P.J. McKrafty
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Everything posted by P.J. McKrafty
[B]Amp was a little drowsey from the train ride. A girl with short spikey hair walked by and grownd at Amp, this weirdeded him out but after then realizinhg that he had and will see weirder things he sat down against the wall in the hallway. Pheonix walked by, she glanced at Amp but other than that she payed him no attention. A while passed and then Jax walked up to Amp. Jax: Its your turn to show us what you've got. Amp: Finally what took you do long? Jax: Pheonix had a little outbust and we had to let the let the dungon cool down. Amp: I thought it could take anything we could dish out. Jax: Well, there are some circumstances that might not apply, but enough talk, lets see what you can do with those sound waves of yours. They walked down the hall way for a little while until they came to two doors, one large and plated with metal and covered in all sorts of dents, scratches, and all sorts of other things(like the recent burnmarks for instance), the other door was much smaller and also made of mtal and had the word observation written on it. Amp knew that the scary big door was the one he was going through. Jax: That is were you will let loose. Amp: Gotcha. The doors screeched open and Amp walked in, he turned to see Jax give a thumbs up and mouth good luck. Amp looke around the room and saw three metal dummys sanding at scattered distances. Jax voice came over the intercom. Jax: Just knock them over with your yell. Amp rolled up his sleeves and looked to see three metal dummies standimng up on the other side of the room. Amp turned and opened his mouth and with an exhale the dummies fell over. Amp didn't feel like he accomplished some great task because he did the same thing in the train car. The dummies rebounded upright probobly due to magnetics in the room Jax: Good, now try and focus your powers into the palms of your hands. Amp looked down at his hands and focused, he suddenly started to feel the sound waves eminating from his hands, he held it out at one of the dummy but nothing happened. Jax: yopur not experienced enough to get that much range, try clapping your hands with your arms outstretched. He held out his arm and spread them wide, he then brought them together with tremendous force. the wave crumpled the dummies and there was no way that they were rebounding. But the power was too much and the waves cracked some of the stones in the floor and sent Amp flying and slamming him into the wall. He tried to get up but a sudden pain struck him, it felt like eight migrains at the same time. He fell to the floor and Jax came running into the room. Jax: Take it easy, your body cany hanle such force yet, the pain you are feeling is a sonic headache it will pass in a moment, come let me help you up. Amp: That... was... AMAZING, i never knew i could be so powerful and control it. Jax laughed as he led Amp out of the room, this was the best Amp has felt in a while.[/B]
[COLOR=Indigo][B]A hissing came from the far side of the staion. Amp lifted his head to see that all the people were moving towards the train now and were boreding it. He rushed through the doors and sat down in the closest seat avaible on the train. He saw that three guys were standing on holding on the rails and making crying gestures toward him. They had noticed him tearing up earlier and were mocking him for it. This pissed Amp off so he decided to show them what he can do. He made it look like he exhaled and released a light shockwave that knocked the three guys fall over and the subway car shake a little. Some ogf the kids in the car started to chuckle. A smile came across his face and the three guys stood yup and walked onto the next car. "That'll teach them not to underestimate me, for now at least" thought Amp as he looked out the window and started to wonder how long it was until thy were gonna reach the manor.[/B][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Indigo][B]Amp walked through the door into the staion. He looked around the staion and saw that there were kids scattered all thoughout the room, some gave him an awakward glace as he sat down against the wall and pulled his hood over his head. Then he saw the man in the red suit and purple cloak approach him from across the room "A little late arnt we?" "I like to arrive fashionbly late," Amp shot the man a sarcastic smile and whent back to his somber mood. "Well i see you are in a good mood, you might want to introduce yourself to your classmates," "They will see me at school im fine were i am," "If you insist," and the man walked away. Amp noticed that most of the kids were sociable and clustered together, where some were like him and were sitting by themselves thinking the same thing. "What the hell am i doing here, well i guess ill findout soon" Amp pulled a picture out of his pocket, it was of his mom, dad, brother and himself. The overwhelming feeling that their deaths were all his fault. A tear rolled down the side of his cheek and landed on his picture. He wiped it off and put it back in his pocket. He realized then and there why he was going to this school, it was for his family.[/B][/COLOR]
[B]Name:[/B] James Marks [B]Age:[/B] 25 [B]Gender:[/B] male [B]Appearance:[/B] 6' tall blonde haired man who lookes a couple years older tha he is. He wears a brown trenchcoat, slacks, with black shoes and tie with a white dress shirt, and rosary beads around his neck. [B]Personality:[/B] sarcastic, confrontaional, sort of irritable, but a genuinely good person once you get to know him. [B]Bio:[/B] James never really had a good life, he grew up almost in poverty, he is an about Catholic and in his youth he whent to church every sunday. After he graduated highschool he went to collage on a baseball scholorship but but dropped out. He is now a private investigator not to mention an alchoholic and chain smoker, he might seem like a bad person but he will still help people whenever possible. One day he was going home to his appartment when he herd a scream from one of the upper floors of the building. He ran up there to see that a woman was being mugged. He intervened and fought with the man until the fight made it down the hallway. Not realizing it, he tackled the man trough a window. They both fell to there deaths. [B]Weapon:[/B] a wooden baseball bat
[B][COLOR=Indigo]Sitting apon the curb of what used to be a suburban street before the strike teams started their attack apon the mutants, Felix's brown hair shifted in the wind. Bodies littered the ground both from the human and the renegade mutant side, but there was a differance in both sides coroses,the renegade mutant bodies had obvious signs of death, but the human bodies had no signs of their deaths. "Are you alright?" asked a voice from behind Felix. He spun around to see who it was. It was a very clean cut man in a red suit with a flowing purple cloak. "I did it" "did what?" "killed them, the solidiers, they were attacking the mutants and, they killed my family, but it wasnt an accident, they meant to kill them even though they were coming after me" "so what happened?" "I screamed, and they all just died" The man sat next to Felix "You are what we call a banshee, you can emit powerful sonic waves from screaming and after some training you can emit it from focused points on your body" "is that an invitaion?" "yes" "and for what, may i ask?" "an academy, for people like yourself, we train you to better use your powers" "and why must i learn to better the use of my powers?" "there is a war coming, the humans want to eliminate us, we must fight back and show our dominance" "well, as you can see there is nothing left here for me, so im in" "and your name?" "it was Felix Duelin, but it died along with my family, my name is now Amp" [/COLOR] [/B]
Sign Up To Find the Infection 4: Hell's Gate [M-VL]
P.J. McKrafty replied to Makurayami's topic in Theater
[U]Name[/U] ? Ariador Kyleson Garret [U]Pronunciation[/U] ? Air-e-a-door Kyle-son Gare-ett [U]Age[/U] - 25 [U]Sex[/U] - male [U]Race[/U] - human [U]Height[/U] ? 6? [U]Weight[/U] ? 196 lb [U]Hair color[/U] - brown [U]Hair style[/U] - medium length relaxed [U]Eyes[/U] - light purple [U]Body[/U] - athletic [U]Skin Tone[/U] ? white [U]Distinguished marks[/U] ? purple runes all over his body along with a serial number tatooed on his left wrist [U]Clothes[/U] ? white tunic and leggings with armor made from a mixture of leather and steel and a white cloak [U]Weapons[/U] ? a saber and grappling dagger [U]Special Powers[/U] ? telekinesis and psionic abilities [U]Handicaps[/U] ? I lose power and energy when I return to my normal state after transforming into a ?Dark Templar?, also he cannot maintain his psionic rituals for long because it drains too much of his energy and he can die if he over stains his psionic powers. [U]Transformations[/U] ? ?Dark Templar? his powers double along with strength, size, and speed but his emotions are highly sensitive and can be enraged easily. [U]Special Moves[/U] ? ?Psionic Blast? creates a blast of energy that can hit a person at a great force or just knock then down ?Psionic Lightning? like all Templar this ritual is where the templar focuses there energy and release it into a lightning like form. ?Psionic Duplicates? in this ritual a Templar can create a clone of themselves or someone else which can be used as a diversion. ?Shadow Strike? in his Dark Templar form he can at such great speeds that he can make a series of strikes in what seems like one strike. [U]Bio[/U] ? Abandoned as a child, he was placed into a military academy and when he turned 18 he was placed into the Ghost Special Operations or GSO and sent into enemy territories to collect intelligence or assassinate head generals in opposing armies. When on a reconnaissance mission his base camp was destroyed by The Lotini, leaving him alone and without provisions to survive. Near starvation he collapsed and laid there to die when he was found by a traveling band of High Templar who was on the trail of The Lotini, sending him back to their camp they brought him back to health and released him with transportation and provisions for the travel home. When he arrived back at the capitol he was instantly arrested for having been seen consorting with the Thurin (the species of the High Templar and enemies of the humans were the High Templar are neutral) he was put on trial and found guilty and was sentenced to execution. He escaped by killing the guard and using his key. He returned to the High Templar camp and pleaded that they take him with them. They agreed and he became an apprentice and learned the skills of the templar and unlocked powers hidden within him. He soon became a master swordsman and a talented Templar. While training he passed out and had a vision of a great war of the light and the dark, he was to be a part of this battle and was chosen to come to "The Holy Land". He used his Psionic Energies in a ritual with other Templar and was able to open a portal to the land of witch he was called to and this is where his story begins? -
Sign Up To Find the Infection 4: Hell's Gates
P.J. McKrafty replied to Makurayami's topic in Theater
[B][COLOR=Orange]DUDE, IM SOOO STOKED (dated Term) FOR TFTI, hers my info[/COLOR][/B] [U]Name[/U] ? Ariador Kyleson Garret [U]Pronunciation[/U] ? Air-e-a-door Kyle-son Gare-ett [U]Age[/U] - 25 [U]Sex[/U] - male [U]Race[/U] - human [U]Height[/U] ? 6? [U]Weight[/U] ? 196 lb [U]Hair color[/U] - brown [U]Hair style[/U] - relaxed [U]Eyes[/U] - light purple [U]Body[/U] - athletic [U]Skin Tone[/U] ? white [U]Distinguished marks[/U] ? purple runes all over his body along with a serial number tatooed on his left wrist [U]Clothes[/U] ? white tunic and leggings with leather armor and a white cloak [U]Weapons[/U] ? saber, spear, and grappling dagger [U]Special Powers[/U] ? telekinesis and psionic abilities [U]Handicaps[/U] ? I lose power and energy when I return to my normal state after transforming into a ?Dark Templar?, also he cannot maintain his psionic rituals for long because it drains too much of his energy and he can die if he over stains his psionic powers. [U]Transformations[/U] ? ?Dark Templar? his powers double along with strength, size, and speed but his emotions are highly sensitive and can be enraged easily. [U]Special Moves[/U] ? ?Psionic Blast? creates a blast of energy that can hit a person at a great force or just knock then down ?Psionic Lightning? like all Templar this ritual is where the templar focuses there energy and release it into a lightning like form. ?Psionic Duplicates? in this ritual a Templar can create a clone of someone which can be used as a diversion. ?Shadow Strike? in his Dark Templar form he can at such great speeds that he can make a series of strikes in what seems like one strike. [U]Bio[/U] ? Abandoned as a child, he was placed into a Terran military academy and when he turned 18 he was placed into the Ghost Special Operations or GSO and sent into enemy territories to collect intelligence or assassinate head generals in opposing armies. When on a reconnaissance mission his base camp was destroyed by The Zerg, leaving him alone and without provisions to survive. Near starvation he collapsed and laid there to die when he was found by a traveling band of High Templar who was on the trail of The Zerg, sending him back to their camp they brought him back to health and released him with transportation and provisions for the travel home. When he arrived back at the capitol he was instantly arrested for having been seen consorting with the Protoss (the species of the High Templar and enemies of the humans were the High Templar are neutral) he was put on trial and found guilty and was sentenced to execution. He escaped by killing the guard and using his key. He returned to the High Templar camp and pleaded that they take him with them. They agreed and he became an apprentice and learned the skills of the templar and unlocked powers hidden within him. He soon became a master swordsman and a talented Templar. While training he passed out and had a vision of a great war of the light and the dark, he was to be a part of this battle and was chosen to come to The Holy Land. He used his Psionic Energies in a ritual with other Templar and was able to open a portal to the land of witch he was called to and this is where his story begins?