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Everything posted by Adas
[quote name='Sandy][COLOR=DarkGreen]Are you serious? You only gave it less than four days! I wouldn't be that impatient if I were you... Give it time, man, give people [I]at least[/I'] a week. What's the rush?[/COLOR][/quote] Well, in the hope that other's may sign up still - although I doubt it - I guess I could re-open the sign up. It will be re-closed a week from today, so I guess that makes it June 6th. That being said, sign-ups are now [center][SIZE=4]OPEN[/SIZE][/center]
The small precession moved slowly towards the pedestal at the far edge of the room. When they first came through the gate, Cody had instantly felt sluggish and out of breath. It almost felt as though he plunged through water, but it lacked the refreshing feeling of first impact. The room was large, and had a muted blue look to it, but the lack of lights made Cody feel uneasy. [I]There?s something that just doesn?t seem? right about this place.[/I] However, it was at that moment that something inside him snapped. The others were talking about a way back, but his mind had turned into a minefield, one explosion detonating after another. [I]What the hell is wrong with you!? Maybe you should grow a pair, stop being such a pussy and try not to be so damn scared all the time. Jesus Christ[/I] Cody was shocked to find that he had actually become so mad at himself. He looked down with mild surprise to find his fist clenched. ?Stuck here. Oh Joy? Zizu addressed the group, but he seemed to be talking to himself, as though convincing himself that it was going to be ok. Suddenly, everything that Cody had just though to himself went right out of his head, and was quickly replaced by feelings of concern ? not for himself, but for the group, and mostly Zizu. ?Well, guess there?s no option anymore.? Cody tried to sound reassuring, but he was sure it didn?t quite finish the job when Nathan jumped in and helped him out. At the very least, Zizu didn?t look quite too nervous anymore. Nathan began walking over to the pedestal, and Solace followed quite closely behind. Taking a deep breath, he jogged over to them and slowed his pace to walk as he fell in beside Solace. She turned and looked at him, a subtle look of nervousness ? if not fear ? quite evident in her eyes. Cody flashed her a smile as confident as he could muster, and hoped that he didn?t look as nervous as he felt. When they reached the pedestal at the far side of the room, Cody was surprised at what met his eyes ? it was nearly waist high, and was made of rough stone. There were some markings on it that almost looked like Viking runes, and a symbol of what appeared to Cody to be a trident. He stretched his hand outward to touch the markings, and suddenly he could read them as clearly as though they were in English. ?Gate Opener, lay your hands upon this stone and receive our blessing? He could tell by looking at the faces of the others around him that they too could read it. ??well? go ahead, ?Gate Opener?? Ruhe said with a slight smirk from around his cigarette. Nathan only nodded, stepped forward, and placed his hands on the pedestal. At first, nothing happened, but then, a blinding flash of blue light - which closely resembled the light of the gate on the stranded beach ? surged forth from the pedestal. Cody felt the light searing through his eyes, but as quickly as it had begun, it stopped. Cody slowly opened his eyes, and was met with a different sight. The pedestal was gone, and in its place stood a large fountain spewing water from within. Hovering in the air above the water was a long, golden trident. [I]How is it floating?? Never mind ? I don?t know, and I don?t want to know? [/I] With everyone?s eyes still on him, Nathan reached forward slowly and pulled the trident out of the air. It somehow looked? right, in his hands, Cody concluded. ?Well, I guess that means we can go now, right?? Solace said cheerfully ? she seemed more than eager to leave. She turned around, and gasped in surprise. Everyone spun around to see what was wrong, and were met with an even greater surprise then the fountain. While they had been distracted by the pedestal, a group of? ?things? ? Cody didn?t know what to call them ? had come down the stairs in the back of the room. They seemed to look like humans, but wore all black, and had black skin darker then the darkest night. They had long black hair, and black eyes that never seemed to blink ? they never took their eyes off the five, bewildered looking young adults in front of them. Each had a long, curved sword at their hip, and stood with an arrogance that spoke of their skill with it. It was then that Cody realized: They were completely cornered.
... Well, with the overwhelming success of this sign-up, I've come to my decision. It was a long, hard selection process and many of you didn't make the cut, but my decision has been made. The following members have been allowed into the RP: 1. Adas 2. Amorak If anyone would still like to RP, send your sign-up info in a PM to me and I'll still read it over. However, at this point, sign-ups are [center][SIZE=4]Closed[/SIZE][/center]
[b]Name:[/b] Julile Chomarin [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]City of Origin:[/b] Tar Valon [b]Class:[/b] Warder?s Apprentice [b]Physical Description:[/b] Julile has a soft face that doesn't quite suite a Warder - however, he still has years yet to perfect the stony faces that all Gaidin seem to have. Unlike his face however, he has hard, deep blue eyes, which seem to hold a hidden pain. At 5?11?, he has long brown hair with natural blonde highlights that ends at his shoulders and a short (but not stubby) nose. Julile usually wears simple clothing that he doesn't mind getting dirty or ripped (especially during Gaidin training). Julile also has a dark green cloak that he wears while on free days spent in the city. [b]Personality:[/b] As a child, Julile was a kind, gentle boy. As he grew older, he became harder on the inside (although it doesn't show on the outside). Julile is still kind, yet strong when he needs to be. He is enthusiastic and incredibly loyal (a great quality in a Warder). When bonded to an Aes Sedai, Julile would be the kind of person who would die to let her live another day. However, under a calm, kind and happy exterior, Julile is cautious, and dangerous like a lion when holding his blade. He has no fear of "sheathing the blade" if it in turns saves others.
[I]Solace[/I] Cody thought to himself. [I]An interesting name? but then again, so are Ruhe and Zizu?[/I] He nearly chuckled to himself ? here he was, trapped on an island with people he had never met before, and all he cared about were their names. Instead of chuckling, he sighed. He hadn?t quite realized just how isolated they were. He had looked out to the sea time and time again since their entrance to the island, but he hadn?t quite fathomed their current situation. [I]Where the hell are we?[/I] He had probably had those same thoughts a hundred times since he regained consciousness, but this was the first time that they carried any weight in his mind. Pushing the thoughts from his mind, he replaced them with thoughts that were less negative. [I]Well, if we?re stuck here, I might as well try and make friends.[/I] ?Dang, this is weird? Solace said, and for a moment, Cody wasn?t sure if she was just thinking aloud. ?Yeah? yeah I guess it kinda is? he replied, favoring her with a quick smile, but she seemed too intent on her Bambi shirt to notice. An awkward tension filled the island, and for a moment no one spoke. However, the silence was broken by an Australian accent. ?Well, if we?re going to be here for a while, I guess we might as well try and build a fire.? He reached into his pockets, but when a look of disappointment crossed his face, Cody knew that he had found nothing. ?Sorry guys ? I got nothing. Anyone else?? Despite the fact that he already knew he didn?t have anything his pockets worth mentioning, he reached in hoping for the best, but his hands too came out with nothing. ?Yeah, I don?t either, but maybe there?s something around here that could help us?? Cody already knew that an island this size wouldn?t have anything on it other than the sand they walked on, but he needed an excuse to get away for the group, even if only for a moment. It wasn?t that he disliked anyone there ? quite on the contrary, they all seemed nice to him ? but he felt awkward just standing around, and feeling as though he were being judged. He began walking around the island, as small as it was, and mostly looked at the ground, trying desperately to find something that could be used. [I]There?s no way that we could have all drifted out at sea for so long and survived ? something must have carried us all here.[/I] His pace never quickened, but hope began to grow inside him. It wasn?t impossible that a wooden raft ? or anything else made of wood ? could have ?sailed? them to the island. He stopped for a moment in front of one of the rocks, and stared at it admiringly. Whatever it, or they, was, they took Cody?s breath away. Two rock slabs, standing perfectly vertical in the sand, with a perfectly horizontal slab on top. It would have taken time to build these, to make sure measurements were perfectly done, and it would have taken manpower to move such heavy objects into perfect positioning. [I]Meaning someone [b]must[/b] have been here before ?[/I] His thoughts were suddenly interrupted. ?Hey! See anything over there?? Nathan began jogging over to Cody. Cody whipped back in surprise, and accidentally stuck his leg out as he turned. Nathan who didn?t expect Cody?s sudden reaction, stumbled, and tripped over his outstretched leg. In order to catch himself, he outstretched his hands, which broke his fall against the stone. However, the moment after his hands came into contact, all hell seemed to break loose. Thin blue tendrils spread across the surface from where Nathan had touched it, which was followed by a blinding light. After a moment, the light stopped, but the rock had changed ? it now glowed a shade of dark blue, and between the rocks, there was now a wall of white and blue. Cody stretched his hand out and touched it, but leapt back when his hand went through the light. He looked at Nathan, who for once since they landed on the island, looked as lost as Cody felt.
[center][SIZE=4]The Wheel of Time[/SIZE][/center] [center][SIZE=4]Prelude to Darkness[/SIZE][/center] The ?Wheel of Time? belongs to Robert Jordan, this RP merely takes place in the world he has created. A missing novice from the White Tower in Tar Valon is more of an annoyance really then a problem - with the number of new students dwindling, the Aes Sedai know that every novice who disappears must be retrieved, and dealt with swiftly. However, Aleis Romlin, recently raised to the Amyrlin Seat from the Green Ajah, knows that something is wrong. The Amyrlin Seat knows the novice well ? she knows that Malin Al?Reem is a kind, hard working girl, who would not only never shrink from the challenges of the White Tower, but possessed a heart too kind to murder the pair of guards found on the Tower grounds. Not sure who she can trust, the Amyrlin Seat turns to those not yet strongly affiliated in the Tower ? they are to be sent out in order to find Malin, and bring her home before any harm comes to her. The year is 891 NE, and you have received a letter from the Amyrlin Seat herself, requesting your presence in her study immediately. [center]~ * ~ * ~ * ~[/center] Ok so incase anyone couldn?t tell, this RP is based on the world created in Robert Jordan?s Wheel of Time series. As previously mentioned, this RP takes place in 891 NE ? for those of you unfamiliar to the dates in Wheel of Time, Malkier fell to the blight in 957 NE, and Rand Al?Thor, the Dragon Reborn, is born in late 978 NE. In this story, a novice of the White Tower named Malin has been taken by Darkfriends, and you are charged with returning her. This doesn?t necessarily mean that you must start your character in the White Tower ? your character may not have been given this task by the Amyrlin Seat, but will eventually become part of the small group sent to bring her back. Of course, it goes without saying that this task will be much harder then it sounds, and the story will continue after we find (if we find) Malin. I?d like to keep this RP fairly small, and will therefore most likely only be accepting three or four others. Sign-ups go as follows: [b]Name[/b] [b]Age [/b] [b]City of Origin[/b] [b]Class[/b] ? this could be anything at all. I?ll accept anything so long as it follows the timeline (i.e. no Asha?man) [b]Physical Description[/b] [b]Personality[/b]
Cody hadn?t felt so off-kilter in a while. So far, three of the other four had introduced themselves, but he couldn?t bring himself to. [I]Man, what the hell?s wrong with me? It?s just my name, and it looks like I?m going to need to get to know these guys? [/I] When Nathan had introduced himself, Cody flashed him a smile. However, when Ruhe introduced himself, he just nodded ? it wasn?t that he had anything against the other guy, he just felt awkward around others. When ?Zizu? introduced himself, he just sat there stone-faced and didn?t say a word. Nathan was twenty-one, and Ruhe was seventeen ? only a year older than Cody. Zizu didn?t give his age. Despite the fact that he didn't truly know anyone yet, Cody did feel slightly better when Zizu told the group he was Canadian. [I]I may be alone, but perhaps not as much as I had thought[/I]. The thought put a small smile on his face. While introductions were made, Cody had been looking around their surroundings. The island was fairly small, and as hard as he tried, he couldn?t see any land off in the distance. [I]Then how did we get here in the first place?[/I] he thought to himself. Surrounding the island were large stone monuments that looked similar to the stones of Stonehenge. However, there was something different about these. Stonehenge had always given him the impression that the different stones made up a structure as whole, whereas these stones seemed separate from each other ? twelve monuments as opposed to one. The more he looked at the stones, the more he realize how much they looked like large doors, or gates. His head whipped around when he heard a crash, but saw to his surprise that it was only a large wave, falling against the seemingly endless ocean. Cody was surprised ? normally, he never would have heard something from so far away. [I]This whole place is weird?[/I] he concluded. Taking a deep breath, he stepped forward and introduced himself. ?Uhh.. hey guys. My name?s Cody Thomas, I?m sixteen, and I?m from Toronto, Canada?. To finish, he tried to put on a confident smile, and when no one gave him any weird looks, he actually began to feel confident. [I]Maybe this place isn?t as weird as I thought...[/I]
[I]What a day?[/I] Cody sighed and slunk down in the small wooden chair in his room, in front of his computer desk. He leaned across his room, and turned off his amp ? removing the headphones from his ears, he closed down the recording program currently running on his computer. ?Guess that?s enough for one night?? he said to himself ? he had grown so tired, that he barely even registered the fact that he was talking to himself. He ran a hand through his hair, and yawned for what seemed like the hundredth time that night. Unfortunately, he had an essay due for his first period English class the next day ? he knew that sleep was a long time coming. He opened the word document, and let out an exasperated sigh when a nearly blank document opened before him. [I]God damnit? this isn?t my night[/I] he thought to himself, sparing his guitar with the newly snapped string a quick look. As hard as he tried, he couldn?t help but feel more and more tired. The longer he wrote on, the more his body craved sleep. His head began to sink slowly towards the soft wood of his desk. [I]No![/I] he sprang awake. ?Ok, it?s cool? I just need some music!? he turned on his computer?s iTunes, and began browsing through the list. Careful not to have it too loud so as not to wake his parents, he found just the song he was looking for. [I]Like Light to the Flies ? Trivium? perfect! The song may suck, but it?s definitely heavy enough to keep me up[/I] However, it would seem that not even the heavy fretwork of Trivium could keep him awake for much longer. His last thoughts before he drifted into sleep were of his own frustration ? looks like the essay was going to be late. [center] [size=5][font=impact]FIRE[/font][/size] [/center] Cody coughed and sucked in air - he felt as though he had nearly suffocated. [I]No? drowned ? that?s water in my mouth [/I] he thought to himself. [I]And judging by how thirsty I am? could it be salt water? No, that?s impossible?[/I] Cody sputtered the rest of the water out of his mouth, and slowly rose on his hands and knees, and took in his surroundings. He was on a deserted shore in the middle of an island, surrounded by water as far as the eye could see. In disbelief, he looked at the sandy shore underneath his own feet to make sure it was real, and was met with another surprise ? his clothes seemed to have taken on a crimson shade of red. [I]What the hell??[/I]. Suddenly, he realized the island wasn?t deserted ? off in the distance, he could hear voices. He looked over and saw two guys, both roughly his age. One was tall and lean, and had blueish clothes on. The other was shorter and seemed slightly over-weight ? he wore brownish, red clothes. His shy nature suddenly took over ? being in a totally unfamiliar place with two guys he didn?t know made him feel really awkward. He brushed a hand through his brown hair, and took a step towards them. ?Uhh? hey guys?? he didn?t mean for it to be a question, but after the words left his mouth, it seemed to sound like a question. [I]Great, nice job Cody ? always were a charmer weren?t you?[/I] he mentally kicked himself ? he was off to a wonderful start.
ok, so now that all the positions have been taken, when's this gonna get started White? I've been distracted by this all day from my homework - every like 20 min I'd come on to see if the RP is up yet, but no, it isn't :bawl: p.s. just came to mind - brawl site isn't updated yet :(
[b]Name:[/b] Cody Thomas [b]Age:[/b] 16 [b]Appearance:[/b] Cody has long brown hair that nearly touches his shoulders. He has deep blue eyes and a warm smile. His skin is slightly tanned, but is mostly covered up by a pair of jeans and a t-shirt. Cody is fairly thin, and not the strongest person around, but he isn?t necessarily weak either. [b]Country of Origin:[/b] Canada [b]Element:[/b] Fire [b]Starting Powers:[/b] Cody make a small ball of pure fire appear in his outstretched hand ? this can be used both to light the way in the dark places, and its obvious use as a weapon. [b]Personality[/b] Cody can be very shy around others ? especially in a new situation involving people he doesn?t know well. He doesn?t trust easily, but has a few very close friends that he can rely on. Cody has a really good heart, and always means well ? he is a genuinely nice guy who will not only put his friend?s needs above his own, but will strive to great lengths to help others.
Hey guys, it?s been a long time since I?ve been on the site, so I figured I?d try my hand at another RP. In case you couldn?t tell from the title, the RP is based on FFX ? that?s not to say that it?s a fanfic in anyway. This RP is going to take place roughly 100 years before High Summoner Braska ?defeated? Sin, so most (if not all) characters in this game are going to be entirely made up. As far as a storyline goes, I figured we could make it up after we have all the sign-ups done, but I would really prefer it if we could at least get one person to be the summoner on his/her pilgrimage. As far as a storyling goes, I'm waiting to see on what kind of people sign up - for instance, if I made the storyline about a summoner and no one signed up as a summoner, then we'd be kinda skrewed... so yeah, I have about three or four in mind, and then I'm going to update it as soon as I see the kinda sign-ups we're getting. I?m planning on letting about four others in, but I?d love to see lots of sign-ups? so in case you were wondering, I meant get off your lazy bottoms and starting signing up! ?yeah, I?m talking to you? Sign-ups go as follow: [b]Name:[/b] ?Self-explanatory [b]Age:[/b] ? even more self-explanatory than ?Name? [b]Gender:[/b] ? You?re getting the hang of this now, aren?t you? :) [b]Race:[/b] Human, Guado, Ronso and Al Bhed are pretty much our choices here, but if I?m forgetting a race then feel free to post it. [b]Personality:[/b] Not looking for a story, just want a basic description of your character?s personality. [b]Class:[/b] Very basic here folks, just wanna know if you?re a warrior based character or a magic user (and if you pick mage, I?d kinda like to know what type of mage you are). [b]Profession:[/b] Again, very basic. You can make it anything you want, but the most appreciated ones would be Summoner, Guardian or Crusader. [b]Hometown:[/b] Can be worked into Bio, but I?d like to know where your character is from. [b]Weapon:[/b] I?m not going to limit you to one weapon, just want to know what your character is best at (if you pick like sword, then I?m not going to be a prick and never allow your character to pick up an axe in his life). [b]Bio:[/b] Just a quick snippet is needed, maybe 100-200 words. Just give me a bit of background info on your character ? please please please try to work in your character?s personality in this section. [b]Other:[/b] Any other things you think we should know about your character. [center]~*~*~*~*~*~[/center] [b]Name[/b]: Jaydin [b]Age:[/b] 18 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Race:[/b] Human [b]Personality:[/b] Jaydin is an incredibly loyal person, but only when he finds someone who is able to win his loyalty over. He is generally untrusting, except for those few who are close to him. Deep down, he has a good heart, but he tries to hide it at times. [b]Class:[/b] Warrior-oriented ? he doesn?t have any skill in the use of either white or black magic. [b]Profession:[/b] Guardian [b]Hometown:[/b] Southern end of the Calm Lands [b]Weapon:[/b]A very simple [u][URL=http://www.cbswords.com/images/uc0062s.jpg]katana[/URL][/u] - Jaydin doesn?t like anything that looks too fancy. [b]Bio:[/b] Before his untimely death, Jaydin?s father taught him that there were only two things that mattered in the world ? the sword in your hand, and the next step your foot took. After his parent?s died when Jaydin was eight, he spent time learning how to properly use the sword his father had left for him. By the age of twelve, he followed his father?s advice and set out travel across Spira. However upon making to Bevelle, he decided to join the Crusaders so that his life would once again have purpose. His plans once again changed when he killed a man of high status in a bar fight, and was forced to flee the city. He spent the next six years of his life traveling the world, and is currently in Lucca
...is that Pirate Metal!? lmao that kicks ***!! I'm totally into Viking Metal and stuff like that (Ensiferum is increadible) but truth be told, I've never, ever heard of Pirate Metal. I'm already looking for more of their stuff.
Hey guys, I havn't anything off this thread because truth be told, I'm not a huge PS3 fan (yes I know, smite me now) .... *is smote down* Anyways, just thought I'd share some info with you - sorry if this has already been posted, like I said I havn't really read any of the past posts. Recently, I got a job at EB, and I have some stats for it's release date. Unless Sony changes the NA release date (highly doubted at this point), it will in fact be November 17tth (two days before the wii). However, the worst has yet to come. As I'm sure you all already know, only about 400 000 are being shipped to NA - this means that stores will be LUCKY if they recieve up to 10 consoles. I've been told that our EB is actually one of the top ones in Ontario, and we're only recieivng 6. Acording to my manager, thats more then most other retailers across NA - and yes, when I say that, I not only mean EB but EVERWHERE (I.e. futureshop, bestbuy, Game Stop, etc). Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but I thought you all deserved to know. Since no EB across NA will allow any PS3's to be pre-ordered by customers, this is what its going to come down to - At 8:30 in the morning on November 17th, we're going to pick 6 people at random out of the huge crowd and they're going to be the lucky recpients. My guess is that the same will be done across all of NA. Again, sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but it seems as though Sony REALLY dropped the ball this time...
When the three men first appeared, Cody had felt nothing but fear. Like everyone else, he took shelter in the odd tent. Under normal circumstances, he would have wondered why any kids would have found a random tent amusing, but in the current situation, his mind played home to an intense, terrifying fear that seemed to pound in his ears. However, the second that Liam was pierced by the two arrows, everything snapped. Cody?s shy nature was instantly lost, and rage both filled and clouded his mind. ?Fuck this!? he shouted, as soon as he saw that Liam was in Rorita?s seemingly safe hands. ?We have to fight!? He thought her heard Shisto mention something about enemy reinforcements, but the words were lost upon him. [I]You bastards? you bastards![/I] Cody went to rush out, be he felt a firm hand on his shoulder. ?What the hell do you think you?re doing!?? It was Archer?s voice, but Cody didn?t turn to talk back to him ? he just continued to struggle, but Archer?s iron-like grip held him in place. ?You?re smarter then this! Don?t go rushing out or you?ll end up like him!? with that he pointed to Liam. Cody stopped struggling, but brushed Archer?s hand off of his back. Panting heavily, the rage that had consumed him moments before was beginning to dissipate. Suddenly, he felt embarrassed with everyone?s eyes upon him, and he began to revert to his shy self. ?I?m sorry guys?. We need a plan?. Coco?? Cody turned to Coco, hoping he would have an idea as to how to get out of the trap they were now caught in. ?Well, what if Jake changes the wind direction and speed so that it?s blowing against them? That would render their bows relatively ineffective.? Coco said. ?Hmm? it might work? Jake replied. ?One way to find out, right?? Jake raised his hands slowly, and all of the elementals could instantly feel the wind shift. [I]How is it that only a few minutes ago, Jake could barely touch the wind, and yet now he can control it like he?s been practicing for months. Perhaps our elements are emotion based? which would be proof enough to back up the reason why Liam?s fire grew so much stronger when he was angry ? his anger triggered some sort of elemental surge![/I] It all made sense to Cody, but at this time, he had no proof to back it up. ?I?ll hold them here? Jake grunted ? his concentration on the wind seemed to be taking a toll on his physical state. ?Go get these bastards before I lose them!? ?Alright, now we kill them!? Archer yelled, and was the first through the flap of the tent. Cody quickly followed him with the rest right on his tail. Outside the tent was already chaos. Two of the archers were still trying to fire their arrows, but their once-deadly weapons only flew a couple of feet before turning back in the roaring wind before they sunk into the ground. The other three had advanced closer to the tent flap with swords drawn. Archer was already fighting with one of them ? the two were struggling to take control of the sword. Cody always had a strong sense of honor ? especially when it came to fighting. However, seeing as how the enemy had swords and were all older and stronger than the group of elementals, his sense of a fair-fight went somewhat out the window. He ran over to the man Archer was fighting and kicked him in the groin. Another of the shadowy figures struck out at Cody with his sword, but Archer took up the now fallen enemy?s sword and blocked the blow. Cody stumbled back and struck out with his hands, except something unexpected happened ? a large, shadowy tendril whipped out and struck the assassin across the face. The man screamed in agony as he crumpled the ground. Cody stood up to continue fighting, but something hit him across the head and he too collapsed to the ground. The last thing he saw before he lost consciousness was Shisto and Clyne using their elemental powers to fight off the enemies.
Shock. There was no other word to really describe it. When Coco asked this new girl ? Cody thought she had said her name was Rorita ? what her ?power? was, Cody was surprised to say the least. However now, it seemed that this Archer too had powers. [I]Light, shadow, fire, earth? could they all have some sort of connection? This is hardly coincidence?[/I] Cody thought to himself. His mind was racing faster and faster every minute. [I] Perhaps each of us has our own element? our own power. Which would mean that everyone else here has a power too! [/I] It was odd, this coming together of newly found friendship. It was obvious that some of the group knew each other, but for the most part were complete strangers to each other. However, as soon as they all met, everyone seemed (or at least, as Cody perceived it to be) to be completely comfortable with each other. Coco had seemed to have taken a strong, charismatic mood that completely suited him, and Liam was well? Liam ? his jokes were already making the group laugh. However, Cody couldn?t quite feel comfortable ? for the most part, he sat back and nodded, occasionally laughing at the different jokes that were being made. It wasn?t so much that he disliked being part of a group, but Cody found it hard to fit in at times. After Archer had finished his demonstration of his powers, Cody took the slightly awkward silence to introduce himself. ?Um? hey guys ? my name?s Cody Maxwell. I live about ten minutes away from here.? Cody paused for a moment, gathered his thoughts, and then continued. ?It seems as though we?ve all been brought here for a reason. I don?t know how much bigger this group is going to get, so I think we should all kinda tell each other our ?powers?. ?Oh, and by the way, if there?s anyone here who doesn?t have any powers, then I?m terribly sorry for scaring the hell out of you? ? he said his with a sheepish smile that got a couple of laughs. Even just the few laughs he got seemed to boost his confidence ten fold. ?Alright guys, my power is Shadow I think.? When the others in the group gave him blank stares, Cody closed his eyes and tapped into his powers. The sun was still fairly high in the sky, and casting shadows on many nearby trees. Cody could some how feel each of them. He raised his right hand slowly, and began moving it slowly towards the closest tree. His eyes suddenly shot open, and the shadow began to move. At first the change was gradual, but it eventual began to turn from the shadow of a tree, into the shape of a man. Sweat beginning to drip of his face, he let go of the shadow and gasped for air ? he had concentrated so intently on his powers, he had forgotten to breath. Running a hand through his hair, he turned back to the group. ?The shadows can?t really do anything, but that?s all I can do so far.?
Well to be honest, I sure wouldn't mind running into her parents later on in the game... especially after Rorita develops a good sense of her powers... it could be [i]interesting[/i] :) Anways, I just thought I'd post to say that I'd really like to start getting into this, However, that being said, we're still waiting on a few people to start posting. I understand that many of you are busy with both school and work at the time, but I'd appreciate at least a post to start your character off. If you believe you will be too busy to post at all (heaven forbid!!) then [b]please[/b] send me a pm saying so.
?Hey! Who are you?? the words took Cody by surprise as he spun around to see who was talking ? until now, he had believed the park was empty. There, he was met by a girl around the same height with long, silver hair. She had soft, delicate features and sapphire blue eyes that Cody instantly became lost in. A few moments later, he realized he was just staring and quickly tore his eyes away, trying to hide a deep blush that was quickly over-taking him. Within a few seconds he was ok, and looked back at her, unaware that his face was still slightly red. ?Uh? hey there?? he said nervously. [I]Oh, well that was really smooth?[/I] Cody thought to himself. Off in the distance, he could now make out the voices of Coco and Liam as they called for him to wait up. He tried to laugh at the fact that his friends were so far behind and trying to catch up, but the laugh came out nervous and in Cody?s ears, quite stupid? [I]Well?. I?m an idiot?[/I] Cody couldn?t help but think to himself. ?Uh? my name?s Cody. What?s yours?? At that moment, a bus pulled up and a few people got off, but Cody, usually one to be alert, took no notice.
Cody was out the door within the minute of the ?Whispering Wind? Things were getting too weird ? he had known about his freakish power now for a few months, but he had no idea about Coco and Liam. And now to top it off, he could have sworn he heard the wind [I]talking[/I] to him. [I]What the hell is going on!?[/I] he thought to himself, but his own thoughts weren?t registering at this point ? his mind was spinning faster and faster by the second. ?Dude, wait up!? It was Liam?s voice that he heard from somewhere behind him, but it didn?t matter ? Cody began to sprint faster. He thought he could hear Coco yelling something as well, but wasn?t paying attention to the words ? the only coherent thought in his head was the distance to Matchell Park. Everything around him was nonexistent except for his feet and the spot on the ground they would land next. Finally, after a good ten minutes of heavy sprinting, Cody stopped in front of Matchell Park and gasped for air. Sweat was beginning to drop off his forehead, so he quickly whipped it dry with the back of his hand. He thought he could hear his friends beginning to catch up ? for the most part, Cody didn?t like sprinting, but is none the less a fast runner. Cody looked up and viewed his surroundings, even though he had been to this particular park many times in his life. The leaves rustled in the few trees surrounding the park as the wind blew slightly. Off in the distant was a soccer field, but was currently uninhabited. A few meters away lay the park, but was also uninhabited. The wind began to pick up slightly, and sent a chill up Cody?s spine. [I]Where is everyone?[/I] he thought to himself. ?Hello!?? he shouted out, but no one answered ? no one else was there.
?Dude, Coco, your hand?s glowing.? Cody knew the words were coming from the second Liam had made his ?entrance? into Coco?s house. Without hesitating, Cody leapt up from the ground where Liam had had him pinned, grabbed Liam and threw him further into Coco?s house. He quickly ran over to the door and slammed it shut, hoping no one had actually seen anything that had just taken place. ?Dude, what the ?? ?Shut up!? Cody interrupted Liam quickly with a loud, assertive voice he didn?t know he possessed. For the most part, Cody was soft-spoken and could be quiet at times. However, when the going got rough, Cody was able to tap into a hidden storage of anger that made him stronger. ?Seriously guys, what the hell?s going on here!?? Liam now seemed worried ? his jovial, friendly manner seemingly of the past now. [I]well how the hell is he supposed to seem!?[/I] Cody thought to himself. [I]He just saw Coco?s friggen finger glowing![/I] When Cody had been shown Coco?s glowing finger only a few minutes prior, he had felt the exact same surprise that Liam was now feeling. Running a hand through his long, brown hair, Cody looked back over at Liam who was now sitting on one of Coco?s leather couches. ?Alright dude, we?ll tell you what we know, but you gotta promise not to freak out or anything...? Cody?s quiet nature had kicked back in. ?However, you may want one of these first?? Cody reached under a large recliner and pulled out a six-pack. He pulled out a beer and tossed it to Liam, and after getting a nod from Coco, took another out and threw it over to him too. Pulling a third one out, he pried the cap off and slumped into the chair. Taking a quick drink, he whipped his lips with the back of his hand and tried to find the words to explain exactly what was going on. [I]What is going on?[/I] He thought to himself again. [I]Why do the shadows move when I want them to? Am I some sort of freak or something?[/I]
?Piss off!? Cody yelled as he slammed the screen door on his dad. Bolting for the hedges, he was in mid-jump when he heard the door kicked open from somewhere behind him. It didn?t matter though ? Cody was long gone before his drunken, dead-beat of a dad could get another word in edge-wise. It was around three in the afternoon, and Cody?s father could easily have tracked him down in the car, but Cody knew he wouldn?t come ? he never came. Kicking a couple of stones under-foot, Cody swore out loud for no apparent reason at all, and then continued walking. It had been one of those days? Cody pushed the memories of the fight at school out of his mind and focused on his feet bellow. Within a few minutes, he arrived at his good friend Cornelius? house (or as everyone called him, Coco). He slammed his fist against the door a few times, and then, feeling a slight chill in the air, pulled his leather jacked tighter around him. A boy, roughly his age with dirty blonde hair opened the door after a few moments. ?Coco, dude?? Cody began slowly. ?We gotta talk?? ?Is it about what I think it is?? Coco replied, with a worried tone in his voice. Cody had known Coco for roughly eight years. Throughout that time, Cody had barely ever seen him nervous before ? Coco was a true leader through and through. ?Yeah man? this shit is getting out of control?? Cody answered, the chill in the air increasing. ?Mind if I come in for a bit?? ?Sure, come on in?? Coco stepped out of the way, and Cody walked through the doorway.
[CENTER]ALRIGHT GUYS - SIGN-UPS ARE CLOSED![/CENTER] If you wish to edit your post, then please send me or White a pm first. As of now however, no new sign-ups will be looked at.
Well, both myself and White would have to agree with Sandy - the RP will begin shortly. The two of us have already talked, and we have decided not only to leave the elemental warriors as eleven, but the selection process has nearly been completed. A list should be posted within the next twenty-four hours to finalize the decision. Alright guys, here it is. After much discussion between White and myself, we have narrowed the list down to the nine others we want to RP with us. The list is as follows: Fire goes to Amorak Thunder goes to Sakura Earth goes to Engel Water goes to Kitty Nature goes to Sandy Wind goes to BkStyles Ice goes to Ikillion Psychic goes to Lady A. Metal goes to Pumpkin Thanks to everyone who applied - the decision process was both hard and lengthy, but these decisions are final. Thanks again to everyone, and my apoligies to those who didn't make it. White or I will begin the RP tonight, so pay attention to the Arena to see when it starts. Thanks again, Adas [size=1][color=teal]The edit button is a gift Adas, please use it and don't double post in the future.[/color][/size]
Well, seeing as how the competition does seem to be growing (and we've had so many great sign-ups, I don't wanna have to choose! :animedepr) I wouldn't mind adding in a twelfth elemental. However, at the present time, I can't really think of a good one. If you guys can think of a good element to add in, then by all means, either post it or send me or white a pm. Oh and sorry guys, but no Time - I don't know how White feels about that, but I think that having a Time Elemental (as cool as that may be) would be a little bit over the top, and would ridiculously overpower and overshadow everyone else.
wow... now THATS alot of elements before this one. Lol White, I just checked out the origional - Elements Wonders. ...hmm... something sounds oddly framiliar about the storyline there dude... :animesmil
[b]Name:[/b] Cody Maxwell [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Appearance:[/b] [url=http://www.nnm.ru/imagez/gallery/doci/ani/anime_wallpapers-1139659312_i_4553_full.jpg]Click Here[/url] Cody is a good-hearted person, who?s loyalty is without a doubt his strongest attribute. Standing at 5'10", Cody has long brown hair, and deep blue eyes which seem to change at times (sometimes his eyes are a pale blue, but usually they are a deep shade of blue that others can become mesmerized in). At times, Cody can be very shy, although most people can tell that he is a strong person. He would do anything possible to save those he loves - regardless of the cost. [b]Element:[/b] Shadow [b]Starting Ability[/b] After enough concentration, Cody is able to manipulate the shadows around him. Their sole purpose however is strictly for illusion, and cannot harm his enemies in any physical way. [b]Why[/b] Although many believe that an element such as Shadow would be taken by a person who's only intent is to cause harm, Shadow chose Cody for a different reason. Cody's desire to help those he loves is a double-edged sword - Cody truly would do anything in his power for those he cares about, or for his own beliefs - no matter the cost or how he has to do it. If it came down to it, Cody would break the law (or even kill) to save those he loves, even though he would despise it to no end.