[QUOTE=HedonismBot][COLOR=Sienna]No one should be surprised by this. Frankly, I'm surprised it took this long.
Surprised it took this long? I think its pretty obvious why the trial was scheduled for when it was, seeing as there are elections coming up and such. I figure that the trial was postponed so that this would happen right before the November elections, thus when he was sentenced to death it would make certain American politicians/political parties look like they were doing a better job... and thats all I'm saying about that, don't want to go into any detail (I have a feeling already that some people won't like me after saying even this much, why should I continue).
Anyway, is anyone else disturbed by the method of execution. Saddam is a bad, bad man, don't get me wrong, and I find myself conflicted with my own anti-war and anti-death penalty beliefs, but hanging is just so barbaric. I mean, really, the only positive thing about hanging is that its cheap. If your going to kill someone, you should at least have the mercy to give them a relatively painless and dignified death, no matter how evil they were. In my oppinion, this whole thing should have been taken care of long ago. Very few people really deserve to die more than Hussein (though, again, I'm conflicted about the whole thing), but stalling this long instead of ending this right after his capture is an obvious political ploy on multiple sides.