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P.J. McKrafty

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Everything posted by P.J. McKrafty

  1. Alchemy might be a little much for the story, but it could work if, say, the only people who could wield it are the secret police. From what I understand with the weaponry we are dealing with (I could be wrong) is secret police with single shot muskets and melee weapons. Those don't seem like really intimidating secret police.
  2. What are some of the technologies that you think we should know about? Like, what kind of transportation is there? What type of entertainment devices are there? How do we get our information from the media and such?
  3. So we are in like times of muskets? I saw this as like V for Vendetta dictatorship kinda deal on a national scale.
  4. What time period is this set in? Is it modern or is this like the 1800's?
  5. [B][FONT=Arial]Name:[/FONT][/B][FONT=Arial] Dolan Upton [B]Age:[/B] 23 [B]Country of Origin:[/B] Ireland [B]Personality:[/B] Comes across as a sarcastic bastard to those who don’t know him well enough. Recent family events have made him a bitter and cold. He doesn’t trust people until he gets to know them or has known them for a long time and knows they wouldn’t betray him in any way. He is a man of honor as he was raised and stands strong by his morals and never backing down when he is confronted on them. He is well spoken and has a high intellect that most people don’t see in him. [B]Appearance:[/B] Attached. He stands around 6’ 1”; he has brown, almost black, hair and grey eyes. He has somewhat an unkempt appearance but seems to hold himself confidently which contradicts what most people think of him. [B]Family History:[/B] Dolan grew up very wealthy, his family decedents of Irish aristocrats that built the famous Upton castle. He was raised to be a proper gentleman and to follow in his parents’ foot steps as a successful financier. He and his younger sisters grew up as well rounded citizens but Dolan had different ideas. Dolan expressed his revolutionary views to his parents and they instantly tried to suppress them. He was told that he had become a danger to his family and that he must leave his house. He was sent away from his family and has not contacted them in two years. The only way he even knows they are still there is that he receives checks from his fathers firm periodically through out the year. [/FONT] [B][FONT=Arial]Occupation: [/FONT][/B][FONT=Arial]He is a writer; he has had two books being published one being a raging success while the other was overlooked by most people. Like many authors, he is facing some rough times and is taking a part time job at a local restaurant as a waiter. [/FONT] [B][FONT=Arial]Social Standing:[/FONT][/B][FONT=Arial] He is living in a nice condo in downtown Dublin and living off of his ever increasing income from his books. [/FONT][FONT=Arial] [B]Have you ever had Revolutionary Thoughts?[/B] Yes, he has become very conservative about them, expressing them only to those he can trust, But he actually lives two separate lives. Collin Bringsfeild is a highly idealistic revolutionary, and he is also Dolan's pen name. He expressed his views in his highly controversial book [I]"Secret Freedoms"[/I]. Under his pen name and through multiple bank accounts that make tracking Dolan near impossible by the secret police he is able to stay hidden and still receive a fraction of his growing sum of money. [/FONT]
  6. The transports dropped in the city as the second force was moving in. The mission was clear, move in and supply support, then hold the zones we have taken control of. Marc was moved from his unit and placed as a team leader in a fireteam. There were about ten of them, all of which were highly trained. Marc wondered why they would place him as leader when any of these soldiers could do as good if not better. One of the ships broke off from the convoy and that was a sign that they were coming up on their target. Marc stood up and looked at his team, all men except one. She seemed too young for being with this lot and then he noticed why. Silver eyes peered at him from under her helmet. For all he knew she was a hundred. He bit his lip and got back on track. [B] "Check your weapon and gear, we are landing soon. You know our part in this. We aren't expecting the whole Versilan military but we can't keep our guard down, they might be weakened by our bombardment and assaults but that still leaves a sizable amount of them still in the urban areas." [/B]Marc announced this with an unusual amount of spirit and emphasis. He was excited to be back on earth, he couldn't hide it and he knew that if they took it back he might find his family, maybe even start his life where he left off. The soldiers saluted him and a smirk grew across his face. But it was quickly wiped off as the transport shook tremendously and then made a jolt that flung him across the cabin. [B] "WE HAVE... HIT... ANTI AIR... TRYING... LAND!"[/B] The intercom screeched, it must have been damaged. Suddenly the ship jolted again this time a loud crackle came followed by a deafening rip. The back hatch had been hit and the cabin was left wide open. They could now see the city below, thy must have flown over a area with a heavy concentration of enemy. Then they saw the heavy trail of smoke trailing the transport. Marc was able to grab hold of a adjacent seat and pull himself up into it and was struggling to strap himself to it. He finally was strapped in and the ship made a accelerated decline to the ever approaching earth. He closed his eyes and started to take deep breaths the entire time repeating in his head "Stay calm, stay calm, nothing comes from panicking". Then the worst feeling Marc had ever felt came over him. The ship made the biggest jolt yet and started spinning out of control. [B] "HAVE WE BEEN HIT!?" [/B]Marc head one of the other soldiers shout most likely uncontrollably, but Marc couldn't answer. His vision started to blur and all he could hear was muffles. He had blacked out. Marc opened his eyes. He was still strapped in. Obviously at an angle. He blinked a couple times and noticed all the soldiers still strapped in around him. Some were mumbling while other stayed eerily still, laying limp. Then he looked at the entrance and saw a figure appear followed by another. He knew their ordeal wasn't over.
  7. SunfallE has asked me to choose the season in the USA and I have gone with winter, I hope this doesn't conflict with any of your posts. Just thought I'd tell you in case it helps.
  8. I'm fine with handling the ships maneuvers, in truth thats what I was expecting to be doing. I think It would be a lot more fun with that position. So how much longer until we start this?
  9. I would get as many family members and close friends I could and hold up in the police station. there would be plenty of other people not to forget the officers and firearms they have stored in the station to hold off any attacks. From their we would make small excursions to the local stores to gather what we need to hold out until help (if it is coming) arrives or until we formulate a plan to move up to colder climates where they freeze and we can find sanctuary.
  10. [B]Name:[/B] Senior Airmen James Uriah [B]Race:[/B] Human [B]Gender:[/B] Male [B]Age:[/B] 23 [B]Physical Description:[/B] [URL="http://i119.photobucket.com/albums/o159/pjmckrafty/339px-Jagged_fel.jpg"][U]James[/U][/URL], stands at about 6', he has an athletic build and a tattoo of the number 24 on the inside of his left tricep. He usually has a stupid looking confident smirk and is always wearing his black pilots’ jumpsuit. [B]Personality:[/B] As long as James can remember he has always been a charismatic and playful person. He maintains an optimistic attitude in situation where most people would call it quits. He copes with stress and most problems by making smartass comments and jokes. [B]Occupation:[/B] Polyphemus Maneuver Specialist & Fighter Pilot [B]Backstory & Abilities:[/B] Coming from a family with a piloting background it was no wonder James was so interested in the field. His father was a freelance pilot and would take James on the occasional job with him. He started to learn to pilot at a young age and when he became of eligible age he applied for his pilot’s license and passed the test with flying colors. He entered the Air force and within the first three years rose to the rank of Senior Airmen. While in the Air force he learned how to fly anything from an agile fighter to a bulky cruiser with the prowess of a seasoned veteran of air combat. He also had his misfortunes in the Air force as he had to crash-land a troop transport which gave him his scar that stretches from his eyebrow to his scalp. James is an expert at sidearm use, has a great understanding of the operation of rifles and has been taught basic close quarters combat which he has rarely used. He has a basic grasp on ally species languages and literature.
  11. Would there be another position for a pilot or dose Neuvoxraiha's character basically cover that field all together?
  12. [SIZE="1"]Felix sat in the infirmary as the medical officer looked him over, his left arm now in a sling and a piece of gause shoved up his right nostril to stop the bleeding. The doctor ran the flashlight over his eye. Then clicked it shoving it into her jacket pocket and quickly wrote something down on her clipboard. [B]"Surprisingly not as much damage as I would have thought it was, you can take the sling off anytime, moving it is probably the best thing for it, and your black eye isnt that-"[/B] She started before Felix interrupted her. [B]"Black eye!?"[/B] Felix blurted jumping up and looking in a mirror on the wall. [B]"I'm sorry,"[/B] Emma said in one of the most apologetic tones Felix has heard. [B]"I just thought you could have hurt us."[/B] She wrapped her arms around her little brother and let out a deep sigh. [B]"It's fine, I'm alright, no permanent damage done... right?"[/B] Felix turned to the doctor and she nodded. [B]"Here is the key to the room you two will be in, it ain't the Hilton hotel but it will work for now."[/B] Felix handed Emma the room key with the number clearly printed on it and she took her brother and left. Felix ran his finger over his eye for a couple more moments before he left. Felix crossed the complex to where the rooms were being prepared. Workers were moving from room to room getting the accommodations just right. A red haired woman with a frantic expression ran up to Felix waving a clipboard. [B]"Mr. Marsh, we have almost everything ready but there is a woman who wants to see you."[/B] She said blatantly. [B]"Ummm, okay, I wasn't expecting anyone but... where is she?"[/B] [B]"She is right over there."[/B] The woman pointed to a woman sitting in a chair with a potted plant and a rather content expression on her face. [B]"Her name is Shaylin Durant, she said she was 'referred' to you."[/B] Felix nodded and let the woman get back to work. He approached the woman and kneeled next to her. [B]"Excuse me, Shaylin?"[/B] Felix asked she turned first smiling then noticing his condition she gasped, placing her hand over her mouth. [B]"I'm Felix, I apologize for my current state, it comes with the job now how can I help you?"[/B] [B]"Adam said that you could help me get settled in." [/B]She said as her smile returned. [B]"Well, its a little hectic right now but any of these people can help you and your plant get settled in, I'll check in on you as soon as I can."[/B] He replied giving her a smile. She smiled back and got up giving him a nod and walking off toward one of the workers. Felix got up and started to look for Adam to see what was going on.[/SIZE]
  13. I am somewhat of a zombie buff, I’ve read the books, seen the movies, and tried to start an RPG about them. I have only been on the OB for a little over a year so I am not a seasoned veteran when it comes to making RPGs, and I have this amazing idea that is just eating its way through me but I want an RPG that is good and lasts. My last RPG I made (Surviving the Infection) had an alright amount of sign ups but fizzled out at nine posts in the square. The idea I have is based off the book World War Z made by Max Brooks (which I might say I recommend). It is how the world is plagued by the zombie virus and within a couple months the majority of the population is infected. It has been a couple years since then so the governments have somewhat come together and those who survived have set up their niches. The US government has re-established a military and is starting to try and clear the countryside after Yonkers, the military’s attempt at stopping NYC’s infected from spreading by trying to stop them at a choke point which was a tremendous failure, the civilian populas either thought that the military was impotent or they abandoned them as the army had moved over the Rocky Mountains. The storyline is about a small-town in Pennsylvania where a group of survivors have banded together in a collage turning it into somewhat of a stronghold. Survivors have migrated there at their own risk and after a couple months of clearing buildings and outlying areas they have taken back the town and even fortified it to a degree. Unbeknownst to them an enormous mass of infected for an unknown reason are heading there way. The military sent a regamin to try and halt the infection but they were overwhelmed and had to retreat back to the town. Now the regamin is trying to prepare the town for the siege or evacuation. That is all i have so far I am still working on it but I would like to hear what you think and get some criticism/advise.
  14. Marc set the last of the charges on the AA Guns base. His men were scattered around the area watching for any enemy movement. Marc gave a whistle and he moved to cover along with three of him men that were close enough to be affected by the explosives. One of his men he had watching for the signals that the other teams were supposed to indicate that they had taken the area came into view from the roof. [B]?Sir, all four of the flares have been lit, it?s just us then we can call in the drop ships.?[/B] He called out. [B]?The charges are set, try getting a hold of the captain and tell him to connect us to the long range so we can contact the Liberator?[/B] Marc replied pulling the detonator out of his pack. He set it to the charges frequency and held the button down. There were three beeps and the charges each went off one by one. They came out from behind cover slowly and saw each AA Gun was destroyed. ?Light the flare.? One of his men nodded and sped off in the direction of the room access ladder. Marc checked the radio and found it already on the long range. [B]?Liberator, this is Division 539, we have neutralized the AA guns and are ready for drop ships.?[/B] Marc sat silent waiting for a reply and then repeated himself. [B]?Liberator, this is Division 539, we have neutralized the AA guns and are ready for drop ships.?[/B] This time the radio crackled as he let go of the transceiver. [B]?Division 539, this is Command Bridge on the Liberator, I assume this is Sergeant Nazarian??[/B] replied a voice on the other line. [B]?Yes, we have control of the supply depots and need support and transport.?[/B] [B]?Drop ships are inbound on the depots?[/B] Marc switched over to the radio channel that Blaine was on. [B]?Blaine, I need you to pick up the other teams and transport them to my position.?[/B] [B]?We are already on it.?[/B]Blaine replied as the radio went silent. Fifteen minutes passed before the ship arrived with Blaine and the other teams aboard. They all filed off the ship and it took off. [B]?Where are they going??[/B] [B]?They have another objective I guess, anyway we are getting a ride back to the Liberator on one of the drop ships.?[/B] It was only a hour before the first drop ships arrived leaving troops to hold the depots and taking Marc and his men to the Liberator. The ship had little turbulence on the way there. Marc looked out the back hatch as they flew over the sector. The terrain was riddled with signs of battle but it seemed that The Alliance had taken control for the most part.
  15. I'll get my post in this afternoon to wrap things up for my character. I would have posted sooner but my family decided to all go insane at once and I had to play moderator for a bit.
  16. [SIZE="1"]Only two names showed up on Felix?s PDA, they were the closest to the facility and he also factored in that he had to prepare the whole facility for the influx of people. It was a twenty year old girl and her eleven year old brother. They lived in a cheap apartment not even two blocks from the facility. Felix left the computer and headed for one of the employees desks where he could access the intercom through the phone. The man was busy at work at his desk and didn?t even notice Felix until he had already seated himself on the desk and was typing in the numbers to the intercom system. The man shot Felix an awkward glance as he held the phone receiver to his mouth. [B]"Attention staff, I have just caught wind of a situation that will have this facility experience of an influx of people, please start preparation for their arrival and possible lodging."[/B] Felix said in a profoundly monotone voice. He hung up the phone and nodded to the man at the desk before getting up and leaving the facility. He walked casually down the sidewalk looking at the map on his PDA for the location of the apartment. He turned down a small one way street. The apartment seemed rundown by the appearance outside, Felix stood outside of it just staring at it for a moment before he regained his focus. He walked to the door and rang the bell of the landlord. A portly man waddledout with a dirty white shirt and a unpleasant look on his face. [B]"What do you want?"[/B] He asked in a raspy voice. [B]"I am looking for a, Emma Lorum."[/B] Felix answered reading the name off his PDA. The man gave him a questionable look and then nodded moving to the side. [B]"She?s on the third story fifth room to the right, watch what you say to her she has been awfully moody lately."[/B] The man waddled back to a room with a ?Private? sign on it and slammed the door closed. Felix scanned the lobby of the building which was just as ratty as the outside. Felix then climbed the stairs to the third floor and found her room right where he said it was. Felix knocked on the door and he heard the cover of the peephole slide as someone looked through it. [B]"My name is Felix Marsh, I am with a program for people like you and your brother."[/B] Felix stated holding up an ID badge from Genesis. There was some mumbling from the other side of the door and it opened with the chain lock still engaged. [B]"Please go away,"[/B] Said a female voice from the other side of the door. She started to close the door but Felix wedged his boot into the opening. [B]?Please take your foot out of the way.?[/B] [B]"Listen, it is imperative that you come with me."[/B] There was a pause and Felix took his foot out of the way. The door closed and he heard the chain disengage. Felix rubbed his eyes letting out a sigh when he looked up he was greeted by a fist. The next thing he knew he was lying dazed in front of the door and a young brunette girl was picking him up by the collar of his jacket. [B]"I told you to go away."[/B] She yelled actually picking him up over her head and throwing him into a wall. Felix started to get up when he saw her start to come after him. She then stopped holding a hand to her head. Her ears were ringing, she started to wobble and then fell to the ground. Felix got to his feet and checked himself over. His nose was bleeding and his left shoulder felt like it was sprained. He walked over to Emma who was lying unconscious. Felix looked her over and the only thing he could think was why the small ones are always the strong ones. Then her little brother ran out kneeling next to her and laying over top of her. "Don't hurt her!" he screamed on the brink of tears. Felix sighed walking around kneeling next to the boy. [B]"Don't worry, I am here to help, You two are in danger and I am going to take you to a safe place. Your sister is just unconscious,she isn't in any danger, and neither are you,"[/B] Felix said reassuring the boy. He sat up and looked up at Felix choking back tears. [B]"Come on, help me get your sister downstairs so we can get out of here."[/B] The little boy nodded helping Felix pick up Emma and carry her down to the lobby as Felix called them a ride back to the facility.[/SIZE]
  17. The captain’s voice came over the intercom of the jump bay. [B]"Drop off in thirty seconds."[/B] The men in the bay all started to get anxious some excited other nervous. Marc stood up at the hatch grabbing onto the handrail, hooking a safety line onto the wall, and pulling the door release. Blaine ran over to the opening hatch and manned a turret hung from the ceiling also attaching a safety line. The sound of him letting out short bursts filled the bay. [B]"Team one your up."[/B] Marc called and seven soldiers stood up running to the bay door all of them checking their gear and getting ready. The ship made a low sweep and slowed to a hover about a yard off the ground. The soldiers ran up and jumped out two giving covering fire as the other three ran for cover. The ship then took off again. Marc’s team was reassigned a few days ago to skip travel to sector eleven and make their way to sector fourteen where they were to take the supply depots in the confusion of the battle. The security would be weakest then and it wouldn’t take much to capture them four seven man teams and one six man team lead by Marc were to take the five depots and call in Drop ships to deliver more troops to hold it and start transporting the good out of the area. [B]"Team two your up,"[/B] The men imitated the earlier team exactly and the ship took off again. The ship jolted making Marc stumble and get jerked by his safety line. The captain voice came over the intercom again. [B]"You guys better buckle up they know we are here now and the anti-air is sending its regards."[/B] The ship made a low sweep barely missing the tops of the buildings. The third team and fourth team made their jumps and it was Marc’s team next. He unhooked himself walking and getting ready with the rest of him men. He slid his helmet on and initiated the radio. The men checked in one by one on the radio and it was time to jump. Marc was the first one out immediately firing upon three men who looked like simple security officers. They ducked out of sight and the rest of the men debarked taking cover and signaling Marc to move to cover. The ship took off and Marc barely made out Blaine mouth 'Good luck' as it left. He motioned for the others on the other side of the cover to flank while they lay down fire. The team moved up staying low guns held to where the two men were taking cover. Before the soldiers even arrived the men had stood up dropping their guns and holding their arms up. The team instantly brought them down and subdued them with their suppression devices. Marc and his men moved up keeping a watch on the door close by. He keeled by the unconscious man and started rummaging through his various pockets until he came by a identification card. Marc quickly pocketed the item and motioned for them to move to the door. [B]"You three will clear the depot of resistance, it will be only minimal just alike these guys, we will head for the anti-air in the area and neutralize it, mind your cover and stay sharp, move out."[/B] The three men nodded and started at the door using the id card to open it and counting to three and moving in. Marc and his men when around the building. The place seemed almost deserted, they didn't even encounter any resistance on their way to the anti-air. Once they reached it they found out why. The guns was at least 5 meters high, there were found with 3 men working at each of them them and two armed soldiers standing guard at each. Marc turned to his men pulling up a piece of cloth that covered his neck mouth and nose. His men imitated the same and they pulled a pair of goggle over his eyes and nodded to his men. They each pulled out a grey grenade and the it over their cover toward the anti air guns. The soldiers guarding the guns jumped to their cover and started firing where the grenades originated from. The grades started to hiss and spin releasing a thick white gas. [B]"MOVE!"[/B] Marc yelled and he and his men took their marks, The first two soldiers when down fast since their initial response to the gas was to stand up and gag.The men manning the gun now ran while the soldiers guarding started to fire randomly into the gas. [B]"Depot resistance neutralized sir, what shall you have us do?"[/B] chirped the other team over his radio. [B]"Move in and supply support."[/B] Marc called back on the radio. He ducked behind a freight car. The other two returned fire on the panicked soldiers. Marc leaned around the corner looking through the scope of his rifle. He fired off a shot killing on of the soldiers. They traded fire for a good five minutes before the Versilan men got desperate and they saw the gas had started to clear, they ran forward charging Marc and his men. Marc started to pull back when a flurry of bolts came down from the rooftop cutting the soldiers down.The team rondevued behind a freighter where they paused to catching their breaths and get a grip on the situation.
  18. The bed creaked as Felix sat up. The clock still beeping flashed twelve o? one. He let out a sigh and shut off the clock rubbing his eyes. He had been up with a little girl who had a knack for conjuring explosions at will, he had been up until five in the morning to help he try to get a grip on controlling the size of them. He sat up walking over to the door and flipping on the light switch. The lights flickered on, his room was covered in cream colored foam that kept the room soundproof. He threw on a hoody some jeans and his boots and left to go to his class. He walked down the hallway toward the kitchen area of the facility. His body still ached from the night before he entered the kitchen where two women in lab coats were conversing over a cup of coffee. He poured his coffee into one of the cheap little foam cups that the facility supplied. He had taken his first sip when one of the women turned around and noticed him. [B]?Mr. Marsh, how are you doing??[/B] she asked trying to start conversation. [B]?I?ve been better.?[/B] He replied setting his coffee down and rubbing his eyes. [B]?The whole facility could hear the commotion that girl was making last night.?[/B] The other woman chirped in. [B]?And know there is a new lot just came in today for training.?[/B] She said turning back to her coffee. Felix sighed picking up his coffee and leaving as the women went back to jabbering on. He walked a fair ways through the facility reaching a large double door. He opened one slipping into the room. The room was rather large, it had three rows of chairs on one side of the room and the rest was empty. Each chair was filled by people ranging from teenage years to people in their middle ages. Some were talking some were just sitting waiting for it to begin. Felix entered and was met at the door by one of the workers at the facility who simply handed him a clip board that had all the people?s names, ages, powers, and their ability to control their powers in the form of a numbers one through ten. Felix skimmed over the profiles as he walked to the middle of the room and then turned to the people. [B]?I am Felix Marsh, and I will be your instructor on how to control your-?[/B] Felix was interrupted by a woman who was probably in her late thirty?s standing up and calling him out. [B]?You can?t be serious, I am supposed to learn how do control my powers from a kid who looks like he just finished puberty, I did not leave my life to-?[/B] She stopped talking but her mouth kept moving she stopped clasping her ears to make sure she could still hear. Felix was holding his hand up as if he was telling her to stop. [B]?I do not like to be interrupted thank you, as I was saying, I am here to help you control your powers and without knowing which, you can be a danger to yourself and others. Welcome to basic training, lets begin.?[/B]
  19. Nope, nothin specific, just do what you deem good.
  20. [B]OCC: Sorry for the late post, had a little case of writers block. [CENTER]-==-[/CENTER][/B] The clamor of clashing armor filled the market district whole of the market district. Guards were running every witch way scrambling after a thief who had lifted a great deal from a nobleman in the area. The sound of yelling came from the distance as a young man wearing torn clothes and a rag wrapped around his face came sprinting down the street dodging people with great skill. The guards instantly recognized him as the thief Mael. Three guards turned at the commotion to see him bearing down at them. The first one didn’t have time to react as Mael was able to topple him before he could even raise his spear. The second guard went down faster than the first, but the third was quick enough to get his spear up before Mael reached him. Mael dodged under the thrust of the spear grabbing it with his left hand and liberating it from its owners grasp, Mael spun the spear around and stuck the guards head with enough force to floor him. The guards scrambled to their feet only to see Mael disappear in the distance around a building corner. Mael went a couple more yards before he ducked behind a building outcropping. He stood ridged with the wall for a couple moments hearing the voices of guards crying out and he could hear them moving away from where he hid. He let out a sigh of relief and dropped the pack strapped to his back filled to the brim with his newly obtained wealth. Mael unwrapped the rags covering his face to show his bright green eyes and dark complexion. He slid down the wall meeting the ground and sitting next to his pack. He suddenly heard the yelling of the guards start to close in on him. He jumped to his feet, wrapped his face and grabbed his pack. He ran into a close by alleyway finding only a dead end. The voices were growing ever closer. He made a quick decision and tossed the pack on top of the building to his left. He flattened himself against the adjacent wall, he took three deep breaths and leapt against the wall kicking off against it and once again on the adjacent barely making his mark and grabbing the edge of the building. He hauled himself up just as a guard turned the corner. He yelled out that Mael had made his way to the rooftops. Mael couldn’t help but to chuckle at the Guards demanding he come down and trying themselves to get onto the roof. Mael tired of taunting the guards and leapt to the adjacent roof grabbing his pack and starting jumping from rooftop to rooftop towards the inn.
  21. I was looking for one sort of based around the ISA in the game. If you'd like a picture, I like this one [U][URL="http://www.meristation.com/EPORTAL_IMGS/GENERAL/juegos/SonyPSP-Accion/82/IMG-cw44525fe763249/MeristationKillzone_Liberation%20(22)pe.jpg"]here[/URL][/U].
  22. [COLOR="DarkRed"]Do people working at Genesis already know each other when the thread starts?[/COLOR]
  23. you know i look at this thread and it makes me proud, not being sarcastic, to see people talking about how we masturbate... ok maybe im being a little sarcastic. But i have to say that this thread is an instant source of LULZ, keep up the good work.
  24. Until now Chas had taken the lead of Ayame and spaced out. Chas felt a strange chill come over him and he started to notice that everyone seemed to have the same feeling come over them. Most of the others were talking among themselves when Ayame’s phone started ringing startling everyone to a degree. She turned her back to the group talking on the phone and turned back she turned back to the group she had somewhat of a smile on her face. [B]“Thankfully, none of you left. It seems we have work to do.”[/B] She said in a somewhat accomplished tone. She mentioned a biker named Takuo Shibuimaru and he just sounded like he wouldn’t be much a problem, just a local punk who likes to think a lot of himself. Chas got up and walked over to where Ayame was sitting against a table next to her. She gave him an awkward glance. [B]“So how exactly are we gonna find this guy?”[/B] Chas asked trying to make conversation. [B]“Well that what we are doing now,”[/B] She said turning back to the computer and scrolling through a couple more news columns. [B]"You know i didn't expect someone like..."[/B] Ayame cut herself realizing that she might offend him. [B]"Like me,"[/B] Chas said letting out a small laugh.[B] "I understand,"[/B] He held out his hand to her. [B]"Chas."[/B] She paused then took his hand giving him a little smile. [B]"Thats an interesting name, I'm Ayame."[/B] [B]"Well Ayame, what do we know about this guy other that he is a biker with a bit of a temper?"[/B]
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