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P.J. McKrafty

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Everything posted by P.J. McKrafty

  1. [FONT=Arial][COLOR=Navy]The corpse filled the Hunts-mobile with an absolutely horrid stench. I guess the mixture of roasted wolf and the already lingering wet dog smell, that I was sure that was already there, combined to make a nauseating aroma that I just knew won't be coming out of the seats for a couple weeks. Let's add the smell of a dead animal to that list of perks for the Hunts-mobile. The painters mask I am wearing has so far, not helped one damn bit. The things I do for friends. [/COLOR][/FONT][FONT=Arial][COLOR=Navy]I hated driving through the industrial district. The whole place just feels, depressing, especially at night. I know it isn't street legal, but i have the K.C. lights on. A little light could do this place some good. Besides, there are barely anyone on the road at this hour, and cops don't patrol this side of town much anymore. Why Kaz uses this place for a H.Q. i will never know. When I pulled up I saw him standing in the loading dock of his building. The K.C. lights hit him and he squinted and covered his eyes with one of his arms. I switched the toggle and turned them off. I opened my door and waved to him. [B] "Kaz! Good to see you again."[/B] I said while closing the ddoor. [B] "Your still driving this junk heap?"[/B] He replied in his cold manner that I was a bit accustomed to. We traded grips and went around the back of the car to see the body. [B]"My god, what did you do to it?"[/B] [B] "Killed it,"[/B] at this point of time I got a good look at Kaz in the cabin light. [B]"Jeez, you look like a beaten Eskimo! When was the last time you slept?"[/B] He gave me a jagged stare then sighed.[B] "Good question, I'll grab the trolley and you help me with the body."[/B] We loaded the body on the trolley and I locked up the Hunts-mobile while Kaz went inside. I just caught up with him before he closed the guard on the service elevator and the slow assent began. I have never had awkward silences like I have with Kaz. Good times. We reached the top and he wheeled the trolley into a curtained area and put on a mask before he started to examine it's wounds. [B] "How did you burn it?"[/B] he asked not looking up from the corpse. [B] "I didn't, it was Kurt, he threw a Molotov cocktail at it." "That kid you found a couple years ago?" "Yeah, he fucked up the hunt though, I had to put the thing down for him."[/B] Kaz remained silent while he finished looking the thing over. [B]"Make yourself at home. I will be a while and then we can catch up and whatnot"[/B] I smirked at him and went into the back to root through his fridge. The second story of the place was much better than the first but it still needed some work. The ceiling was leaking in a few places and a little TLC couldn't hurt. Maybe a few potted plants would perk the place up. I found some leftover takeout and a generic diet soda in the back behind the alcohol. Sure I wanted some, but I didn't want a relapse so I just took the soda and went and sat down and waited for Kaz to finish. [/COLOR][/FONT]
  2. [FONT=Arial][COLOR=Navy]The last curb jolted the Hunts-mobile something fierce, but the old gal can handle it. I had received the call from Kurt not five minutes before now. He had run into a situation that he couldn’t handle, again, and has called me to pull him out of it. I made another hard turn and did my best to swerve through traffic. Promptly running a stop light I could still hear the horns of the cars driving in the opposite lanes. [B] “Note to self, install siren first chance I get.”[/B] I muttered to myself as I weaved through a couple more cars. He was in the city park; there had been sightings of a werewolf in the area, and big boy with something to prove has to go and look for it. Now it’s wounded and on the hunt while numb-nuts is cornered with a dozen other by standards in a park shed. This night just keeps getting better and better. [B] “Vigilance513 to Bruiser267,”[/B] The C.B. crackled to life. [B]“He is right on top of us. Where are you?”[/B] Kurt whispered though. It came out quite loud on my end. I didn’t answer, genius didn’t take into consideration that me replying would probably give off enough noise for the damned thing to pinpoint his location in the shed and scarf them all. The Park entrance came into view as I turned the last corner and I went speeding into the parking lot spewing gravel from under my tires as I went. I slowed down as I started to get close and turned off my lights. Letting off the gas I let the Hunts-mobile stop herself to reduce noise and then prepped myself. I grabbed my silver push dagger and checked the cambers in my .44. My last two silver shells and four hollow points just in case. Before I hopped out I opened my center console and pulled out a cherry sucker and popped it in my mouth. Candy is better and any other vice. I locked the car (Can’t be too careful.). Then cast my eyes to the small magic eight ball on a key chain. [B] “Will I live and save the others?”[/B] I asked shaking the trinket. [I] Cannot predict at this time[/I]. I like surprises anyway. The trees cast awful shadows from the moon and the orange lights the park has set up. The whole place just felt spooky. I could hear the beast before I saw it. I snapped on my flashlight and saw the whole story. The kid must have tried to confront the thing head on with a silver blade. He gets overconfident and winds up disarmed. From the glass and scorch marks on the grass the kid must have thrown a Molotov. I thought he missed until the creature turned to me, must have caught my scent, and I saw that he had hit the bugger right in it’s furry mug. Its eyes were just gone and there was no fur to speak of, just charred skin. It was a horrible sight. It sniffed the air trying to find out where I was. Being blinded isn’t that big of a deal for a werewolf. They are like dogs, scent and sound are their main senses. But scent is shit for depth perception. I took a knee and lined up my sights. My shot met it's mark. The creature collapsed without a sound other than the din my .44 conjured up. I checked the body and Kurt poked his head out of the shed before retreating back inside for a moment and finally coming out. [B]"Was that so hard? Shoot him it in the head, I taught you that! What the hell is this sword crap?"[/B] I said in a scolding manner to Kurt. [B] "The sword was all I had."[/B] he replied with his head down. [B]"Then don't go on the hunt. You are a dumb ass, you know that?"[/B] Kurt looked up at me embarrassment written all over his face. I couldn't help but feel for the kid, he was sixteen, I made mistakes like his when I was older than him. Hell, I still was making these mistakes. [B]"We will just chalk this one up to hormones, now you go talk to those people in there and explain what they just saw."[/B] I left him there without another word. No love like tough love. I hopped in the Hunts-mobile and sat there for a moment just staring at the wheel. I threw my sucker stick out the window and opened up my glove compartment. I pulled out a military grade cellphone that I use only for hunter to hunter talk. The ones that can call overseas and can get reception just about anywhere. I pulled down the driver side mirror. A list of names, Hunter-net names, and numbers was written down the yellowed paper. I found the name I was looking for and typed in the number on my phone. It rang five times and instead of going to machine it gave me three extra rings telling me she was on the phone. The machine picked up. [B]"This is Optical88, no I won't check your future and I'm not going to help you." "M.C., it's Martin, I need a change of scenery, call me back." [/B]With that I hung up the phone and sat in the car a moment longer lingering on what had happened tonight. I picked up the magic eight ball again and then shook it. [B]"Is M.C. deeply in love with my roguish charm?"[/B] [I]It is decidedly so.[/I] Knew it. [/COLOR][/FONT]
  3. [FONT=Arial][COLOR=Navy]I just got back from the premiere in my town and may I be the first to say. [B] THIS MOVIE BLEW MY MIND!!![/B] In the first 5 minutes of this movie I was not only sure that Heath Ledger (Rest in peace.) was right for this role, I was made certain that he was the best joker there has ever been and ever will be. This was Batman at his best, at his darkest. I was literally on the edge of my seat the entire time I was watching, and even when I thought I had a scene figured out it surprised me in one way or another. It has some of the best writing, acting, directing, and special effects I have ever seen. See this movie. It is a must see movie that will not disappoint. P.S. It has made #4 on top 250 movies on imdb in its first night. [/COLOR][/FONT]
  4. [FONT=Arial][SIZE=2][B] [COLOR=Navy]Name:[/COLOR][/B][COLOR=Navy] Ariador [B]Race:[/B] Half-Gerudo, Half-Human [B]Gender:[/B] Male [/COLOR] [B][COLOR=Navy]Brief character history: [/COLOR][/B][COLOR=Navy]Born to a noble seer, Ariador was promptly abandoned after birth so that his mother wouldn't lose status. Raised in a society where only one pure male is born per century, the half-breeds are treated as outcasts and are used for slave labor. The lucky ones stay small, they are used as servants and the such. The big ones end up as basic foot soldiers or bodyguards. A better definition for this position is human shield. Ariador was unfortunate enough to have a large father. He was placed in the ranks of the Gerudo long-bowmen. On a routine escort is where Ariador found his freedom. They were several miles into the desert when they were attacked by a group of renegade Gerudo. Since the company was taken by surprise, the battle was over before they knew it. The noblewoman they were escorting was killed first and most of the guards were down before Ariador was able to string his first arrow. Being taken prisoner the remaining guards were taken deeper into the desert and abandoned. Traveling for miles in what they thought was the direction of home actually took them further in the wrong direction. Those who didn't succumb to dehydration had nothing to do but continue on. When all hope seemed lost Ariador was found by a passing Hyrulian patrol on the fringes of the desert. Instead of being his saviors they became his captors and have taken him as a prisoner of war. [URL="http://i119.photobucket.com/albums/o159/pjmckrafty/Anima___Ranger_guy_by_Wen_M.jpg"][B][COLOR=Black]Picture.[/COLOR][/B][/URL] [/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  5. [quote name='Talon'][COLOR=crimson] Second, inwardscream, as to your character having a special car, as long as it was feasible given their financial situation, the technology of the current times, and their access to weapons capable of being mounted on a vehicle (I say this because I have the feeling you're trying to make a [U]Dead Reckoning[/U] like in [I]Land of the Dead[/I]) then it's allowed. Just make sure you add in some roleplay about how they got it, the trouble they're in with the law for having it, licenses, etc.[/COLOR][/quote] It would be more of a less flashy [U]Ecto-1[/U] scenario than the land roving train that the [U]Dead Reckoning[/U] is. I'll place the description and back story in my sign up.
  6. [FONT=Arial][COLOR=Navy]I was wondering if you would mind if i made a special car for my character. It's a little idea I have been working on and I think it would ad a little more substance to my character. I just thought I would run it past you, Talon, since this is all your thing.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  7. [COLOR=navy][FONT=Arial][B]Name:[/B] Martin Gibbs[/FONT][/COLOR] [COLOR=navy][FONT=Arial][B]Hunter-Net Name:[/B] Bruiser267[/FONT][/COLOR] [COLOR=navy][FONT=Arial][B]Age:[/B] 27[/FONT][/COLOR] [COLOR=navy][FONT=Arial][B]Hair:[/B] Blond[/FONT][/COLOR] [COLOR=navy][FONT=Arial][B]Eyes:[/B] Hazel[/FONT][/COLOR] [COLOR=navy][FONT=Arial][B]Height:[/B] 6"1"[/FONT][/COLOR] [COLOR=navy][FONT=Arial][B]Weight:[/B] 187lbs[/FONT][/COLOR] [COLOR=navy][FONT=Arial][B]Creed:[/B] Defender[/FONT][/COLOR] [FONT=Arial][SIZE=2][COLOR=navy][B] Weapons:[/B] A Kalashnikov AK-47 with a sawed off stock, [/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][FONT=Arial][SIZE=2] .[/SIZE][/FONT][FONT=Arial][SIZE=2][COLOR=navy]44 Magnum Colt Anaconda that he keeps in a belt holster in the small of his back, and a bolt-action Remington 700 that he uses in certain operations to cover his fellow Hunters. He also carries a wooden bat that has chipped in a few places and has a number of obscenities written on it, and a silver push dagger which he always has on him. EDIT: Another resource that is available to Martin is his station wagon. Playfully dubbed the "Hunts-mobile", Martin's '86 4x4 Jeep Wagoneer has become something of a calling card for him. Teal, rusting in certain places, and the fake wood paneling fading adds the cherry to the metaphorical eye-sore of a sundae. Martin has equipped it with a push bar on the front and back of the car with K.C. lights mounted on them. He has a C.B. mounted in the center dash. He has also installed a makeshift gun rack by cutting the bottom out of the back and building it into the floor so that his armory can be easily hidden from the police. [/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT] [B][FONT=Arial][COLOR=navy]Edges: [/COLOR][/FONT][/B] [FONT=Arial][COLOR=navy]Impact – He will yell "Fastball!" and twist his cap backward in a cliché fashion before delivering the blow with his bat.[/COLOR][/FONT] [FONT=Arial][COLOR=navy]Champion – He will mutter "Ouch." under his breath[/COLOR][/FONT] [FONT=Arial][COLOR=navy]Ward – Martin conjures this shield by brandishing his middle finger at the enemy[/COLOR][/FONT] [FONT=Arial][COLOR=navy]Bluster – He will call out any number of curse words.[/COLOR][/FONT] [FONT=Arial][COLOR=navy]Foresee – Martin will utter "Choices, choices."[/COLOR][/FONT] [FONT=Arial][COLOR=navy]Expose - He motions to his eyes with two fingers and then points at his target.[/COLOR][/FONT] [COLOR=navy][FONT=Arial][B]Appearance:[/B] Chase doesn’t come off as one of the more intimidating people you will meet. He has an athletic build from his former career. He is often beaming his smug grin that shows off the chipped teeth in the front of his mouth. He is always wearing a baseball cap with the 'B' for the Red Sox, and is usually wearing a ¾ t-shirt and jeans with converse high-tops.[/FONT][/COLOR] [FONT=Arial][COLOR=navy]While hunting he wears a Kevlar vest and heavy steel-toed work boots, along with a S.W.A.T. mask to protect his face. But other than that his outfit doesn’t change. He likes to wear bright colors and has reflector tape on his vest to attract more attention to himself.[/COLOR][/FONT] [COLOR=navy][FONT=Arial][B]Biography:[/B] I was raised in the suburbs outside of Chicago IL. From a young age I was a punk, always getting in tussles with kids that were older and bigger than myself and usually getting my rear-end handed to me. My parents didn’t know what to do with me; they tried childhood counseling, putting me in a kid’s karate class to release my anger (that just made things worse). They just about gave up with me when I entered my schools baseball team.[/FONT][/COLOR] [FONT=Arial][COLOR=navy]This was my outlet. Baseball. From the age of twelve on I have been playing baseball, and not to toot my own horn but I was damn good at it too. My high school team went to the state finals twice and I had the best record in my entire school. I got into collage on a baseball scholarship but dropped out as soon as I got the offer to go to the Boston Red Sox’s training camp. I was kicked out after the first week of training for repeated offenses of "Unsportsmanlike-like conduct".[/COLOR][/FONT] [FONT=Arial][COLOR=navy]I entered a spiral of depression and started drinking. After a couple [I]Public Intoxication[/I] charges I was a guest star of one of those intervention shows with my family and was placed in one of those rehab resorts. That’s when it happened.[/COLOR][/FONT] [COLOR=navy][FONT=Arial][B]Imbuing:[/B] I had been in the rehab center for about a month and had about a month left before I could have been released. I was just wandering the halls, trying to make my way to the recreation room to watch the end of the game (the beginning of which I was in a meeting during.) and maybe chat with my recently acquired friends when the scream echoed down the hallway.[/FONT][/COLOR] [FONT=Arial][COLOR=navy]I thought nothing of it at first, a new arrival coming down off some drug maybe. But this was followed by a dozen other screams coming from the recreation room. All the occupants came stampeding out. The last one out of the room was one of recent buddies, Ollie. He was cradling his neck where blood was just gushing from.[/COLOR][/FONT] [FONT=Arial][COLOR=navy]Before I could call out to him another person exited the room, a tall black woman wearing a jacket with a hood covering her face. He spotted Ollie and pounced on him pinning him to the floor and commenced to bite into him. I watched in horror as one of my friends was ripped apart and had his blood drank like he was a damned water fountain. I couldn’t turn away, the creature's hood fell back off its face. It was hideous. The sight was gruesome and I still couldn’t force myself to look away.[/COLOR][/FONT] [FONT=Arial][COLOR=navy]My feet were moving before I knew what was happening, I screamed and was charging the beast. She cast me a glance and when I was close enough she swatted me away like I was a freaking fly. I hit the wall hard and rolled onto my back. Before I could regain my footing she had straddled my hips and pinned me to the ground like she had Ollie. Now I was able to get a good look at her. Her eyes were completely black like the eyes you see on sharks. She had disgustingly elongated canines. Her entire mouth was covered in blood and she was grinning at me. GRINNING! I was able to get my forearm under her jaw and was doing my best to keep her from tearing me apart when it happened. A blinding blue light filled the hallway soon to be followed by the creature’s bellows. The next thing I knew I was covered in ash and the woman’s clothing.[/COLOR][/FONT] [FONT=Arial][COLOR=navy]Spitting and sputtering I sat up to see a young Asian girl standing down the hallway. She couldn’t have been a day over 15 and was holding a freaking Kalashnikov and scanning the hallway. It was then when she pointed at me and two men wearing what looked like S.W.A.T. gear hurried in and picked me up to my feet. They explained to me what that [I]thing[/I] was, what [I]I[/I] was. They taught me what I was dealing with, how to defend myself and others from it, and how that I may better myself. [/COLOR][/FONT] [FONT=Arial][COLOR=navy]I am a Hunter. Hope that you aren’t my prey.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  8. The Branch above Mitsuo shook as Seta caught up with him. Mitsuo scoffed and started walking through the trees. He eventually found a path and saw that it lead directly to a village. Mitsuo was starting down the trail when Seta flickered right in front of him. [B] "What the hell!" [/B]Mitsuo yelled stumbling backwards. Seta only responded by bursting into a fit of laughter and talking about how Mitsuo should have seen his own face. Mitsuo only scowled at Seta and walked around him. He made it a few paces before Seta fell in line right beside him. They entered the main street which was filled with people going every which way. [B] "Why are we going into town?"[/B] He asked. [B] "Scouting."[/B] Mitsuo replied trying to end the conversation. [B] "Wouldn't it be smarter to scout in the direction we are heading?"[/B] [B] "Probably."[/B] [B] "Then why are we heading into town?"[/B] Mitsuo only replied by pointing to a tea house that a few very attractive girls were standing outside of. Seta looked at Mitsuo with a puzzling expression. [B]"Tea?"[/B] [B]"The women you nimrod, I have come to town for company, jeez!"[/B] [B]"But Rizen will expect us back with a report, we can't lie to him, what if there is a trap waiting for us?" [/B]Seata said his voice growing stern as he grabbed Mitsuo's shoulder. [B]"Then you go and scout, I'll be here,"[/B] He said grabbing Seta's wrist and removing it from his shoulder. [B]"I think I can handle this mission."[/B] He turned and waved to the girls who immediately started giggling and murmuring to each other. [B]"What do i tell him happened to you then?"[/B] He called to Mitsuo. [B]"Tell him I'm drowning my sorrows in tea and assorted women." [/B]And with that Mitsuo was off. Leaving Seta standing in the street wondering what to do.
  9. Mitsuo leaned against the tree to keep his balance. Far be it from him to belittle a move like that. He stared at the two on the ground who just returned his glance. A tad bit arrogant of them just to assume that he would be helpless in this state. [B]“So what is it?”[/B] Rizen called from the ground a grin now spread across his and Arimi’s face [B]“Do you submit?”[/B] [B]“I must admit, that was clever,”[/B] Mitsuo replied.[B] “But I have learned a countermeasure to such jutsu.”[/B] Rizen’s grin faltered a bit and Arimi’s vanished altogether as Mitsuo pulled out another kunai. He pulled up his pant leg and loosened the wrappings on his leg and made three horizontal cuts along the leg. [B]“Messy, I know, but effective, the increased blood flow won’t give me full feeling but enough to keep my footing.”[/B] Mitsuo called at the two as he tightened the wrappings and fixed his pants. And with that Mitsuo was off again. As he moved through the trees he would periodically slap an explosive tag on trees to hopefully throw off his pursuers. He heard the occasional curse as one would have struck home but otherwise nothing except the rustle of the leaves. He was going strong until he reached a weak branch. He landed on his numbed leg and faltered a bit before trying g to jump to the next branch. He made it mid-jump before Arimi’s knee collided with the small of his back sending him to the ground. [B]“Ouch!”[/B] Mitsuo grunted as he squirmed a bit under Arimi’s knee. She stopped this by grabbing a handful of his hair and jerking his head up, gently pushing a kunai against his throat. [B]“We are going to sit here and wait for Rizen to catch up.”[/B] Mitsuo could just hear the smile on her face. [B]“Or we could do this.”[/B] Mitsuo grabbed a handful of sand and tossed it over his shoulder. He apparently hit home because she shrieked and her pressure on his back loosened he quickly used all his strength and shoved her off him. He scrambled to his feet to see her on her butt cursing and rubbing at her eyes. [B]“Not exactly smooth but it works.”[/B] [B]“It’s also dirty fighting.”[/B] Came Rizen’s voice from behind him. [B]“There’s no such thing as a fair fight is there?”[/B] Mitsuo replied turning to face Rizen. [B]“I didn’t cripple or maim her, no permanent harm no foul.”[/B] Rizen rolled his eyes as he came out of the tree line and walked over to Arimi. [B]“I think we should stop.”[/B] [B]“Oh, giving up so easily?”[/B] [B]“Actually its because your bleeding is getting pretty bad.”[/B] Mitsuo cast a glance down at his leg and saw that the blood had soaked through his wrappings and was making its way to his foot. [B]“I guess I was a bit over vigorous when cutting my calf,” [/B]Mitsuo let out a hefty sigh. [B]“I guess I’ll submit.”[/B] [B]“Then let’s get back to the others, and I guess I’ll leave that numbed until you get it fixed up.”[/B] Mitsuo nodded and then took off in the direction of the others.
  10. Mitsuo sat upon his perch in the tree and watched as the other scattered into their groups. He watched as Rizen and Arimi go about their little tiff and found the whole lot to be a waste of time. Why did he have to prove himself to the others? He was here wasn't he? That alone should prove his skill, and that was enough logic for Mitsuo to stay out of the whole damned thing. Content with this Mitsuo sat back and cracked open a book. [B]"Kids these days,"[/B] He muttered to himself. A thud that shook his branch made Mitsuo jump a bit. He peeked around the branch and saw a kunai stuck in the bottom. [B]"Son of a bitch!"[/B] [B] "I'm telling you I heard something in the tree."[/B] Came Arimi's voice from below. Mitsuo rolled his eyes and pried the knife from the tree before he swept his legs off the branch and jumped down. He landed softly a few feet from where Rizen and Arimi sat, Rizen apparently trying to return feeling to Arimi's appendages. [B] "This your's?"[/B] Mitsuo spat as he threw the kunai to the now blushing Arimi. [B] "What were you doing in the tree?"[/B] Rizen asked [B]"shouldn't you be sparring?"[/B] [B] "Who died and made you Hokage?"[/B] Mitsuo shot back. [B]"I didn't see anyone protesting me taking the leadership role in this group of misfits."[/B] Mitsuo just shot his and up in response and dawned a sheepish grin. [B]"very mature."[/B] [B] "Maybe he can spar with us."[/B] Arimi suggested. Rizen dawned a bit of a sheepish grin himself. [B]"Fine, if you have such a high regard for your skills how about it? Two against one?"[/B] [B]"Fine,"[/B] Mitsuo fished in his pack and pulled out a kunai with a tag attached to it. [B]"[I]onetwothree[/I] GO!"[/B] he blurted and threw the kunai to the dirt and jumped into the neatest tree just as the flash went off blinding the other two. [B]"Catch me if you can!"[/B]
  11. Rizen has his face buried in his scroll and jotting down his notes. Mitsuo stood behind eying the scroll in Rizen's lap. He took a loud bite from an apple he had skewered with his kunai from a nearby tree. Rizen made a slight jump and spun around staring daggers at Mitsuo. [B]"Shouldn't you be helping the others?"[/B] He spat at Mitsuo. [B] "They've got it covered, the dwarf seems to be having a hay day fighting them. What are you writing?" [/B]Mitsuo replied taking another bite from the apple.[B] "Notes on the fight. We can't exactly fight this guy by normal means."[/B] Rizen turned back to his scroll[B] "What were you doing sneaking up on me anyway?" "Being sneaky," [/B]Mitsuo said mouth full of apple. "Ain't that our jobs?" Rizen scoffed and otherwise ignored Mitsuo and went back to writing his notes. Meanwhile Mitsuo kept on crunching on his apple and reading over Rizen's shoulder. After a moment Rizen started to get fed up with his colleagues behavior. [B] "Do you mind?"[/B] he snapped. [B] "You have bad handwriting." "And you are offensive." "Well you have a bad haircut." [/B]Rizen was working on a response when he was interruptedas Arimi came skipping like a stone across the water.
  12. Mitsuo walked out of the room with a hefty sigh. Working with others was always a strain on his nerves, but if he heard jump, he reluctantly had to ask how high. Looking at those he was working with he realized that the real challenge was not in the battles ahead, but in tolerating those around him. As the rest of those with him stopped by the armory, Mitsuo just armed up what he brought with him. He passed a kid and a teenager on a bench, the kid waved at Mitsuo to come over. Mitsuo only scoffed at his childish behavior and rolled his eyes as he passed. He saw a guy and the only girl on the mission talking and since they were the only people around his age Mitsuo decided that they would be the least painful to get to know. [B]"Hi."[/B] Mitsuo grumbled to the pair keeping his head low. The guy just stood for a moment while the girl had he face buried in her hands and was shaking her head. The young man held out his hand. [B]"Rizen." "Mitsuo, and you are?" [/B]The girl jumped a bit and then a smile the size of which Mitsuo has never seen stretched across her face. [B]"Arimi." [/B]she spouted, now beaming ear to ear. Mitsuo has already decided that she was to nice. He didn't have much of a opinion for Rizen but he didn't quite like his hair. [B]"You're from the sand village I see."[/B] [B]"Yes, and by your demeanor I'll say you are from the Leaf," [/B]The comment had a bit more of an edge than Mitsuo meant but it didn't seem to phase her too much.[B]"What are we waiting around for now?"[/B]
  13. I haven't played Diablo II in so long. It brings back magical memories of my younger years where I would stay up til' five in the morning trying to get into the next area, and crashing my parents computer trying to download hacks for the game. My what a rascal I was in those days. I cant wait to start cutting my way through hordes of monsters from an aerial view again, and Diablo II-a-thon sounds just like old times.
  14. [FONT=Arial][SIZE=2][B]Name: [/B]Mitsuo Oonishi[/SIZE][/FONT] [SIZE=2][FONT=Arial][B]Age: [/B]19[/FONT][/SIZE] [SIZE=2][FONT=Arial][B]Appearance: [/B][URL="http://i119.photobucket.com/albums/o159/pjmckrafty/Commission___Kodahma_Sano_by_osy057.jpg"]Mitsuo[/URL][/FONT][/SIZE] [B][FONT=Arial]Personality:[/FONT][/B][FONT=Arial] Mitsuo usually keeps to himself and doesn't say much, but when he does they realize that he is a bit . . . offensive, for lack of a better term. He is skeptical, cynical, and pessimistic, all of which are some of his best features. He seems to fancy himself a tactical genius which leads to some authority issues.[/FONT] [B][FONT=Arial]Blood line trait: [/FONT][/B][FONT=Arial]Known as the Oonishi Sprint, when used Mitsuo can multiply his speed by ten fold. This, as would be expected, is very strenuous on the body and can only be used for short amounts of time before he will collapse from fatigue.[/FONT] [B][FONT=Arial]Common special techniques:[/FONT][/B] [U][FONT=Arial]Explosive Tags[/FONT][/U][FONT=Arial] - Mitsuo has always been partial to explosives, and this is best expressed in his efforts to kill people, these tags are sensitive to chakra, the more chakra he puts into them, the bigger the boom.[/FONT] [U][FONT=Arial]Flash Tags[/FONT][/U][FONT=Arial] - Much like the exploding tags, except their explosive abilities are used to temporarily blind his enemy. These are tied to kunai so they are easier to throw and are less likely to blow up near Mitsuo blinding him.[/FONT] [U][FONT=Arial]Shrapnel Shuriken[/FONT][/U][FONT=Arial] - Utilizing his love of the boom Mitsuo can channel his chakra into his shuriken, which can case them to explode, turning into a cloud of deadly shrapnel. If concentrating hard enough, Mitsuo can actually delay the explosion until it has struck the person causing extraordinary amounts of damage.[/FONT] [B][FONT=Arial]Bio:[/FONT][/B][FONT=Arial] Mitsuo was raised by the most wealthy and influential Sunagakure. He was placed in some of the best schools and was trained by the best the village hidden in the sand could offer. He never really got along with his classmates or those in his squads. He is now considered one of the best of the Sunagakure and is often sent out on missions and hasn't seen his home in the past two years.[/FONT] [SIZE=2][FONT=Arial].[/FONT][/SIZE]
  15. [SIZE=2][B][COLOR=black][FONT=Verdana]Name: [/FONT][/COLOR][/B][COLOR=black][FONT=Verdana]Adam Berkley[/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE=2][B][COLOR=black][FONT=Verdana]Age: [/FONT][/COLOR][/B][COLOR=black][FONT=Verdana]28[/FONT][/COLOR][COLOR=black]
  16. [center][FONT=Book Antiqua][SIZE=2][IMG]http://i119.photobucket.com/albums/o159/pjmckrafty/VonBraun-1.jpg[/IMG][/SIZE][/FONT] [/center] [FONT=Book Antiqua][SIZE=2] Kevin drew back the privacy curtain hanging around the bed to look at his next patient. A young man and woman in formal attire; both sat on the bed. The man was clutching a bandage to his forehead and was relatively calm. The girl on the other hand was a basket-case, she had his arm in a death grip and her face was splotchy from crying. Kevin dawned the biggest smile he could manage and stepped into view. [/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Book Antiqua][SIZE=2][B]?Hello!?[/B][/SIZE][/FONT][FONT=Book Antiqua][SIZE=2] greeted Kevin in a tone that was obviously forced. [B]?How are we doing?? [/B][/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Book Antiqua][SIZE=2][B]?Could be better.?[/B][/SIZE][/FONT][FONT=Book Antiqua][SIZE=2] He replied as they traded grips. [/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Book Antiqua][SIZE=2][B]?Well then, mind telling me what happened.? [/B][B]?We were at the launch party and I tripped on the dance floor and caught the corner of a passing server?s tray.?[/B] [/SIZE][/FONT][FONT=Book Antiqua][SIZE=2] A slight tinge of red touched his face at the mention of the incident, Kevin jotted down some notes down on a clipboard and then he turned back to the couple with a slight smirk. [/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Book Antiqua][SIZE=2][B]?Alrighty then. Well ma?am I am going to have to ask for his arm back if you don?t mind, you can take a seat here or you could sit in the waiting room, this shouldn?t take long,?[/B][/SIZE][/FONT][FONT=Book Antiqua][SIZE=2] She got up and left the room in complete silence. [B]?Okay, do you have a preference in music mister...??[/B] [/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Book Antiqua][SIZE=2][B]?Lorum, James Lorum, and why would you ask that?? [/B][B]?Each bed is outfitted with a music player to further patient comfort.?[/B] [/SIZE][/FONT][FONT=Book Antiqua][SIZE=2] Kevin replied in a tone that sounded practiced as he walked over to a monitor and started fidgeting with it. [/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Book Antiqua][SIZE=2][B]?Anything is fine, I don?t really care.? [/B] [B]?Random then!?[/B] [/SIZE][/FONT][FONT=Book Antiqua][SIZE=2] Kevin pressed a few buttons and the sound of a steel drum flowed from the speakers on both sides of the bed. [B]?Reggae, didn?t see that one coming. How about you let me see that forehead of yours.?[/B] Kevin slapped gloves over his hands and gently removed the bandage from James?s forehead. About an inch long gash lay just above his left eyebrow. Kevin had a slight smile has he released his head and started to work with the contraption clipped to his web belt. [/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Book Antiqua][SIZE=2][B]?What?s that??[/B] James asked. [/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Book Antiqua][SIZE=2][B]?A cauterization unit, they just released them and they will soon replace stitches all together,?[/B][/SIZE][/FONT][FONT=Book Antiqua][SIZE=2] Kevin answered while pulling a pen shaped device with what looked like the head of a flashlight from the top of the unit and pulled out some of the attached cord for some slack. [B]?They don?t hurt and can dramatically reducer scarring. Just sit still, I don?t want to take your eyebrow off.?[/B] [/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Book Antiqua][SIZE=2]James tensed up a bit at the mention of losing an eyebrow which made Kevin laugh to himself quietly. He paced over to James and steadied his head with his left hand and rested the ?prod? on the gash. Kevin held down the button the pen and a slight humming came from the unit on his belt and he slowly moved the prod down the length of the gash. After about five minutes of the slowest movement know to man, the gash was healed up and the skin fused together with a slight discoloration. James reached up to touch the gash and winced. [/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Book Antiqua][SIZE=2]Kevin smiled and slipped a flesh colored bandage over the mark. [B]?It will be a bit sore though so we will prescribe painkiller and an ointment so it heals without incident.?[/B] [/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Book Antiqua][SIZE=2]The couple left the clinic the clinic and presumably returned to the party. Kevin sat down and rubbed and rolled his right wrist to relieve the stiffness. [/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Book Antiqua][SIZE=2] [/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Arial][FONT=Book Antiqua][SIZE=2]Kevin fumbled with his key, his wrist still a bit stiff from using the new cauterization unit.After a few moments of floundering he finally was able to get the key to strike slid into his room. He dropped his uniform by the door and the lights faded on throughout the entire room. Kevin had just reached his bed when the phone rang. [B] "Dr. Camfield?"[/B] the muffled voice of his superior asked from the other end. [B]"Yes?"[/B] [B]"We would like you to report to the shuttle bay, we would like you to be medical detail on the excursion to the outpost."[/B] Kevin let out a small moan in protest and cursed under his breath. [B]"Yeah, I can manage that, when would you like me to get there?"[/B] [B]"Immediately, boarding should begin shortly."[/B] More cursing on behalf of Kevin. Kevin hung up the phone without saying anything else and hauled himself off of his bed. He sat on his bed for a second staring at the phone in somewhat of a daze. With much mumbling and grumbling he got his uniform on and gear collected and, reluctantly, left for the shuttle bay. [/SIZE][/FONT][/FONT]
  17. [center][COLOR=black][FONT=Book Antiqua][IMG]http://i119.photobucket.com/albums/o159/pjmckrafty/VonBraun-1.jpg[/IMG][/FONT][/COLOR][/center] [COLOR=black][FONT=Book Antiqua]Kevin sat in the med-bay half bored out of his skull. Being the Chief Medical Officer he had to be on the Von Braun bright and early to help lead the rest of the medical staff that would be scattered at the various smaller stations all through the Von Braun orient themselves. So far he has had three doctor and a handfull number of nurses report in for their schedules and locations.[/FONT][/COLOR] [COLOR=black][FONT=Book Antiqua]Kevin and Nurse Victoria that has arrived that was assigned to the main med-bay prepped the equipment and beds for anything that might come their way. The place seemed to be bathed in a light bluish light that gave the med bay an even more sterile appearance. After the area was set up Kevin and Nurse got dressed into their medical attire.[/FONT][/COLOR] [COLOR=black][FONT=Book Antiqua]The black pants and shirt provided were a tighter than expected and had a military-esque appearance. The only thing that felt familiar was the white jacket that fell to mid-thigh. It had a red cross with two horizontal golden bars underneath (to show rank) printed on both sleeves and if that didn?t give away that he was a doctor a Caduceus Staff was printed in the middle of both crosses. The last piece was the web belt that held the device no larger than a lunchbox on his right hip.[/FONT][/COLOR] [COLOR=black][FONT=Book Antiqua]Now that Kevin felt like the medical equivalent of Batman all there was to do was to wait for the rest of the staff to show up. The doors parted in a barely audible sound as they slid, of coarse you wouldn?t know this by Kevin?s reaction almost breaking his neck turning to see who it is. A man a little over average height wearing the Von Braun doctor?s garb and an overconfident smile waltzed in. The edge of Kevin?s mouth turned up into a goofy looking smirk at the sight of him[/FONT][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=black][FONT=Book Antiqua]?Rand!?[/FONT][/COLOR][/B][COLOR=black][FONT=Book Antiqua] Kevin almost shouted spinning in his chair.[/FONT][/COLOR] [COLOR=black][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=black][FONT=Book Antiqua]?Kev-o!?[/FONT][/COLOR][/B][COLOR=black][FONT=Book Antiqua] Rand shouted back as they traded grips.[/FONT][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=black][FONT=Book Antiqua]?I swore you said you were going to be here an hour ago, was I mistaken??[/FONT][/COLOR][/B][COLOR=black][FONT=Book Antiqua] Kevin mocked squeezing hard on his friends hand.[/FONT][/COLOR] [COLOR=black][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=black][FONT=Book Antiqua]?No you weren?t, but I had to check into my room and I also had to get us a pair of these.?[/FONT][/COLOR][/B][COLOR=black][FONT=Book Antiqua] Rand pulled his hand from the grip and withdrew a pair of passes from his left jacket pocket. [B]?Two, count em?, two passes to the launch party.?[/B][/FONT][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=black][FONT=Book Antiqua]?How did you get a hold of those??[/FONT][/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=black][/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=black][FONT=Book Antiqua]?I charmed them from our superiors.?[/FONT][/COLOR][/B][COLOR=black][FONT=Book Antiqua] Kevin let out a snort and snatched one of the passes from his friends and read it over.[/FONT][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=black][FONT=Book Antiqua]?Charmed my ass! My name is printed on here!? [/FONT][/COLOR][/B][COLOR=black][FONT=Book Antiqua]They both broke out into a fit of laughter[B]. ?You are going to be assigned here in the main med-bay as a surgical consultant.?[/B][/FONT][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=black][FONT=Book Antiqua]?Fun, so loads of work for me huh?? [/FONT][/COLOR][/B][FONT=Book Antiqua]Rand[/FONT][COLOR=black][FONT=Book Antiqua] spat in a skeptical tone.[/FONT][/COLOR] [COLOR=black][FONT=Book Antiqua]
  18. [SIZE=1][B]Crew Member Name:[/B] Doctor Kevin Camfield [B]Age:[/B] 31 [B]Identification:[/B] [IMG]http://i119.photobucket.com/albums/o159/pjmckrafty/VonBraun-1.jpg[/IMG] [B]Occupation & Background: [/B]Lead Medical Officer [/SIZE][SIZE=1] Coming from a predominantly medical background it wasn't hard for Kevin to get into some of the most prestigious medical schools. But carrying the Camfield name meant a lot and came with high expectations which he strove to meet. Graduation third in his class Kevin moved on trying to further his career and make a name for himself like his father before him. Kevin applied to be the lead Medical officer on the Von Braun for a change in scenery from the usual hospital environment.[/SIZE] [SIZE=1] Kevin was on the top of the list of Doctors to go along on the maiden voyage. Not the most skilled on the list, he was chosen because of his bedside manor. That was the main contributing factor they were looking for because on a luxury ship like the Von Braun, major injuries and sicknesses are not to be expected so the med bay was designed for comfort for those who have suffered minor injuries while aboard the ship. That being said the med bay does have the capability to treat anything from something as minor as a headache to something as severe as reattaching a limb. Unlike most doctors Kevin's bedside manor isn't just a facade put on for the patient. He is an unusually happy and optimistic person. With strong morals, Kevin is polite in an old fashioned way, often holding door and pulling seats out for women and the other gestures that go along with that kind of thing. When a patient's life is in danger Kevin's personality changes entirely, becoming very solemn and will start barking out orders at the tip of the hat. characterized by many who know him on a personal level as a "goodie-goodie" who does no wrong. [/SIZE]
  19. [quote name='Kenso'] [FONT=Verdana][SIZE=1]On a side note, inwardscream, keep in mind the Macks as you have them written are wanted, and turning in Clark is likely to result in their arrest also. Just something they may wish to keep in mind (especially since they're BACK in Arizona right now).[/SIZE][/FONT] [/quote] I don't know if I am reading this wrong (I have been know to do that, being the person I am) but I don't think I have written about the Macks, only Holt and his constant drunken shenanigans and mishaps. Just looking for a bit of clarity.
  20. [SIZE=1]I didn't expect the ground to be as hard as it was as I was thrown from the covered wagon to the dry dusty soil. Perfect. I scrambled to my feet as fast I could to face the wagon. Her father jumped down aiming my own winchester at me and yelling so fast and loud i couldn't make out what he was saying. I guess for you to understand this predicament I have found myself in I need to explain myself further. [center]~~~~~~~~~~ [/center] I had been in the ground for a day, maybe more, maybe less, you lose sense of time in those kind of situations. I had already had an unpleasant experience with a buzzard so I was incredibly uncomfortable. Thats when the wagon rolled up, almost crushing my head by the way. God must have been on my side cause they actually were able to spot me. After about an hour I was out of the ground and laying down in the back of the wagon. It had been about a week since they had picked me up when the mother and father went into town for supplies and left me and their daughter in the wagon. She sat down with me and in an abrupt move she started to unbutton her blouse. Needless to say a weaker man would have given in to temptation and went along with her. So I did. It was going swimmingly until today when her father happened to forget something in the wagon and caught us in the act, and here I am. [/SIZE][SIZE=1] [center]~~~~~~~~~~ [/center] My own rifle was trained at my head as the man continued to shout at me. He took a deep breath and glowered at me as if collecting his thoughts. [B]"How dare you do that with my daughter, and after I saved you from your own inevitable death. THIS IS HOW YOU THANK ME!"[/B] He snarled. A couple people emerged from the surrounding buildings to see what all the commotion was all about. [B] "In my defense, she came-on to me first,"[/B] Her father seemed to roar and then let lose a round from my rifle. I flinched and sat for a second waiting for the pain to start before I opened them to find myself relatively unscathed. [B]"I was going to marry her." [/B]I lied, horribly by the look on his face and he let loose another round. This one clipped my boot and made me jump. He glared at me that sent a shiver down my spine and then slowly backed his way to the front of the wagon. I heard the wheels creak as they started to roll and then his daughter appeared out the back flap and tossed me my bag. She winked and blew me a kiss which sent shivers down my spine for the second time and then she retreated back into the wagon just before it took off. I sat there in the dust for a second holding my bag and hoping that my heart would fall back into my chest from its perch in my throat. The wagon left from sight and a smirk grew on my face. I reached into my pocket and pulled out the wad of money and the golden watch that I had pocketed from the father. [B]"I guess I wont feel bad about taking this then." [/B]I shoved them back into my pocket and headed down the street. I need a drink. [/SIZE]
  21. [SIZE=1][B]Name:[/B] Holt McAnnely (Alias, real name unknown.) [/SIZE] [SIZE=1][B]Gender:[/B] Male [/SIZE] [SIZE=1][B]Age:[/B] 24 [/SIZE] [SIZE=1][B]Physical Description:[/B] He isn't a incredibly intimidating man, he is around six feet tall and has somewhat of a well kept shape. He comes off with some of a rough appearance (who doesn't in these times?), often his face is covered in stubble from his latest drunken binge. He has dark hair and dark eyes that have somewhat of a charming appearance. He has a couple scars covering his back where he was shot multiple times by an Apache bow. His most recent injuries include scratches and black eye covering his face from when he was accused of cheating during a card game (which he was) and beaten by three men and taken out and buried up to his neck and left for the buzzards. [/SIZE] [SIZE=1]He dresses well for someone of his caliber. He is usually wearing what seems like semi-formal attire. He has his trademark bowler cap that has seen too much action in its day and has fallen into disrepair. He has a dark brown suit vest on top of his whitish button down shirt. His trousers are black, just like his boots. He wears a beautifully crafted belt with a few bullets in the loops and his Colt Navy Revolver 51' in a reverse holster on his left hip. He also has a Short Barrel Winchester 66' lever action that he rarely carries with him. A small leather band strapped to his right wrist hides the cards he cheats with during his poker escapades and a small knife that he keeps precariously hidden in his vest. [/SIZE] [SIZE=1][B]Personality Description:[/B] Holt is what most would deem as "sidekick" material. He doesn't mean much harm but due to the things he does he ends up in a hellacious amount of trouble. He is a pretty upbeat fellow for someone that seems to come off as jaded to most people. He would like to think of himself as a charmer to the ladies but that sadly isn't the case. Another problem he has is his mouth. Along with card playing he has a knack for saying the perfect thing... to get his ass beat. He has been told he has a wit faster than any man's gun hand. He is an alcoholic and has been since childhood. [/SIZE] [SIZE=1][B]Biography:[/B] Holt never had a hard life, his father adored him seeing how he was the only boy out of their six children. His mother always took his childhood angst in stride and he was never subject to much bloodshed in his life, hell his grandparents are still alive. He was worked as a child though, in between his mother's school lessons and his father's chores on the ranch it is a wonder that he had time to get into any trouble. [/SIZE] [SIZE=1]His alcoholic tendencies started at the tender age of eleven. He would sneak into town at any chance he would get and loiter in the local saloon with his friend and mentor Jonathan McAnnely an man who has seen some years and first turned Holt onto card playing, and the sauce. Holt snuk out and would go play cards with Jonathan almost everyday, that was until his father caught on. He went to Jonathan and threatened him that is he didn't stay away from his son that he would do a number of unpleasant things. Jonathan skipped town the next day. [/SIZE] [SIZE=1]Holt never really forgave his father for scaring off his mentor and dreamed of the day he would leave the ranch and set off on his own. When the day finally came he left without hesitation and didn't look back, only regretting leaving his mother and sisters behind. He took the name of Jonathan's son who died of an unknown illness[/SIZE][SIZE=1]. Only a couple days after leaving he accidentally wandered into Apache territory and was attacked and taken back to their tribe where they kept him in captivity until he was finally rescued by white traders who bartered for his freedom.[/SIZE][SIZE=1][SIZE=1] He travelled with the traders working off his freedom until he saw his chance and left them too, heading west and away from larger areas to avoid running into them. A close encounter in small town saloon almost ended with Holt dead if it wasn't for the intervention of a Clark Winslow. After a certain amount of pleading and begging and the greasing of palms Clark actually helped Holt get out of town unnoticed and relatively unharmed. They went their separate ways and haven't seen each other since. Holt was recently accused of cheating during a card game (which he was) and was pummeled and buried up to his head and left for the buzzards. [/SIZE] [B][SIZE=1]OCC: Just let me know if anything needs changing.[/SIZE][/B] [/SIZE]
  22. [FONT=Arial][SIZE=2][COLOR=black]Sorry about my tardy post but I have been a tad bit busy as of late. Well I have to say that these are some pretty good sign ups; here is who got accepted: Knuckles' Girl The Enemy [/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][FONT=Arial][SIZE=2][Sound_Nin] Zeke47 Box Hoy Good jobs to you guys, sorry to dragoonreaper but your sign up just didn't dazzle me. I should have the main thread up either tonight or in the next couple of days. And here is my sign-up.[/SIZE][/FONT][COLOR=black][FONT=Arial] [/FONT][/COLOR][B][COLOR=black][FONT=Arial] Name: [/FONT][/COLOR][/B][COLOR=black][FONT=Arial]Holt Aldridge[/FONT][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=black][FONT=Arial]Age: [/FONT][/COLOR][/B][COLOR=black][FONT=Arial]22[/FONT][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=black][FONT=Arial]Gender:[/FONT][/COLOR][/B][COLOR=black][FONT=Arial] Male[/FONT][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=black][FONT=Arial]Personality: [/FONT][/COLOR][/B][COLOR=black][FONT=Arial]Holt is the definition of charisma; this is a good and a bad thing. He works well with people, but he also a bit of a con man. He sees that as a good characteristic of himself seeing as he is going to go into the media industry and being able to manipulate people can help.[/FONT][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=black][FONT=Arial]Appearance:[/FONT][/COLOR][/B][COLOR=black][FONT=Arial] [URL="http://i119.photobucket.com/albums/o159/pjmckrafty/1130767231_0.jpg"]link[/URL][/FONT][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=black][FONT=Arial]Occupation:[/FONT][/COLOR][/B][COLOR=black][FONT=Arial] Full time student. His major is cinematography and he is minoring in media.[/FONT][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=black][FONT=Arial]Skills:[/FONT][/COLOR][/B][COLOR=black][FONT=Arial] One of the most important skills a person can have at times like these, people skills. No matter the crisis panic is always a factor. People panic, make horrible decisions so it is imperative in circumstances like this to have the ability to defuse such situations.[/FONT][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=black][FONT=Arial]Tick:[/FONT][/COLOR][/B][COLOR=black][FONT=Arial] His camera. His dream is to make it as a freelance cameraman and produce documentaries, so it is only natural that he would seize this opportunity to further his possibilities in his career. The problem with this is that he has a need to take the best shots he can, even is that places him in immediate danger, which during the outbreak might be a big problem.[/FONT][/COLOR] [FONT=Arial][SIZE=2][B][COLOR=black] Bio: [/COLOR][/B][/SIZE][/FONT][FONT=Arial][SIZE=2][COLOR=black](I wrote this and it got deleted... I know, heartbreaking. So I am being lazy and not doing it again, thus I am abusing my powers as the creator of the RPG. Good day) [/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][FONT=Arial][SIZE=2][B] OCC: If anyone else is interested in signing up please PM me before posting a sign up.[/B][/SIZE][/FONT]
  23. [center][B][SIZE=4][COLOR=red]The Dalton Strain: Evacuation[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][/center] [FONT=Arial][/FONT] [FONT=Arial][COLOR=black]The door swung open and a man stumbled into the house slamming the door behind him. His breath was loud and labored. He locked the door behind him and ran over to a table rummaging though a pile of junk before pulling out a video camera and running over to a window and peaking out the blinds. He switched the camera on and a low hum emanated from it as it prepared to record. He pointed it at himself and pressed the button.[/COLOR][/FONT] [FONT=Arial][COLOR=black][/COLOR][/FONT] [FONT=Arial][COLOR=black][B]“My name is Holt Aldridge, I’m a twenty-two year-old collage student. I have decided to make a video diary of my escape from the city. Hell, after this all blows over I could submit it and make oodles of money and make my mark,”[/B][/COLOR] [/FONT][FONT=Arial][COLOR=black]he paused for a moment staring back out the blinds as a siren went by. [B]“A viral outbreak has struck America, I don’t know all the details but it looks like the military is stepping in to take care of it. They call it the Dalton Strain or something like that, from what I heard on the news it is like this crazy mutated for of rabies that is super contagious. It causes anyone who is infected with it to become super violent and cannibalistic. From what I saw today I don’t doubt any of that.” [/B]A loud set of foot steppes ran buy his house and the faint sound of gunfire could be heard in the distance. [B]“I mean I saw one of the soldiers that was trying to help people evacuated get tackled by like, three of the things, and they just started tearing into him. Needless to say I didn’t stick around or anything. About a block from here I was being chased by one of the things, I don’t know what the virus dose to these people physically but they sure as hell seem to run faster. I don’t know what happened but one second he was behind me and the next second he was gone. I don’t know how much longer I can stay here. They ordered a evacuation of the city, so I know all hell is going to break loose,”[/B][/COLOR][/FONT] [FONT=Arial][COLOR=black]Holt hesitated staring into the camera for a second before switching it off and resting his head against the wall for a moment. He suddenly cringed as a high pitched scream sounded outside his house. He jumped to his feet and checked the door to make sure it was locked up tight. Holt knew he had to leave the city or he was going to die here.[/COLOR][/FONT] [FONT=Arial][COLOR=black][/COLOR][/FONT] [B][FONT=Arial][COLOR=black]Status Report[/COLOR][/FONT][/B] [FONT=Arial][COLOR=black][/COLOR][/FONT] [FONT=Arial][COLOR=black]The world we all know and love has ended. A massively contagious strain of rabies has started to ravage the Americas and other major continents. The victims have become extremely violent cannibalistic beasts, hunting their fellow human beings like feral dogs. There is nothing left of their old selves, loved ones look just as appetizing as their worst enemies. Those who survive the attacks from the carriers have a much more horrible fate; they have too become infected and will soon become that which has hunted them. There is no cure. There is no sign of hope. There is only one rule left in a world that is being plagued by a virus like this one. Survive.[/COLOR][/FONT] [FONT=Arial][COLOR=black][/COLOR][/FONT] [FONT=Arial][COLOR=black][/COLOR][/FONT] [FONT=Arial][COLOR=black][B]Sign-Ups[/B][/COLOR][/FONT] [FONT=Arial][COLOR=black][/COLOR][/FONT] [COLOR=black][B][FONT=Arial]Name:[/FONT][/B][/COLOR] [B][FONT=Arial][COLOR=black]Age: [/COLOR][/FONT][/B] [B][FONT=Arial][COLOR=black]Gender:[/COLOR][/FONT][/B][FONT=Arial][COLOR=black][/COLOR][/FONT] [B][FONT=Arial][COLOR=black]Personality:[/COLOR][/FONT][/B][FONT=Arial][COLOR=black]Let me have a basic understanding of how your character will act.[/COLOR][/FONT][FONT=Arial][COLOR=black][/COLOR][/FONT] [FONT=Arial][COLOR=black][B]Appearance:[/B] Picture or description, or both.[/COLOR][/FONT] [B][FONT=Arial][COLOR=black]Occupation:[/COLOR][/FONT][/B][FONT=Arial][COLOR=black] What did you do before the virus spread. If military, state your branch and rank.[/COLOR][/FONT] [FONT=Arial][COLOR=black][B]Skills:[/B] What you can do that could help you during a crisis like this.[/COLOR][/FONT] [FONT=Arial][SIZE=2][COLOR=black][B]Tick:[/B] What sets your character apart from most people. What kind of habits do they have. This is here just to give your character more of a human feel.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT="][FONT=Arial][SIZE=2][COLOR=black][B] Bio:[/B] Doesn't have to be extremely long, I have a short attention span so making it really long will jut make it harder to read. Two or three paragraphs worth will do just fine.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/FONT]
  24. Those who had not yet left talked amongst themselves making the occasional glance in Natin's direction. He didn't know why they were acting like this but he sure as hell didn't feel very welcomed. Suddenly the woman in the black and white dress walked up to Natin and got a couple inches from his face and then started to scan him up and down. [B] "What did the voice say to you?"[/B] She asked while still looking him over. [B] "Just to come to this mountain, I am still wondering why the hell I'm here."[/B] He replied taking a couple steps back from the woman. [B] "We were warned about a man who doesn't know who he is."[/B] A girl dressed in light blue spouted stepping forward. [B] "Well I know who I am, My name is Natin Uriel, I just don't know where I am or why I am here,"[/B] The group was now completely focused on him. [B]"Okay, you caught me. I have come here to kill each and every one of you,"[/B] He walked over to his pack and unstrapped his sword taking it from its sheath and walking back to the group. [B]"How will we do this, one at a time or all at once?"[/B] The man with the armored arms drew his sword and jumped forward. [B]"I was just making a point, calm down."[/B] Natin sheathed his sword and the other man hesitated before doing the same. [B] "Okay then, what are you planning on doing?"[/B] The second girl chimed in again. [B] "I personally have no clue, but if I can get rid of the voice that is going off in my head I will do it."[/B]
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