[FONT=Trebuchet MS][CENTER][B]The Story[/B][/center]
1006 AD
?One thousand years from the last letter chiseled upon this stone, eleven mortals will receive the blessing of a god ? elemental powers that will inevitably shape the world.?
[RIGHT]- Prophecy of the Elements[/RIGHT]
The world is in turmoil. The Dark Ages bring a time of both death, and fear. However, emerging from the light of uncertainty are eleven young men and women ? elementals. As predicted by a prophecy written exactly one thousand years prior, these select few have been granted elemental powers, with which the world could be reshaped. However, when man discovered the elementals, they grew obsessed with their powers. Forcing the Forest elemental to heal victims of the Black Death, and using the Fire and Wind elementals for warfare. Eventually, the elementals grew tired of being used by mankind, and went into hiding in separate corners of the world, vowing to never serve mankind once again.
As the years passed, the elementals began to grow old. Fearing death would finally take them, they gathered on the slopes of the Paragain Mountain, and swore an oath to the Dark God of Chaos, Baalthamen. Baalthamen took ?mercy? on their souls, and granted them immortality ? infinite life. However, he bound their souls to him in servitude. Giving them the appearances they had when they acquired their elemental powers, he set them lose upon the world. Acting in the shadows, the elementals now began to shape the world as their new master saw fit ? as the prophecy predicted they would.
But it would seem history was not without a sense of irony, for half of the prophecy was lost. When the original prophecy was written, half of the stone tablet of which it was carved upon was broken off and kept hidden in the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean. The prophecy read as follows: ?Every one thousand years, eleven new elementals shall come forth to reshape the world ? eleven new elementals who will inevitably become stronger then the previous millennium.? The year is now 2006 AD, and the time has come for eleven brave new mortals to take up the elemental powers of which they were destined to have?
[center][B]How It'll Work[/B]
Basically we're accepting six members into the RolePlay and those nine of you (plus White and I) will be playing one of the eleven chosen Elementals. Our characters will, at the beginning of the RP, recieve their powers and later dsicover why they have them.
We have a deep story planned out but it's set up in a way that we can leave the RP as a freelance adventure. Anything can happen in the world of Elements.
[U]Name:[/U] Your character's name. Nothing fancy, just a generic name.
[U]Age:[/U] Character's age. 12-21
[U]Gender:[/U] Male or Female
[U]Appearance:[/U] Picture or a detailed description is fine.
[U]Element:[/U] Fire, Water, Earth, Nature, Thunder, Wind, Ice, Psychic or Metal.
[U]Starting Ability:[/U] The abillity that comes naturally to your character when he/she first recieves their power. This is very small, such as creating a small shock (thunder), creating a breeze (wind), or making a flower grow (nature). You won't be killing anyone with these abilities so don't make them strong.
[U]Why?:[/U] Why did the element choose your character? What does the element have in common with your character? Does it have [i]anything[/i] in common with your character? If not, there must be something. Make it up.[/FONT]