaru shot him a dirty look. “Either way, it’s nothing to be worried about – very rarely do they ever hold anyone back.” This time, she did manage to make the smile sincere, more confident. As soon as she finished speaking, Raiga-Sensei appeared before them amidst a bang and smoke. “Form ranks!” he barked, and everyone in the line jumped. “Alphabetical order, lets go!” The group hopped to it, reforming themselves into an alphabetical line by clan-name. Matsuda, of the Yamato clan, was dead last. “When we call your name, you will enter the academy, and be tested. Upon completion of the test, you will become official genin of Konoha. First name –“ Matsuda stopped paying attention. One by one they entered the academy, almost always at ten minute intervals. One in at a time, the large group moved through slowly. When he had arrived, the group had been subjected to nervous whispers, questions with no answers. Now, a dead silence reigned among the students. Nervousness began to mix with determination, and strong drew the line against the weak. Matsuda felt something strike him and was sent tumbling back. Sprawled on the ground, Okaru was on top of him, a clenched, red-knuckled fist matching the indent of the bruise already forming on his forehead. Confusion only lasted for a moment – long enough to be punched in the side of the head once more – and was quickly replaced by rage. With a roar, Matsuda threw Okaru off of him and leapt to his feet. He chased after his opponent, and tackled him as he tried to rise from the ground. Matusda punched his enemy square in the nose, and heard the sound of bone break. [i]How did I…?[/i] Okaru was the stronger ninja by far, but somehow Matsuda had managed to get in a good hit. He didn’t have time to dwell on it, as the two began rolling in the dirt, exchanging punches. What was left of the line stared at them in shock, jaws literally dropped – no one had seen what had provoked the fight, but all were amazed at the intensity of it. The fight ended nearly as quickly as it had started. A pair of examiners appeared, and held the two students away from each other. Matsuda fought desperately to escape the chuunin who held him, wanting so desperately to hit Okaru again – the bastard had jumped him when he wasn’t looking! [b]“What the hell were you two doing!?[/b] Raiga-sensei stood before them, his face red with rage. Matsuda tried to sputter out an answer, to tell sensei that he hadn’t been at fault, anything to avoid failing the test before it even began. “[b]I don’t want to hear it![/b] Raiga-sensei roared. “If you two can’t behave like proper genin, then perhaps we’ll just have to make you wait until next year. Until we decide what to do with them, put them in separate classrooms.” He said the last to the chuunin who held the two boys away from each other. More angry then he had ever been in his life, Matusda let himself be lead away by the chuunin. During the fight, no one had noticed Hotaru disappear. [center]~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~[/center] “Did you see those two fight?” a voice asked, fairly casually. “What started it?” another replied. “Dunno… but it was interesting while it lasted…” The room in the academy overlooking the practice yard where the students were lined up was circular, with long couches and tinted windows. Several jounins stood there, looking out at their potential new recruits, preparing themselves to lead three of the large group gathered below. “What do you think, Ryokotsu?” A man stepped forward from out of the shadows, watching not only where the girl had been a moment before, but at the two boys now being dragged away. Like always, his blank face never changed. He pulled the lit cigarette away from his mouth, and exhaled slowly, methodically. “I think I see my team forming…”
“Finish your spar with Matsuda if he still has it in him…” Okaru’s words stung worse then any punch from Kagoya. “Bring Matsuda as well, he could be of some help”. He wasn’t wanted – Hotaru, one of the top ninjas in their class was needed, but not him. That’s just the way things were – Matsuda had come to terms with that over the years, but it was still a tough pill to swallow. He wasn’t a bad ninja at all – in fact, of a class of thirty, he was ranked number seven. The problem was, no one cared about seven – seven was six away from the best. [i]Akoma…[/i] Matsuda growled. The two were best friends, but it was hard being friends with someone who everyone else loved. Sometimes it really bothered him. Matsuda got up, prepared to yell at Okaru that he didn’t want to be part of some stupid plot, but he had already turned his back on the scene and was walking away. Matsuda nearly snarled, his anger rising, but instead exhaled in a long, sigh. He released the clenched fist at his side and stretched his fingers, sore after being balled up into such a tight fist. Hotaru was panting slightly from her fight with Kagoya, but she wore a satisfied smile. “Thanks for that, I guess…” Matsuda said, blushing slightly. To say that he was embarrassed would merely have been stating the obvious – he had been beaten up, and defended a girl. Not that there was anything wrong with the way she fought – it was just humiliating having to once again rely on others. “Don’t mention it” she replied. She too visibly began to relax, sensing that the danger was over. “Next time, don’t help me – I can take care of myself.” Determination ringing strong in her voice. Matsuda merely nodded. “So, what do you think? Wanna see what Okaru has to tell us?” she asked. “Not really” he replied directly. “Practicing is one thing, but I don’t think we really have time to spend goofing off today. If you want to go talk to him then that’s cool, but I think I’m going to head home – there’s some more techniques I’d like to practice before tonight.” Tonight… the genin exam – they were told to return to the academy at six’ o’clock sharp in order for the exam to begin. Matsuda would have been lying if he said he wasn’t nervous at all. “I’ll see you tonight Hotaru” he smiled, and began to walk away. The sun had finally broken through the dark clouds, and the day was instantly warmer. Slightly humid from all the rain, it was far from uncomfortable walking temperature. [i]What will we have to do tonight to prove we’re ready to leave?[/i] Matsuda wondered. [i]No matter what anyone says, it can’t be too hard, or else no one would become ninjas. If our lives were actually at stake like everyone keeps telling us, then our parents wouldn’t even let us become shinobi… would they?[/i] Turning around a corner, he was met with a sight he wasn’t prepared to see. Nearing his home, he found Akoma and Hatoma in a ramen shop, eating together, laughing. Matsuda just stood there, and watched, his heart breaking. Unable to watch anymore, his head hung low, he kept walking, not seeing anyone or anything until he got home. He muttered a quick hello to his parents before entering his room, but he stayed only a moment – just long enough to fetch the katana and its sheath, propped up in one of the corners of his room. He strapped the sheath onto his back, the hilt of the blade poking out above his right shoulder, and left for the practice yard in the center of the manor. Regara was still there, practicing with blade and kunai, but his eyes had taken on a royal-blue colouring – the Yoroto bloodline, the Naridamo, was strong in Regara, but he had only activated the first stage. Regara paid no mind to Matsuda, and neither did he to his older brother – he simply drew his blade in one fluid motion, and began practicing on the posts that had been set up. He was so focused on the posts, his wooden enemies, that he failed to notice his father, standing back and watching his two sons with a proud smile spliting his rock-hard face.
?Uh yeah, sure.. that sounds like fun..? Matsuda replied. [i]Of course she used the replacement jutsu?[/i] Matsuda kicked himself. [i]Stupid? really stupid? [/i] The two walked through the halls of the second floor of the academy. Even though he couldn?t wait to leave, to become a genin, Matsuda couldn?t help but see things differently ? the classrooms, emptied for lunch, the walls, nearly white-washed but with some wood paneling.. even the floor, in it?s ever-clean state. He couldn?t help but notice everything, feeling almost regretful of the time he had spent there, wishing that things had been different... [i]Well, not different[/i] he admitted to himself. [i]Just not the same.[/i] Outside, it was still raining, albeit nowhere near as heavy as it had fallen earlier. The practice yard was being used by a couple of the other students in the class ? Kagoya was sparring with Akoma, a small gathering of girls watching them ? by Matsuda paid them no mind ? or at least tried not to. Hatoma was among the girls watching, her long red hair clinging wetly to her body. She cheered for Akoma and smiled, and most of the girls joined in, giggling. Kagoya managed to draw some cheers too. ?I?ve asked my brother a few times what we have to do for the genin exams, but he never really answers me? Matsuda admitted to Hotaru without being asked. ?I think it would probably be a good idea if we just practiced everything..? Unfortunately, Matsuda already knew he was going to lose. His fighting style revolved around the use of his katana ? without, he was at a disadvantage against someone who was already stronger then he. ?That?s fine by me.? Hotaru answered him, a glimmer in her eye. [i]Is she excited to fight me?[/i] Matsuda mused. He had known Hotaru for a few years, every since they both enrolled in the academy. For the most part, she had been a quiet, studious girl who lived in a realm of books and knowledge. However, when push came to shove, she was an excellent ninja, putting all of her heavily studied-upon techniques to proper use ? she was without a doubt one of the top-ranked ninja in their year. Ambitious wasn?t the right word to describe her ? determined was more like it. ?Just so you know, I won?t hold any punches because you?re ---? that was all Matsuda had time to get out before his jaw refused to withstand the punch thrown at him. He spiraled through the air, and landed on the slick, rain-swept grass. Thankful he didn?t land in the mud, he looked up into the eyes of his attacker ? Kagoya. ?We?re not finished from before? he said, a smirk on his face. Matsuda surveyed his surroundings ? Akoma had left, along with several others, but a couple of girls stood behind to watch Kagoya, nodding approvingly. ?First, you physically beat down a girl in the classroom. Next, you threaten her?? He nodded towards Hotaru. [i]This isn?t like him at all?[/i] Matsuda noticed. Akoma wasn?t around to help him, and Hotaru looked dumbfounded ? Kagoya had always been good friends with Hikaru, even though he didn?t normally act like a jerk. Matsuda rose, one hand pressed over his aching jaw. [i]Where the hell did Akoma go?[/i] he thought, desperately. If there was one time he could have used his friend, this was it. Matsuda threw his fist at Kagoya, but was dodged easily ? a knee to the chest stopped his attack abruptly, and left him sputtering for air as he once again found himself on the ground.
Hotaru had no way of seeing the blow coming, and Hikaru, being slightly taller then her adversary, had no trouble knocking her to the floor. [i]No![/i] Matsuda wasn’t the type of person to normally get involve – if these two girls had a problem, then it would be best if they sorted out between themselves. But attacking an opponent from behind, completely unprepared to defend themselves, was a cowardly thing to do. Hotaru would have most likely been able to throw her rival off and pin her down, but without thinking, Matsuda didn’t give her the chance. Hikaru grabbed a handful of Hotaru’s hair and tried to force her head up, but that was all she had time for. Matsuda ran towards her, kicking a stray chair out of his way, and reached the fighting girls in a matter of bounds. He wrapped both of his arms around Hikaru’s waist, and literally threw her off. She skidded with a bump as she landed on the floor, a look of pure surprise ruining a pretty face. She tried to look up at Matsuda, but he stared her down, daggers in his eyes. “Hey!” the shout came from the doorway of the room. Kagoya (his clan escaped Matsuda’s memory) stood there, witnessing the scene before him with a look of disgust on his face. He had long, straight brown hair just past his shoulders, and emerald green eyes. His hand was balled into a tight fist. “That’s no way to treat a lady Matsu—“ “And that’s no way to treat an opponent” Matsuda cut him off. He turned and faced Hikaru, now picking herself up off the floor, face red with both embarrassment and indignation. His voice was deadly calm, just louder then a whisper. “If you wished to fight, you should have told her to face – you never [b]ever[/b] attack from behind.” He then turned back to Kagoya. “And if you disagree with me, this classroom is hardly the place to settle our differences – we’ll take it outside…” Kagoya looked at him for a long time, sizing him up. They both knew Kagoya was the stronger ninja of the pair – one of the strongest in the class – but he must have sensed Matsuda’s fury, his inner rage that rarely showed itself behind a thick layer of shyness. He simply shook his head, frowned, and walked away, calling behind his back “If you want to fight someone, quit picking on girls.” He was gone before Matsuda could reply, with Hikaru and her friends following close behind. Exhaling is aggression in a long sigh, he leaned over and offered Hotaru a hand. “You ok?” he asked, already feeling himself begin to blush. [i]Damnit! Why do I have to do be so damned shy!?[/i] “I, uh.. I hope you don’t mind me getting involved like that…”
The class seemed to drag on for hours, with Raiga-sensei periodically asking questions of students, unconvinced (and with good reason) that his students were paying attention. With a quick scan of the room, Matsuda was able to place the majority of the student body into three groups: the students who were slacking, the students who were worrying, and the students who, like him, were taking it all in. Okaru, another boy in his class, was one of those. He had already been called out by Raiga-sensei, but he didn’t seem to care. Either way, it made no difference to Matsuda – the two of them rarely talked, and could hardly be considered friends. Matsuda’s mind began to drift. What would the genin exams be like? It had been intimated over the past several weeks to be prepared, above all else, for anything. Anything could happen, and it was expected that if you weren’t prepared, you could die. Regardless, Matsuda felt confident in his abilities. No, he was not as strong as others in his class – Akoma, Hotaru, Okaru, Kagoya… they were all stronger – but he was strong enough to pass the test. He had been spying on Regara secretly with his spare-time between training, and seen first hand the kind of abilities required to become a jonin. The genin exams wouldn’t be anywhere near as difficult – he would be just fine. Matsuda was brought back to reality by the sound of Raiga-sensei’s voice, dismissing them for lunch. “Be confident – I am sure that every one of you will pass tonight’s exam” he told them, the sternness of his voice ruined by the soft smile on his lips. “It has been decided that today’s classes will end early, so as to give you all more time to prepare – use your time well”. He had to wait a moment to continue speaking, interrupted by the cheers of a handful of immature students, but for once, didn’t say anything. [i]Odd…[/i] Matsuda thought to himself. [i]Raiga-sensei hates being interrupted…[/i] Once the room was silent, he finished his farewell. “As of tomorrow… you won’t be my students anymore…. Good luck tonight – I have confidence that you will all pass” With that, he stepped out of the classroom, leaving his students in stunned silence. One by one, they began to rise, got together with friends, and left the room. Akoma flashed Matsuda a warm smile, and then he too left, followed by a small swarm of girls. Matsuda rose to follow him, but accidentally stepped in front of Hotaru. “Oh, sorry…” he muttered, and stepped out of her way, letting her go first.
?C?mon! We?re gonna be late!? Matsuda growled half-heartedly. The pelting rain had soaked both him and Akoma to the core, but he was enjoying the walk with his friend none the less. The academy was close, but at this rate, they would surely be late for class. ?Yeah, I guess you?re right?? Akoma muttered. Then, with a roguish wink, he broke into a dead run. ?Try to keep up Matsuda!? [i]Damnit?[/i] Matsuda chased after his friend, but even sprinting as fast as he could, he was no match for Akoma. Akoma burst through the front door, with Matsuda trailing just behind him. The two raced up the stairs and along the corridors until they made it the classroom ? Akoma touched the door first. Panting, Matsuda looked his friend in the eye. ?Someday, I?m gonna beat you?? he managed to say between labored breaths. ?With that attitude, I?m sure you will? Akoma replied with a warm smile. Noticing their teacher rounding the far corner, the two ducked into class. ?Akoma!!? a girl screamed from the back. [i]Oh great?[/i] Matsuda sighed. A small group of girls had already gathered around Akoma ? one even nearly pushing Matsuda out of the way. Akoma made some lame joke about there being enough of him to go around, followed by a choir of laughter from nearly the entire female body of the class, and Matsuda, nursing a bruised ego, walked slowly towards his desk. But before he made it, he saw her. Kimane Hatoma, with her long, red hair and big brown eyes, smiled and got out of her desk, and waved towards him. Matsuda blushed, and started to wave back at the girl running towards him, but was glad that he had only just raised his hand as she ran past him. ?Where have you been?? she playfully asked Akoma. ?Sensei will be here any second!? As if on queue, Raiga-Sensi walked through the door, already complaining about the water and mud tracked into his classroom. Crestfallen, Matsuda flopped into his chair, finding it hard to focus on the lesson before it even began.
[SIZE="4"][CENTER]Konoha Chronicles[/CENTER][/SIZE] [SIZE="3"][I]The Torn Earth[/I][/SIZE] The sound of the pounding rain on the rooftop greeted Matsuda as he awoke. His dreams, nightmares of late, focused once again on the dreaded gennin exam quickly approaching. Part of him knew that he would be fine, that what they were being asked of he could perform, that he would seen graduate from the academy. But he couldn?t help but feel nervous. With a sigh, he dragged himself out of bed. Standing only his underwear, he shivered with the cold the morning brought, but knew that the chill was about to become worse. He yawned, and gingerly made his way to the bucket of fresh water in the corner of his room, where he proceeded to dunk his head. The water was ice cold, and the moment his head was submerged, he drew it out, and wrapped it with a towel. After drying his hair, he threw on his usual clothes quickly ? a pair of blue pants, and navy blue shirt with the accompanying black jacket. He drew his jet-black hair into his typical, messy pony tail, slipped his feet into a pair of black sandals, and left his room. The Yotoro clan was fairly small, and all lived within the confines of a single, spacious home. Matsuda?s room opened into the main garden, a square of grass, a stone pathway and a small pond with a miniature waterfall ? the serene setting was ruined by practice posts, already in use by his older brother Regara. Even in the pouring rain, Regara was an impressive site, wielding his katana with both skill and beauty, striking at the posts while flinging kunai at distant targets ? Matsuda grimaced sadly, and walked away. Knowing he would regret it later, he left the household without any breakfast ? the sooner he was gone, the less of a chance he would have to endure questioning as to when he would become strong like Regara. Lost in thought, he was snapped back to reality by the sound of his own name. ?Yo! Matsuda!? Akoma ran to catch up, and caught up quickly. ?Did you not hear me calling your name?? he laughed. Matsuda laughed with him, and replied that he hadn?t. The two friends walked to the academy together, chatting furiously as the rain continued to flow from the heavens.
Ky winced as he began to walk with the others ? his wounds still hurt like hell, but he refused to use any Yoki to heal himself. Dark clouds began to gather on the horizon, their black masses indicating a coming storm. The trip started off miserably, every step bringing on a new wave of pain, each more unbearable then the last. [I]Serves you right, you moron[/I] he cursed at himself. [I]Serves you right for acting so emotional? maybe next time, you should act more rational, and practical, like Crim.[/I] The thoughts themselves left a sharp sting in his mind ? it was at that moment that he realized Crim had been right all along. Ky kicked a small stone out of his way, but the sudden shift in movement only made his wounds hurt more. The march was long, the foreboding silence of the group only made the trip feel longer. No one spoke. Not even this [I]Leone[/I], who had not only come from out of nowhere, but was apparently supposed to lead them. The man didn?t seem bad to Ky, but something about him felt odd? perhaps it was that he knew everyone?s name and rank, and yet all they knew about him was his name. Addressing these feelings as misplaced, Ky continued on, confident in his trust of the man ? despite having more questions then answers, Ky somehow knew that he could be trusted, and was fairly confident that his number was close to a single digit, if not a single digit itself. The initial hours of the march seemed to drag on and on, forcing Ky to remember his wounds at every step. However, with enough time, he began to grow used to the pain, and soon enough, the pain began to go away. Just as the pain had nearly left his body completely, the dark clouds, which had threatened rain for so long, finally released their wet charge upon the earth. Within minutes, Ky was thoroughly soaked, as was everyone else in the procession, yet Leone who led them never stopped. Reaching into pack, Ky found what he was looking for, and produced a slice of bread. Gently ripping it in half, he quickened his pace until he was side by side with Melan. She looked up at him and smiled, to which he replied with his own smile and the larger half of the bread. ?Here,? he said. ?Take this ? you?ll need your energy if we?re to fight when we arrive, and I doubt we?ll be stopping to eat.? ?Thanks? Melan took the bread, and ate it hungrily. Ky continued to walk beside her, but didn?t eat his. After she had finished, she turned to look at Ky, and noticed his uneaten food. ?Why aren?t you eating?? she asked. ?Oh, I?m not that hungry. Here,? without waiting for an answer, he pushed the rest of the bread into her hands. She looked as though she were about to put up a fuss, so he interrupted her before she started. ?Don?t worry about it ? if I get hungry, I?ll eat. Now please, eat it? he smiled at her. Sighing, she finished the bread. Ky continued to walk beside her. After some time, he spoke again. ?How are your wounds doing?? he asked. ?There not too bad ? I was almost done healing before we left.? She replied. ?How are yours? I saw you limping when he first started.? ?Oh I?m alright? he replied, but before he had a chance to continue, Leone halted the group. ?We?re here?? despite having said so little, it was enough. Without even realizing it, Ky noticed the tree line broke ahead, and there before them was mountain. ?Guess we?re climbing up that, then?? Crim asked, surveying the landmass in front of them. ?No guessing about it? Leone flashed him a smile. ?I?ll go first.? The rain refused to let up.
[I]Light?I swear, if we get through this, I?ll become a better person, or something[/I]. Julile kept Grey moving straight, never once looking behind him at the eyes he felt boring into the back of his head. His horse bow was close at hand, and he knew that he could draw and fire back, but he knew that even if he got lucky and hit his mark, any of the others would finish him just as quickly ? there was nothing to do now, but go along with it. The road had long since become nothing more than a dirt path. The trees on either side of the path were far from sparse, but Julile could tell that they were about to enter a forest. Oddly enough, the path continued through the dense trees. [I]Strange? if someone took the time to create this path, then it must lead to a wagon road of some sort. Julile spared a sidelong glance at Adir, and noticed the man fumbling with something up his right shirtsleeve. ?What?s that you?re toying with?? Julile asked, motioning with his eyes towards Adir?s shirtsleeve. ?It?s nothing much? Adir replied, his concentration on the road ahead unbroken. ?I have a dagger hidden there in case we?re attacked. It may come in useful soon.? For the first time since Julile had met the man, he looked worried. Letting out an audible sigh, he spoke once again. ?Are you sure there are only four of them?? he asked gravely. Julile nodded. ?Yes, unless more joined them. There four distinct sets of footprints. So long as no one else bolstered their ranks, we have only four to worry about.? Julile mustered a small smile. ?That?s only two each ? we should be just fine at those odds?. Adir laughed, and instantly made Julile feel better. The forest was as dense as Julile had thought, and he was already beginning to formulate a plan. The two men road in silence for hours, but when darkness began to fall, Julile spoke. ?This looks like as good a place as any to make camp,? he said, indicating with his eyes for Adir to trust him. Adir gave a slight nod, and dismounted. ?If you tend to the horses and see to the fire, I?ll see if I can find us a proper meal for tonight.? Without waiting for his answer, he checked to make sure his sword belt was tightly strapped, grabbed his horse bow and quiver, and strode off into the night. The forest had grown dark quickly, but Julile knew that sticking to the shadows was just as important now as it would have been in full daylight. He notched an arrow to his bowstring, and continued to stride forward, careful not step on any twigs. He heard a small branch snap fifty paces behind, followed by a curse from a voice too deep to be Adir?s. [I]Now or never?[/I] Julile pulled back on the bowstring, and fired into the darkness ahead of him. Letting a small victory sound emit from his mouth, he ran forward to collect his ?kill?. Veering off of his path suddenly, he found a tree to hide behind. Notching a second arrow to his string he waited, but within moments, he heard what he had been waiting for. Footsteps. Coming closer Then voices. ?I?m telling you he went this way?? the man who had cursed before stepped out into plain sight. A second man stepped out with him, looking more than slightly angry. ?I?m telling you, you bloody lump, he didn?t shoot at anything ? I?ve got eyes like a hawk?. ?Then where?d he--?? the man?s last words were cut off but a gargled noise as Julile?s arrow pierced his throat. Without thinking, he notched another arrow, and drew just as the second man was beginning to turn. Before he even had a chance to yell, Julile?s arrow took him through the eye. His heart beating like a drum, Julile waited for sign of the third and fourth assassins? but they never came. [I]Where in the Light?[/I] Julile suddenly realized exactly where the other two men were. Dropping his bow, he drew his sword and began running back towards the light from Adir?s fire, letting off a yell as loud as he could. ?ADIR, ARM YOURSELF ? ASSASSINS!?
Julile booted his horse, and was off into the darkness. A grey Stallion, the horse had been his family since he was a young boy. Julile smiled to himself at the rush of memories ? he had been so young when he saw grey horse for the first time, that he had pointed at it and shouted ?Grey?. Grey had been his name ever since. The Tower grounds were shrouded in mist ? an ominous beginning to a journey if Julile had ever heard of one. When he and Adir made it to the main gate, they were stopped by a pair of guards. They wore typical Tar Valon amour, and both held spears. One was tall, and had a black eye. The other was shorter and stockier. ?Where do you think you?re going?? the short one asked, already visibly itching for a fight. Julile knew there they couldn?t tell the men of their mission, but he hadn?t thought ahead as to making a cover story. Adir dismounted from his horse and strode towards the guards. ?We?re on our way into town, to see my sister. She?s staying at an inn, and I desperately need to see her.? Adir?s voice held as little compassion as his stone-like face portrayed. His eyes held a dangerous glint. When the guard looked questioningly towards his sword, Adir simply added ?I am Gaidin ? as is he? he finished, pointing towards Julile. ?Then what?s with the full saddle bags, eh?? the taller man moved forward, eyeing their full saddlebags suspiciously. [I]For the love the ?[/I] Julile?s thoughts were quickly interrupted by Adir, who unsheathed his sword in a heartbeat and struck at both guards. The two men crumpled before they could raise the alarm. Julile?s heartbeat quickly returned to normal, and the surprised look faded from his face ? Adir had simply struck them both across the head with the hilt of his sword, which was far from an easy task. He moved forward quickly, unbolting the gate, and then ran back to his horse. ?When these two are found, they?ll spread the word of two ?Gaidin? who tried to escape? At the very least, we?ll have given the Amyrlin Seat scapegoats.? Adir looked solemn, but his statement confused Julile. ?What do you mean by that?? ?The murders from last night will soon become common knowledge ? we?ll be blamed.? And with that, he booted his horse outside of the Tower grounds. Julile sat on his horse in complete shock, his jaw opened wide. [I]How in the Light can that man remain so calm?[/I] Fearing they would be seen, he booted Grey after him. The two rode quickly though the streets, not quite fast enough to be considered racing through, but much more quickly then cantering. Julile had no intention of being caught by any guards on night watch duty, so he made sure not to lose the pace. The lights in many inn common rooms remained lit, and while they rode through the city, he could hear laughter eerily rolling out of the buildings they passed ? whether they were laughing at their entertainment, or the two, cloaked men riding through the city, Julile could not tell. Their eventual exit from the city was much easier than that of the White Tower. The guards at the Western gate asked a few simple questions ? they?re names, they?re destinations ? and then let them pass. Julile felt a rush of relief as Tar Valon became a thing of the past, and the road ahead became his future. Once outside of the city, the two men didn?t care who saw them, and booted their horses to full speed. It felt good to be out riding again ? despite feeling fairly out of practice, Julile had forgotten how much he loved to ride. One look at Adir silenced his thoughts completely ? the man rode his horse with the utmost skill of a man who spent his life in the saddle. Julile focused on the road ahead. The two men continued to travel west along the main road throughout the night, and didn?t stop until the next night. Throughout the day, they met a few men, all of which were heading towards Tar Valon. Most were farmers, going to sell their crops. One man looked like a young noble who was most likely on his way to the White Tower to see if the Aes Sedai would help with some title-grab or land dispute ? [I]Foolish nobles? [/I] Julile had thought to himself with a frown. When night began to fall, the horses, thoroughly exhausted, finally gave out. Unable to move another step, Adir and Julile dismounted. ?Guess we?ll be stopping here for the night?? Julile asked. ?Mhm? Adir nodded. ?I?ll take care of the horses if you get a fire started.? ?Sure? Julile replied. He was too hungry and tired to care much. Gathering sticks and dry leaves and grass, he unpacked his flint and tinder and struck them together, bathing the foliage in a rain of sparks. Within minutes he had a roaring fire, and was already beginning to unpack their dinner of bread and cheese. It had been a long ride, but the meal, despite however measly it may have seemed, made it almost seem worth it.
The wound in his right shoulder throbbed, but Ky kept slashing ? he knew that if he stopped, both he and Melan would surely die. He leapt in the air, narrowly dodging the Voracious Eater?s tentacle-like fingers, and flew down to the ground once again, neatly slicing off each finger. For a moment, he rested. Panting deeply, he eyed the Voracious Eater, who unlike Ky, seemed amused. A small smirk crept across the fiends terrifying features, and a deep, rumble of a laugh was emitted from its lips. ?You?ve put up a good fight ? I?ll give you that.? The laughing stopped, and was replaced by mock sorrow. ?Aww is that sweat? Are you getting tired, Hunter?? he spat the name. ?Perhaps, I?ll end your suffering? if you ask nicely enough. If you get down on your knees and beg, I?ll even consider eating you first?? his gaze was far too intent, and sent involuntary shivers up Ky?s spine. Without warning, the beast lunged forward. Ky rolled out of the way, and leapt once more to avoid the Eater?s vicious onslaught of attacks. It was relentless, constantly attacking and never giving him a moments rest. However, Ky currently held the advantage ? as a member of the First Offensive, he had trained for countless years in how to avoid situations like this, where speed was the key to survival. Despite still carrying the swords in his hands, he switched from his own attacks to the defensive. Without worrying about attacking his enemies, he found it much easier to dodge. [I]Catch me now, you bastard[/I] Ky thought with a small smirk, as he once again jumped out of the way of yet another fatal attack. Feeling worried about Melan, he afforded himself a quick glance at her, and was caught off guard. Before his head had even finished turning towards her direction, he felt an incredible pain in his chest. He looked down at his chest, and found three long, spear-like fingers protruding from his flesh. [I]Damnit? I was cocky? I was careless?[/I]. His cloak fell to the ground, a ragged, ripped and torn mess covering up the wet, crimson blood which now made the forest floor slippery. In moments, the cloak was also stained red, which looked almost black in the eerie moonlight seeping softly through the trees. The feeling was like nothing else he had ever felt before ? the area around his wound was burning hotter than the sun, while the rest of his body felt chilled to the bone. Things were starting to go black. His last site was of the Voracious Eater?s face, dangerously close to his, saliva dripping from its mouth, ?You look delicious ? I wonder if you were worth the chase?? [I]Fuck you, you bast?[/I] Suddenly, his vision was restored. He was completely immobilized, and every moment was a struggle to stay conscious, but he could see. Death had not come for him this time. He could see Crim, rushing forward with his axe, flanked by both Ellie and Llyra. Crim was taking more hits then he was giving, but they barely seemed to faze him ? he kept hacking away until there was nothing left to hack, and then he found something else to use his axe on. Ky felt massive amounts of Yoki flooding out of Ellie, and the Voracious Eater was clawing at its own face, trying to remove some sort of invisible barrier. With a flash of his blade, Crim finished the Voracious Eater just as he had the first one. As the beast fell, he saw his allies rush over to him. [I]Damn? now I?m going to get chewed out by Crim? maybe it would have been better to die?[/I] Ky lost consciousness with a soft smile on his face.
*Is res'ed by the Phoenix Down* Gahck... what happened? ok, I'll finish it. Anything to get this going again!
?Melan!? Ky called out. Part of him was surprised that the Voracious Eater had snuck up on them ? the rest of him was consumed with rage. The wound in his right shoulder throbbed, and he knew that if he continued to fight the way he did than the wound would only grow deeper. Grunting, he tossed the sword to his left hand and charged forward. He could feel the wind whistle through his hair as he leapt forward. He knew that his left arm wasn?t nearly as strong as his right, but that if he didn?t act then, then the party of five hunters would soon become four. He leapt into the air, and with a loud yell, descended upon the elongated fingers that held her to the tree trunk. With a flash of his blade, the fingers were severed from the Voracious Eater?s body and fell out of Melan?s body. Ky gathered her weapons and ran to her. ?Are you alright?? he asked, eyeing her wounds carefully. There were two wounds on her chest just below her breasts, one in her lower abdomen, and a fourth in her left shoulder ? judging by a hole in the bark, the Voracious Eater?s fifth attacked had narrowly missed her arm. ?Yeah, I?ll be ok?? she said softly as she picked up her swords. ?Thanks for that, by the way? she favored Ky with a smile, but began to stumble. [I]Damnit? she?s lost a lot of blood?[/I] Ky thought to himself. Ky grabbed her before she fell, and helped to prop her against the tree. ?Stay here until your wounds heal ? if you fight in this condition, you?ll surely die.? Ky noticed out of the corner of his eye that Crim was holding the Voracious Eater at bay with the help of Llyra and Elle. Sighing to himself, he reached down into his scabbard and pulled free his second sword. Despite being in the darkness of the forest, the blade still held its gleam, and the jewels in the hilt glittered fiercely. Melan tried to get up, but Ky rounded on her. ?Stay? at least until your wounds have completely heal ?? but he was cut off by a loud noise to his right. Ky spun around, and saw the second Voracious Eater appear, pushing whole trees from out of his path. ?God damnit?? Ky muttered under his breath. He turned to Melan, and whispered ? the Voracious Eater was still far away, but Ky knew that they had excellent hearing. ?I?m going to hold it back until you can fight again? he told her. ?As soon as you?re ready, I?m going to need you?re help ? I don?t very much like the idea of being this bastard?s snack? he winked at her, and thought he saw a smile on her face. Turning back towards his new opponent, he readied his two swords, and charged once again.
Figure I might as well post in here, just so you guys don't think I'm lazy or something Kyzallis does not yet possess a nick-name/title. He is still fairly new to the position of Hunter, only having succeeded his training fairly recently. Despite showing promise, he has yet to achieve a special ability or a nick-name to match it. As well, his rank is fairly low at this point. Keep in mind though that his rank is only low because he lacks experience - it'll be raising soon :animesmil
The woods were dark ? despite being early in the afternoon, the thick canopy of trees cut out most of the sunlight ? only the few small beams that made it through the dense foliage lit the five hunters? way. Kyzallis moved cautiously, his hand never straying too far from his blade. He had never hunted before with anyone else in this group, but on the other hand, he was still fairly new to the rank of Hunter, and had yet to hunt with nearly any of the other Hunters in the organization. It perturbed him to no end that in all likelihood, his rank was most likely close to 47, if not 47 itself. His eyes darted around suspiciously ? the forest was far too quiet. The sounds of singing birds could not be heard, but that didn?t seem to trouble Joseph Crim. Crim lead the grim party forward across the forest path, his lengthy brown hair stirring slightly in the soft breeze. Despite a handsome face, his eyes were hard, and seemed to take everything in ? Kyzallis made a mental note not to get on the man?s bad side. Kyzallis walked side by side with Ellemere ? or Ellie, as she had put it. Her face was blank, and hid all emotion? if she had any emotion. Unlike Crim, her long black hair only bobbed with her movement. Kyzallis glanced behind him and quickly spotted Llyra Sol and Melanctha bring up the rear. The two were engaged in a soft discussion, but their eyes displayed a wary alertness that rivaled, if not surpassed, Kyzallis?. Kyzallis sighed, and turned to look forward at the road once again. A branch snapping to the right of the path made Kyzallis? head whirl towards the sound, his hand already on his sheathed sword. By the sound everyone else had made, he guessed that they too were prepared for combats. Kyzallis, straining his ears to their utmost, heard the next quiet sound loud and clearly. A footstep, softer than a feather. And then another? followed by another. Kyzallis wasn?t sure whether to smile or frown. ?They?re coming,? he whispered to the group. ?And there?s more than seven??
[COLOR="Red"][FONT="Georgia"][b][u]Name:[/b][/u] Full name is Kyzallis, but most call him Ky. [b][u]Gender:[/b][/u] Male [b][u]Appearance:[/b][/u] Ky has the appearance of a late teenager (around 18 or 19). His silver eyes are still fairly bright with youth, and contrasts his long, shaggy jet black hair perfectly. He is both tall, and very lean. When not in battle, he wears simple clothing that doesn't restric his movement too much - he thouroughly enjoys running. [b][u]Society:[/b][/u] First Offensive [b][u]Armor:[/b][/u] Light Leather Armor. It's strong enough to deflect slight blows or nicks from arrows, but isn't strong enough to hold back a direct hit. The armor itself is very light, and allows for fairly good flexelibity during battle. [b][u]Weapon:[/b][/u] Despite having two swords, Ky usually only uses one in battle. His first sword is simple, comprising of a leather-bound hilt, and a three foot straight blade made of iron. His second sword is a work of beauty - it's slightly curved blade seems to gleam in the sunlight (it's made of iron, but imbued with small amounts of silver to give it its glossy finish) and unike his previous sword, his second's hilt is encrusted with jewels, and has a ruby pommel. The latter sword rarely leaves its sheath at Ky's side. As well, Ky has a small horsebow, but has not yet perfected the skill of using it yet. [b][u]Abilities:[/b][/u] Ky has enchanced reflexes - his reaction time is surprisngly good for someone of such young age. He is able to move quickly, react to enemy maeuvors and strike his own killing blows rapidly, one after another. [/FONT][/COLOR] Sorry it took so long! At least it's up now. Can't wait to get started.
[I]Light! What the hell is he thinking!?[/I] Julile knew that an alibi was needed, but to go to the Amyrlin Seat? Julile?s head was swimming, and he found that trying to come up with a way out of the current situation only proved to confuse him further. As the tall woman carrying the staff ? Julile assumed she was the Keeper of the Chronicles ? he shot Adir a questioning glance, which he returned with a frown. Pulling a small envelope from his cloak pocket, he cleared his throat and began. ?I just received a letter from the Amyrlin requesting my presence. Perhaps by the time she hears of the incident with Gayrin the times would have blurred giving us an alibi. I could say that you had accompanied me here and there was no way you could have done anything to Gayrin's men. I'm surly here for an expulsion, that doesn't mean you deserve one." Julile was shocked to say the least. The man seemed to hold many secrets, and Julile began to wonder who he was before he came to the Tower. [I]Surely a man wouldn?t be summoned before the Amyrlin Seat simply to be put out of the White Tower? would he?[/I] He was about to voice his question when the Keeper returned from the room ?The Amyrlin Seat will see you both now? her voice left little room for question. Adir made for the door, and the Aes Sedai moved out of his way to allow entry ? Julile followed behind quickly. The large oak doors opened to a small room, with little furnishings. A large desk was set in front of a window and held many stacks upon stacks of papers. A large, Tairen carpet decorate the floor, and a two small book cases occupied the left wall ? the right side simply held yet another door. An Aes Sedai sat behind the desk, and wore the unmistakable stole of the Keeper of the Chronicles. [I]Of course ? how could I forget about that? The Aes Sedai outside couldn?t have been the Keeper[/I] Julile thought to himself. [I]But if she wasn?t the Keeper, what was she doing there? and why did she carry a staff??[/I] The Keeper looked at them, with perfect Aes Sedai coolness, ushered them into the next room. As Julile was hurried through into the next room, he couldn?t help but notice the difference. The Amyrlin Seat?s study was beautifully furnished ? tables, armoires and bookshelves littered the walls. On most of the tables which surrounded the room were small, but stout lamps. Domani drapery had been pulled to block off a seemingly large window, and the room?s only source of light were the lamps, all of which were lit. A large, beautifully crafted desk lay in the middle of the room on top of a Domani rug with an intricate flower design. Behind the desk sat Aleis Romlin, the Amyrlin Seat herself. Aleis glanced up at the two young men who entered her room, but her eyes quickly returned to the papers that littered her desk ? Julile remarked at how much more she seemed to have than the Keeper of the Chronicles. Julile and Adir stood before the desk in the dimly lit room, and awkward silence hung in the air. Julile turned to look up at Adir, but at the moment the Amyrlin Seat began to speak. ?Adir Hartlan?? she spoke slowly. ?I suppose I cannot be angry with you ? my letter did not imply that you should come alone, but I thought someone of your intelligence would have figured that out for himself?? her face remained completely cool, and serene, which matched her voice perfectly. ?Mother?? Adir spoke solemnly, bowing before the Amyrlin Seat. Julile spoke a hasty ?Mother? as well, and gave a quick bow, but he felt as though he didn?t belong. Aleis continued on as though she hadn?t even noticed the formal acknowledgement of her superiority. ?You have been summoned before me today on an urgent matter ? I sent for you because I know I can trust you. You, however ?? she motioned towards Julile, ?have yet to prove yourself to me.? Julile was about to open his mouth, but Adir beat him to it. ?Mother, this is Julile ? he and I have been steadfast friends now for nearly a year. There is no one I trust more than him.? His voice was crisp, and unflinching, and Julile had to concentrate so as not to drop his jaw in pure shock. [I]He just? he just lied to the Amyrlin Seat![/I] Shock didn?t begin to describe it. Aleis looked at Adir, her eyes boring into his very soul before continuing. ?Very well. You are here today simply because I have a task for you.? Her eyes never flinched from Adir, her face never changing in the slightest. ?Last night, a novice fled from the Tower ? I need you to bring her back.? This time, Julile?s mouth did drop open, and a quick glance at Adir proved that he too was surprised. [I]?That?s it??[/I] But Julile knew there was more to this than met the eye. Speaking for the first time since initially addressing Aleis, Julile cleared his throat. ?Mother, I?m sorry, I don?t mean for my question to offend, but why are we being sent? Surely, sending students of the White Tower to search for a run-away must seem counterproductive to you.? As soon as he had finished, he realized that his comment could very well have been taken as an insult, but to his surprise, the Amyrlin favoured him with a soft smile. The smile, as quickly as it had appeared on her face, was replaced with a frown. ?Understand that this knowledge may never be allowed to leave this room?? she waited for Julile and Adir to nod their heads in agreement before continuing. ?The novice in question was most likely kidnapped ? two guards were found murdered at the southern gate ? three more guards were found slain at the Jualdhe Bridge. This is most likely the work of Darkfriends.? Julile?s head was swimming ? he knew that out of any place in the world, the White Tower was the safest. Darkfriends would never be able to penetrate the White Tower, but according the Amyrlin Seat, the wisest of the all-knowing Aes Sedai, they had. Adir cleared his throat and began to ask a question, but Aleis cut him off. ?No one else knows of this ? the Aes Sedai know only that a novice has fled the Tower. A crime of this magnitude leaves me with only one realization ? I cannot trust anyone. With recent events brought into light, anyone in the Tower could be a Darkfriend, or even worse, of Black Ajah. If you are wondering, Adir, why I trust you in this, than you have no further to look than your own father.? A look of recognition passed over Adir?s face, and he simply nodded to the Amyrlin. Aleis motioned Adir to her desk, and handed him a large, brown envelope. She explained that inside was all the information on the missing novice. ?Bring her back alive?? Aleis told them both, a softness had entered her voice, which still held it?s commanding tone. ?You may leave now.? Adir bowed before the Amyrlin, and Julile once again hurriedly copied him. Julile walked out of the room more quickly than he had ever walked in his entire life.
Julile had been truly surprised ? he thought that Gayrin and his thugs wouldn?t pursue him inside the Tower, but he was apparently wrong. [I]Is there hatred of me so strong?? [/I] The thought couldn?t help but sadden Julile, but he quickly forced the feelings aside. Now was not the time. He couldn?t help but hear their jeers, which suddenly stopped upon entering the Tower. Instead, their smirks and raucous comments were replaced by faces of stone-cold hatred. Julile hurried his step. After taking a staircase two steps at a time, Julile found himself at a crossroads, and no one around. He spared a moment to look behind, and quickly spotted his pursuers beginning their ascent of their stairs. [I]Light! Will nothing deter them!?[/I] Choosing quickly, he hurried down the hallway on his right. When he turned the next corner, he found exactly what he was looking for. ?Adir!? he called ahead. The man turned around quickly. The look on his face was that of surprise ? Julile noted that he had most likely been deep thought, and caught somewhat off guard by his voice. Julile began running over to him when he heard his pursuers turn the corner and nearly close the distance between them. Julile looked at Adir, and a moment of recognition appeared upon Adir?s face ? he was able to sum up the situation in split second. He pulled his practice sword from his belt and tossed it to Julile, who snatched it out of the air. However, something was wrong ? Adir was unsheathing his sword. [I]No! Blood cannot be spilled inside the Tower, no matter the cost![/I] If he kept moving, then the events that took place in the moments to come would end in bloodshed. Knowing what he had to do, Julile spun on a dime and lunged at his attackers. Their jeering had left them defenseless ? their ?weapons? were still tucked in to their belts. With a howl, Julile threw himself among them. The moment before he began to strike, he saw their expressions turn from sneers to wide-eyes surprise ? they didn?t even enough time to yell. Julile?s wooden sword flicked in and out among them, knocking them over with blows to the head and the neck. One blonde-haired man that Julile didn?t recognize managed to pull his practice sword out, but he was too late ? Julile?s sword swung down at his hand, and he dropped it after a loud crack and a yelp of pain. Julile?s sword swung at whoever was closest, usually ending with yells of pain, or bloody noses. Sometimes both were accompanied by the motions of his sword. Within moments, all of them had fallen to the ground, nursing their wounds, except for Gayrin who stood, poised to strike with practice sword in hand. ?I wouldn?t do that if I were you?? Julile tried not too look surprise, but Adir?s voice coming from right beside him was unexpected to say the least. His sword was in hand, and had a very intricate look about it. The blade had been polished quite recently. Adir?s face was cold stone, completely unreadable. Julile tried to match his, but was sure his shaking hands gave him away. Gayrin frowned, sheathed his practice sword and left, leaving his ?gang? still strewn about on the floor. Julile turned to Adir. ?Thank you? I don?t know what would have happened if it weren?t for you being there. Here, this is yours? ?Julile handed him the practice sword, reluctant to be rid of the wooden shaft now smeared with dark-red blood.
[I]Adir?[/I] Julile thought to himself. [I]That?s a Saldaean name, unless I?m mistaken. Odd though? he doesn?t bear any resemblance to his homeland. He seemed friendly enough, but Julile was wary ? it wasn?t that he had trouble trusting people, but his anger (although aimed at Gayrin) remained. In spite of himself, Julile laughed light-heartedly. ?I?m sorry you met me under such bad circumstances!? he said, with a wide smile splitting his face. He wasn?t completely sure how he felt about the man in front of him, but he was nearly sure that the ?Saldaean? wasn?t an enemy. Adir began to answer him, but was cut off when someone called his name. ?Adir!? a young man called as he ran over to the odd pair. He was garbed in the servant?s clothes of the White Tower, and seemed a few years younger then Julile. [I]Odd ? there are few men who come to the White Tower as servants. Usually the women are less fearful of the Aes Sedai[/I] Julile returned from his thoughts abruptly as the reached them. ?Are you ? Adir ? sir?? the man asked in between panting for air. ?Yes,? Adir replied. There was a directness to him that Julile admired ? he never beat around the bushes, and always seemed right to the point. His icy blues eyes blue eyes however held a glint, that seemed to counteract his seemingly abrupt nature. ?I?m sorry to disturb you, but I was told this message must reach you immediately, regardless of whether or not you were in training.? He handed the letter to Adir, bobbed a quick servant?s bow, and scurried away. Adir opened the letter, and after reading for a moment, frowned. ?Well, it seems as though I must be off? Adir said. He looked slightly nervous, which Julile didn?t understand ? a moment ago, the man had seemed cool ice dealing with the servant, and now his nerves seemed to be in control of him. Before Julile could get a word in edgewise, Adir spoke again. ?It was a pleasure to meet you.? He bowed, and began to walk towards the Tower, already at a quick pace. ?Uh? the pleasure was all mine?? Julile said aloud, despite being out of earshot of the other man. [I]Well, he seemed fine enough[/I] Julile thought to himself. He hefted his practice sword, and had only begun to cycle through the forms when he heard a familiar shout. ?Hey! Orphan!? Julile?s head whipped up to the unfortunate sight of Gayrin. There was an angry look to his face, and his mouth seemed to be set in a permanent growl as he strode across the path towards him. However, it was only then that Julile noticed he wasn?t alone ? Gayrin had three men on either side of him. His eyes went wide. [I]He wouldn?t go [b]this[/b] far? would he?[/I] As if to answer his own question, Gayrin shouted again and his cronies all lifted their practice swords, advancing quickly on him. Julile knew he couldn?t win this fight ? there was only one place to go now. Without thinking, he dropped his practice sword and ran after Adir and the White Tower ? the one place Gayrin and his gang wouldn?t pursue him to cause trouble.
hey... so what's going on with this? I don't know about the rest of you, but I still really wanna keep going - I've been waiting for White to Post. So yeaaah... *deep breath* [center][SIZE=4]POST WHITE![/SIZE][/center]
The soft breeze that whistled through the trees in the Tower Grounds was perfect for killing the warm heat of the day. Julile strode across the dirt path, away from the practice grounds, not noticing the people who hurried out of his way. It wasn?t that he was self absorbed, or even that he thought of other?s as his inferiors ? he was too mad to notice anything other than his own thoughts. The beautiful day couldn?t be more opposite to his mood. [I]Light blighted, bastard![/I] he thought to himself. He had been practicing the sword forms under the watchful eye of Lyander, the Gaidin Master at Arms, as he usually had for the past three years since he came to the Tower. Things had started off well enough, but when Master Lyander went to teach another apprentice, Gayrin ? the cocky fool ? decided to cause trouble. Needless to say, the red-haired fool had gotten them both in trouble, and now here he was, stamping off furiously like a spoiled child. Julile sighed, and tried to vent some anger. He drew his wooden practice sword from his belt and began cycling through some of sword forms. He couldn?t get the fight out of his mind, though. He remembered Gayrin walking over to him, and yet another terrible insult about being an orphan ? by now, he had used them all. The time between the insult and Julile?s fist making contact with his face was a blur, but he did remember rolling about on the ground with Gayrin after he punched him. The next thing he knew was Lyander picking them both up by the scruffs of their necks and sending them away ? if he hadn?t been so busy, they most likely would have been disciplined on the spot. The realization that he was still fuming over the morning?s events only made Julile even madder. Redoubling his concentration on his sword forms, he didn?t hear the man who approached him from behind.