P.J. McKrafty
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Everything posted by P.J. McKrafty
Marc shot up in his bunk almost hitting his head on the bed above him. He scanned the crews? quarters and found his personal computer flashing in the darkness on the other side of the room. He stumbled over to it and switched the screen on blinding himself. He rubbed his eyes as they adjusted to the light of the screen and then read the message. [I]?Wakey Wakey.?[/I] Flashed on the screen, an alarm probably set by Blaine knowing that Marc would sleep through the whole day given the opportunity. Marc walked over to the wall moving his hand over the sensor activating the lights. Throwing on his basic BDU he left the crews? quarters heading down the corridor to the galley. He stopped halfway down at an intercom in built into the wall. [B]?Status??[/B] He called down to the bridge. There was a pause and then a voice of a pilot came over the speaker. [B]?We?ve been on the ground for about two hours now.?[/B] Marc counted the days on his fingers and smirked. [I]?A week to the day?[/I] he thought to himself walking through the door to the galley. Two men sitting at a table instantly shot up saluting him and he waved them to sit back down. He opened one of the holds full of military rations. He reached up and pulled out a bar that the equivalent of a balanced breakfast. He unwrapped the bar revealing a cream colored bar that at first glance you would expect to have the consistency of taffy. Marc took a bite of it and giving a nod to the men as he left the galley. The door to the cargo hold slid with a screech as Marc entered still nibbling on the bar he had taken. As per usual Blaine was watching over the process of the unloading and he was joined by a woman dressed in the A-class uniform of an Admiral. She turned as Marc walked up and he instantly noticed her cold silver eyes. [B]?Sergeant,?[/B] She said in an unwelcoming tone. ?[B]May I ask why you are eating a battlefield ration? They are meant to be eaten when full meal is not possible.?[/B] Marc swallowed a bite of the bar be fore answering. [B]?I like the taste.?[/B] She gave him a look expecting a smile to show it was a joke but he kept a straight faced expression. [B]?They taste like stale marshmallows from your planet.?[/B] She replied with an awkward sick look. [B]?As I said before, I like the taste, so may I ask why we have the pleasure of your company Admiral??[/B] [B]?Cobbs, I am the head of this port and am helping supervise our latest shipment.?[/B] [B]?Well, as you can see it goes well.?[/B] [B]?We have something as thanks for doing this job.?[/B] She waved to a man standing at the entrance to the cargo bay and he nodded [B]?It was just orders. I am doing my part just as you are.?[/B] [B]?I was told to distribute these to your unit,?[/B] the man came back with a metal crate on a trolley. She gave him a nod and he returned to the entrance. She bent over opening the crate and pulling out a dark grey device that looked somewhat like a small handgun. She handed it to Marc and he took it from her. [B]?What is it??[/B] He asked trying to find a way to hold it. [B]?It is a suppression device. It delivers an electric shock rendering its victim unconscious, it is accurate at 50 meters and can drop someone in less than a second,?[/B] Marc finally figuring out how to hold it pointed it at one of the metal crates and shot startling both Blaine and Admiral Cobbs. The device let forth a straight bolt of electricity that hit the crate and spread out making a hissing noise. ?What the hell are you doing!?? [B]?Testing the gun, I must admit it is impressive, but in our line of work we don?t usually use tactics that are nonlethal, but it will make taking prisoners easier so I thank you,?[/B] Marc turned to one of his men whistling and waving him over. [B]?Take this crate to the armory.?[/B] The man nodded and left to get a trolley. [B]?Well I guess this is where I take my leave, Sergeant.?[/B] She gave him a salute that he returned. She left the ship with the man at the entrance following her. [B]"Lets get the cargo off the ship and get ready to go back to Sector 11"[/B] Marc said to Blaine as he went to help one of the crew with a trolley.
[COLOR="DarkRed"][B]Name:[/B] Felix Marsh [B]Age:[/B] 26 [B]Gender:[/B] Male [B]Physical Description:[/B] [URL="http://i119.photobucket.com/albums/o159/pjmckrafty/pic05.jpg"][U]Felix[/U][/URL] has black hair and dark green eyes. He is 6?2?, and rouhly 200lbs. It is obvious from his dark complexion that he comes from a Latino decent and seems to be in excellent shape. He often has somewhat of a glazed look on his face and always seemed to have just woken up. He often wears casual clothes, usually a zip up hoody and a pair of jeans. He has a tattoo on both his wrists [URL="http://i119.photobucket.com/albums/o159/pjmckrafty/symbol_01.jpg"](pic)[/URL] that he thinks symbolize his powers. He wears multiple rings and is always wearing a set of infantry boots. [B]Personality:[/B] Felix is a very laid back person, he doesn?t see the point in becoming stressed out or overly emotional about anything. He is a very friendly person; he loves to joke around with everyone and always seems to be in a good mood. He isn?t exactly a chatty person per say but he is always up for conversation. [B]Occupation:[/B] Genesis Instructor/Operative [B]Power:[/B] Felix has the ability to manipulate and absorb sound waves. He can overwhelm listeners with deafening noise, stun them with tight-focus low-frequency sonic blasts (effective even against shielded ears by penetrating the skull via bone conduction), plunge them into a hypnotic trance, disorient them, nauseate them, or simply render them unconscious. He can generate sonic blasts which strike with tremendous concussive force, liquefying or outright disintegrating targets at his highest levels of power. He was placed into a Covert Specialist unit because he can make himself completely silent by absorbing the sound waves he generates. [/COLOR] [B]OCC: If you have any problems just let me know.[/B]
Chas left class heading for the computer lab where the meeting was being held. He thought that maybe he could see some action while working with one of the officers. He looked around the room and saw a lot of the intellectual sort of kids that would just think that Chas was a loser stoner. He saw some other kids like him but he knew they were just there to waste time and wouldn't come to another meeting. He sat down in the back row getting some awkward looks from some of the others wondering why he was there. Chas started to space out when the girl who was running around in the morning came busting into the room. She had one of the biggest smiles Chas had ever seen on her face as she greeted everyone to the club with a mixed response from the group. She seemed disappointed from their lack of excitement, even though hers was enough for the whole group. Just from her mood it seemed like she was looking forward to the meeting for years.
Marc made his way back to the ship he was assigned. More and more New Alliance personnel were arriving with supplies to help the efforts on Sector 11. A ship with medical personnel had arrived at Sector 11 and Marc’s crew was given an order to transport some supplies they had that was heading for Sector 10. His unit was in the process of moving the supplies from the other ship. As of late, Marc and his unit have been shipping supplies to Alliance controlled sectors. One half of him has enjoyed the break from the danger of his usual mission but the other half yearns for it. He walked down to the cargo bay where his second Blaine was supervising the crew moving the supplies. [B]“How much longer do you think?”[/B] Marc asked looking over Blaine’s shoulder at his personal computer showing the inventory they were receiving. [B]“Not much sir, we have most of it already aboard and secured and the rest is already in transit from the other ship.”[/B] He replied pointing at the numbers on the screen. [B]“Sounds good, I’ll check with the pilots and see if we can’t have the ship in the air within the hour,”[/B] Marc said pushing the screen away and walking up the ramp and proceeded to the bridge. He arrived to see the pilots already getting the ship prepped for flight. [B]“Not much longer until we are done with the supplies and we can head for Sector 10, how is it going on your end?”[/B] the pilot just shot him a thumbs up and when back to work. Marc let out an awkward [B]“Great!”[/B] and left the bridge. He was walking down the corridor when the Captain came through the opposite door with a goofy grin on his face. [B]“Ah Sergeant, off to Sector 10 eh?”[/B] He belted out trying to start a conversation with Marc. [B]“Looks like it,”[/B] He replied sarcastically, Marc dreaded talking with him because he came off a little too happy and this bothered Marc for a reason that he couldn’t really understand too much himself. [B]“How long are we looking at?”[/B] [B]“A week, tops.”[/B] [B]“Great, I’ll be in the crew’s quarters until we land, if you need me just call me up.”[/B] And with that Marc gave a fake smile and shuffled out of the corridor making sure the captain wasn’t tailing him. He made his way to the crew’s quarters and collapsed onto one of the cots. He faded into sleep. He shot up as the door opened to the quarters Blaine stood in the doorway. [B]"You have received a message from command."[/B] Marc Got to his feet gave Blaine a nod and put on his boots heading to the bridge. He made it there and the captain handed him a monitor. He read it over before he was interrupted by the captain. [B]"Isn't it great, the odds are starting to tilt in our favor now, I mean a flagship, wow!"[/B] be blurted making Marc jerk up from the monitor. [B]"Flagship? what do you mean?"[/B] Marc asked lowering the monitor. [B]"Isn't that what the message is about? The New Alliance has captured a Flagship from the Versilan, I think they are calling it the [I]Liberator[/I], a fitting name if i say so myself, I mean that is all of what the New Alliance is talking about"[/B] Marc couldn't help but smile at this. He went back to reading the message and let out a sigh of frustration. [B]"They are sending us back to Sector 11 after we unload, we are to wait for orders upon arrival."[/B]
[B]Name:[/B] Mael Tenauri [B]Age:[/B] 21 [B]Archetype:[/B] The Thief [B]Weapon:[/B] [URL="http://i119.photobucket.com/albums/o159/pjmckrafty/Sword7.jpg"][U]Celox[/U][/URL] is a short sword that was passed down to Mael by his father. [B]Physical Description:[/B] [URL="http://i119.photobucket.com/albums/o159/pjmckrafty/concept_1_large.jpg"][U]Mael[/U][/URL] [B]Combat Tactics Explain:[/B] Mael is not a straight forward fighter. He deems it foolish to just place yourself in front of an opponent. He tries to utilize his environment in his encounters with unsavory characters. He is a very agile person, he uses this to his advantage when he is confronted in an open environment making quick strikes and dodging around his opponent. His battle tactic has changed recently. After acquiring the gauntlet he has become more focused on hand to hand combat where as before he was dependent on Celox. He is less cautious fighting now and has started to come off cocky. [B]Personality:[/B] Since Mael is a thief he doesn't keep his friends for long and makes enemies very easy but he his actually a rather friendly guy. Even though he is a thief he only steals from people who can afford to lose the item. He has a sense of right and wrong and that gets him into trouble more than his stealing does. He enjoys the company of others way above solitude. When he first meets people he comes off cold but he eventually warms up and shows his friendly side. [B]How does your character view the way Dugolma treats Iaesel?[/B] Mael's bloodline is from Iaesel and he has seen what Dugolma has done to his bloodline first hand so he holds a strong hatred for Sigurd Solverwind, The Ministry, and the Guards. He has had many run ins with the guards and a few have resulted with him killing them in a fight. He has sworn to himself that he will see Iaesel back to its former glory and wipe all traces of Dugolma from its lands.
Marc exited his ship with two of his crew tailing behind him. They were sent to Sector 11 to drop off some of the military supplies they lifted from a Versilan supply ship. Marc watched as some of the ground crew started to unload the supply crates and his crew was directing them with it. A uniformed man came up the ramp towards Marc brandishing a personal computer. [B]"I need to speak with Sargent Marc Nazarian, he has new orders."[/B] He belted out in somewhat of a proud tone. [B]"I am him,"[/B] Marc replied taking with personal computer from the man's hand. He looked it over with an awkward expression. [B]"It says here that we are supposed to supply security while your men are handing out the supplies to the freed civilians."[/B] [B]"Thats correct.[/B]" [B]"And my I ask why your men cannot supply the security?"[/B] [B]"Because your men are better suited for security than my men, I will expect your men in uniform and ready within the hour."[/B] The man took the personal computer back and gave a salute to Marc, turned and left. Mark turned back to his ship and entered his crew's quarters where the majority of the crew was already gathered. [B]"We have to supply security detail at the distribution point for the recently freed slaves, suit up in light armor and side arms. We aren't expecting anything we are just a comfort the men would like to have in case someone gets a little rowdy. Suit up we report for duty in an hour."[/B] Marc finished with a nod to his men and they all left for the armory. His men were dressed rather quickly and they were off to the supply point. They arrived and they were separated into groups of two. Marc and his second in command Blaine were in a group. Marc liked Blaine, both from earth they had a decent amount in common. Blaine was from Ireland which was obvious from his thick accent and general demeanor. They patrolled through the crowds of people when Blaine started to laugh. [B]"What are you laughing about?"[/B] Marc asked starting to chuckle himself. [B]"Its amazing isn't it?"[/B] Blaine replied looking up at Marc. [B]"I mean ever since earth was invaded i never really have felt any hope for our situation, and when I see this."[/B] He paused. [B]"It is just beautiful, this gives me hope. It makes me think maybe we have a chance in this war, maybe we have a chance at returning to the lives we once lived."[/B] [B]"Yeah... I guess so."[/B] Marc started walking again with Blaine right at his side. Marc thought about it and maybe Blaine was right maybe they did have a chance of returning to what once was.
[SIZE="1"]Chas sat against the school building watching as the majority school was finding their friends from past years and telling each other how their break from school was. Chas put his headphones on but before he was able to turn on his music the familiar voice of his friend Haru chirped from beside him. [B]"So did you get it?"[/B] he asked with an excited grin. Chas smirked and turned to him. [B]"What do you think?"[/B] he replied sticking out his tongue and jiggling his newest piercing. [B]"I also got this little beauty."[/B] Chas lifted his left pant leg showing hi new calf tattoo that covered the entire calf. [B]"That is awesome, my parents only let me have the ear gages, but i guess when you got your others your dad kicked you out."[/B] Chas and Haru were interrupted by a hyperactive girl running by yelling about a club and practically throwing flyers at people. [B]"What was that all about?"[/B] [B]"She is advertising a Jr. Detective Club, she gave me this flyer,"[/B] Haru pulled out a folded piece of paper out of his back pocket and handed it to Chas. [B]"Sounds like something you should do, that way you will know how to avoid being identified at your next crime scene."[/B] Haru laughed patting Chas on the shoulder and got up heading to class.Haru sat reading the flyer over. He folded it back up and shoved it in his pocket. He got up and headed to class. It was the first day of the school year and he was counting the minutes until the end of the day. He slid his headphones on and turned on his music. The teacher was explaining what the class would entail and Chas slowly faded to sleep. He was woken up by his teachers sharp nails prodding his in the shoulder. He jumped up and looked at the clock, only fifteen minutes had passed, Chas sighed and knew it was going to be a long day.[/SIZE]
Hello! I was wondering if anyone would, out of the kindness in their heats, (cause i know you have some), make me a new signature and avi with a theme from the game Killzone.
[B]Name:[/B] Chas Adlam [B]Age:[/B] 18 [B]Class:[/B] 3/A [B]Occupation:[/B] part time waiter at one of the restaurants his father owns. [B]Appearance:[/B] [U][URL="http://i119.photobucket.com/albums/o159/pjmckrafty/edited.jpg"]Chas[/URL][/U]. He is about 6' and has dirty blond hair with brown eyes, he has a couple tattoos scattered over his body and he has accumulated a number of piercings including his eyebrow, lip, tongue, and has both his ears gaged. [B]Personality:[/B] Chas is a stereotypical British punk, he has knack for turning simple arguments into major fistfights. Other than being slightly temperamental he is actually a pretty happy guy. He likes to mess with people often tricking them or cracking jokes on them. He is suspended from school frequently for disrupting class and starting fights. [B]Bio:[/B] Chas was born in the UK and at the age of two his father moved them to japan for other business opportunities. His mother died a year later from cancer leaving Chas's father to raise him alone. When he turned thirteen his dad married another woman and Chas became distant from his father. He started to act out in school and start fights. Chas earned himself a bad rep in his school and he has stories told about him being a criminal, robbing stores and mugging kids but this couldn't be farther from the truth. Chas has always had an interest in law enforcement and criminal investigation since he was a kid. Chas doesn't correct people on these rumors. When Chas turned 17 he got all his piercings, after seeing this his father gave him a choice of moving out or getting rid of the piercings, needless to say Chas moved out. He only really sees his dad at work where he is his boss, but oddly enough their relationship has improved since Chas moved out. Chas has only a few friends most of which he only knows because he work with them at his father's restaurant. [B]Additional Info:[/B] Chas has a love for Japanese metal, his favorite bands are: Dir en grey, Girugamesh, and MUCC. He carries a zippo lighter for no other reason than that when he thinks he likes to flip the lid open and closed lighting it and extinguishing it repeatedly.
[B]Name:[/B] Marc Nazarian [B]Age:[/B] 25 [B]Gender:[/B] Male [B]Race:[/B] Human [B]Loyalty:[/B] Resistance [B]Description:[/B] [U][URL="http://i119.photobucket.com/albums/o159/pjmckrafty/evening_mood_by_janaschi.jpg"]Marc[/URL][/U], he is about 6' 2", has various tattoos and a scar on his left cheek. [B]Weapons:[/B] Marc has a varying arsenal since he is often looting Versilan weapon shipments. He has favored one a Versilan [URL="http://i119.photobucket.com/albums/o159/pjmckrafty/engfieldsolarisLMG60.jpg"][U]Engfield Solaris LMG60[/U][/URL] which he has customized with various parts from various guns [URL="http://i119.photobucket.com/albums/o159/pjmckrafty/engfieldsolarisLMG60custom.jpg"][U](pic)[/U][/URL]. Other than his firearms Marc likes to think himself as a expert martial arts master, even though he is only at about an average level. He also likes to flaunt these abilities with a [URL="http://i119.photobucket.com/albums/o159/pjmckrafty/RAM20011.jpg"][U]retractable baton[/U][/URL]. [B]Special Skills:[/B] Marc has police training from when he was an officer on earth. He has a basic knowledge of hand to hand combat from his job which makes him very efficient in close quarters. He he is good at battle tactics and is somewhat renown among the ranks of the resistance for his knack for knowing just how to take the enemy by surprise. This has its down side as some of his fellow officers have accused him of being a spy. he has proven these accusation false though by showing his absolute loyalty and placing himself in immediate danger to help a fellow in the field. He is currently part of a unit tasked with looting Versilan shipments and the occasional rescue mission for slaves or captured resistance members. [B]Personality:[/B] Marc is very idealistic, standing up for what he believes in with a mighty ferocity. He holds no love for the race of the Versilan but respects the ones he fights beside for standing up for what they believe is right and fighting their own people. Marc has sort of a "soft spot" for the people enslaved by the Versilan and jumps at the chance for a rescue mission to free as many as he can. Marc tries to see a pleasant side to most predicaments, making jokes a lot of the time in hopes to raise spirits. He comes off sarcastic and stoic to some of his fellow officers but when he is on a mission he seems more relaxed and natural. Marc is eager for missions, he enjoys the adrenalin he gets from being fired at by the enemy and the satisfaction of getting the job done. [B]Short Bio:[/B] Marc was originally from Earth, starting his career as a law enforcement officer. During the invasion he was captured and placed into slavery. He spent only a little over a month in slavery before he was freed by a Resistance team. He pleaded with them and was placed into the ranks of the resistance. Since that day Marc has been loyally serving the resistance. Proving his usefulness by intercepting weapons shipments which help supply the resistance further. After seeing his skills and efficiency in combat his superiors deemed it necessary and he was promoted to Sargent and placed as head of his platoon. He lead his platoon through many missions and would have give his life to save any of theirs. He was sent on a mission to intercept and sabotage a supply ship on way to Sector 7. They boarded the ship and set the charges on the engines cooling system but were intercepted and captured on the way back to their ship. They were interrogated, tortured and eventually executed one by one. Marc and two other were left when the charges finally blew, they used the confusion to escape their deaths and made it out on one of the ships shuttles being picked up three days later by a passing Civilian ship. Marc still has a scar on his cheek from the interrogation which he has never really told anyone much about. Marc is currently waiting for assignment in orbit above sector 11. [B]OCC: if you want me to change anything just private message me or contact me on AIM[/B]
I admit, now that I read what I wrote I could've taken that a lot calmer, but I digress. even if they did pursuit it as a hate crime that would only get them a couple months at the most and the other stuff they are looking at is a decent time in jail.
[SIZE="1"]Kole made it back to his hangar with relative ease. He stowed his new parts in his ship and started installing the autopilot. The files would take a while to install into the on board computer so Kole decided he would head home for the night since the other parts would take a while to put in place and adjust to the ships settings. He left the hangar, locking it and headed off for his apartment. He heard the riots still raging. He could hear the police vehicles heading towards it and saw smoke starting to rise in the distance. Then it struck him that the riot was near his apartments. Kole groaned and started running toward his apartment. He had made it a couple block away from his apartments when he finally caught up with the riots. Citizens and riot police had erupted into an all out brawl. The streets seemed to be in complete chaos and the police were doing more harm than help. Citizens started to scatter as clouds of teargas started to spread through the crowd. Kole looked around and saw that there was a store with its door broke down and decided it much wiser to skip the riot and cut through the store. He entered the store and started creping his way to the back door. Kole stopped at the sound of a gun cocking. Kole felt the barrel quake as it was jabbed into his back. [B]"You best be leaving my shop, I will not have looters I already shot two and you ain't no different from them."[/B] warned a small man who had been hiding in the shadows. He waved Kole out of the shop and walked him to the back door. Kole had made it the door when the man slammed it behind him. Kole stood there for a second still frazzled when the sound of a window breaking and the smell of smoke brought him out of it. He looked at the roof tops to understand where he was and when he found his apartment buildings roof he proceeded to go to his apartment. He started running and he turned a corner running into a woman and knocking her down. [B]"Sorry about that,"[/B] Kole said apologetically helping to woman to her feet. "[B]I'm in a bit of a hurry."[/B] She dusted herself off turning to him and giving him a awkward stare. [B]"You wouldn't happen to know where I could find someone who can fix an android can you?"[/B] [B]"I didn't hurt you that bad did I?"[/B] Kole replied giving a small awkward chuckle. She gave him another awkward stare. [B]"Umm sorry I don't, I'm a ship mechanic tho, not really good at repairing androids ore anything like that but if you need to get a ship off the ground or just a ride I'm your man."[/B] Kole pulled out a poorly made business card and handed it to the girl and started back toward his apartment building. He reached it to see the unsettling sight of the bar next door burning and his apartment burning too. Kole let out a frustrated sigh and turned back the way he came. He didn't have all his essentials in his apartment but a decent chunk of his wardrobe and his electronics were burning right in front of him. He spent the rest of the night in one of the unfinished cabins on his ship.[/SIZE]
I'm from Wast Virginia and this little snippet, "(although the fact that is happened in a small rural town of W. Virginia explained some of it)", is a load of ignorant ****. It's true that we don't have many minorities up there but it doesn't mean we are all racist inbred hicks, and that stereotype is getting really ****ing old.
[SIZE="1"]Kole walked down the sidewalk hearing the faint noise of the protest going on a couple blocks away. He saw some of the protesters in the distance and decided to skip that mess and cut through the alleyway. He had crossed into another alley when he heard a garbage can crash behind him. He looked back to see a large drunkard stumbling to his feet. [B]"Why ain't ya at da protest?"[/B] He asked in a slur. [B]"Doncha want dem criminals outta yo city?"[/B] [B]"Excuse me?"[/B] Kole replied turning around. [B]"You heard me."[/B] The man said standing up and moving forward. [B]"To be honest, I could care less."[/B] [B]"Thats cause you are one, and i want you outta here."[/B] The man lunged at Kole, he moved out of the way as the drunkard slammed on the ground and scurried to his feet. He lunged at Kole again this time Kole's fist colliding with the guys stomach and sending him gasping to the ground. [B]"Now go home and sleep it off, next time it will be a bullet going in your stomach."[/B] Kole walked off leaving the man. He continued down the alley until he reached a old pawn shop. He opened the door to see what looked like a very attractive young woman leaning over the counter and the owner of the store almost drooling starring at her chest. Kole cleared his throat and the man quickly stoop up straight. [B]"Do you have the parts I ordered?"[/B] "Just got em in today," He said rustling behind the counter. He came up with two small crates and a very small box. [B]"We have your gauges, your engine's gyro system and here,"[/B] he said holding up the small box.[B]"is your auto pilot that took me a whole fucking day to track down."[/B] [B]"Don't worry you'll get your payment, eventually,"[/B] Kole replied looking the crates over. [B]"I just have a few debts I hafta pay beforehand."[/B] The owner sighed and went into the back. Kole opened a crate and was looking over the gauges when he glanced over at the girl who was starring at him. He gave her a quick glance and when back to checking the gauges. The owner came back and handed the woman her money. She gave Kole one more look and then left. "[B]So when are you planning on paying me?"[/B] the man asked making Kole jerk around to him. [B]"You already owe me for all the other parts you have gotten."[/B] [B]"I have hit some rough patches but once I get my ship off the ground I will be back in business, and then you will get your money with interest "[/B] Kole replied assuringly gathering up the crates and grabbing the box and shoving it in his pocket. He left the pawn shop with his parts knowing full well that this was the last time he was going into that shop. It was the third supplier he has given another identity and left them with his high tab. He started making his way back to his hangar trying to think of ways to pay off his debts.[/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"]An elderly man, walked down a hallway of a large compound, doors spread far apart on both sides. He reaches a yellow door with the number 12 stenciled on it. He stepped into the hangar where a large somewhat beat down ship was docked. A bright light was flashing from the other side from a man doing some welding. The elderly man walked to the edge of the ship where a man was hunched over holding goggles to his eyes in one hand while he was welding some plating in place with the other. [B]"KOLE!"[/B] cried the elderly man with no response from the other. He picked up a empty bottle that was laying on the ground and threw it hitting the ship a couple feet from the man. He jumped and lost his balance and fell back onto the wing of the ship with a thud. He scrambled to his feet and walked to the edge of the wing. [B]"WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU CREEDS?!"[/B] yelled Kole at the man. [B]"You got a guy wanting to speak to you about some shit, sounds pretty pissed and has some other guys with him, OH and you owe me money for rent."[/B] Kole jumped down from the wing and walked up to Creeds." [B]"You'll be luck if I don't throw a few bullets your way with that little stunt you pulled, let alone get any rent,"[/B] Kole replied poking the old man in the chest. [B]"You'll get your money soon enough, the guys are probably the ones giving it to me, send them in."[/B] Kole opened his toolbox and put his torch uin it and pulled out his revolver and knife. A large, well dressed man followed by two men entered the hangar. Both men were holding SMGs and body armor on. Kole immediately recognized this man as Julius Swey, the man who's gun shipment landed Kole in a Imperial penitentiary. [B]"Julius, i haven't seen you since-"[/B] [B]"Don't try to trade pleasantries with me, you lost me a great deal of money and weaponry,"[/B] He said motioning with his hands and the two men raising their guns and approaching Kole. They pat him down and pulled Kole's revolver out from behind his back and returning back to Julius's side handing him the gun and keeping theirs raised. [B]"Now tell me, how are you going to pay me back?"[/B] [B]"Well I just spent six months in a cell, I think that might cover it,"[/B] Julius shook his head and shot Kole's gun. Kole winced as the bullet grazed his left cheek.. He placed his hand over the graze and glared back at Julius. [B]"Leave, NOW!"[/B] [B]"I'll leave, but I will be back in a week, if the money you owe me isn't in my hand, the bullet will make its mark."[/B] Julius threw Kole's gun on the floor and walked out of the hangar with his men. Creeds scurried in after they left. [B]"What happened?"[/B] he asked in a panicked tone. [B]"I need to make a lot of money and in a short time... I'm going out."[/B] Kole replied starring at the door and turning back and boarding his ship. He emerged from the ship with a bandage on his face and a jacket. He walked to the door and picked up his gun holstering it and leaving his hangar.[/SIZE]
i like the idea of a Heroes RP, you can do a lot with that kind of thing.
[I][COLOR="DarkRed"]Dear Jessie, I heard about your problems with that "merchandise" and getting it through the Imperial checkpoints, well I have a pilot I use and he is one of the best you can get for this sort of thing. Here is his resume... actually its his police record but you will find out what you want to know about him from it, if you have any other questions or want some more information on him just give me a ring. Yours, Donovan Finch[/I] [I] P.S. You might want to wait a bit, he just purchased a new ship and he hasn't got the kinks out of it yet.[/COLOR][/I] [COLOR="Navy"][U][B]Imperial Police Record[/B][/U] Name: Kole Gaffin [B]Age:[/B] 24 [B]Gender:[/B] Male [B]Species:[/B] Enhanced Human, From the information that we could gather Kole was placed into a program for a cheaper version of the Biosoldier. Instead of replacing his entire body structure he received tech implants in certain areas of his body to help enhance his performance, one behind the neck, and two in the arms and legs. He became faster stronger and had better reflexes with the implants, but this all came at a price just under that of a Biosoilder and the enhanced soldiers were about half as effective as the Biosoldiers. The program was deemed wasteful and was closed down, discharging all officers involved. [B]Appearance:[/B] [URL="http://i119.photobucket.com/albums/o159/pjmckrafty/untitled.jpg"][U]File Photo[/U][/URL] [B]Birthplace:[/B] Limerick, Ireland [B]Past Occupations:[/B] Navy pilot & Special Forces operative, Quenspress shipping pilot. [B]Current Occupation:[/B] Freelance pilot [B]Psychiatric Evaluation:[/B] Kole is has deep seeded aggression toward superiors and officials due to his unjust discharge from the military. He has a apparent sense of right and wrong that comes into play but this is overshadowed by a somewhat, enjoyment (for a lack of better words), he gets from breaking the law. He dose not trust easily and only makes friendships when he has something to gain from them. He is incredibly attached from his emotions which makes him a efficient fighter. [B]Criminal Record:[/B] 3 counts of Armed Robbery 19 counts of Damage to Imperial Vehicles* 5 counts of Assault on Imperial Official 1 count of Manslaughter 5 counts of Murder 218 counts of carrying illegal narcotics** 150 counts of carrying illegal firearms* 3 counts of Criminal Mischief 1 count of escape from a Imperial Penitentiary * the counts are linked to the amount of items involved ** the counts are linked to the amount of kilos involved [B]Other Information:[/B] Kole was arrested after being stopped at a checkpoint and prosecuted and sentenced to death for the crimes he has committed. Two days before he was set to be executed there was a prison riot and in the confusion he made an escape and has not been located since. He has been recorded to fly in three different ships, a [URL="http://i119.photobucket.com/albums/o159/pjmckrafty/V-Wing.jpg"][U]F2311[/U][/URL], a [URL="http://i119.photobucket.com/albums/o159/pjmckrafty/firefly.jpg"][U]A Shield model 13[/U][/URL], and a [URL="http://i119.photobucket.com/albums/o159/pjmckrafty/Sheathipede_OS.jpg"][U]MarQ78 Support Ship[/U][/URL]. The only recent information we have on the subject is a large credit transaction for a junkship ([URL="http://i119.photobucket.com/albums/o159/pjmckrafty/kimogila.jpg"][U]File Photo[/U][/URL] of ship model) but we haven't been able to locate him or the ship.[/COLOR] [B]OCC: Sorry about changing it on a daily basis, I keep getting good ideas, but this is the last one, have any changes you want me to make just PM me.[/B]
Haru exited the portal last of everyone. He walked out of the portal and walked a couple of steps before he sat down against the wall closing his eyes. after fighting the arrancar all he wanted to do was rest, but he knew that after the recent revealing of circumstances that will be one of the last things he would be able to do. He let out a deep sigh and opened his eyes to see Captain Sanagi Hana standing inches from his face. "What the hell are you doing?" Haru yelled jumping up. "So, what happened? How was the fight?" she asked. "Troublesome, more work than we expected, a hell of a lot more work than we expected, and now we have a hell of a lot of work ahead of us." "How so?" "We are going to hafta' go to Hueco Mundo to make a preemptive strike against the arrancar before they strike here in the soul society, it is the only way we can hope to stop an attack like this." "Oh, sounds like we DO have a lot of work on our hands." She finished as Haru sighed and ran his fingers through his hair. Haru started walking with her going along beside him. "I mean It could be worse right?" she commented giving him a small smirk.
Haru tightened his grip on his sword when he head a loud crack from behind him. They spun around and saw Illudin emerge from the portal. Haru relaxed his grip on his sword. Illudin stepped forward not even noticing them staring up at the airborne fight between Zan and the arrancar. "Aiaaia Gallagher." Illudin said holding out his sword. It split into two and he disappeared into the air after the other two. Haru stepped forward and Akemi grabbed his shoulder. "We need to help them, he might be powerful but he can't possibly take on four shinigami." Haru said pulling himself from her grasp. "You will stay here," She ordered in a very stern voice. "they are doing well enough up there, there is no reason to go and put yourself in danger." Haru shook his head and took his position beside his captain. They watched the fight unroll, the arrancar seemed to hold off the two shinigami fairly well. He then disappeared, both shinigami returned to the ground confused. Akemi tensed up looking around. She suddenly froze and looked at Haru. "Whats wron-" Haru was cut off as she shoved him back and a long blade came down where he was standing. The arrancar glared at Haru and turned to Akemi as she swung her blade around. He caught it with one hand and ran forward slamming his open palm into her chest knocking her back. He turned back to Haru and darted forward. Haru barely had enough time to bring his sword up to parry the attack. He let loose a barrage of attacks that Haru barely was able to parry. The arrancar raised his blade and made a great downward strike. Haru held up his sword locking blades. "Do you think you can overpower me?" asked the arrancar taunting Haru with a devilish smirk. "Actually I think i can." Haru said smirking back at him. A burst of flames shot up his blade and started to engulf his enemies. He started to falter so Haru took the opening and shoved him back. Illudin and Zan had arrived and Akemi had gotten back up. The arrancar was surrounded by all four of them. "Now, do you really think you can overpower the four of us?" Haru said mockingly.
Haru moved along the streets. He was supposed to meet his Captain a couple minutes ago but she was used to his being late. He finally saw Akemi leaning against a wall looking like she was asleep. "Captain." Haru blurted after clearing his throat. She raised her head and stood up off the wall. "Your late, again." she replied smirking. Haru shrugged and gave his equivalent to what a normal smile would be. "You need to work on your punctuality." "I'll get right on that, so why did you call me here Cap'n?" "The others are gathering here too, we are going on a mission." "Hallows?" "Nope, something bigger." "Sounds fun, I've been itching for something a little more challenging." "What do you mean?" Akemi said with a little snicker. "Last mission we went on you almost got killed, I had to save your ass." She finished prodding him in the chest with two fingers. "Only cause it was seven on one, very uneven odds if i do say so myself." "Yeah yeah yeah, thats what I'd say too if I was lazy and out of shape." She laughed and Haru couldn't help but let out a small laugh too. She leaned back against the wall again and Haru sat down next to where she was standing and leaned against the wall. "How long until the others are supposed to arrive?" Haru asked. Akemi shrugged looking down at him. "well in that case I'll take a nap until they come, no harm in that right?" "You are really lazy, you know that?" "Nag nag nag, thats all i hear from you, what are you my wife?" Akemi laughed again and kicked Haru in the side. "You wish, now straighten up, we don't want to give the others the impression that Division 9 is a bunch of slackers." Haru got up and sighed, looking down the street waiting for the others to come.
[COLOR="DarkRed"][B]Name:[/B] Haru [B]Rank:[/B] 9th Division Lieutenant [B]Appearance:[/B] [URL="http://i119.photobucket.com/albums/o159/pjmckrafty/samurai_shadow_by_lely.jpg"]Haru[/URL] [B]Personality:[/B] Likes to take life one step at a time. He is know to be a procrastinator and halfass most chores and requests he is given. He is reckless and headstrong, he is one of the first to charge into a fight, but he knows when a fight isnt necessary, though he is intelligent it dose not show very often. [B]Alliance:[/B] soul society [B]Bio:[/B] Haru didn't live in luxury as a kid, but he wasn't poor either, growing up in a mainly market based district he lived a normal life. Both his parents were vendors and made a decent income to support him and his younger sisters. His parents found out about his potential and immediately sent him off to the academy. He was very successful and trained hard enough to graduate one of the top students.He entered the Ninth Division and proved a valuable asset to the team moving up to Lieutenant under the command of Captain Akemi. Which people thought was odd, seeing a sunny hyperactive captain and her lazy sarcastic lieutenant.While she seeks top be stronger Haru doesn't train much outside of the occasional practice with his captain. [B]-=Zanpakuto=-[/B] [B]Name:[/B] Gouka Enzeru [B]Appearance:[/B] [URL="http://i119.photobucket.com/albums/o159/pjmckrafty/art_banstonesword.jpg"]Sealed[/URL], [URL="http://i119.photobucket.com/albums/o159/pjmckrafty/concept01.jpg"]Shikai[/URL] & [URL="http://i119.photobucket.com/albums/o159/pjmckrafty/concept02.jpg"]Bankai[/URL] [B]Command words:[/B] flare and engulf [B]Abilities:[/B] His blade can engulf itself with flame and if he is holding his sword while in its released form he can conjure fire from any point on his body.[/COLOR]
Reilly smirked at Ezra's comment. "I guess we don't." Reilly replied. "I think you should learn how to," She said moving into the room. "It might just save your skin to be quite," she said looking right at Reilly. He shrugged and started getting ready. He slid one of his guns behind his back and put on a jacket and gloves to cover the symbols. "Where are you going off to now?" blurted out Ezra as she sat down on Reilly's bed. "Just to the lobby, I'm going to get some reading done," Reilly said picking up a leather bound book of the nightstand and holding it up. "Besides I can't get that done in here, I mean I tried to get some rest but that cant happen without the dynamic duo here blowing down the door." "In my defense I thought you were in danger, I was following an instinct that just happened to be wrong." Drew said in retort the Reilly. "And that is why you got shot, nuff' said, I'll be back in a little bit, just keep the door on the hinges and try to not attract attention, I am trying to be discrete." Reilly finished letting out a chuckle and heading to the lobby.He found a red arm chair facing the door and started to skim his book and keep his attention on the door at the same time. The twins would show up sooner or later and he was going to take care of them. Reilly sat in the lobby reading for an hour on arcane magic and techniques. Only a couple patrons came into the hotel. A woman wearing almost all black entered and stopped abruptly, this caught Reilly's attention through his peripheral vision and he looked up his eyes meeting hers. She had a cold glare and her eyes seemed to widen at the sight of him.
"Well, from the way you describe them, these two vampires that you have a problem with are Jeff n' Jay, two very bad mother fuckers," Barnaby said sitting across from Reilly holding out a unmarked bottle. Reilly took it and took a deep gulp from it. "But they arn't the ones you need to be worrying about, you are attracting attention from some unsavory characters." "Who are you talking about?" Reilly asked placing the bottle back down on the table. "The Blood Runners, they put money on your head." Barany answered picking up the bottle. "How much?" Reilly said leaning in. "50,000 alive, half that is dead, and twice it if tuned, its the biggest bounty on any hunter in the area, other than the leader of the guild." "Well, I have been known to make friends in bad places, so, where can I find these vamps I was talking about?" Barnaby stared at Reilly for a moment and turned to the big demon behind him. "Can you get me the map please Desmond?" The demon nodded and left the room and returned with a map of Downtown London. "There, thats where they've been seen a lot," said Barnaby pointing to a building a block away from the pub. "Its a hotel that lets vamps and demons... and basically anything else stay there, It'll be swarming with vamps that wont be happy to see anyone like you." "Good, thanks for your help, I'll see ya soon." Reilly got up and shook hands with Barnaby and leaving. He walked down the street a ways and stopped at a apartment building. He walked up a couple flights when he reached a greed door. He knocked and a small girl opened the door, HSe looked up and smiled at him but didnt say a word. He looked at her and saw her eyes changed from a bright blue to a crimson and back to blue. A blone man them walked up behind her. "Can I help you?" asked the man as the girl ran back into the apartment. "Nick, I could use some of you help." Reilly replied smirking and pulling out a bundle of euros. "Reilly? I havent seen you in years, come in come in," Nick ushered Reilly into the apratment. A woman with midlenght brown hair and crimson eyes walked out of the back with the little girl peeking from around her. "Reilly, this is my wife Sarah, and my daughter Jacklyn." "Never thought a half angel and a half demon would marry, but I have seen odder things, Nick, I need your marking expertise." Reilly took off his jacket. Nick shook his head and sat down in front of Reilly. "You know this hurts, alot?" Reilly nodded. "Jacklyn get Reilly a rag please, What kind of markings are we wanting?" "The guantlets." Reilly replied as the little girl returned handing him a rag. "Bite down on that cause this is gonna feel like your hands and forearms are on fire and I dont want you breaking a tooth," Nick grabbed Reilly's fore arms and closed his eyes. A sharp pain spread through hands and forearms. He bit down on therag and the pain slowly subsided. He opened his eyes looking down at his hands. They were covered in scripture and designs. He also had a cross imprinted on his palms. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a handfull of euros and handed it to Nick, he paused and took the euros. "I'll see you later Nick, I have some business to take care of." Reilly shook his hand and left the city. He whent back to the gunshop, he grabbed some extra clips for his 1911's and a pair of fingerless gloves and a hoody to hide his markings and he left the gunshop for the hotel. He made his way down the street and found the run down hotel Barnaby told him about. He entered it and saw the nice interiour was nothing like its exterior. He looked from person to person in the room when the man at the counter spoke to him. "Need a room?" asked the man giving Reilly a unwelcoming look. Reilly nodded. "You're not a hunter, right?" "Thats a stupid question, I mean if I was a hunter, dont you think I'd lie and say I wasn't so I could get in?" Reilly replied. The man gave his a questioning look and handed him a key. Reilly took it and started toward his room. Now he just had to wait and get some rest for when Jay and Jeff would show up.
[COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"][B]Name:[/B] Liir Tanin [B]Age:[/B] 19 [B]Gender:[/B] Male [B]Occupation:[/B] Traveler/Sword for Hire - He tries to lend his skills with a balade for those who seek it. The few jobs he dose get are mostly as a guard. Sometimes he is hired for the tracking and capture of fugitives. [B]Items:[/B] a bedroll, flint and steel, along with some bandages for when he might injure himself. [B]Weapons:[/B] Liir carries a longsword, a dagger, and a small knife he keeps hidden under his left arm bracer. [B]Appearance:[/B] Liir is 6' 2" weighing around 200lbs. He has a olive complextion and hazel eyes that are offset by his midlenght black hair. He wears dark colors, mostly greens, blacks, and browns so that he is hard to spot in forested areas. His shirts are close fitting but leave room for him to move well, where his pants fit him loosely giving him excelent leg movement. He wears leather boots and arm bracers along with a dark grey cloak wich he keeps his hood up most of the time. He has 3 small scars on his face and many smaller scars on his hands. He has somewhat of a gruff appeance but still looks youthfull.He dosent smile infront of strangers but he carries a small smile when around those he feels comfortable with. [B]Personality:[/B] Liir is enegrgetic and is always looking for action. He tries to stay out of the public eye, but he finds that difficult since he is very confrontational and starts alot of fights. He tends to be sarcastic and says things that can get him into a decent amount of trouble. He likes to joke around with people but when he is hired for a job he takes it very seriously and is determined to get the job done. [B]Information:[/B] Liir comes from a village that was known for its hunters. They were very skilled in tracking animals. Theses skills were passed down through the generations, but Liir didnt enjoy hunting like the other children, he wanted action and he would often stray off from the others and practice sword skills with the local blacksmith. He would practice late into the night and stumble back home sore and tired. As he grew older he grew in skill with the sword and as a hunter. He set off from the village at the age of 17 to start on his own. He traveled from town to town but he is not taken seriously as a fighter due to his age and appearance. So he would take up jobs as personal security to make money even though he hated them and barely got so see the action he yearned for. He is now just wondering from town to town looking for work[/COLOR] [B]OCC: If there is anthing you want me to change, just pm me[/B]
Reilly pulled out Damon and Pythias and fired off everysingle round in both clips at them. To no avail as they simply vanished when the bullets hit them. Reilly was reloading when their voices echoed through the room once again. "I do think we have aggrivated this man." said the first voice. "I agree brother, I think we should let him calm down before we deal with him." replied the other "I think that is a good idea." "YOU WILL DEAL WITH ME NOW!" screamed Reilly clicking the clips back into his pistol. The voices didnt answer. The room fell silent. "Deal with me now" Reilly repeated falling to his knees. Drew walked over and put his hand on his shouldder. Reilly shrugged it off and got up. He stood for a moment and started to walk out of the bar. "Reilly," Drew called out. Reilly paused at the door and turned to him. "What are you doing?" "I am getting ready, they are too powerful, so I plan on evening the odds." He said turning back to the door. "follow me if you like, but this is my fight." Reilly finished walking out into the night. He walked out into the night leaving the other in the pub. He found his way into a condemed subway station. He walked onto the tracks and started down the abondoned tunnels. After walking for about a mile he reached a door on the side of the tunnel. He placed his hand on it and muttered something in latin and the door swung open. Reilly whent through the door and walked to the end of a hallway opening another door. He had left the hallway and entered onto a street. He was in what seemed to be a underground city. He walked through the streets. The inhabitants where all demon, halfbreed or some kind of other creature. He walked through the city untilo he reached two demons talking one seemed to be a large man with a oriental lion-head, and the other was a short creature that cradled a shotgun. "Barnaby, I need to ask you some questions about some vampires." Reilly said walking up behind the short one. "Listen bub I dont know who you-" Barnaby stoped at the sight of Reilly. "Reilly, what are you doing here? You know you arnt exactally welcomed by alot of the people around here." "I have a vampire problem and I need to ask you some questions." Reilly repeated. "Okay okay, lets go in my place and we will discuss this further." said Branaby nodding to the other demon and walking through a door near by with Reilly right behind them.