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Everything posted by Lotus

  1. Have anyone been through a very big change in their life so far. I did, three years ago. [B]Before Change[/B] \ [color=red][B]After Change [/B][/color] 1. I'm short / [color=red]1. I grow, but still short[/color] 2. Fat \ [color=red]2. Lost 10 lbs[/color] 3. Not too good in school / [color=red]3. Big improvement[/color] 4. Bad temper \ [color=red]4. Well in control [/color] 5. Act too much like a guy / [color=red]5. Sweet, gentle, and kind[/color] 6. Thick glasses \ [color=red]6. Contact lense [/color] 7. Laugh a lot / [color=red] 7. Don't even talk [/color] Before I make these changes, my cousins (8 of them, all girls) make fun of me of how I look. They think they did better than me in school, they look at me with the eyes when I walk by them. It's very painful, when they meet together, I will be their subject to talk about. I got very angry, so I decided to make a big change, to show them, and I did it. Now, they even hate me more, but we do talk to each other.
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Shyguy [/i] [B]My paren't fight all the time, and because of that reason (and other ones I don't want to get into) they have decided to get a divorce. I am not a big fan of divorces but you that might be the best for them if the problem persists. [/B][/QUOTE] My parent fight all the times. I did the calculation, the average is every three weeks. The fight can get nasty, and yet they still manage to stay together for over 20 years.
  3. Name: Lotus Age: 16 Gender: Female Height: 5'4 Weight: 105 lbs Bio: Black hair, wear black pant, black tank top, with a black coat. Never speak, cry, or smile. Strength: 3000 Speed: 5000 Dexterity: 4000 Spirit: 4000 Ki: 4000
  4. Why make yourself miserable, while the other enjoying their life. I never in love, so I don't know what it is like to be heartbreak. but when someone don't love you anymore, then just let that person go and continue with your life. One of my friend almost commit suicide because his long distance marry another guy. I have to talk with him for weeks to get him to forgot about the suicide business. My point is, it doesn't worth to torture yourself for someone who's already gone.
  5. I can draw too, but not too good. Soon I'll buy a scanner and post my drawing up for comment.
  6. I like it a lot. I tape almost every episode.
  7. Lotus search for Lord Andrew, and she found him. Lord Andrew is with Aster and Ken. Lord Andrew notice Lotus, he never seen her around the palace before.. Lotus - (bow to the king) Your majesty, I was looking for you. L. Andrew - How did you get inside? Lotus - I sneak in to as for your permission to stay on this planet. L. Andrew - You can stay. Lotus - Thanks you your majesty. Lotus teleport herself from the palace.
  8. I like Gene and Suzuka. They're cool, I like their fighting technique.
  9. They have beautiful art, but I hate the storyline.
  10. Lotus waits for the guard to return, but he never did. Lotus ran out of patient, and decided to sneak into the palace. The guard saw her in the hallway. guard - Miss, where are going? Lotus turn around, she doesn't say anything. The guard walk toward Lotus, Lotus grab the guard. Lotus - Don't move or you'll die. Just answer my question. Guard - (shiver) Yyyesss.. miisss. Lotus - where's Lord Andrew? The guard point to the room. Lotus let the guard go, the guard run away.
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lady Macaiodh [/i] [B]great advice, pyro. tell her to call the cops after she just assaulted her parents. duo, i used to have the same problem w/ my parents up until i was 15. so i cast a love spell on them & they haven't had a real fight since, that was 7 years ago. but not everyone can do that. if you want, i'll do it for you... if you believe me, that is... [/B][/QUOTE] Love spell?
  12. 1. Barney (I can't believed I used to loved Barney) 2. Power Ranger (I woke up extra early to watch it) 3. Captain Planet
  13. Haven't read Lord of the Ring yet, I read The ...Towel, forgot the title. There were three part two it, and I only read two.
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Voodookanaka [/i] [B] rarely, I look cocky when i smile and ppl get the wrong idea, Smiling feels wierd as well, if im happy I just tuck my chin in and go red [/B][/QUOTE] I don't like to smile either, people just get the wrong idea when I do. If I don't smile, they think I'm stuck up.
  15. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Voodookanaka [/i] [B]people who cant quit smoking have got no will power, and no mental strength. Its not a hard thing to do. [/B][/QUOTE] That's true, my dad try to quit smoke, and his brain doesn't work like it used to before.
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DBZM_Brolly [/i] [B]actually I go to sleep at 11 PM and I wake up at 5:30 AM everyday. Oh and I'm in eastern time. So those that are not you can see what time I get up when you are still 5 hours from waking up or just about to go to sleep. :) [/B][/QUOTE] I'm in eastern time too. You went to sleep at 11, I went to sleep at 2 A.M. and get up at 8. Back to the topic, if you like to draw a lot, then spend more time on it.
  17. Lotus stand in silent, and looks at the debris after the battle. Lotus feels hungry and go get some more food. *Lotus - Ken, you better not ruin my appetite this time. Ken is still swaying outside.
  18. When I think about it, people do bother me, but I just ignore them, so they stop bother me. Lots of people like to throw and kick ball at me in PE.
  19. 7 am, that early. I'm still asleep that time.
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DBZM_Brolly [/i] [B]thx. I could have done the face a little better but its that I dont have that kind of time. Drawing in classes is an art. Here is why... 1. You cant get caught or it will be thrown away 2. 9th grade teachers will talk loudly so everybody knows it was you. 3. Its not so good in my reputation. So you see...:) [/B][/QUOTE] Drawing in class, it sound fun. Just organize your schedule so you can have some time to practice alone.
  21. 3. Interfere with the fight, and tell your dad that he can't do that. He might hurt you, keep him a warning if he does that.
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by coolkam007 [/i] [B]i dont make fun of other people.. but other people like to poke fun at me.. or about me.. o_o i guess i'm an easy target.. they know i wont do anything about it.. actually.. i did once.. and it wasn't good.. :/ .. so i never did anything about it after that [/B][/QUOTE] There are couple of reason why people like to bother other. which one of this is you? 1. You don't look good 2. You're easy 3. You look cute 4. You're weird
  23. Practice make perfect. I see a different between the two.
  24. The battle keep getting more interesting. Lotus keeps watching in silent.
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