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P.J. McKrafty

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Everything posted by P.J. McKrafty

  1. [COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]Garrett grew silent trying to think of a way to avoid the subject, but he couldn't. Se stared at him curiously until he began to talk. "I was born into a wealthy family, or at least that is what I was told. I was left at an orphanage at the age of two. I lived there for two years to only befriend one person, her name was Selina and she was like a sister to me. When she was adopted I saw no need to stay there, so I devised an attempt to escape. I was able to get out of the building but once i reached the outer stone wall I realized I couldn't make it over. Out of frustration i stuck the wall, the wall blew apart as if i had disassembled all of the stones in the wall," Garrett explained changing it so he didn't mention his strength. "After that I have never found a home, i have been wandering on my own since," He finished, he felt bad for lying to her but he didn't knowing of her strength and acting like everyone else dose, fearful. "How did you discover yours?"[/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]Garrett gleamed at this. She just wrapped her arms around his torso and they just sat like that for what felt like the longest time. Then the sky darkened, rain started slow but started to come down hard. Garrett pulled the hood of his cloak over his head. Oko jumped up and started running in it, she span and danced in it. Garrett laughed at this spectacle. she turned and picked him up off of the ground. He took his cloak off and threw it over his gear. He joined her in twirling and dancing. Orbs of water started to float around her, creating a sort of water ballet. Garret stopped and watched as she lead them through the air creating beautiful creatures and objects with it. He was amazed at her skill, it was like watching a child's dream unfold. She stopped and turned to Garrett beaming. She ran to him and slipped on the grass. She tumbled into him and they both rolled down the hill. They finally stopped now both of them completely drenched and there they sat Garrett still holding her starring into her eyes that just mesmerized him.[/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]Garrett wasn't' too thrilled that Mark was coming along. He was a threat to everyone in their group. He looked at Oko who was getting fidgety. She wanted to leave already. Then they saw Tray and Amelia come up the hill, with Mark slowly trudging along behind them. Mark was spinning his axes which seemed shinier and sharpened. Mark made eye contact with Garrett and sheathed his axes. He glared at Garrett and gathered his gear. Garrett was just happy that Mark didn't underestimate him. Maybe he would leave him and Oko alone. Oko wrapped both of her arms around Garrett's arm and smiled at him. "We are all here now? Good, lets get moving," Chase declared for them. They started down the mountain. It was a good hour before they made it to the bottom, they made their way west towards the temple. Garrett knew something was at this temple, something he thought would test their skills. They traversed the plains surrounding Mount. Sot. The entire way Oko didn't lose grip on Garrett's arm. Growing bored Garrett started to mess around with the earth like make a small staircase going up a couple feet to mess with Oko, but she still maintained her grip. They were a couple miles into the trek before they decided to stop and rest. The rested on top of a large hill. You cold see a village in the distance from the top of the hill. Garrett sat down giving his legs a rest. He wasn't tired but he didn't want to over exert himself just in case his feelings about the temple was right. Oko sat herself right beside him. He looked at her and moved her bangs away from her eyes, they were beautiful to him, some f the most beautiful eyes he had ever seen. She giggled and turned away from him.[/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]Garrett and mark watched each other for the slightest sign in movement. They each were on edge wondering the next ones move. Then Garrett realized something thee was one way he could end the fight fast and that was to compromise Marks footing, there was one of two ways of doing this. he could pull the earth from under Mark like it was a rug, or Garrett could raise rock to consume his feet, but then there still was the trouble of his hands, they could deliver a lot of damage even from a distance. Garrett couldn't think of his next step. So mark thought of it for him. He raised his and an a bolt of electricity jumped from it straight into Garrett's chest before he had any time to respond. He winced and fell to his knees. Oko started to run towards him but Garrett raised his hand to tell her to stop. Mark slowly started to approach the prone Garrett when the idea hit him. He placed his hand on the ground and slowly started to twist it. He was changing the earth around him. Mark didn't notice before it was too late. He sank neck deep in sand almost as if it was water. Garrett then Twisted he hand fast and as quick as the earth was turned to sand it became rock. He then collapsed on the ground. There Garrett waited for his body to stop locking up from the shock.[/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]Garrett rolled over as perusal he only slept an hour or two, as was his daily regiment. He laid next to the fire for a while just waiting for the sun to rise an the others to do the same. He sit up and decided to take a short walk, it seemed to be the only thing to do at this hour. He got to his feet and wandered off down the hill to see if he could find a faster easier path for the others to trek on. He wandered off of the path and found a fruit tree, it was a strange fruit that grew but he picked off a piece and placed it in his bag, it might be poisonous so he thought he would ask one of the others later. He continued noticing the odd animal her and there. He wandered more and more and then he heard some splashing and even though his gut told him not to but he still wandered around the corner and there stood Oko, stark naked in the water. Out of impulse let out a rather loud "OH" loud enough for her to hear, she turned and saw hims eh immediately shrieked. A jet of water like a reverse waterfall formed in front of her. Garrett wasted no time making his way back up the hill red faced and somewhat ashamed of himself. He sat in front of the fire dreading what she might say to him upon her return.[/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]Garrett watched, this new found emotion didn't suit him, an idea formed in his mind. He stepped in front of Mark. "Excuse me but I think you have the wrong idea," He said grabbing Oko and pulled her close to him, and just as he started thinking it was a bad idea he kissed her. They sat like that for a moment. then Garrett was surprised by something he noticed her kissing back. He pulled away. "This must be a big misunderstanding," Mark glared at both of them for a long time. "Where are my axes?" he finally asked. "My pack over there, but if you make another move like that you will receive the same consequences," mark scowled and walked away, he retrieved his axes and sat down on the edge of the cliff. Garrett gaze shifted to Oko. "What?" she asked. "You kissed back, either you are a good actor or you enjoyed that a little too much," she blushed and walked off. Garrett made his bed and decided that he needed some sleep, he gazed at the fire until he drifted into dream.[/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]Garrett stared in her eyes for a while just absorbing her gaze. She started to smirk a little. "You thirsty at all?" she asked. "A little, I've got a water skin in my pack," he said pointing at his bag. "No need," she swirled her hand in the air creating a small orb of water. "here," she lowered her hand and the orb by his mouth. He leaned up and drank it. "Don't get used to me babying you," she said now developing a bigger smile. A grunt came from mark as he started to wake up. Garrett instantly grabbed his sword and jumped to his feet. His left arm fell limp. He raised the sword with his right arm to Mark's throat making him freeze. "Do you mind telling me why you attacked me?" Garrett asked in a perturbed voice. Mark looked up at him with a very calm look about him.[/COLOR]
  8. Axel hated the feeling when the wings sprouted from his back. He turned to see the exact same expressions on everyone else's face. They finally made their way through his back and the pain left his back completely. his wings were a goldish orange color. He moved his left wing then his right. He was quite impressed with himself. He walked into the armory right behind Kite. He walked up to the counter where the other two swords. "I want that one," he said pointing to a compact saber. The clerk nodded and pulled the sword ff of the stand. The clerk pulled the sword from its sheath and handed it to him to inspect it. He held it out with an outstretched hand. It was very light and easy to maneuver. "Its a nice blade," "Thank you, we also have something else for you," the man said pulling a pair of half gloves out from behind the counter. Axel picked them up and slid them on, they were almost up to his elbow. They had metal arm guards and had steel inlaid in the knuckles. "These are impressive gloves, how will I pay for these?" "Just like the sword it is to help you defend the Savior, it is complementary," Replied the man fidgeting with a weapon behind the counter. Axel smiles and grabbed the sword off of the counter leaving the armory.
  9. [COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]Garrett Jumped back as Marks blades slashed where Garrett was standing. Mark made fast slices at Garrett's torso. Garrett did he best to dodge the blades but he could feel them graze his skin and hit his leather arm bands as he tried to block his blades. Garrett tried to move the earth under his feet to make him fall but it never effected his footing. He kept swiping and swiping and Garrett lead him farther and farther. They made their way to a small forest. This is where Garrett put some distance in between himself and Mark. He stopped and rested against a tree. Both blades came spinning out of the darkness. One slammed into his cloak and the other sliced into his arm slightly. This was one of the first instances that Garrett felt an emotion that he had never felt towards any other person other than himself. Pure blind hatred. He pulled the axe out of his arm and the one out of the tree. He threw both at Mark. Mark caught one and tried to catch the other. It bounced off of his hand. Making him lose attention for a slight moment but that was all Garrett needed, when he turned around he felt Garrett's fist slam into his face making him stumble. Garrett the punched him in the chest, but Garrett didn't pull this punch. It sent Mark flying a couple yards before he made contact with the ground. He had lost consciousness. Garrett then snapped out of his pain induced rage. he saw Mark lying there unconscious. He gathered up both his axes and placed them in his pack. He then check Mark to make sure he was alive. he had a pulse, other than some pretty bad bruises he would be fine. Garrett picked him up and made his way back to the camp, there was nothing else he could do at the moment. He traveled for a couple hours and made his way back up the summit. Most were asleep but others where still awake. He had lost a lot of blood from being sliced. He just barely made it to the top before he collapsed and went unconscious.[/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]Garrett sat on his bedroll next to the fire and looked up at the stars. He was told that he was a reincarnation of a man named Dom. This troubled Garrett, the way he saw it was that he wasn't leading his life but just another mans. Or he could be Dom and just not remember. All of this confused him and when Garrett was confused he looked at the stars. Oko wandered over and sat next to him. She looked up at the stars as if she was trying to see what he was seeing. Garrett sat up and looked at her. She looked back at him and gave him a small smile. "Do you have any family?" Garrett asked bluntly. Oko lowered her head and shook it losing the small smile. "Oh, me either," Garrett replied, she raised her head. ''I haven't had a family for eighteen years. And I Haven't had a home for seven or eight years," "GARRETT!" a voice called out from behind him, it was Chase. "Do you know where Riiko and that hooded guy went off to?" Garrett turned and shook his head. "Then can you find them for us, we need some sleep if we are gonna leave tomorrow morning," Garrett nodded and removed his glove and placed his hand on the ground. He closed his eyes and then everything came back to focus through vibrations in the ground. Mark couldn't be pinpointed because of the electricity of his trail but he will be able to tracked by it, and Riiko seems to have gone after him. "They are about two kilometers west, making their way to the temple," "See if you can catch up with them and have them wait for us in the morning," " Gotcha," Garrett raised to his feet and helped Oko to hers. He packed up his bedroll and walked to the edge of the slope. he then stomped on the ground causing a long semi-thin rock to protrude from the ground. he grasped the top and turned to Oko. "See ya soon," He winked and the snapped the stone out of the ground and set off down the hill using it as a sled. He reached the bottom in a matter of minutes and ditched the stone. He placed his hand on the ground again and set off after Mark.[/COLOR]
  11. Axel was lead into the room by two men having escaped one and ran off. The lead him into the room and the first thing he notices in the room was all of the people. two girls, there was one that was quite attractive with white hair. Then there was a girl with wings sitting drinking tea, this made Axel wonder if he was still drunk. Axel shook his head and was pushed into the room and into the chair. "Now stay still," said the man in a perturbed voice. "You didn't have to be so forceful," replied Axel grinning. "You didn't have to punch me in the face," said the other man rubbing his jaw. "That was your fault and you know it, if you didn't surprise me around that corner it would have never happened. The men stormed out of the room and slammed the door. Axel leaned back in his chair and looked at the people giving him strange looks. He was trying to realize why he was there and then it hit him, he was a guardian. and he was supposed to protect the savior... or something along those lines. Axel turned to the people in the room and made a huge smile "sooooo, whats up?"
  12. [COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]Garrett waited like the others and he laid back looking at the sky when all of a sudden he was splashed in the face, someone had thrown water at him. Garrett looked over and saw a girl with white hair peek around a boulder and then duck back behind it. Garrett stood to his feet and walked over to the boulder and looked around it and there stood the girl with a look of embarrassment on her face. She jumped at the sight of him. "I am so sorry about that, it was an accident," she immediately burst out standing up completely straight. "It is fine, in fact I needed to was my face," Garrett said smiling big and extending his hand for her to shake it. "My name is Garrett," "Oko," she replied shaking his hand. "So what can you do?" "Excuse me?" "Well, it seems we can all do something, what can you do?" Garrett smiled a little, knowing he couldn't show her his strength, he realized he could show her his craftsmanship. He reached into his handbag. "What are you doing?" "Looking for your personality," Garrett replied with a smile as he pulled out a teal blue gem. "Here hold this," he said handing her the gem, he started to work with it and after a couple minutes he was done. She stared in awe of what lay in here hands. A perfectly clear gem in the shape of a water lily. She started to hand it back and Garrett placed his hand over hers ans grabbed her other hand and closed it in it. "It's a gift keep it," She remained silent and walked away. the events continued and the woman left after informing them. Garrett sat in silence again watched as the others overwhelmed Chase with questions. Garrett just watched and he noticed that Mark was just watching like he was. mark didn't seem too sociable. They started to calm down and plan for the trip. Chase lit a fire and they all got around it and started to talk about their journeys to the mount and somewhat get to know each other better. Garrett watched Mark though as he walked behind a boulder, after a second a large cloud of dust was kicked up from behind the boulder, Mark was gone, he had left the others behind for the temple.[/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]Garrett chuckled to himself as the overly perky girl introduced herself. Garrett watched as the others conversed, he didn't like to talk to anyone unless they talked to him. He said "If they want to talk to me they will, but if they don't I guess they dont want to talk to me". People never really understood Garrett's logic but they never questioned it. Garrett was a very talkative person, but he just wanted to make sure you wanted to talk before he started a conversation. Garrett pulled an apple out of his bag and polished it with his cloak. He then placed his hand on the ground and searched the mountain for any metal ore, he found it not just a couple feet under the surface of the ground. He used the earth and pushed it out of the ground and into his hand. Since the ore hadn't been mixed with other man made metals he was able to shape it into a crude knife, he of coarse did this behind his back so the others wouldn't notice. Even if they had powers like his he didn't want to risk the chance that they didn't so he hid it. Garrett pulled the knife out from behind his back and started to cut the apple eating the slices. He turned to see Mark starring at him. Garrett smiled and stabbed a slice with his knife and holding it with an extended arm towards Mark offering him some. Mark just stared not accepting any or saying anything. Feeling awkward and stupid Garrett retracted his offer and ate the slice. After he finished his apple Garrett sat down and waited, nothing better to do seeing as nothing was going to happen until the last person arrived.[/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]Garrett entered a cave he made into a hillside with some food he bought in town. He placed the food down next to his bed roll and started eating. He sat alone as he was accustomed to. He liked having company but he didn't mind eating alone. He finished his meal and laid back onto his bedroll. He reached into his bag and pulled out a roughly shaped gem. He started touching it and somehow manipulating it into a shape he found suitable for the color and clarity of the gem. this was an emerald and his favorite of all of the gems. He spun his finger around and made it into a spiral tower shape. Most of his gems were smooth and that was one of the main reasons people would buy them from him at such a high price. He didn't make too many of these saying "If I did this as a job what would I do for a hobby." He stared at the gem and looked at it with the light from his fire shining through it. he did what he usually did with gems he had no need to sell. He sat it on the floor in hopes someone would find it and appreciate it as much as he did. Garrett then laid back on his bed roll and closed his eyes. "Please, the Chosen, I beg of you, please, you must come and meet me here. This mountain, Mount. Sot is the birthplace for you. You must return and as quickly as you possibly can. All eight of you must get here. Something is happening and only you eight will have a chance in making the change. So, I beg of you, hurry. I do not know how much time is left until it all lost." cried a voice that sounded to be in the cave with Garrett. "Hello?" Garrett said aloud looking around the cave. Nothing. The words were spoken so clearly that Garrett couldn't get them out of his head. The voice sounded like she was in peril. Garrett wasted to time. He started packing his things. He had been in the area of Mount. Sot before. He saw it but never scaled it. He knew that if he traveled through the night he might be able to make it to the summit by early morning the day after tomorrow. He put his pack on his back and turned to the cave and spun his hand 180 degrees. The ground under is fire spun underground like it was on a swivel platform. Garrett then set out to the summit. He walked for hours and hours taking breaks here and there and taking a couple short naps so he wouldn't get too tired. He was used to this kind of travel. He liked it, he had been wandering for eight years now and he never once regretted deciding to wander instead of settle down. after the tragedies he has faced in his life he had learned that settling down is a luxury he cannot afford given his abilities. After almost two days of travel Garrett made it to the bottom of the enormous mountain. Garrett looked at it in awe of its great size. and he was supposed to making it to the summit. He sighed and started up the narrow path of the mountain not knowing what awaited him at the top. "Seven more, there were going to be eight people at the top of this mountain," Garrett though to himself as he walked along the path. "Maybe they will have answers of why I have these abilities, maybe they will have abilities too." Garrett was getting excited about this meeting of great peril now. He looked up one of the slopes and saw it was just flat enough for him to take a shortcut. He walked over and placed his hand on the ground. Stairs suddenly formed along the edge. He walked up and up every certain point making more stairs out of the mountain. He had almost reached the top and was getting excited.[/COLOR]
  15. [SIZE=3][COLOR=DarkRed][B][CENTER]Surviving the Infection [/CENTER][/B][/COLOR] [I][/SIZE] [CENTER] [/CENTER] Reports come flooding in that northeast America has been thrown into complete chaos. No one can completely say what has happened but it appears to be that the recently deceased have been reanimated.This is what some say a ?Post-apocalyptic sign?. They seem to be violent and are making attacks upon living individuals. They should be avoided at all costs. Little is know on theses assailants. The military has deployed troops to take care of the situation but our troops are failing. Evacuation teams have been sent out and are trying to reach civilians. Make no attempt to leave your domicile and seek out help. Stay indoors and wait for rescue.[/I] ? NBC News Reports This is an R.P.G. that I have wanted to make for a while and I have finally got around to it. It is like the movie Dawn of the Dead. The world is starting to be infected by zombies and the people don?t know what to do. Here are some facts about zombies that you might want to know, but remember your characters don?t know this. All my facts were in [I]The Zombie Survival Guide[/I] written by Max Brooks. 1. Zombie?s are risen by a virus named ?Solanum?. 2. A zombie has to be infected while the brain is active. (Thus meaning if a dead body is bit, it isn?t coming back to life.) 3. Zombie?s are only able to infect humans, if an animal is bit it dies and doesn?t come back. 4. Contrary to popular belief, zombies have heightened senses. 5. Zombies DO NOT work together, they don?t even realize other zombies exist they only notice living creatures. 6. Zombies only moan when they have spotted food (a.k.a. flesh), this acts like a beacon for other zombies and makes it look like they work together. 7. Zombies do run, but only to the extent of the infected person's physical extent (meaning: fat zombie = slow, athletic zombie = fast). 8. Zombies are not smart enough to use weapons, they are only able to do one thing, feed. 9. Zombies never feel pain or get tired. 10. This should be higher on the list but the only way to kill a zombie is by destroying the brain by melee or ballistics. (you probably knew that) 11. Another way of getting the disease is if you have an open wound and a zombie?s blood or saliva gets into the wound, this could be told because the wound will have a purplish-brown discoloration. 12. Zombies do not need to breath (duh they are dead) so they can go under water but are either limited to wandering around on the bottom of the body of water or becoming bloated after prolonged emersion and floating. 13. 1 in 3 zombies can manage to partially make it up a ladder. Knowing these facts will not only help you in the rp, but help you if a zombie infestation dose occurs. [COLOR=DarkRed][B] [CENTER]*SIGN UPS*[/CENTER][/B][/COLOR] No more than two characters. Name: (nothing too complicated.) Age: (over 17) Appearance: (good description or picture) Status in Society: (rank if in law enforcement or military, or civilian) Occupation: Skills: (within normal human boundaries) Weapons before arming yourself: (preferably melee unless other reason, if so explain) Weapons after arming yourself: (this can be a rifle or other ballistic weapons along with melee, 3 at the most) Personality: Bio: (decent background history) OCC: I?ll post mine later after I see how it is going.
  16. [COLOR=DarkOliveGreen][B]Name:[/B] Garrett [B]Age:[/B] 20 [B]Gender:[/B] Male [B]Personality:[/B] Garrett has always been silent but until recently he was secluded. He is prone to trouble and it seems to follow him wherever he goes. He is very gentle which is something very unique in someone with his strength, which is why barely anyone knows of his strength. . He will do practically anything for a woman and is very romantic (or at least he thinks so). He is very friendly even though he might not seem too friendly from looks. Garrett is a genuinely good guy, he dose not stay in one place too long and is always moving around helping people along the way. Most people fear him thinking he is a drifter, but Garrett has become accustomed to those who deny his assistance. [B] Appearance:[/B] [B] Reincarnation of:[/B] Dom [B] Power:[/B] Strength and high constitution. He is also able to manipulate some earth. thus meaning he can control ore and precious stones, which is how he makes his money. He is able to make seismic waves through the ground. He is able to control molten rock and metal to a certain point but because it is also fire he dosen't have complete control of it. [B]Weapon:[/B] (sword in picture) Garrett is not a burly hulking giant like most would be with his strength which gives him the advantage of having some speed and reflex. But his downside is that he is afraid to use the full extent of his strength. [B]Bio:[/B] Garrett was born to a wealthy family, he was abandoned at an orphanage at the age of 3 for reasons he cannot remember.He grew up in the orphanage and was always secluded by the other kids and was only befriended by a girl named Selina. One day she was adopted, he decided then that he was leaving the orphanage and was going on his own having nothing else left for him in the orphanage. He went to escape but he couldn't make it over the wall. He became frustrated and punched in the wall in anger. The wall blew apart as if his fist was a wrecking ball. Garrett ran to freedom not believing what he saw. He lived wandering on his own for a couple months. He decided that it was him that caused the wall and he trained with his powers for some time. He then found out the extent of his power when he almost killed himself. He was lucky enough to find a family to shelter him for a while. He was trying to learn martial arts from the man of the house. Garret accidentally stomped onto the floor too hard and it shook the foundation of the house sending it crashing to the ground. He and the families daughter were the only on to get out. She ran away calling him a monster and saying she would never forgive him. He retrieved a sword from the wreckage from the house while trying to save the parents. After that he swore to never use his strength like that again. He has never settled down since.[/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR=DarkOrange][B]Name:[/B] Axel [B]Age:[/B] 21 [B]Gender:[/B] Male [B]Personality:[/B] Edge is not known for his hard work. He is a bit of a slack off and is always there to state his opinion. His one true weakness has to be women. His other slightly less weakness is drinking. He is cocky and full of himself. He has a slight problem with authority but will listen. [B]Appearance:[/B] [URL=http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/8/8b/Edge01-suiko.jpg]Axel[/URL] [B]Weapon(s):[/B] [URL=http://www.weaponscentral.net/fantasyswords/Blade%20Sword.jpg](pic)[/URL] a long sword and he is also adept at hand to hand combat, he has steel inlaid in his gloves. [B] Position:[/B] Guardian [/COLOR]
  18. Zak stood above Skye waiting for her to respond. Rei's foot came flying and struck Zak's left leg sending him to the ground. In the same motion Rei came down to strike at Zak but was interrupted. Jaden parried the attack. Rei froze, Jaden then slammed into rei sending him backwards a few feet. "We yield," proclaimed Jaden. "What?" asked Skye in a shocked voice as she started to come to her feet. "We are leaving, and it would be best for you to do the same. it seemed like it was an accident that you came to us and it was these trigger happy fools that ran after you," Jaden answered pointing behind him. "If you are fool enough to strike again my blade will see to the end of you," Rei hissed and helped Skye up, he started to get in a stance to strike again. Jaden pulled his revolver and held it up to Rei's head. "Do you really want to take that chance?" Rei, stepped back and picked up Skye's things. They then made their way down the stairs.They all looked at Jaden confused but he didn't say a word. He lit a cigarette and left the way he came. He made it priority for the others to not catch up to him, he didn't want them questioning what he did, plus he had an agenda that night. The others made their way home and went to bed. Jaden stayed awake and prepared for departure. He realized now that none of the others knew what they were up against, the vampire community was a large one, not like the demon community they were used to. He immediately regretted telling them of his pardon and was off to face the vampires on his own, he needed no help for he never had any before. Jaden wrote a quick letter to Karen apologizing for leaving her once again, he was not only leaving her behind in fear for her life but his own, worrying about another in a fight was a sure fire way to get killed. He packed his things and set out towards the air field. There he found a medium sized jet and a small group of people by it. Jaden crossed the airfield and approached the people. "Greetings Jaden," said one of the men extending his hand for Jaden to shake. Jaden looked at the man's hand and and back at the man. the man withdrew his hand. "Ummm... the engines being prepped and we are ready for our trip to Japan sir," "Good, wake me an hour after take off," Jaden boarded the plane. It was very spacious and looked like it was built for the president. he chose one of the seats and buckled himself in, he was going to where he first encountered the problem. more uniform slayers boarded the plane, probably his ground ops they were sending in with him. Jaden shut his eyes and drown out the noise of the engines taking off.
  19. Zak and Jaden drank some more, Karen kept telling Jaden to have sex and then finally passed out on the bar. She was a light weight. Forlorn started to become more sober and start realizing what was going on since she stopped drinking a good two hours ago. "Forlorn, I have a question," said Jaden now decently drunk. She turned to him and raised her eyebrow. "Your half dog right? So do you have six nipples?" Forlorn's hand came across Jaden's face hard and fast. "I will take that as a yes," The hand came across his face again. "HEY, that is for me to know and you to find out... or not find out... yeah, and you to never know," Zak said in a slur, Forlorn's hand swept across his face also. "I am leaving and I'm taking Karen," Forlorn said getting up and slightly perturbed. She woke up Karen helped her to her feet and walked out of the bar. Jaden and Zak still laughing at the situation, finished their drinks and left the bar. Jaden passed out on the couch. Water spilled over Jaden making him wake up and scream. There stood Karen with a now empty glass in her left hand and a glass of fizzing water in her right. "I am proud of you for not giving into sexual tension last night and taking advantage of me," Karen said still not smiling. "Thank you," Jaden replied. "But i am not proud of what you said to Forlorn last night," she said handing him the glass of fizzing water. He chugged it down and knew he was in the dog house with her.
  20. Jaden walked along with Karen right behind him. They walked a while trying to catch up to Zak after he did his overly dramatic motorcycle trick. Jaden felt Karen grab his hand, he looked at her as she reached up and grabbed the cigarette out of his mouth. She put it in hers and inhaled. She really was a special girl, until she met Jaden she was against smoking, until she found out that magic gave you a uncanny side effect, a resilience to disease, ever since then she has smoked almost as much as Jaden. They made their way through the streets trying to find Zak and Forlorn. An odd silence enveloped them. They just walked and walked it seemed like Zak had made it pretty far. They finally saw them, just standing in the middle of the crowd. Then they started kissing. Karen smiled and looked at Jaden. They approached the couple while they were distracted. "Would you guys like me to spot you some cash for a room?" Jaden asked sarcastically. "Well, if you would like too, go ahead," replied Forlorn with a smirk. She blushed and Zak's face had been red. Karen and the other two started conversing about babble that Jaden found uninteresting. "I've been offered a pardon," Jaden said causing everyone to stop and stare right at him. "If we deal with a little vampire problem the Guild is having," "Why are you the only one being offered a pardon?" asked Forlorn a little perturbed. "Because I am the only one who has broken any rules here, I am the only member of the Guild, they will not pardon you of being a demon even though I might be able to get you off of their radar, Karen was never at fault and it looks like Zak has no problem with the Guild anymore," "Then where is this problem?" asked Karen excited that Jaden wouldn't be hunted like an animal anymore. "Well, I think I know where we can find out," "Where?" "Japan, thats where I was on reconnaissance, and if we ask around the 'community' I bet we could find out," "Then what are we waiting for?" Karen asked looking at Forlorn and Zak who were not so hot on the idea.
  21. Jaden watched as Zak ran after Forlorn, he sorta felt sorry for Zak and Forlorn, but that emotion left him as he had the urge for a cigarette. "Why so quiet?" asked Karen looking him straight in the eyes with her arms around his waist. "Are you thinking about their predicament, it's sad isnt it," "I guess, I've never been too fond of drama" Jaden answered as he pulled out a cigarette. "You gonna follow them?" "What do you mean?" "I know you a little better than you think I do, and I know you are into all of that lovey dovey shit, I just though you'd jump at a chance to do something like this," "You know me all to well," Karen kissed Jaden on his cheek and ran after Zak. Jaden started walking towards the house, he felt a strange feeling, a sort of light headed feeling. It was a Halfbreed. Before he could react he was thrown against a wall and had both arms pinned and they had a decent grip on his hair. "Greetings Jaden," called a voice from behind. He was turned around to see the smiling face of a very short woman in leather. "Hows it going?" "Well, until now pretty good Hannah, but you know how getting my scalp ripped off kinda puts me in a bad mood, " "You can release him, he wont be much of a threat," The slayer holding Jaden let go of him and ripped his sheath off of his back. "here, let me get you a light for your cigarette," she pulled a lighter out of her pocket and lit it. "I'm good, I've got my own," He flicked and his thumb ignited. She smiled and placed her lighter back in her pocket. "Do you know why we are here?" Jaden looked down at her exhaled some smoke and shrugged. "We are here to make a offer, your life for a favor," Jaden stood silent. "We have a problem, the vampire community has had a lot of activity lately," "I know this, you had me on reconnaissance," "Yes well, they are making tactical strikes on slayers now, something big is going down and we want you and your little 'rag tag' band of miscreants to handle it. We have traced it back to a vampire named Skye, we want you to take care of her. Oh and here you left this at the Hospital," she reached behind her and retrieved his ammo belt and revolver. She then had the man behind him hand him back is katana and push him back onto the street. Jaden fastened his belt and tied his sheath back on. Then he ran to catch up with the others, he had to tell them the news.
  22. Two days past since they had escaped the ammunition shop and made their way to a house in uptown New York. The house had people living in it but apparently they hadn't been here in a while. It was probably a summer house given the district it was in and the condition the house was in when they arrived. The house was dirty and dusty, but it had all of its utilities and then some. They had cable and the internet on top of all of the basic, it was the first time in a while that they got to relax in a long time. They all worried about Zak even though Jaden told them he was fine but Forlorn still worried immensely. "When are we going looking for him?" asked Forlorn while she was fidgeting with a rubix cube she found in one of the bedrooms. "He will probably find us, if not we will look in a couple of days," replied Karen flicking through the channels. apparently the authorities played off the whole hospital battle as a "Terrorist Attack", but Jaden knew that the Guild payed them off to keep their mouths shut. "But what if he dosen't? What if he needs us?" "He will be fine, you shouldn't worry about it, he is fine," The very next thing Karen knew she was picked up by her throat and pinned to the wall. "I'M TIRED OF YOU PEOPLE TELLING ME TO NOT WORRY! THE ONLY PERSON TO SHOW ME ANY KINDNESS AT ALL IS OUT THERE! PROBABLY CAPTURED OR HURT..." Forlorn's rant was cut short as she felt something cold press against her neck. Jaden stood with the flat end of his sword pressed against her throat. "Put her down." Jaden said calmly. Forlorn let go of Karen letting her fall to the floor. "Now step back, and take a deep breath," She backed away as Karen got up to her feet and stood behind Jaden. "Now let it out," right as she let out her breath tears came to her eyes and she started to sob. she fell forward against Jaden. She put her hands on his chest and unintentionally sank her claws into his chest, scratching him a little. "You shouldn't cry, I've found out where he is." She looked at him with tears in her eyes and he smiled, come with me I'll show you. They when down the hallway into the office and They all huddled behind the computer. "see this map here, It was made only three weeks ago," He explained, "See this blank spot, where supposedly nothing is," He said pointing at a field on the map. "Now look at this satellite feed I have," he said opening another window. "How'd you get a satellite feed?" Karen interrupted. "It's called Google Earth, Its public domain, but as you can see there is a building here," "So, the map makes miss a couple buildings," "No there is way too much traffic going into and out of that building for anyone to miss, it isn't there for a reason, and i would put money on thats where the Guild are operating out of in this region," "So that means Zak would be there!" said Forlorn starting to get excited. "Yes, and that is where we are going to look for him," replied Jaden.
  23. Jaden and Karen went running from the hospital turned battle zone. They reached the bottom of the fire escape, Jaden kicked the ladder and it fell to the ground. He jumped down and helped Karen down and they ran through the alley. They found a car at the alley. the doors were locked. "Figures how are we gonna get in the car now," Karen said in frustration. Jaden pushed her back and broke the window with the butt of the crossbow. "I guess that'll work, do you know how to hot wire a car?" "No need," Jaden said pointing to the floor of the passenger side. there laid the car keys. Karen got the the drivers side and started the car. "Oh shit, its a stick shift,I dont know how to drive a stick shift," Karen said in hope Jaden did. "Start learning cause I dont either, and we aren't in the position to find another," Jaden said as a slayer in a dark grey uniform, mid length trench coat, and what looked like a strange gas mask. "SHIT! its a class A, the guild must have gotten word that a shade was here," "What do I do? "DRIVE!" Screamed Jaden as Karen gunned the car. The man turned and was slammed into by the car before he had time to react, he flew over the car and landed on is feet. "Did i fail to mention class A are half breeds?" "I didn't mean to hit mean, if you haven't noticed the steering wheel is on the left side in American cars, I'M BRITISH! In Europe the steering wheel is on the RIGHT SIDE!" Karen yelled in frustration. "Do you know where the closest ammunition store is?" "Yeah, I made it a priority to know where a supplier is when I came here," "So he has artifacts and holy oddities along with guns? I already like this guy," They drove for a half hour until they reached a building that looking like no one had entered it in at least a decade. they entered the building and it seemed like it was cleaned down to the microscopic level. There stood a very clean man standing behind the counter and then Jaden made eye contact with the man. His eyes flashed a bright crimson. He was a half demon. "I dont like him already," Jaden whispered to Karen. "Hush," She said under her breath. Right as they approached the counter a loud bang came from behind them. They turned and there stood Zak and Forlorn. "I told you we would come back," Zak said almost knowing Jaden doubted his plan. "Oh yes and we brought you a present." Zak pulled Jaden's Sword out from behind his back. "You could've at least cleaned the blade of my blood," Jaden complained while wiping the blood off of the sword.
  24. Jaden turned to Karen and smiled, she gabbed him and kissed him. "What was that for?" asked Jaden with a even bigger smile this time. "Well everyone was doing it," she replied as she pulled him closer to her. Both couples kiss for a moment until a noise made Jaden grab Karen and throw her to the floor and fall on top of her. "Don't you think its a little early in our relationship for us to do this," she said sarcastically. Then she saw why they fell, three bolts from a crossbow were in the wall that was behind them. "You are now expelled from the Guild of The Pure for the aiding of the unholy and impure," Called a voice from behind them. They turned to see a man in a brown trench coat and a crossbow. He was an older man and such a senior member, and had the authority to expel and thus kill someone who has broken the code. Jaden jumped to his feet and faced the man. "You are now either to be eliminated or taken to Rome to stand before..." "DON'T RECITE THE CODE TO ME!" Yelled Jaden in anger, "The code has been my life since my brother was killed," "I will ask you to step back," said the man bringing the crossbow up to Jaden's bare chest. "Go to hell," Jaden said in a low angry voice, he than spat on the mans face. "I will not be arrested and I will not got to Rome," "Fine have it your way," the man said stepping back. He aimed the crossbow at Jaden. "I bid you farewell," "RAMR JIERDA" cried Zak. The man when flying though the wall. Jaden looked at Zak stunned as Karen stood up and hugged Jaden around the waist tears in her eyes both of them fixated on Zak. "We are even now." Zak said in a stoic tone.
  25. Jaden carried Karen down the stairs of the inn, ignoring the pain of the sword in his shoulder. He made it to the lobby until he collapsed, he looked around and saw no one. "Figures nobodies around when you need um'," he thought to himself. He leaned against a wall witch pushed the blade somewhat out of him. He winced in pain. He looked at Karen, still unconscious laying on his chest.. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a silver cigarette case and pulled out a black hand-rolled cigarette. He placed it in his mouth and snapped his fingers. His thumb ignited into a small flame. He lit the cigarette and snapped is fingers again pulling out the flame. Then he waited, he didn't know for what but he waited. Karen blinked, her back burned a little. Shee felt it and it was almost healed, it was scabbed over. She looked up and saw Jaden's face, He was staring off into space smoking a cigarette, she then saw the light from the ember shine off something in his shoulder, it was his own sword, still deep into his shoulder. She pushed off the ground and sat on her knees. Jaden turned to see she was conscious. All he could do was smile, no words came out, he couldn't say anything, so she said it for him. "Would you like me to take that out of you?" she said pointing to his shoulder. "I'm starting to like it, it makes me look like a bad ass," He said trying to make her smile. "Riiiiight, well you might need this," she said rigging off a piece of his shirt. "What is this for?" "You might want to bite down on this because this is going to hurt," She placed the cloth in his mouth and placed a hand on his shoulder and on the handle of the sword. She looked at him and he nodded, she pulled it out hard and fast. He grunted."That wasn't so bad now was it?" She removed the cloth from his mouth. "Depends on what you mean by bad, can you fix it?" "No, there is some bone damage and I can't even start healing this or it will be sealed up and they would have to cut you open again," Karen then ran over to the counter and picked up the phone calling 911. The ambulance arrived and took them away. The entire ride Karen held Jaden's hand even though The paramedics were telling her to lie down too, telling her she wasn't in the best of shape. They took Jaden to surgery, they fixed him up and treated Karen for shock telling both of them they needed to stay in the hospital for a day or two at least.
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