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About corpseman

  • Birthday 07/07/1990

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  • Biography
    real name: Toby, favroite anime: cowboy bebop, favroite band: Rise Against, current school: KGV college
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  1. well nudity = publicity. its good advertisement
  2. probably thermal transfer paste :animesigh i payed £5 for 3 little packets of white stuff that you smear on the inside of a computer :rolleyes: i also spent 40 mins looking at fans
  3. corpseman

    Halo Wars

    The [COLOR=Red][url=http://www.halowars.com/trailer.html][COLOR=Red] trailer[/COLOR] [/url] [/COLOR] looks awesome :animesmil but some game play footage or even screenshots wouldn?t be much to ask. I think the game will obviously sell well because its halo, it maybe wont sell as well as halo 2 did on the first day as some fans may be wary as not everyone was exactly satisfied with halo 2. I think going strategy based was an obvious next move as it will allow more scope for story telling on a larger scale and could let us see halo through the eyes of the marines rather than just the actions of Spartan 117 and corona. I don?t think it will be released in time with the movie, or at least I don?t think it would be a wise move. The movie more than likely will disappoint a lot of people and if the game is released in time with the move it could damage its sales. I think it would be a better move to either released it before the movie comes out so that its sales are not affected by the movie or after the move as a way of redeeming the halo franchise before halo 3. I?m actually rather upset that its being released exclusively on the 360 because the makers, ensemble where made what they are by age of empires and the pc community and having it released exclusively for a console is like a knife in the back to me. Also console based RTS games have a habit of sucking horribly because of the limited controls and difficulty of navigating the environment with joysticks rather than with the ease of a mouse. This might be resolved by making the game compatible with the keyboard and mouse that the 360 supports. I also have concerns as to weather the 360 will be powerful enough to do this game justice as is struggled to run oblivion and this game, if done well will have much larger environments on screen at one and many many more AI controlled units than oblivion
  4. my dad works for a phone company kingston plc and he maintains an automated call center machine cluster (one of those machines that picks up and plays a message saying ''press 1 if you want to do this, press 2 if you want to do this, if your about to die of a seizure mash the keypad with your face'') my mom works as a part time classroom assistant in a primary school, at the moment she is working with second grade. she helps kids with learning disabilities to well learn basically. nothing interesting there :rolleyes:
  5. I?m not really sure if this falls into the category of intelligent discussion but i always find these interesting so i'll go ahead anyway. How did you people come up with your internet/screen name? Do you use a different name for each community your a member of or do you have one identity which you use throughout the internet? I devised (well copied) my name from a voice outtake posted on [url]www.bungie.net[/url] from halo 2 which I thought was rather funny when I was trying to think of a gamertag about a year and 6 months back and being the uncreative person I am I kept using it [url=http://www.bungie.net/images/games/halo2/audio/outtakes/banks/stacker_e3_outtake2.mp3] corpseman[/url] (i think this requires quicktime) I have one identity throughout the internet, if you Google 'corpseman' you'll probably find some forums I?m a member of and a bunch of badly written profiles with horrible pictures of me on them...
  6. Censorship for obvious reasons, mainly the fact that it takes away freedom of expression, is bad in my books. although it depends on what kind of censorship, censoring inappropriate content such are curse words, provocative pictures and other content that would be M rated where appropriate is fine in my books. on the other hand censoring people opinions, however extreme they are, is just plain wrong; but then they're are exceptions to that too, for example if someone posted something with the intention to offend others then it should be deleted even though its an opinion.
  7. [QUOTE=John][img]http://img60.imageshack.us/img60/720/capitalonevv3.gif[/img] [color=Silver][size=1](Really, I can't believe nobody had made that joke yet.) [/size][/color][/QUOTE] that was extremely lame :smirk: :p
  8. [QUOTE=Ezekiel][SIZE=1] Unless you use them to [I]stick in your nails[/I]. Arg. (In joke, my apologies.) [/SIZE][/QUOTE] lol, i'd forgotten about that. that weirded so many people out for some reason :animesmil. im totally doing that tommorow cause i have 4 and a half hours to kill :animesigh
  9. [b]Car[/b] half a pack of werthers original chews for nutritional purposes my tent: i went on holiday in july and i haven?t bothered to put it away yet car manual: for if my car breaks down random pieces of paper + sweet rappers + other random trash: im not exactly tidy about 10 bottles of coke: i need someplace to store them and the boot keeps them fairly cool [b]wallet[/b] my keys: they're attached to its chain cause i never remember them otherwise debit card: to pay for things... GAME reward card: when i eventually spend £100 i'll get £1 off :animesmil orange topup card: i cant afford a contract phone :( train tickets: left over from my commute to college £50: to pay for stuff... train fine: damn public transport >.< safety pins: useful little buggers these are
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