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Demon of Blades

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  1. I have watched up to episode 85 and some random shows in the 100s and 200s. It is true, the first episode doesn't represent the show at all, but later it gets really good but there are episodes that just revolve around comedy and very little with the normal story line, but all in all the later episodes get to be really good..I can't stress that enough, so I will leave it at that.
  2. [QUOTE=gee-man]I'm undecided on whether they should keep their powers or not. I mean, they are being punished after all. Would you send a serial killer to jail and let him keep his gun? And as for both of them trying to win over one girl. The thing is that I don't want this manga to turn into a bitter drama. The manga is overall supposed to be comical and realitvely lighthearted despite their situation. I'm still thinking of whether to introduce girls into their lives or not but I think I probably will. Also, I just don't like love triangles, they're too cliche. Those are for romance manga. My manga isn't really much of a romance.[/QUOTE] Well I didn't mean for it to be a romance just something to make more contraversy between them and yes I would send a serial killer to jail with his gun to see the action....It would be a new sport...ooo and then bomb the jail if he got past a certein area. :D
  3. No problem...thanks for answering my Q/A, and I was curious so I read the sticky after posting my questions.
  4. So, what exactly is this RPG about? Are you going to go and mess with the original story line? What series is it going to be from? Are we going to use the story line characters or we going to make up are own? How can there be violence...Unless we use the :blowup: or :bash: that is the only way I can see violence coming from this because I don't accept typing violent things to actally be considered violent.
  5. I have a question...Do they still have the power they had when they where in there respected relems? If so that would make it more interesting to see them use there powers in the mortal world on trying to contrict the others actions. Is there a person that they both are interested in and try to win there effections, because if there was that would spark an even greater rivaly between them. Like the one person said if my ideas would change the story too much then it is better off to ignore my ideas.
  6. I can make one but I will need to get the pictures, but the problem is I am busy making club cards so I don't have the time to get the pictures. If you can get me the pictures you want I can make one for you, but I don't know how you will like it. If you do decide to decide to get the pictures you can send them to me at [email]Master_of_Choas_666@yahoo.com[/email]
  7. Yes, I dream anime all the time I tend to edit the anime to put me in it. I am usually a grim reaper lookin person and I tend to string anime and games together to make my dreams.
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