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P.J. McKrafty

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Everything posted by P.J. McKrafty

  1. Hello! I was wondering if anyone would, out of the kindness in their heats, (cause i know you have some), make me a new banner and avi with a theme from the show Doctor Who. The only specifications I have is that it is the 10th Doctor and that it say "I am The Doctor" other than that you have complete creative control. Thanks in advance.
  2. Natin stared at the summit and made a deep sigh as he started up the path to the top. The voice lead him here, for what reason escaped him but he wasn't thrilled about making the rigorous journey. He started up the path making occasional stops to situate his pack in a new spot and continued on. [B] "Hurry."[/B] The voice hissed in his head. [B]"I heard you the first time, I'm almost there maybe you could give it a rest for a couple hours."[/B] Natin replied to the voice. He had been enduring it for his week long travel to the mountain and he was looking forward to getting to the peak to see what it wanted and get back to the normal routine. Something about a ominous voice chiming in hiss head for every minute of every day bothered him. A couple hours passed with the voice urging him to move faster saying that their goal was almost achieved. The sun had set and Natin had noticed a light coming from the peak. This was a sure sign that he was on the right track to getting rid of the voice. He stopped for a moment and decided that it would be faster to climb the face of the mountain instead of continuing along the path. Climbing proved to be no easy task as Natin realized after making it halfway up. He found a outcropping and sat there to catch his breath. [B]"Don't stop now, we are so close." "Unless you want me to fall to my death you will let me rest, you could tell me why we are here." "You will see soon enough no you must continue." "Alright, I'm going."[/B] Natin clambered to his feet and started back up the mountain. The trek seemed to go even slower now. He was now within feet of the summit. He shifted his pack and took it of his back. He fixed his footing and hand hold and threw his pack as hard as he could over his head. It barely made it but it made it to the summit. He made it a couple more feet and was within grasping distance of the summit. he reached up but his feet suddenly slipped. he held on for dear life as his feet scrambled for a hold. [B]"Gotcha!" [/B]Natin heard as he was hoisted up over the edge. Natin feel to the ground at the feet of an man with metal clad arms. [B]"That was close, good thing you beaned me with your bag or else I would never of found you."[/B] Natin tried to articulate his gratitude but he we still shaken up from almost falling. A young woman in a black and white dress walked up and keeled next to him. [B]"Why the hell would you climb up this mountain?" [/B]She spouted looking him over. [B]"Why the hell did you?" [/B]Natin shot back. [B]"I was called here just like the others." "Well I was too." [/B]A look of shock dawned on her face as she looked down at him. The looked back at the man with the armored arms and back down at Natin. [B]"Whats wrong?"[/B]
  3. [B]OCC: konske and I worked this out.[/B] [B] Name:[/B] Natin Uriel[B] [/B][B]Age: [/B]23[B] [/B][B]Gender: [/B]Male[B] [/B] [B]Personality:[/B] He has a very mature feeling about him. He rarely jokes around, finding those that do to be childish. He has been a drifter for a while now so he prefers solitude over the company of others. He is rarely seen smiling and seems to have a pessimistic outlook at situations, always seeing the grim side of everything. Despite all of this he seems to have a charismatic aura. He is very polite to everybody and tries his hardest to be nice. [B]Appearance: [/B]See Below[B][/B] [B][/B] [B]Reincarnation of:[/B] Kroan[B] [/B][B]Power:[/B] [U]Spirit[/U] - since every living being houses a spirit, Natin (even though he doesn't know it) can control them and even posses a person. Like a puppet master he is able to make a person move, but the stronger the person's will is the harder it is for him to control them. He can also sense other people spirit and can find out many things about how they live by doing this. Another ability he has is to concentrate the living spirit that is all around us into pure energy to use like an extension of his body. Such as focusing and being able to bring spiritual energies into our plane of existence and manipulate it to his needs. [B] Weapon:[/B] A long sword (see below)[B] [/B] [B]Bio:[/B] Natin dosen't remember much of his own childhood, just that he and his family were enslaved when he was only three years old. He was sold off almost instantly to a nobles family as a servant, never to see his parents again. He was put to work as the family's daughter's playmate, and from then on Natin held a strong hatred for his mistress. He grew up, with each year came a new chore to do for his mistress but he always held the duty of her playmate. She too grew up and with each year her beauty seemed to multiply tenfold, but no matter how she appeared and what kind thing she would do for him he would always hate her and her family. Natin sat in the garden waiting for his mistress for their play date as per usual routine after his chores. She walked up and Natin sprang to his feet and bowed as was expected of him. She asked him to sit back down and she sat with him. She seemed distracted and distant they sat in silence for a while and she finally lunged forward pecking him on the cheek and then speeding off. That night Natin was stopped by his mistress on the way back to his quarters where she confessed her love for him. She pleaded for him to elope with her but he declined her offer. She realized that he felt the exact opposite for her and would probably never return her feelings. She set him free not only as a gift for him but so she may be able to forget her feelings for him. He gave a humble thank you and left that night without saying another word. He has been drifting from town to town ever since.
  4. [COLOR=DarkRed]Oh it will be, something about repeatedly stabbing a dinosaur in the head just seems like a recipe for success to me.[/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=Navy]Disoriented Liir jumped to his feet ripping his warclub from behind his back and spinning around brandishing it in every direction. There were people scattered around him walking around trying to get there bearings. Liir stood rigid for a couple more moments before he saw that none of them were even paying attention to him. He slipped his club back into its sheath and started to examine where he was. Apparently he was in a forest of some sort. The fact that he didn't know where he was, let alone how he got there, put him into a state of confusion that he cannot even begin to expand upon. Liir jumped as a hand grasped his shoulder. He spun around arms outstretched and hands balled into fists. [B] "Jumpy fella' arn't ya?"[/B] A man wearing a leaf and bearing a rather large smile stood beaming at Liir. His hand shot out and Liir flinched again. [B]"Names Louie!" [/B]Liir stared at his hand for a second before jumping once again at a small screech that came from under the mans leaf, a Lizard Bat then poked it's head out from under the leaf. [B]"I'm dreaming, that explains it! I'm imagining all of this forest,[/B][/COLOR][COLOR=Navy][B] and the man wearing the leaf and the lizard on his head.[/B][/COLOR][COLOR=Navy][B]" [/B]Louie stared at Liir not exactly knowing what to think of Liir's reaction to his greeting. [B] "I'm just as real as you, I don't think you are dreaming." "Oh..."[/B] Liir said immediately throwing away the harebrained theory. [B] "I guess you people in the Water Tribe haven't really heard much of us Swamp Nomads?" [/B]Liir shook his head with a bit of a crazed look on his face. [B]"Well I'm not to sure where we are but you acting crazy isn't going to help us find out, take a deep breath." [/B]Liir nodded and took a deep breath. [B] "My name is Liir."[/B] [/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=DarkRed]The legendary dinosaur hunting game is back, or at least it will be next Tuesday. Thought I'd start a discussion thread so we can share our thoughts on it. I myself am bloody excited to see the revival of one of my favorite series. I wonder what the wonderful people of the OtakuBoards think? [/COLOR]
  7. [INDENT][COLOR=Navy][FONT=trebuchet ms][FONT=Arial][B]Name:[/B] Liir Maotuo[/FONT][/FONT][/COLOR] [COLOR=Navy][FONT=trebuchet ms][FONT=Arial] [B]Age:[/B] 18[/FONT][/FONT][/COLOR] [COLOR=Navy][FONT=trebuchet ms][FONT=Arial] [B]Gender:[/B] Male[/FONT][/FONT][/COLOR] [COLOR=Navy][FONT=trebuchet ms][FONT=Arial] [B]Appearance:[/B] [URL="http://i119.photobucket.com/albums/o159/pjmckrafty/Liir.jpg"][U]Liir[/U][/URL][/FONT][/FONT][/COLOR] [COLOR=Navy][FONT=trebuchet ms][FONT=Arial][B] Nation: [/B]Northern Water Tribe[/FONT][/FONT][/COLOR] [COLOR=Navy][FONT=trebuchet ms][FONT=Arial] [B]Element:[/B] N/A[/FONT][/FONT][/COLOR] [COLOR=Navy][FONT=trebuchet ms][FONT=Arial] [B]Weapon:[/B] A whalebone [URL="http://i119.photobucket.com/albums/o159/pjmckrafty/Storm_Sword_by_SeventhSense.jpg"][U]short-sword[/U][/URL] and a traditional Water Tribe [URL="http://i119.photobucket.com/albums/o159/pjmckrafty/Avatar_Water_Tribe_Warclub_by_alter.jpg"][U]warclub[/U][/URL].[/FONT][/FONT][/COLOR] [COLOR=Navy][FONT=trebuchet ms][FONT=Arial][B] What was your character doing when they heard news of Wu Ren's death?[/B][/FONT][/FONT][/COLOR] [COLOR=Navy][FONT=trebuchet ms][FONT=Arial] Liir took his time walking down the path, he was never in a hurry to go anywher[FONT=trebuchet ms]e. The fact that his first ever task as a Water Tribe warrior was to be a messenger to the Prince of the Northern Water Tribe less than excited him. Taking a love note to the Princes love interest in the Fire Nation didn't exactly seem like the excitement he was expecting from the job.[/FONT][/FONT][/FONT][/COLOR] [COLOR=Navy][FONT=trebuchet ms][FONT=Arial][FONT=trebuchet ms] He turned the final bend in the path to the small village he was looking for. The storm he could see from the shore had now started to disperse in the distance. This was a good sign he thought. He entered the village to see it was nearly empty. All the people were crowding around a stature near the center of the village. Thinking that would be the best place to find the recipient of the letter he headed there. It was a medium sized statue, obviously the previous Avatar from the Fire Nation. The villagers had lit incense all around the statue and all of them were praying and seemed a bit disoriented. [B]"Show some respect boy!" [/B]Liir was wrapped on the back of his legs by a wooden cane, sending him crashing to his knees. [B]"The Avatar deserves respect on this, the day of his death." [/B]A crotchety old man stood behind Liir with a rather displeased look on his face. [B]"What?"[/B] Liir blurted shooting up. [B]"When did this happen?" "He died in the storm,"[/B] He said japping his cane at the sky.[B] "In the Avatar state..." [/B]He pause and turned away for a moment and then turned back around.[B] "The Avatar chain is broken."[/B] Liir sat silent as the old man hobbled off. The chain couldn't be broken. It just cant be, thats all he could think. He then turned and bowed to the statue and started praying, not only for the avatar but for the hope that the world won't fall apart without one. [/FONT][/FONT][/FONT][/COLOR] [/INDENT]
  8. [SIZE=1]The loud clap rang out throughout the studio. The florescent bulbs hummed and one by one came on bathing the room in a soft glow. Peter walked down the stairs leading from the street to his basement art studio, his hand resting on the plumbing pipe that made his rail as he traveled down. He reached the last step and paused. He spun around grabbing the rail again and let out a deep breath letting out the charge he had accumulated over the past few hours. A couple sparks popped but other than that nothing else. Pulling out a new canvas out off the rack he was interrupted by the annoying ring of the bell. Peter shoved the canvas back with a sign and trudged to thee door dragging his feet like a child with a temper. He slid the peep hole and saw the over exuberant face of who he could only guess to be one of his buyers. He slid the peephole shut and opened the door. Before he could invite her in she was in the door and wandering around like a chicken with its head cut off. [B]?Excuse me, Miss??[/B] The woman stopped and spun around rigid. [B]"Tully, Lizzie Tully." [/B]She held out her hand for Peter to take but he didn't budge from his position. [B]"Right, well Elizabeth how may I help you?" [/B]Her face twisted with discontent as she pulled her hand back. She pulled a business card from her pocket and handed it to him without saying anything. [I]Mrs. Maribeth Riker[/I]. [B]"Oh your here to pick up her painting."[/B] [B] "Yes,"[/B] The goofy smile returning to her face. [B]"She is a big fan of your work." "Is that so?" [/B]Peter replied in a blatantly sarcastic tone. He pulled a large wrapped canvas. [B]"Where to with this?" [/B]Lizzie led him outside to a silver SUV. They struggled to find a place to set the painting in the back of the vehicle. When they were finished without another word Lizzie handed him an envelope and took off. Peter sat there for a moment watching the car turn the corner then snapped back into reality and went back into his studio. He sat down in at his drafting station putting his feet up on the table and crudely tearing open the letter. He pulled out his check and a folded piece of paper. He first looked at his check. Four figures, more than he was expecting but he was far from complaining. He set down the check a smile now firmly plastered to his face. He picked up the piece of paper and unfolded it gingerly. It was a letter from Marybeth Riker. [I] Peter, I would be most honored if you would exhibit your artistic talents at a gallery I am hosting. I have seen your artistic prowess and I believe your style would be a welcome addition to the rest. If that alone doesn't interest you I will also give you a handsome sum of money for any and all of the art you bring. If you are interested I have my contact information attached to this letter. Yours, Marybeth Riker.[/I] Peter sat staring at the letter as he stared at the departing car earlier. He couldn't shake the feeling that he was being manipulated, again bringing himself out of his spaced state and turned over the paper to see her number printed on the back. He contemplated the idea for a couple minutes before finally giving in to curiosity and picking up his phone. [B]"Damn it."[/B] [/SIZE]
  9. [quote name='Vicky'][SIZE=1]That's because he's on crack!!!11!!1[/SIZE] [SIZE=1]Just trying to push everyone to get their characters introduced so we can start [strike]killing them[/strike] meeting up and doing cool things.[/SIZE] [SIZE=1]=D[/SIZE][/quote] Looks like we are in for a happy fun time!:animesmil I should have my post up in the next couple days. I had to go to the funeral for my grandmother today and on top of that it looks like I might be stuck here another day or two. Once I get back in town to my computer and all the familiarities of my world I should have my post up, that is if if God will give me just a tinsy break inbetween major bodily injuries and family death.
  10. Just maul mi hermono y me. that was pretty rough if I do say so myself. I guess shit sucks for me.
  11. [quote name='Andrew'][SIZE=1]*Pointless shIty post so that Rai isn't accused of double-posting* ¬_¬[/SIZE][/quote] Yeah, I'm gonna pull that move.
  12. [FONT=Trebuchet MS][B]Aries:[/B][/FONT][FONT=Trebuchet MS] Independent & [/FONT][FONT=Trebuchet MS][COLOR=#000000]Solicitous[/COLOR][/FONT] [FONT=Trebuchet MS] [B] Name:[/B] [/FONT][FONT=Trebuchet MS] Peter Urbain [B]Age:[/B] [/FONT][FONT=Trebuchet MS] 31 [B]Gift: [/B][/FONT] [FONT=Trebuchet MS]Peter is said basically a walking Tesla Coil. His body absorbs and releases static electricity that he can absorb from any object that carries an electrical current. Due to this fact he cannot be hurt by an electric shock. [B]Curse: [/B][/FONT] [FONT=Trebuchet MS]Though he can suppress the electricity in his body; the longer he holds it in and the stronger the charge the more he loses the ability to control when and where he releases it. This can result in giving someone anything between small static shocks to giving them a jolt the voltage equivalent of a lightning strike, or him eventually overloading his body. [/FONT] [FONT=Trebuchet MS] It all started like my days usually would; I would get up and go for my usual morning jog. I was getting ready and was going to watch the news as I got ready. I reached for the remote and a loud crack sounded as a small arc of electricity jumped to my hand. I lurched back grabbing my hand and checking it over. Nothing. No numbness, no burn , no injury. [/FONT] [FONT=Trebuchet MS] I cautiously grabbed the remote and nothing happened, thinking that I was fine i turned it to the TV and tried turning it one. Nothing happened, I sat there a few minutes trying the power button repeatedly until I got frustrated and chucked the remote across the room. Getting up I walked across the room and hit the power button the the TV set. The screen stayed black. I now look back and know that the move i am about to pull was idiotic, but of coarse how was I supposed to know. I got on my knees and reached for the plug. I grabbed the cord and pulled it out, checked the nodes and then plugged it back in. I remember that I couldn't get myself to let go. I watched as visible arcs of electricity jumped from the socket to my arm. I sat for a second and the next thing i knew I was laying on the ground in convolutions. I remember the feeling, it was great! It felt like every cell in my body had been rejuvenated. then my body tensed up and i curled into a ball. I am not completely sure about what exactly happened but I remember the intense burning that i felt on my chest and on my hand. My roommate came bursting into the room after my shriek of pain. He held up my hand. My class ring had melted and the metal was running down my hand. I faded in and out of concisenesses due to the shock (I'll just say that pun was intended). I came to in a hospital bed, my hand and chest were bandaged. My St. Christopher's medal had also melted and has left a nasty scar on my left side of my chest. [/FONT][FONT=Trebuchet MS][COLOR=#000000]I now know that I absorbed too much electricity for my body to handle[/COLOR][/FONT][FONT=Trebuchet MS]. I also learned that wearing jewelry when you have a "situation" like my own is not suggested. I now live a life of caution, physical contact with anyone can be fatal and I refuse to have that on my conscience[/FONT][FONT=Trebuchet MS].[/FONT]
  13. [FONT=Arial][COLOR=#000000][COLOR=DarkRed][B]I want more of me in this story... please. There I said it, now post again, nuff' said.[/B][/COLOR] [/COLOR][/FONT]
  14. [FONT=Arial][B]Name[/B][/FONT][FONT=Arial] - Adam Stratford[B] [/B] [B]Age[/B][/FONT] [FONT=Arial] - 28[B] [/B] [B]Gender[/B][/FONT] [FONT=Arial] - Male [B] Appearance[/B][/FONT] [FONT=Arial] - Attached[B] [/B] [B]Why are you helping?[/B][/FONT] [FONT="][FONT=Arial]- Placed into an investigation team on the case, Adam immediately became suspicious of the whole thing. He belives in the possibility of the two bounty hunters the FBI are pursuing have been, in some way, wronged and framed by the people who tipped the feds off. He is now trying his hardest to work faster than his colleagues to see if he can get to them first and see what is going on that they don't know. [B]OCC:[/B] Just PM me if you would like me to change anything in my post. [/FONT] [/FONT]
  15. [INDENT][SIZE=2][COLOR=DarkRed]Let me welcome you to[/COLOR][/SIZE][B][SIZE=2][COLOR=DarkRed] The Syndicate[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][SIZE=2][COLOR=DarkRed].[/COLOR][/SIZE][FONT=Verdana][COLOR=DarkRed] A [B]inwardscream [/B]and[B] Raiha [/B][/COLOR][/FONT][FONT=Verdana][COLOR=DarkRed]collaborative [/COLOR][/FONT][FONT=Verdana][COLOR=DarkRed]effort. [/COLOR][/FONT] [SIZE=2][COLOR=DarkRed] Let me say this before I go any further with this RPG, this is in fact meant for the mature audience. We have sex, drugs, and rock n’ roll, not to mention gratuitous uses of curse words so leave the little ones at home for this one. Now that we have that out of the way we can continue along. [/COLOR][/SIZE] [/INDENT][INDENT][SIZE=2][COLOR=DarkRed][/COLOR][/SIZE] [/INDENT][INDENT][SIZE=2][COLOR=DarkRed]North America and Europe have a growing problem. A criminal organization has grown to an exponential size with roots in almost every country in the territories mentioned. They have been behind everything from rigged elections to outright terrorist attacks with their agenda being pushed with utter disregard for consequences. Nothing is known about those running the Syndicate other than that they command a force capable of crushing small countries, yet act with such stealth and surreptitiousness that their infiltration of the highest levels of government is nothing short of awe inspiring. The involved countries have reached the breaking point with an almost complete meltdown of law and order as we know it. Thus, a private task force has been put together to combat this new threat comprised of agents from America, Great Britain, Germany, Russia, and virtually every other country with a vested interest in the Syndicate's downfall. While they battle this unseen enemy with what poor weapons they can lay their hands on, many parts of the world have dissolved into virtual anarchy. [/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE=2][COLOR=DarkRed] A second criminal element will be added as The Syndicate seeks to run every single illegal operation they can get their hand on. This obviously will irritate crime families to no small degree and big-time criminals will definitely react with much disfavor to anyone trying to muscle in on their territory. This creates a third force in the story. Rival families overcome their differences; bitter enemies unite under what's most certainly duress but despite their differences, are willing to work together to destroy what has become the greatest threat to civilization thus far. [/COLOR] [B][COLOR=DarkRed] This is where you can voice your opinions, questions, ideas, and what not. So have at it you rascals.[/COLOR][/B] [/SIZE] [/INDENT]
  16. Dolan felt more and more paranoid as he waited for the first course. He made the decision of being one of the first to enter the dining room which placed him in a spot a few seats away from Di. He was extremely hesitant to make any contact with her since the conversation and her warning. Dolan kept his head down trying his hardest not to look at her and make eye contact but every time he looked up he would get it in his mind she was staring at him which wasn’t the case. The first course came they laid out tofu and with other small things that Dolan couldn’t even guess what they were. He tumbled in a silk napkin next to him and pulled two stick from it. He held them for a second trying to figure out how to use the implement before taking it and just stabbing one of pieces of questionable food on his plate. Two things struck him when he placed it into his mouth. The first was that this wasn’t the right was as he saw the family members using it the proper way which was making the younger member laugh at the sight of him and the older stare. The second was that whatever he just placed in his mouth was extremely spicy and was making his eyes water. He picked up the silk napkin and apparently made a spectacle of himself hacking as the spice had apparently made it to his throat. He looked up to see many of the people in the general area to be giving him questionable looks. He then accomplished what he had been trying to avoid this entire time. He looked over and froze as he met eyes with Di who had a small smile on her face. The hair on the back of his neck resumed their standing positions and he almost broke his neck jerking it around. He picked up the fork and tried to continue eating without an incident. He felt a gentle tap on his shoulder and turned to see a rather happy looking portly Asian man who Dolan could only assume was a uncle of some sort to Di. [B]“Excuse me, but I think you might need a bit of help with that, you hold thy like so,” [/B]The man demonstrated the technique of holding the chopsticks and how to pick up food the proper way. Dolan struggled with it showing no ability at all. [B]“Well if all else fails, we have this set out for some Westerners.”[/B] The man pulled a fork from a second napkin on the opposite side of Dolan’s plate. [B]“Its things like this that can make a proper gentleman look like a complete fool,”[/B] Dolan chuckled holding out his hand for the man. [B]“Collin Bringsfield.” [/B] [B]“C.Y.” [/B]The man gave Dolan’s hand a firm grip and it seemed like his already large smile grew larger with every shake making Dolan laugh along with the man. Dolan then was released by the man and thy resumed eating their meal making small conversation.
  17. [SIZE=2][COLOR=DarkRed][B][FONT=Arial]Your name:[/FONT][/B][/COLOR][/SIZE][FONT=Arial][SIZE=2][COLOR=DarkRed] Benjamin “Benny” Grimalkin[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][SIZE=2][COLOR=DarkRed] [B][FONT=Arial] Your age:[/FONT][/B][/COLOR][/SIZE][FONT=Arial][SIZE=2][COLOR=DarkRed] 23[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][FONT=Arial][SIZE=2][COLOR=DarkRed] [B] Your position inside the Almagest family: [/B]The adopted son of close family friend Dame Anna Grimalkin.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][SIZE=2][COLOR=DarkRed] [B][FONT=Arial] Your portrait:[/FONT][/B][/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=2] [URL="http://i119.photobucket.com/albums/o159/pjmckrafty/070927_Tim_for_JP_by_Pseudocognitio.jpg"][U]Benny[/U][/URL][B][COLOR=darkred][FONT=Arial] Your occupation: [/FONT][/COLOR][/B][/SIZE][SIZE=2][COLOR=darkred][FONT=Arial]One of the lead Gadgeteers at Magitech Corporation.[/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=2][COLOR=darkred][FONT=Arial][/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=2][COLOR=darkred][FONT=Arial] [B] Your story: [/B][/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE][FONT=Arial][SIZE=2][/SIZE][/FONT][INDENT][SIZE=2][COLOR=darkred][FONT=Arial]I don’t know much about my parents, I know that my mother died giving birth to me and my father took his own life a couple moths after in depression, leaving me in the care of close family friend Dame Anna Grimalkin. She raised me up with Leonhart Almagest’s children, them almost becoming siblings to me, so many of my childhood memories are on the Almagest estate.[/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE] [FONT=Arial][SIZE=2][COLOR=darkred] [/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Arial][SIZE=2][COLOR=darkred] I was enrolled into Czenoble High Academy of Sciences and was considered one of the best and brightest of my graduating class. The only reason I didn't graduate as valedictorian of my class was because of my behavior. I work in a way that some people would call eccentric, but most refer to as crazy or loony, but effective in the way that my work is considered exemplary for a man of my age. My major ticks in working are that I find it more comfortable and conductive to crouch on my seat and take on a twitch when I am talking and an idea hits me.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Arial][SIZE=2][COLOR=darkred] I applied for a position at the Magitech Corporation and was placed into the Gadgetry department where my true potential was revealed. My ideas and skills, not to mention creativity, were quickly put to use as I was placed as lead of the department where I am today. I am somewhat obsessed by my work in the way that I use it as a hobby, which I find completely understandable, that has some people developing opinions and what not about me.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Arial][SIZE=2][COLOR=darkred] As of late my Adopted mother has been trying to find me a wife, saying that the life of a bachelor at my age is frowned upon in our society. She has introduced me to many young women and the relationships, however short most were, have all ended the same, either I am not a suitable husband for them or vice versa.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT] [/INDENT][FONT=Arial][B][SIZE=2] OCC: I hope this picture works out.[/SIZE] [/B][/FONT]
  18. [COLOR=DarkRed]I gave into peer pressure, here ya go. Now don't go touching yourselves to these pictures now. Proof that i like it kinky: [URL="http://i119.photobucket.com/albums/o159/pjmckrafty/1278264186_l.jpg"]Click[/URL] Showing off my Banana Board: [URL="http://i119.photobucket.com/albums/o159/pjmckrafty/l_c2261c738c2148f9b483396b8e3f40fd.jpg"]Click[/URL][/COLOR]
  19. [FONT=Arial]The party had filled up to where there was barely enough room for the servants to walk through. You would see a tray periodically pop up over the crowd as a server was forced to squeeze between people. Various groups were spread across the courtyard entertaining people with music, dancing, and clowning around. Dolan would have enjoyed himself immensely so if he surrounded by people who didn?t seem to have a stick up their asses. He had to say that a group of drunken commoners could beat any party full of rich diplomats and entertainers when it comes to the sheer amount of fun you can have. [/FONT] [FONT=Arial]Dolan flinched as he heard a crash behind him. He turned and saw one of the servers frantically climbing to his feet and scrambling for the glasses he dropped. A plump man stood whipping his suit with a handkerchief cursing in what Dolan could only guess is German. Dolan kneeled next to the man and started to help him gather the glasses. The man gawked at Dolan apparently not expecting a man in gentlemen?s garb to help him. Dolan looked at the man and he immediately averted his eyes not trying to offend Dolan. Dolan got to his feet and held out a hand for the servant. He kept his head down and got up on his own and bowed to Dolan then the German man and sped off disappearing into the crowd. [/FONT] [B][FONT=Arial]?Excuse me sir?? [/FONT][/B][FONT=Arial]Dolan spun around to see the man that was the woman?s gift. ?[B]Mistress Di Ahn Chang seeks an audience with you.? [/B]The man made a gesture as for Dolan to follow him. Dolan paused for second pondering why she would and he couldn?t come up with an answer for the life of him. He nodded and followed the man through the crowd. He again approached the canopied area where Di laid. Her gift sat by her feet and smirk grew across her face. [/FONT] [B][FONT=Arial]?Madam.? [/FONT][/B][FONT=Arial]Dolan made a sweeping bow to the woman. [/FONT] [B][FONT=Arial]?Playwright.? [/FONT][/B][FONT=Arial]She replied making a slight bow with her head to him. [/FONT] [B][FONT=Arial]?Most people call me Collin,?[/FONT][/B][FONT=Arial] He shot up straight just now remembering her gift. He rummaged through his jacket pocked pulling out a note pad and pencil which he shoved in one of his front pockets. He then pulled out a red velvet pouch with a decorative design. He held it out and one of the servants standing around her jumped forward grabbing it and handing it to Di. She opened the pouch and pulled out a long silver chain until a golden ball popped out of the pouch. She twirled it looking at the designs etched into the gold. She looked at Dolan wondering what it was. [B]?You open it.? [/B]Dolan said a smile now slowly growing bigger and bigger on his face. [/FONT] [FONT=Arial]She found the silver clasp and opened it. Music instantly erupted from the orb and tiny dancing figures sprouted up inside it bobbing and dancing to the little tune. It ran for a couple more moments until she closed it and placed it back into its pouch. The servant came and fetched it from her he then sped off to place it with the others. [B]"Thank you for the gift,but I couldn't help but notice that you are not enjoying yourself at my party." [/B]A blank look came over Dolan's face, he didn't know what to say. [B] [U]OCC[/U]: I hope it doesn't seem like I'm on painkillers.[/B] [/FONT]
  20. [quote name='Neuvoxraiha'][COLOR=DarkOrchid][FONT=Times New Roman] Just get well, don't post when you're hopped up on Opiates, and do us a favor and don't panic. Knee surgery isn't the worst, and they'll dope you up into oblivion anyway during/after/etc. Just keep telling yourself. "It's not like giving birth. It's not like giving birth. It's not like giving birth..."[/FONT][/COLOR][/quote] Lol, I will remember that, and they only have me on morphine for another couple hours and then its over the counter stuff since its only a couple broken bones.
  21. I don't know how to lead up to saying this so I will just say it, I was walking across the street to my school today and was struck by a car that ran a red light. Other than a couple broken bones and a concussion I'm fine but I thought I'd say it because this could have two outcomes on my posting 1. My laptop's signal is bad and I wont be on for a couple days. (more likely) 2. I will be on a hell of a lot since there is nothing to do, except Sunday when I have surgery on my knees (and yes I am terrified) which will have me out for basically the whole day.
  22. I don't know how to lead up to saying this so I will just say it, I was walking across the street to my school today and was struck by a car that ran a red light. Other than a couple broken bones and a concussion I'm fine but I thought I'd say it because this could have two outcomes on my posting: 1. My laptop's signal is bad and I wont be on for a couple days. (more likely) 2. I will be on a hell of a lot since there is nothing to do, except Sunday when I have surgery on my knees (and yes I am terrified) which will have me out for basically the whole day.
  23. Maybe firearms should be more advanced since having muskets for 400 years seems a little pathetic, maybe like 18th century semiautomatic firearms since they were invented in Europe... I think.
  24. [FONT=Arial][B]OCC: I redid my post due to the fact that my initial attempt was shit. [/B][/FONT][center]------------- [/center][FONT=Arial] Dolan was feeling a mixture of confusion and discomfort. He knew that he was invited because of his new play, which has recently been preformed in this exact city by a premier Chinese acting troupe, but he knew not by whom he had made the impression and how they were able to get the invitation to him after he had labored to make it difficult for the secret police to find him. He was uncomfortable for two simple reasons; he is never comfortable in formal attire and that he was surrounded by people who were as fake as the millions of nails you could buy that came from the original crucifix.[/FONT] [FONT=Arial][/FONT] [FONT=Arial]A man passed by and paused holding out a platter with many nice glasses filled almost to the brim with a greenish-blue wine. He took one off and nodded to the man, the man withdrew and without even thinking he downed the entire glass. Dolan let out a loud cough and a wheezed breath, the drink had the taste of soap water and the strength of Russian potato vodka.[/FONT] [FONT=Arial][/FONT] [B][FONT=Arial]“It looks more pleasant than it is,” [/FONT][/B][FONT=Arial]Dolan turned to see a young English woman, not even a day over twenty-five. She wore a bright blue dress and had a folded oriental fan in one hand holding out her other. [B]“Kaitlin Hall.”[/B][/FONT] [FONT=Arial][/FONT] [B][FONT=Arial]“Collin Bringsfield.” [/FONT][/B][FONT=Arial]Collin said taking her hand bowing and lightly pressing his lips to it. She let out an obviously fake giggle and withdrew her hand. [/FONT] [B][FONT=Arial]“I must say, when I saw your play I imagined you to be an older man, and not nearly as handsome.” [/FONT][/B][FONT=Arial]Dolan let out a small laugh. [/FONT] [B][FONT=Arial]“Thank you, I guess I write years ahead of my age.”[/FONT][/B][FONT=Arial] She giggled and grabbed his arm leading him towards a large canopied section of the courtyard. There was the woman of the hour. A young attractive woman sat upon a bed of cushions. Kaitlin led him to the front of the crowd to get a better view. Dolan watched as a few men lead a younger man in front of the hostess. Dolan watched the men shove him to his knees and had the urge build up in his chest to tell them how cruel and animalistic they seemed to treat a fellow human being like that. [B]“If you will excuse me,”[/B] he said shooting a fake smile to Kaitlin and freeing his arm from her grasp. [/FONT] [FONT=Arial]He walked past the man who was still serving the drinks and snatched one off the platter and downed it, this time he gritted his teeth to the taste and he paced on the outskirts of the party trying to cool himself. He had never been bother by anything like this before. He finally calmed himself down after his third drink and the whole thing left his mind.[/FONT]
  25. [quote name='Neuvoxraiha'][COLOR=DarkOrchid][FONT=Times New Roman] But seriously, that's a generally very good idea. It stands to reason the people in power would use state funds to create new technology to enhance their ability to control the populace.[/FONT][/COLOR][/quote] That is a good idea, by the way, when will we see this up in the "Theater"?
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