P.J. McKrafty
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RPG To Find the Infection 4: Hell's Gate [M-VL]
P.J. McKrafty replied to Makurayami's topic in Theater
OCC: sorry I'm late ------------------------------------------------------------------------ "Well, a battle i guess from the looks of it," Replied Ariador. The man seemed confused. "You see i felt somewhat of a connection to you, and some others for that matter of fact but i digress. i came in search of you and i saw you in somewhat of a predicament, so i intervened. Got into a spot of trouble but was able to get you out of there," Said Ariador in the best explanation he could think of. The man still seemed confused. "Can you walk?" "I think so," replied the man. Ariador heaved him off of his shoulder and the man crumbled to the ground. "I think whatever knocked you out might still be affecting you," Jaden smiled slightly as he helped the man to his feet and let him lean on him to walk. "So, tell me about yourself," ------------------------------------------------------------------------ OCC: sry for the short post dont want to control your character -
Jaden watched around, the laughing seemed to come from inside his head, Jaden could barely think but he continued healing out of sheer terror, he had stopped her bleeding. Se had passed out but at least she was stable. Laughter came from behind him, he turned to see Zak standing there, almost taunting him with his presence. Jaden rose to his feet, no longer scared for his life, his intentions were to distract him from Karen, maybe lead him away. Jaden drew his sword. Zak started walking towards him, his sword also draw. Zak made the first move making a downward swipe with his sword. Jaden blocked this strike but the weight of the sword was greater than he imagined. Jaden managed to push Zak's sword off his own and make a diagonal swipe to his chest. Zak once again disappeared. "This fight is pointless if in cannot land a strike on him." Jaden thought to himself. Just then a sound came from behind Jaden. He had just enough time to back flip over Zak before his sword slammed into the wall almost crumbling it. landing and almost losing his balance. Jaden charged and stabbed Zak in the back. Once again he disappeared. Jaden was disoriented and tired, not only did it take some energy healing Karen, along with parrying that blow sapped him of a lot of energy, but he had not fully regained his strength form his first battle. Jaden didn't know how long he could keep up this fight. Zak finally appeared right in front of Jaden, He raised his sword for a final blow that Jaden knew he couldn't block or dodge. Then Jaden saw his salvation. His right breast was exposed, Jaden took his katana and plunged it into his chest. Zak hesitated and then dropped his sword. He looked down at the slayer. Then made a menacing smirk. "Just a little too much to the left," he said in a low tone. All energy left Jaden as he made this strike. He collapsed against Zak. Zak the picked Jaden up by his neck then removed the sword from his chest. He looked at Jaden with disgust and ran the blade through Jaden's left shoulder. Jaden regained consciousness just long enough to let out a moan of pain. Zak then left the blade in and threw Jaden over his shoulder, he also picked up Karen who was also unconscious. He carried them through the alleys until he reached the inn. He kicked in the door which scared Forlorn and made her jump. He them threw both slayers on the ground. Jaden opened his eyes to meet them with Forlorn's across the room. She saw an emotion she did not expect, not fear for his life but fear for the others. Jaden rolled his head to see Karen's face next to his, she was still breathing, but he didn't know how much longer that would be, a tear came to his eye. He them passed out again.
Jaden stumbled into the room with Karen right on his heels. "We might have made it here faster if you didn't want to find your way here, BLIND!" said Karen in a perturbed voice. "Lets sit you down here on the couch she said grabbing his arm and dragging him over to a old dusty couch. "WOW, looking at you know, you look pretty messed up," "Thanks," Jaden replied sarcastically. "I'm just saying whatever that guy did to you it must have really hurt," "Well, a kick to the face isnt exactly the most pleasurable sensation," "Well lemme see if i can fix your lip, dont move," Karen placed her hand over his mouth and closed her eyes, a burning sensation came from Jaden's lips. She removed her hand and all of the bruises were gone and the gash his lip was closed up. Jaden felt his face and then smiled in the direction he though she was sitting. "You finally mastered the healing edge," "I wouldn't say mastered but hey," she grabbed his face and turned it toward hers and kissed his cheek. "You haven't asked me why I am here yet," "Well I assumed it was for a good reason," "If you call following you a good reason, then yes, it was," "I'd be mad if you didn't..." Jaden fell to the floor gripping his eyes in pain. the cataracts where disappearing, it was a horrible pain like someone was burning them off with a lighter. He started to yell. "SON OF A BITCH!" He started to writhe in the floor as they dissolved. "Stay still, it will stop soon," Karen said crouching beside him. Jaden opened his eyes not only blinded by the light but astonished at what he saw. Apparently Zak had lost his focus on Jaden, he killed some men, not very far from where they were now. "I have to go, NOW!," bust out Jaden jumping to his feet and grabbing his gun and katana. "Where? Why? WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED!?" "I know where he is, and I'm not letting him get away," "I'm going with you, and I wont take no for an answer,' "On one condition, when I catch up with him and it starts to look bad, I want you to run, I don't care if you think you can help, I don't want you coming back," "But if i can," She was cut off as Jaden grabbed her and kissed her. "I have never said this to you but I love you, and i dont want another innocent death on my hands, now lets go," and with that Jaden ran out of the apartment, Karen followed a little stunned at this.
Jaden was somehow strapped to the tree, Zak approached Jaden. "Don't you know never to threaten a lady?" After those words left his mouth Zak's foot collided with Jaden's face. Busting his lip and filling his mouth full of blood. Jaden coughed and spit blood from his mouth. Zak returned to Forlorn and grabbed her hand. Then turned back to Jaden. "Blöthr sja," Zak uttered those words, cataracts started to form over Jaden's eyes, and then everything went black for Jaden. He was blind. "It is temporary blindness and you are lucky for that, I do not want you following us," and with that Zak and Forlorn were gone. Jaden sat there for a few minutes waiting for the blindness to wear off and the binds to dissipate, suddenly a noise acme from behind him. Then a familiar feminine voice called from behind. "In a spot of trouble again I see," called out the voice, Jaden instantly knew who it was. "Karen?" replied Jaden. "Always the preceptive one aren't we," She said spinning around the tree and sitting on Jaden's outstretched legs. Jaden knew she was a very beautiful girl, short red hair and beauitful blue eyes. She was now 20, just turned two weeks ago if Jaden remembered. Jaden saved her life back in London where she was attacked by a band of vampires, and ever since then she has been in love with him, Jaden has never admitted feeling the same but deep inside he was in love with her. After he saved her he trained her in the ways of a slayer and she had become very proficient in magic, and surpassed Jaden in such. "Now why is a handsome man like you doing all beat up and bruised," "I was responding to the demon problem here," replied Jaden "Well a lot good you did huh," "Well I never expected a shade," "A SHADE!?" "Yes, can you help me get off this tree now?" "...I require something first," "What?" "A kiss," she said softly, This statement shocked Jaden but before he could protest her lips were against his. She stay there for a moment then pulled away."You could have told me you were bleeding in your mouth." "You could have been a little less impulsive too," he replied sarcastically and as if he didn't enjoy it, but they both knew that he did. "Lemme get you outta this," She walked around and placed her hands on his and muttered something, suddenly the bind broke and his was free. "You are amazing Karen," "I know about my kissing but the magic was nothing, i would help you with your eyes, but i cant, by the way you dropped this," She handed him his revolver. "Lets get you back to my place," She helped him to his feet and the started to walk out of the park.
Jaden tracked them for blocks and bocks. Then he finally reached central park. He saw as one demon fell from the tree. Jaden drew his katana and approached the tree. "In the name of the father, the son, and the holy ghost, i will deport you from this sacred earth," he called out The girl jumped down, scythe in hand. she showed her canines as she charged Jaden scythe held high. Jaden jumped to the side and cut her arm, She slid to the ground in pain, the glyphs on the sword weakened her. She then stood up and turned. "I AM TIRED OF YOU HUNTING ME!" she yelled. "I apologize for the inconvenience, but you started killing innocent lives, thus making it my responsibility to DEPORT YOUR SORRY ASS," Jaden yelled in anger, but he let his anger blind him, she brought her scythe around and almost slicing Jaden's head off, dodging this made him lose his footing, She came around with the butt of the scythe and knocked him down, now she had the upper hand in the fight.
Jaden listened outside, apparently the male demon was a tad bit lustful. Jaden didn't like the feeling of both demons getting away alive but facing both would be a challenge. Jaden was confident that he could do it, but then again doubts soon started to fill his mind. Not only thoughts of attacking but other things, like living, it was the aura of the demon, filling people with doubt, and them with power. This feeling sickened Jaden. Jaden started to draw his katana, then suddenly he felt a shift of movement, one of the demons started to move closer to the other. And then out of the apartment ran the dog, completely ignorimng him. Jaden hesitated then swung into the room gun outstretched and sword drawn. Nothing. The apartment was empty and it looked like she had been the only one in there. Jaden didn't want to lose the girl again. He sprinted down the stairs jumping after he was six steps from the bottom. He busted through the door after the girls aura, she had a decent lead on him but after a minute or so he saw her turn a corner. He swung around the corner and there they both were, Jaden wasted no time and fired his gun, and for a moment time seemed to stop.
Jaden had been following up some demon sightings in New York, mainly a white female canine like demon. he had ditched his usual garb for a pair of blue jeans, an aviator jacket, and some combat boots to fit in New York. Not only did Jaden locate the demon, but two. Jaden waited for both to leave, he then dashed out of the tavern. He ran through the alley way to see the demons latest victim, curled up against the wall in a fetal position staring into space. Jaden dropped down to one knee beside her and placed his hand on her head. He murdered a prayer to save her from her grim fate, but it was too late, she collapsed. Dead. All Jaden had accomplished was saving this poor victims soul from eternal damnation. Jaden reached his motor cycle he had rented. He pulled his katana out of the saddlebag ,his revolver, and ammo belt from the opposite bag. He holstered his gun and slid the katana in a leather sheath he wore on his shoulder. He ran after the demons trail hoping he wasn't too late to catch them. He ran through crowd of busy men and women to catch up. He had started to feel their aura. He felt them stop for a certain amount of time but they stopped and Jaden got some good distance but they started moving again and Jaden got some distance on them but then they seemed to move as one Jaden arrived at what seemed to be an apartment building, he sat outside and waited listening, gun drawn.
person from time period. [B]Name:[/B] Garret Longwood [B]Age:[/B] 21 [B]Personality:[/B] Garret is a bit of a troublemaker. Always known for doing something to cause trouble for others. He is never apart of something unless there is something he can benefit from it. He is always found in a tavern somewhere. If there is any weakness to Garret it would have to be women. He is a bit of a thief and is always in some sort of trouble with the authority of the town he is in. [B]Appearance:[/B] [URL=http://www.enworld.org/Pozas/Pictures/Classes/rogue.jpg]Garret[/URL] [B]Weapon:[/B] mainly his bow, he also uses some trowing knifes and a broad sword when needed. Garret detests the use of melee combat, even though he is know to get in a couple fights in a bar.
prowlingdarkness and Zeke47 accepted
[B]Name -[/B] Jaden Kiyomi [B]Age -[/B] 21 [B]Personality -[/B] stoic, quiet, sarcastic, and rude to most people he encounters. [B]Appearance -[/B] [URL=http://i119.photobucket.com/albums/o159/pjmckrafty/slayer.jpg]Jaden[/URL] [B]Weapons -[/B] A katana handed down through his family that is blessed and has holy runes carved into the blade. A custom revolver that uses bullets that Jaden makes and blesses himself. A very small control over fire, he can only ignite his thumb, which he uses to light cigarettes. [B]Side -[/B] VS [B]Bio/Writing example -[/B] Jaden ran through the city streets. His pursuers right behind him. He had been noticing a lot of movement in the vampire community as of late, so he decided to investigate the occurrences in his area. That is why he is in this predicament, Jaden doesn't know when he is too deep over his head. He spun a corner just as one of his pursuers made a grab for him and missed. Jaden has been hunting vampires since he was fifteen, that was when he lost his mentor, older brother, and his only relative, to the vampires. Jaden turned another corner, he was tired of running, so he turned and faced his enemies. three vampires stood behind him, one wore a purple cloak and the two others wore black cloaks. "This is the one that seeks revenge for his brother, yes?" said the vampire in the purple cloak to one of the others. "Why dont you ask me yourself?" answered Jaden as he drew his pistol and pointed it at the vampire in the purple cloak. "Do you believe your pathetic mortal weapons can hurt me..." The vampire was cut short as the bullet pierced his heart. He then burst into flames. "Yes i do," Jaden pulled out a self rolled cigarette and lit it. "If either of you think you could take me, please feel obliged," Both vampires hissed and disappeared into a blast of blue flame. "Thats what i thought," Jaden holstered his gun and started off toward the local tavern.
RPG To Find the Infection 4: Hell's Gate [M-VL]
P.J. McKrafty replied to Makurayami's topic in Theater
OCC: XYZ has been busy lately and will be on soon. Rubbing his head Ariador looked back around the tavern, apparently while he was out a scuffle broke out in the tavern. Suddenly a hand grabbed the back of Ariador and he was starting to be dragged across the floor towards the door. He was thrown into the snow outside the tavern, he rolled over to see the bartender walking away and herd him mutter under his voice "fucking drunks". Ariador came to his feet and noticed that his belt felt somewhat tighter, he looked down and saw something that sent a shiver up his spine, the black dagger was in his belt. He picked it up and examined it. There were three small runes in it, they were for counting. He shuddered to think what it was meant for and shoved it into his bag. Ariador started to walk. He felt more people coming, two more were heading toward here, one was coming towards town, in fact, he was right outside of town, these to he felt like me might be connected to, he finally decided that he was connected to these people. He also decided that this town was where they were supposed to meet. The other one was a couple miles outside of town and was heading in the right direction but has moved off course so he was circling the town. Ariador started off in his direction. Ariador traveled many miles until he reached a road. He started down the road and according to his senses he was heading straight toward the person he was looking for. Then all of a sudden, he fell to the ground writhing in pain. Something was infiltrating his mind. He tried to block it, but he isolated it and it sounded like a scream of pain. It passed and the came to his feet. Something was over the hill in the distance along with the person he sought. He walked toward the top of the hill. When he peaked the hill he saw a field ravaged by battle. Two armies, one man, and the other some sort of abomination. Ariador started to approach the battle field when a solider approached him. "Sir, can you not see a battle rages on?" inquired the solider. "I can," replied Ariador in a calm tone of voice. "Then why do you approach? We cannot hold them any longer and we are about to retreat," "All the more reason for me to be here." Ariador pushed the solider aside and continued through the battle field. It was pure chaos, the men were losing horrifically. The abominations continued forward against the men. Suddenly a cry was herd over the men "RETREAT!". The soldiers ran in the opposite direction passing Ariador in panic. The abominations followed. Then Ariador saw the abominations for what they were, dead animal skulls atop human bodies. The abominations seemed to ignore Ariador. He continued then we saw a faint slightly transparent red wall with some sort of writing on it. Ariador started to walk faster as he was gaining the attention of some of the abominations. He stopped a couple feet from the wall, he reached out with his hand slowly and touched it. Ariador flew backwards, he tried to regain his footing the the air but to no avail, he landed, hard, on his back. He sat there staring at the sky. Then he herd heavy foot steps, alot of them. Ariador rose up to his feet and say we was surrounded on all sides, but they were a good 15 feet away from him. Then he saw a parting in the army as a body was thrown in, no two bodies. One a man, and the other a wolf. This was who he was searching for, we wasn't dead but he was knocked out and in not too good of a position, and neither was Ariador now that he thought of it. Then he heard some commotion from behind him. He turned and saw that three soldiers were pushed ahead into the clearing. All three ran toward Ariador. "Whats going on?"asked one of the soldiers "I dont know, but I think we have been taken prisoner," replied Ariador. Suddenly the abominations started to part and a woman in a black bloodstained cloak exited the hoard. "Bow before me, and i might consider mercy," proclaimed the woman. "And for what reason should I dirty my pants for someone I do not only have no respect for, but dont even know," Ariador replied with a raised voice. The womans eyes flashed with anger. She held up a hand and Ariador's body suddenly stiffened. "I do not appreciate your tone," She raised her and and Ariador raised with it. She then curled her hand into a fist and brought it down fast to her side. Ariador hit the ground hard on all fours. "If you will not bow i will make you bow". She unclenched her fist, Ariador then let out a deep breath and started to rise to his feet. "kill them, all of them," After those word left her mouth the abominations let out a roar. Ariador reached into his bag and pulled out a bundle of purple cloth. The soldiers ran over to him and the unconscious man. Ariador unfolded the cloth and threw it in the air. It floated down covering them, then it flatted on the ground. One of the abominations lifted it and saw that the men had ddisappeared. They appeared a little way aways from the army. "That was a little trick I learned back home," said Ariador smirking. "Are we safe?" asked one of the soldiers. "For now, yes" replied Ariador looking at the unconscious man. He looked back at the soldiers. "We have to get this man back to a town close to here," "With that army on our tail we will never make it, we are going back home." The soldiers ran off. At first Ariador was mad at them, then he realized their position and decided he must continue on. He flung the man over his shoulder and picked up the wolf under his arm, he knew this was going to be a long trip back to town. -
[COLOR=DarkOrange][SIZE=4][CENTER]-DESOLATE WAR-[/CENTER] [/SIZE][/COLOR] The bar was a flurry of music and commotion. People were all about in a drunken haze celebrating their victory over the band of rebels that have been trying to gain land over the Corpalatin Armies. They had just disbanded the last of the Rebellion from that area and were about to send their forces out to the other areas so they were giving them one final hurrah. All were dancing except one man who sat at the bar with a bottle of Prairie Dog Whisky. Them man had a beige shirt on and dark brown pants. He had two magnums holstered to his side with a ring of bullets holding them on. He had scraggily blond hair and a bandage around his left arm. A solider accidentally bumped into the man dancing about. ?Excuse me, didn?t mean to bump ya there lad, you know I basically know everybody in this town, but I don?t know you, turn around so I can get a good look at ya lad,? said the solider in a drunken slur. ?Id rather not,? said the man leaning forward more. ?Nonsense, common, lemme get a look at ya,? The solider spun the man around to see his sliver eyes meet his. ?You... you are the silver eyed gunslinger who lead the Rebels in the area,? The solider yelled as he drew his gun on the man. ?? I?m in trouble aren?t I?? ?We thought we killed you in the raid of your tunnels,? The solider said gaining the attention of most of the people in the bar. ?Well you clipped me,? The gunslinger said as he lifted his arm pointing to the bandage. ?I am placing you under arrest for treason by the Corpalatin Hierarchy,? ?I say we skip that and just get to me leaving,? The gunslinger upholstered his gun and as quick as a flash had shot a radiator tube stretching across the ceiling releasing steam into the room and confusing the intoxicated attendants. The man ran out of the bar and sprinted for the haven of his hyperbike when he saw the two armed soldiers examining his bike. One of the soldiers ran out of the bar screaming. Both soldiers looked up and saw the gunslinger towards them. They raised their rifles but only too slow. Both men thudded to the ground as two bullets pierced their skulls. The gunslinger jumped onto his bike and rode off towards the giant industrial towers miles into the distance. [CENTER]---------------[/CENTER] I got the idea from watching Tri-gun so i guess you can kinda picture what it is like, here is some info to help you out: This RPG is based in the future where almost the entire world is desert after an experimental bomb went off leaving only a few survivors. This RPG is based two thousand years after that. The world is run by the cruel Corpalatin Hierarchy. A group of settlers formed a resistance and are now fighting back against the cruel Corpalatins and are so far, not doing a very good job at removing the Corpalatin from power. The Rebels are outcasts and are killed on site by the Corpalatin Armies. The land is covered by huge industrial towers that can be seen from miles away. The Rebels usually find their living quarters in underground facilities made when the Rebels first came together, where as the Corpalatin find their living quarters in towers or towns. The Corpalatin Army has much more sophisticated tactics and weaponry, but the rebels are catching up due to their team of engineers and tactions. [CENTER]---------------[/CENTER] TYPES OF CHARACTERS Gunslingers - only a few remain and they are considered outlaws and if their identity is known to the public they are hunted down for bounties. Hunter - highly trained men and women who are sent out to kill those who oppose the Corpalatin Hierarchy, they usually bring the bodies in for the valuable bounties. Pyrokinetic - these gifted people attained their powers to create and control fire after they were used in experiments and were either set into the battle against the Rebels (for those who could control their powers), some were liberated by the Rebels for the help of their cause, many remain captive. Pyrokenetics have red eyes, a symptom from the experiments. Soldiers - foot soldiers used on both sides. Engineers - these engineers create machinery and technology for both sides, they are valuable assets to any army. If you can think up your own you would like to be just PM me and I will tell you if itll work. [CENTER]---------------[/CENTER] SIGN-UPS Name ? (something creative but not too complicated) Age ? (18 and up) Gender ? Appearance ? Skills/Powers ? Weapons ? (I am mainly leaning towards futuristic guns that use bullets but I will except some others) Sides ? (Rebels or Corpalatin, I would like some variety in theses) Class ? (I would also like some variety) Personality ? Bio ? (one or two paragraphs) [CENTER]---------------[/CENTER] MY SIGN-UP Name ? Chandler Gundly Age ? 23 Gender ? male Appearance ? [URL=http://i119.photobucket.com/albums/o159/pjmckrafty/uploadme-1.jpg]Chandler[/URL] (CLICK NAME) Chandler has blond hair and mutton chops, he also has sliver eyes, he is roughly 6'1" and weighs 203lbs. He wears a beige shirt and dark brown pants with two Magnums in holsters held on by strings of bullets. Skills/Powers ? He is faster than the average person and is excellent at hand to hand combat. Weapons ? Two custom made magnums, given to him by the engineer that adopted him right before he died. Sides ? Rebels Class ? Gunslinger Personality ? Chandler is a well humored young lad and is always up for a good fight. He tries to avoid conflict with his guns, but when necessary he will use them. He is always looking out for people, he is also disrespectful to his authorities. Bio ? Chandler appeared in the desert and didn't remember anything about where he was from.
Felix stepped out of the Hummer into the lot of cars. He ran around to the other side of the car to the body, He searched the body for his GLOCK but couldn't find it. He then saw the barrel of his compact shotgun sticking out from the side of the seat. He grabbed it and shoved it in the elastic strips on his thigh to hold it in place. He decided he needed to find some more fire power. Almost every car was a SUV. He walked around the lot until he found a car that he would be suitably unnoticeable in. He finally found a dark blue Pontiac GTO. He Opened the door and found the keys rested on the dash. He grabbed the keys and opened the trunk and looked in. Nothing. He looked around for any fire arm in the vehicle and returned to the truck and pulled out his cell phone to call Reeds when he noticed it, a small indent on the wall next to the floor. He slid his finger into it and herd a pop. The floor of the trunk rose about and inch. He slid his hands under the panel and lifted it up. Under it was three guns and plenty of ammo. A GLOCK-22, a M-16 Sniper Rifle, and a SMG PK. He had no intention of using the sniper rifle and SMG. He reached in and grabbed the GLOCK and some clips, he filled his clip holders on his waist and his vest. Then shoved one of the clips into his gun and cocked it. He placed it into his shoulder holster. Felix then sat down in the car and turned the key in the ignition. The car hummed on and Felix put in gear. Just then his phone started to ring. He picked it up and answered it. "Now we dont want you to leave just yet Felix, we still need to plan," Reeds said through the phone. "Then what do we do now?" "I have just attained some help from the FBI and they will be here in the hour, we need you to come up here and help us plan the strike," "Where do i go? "Well first you might want to get out of the car and then you will head into the building to the left of you," Felix stepped out of the car and walked into the building with the cell phone in his ear. Reeds lead him through the building and outside a large wooden door before he hung up. Felix put the phone away and walked up to the door and pushed it open. There was Reeds along with some men that were heavily armed. "Great you made it, the FBI is on the ground and will be here momentarily," "Why are the FBI involved?" "They owe me something and they dont have anything to gain from the Yakuza being around, when they arrive you will debrief them on this map and then we will strike tonight," Then the door opened behind Felix, he spun and saw more men enter the room. The FBI was here.
"Well, i dont know where to begin," replied Felix solemnly. "Start with what you know hat can help us locate and infiltrate them," reeds said with a soft but serious look on his face. "They are located roughly three kilometers outside of New Jersey in the Industrial District, their compound is a plastic manufacturing company for many hygiene products we use, There is a back way in that is less guarded than the front but other than that we could make our way onto the roof from an access ladder but that might be a little tricky," "That is some specific intel you have on this operation, may i ask how you obtain it?" "I'm a private investigator," "Who has strong connections to a mafia family?" "I have done other jobs for them," "They must have been some big jobs for them to actually give a shit about you," "Yes, but i also know that they have roughly 15 armed men in their factory, along with 4 highly trained guards," "Okay, i think i have the gist of our situation, could you excuse me for one second," Reeds leaned forward and started talking to the driver, He held up his index finger to signal one minute and climbed into the front passenger seat. he answered a car phone and talked in a hushed tone so as to not let Felix hear him. Felix saw the driver look in the rear view mirror at him and a sudden nervousness fell over Felix. He placed his hand over the knife on his waist. He was ready if he needed to be and he didn't know what was going to happen next.
The car ride over was long and Felix couldn't shake the feeling that this meeting could go bad. Marty had made the contacts and gave Felix instructions to meet a man in a cab, all he had to say was "take me to the butchers". Marty had let Felix have a go at the family's armory for some supplies. Felix took a thigh holster for his compact pump action shotgun, a this Kevlar vest, and a marine drop point knife. He wore his trench coat over himself to hide his weapons and at least bled in somewhat. They pulled up into a parking lot across from the eastern hospital as they were told. Felix left the car and watched as it pulled away. He walked across the parking lot where a cab was parked. "Can i help you?" asked a large man as he stepped out of the cab. "Take me to the butcher," replied Felix" "I'm gonna have to ask you to please give me your coat and all weapons on you," requested the man as he pulled a pistol from his jacket. "Fine by me." Felix said in a hushed voice while taking off his coat and removing both his shotgun and GLOCK, but neglecting the knife concealed on his waist. [I]A safety precaution[/I] Felix thought to himself as he was led to the cab. This drive felt even longer than the first, probably because there was a gun pointed at him the entire time but also the anticipation of seeing what kind of help h would be receiving from this Mr. Drong. The cab pulled into a warehouse, and now it was time for Felix to have something good happen to him for once.
Hours past and still not one of his connections would help him. His fiance, now dead, was the only thing on his mind, that and revenge.He was down to his last family connection, if they wouldn't help him he was on his own against impossible odds. The phone started to ring. "Hello," replied the man on the other line. "Is this Marty?" asked Felix in a hushed tone. "Yeah its me, who is this?" "Its Felix, I need your help," "Felix? Usually we are the ones asking for help from ya," "Marty its important," "Seeing what ya have done for us i think we owe ya' one, what ya need?" "The Yakuza sent men to kill me and they killed Katherine," "Your fiance?" "Yes," Well what do you want us to do, i cant convince the family to take out the Yakuza." After those words left Marty's mouth a ring came at the door to Felix's office. "Marty, ill be right back." Felix ran over and grabbed his GLOCK off of the ground and grabbed the shotgun off his desk. He he got behind his desk and waited. Three men walked into his office wearing similar clothes to the men who raided his office earlier. They spanned out across the room. Felix marked his first target as he started to move around his desk. The man didn't have enough time to blink before the shotgun shell had embedded itself into his skull. Felix flipped over the desk and fired three rounds fr5om his GLOCK, one missed but three found their mark in one of the men's chests. The other man was able to fire off a round from his gun before getting shot in the head. Felix strolled over and picked up the phone. "Now, where was I Marty?" "WHAT HAPPENED? I HEARD GUNFIRE!" "It was more men from the Yakuza, these were here to check on the ones that were here earlier," "You need to get out of there Felix," "NO, what i need to do is get some fucking help to take down these YAKUZA FUCKS!!!!" "Easy, i cant give you any men but i can give you a number of a man who can get you some help," "What kind of help?" "The good kind," "Whats his name?" "Mr. Reeds, ill send the information to contact him through a secure line," "Good, then we will now set the wheels in motion for the destruction of the Yakuza."
Felix locked and set the alarm to his car and strolled up to the door of his office. He opened the door to the usual ring of the bell, and he saw the smiling face of Katherine, his secretary and fiance. "Morning!" Katherine said with a bright smile from behind her desk. "Morning, did I miss anything while I was sleeping?" "Sure did, The Uanino family dropped off their check for the job, and three Japanese men came to the office asking for an appointment," "Probably some new clients," "I also sent out our wedding invitations," "Great, to think in only a month we will be married," "I can hardly wait," "Well you must, and i must get to work." Felix walked back into his office and opened a drawer pulling out his modified GLOCK-35 and slid it into his shoulder holster. He sat back in his chair and put his feet up on his desk. He heard the bell to the door ring and some clatter in the room. Then a sound came from the room that sent a shiver down Felix's spine. Three rounds shot from a silenced gun. Felix rose to his feet and started to pull the gun from his holster when the door flew open and a round dug itself into his shoulder. His are swung out and his GLOCK with it, the GLOCK went flying across the room. Two Japanese men entered the room and sat down in the seat across from his desk. One had a nice suit on and the other was holding the gun was wearing a red dress shirt and jeans. "Greetings Mr. Conland, I hope we didn't catch you at a bad time," said the man in the suit, Felix was fumbling under his desk for the pump action shout gun he had placed there for such a reason. "No, except for this bullet wound this wouldn't be a bad time for anything," "You might want to include the dead secretary, but that is no comparison to the meaningfulness of your death to the Yakuza," The fear that Felix had felt earlier had now been realized, he had lost the one important thing in his life, he was determined to kill both of these men and all of those who are associated with them. "And who may i ask did i kill to piss you off to the point of killing my fiance and myself," "Ah Mr. Conland, I didn't expect to strike such a blow to you," "A mistake you will not soon live to regret, now answer the question," "I DON'T THINK YOU ARE IN THE POSITIONS TO MAKE THREATS AND DEMANDS!!!" yelled the man standing by the door as he raised his gun to Felix's head. Then there it was, salvation, Felix's hand found the shotgun and pulled it free from its mount. He cocked it as gently as he could, even though it was built for silence. He raised it up with his left hand to where he thought it would inflict the most damage to the man on the other side of the desk, he took a deep breath, and pulled the trigger. Success, not only did the round break through the desk and kill the man in the suit but it knocked him onto the man beside the door knocking him down, stunning him, and making him drop his gun. Felix wasted no time in diving over his desk and grabbing the dropped gun, he spun around quickly and planted the slug straight into the mans skull. He ran into the entrance room where his fiance lay, three bullets in her chest. He was too late, they had killed the only woman he had ever loved. He pulled out his St. Christopher's medal and removed t from the chain, in its place he put the engagement ring. He took off his coat and walked into the other room and pulled his knife out of his desk, his next job was to remove the bullet and sew himself up. An hour after he had sew himself up he was going through his contacts in the mafia families, he needed revenge, and he would kill anyone in his way.
[B]Name:[/B] Felix Conland [B]Alias:[/B] N/A [B] Age:[/B] 27 [B]Description:[/B] [URL=http://www.tencentticker.com/images/hellblazer_b.gif]Felix[/URL] he is 6' tall and weights 205lbs, he has dirty blond hair that he usually has spiked and he wears a brown trench coat and slacks with combat boots and a dress shirt with a black tie. [B]Weapon:[/B] a custom made [URL=http://www.lasersights.com/assets/images/glock_320a.jpg]GLOCK[/URL] and a [URL=http://ec1.images-amazon.com/images/P/B000FBK26G.01-A14LK0ZXSU0XON._AA280_SCLZZZZZZZ_V54998481_.jpg]PUMP ACTION SHOTGUN[/URL] he rarely uses, he also has a military stealth knife he uses on interrogations and stealth operations. (click for images) [B]Location:[/B] New Jersey [B]Bio:[/B] Born in New Jersey, Felix has always been one to take conflicts to an unnecessary level. He is now working as a freelance private investigator, but reports have come in saying that he has been hired by organized crime bosses to back up their soldiers in a conflict or to take care of rivals. Know for taking unnecessary risks, he is a alcoholic and he smokes. He is know to be sarcastic and disrespectful to his superiors.
RPG To Find the Infection 4: Hell's Gate [M-VL]
P.J. McKrafty replied to Makurayami's topic in Theater
Ariador walked through what was left of the realm he was in; he sat and began to contemplate why he is still stuck in this place. He started to become impatient wondering what else he needed to know for this vision. He started to hear noises like someone was pacing around him. Finally he turned to see what was making the noise and he spotted a man wearing the exact same clothing as him except it seemed to be covered in ash and the man?s runes on his skin were a bright red. Ariador stood up and walked to the man. ?Finally, I thought it would take you forever to turn and notice me,? said the man, ?I?m guessing you are the reason I am still here,? replied Ariador ?The very same,? ?I thought I was rid of you the last time we met,? ?If only it was that easy, you might strike me down but I will always come back, I will always be here to provoke you; to try and show you your true potential,? ?No, you are restricting me from continuing my training and finding my true potential, if I do not purge you from myself then I am done as a templar and banished for being a danger to myself and other,? ?Tisk tisk tisk, such hostility, I wonder were you get that from?? ?I have had it? Ariador yelled as he drew his saber, ?Why do you keep me in this place?? ?Easy, I am here to give you something to help you with your journey,? ?What do you have that I would possibly need?? ?A little thing that can let me help you along this little quest,? The man walked toward Ariador. Ariador swung his saber, but the man quickly raised his armored arm and blocked the saber. The man then grabbed the blade and disarmed Ariador. ?You are just full of yourself aren?t you Ariador? I just want to give you this,? The man pulled out a small black knife out of his tunic. ?What is this thing?? ?A little trinket that will let me, how do I say this? LEND you my powers,? ?And why would I want your powers?? ?You might need them in a pinch, they don?t replace yours, they enhance yours,? ?And what makes you think ill use this? Ariador said as he took it from the man?s hands. ?I have a hunch that you will,? Ariador slipped the knife into his pouch ?Here is your blade? said the man as he handed Ariador back his saber. ?And now I will bid you farewell, this might hurt but the shock will wake you up,? The man then drew back and punched Ariador in his chest which then sent him to the ground writhing in pain, when he opened his eyes he was back in the tavern. ?Are you alright?? asked Kreidon. ?Well other than being sober I am physically fine, but I have a big problem now.? -
when are you gonna start it?
RPG To Find the Infection 4: Hell's Gate [M-VL]
P.J. McKrafty replied to Makurayami's topic in Theater
"So he is THAT powerful?" asked Ariador. "Yes, I think he is the reason why we are here," replied Kredion "Okay, I will agree that i did feel sort of a connection with him when I walked in here, but i have see enough strange things in my life that can make me question you logic on this one," "What do you mean?" "Well, i was adopted by the military when i was abandoned by my parents, there they brainwashed me with sublininal education, i was then put into the GSO and lost in combat were i was found by the only people who have shown me compassion who awakened my free will along with hidden powers that lie dormant in my system, and then to top it all off i had a dream that called me to thi god forsaken place and i accually followed it through a portal and now im here, and now i am going to return to my drink," Ariador walked back to the bar and picked up the shotglass. "I wouldnt drink that standing if i were you," said the bartender just a tad too late as right when he did Ariador had already downed it. "I dont know what you were talking about that drink being stron..." Ariador collapsed to the floor, succumbing to the intensity of the drink. Blaackness surrounded Ariador as he lost consciousness and entered what seemed like a dreamlike hallucination. He opened his eyes in the tavern but they were glowing a light purpleish color. His runes on his bosy also started to glow. The drink had caused him to go into a psionic vison. He was in a temple of the templar he walked through the halls, he entered a cerimonial chamber, he walked up to the alter where the templar pray. He walked over and kneeled. A voice suddenly called out to Ariador. "THE MAN IN BLACK IS THE MAN YOU SEEK, HE WILL LEAD YOU TO PURIFYING YOU BEING FROM THE DARKNESS THAT RESIDES WITHIN YOU, ONLY THEN WILL YOU UNLOCK YOUR TRUE POTENTIAL." The world then seemed to dissolve back into nothing. "YOU WILL AWAKE SOON, THINK ABOUT WHAT YOU HAVE BEEN TOLD" called the voice as it drifted back into nothingness -
RPG To Find the Infection 4: Hell's Gate [M-VL]
P.J. McKrafty replied to Makurayami's topic in Theater
Sitting atthe bar thoughts drifted through his head, but most were of nothing now that he had made his way through 3 pints. He glanced over at the stardust and still using his wits that were about him he quickly dismissed the idea to drink it. He heard the bell above the door ring . Ariador turned to see a man walk in turned to see a man walk in with normal cloaths on, unlike everybody else in this town his cloathing seemed to be like the cloathing of people back in the larger cities of his old planet before the Templar adopted him. He thought about sayiong something to him but decided against it. The man sat next to him and ordered a tonic. The man looked at Ariador and then turned away. The man turned to him again this time spinning on his barstool. "Can I ask you something?" asked the man. "huh, what did u say?" replied Ariador feeling confused "Can I ask you something" repeated the man. "uhhhhh, sure, ask away." -
[B]Amp walked up the stairs of the castle carrying a large military tote bag that he was given to carry his essentials and clothing from (what was left of) his old home. He reached the top floor and saw a door with his name printed on it. he walked in and threw his bag on his bed and collapsed on it, still tired from the training exercise. He heard a lot of commotion in the hallway and what seemed to be a fight but he paid no attention to it. He glanced over and saw a trunk lying at the end of his bed with a note on it. He picked up the not and red the neat cursive handwriting [I]Dear Felix, I couldn't start understand what you must be going through watching as your entire family was executed. You might be thinking it is all your fault but believe me when i say it is not. In this trunk will be some supplies that you might find useful in helping you control your powers, plus a little extra I thought you might like. Signed, a friend.[/I] Even though the note was meant to comfort him it didn?t really make him feel any less guilty but neither the less he was insanely curious to see what was inside the trunk. He lifted the heavy lid to see there was a jacket and a pair of black pants neatly folded with a pair of gloves, strange goggles, and a picture frame on top. He removed the picture frame and wondered its use, then realized what it was for; he pulled the picture of his family from his pocket and slid it in the frame. It was a perfect fit. He sat it down on his bed side table and picked up the gloves. They were black and had an insignia of a circle within a circle within a circle in blue. He slid them on and he noticed that they had some sort of tubing system inside the glove that led to the fingers them and a strange metal plate. He picked up the jacket and noticed it had the same insignia on the back that was on the gloves. He opened the jacket and saw another note [I]These gloves will help you amplify your powers and the jacket and pants have a thin layer of soundproof foam inside that will help you become more durable to your sound waves.The goggles are used to protect your eyes from sonic waves since study found that so called ?sonic-headaches? are cause by sonic pressure on the eyes.[/I] This note was typed as if it came with the jacket when it was manufactured. He changed into his new clothes and found them abnormally comfortable. He slipped on the gloves and slid the goggles over his eyes. He walked over to the mirror. He saw his reflection and memories of himself playing superhero flashed through his mind. He changed out of his outfit and started to turn to leave when he saw another not in the very bottom of the trunk, he unfolded it and read what it said [I]P.S. I?m sure you can pay off this augmented outfit somehow.[/I] Amp crumbled up the note and threw it across the room; tired of all this secrecy he decided he needed to explore the campus. He shut and locked his door and started off down the hallway.[/B]
I dunno if this is a good idea or not but IM CONTRIBUTING!!!!!!! I dunno but maybe a group of mutants that go under the name "The Bloodline" areout to destroy mutants that they deem inferior and they attack one of the schools (or both giving us the chance to team up with the others temporarely for an added twist) school or something.
RPG To Find the Infection 4: Hell's Gate [M-VL]
P.J. McKrafty replied to Makurayami's topic in Theater
The portal opened, Ariador stumbled out in a daze. He had been walking through a Psionic Dimention for what seemed like days. He turned and saw the last bit of the portal blink into nothingness. He turned and saw that his portal had opened up in the middle of a street in which cottages ands some huts were placed on both sides of the street and people were standing outside their houses and looking out their windows. Ariador didn't realize that he had made quite a public specticle of himself as he walked through the streets getting all manner of strange looks. A very cold wind blew by, way colder than he was used to on his home plantet. He wrapped his cloak around himself and pulled his hood over his head. His first priority was to find somewere that people would gather, and hopefully that wold serve any kind of alcohol. He spotted a tavern and decided that was the place he would start his search for whatever he was looking for. He walked into the tavern and saw that there was very few people, but one that for some reason he felt somewhat drawn to. A man completly clad in black sat in the corner, his eyes were the only thing Ariador could see under his cloak and they seemed to glow. But no one in the tavern paid him any attention, their attention was on Ariador. He took his hood off and smiled at the people but they just turned away when he paid any attention to them. He walked up to the bartender and sat right in front of him. "what'll you be having?" asked the bartender "i dunno, your strongest drink i guess," replied Ariador The bartender came back with two pints and a small shotglass full of a black liquid full of small silver speckles. "what is this?" "thats my own recipie, i call it stardust, but dont drink that first, drink it after you drink those two pints i gave ya, i dont know a man alive that can stay conscious after drinking that," Ariador looked back at the shotglass and set it back down picking up one of the pints and taking a swig. He looked back at the man dressed in black and felt like they were connected again. "i guess only time will tell if i will find what im looking for," Ariador took another swig and whent on pondering what to do next.