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Everything posted by Mar

  1. [QUOTE=Up4anime][FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3][COLOR=DarkOrange]Unfortunantly Umbrella by Rihanna is stuck in my head.Everywhere I go I find some reason to say umbrella.And once I say it im back to singing the song. It's just so catchy. Fergie's song "Big Girls dont cry" is also stuck up there too. I was actually talking to my grandfather then I fell into a daze and started singing it.He was looking at me like I was crazy. Anyways tell me what songs are stuck in your head for the better or for the worst[COLOR=Navy].[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/QUOTE] [FONT=Arial Narrow]Ah.......nice to see a post by you! [SIZE=2]Well the song that's stuck in my head you'd probly know."Our Hearts" It's just sooooo sweet.I just cant stop saying the part "When I hear your voice it brings peace to my heart how much longer can the lover and the loved be apart." It's just too sweet.It's stuck in my head for the better though. Oh yeah one more thing to say. "Ella Ella eh,eh,eh[/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR]
  2. [FONT=Arial Narrow][COLOR=DarkGreen]O.k this is my most rescent picture.Well the most rescent one I have on my comp.This one was taken 3 weeks ago it's me and my little sister. My hair is shorter than last time. [url]http://i176.photobucket.com/albums/w190/RedRayne14/Picture004.jpg[/url][/COLOR][/FONT]
  3. It's pretty nice altjough you need help with shading and like Alannie said you should have darkened the outlies of the bangs.
  4. I like to read the manga more.The manga for Fruits Basket was way better than the anime.It shows more and you can understand it better [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Welcome to Otakuboards Mar, although we do like that you think the Fruits Basket Manga was a lot better than the anime. As to increase a discussion, it would be better if you were to elaborate on exactly why you though it was better, the art? the words used? Things like that. ~Ikillion[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  5. here are mine: 1. i'm baaaaaad for an extremely smart girl who gets straight A's 2. i play two instruments 3. i own a xbox 4. ppl hate me cuz i'm too pretty and i make them an outcast lol[/QUOTE] I'd say 1 was false this is a random guess. Here are mine: 1.I hate cats! 2.Im very emotional. 3.I have a pet snake 4.Im afraid to wear contacts
  6. I havent read the manga but I scanned through the 4th book which I found very wel...........should I say graphic.It looked pretty sad with all thses good reviews I might read it.
  7. I prefer the dubbed voices as annoying as they may be (sometimes) My reason because I hate subtitles it's like they take away fromt the movie. [color=#007520][SIZE=1][INDENT]Mar, we want you to have discussions at Otakuboards. To make it easier, don't post such short, pointless posts. ie. Expand on your posts. You can do this by telling us [i]why[/i] you think subtitles take away from movies. Give us examples of this. Read the [url=http://otakuboards.com/rules.php?]rules[/url] before continuing to post. If you have any questions, PM me or any of the other moderators. -r2[/INDENT][/SIZE][/color]
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