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Everything posted by gee-man

  1. [QUOTE=Azarath]Well.It did sound like a comedy from your first post.If it was serious that would make it a whole different thing.And then it wouldn't be as funny.Or maybe i just think that. At the current time i can't think of more suggestions.Surprising isn't it.But now i take that back Cause i just thought of some character designs.But then it's like I"m taking the story into my own hands.If you've already come up with the character designs just tell me.[/QUOTE] Yeah actually. I arleady kinda have. I've been working on this project for quite a while. I mean, I'm gonna kinda do it like Megatokyo and make it up as I go along, but I've been working on the story and characters for about 6-7 monthes now.
  2. [QUOTE=Azarath]Um.....I don't think i would send a serial killer to jail with a gun.But now that i think about it It would be cool to send him with the gun just to see the action.That would be extremely cool.Now let's get back to the topic. I think that maybe since they're being punished that once they're put back on the earth the demon starts threatening the angel and trys to attack it but when he does he sees that he can no longer use his powers.And he keeps trying until he finally gives up.Then he blames it on the angel or something along those lines.I hope I'm not changing anything.Tell me if i am.[/QUOTE] Don't worry, you haven't changed aything in a negative way. I already was thinking of having the demon blame the angel. But more out of a comedy than a serious accusation.
  3. [QUOTE=Demon of Blades]I have a question...Do they still have the power they had when they where in there respected relems? If so that would make it more interesting to see them use there powers in the mortal world on trying to contrict the others actions. Is there a person that they both are interested in and try to win there effections, because if there was that would spark an even greater rivaly between them. Like the one person said if my ideas would change the story too much then it is better off to ignore my ideas.[/QUOTE] I'm undecided on whether they should keep their powers or not. I mean, they are being punished after all. Would you send a serial killer to jail and let him keep his gun? And as for both of them trying to win over one girl. The thing is that I don't want this manga to turn into a bitter drama. The manga is overall supposed to be comical and realitvely lighthearted despite their situation. I'm still thinking of whether to introduce girls into their lives or not but I think I probably will. Also, I just don't like love triangles, they're too cliche. Those are for romance manga. My manga isn't really much of a romance.
  4. Hm... Well, so far, my little bit of constructive criticism is that the characters seem a little too cliched. The main character whose village was destroyed (Tales of Symphonia anyone?), the side character who wants to prove himself to his people...I like the concepts so far, but it's a little...too normal. I mean, obviously, the main character has to be someone that people can identify with, but for all the side characters and villains and stuff, make them eccentric, or different, or just something that stands out. Like...lemme think...Oh! Here's a quick example of a character I think might stand out a bit. A monkey who works at a government office. But his dream was to become a great performer and travel the land. When he was a kid, he always practiced acrobatics, juggling, and many other performer skills. But he was too afraid to take the chance and got a normal job instead. Then he could join the band of characters in a desire to see the world that he regretted never seeing on his own. Well, that's just me, and I think your manga would be cool, but just make the characters a little more different and something that'll stand out. Also, don't have too many foxes, wolves, and cats. All are way overused. Try something different, like a bunny, or a monkey, or possum. A possum...now that would be kinda cool...
  5. [QUOTE=Azarath]Well..I have a question.Are they girls.guys.or 1 is a girl and the other is a guy? I think that's a pretty good plot for the story.I haven't really heard before so taht makes it even better.Now i have maybe a good suggestion.Possibly not.I thought that it would be pretty cool if they couldn't leave each other sight or can't leave each other for more than 5 or 10 minutes.Therefore making there lives worse than they already are at the moment.Maybe i'm changing the whole thing.If you think i am ignore everything i just said.But I think that your story is gonna be awesome. :D[/QUOTE] They're both guys. If one was a girl and one was a guy. The demon either way would probably take advantage of the angel... >_> But yeah, I kinda like the 10 minute thing. It would make their lives even more complicated. Thanks for the idea.
  6. I'm looking forward to this game so badly. I've seen pics and I must say I'm quite impressed. I just hope Nintendo is willing to bring this to the states.
  7. I gotta say, that was pretty damn funny. But it's so true. I mean, have you seen the PS3? It's massive!
  8. Well yeah, as you can probably tell, I'm new around here, but I'm working on a manga and I feel that I need some critique and suggestions. Here goes Well anyway, my manga takes place in pretty much modern day world. Well, sorta world cuz the two main characters, an angel and a demon come from Heaven and Hell. So these two pretty much hate each other and are always arguing. When they're combined, chaos and destruction ensues. So they cause so much trouble that God and even Satan decide to force them to stay on Earth in the mortal realm and live their lives out as human beings again as punishment. Also, they can't leave within 5 miles of each other. So pretty much, these two enemies forced to always be close. So pretty much, the manga is about how the adjust to being human again, getting jobs, trying to prove they're responsible enough, or in the demon's case, getting into as much trouble as possible, meeting new friends, a few enemies along the way too...And in the end, they're faced with the problem, do they want to return back to Heaven and Hell where they've been for so long? Or stay in the mortal realm and live the life of a living human being again? So yeah, that's the concept. The manga is supposed to be mostly comedy with some action and drama thrown into it. What do you think? Good? Bad? So-So? Any suggestions or ideas? I'm practically open to anything at this point...
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