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P.J. McKrafty

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Everything posted by P.J. McKrafty

  1. The vampires on the floor started to thin out, leaving the others out in the open. Drew and Phil ran to the door leading to the back and started laying down covering fire as Reilly and Ezra ran into the hallway leading back. They started creeping down the hallway Ezra holding her sword rigid with her body and Reilly moving right along side her with his Pythias in one hand and his katana in the other. Ezra stopped in her tracks and held up a hand stopping Reilly. She grabbed him and threw him against the wall. Just as he was about to question what she was doing a spray of bullets crashed through the door at the end of the hall. Reilly looked down the hall and the bullet holes showed that every single one of those bullets would have been burried in his chest. She releaed him and they moved down the hallway alot faster and hugging the walls. They reached the door and Ezra motioned for Reilly to go in. He paused and nodded. He tried the nob but the door was locked. He pointed his gun down and shot the nob off the door and kicked it in. He saw a well dressed vampire trying to fit through a window high off the ground. Reilly ran over grabbed him by the legs and through him down off the wall and onto the desk. The vampire slowly got up and faced Reilly. He lunged and Reilly met him halfway with his boot. The vampire fell to the ground scrambling across the room when he found what he was looking for. He came up with a SMG and released a hellstom of lead at Reilly. He rolled to the side and made it behind the desk. He sat there when he felt the cold touch of metal on the back of his neck. Reilly got up and fced the vampire who had a sickening smirk on his face. "You were good hunter, but I wouldn't go down like the rest of them, are you ready to die?" the words left the vampires mouth as the smirk turned into a vicious smile. "Not quite yet." Reilly replied. The vampire tightened his grip when Reilly made him move he smacked the gun out of the way with his left hand and came around with his right and palmed the vamp with his roseary. The vampire fell to the floor face burning and giving off the foul steam. Reilly drew Damon and aimed it at his head when Ezra kocked him out of the way and stabbed the man repeatedly in the cest and finally sliced his head clean off. Reilly got up shocked at what she had done when she leaned down and dipped her nail in the concentrated blood puddled on the floor fro, the vampire and licked it off in a almost suductive manner and then glared at Reilly whith her yellow eyes. He pulled back the hammer on Damon not wanting to raise his gun but not wanting to be caught off guard. She got to her feet dusted herself off and gave Reilly one last glare as her eyes started to return to their normal color. Drew and Phil ran into the room having finally cleared the floor. "Looks like quite a stuggle." Drew said looking at the now recked office and the pile of dust that used to be the vampire. Ezra walked pat him without given even a glace and walked out onto the dance floor. "Yup and after an ordeal like this, I am going home for some rest, I have some bussiness tomarrow anyway." Reilly replied sheathing his sword and holstering Damon and Pythias.
  2. Reilly entered the pub with drew and phil right on his heels. They went and sat at a table while Reilly got the drinks. "Who are your friends Rei'?" asked asked the young woman behind the bar. "Your guess is as good as mine Dev, the one in the coat seems alright if not a bit off, and that classy gent," Reilly scoffed pointing at Phil. "He sems normal but I'm not turning my back on him." "I know whatcha mean Rei', so what can i get you?" "Oh yeah, two laugers and a glass of your red wine." Reilly said then turning around and walking to the table. Reilly pulled out the seat and sat with the other two with a rather dispeased look on his face. "So, where do the blood Runners reside in this area?" Phil blurted out as soon as Reilly ass hit the seat. Reilly looked up and rubbed his eyes. "I dont know, they leave me alone, but the street-trash vamps cant get enough of me," Both men looked at Reilly wondering what he meant. "ever since I started hunting the blighters they come after me, along with demons, the occastional halfbreed out for revenge or something, or the rare witch even." "Why you?" Drew asked leaning forward. "Well I'm the only guy who is doing anything round here, all The guild dose is complain and sit on their asses, when there is an attack or someone has a problem they call me." Reilly stopped as the drinks arrived. "Rei's a saint, he his," said the Dev placing the drinks down. "He single-handedly saved my whole family from those ruddy fucking Blood Runners." She then leaned down and kissed him on the cheak before he groaned and pushed her off smiling. She walked away and Reilly turned and watched her return to the bar. "Is she-?" started Drew "No, Dev's been like a little sister to me since I was bout' ye high," Reilly gestrned to his waist with his hand. "But to answer your question, no i dont know where the Blood Runners are centered out of and frankly, as long as they keep to themselves, I dont give a flying fuck, the only ones that are after me are teh regular street-trash vamps. The Blood Runners havent messed with anyone around here since the incident with Dev and her family, guess they figured that it isnt worth the trouble to operate down here when they could operate uptown and not be killed by me." Reilly finished smiling and leaning back in his chair. "Oh." Phil said a little disapointed. "Well I'm going outside for a smoke." Reoilly said getting up and walking out the door. He fished the lighter out of his pocket and lighting the cigarett. Reilly looked out across the dark street, it looked completly deserted. Rei started into the darkness, then he heard a crunshing in the snow. He spun around to see his attacker but didnt have enough time to react. He was knocked to the gorund and then he felt cold metal touch his forehead. Not looking up he knew it was the barrel of a revolver being preseed against his forehead. "Fucks sakes, I thought he wuld never come out of the blood pub." cried a woman behind the guy with the gun. "Watch his hands he has a roseary with him," "Good to see you again," Reilly remarked looking up to see the vampire with the cross burn on her face. "I mean its only been a day and you are already taking revenge, my you are motivated." "Well when you have a cross burnt onto your face you get the sudden urge to wok hard to kill the person that put it there," she replied. "Kill him, I dont want him doing any more of his tricks." reilly heard the man pull back the hammer and then a gunshot from another gun whent off making Reilly jump. He looked over to see drew and Phil walk out of the bar Drew now holding two handguns one of which was smoking. "If you wouldn't mind I'd like it if you would leave him alone." Drew said pulling back the hammer of his gun.
  3. Pops walked into the workshop where Reilly was busy working on a scope for a rifle. He was adjusting the sights after adding in a fiber optic element when he was interrupted by Pops. bustleing in. Pops knocked over a tin filled with tools making a lot of noise and making Reilly turn. "Whats all the commotion Pops?" Reilly asked. "A well dressed man is asking for you at the front Reilly," Pops relied "Shit, not anoth Guild prat is it?" "No, someone else" Reilly sighed grabbing his 1911 from off the workbench and sliding it behind his back. He passed Pops patting him on the shoulder and walking into the shop to see a man wearing a red jacket inspecting one of the rifles mounted on the wall. Reilly cleared his throught and the man turned to him. "May I help you?" "Right, I ordered some ammuntion a week ago, I have come to claim it?" replied the man walking up to the counter. "Right, right, Mr. Andrewselvok?" "That is me," Reilly turned to the wall behind the counter, he reached up onto the shelf and pulled off a box with a red cross drawn on it. He handed it to Drew and he opened the box to inspect the bullets. "Hollow-point 'vampire bites', just like you asked" "Vampire bites?" Drew said questionably. "Blessed bullets, in laymans terms, it isnt an instant kill like UV bullets, but one of these will leave a nasty burn and the vamp wont be regenerating from this bullet wound like it would a regular," "Good enough," Drew said setting money on the counter and walking out. He had made it to the limo and opened the dor when he heard a gunshot. He instantly drew his handgun and spun around to see a vampire land about three feet from him and Reilly holding his gun outstretched and smoke coming from the barrel. "Good shot, didnt think you were a hunter, just a supplier," "I'm both, this is my town and the vamps are pissed the fuck off that i am trying to retake it," "Then maybe we have more to talk about," Drew said closing the door of the limo and gesturing to the driver to leave. "May I join you?" "By all means I was just heading out for a drink," Reilly replied lighting a cigarette. "Lemme just grab my coat and we'll go,"
  4. Reilly sat at his work station cleaning his gun from last nights ordeal. He was cleaning the barrel when he heard the bell ring at the door of the shop. He walked to the door wiping his hands on a towel. A man stood wearing a along grey coat at the entrance. "How can I help you?" Reilly asked in a unwelcoming tone. "Im with the Guild," the man said pulling out a silver badge. "I need to ask you some questions." "Sure ya do, lets go in my office... POPS!" A portly man in reverands garb and a leather apron came from the back. "Yes Reilly?" "Watch the counter, I've got some business to tend to," Pops nodded and whent behind the counter. "Shall we then?" Reilly said gesturing to the back. They walked back through the workshop into a small cluttered office. Reilly sat down putting his feet up on the desk and lighting a cigarette. "Now whats this all about?" "The Guild is investigating you work around the area, you have been quite busy havent you?" "Yes I have, and I wouldn't need to be if The Guild would stop wasting time investigating what I'm doing and start helping these people." "Well, The Guild is offering you a position-" "No," interrupted Reilly blowing out a cloud of smoke. "If I join The Guild then nothing will get done around here and that would lead to a major infestation, I am sorry I have wasted your time, but I will not join," reill sat up and poited to the door "Good day," the man stood up and started to walk out of the office, he turned around and gave Reilly a menacing look. "Then this is a warning, continue what you are doing and The Guild will take action," He then left the room and Reilly heard the bell ring at the front door. Reilly walked out there and stood next to the counter with Pops. "What was that all about?" asked Pops getting up from his seat. ""Some prat from the Guild giving me a final warnoing and whatever, I'll take over the counter, you can take a break." Reilly said pulling out a flask and taking a swig. Pops nodded and scuttled off to the back, leaving Reilly staring out the door as the man crossed the street.
  5. Reilly sat in the pub as per his uaual routine. It wasnt as busy as it usually is, but there was still enough commotion to fill the room with noise. Conversations being traded back and forth, and the fruit machine "Oh Ahh Dracula" had its alarm going do to some drunk who appreaently dosent run out of change. Reilly sat there spinning his empty glass in his hand. Then The server cam back and grabbed the empty glass and left him a lauger. He quickly drank it left his tip and exited th pub. Walking to the shop Reilly felt unusually comfortable in the cold snowy streets of London, the streetlights illuminated his way as he passed into the alley behind his shop. He pulled out his keys and was fiddling with the lock before he was interrupted by a voice. "You sure this is the one Charlie?" asked a man with a high pitched tone. "Positive, This is the blighter that smote Johnny," replyed Charlie. "Who cares lets just kill em', if it isnt him it wont matter," this was a girls voice. Reilly turned to see the thre of them staring right at him. "Can I help you?" aske Reilly calmly when one of them lunged at him. Reilly drew his 1911 from his jacket and fired two rounds. One missing but the other hitting his right in the head. Now the others had lunged ath him He raised his gun again but he was too slow the man knocking him to the ground and his gun out of his hand and pinning him. The girl then walked over and knelt by him. "Oh he is handsome, I think ill make him mine," She said sliding her flinger down his neck and them licking him befor bearing her fangs. "NO THANKS!" Reilly yelled flipping his hand overtop of the vampire holding him down, a sickening hissing noise cam forth as what seemed like steam frose from his hand. The vampire jumped off him cradling his hand. The girl turned to her friend and Reilly took this oppertunity to do the same on her face. She jumped off too smacking and scrathing at her face. They looked at the wonds. Burns in the shape of a cross. Reilly held up his hand to show a roseary tied around his wrist. "Put meaning to the saying 'trick up your sleve' dont it?" Both the vampires hissed and ran off into the shadows. Reilly pulled out a silver cigarette case and pulled out a black hand rolled cigarette, he lit it and retrived his gun. He walked to the door and whent indide to finally go to sleep. "Let the guild clean up this mess." he muttered to the body as he closed the door.
  6. [B]Name[/B] - Reilly Jennings [B]Age[/B] - 24 [B]Personality[/B] - Sarcastic, pessimistic, but he is known to always be in a good mood, most likely due to his constant drinking. [B]Appearance[/B] - [U][URL="http://s119.photobucket.com/albums/o159/pjmckrafty/?action=view¤t=reedus2.jpg"]Reily[/URL][/U] [B]Weapons[/B] - [U][URL="http://s119.photobucket.com/albums/o159/pjmckrafty/?action=view¤t=1911_sti_colt_custom.jpg"]Damon[/URL][/U] and [U][URL="http://s119.photobucket.com/albums/o159/pjmckrafty/?action=view¤t=1911_series80_custom.jpg"]Pythias[/URL][/U], Reilly's custom made 1911's. He also wields a reforged [U][URL="http://s119.photobucket.com/albums/o159/pjmckrafty/?action=view¤t=art_banstonesword.jpg"]katana[/URL][/U] used in ancient japan as a dess sword by a high priest. He is also a skilled hand to hand fighter. [B]Alliance[/B] - Freelance [B]Race[/B] - Human [B]Bio[/B] - Reilly was brought up by his mother in a poor section of London. He was a troublesome child who was in trouble with the law, often stealing or starting fights with the neighborhood hoodlums. He graduated highschool and became a mechanic, by this time the war was in its early stages and the media was still able to pin the vampires off as a cult, but then it started escalating. Reilly wanted to get involved but didn't like the idea of The Guild. Reilly, started his life as a gunsmith when he turned 21 at this point in time he had became quite the drinker and had picked up smoking. He had realized the prospects and hired on a preacher at the catholic church he dubbed "Pops" to help make and bless weapons and ammunition to help fight non-humans. Reilly is also a freelance vampire slayer, he hunts and eliminates them whenever possible giving him a unsavory reputation with the Blood Runners. He has also gained a bad reputation with The Guild for his demonic contacts and his improper way of eliminating vampires. Reilly is now known to be in the district of downtown London, only really to be spotted in his shop or at his traditional pub, making a point to try not be caught off guard in the open. He has became popular with the locals and is called out to handle vampire and some demon problems in the area, becoming somewhat of a local guardian/detective. One of the main reasons he is so effective is that he fights dirty, not thinking that fighting honorably is smart. He likes to bless most of his belongings too, just in case it might help him later.
  7. [B]Name:[/B] Demetri Toal [B]Age:[/B] 18 [B]Gender:[/B] Male [B]Personality:[/B] Likes to take life one step at a time. He is know to be a procrastinator and halfass most chores and requests he is given. He is reckless and headstrong, he is one of the first to charge into a fight, but he knows when a fight isnt necessary, though he is intelligent it dose not show very often. One of his weaknesses has to be women, he sees himself as a romantic tho most of his attempts come up futile. Though Demetri seems like a happy guy, it dose not mean that he will not get mad and take charge when needed. His brother can get out of hand so Demetri tries to get him to see reason sometimes having to become physical but Demetri tries his hardest to avoid these conflicts. [B]Appearance:[/B] [U][URL="http://s119.photobucket.com/albums/o159/pjmckrafty/?action=view¤t=angelman.jpg"]Demetri[/URL][/U] is usually wearing a white tunic and loose pants, both of which have taken a tint of a light cream due to their use. He also wears a leather chest plate and two arm bracers along with belt strapped boots. [B]Rencarnation of:[/B] Adin [B]Power:[/B] Manipulation of light [B]Weapon: [/B][U][URL="http://s119.photobucket.com/albums/o159/pjmckrafty/?action=view¤t=swords_ember_big.jpg"]Sword[/URL][/U] [B]Bio:[/B] Demetri discovered his powers two years after his brother did. He was walking along the coastal cliff just outside of their town when the ledge gave way sending him sliding down the face of the cliff. He finally found his salvation on a out hanging rock that he wrapped his arms around. He looked down, he had to be at least 100 feet from the ground still, he know that a drop like that would kill him. Demetri ran his feet along the face and found foot holdings and decided that the only way he could live is to climb. He had only made it a couple of feet up the face when one of his hand came loose and he began to free fall. He was twisting in the air too afraid to open his eyes when he suddenly started to steady himself. He opened his eyes and saw that two wings had materialized on his back and he was gliding toward the water. he hit the water and both wing left as soon as the had appeared. He was able to swim back to shore before he passed out from exhaustion. In the coming years Demetri had collected information that he was a reincarnation of Adin, a deity of light. He then started to learn what he could do with his new found power, keeping this from his mother and twin brother he would go to where he had discovered the powers and practice, he has finally perfected summoning his wings but he can only do so on occasion seeing as it takes a lot out of him. He has also learned to conjure up small orbs of light and is recently able to create a bright flash from his hand that can blind people (only thinking this because it has blinded him when he first learned to use it.
  8. [COLOR=DarkRed][B]Name:[/B] Lirrium Aella [B]Age:[/B] 25 [B]Gender:[/B] male [B]Apperance:[/B] [URL=http://i119.photobucket.com/albums/o159/pjmckrafty/untitled.jpg]Lirrium[/URL] [B]Personality:[/B] Lirrium is a hard one to gain trust from, being betrayed by his entire family and homeland. He holds much anger towards his father and brother which he ustilizes in battle. Lirrium detests the use of guns and refuses to carry one, he rathes his swords to his fighting. Lirrium is a very critical person and will express any of his feelings toward any man, but thinks that women should be treated with respect so he holds his tounge. [B]Post:[/B] He ran his hand down the side of his ship [I]The Pollux[/I] the condition of this old ship was what made Lirrium proud of his crew. He stoped right when he hit metal. The front od his ship was cast in steel, this ship had one main and odd attack, The Pollox was meant for ramming of the ememy ships, a brutal and cruel attack that made it very deadly, where as the ship was in amazing condition the sails were not. Red sails dawned this ship, all of which had all manner of paches in them. His flag had two crossing swords and the sun in the corner. He ran his hand back down the ship.examining the cannon hatches. all of which were locked. He didnt like using the cannons but he knew that ifhis ship was to be effective and survive any fights he needed them. His men were now leaving the ship, their work done for the night. Lirrium waited until they all left and boarded his ship again. He entered his quarters and dawned his attire. A lether vest with his insignia, his swords (in picture), lether wristguards and his red sash, he then grabbeds a cloak and left his ship for the meeting place. He turned and made a last glance at his ship. He smiled and partially unsheathed his swords and examined them. He then turned and left the docks.[/COLOR]
  9. [B]Name:[/B] Daren Kinder [B]Age:[/B] 25 [B]Gender:[/B] male [B]Personality:[/B] Daren believes that there are three types of people in the world, there are sheep who are average people who only hurt people on accident, there are wolves who torment and attack the sheep, and then there are the sheepdogs who's sole purpose is to protect the sheep. Daren sees himself as the sheepdog, he is very confrontational but can be friendly and is known to crack jokes when he deems them inappropriate. [B]Appearance:[/B] [URL=http://i119.photobucket.com/albums/o159/pjmckrafty/SEREN-1-JAYNE.jpg](Daren)[/URL] He is 6' tall and is in excellent shape, his gruff and unfriendly looking exterior is contrasted by his smile that rarely leaves his face. [B]Skills:[/B] He has implants that are implanted in his cerebrum that augment his abilities to a near superhuman form. He is also trained in the use of every basic firearm. [B]Bio:[/B] Daren was raised in a normal suburban family in Liverpool, UK. He left his family and went into the marines. He lost half of his right hand in battle, losing his thumb, index and middle fingers. He was useless in battle. He then found out about a program for military amputees that makes them protect limbs that hook into the nerve endings to allow free movement. He did this and was astounded with their work, he signed up for another test with implants to augment human abilities. They inserted chips into his cerebrum which increased his muscle tissue making him faster, stronger, and more agile. They also placed chips that increased his reasoning. Daren stayed in the program for a year before the UK government decided that it was too expensive and scrapped the program, they left Daren unemployed. He studied the construct of firearms and how to operate them. He now is operating out of a apartment in London as a bodyguard for hire and a gunsmith. He has some magic lineage but it was long since forgotten. [B]Weapons:[/B] other than his rifle and SMG (strapped to chest) shown in the picture he has two [URL=http://i119.photobucket.com/albums/o159/pjmckrafty/M6C_Magnum_Sidearm.jpg][U]M6C Magnums[/U] [/URL] (click for pic) in which he is always carrying at least one. He also has many explosive devices and is always working on some sort of new gun.
  10. [COLOR=DarkGreen]Name: Leoran Girrian Age: 24 Gender: male Appearance: [URL=http://i119.photobucket.com/albums/o159/pjmckrafty/guardian_.jpg]Leoran[/URL] He is about 6' and has dark brown hair and green eyes. He has an olive complection which is offset by hes white and gold armor. Personality: he is very idealistic, sticking to his belief that if it isnt human it dosen't have good intentions. He is very confrontational and if he deems it appropriate (which is all the time) he will step into a disagreement and settle it any way he deems appropriate. he is cynical and sarcastic but can warm up and become very protective over those he becomes close to. Race: human History: Leoran was chosen at birth to be apart of the Guardians of Light. This guild is one of elite warriors that have unlocked mental blocks that enhance strength and agility. He was raised and archived the rank of apprentice. when the Guardians were called out to battle. He was left behind for he had not released all his mental blocks and was no use in battle along side the other guardians. The others never returned being slain by Dogan-Sama. The apprentices scattered afraid that Dogan-Sama would find them. Leoran is the only one that stays true to the belief of the Guardians of Life. He dresses in the usual garb and fights in the traditional style, he is now moving about from town to town and is trying to find a place where he could be of use. Weapons: Leoran uses his longsword a lot but is sometimes seen using the traditional weapon of the Guardians (seen in pic).[/COLOR]
  11. here is my character [B]Name[/B] - Sargent Darin Hall [B]Age[/B] - 23 [B]Gender[/B] - Male [B]Appearance[/B] - [URL=http://i119.photobucket.com/albums/o159/pjmckrafty/00987.jpg]Darin[/URL] [B]Power[/B] - [U]telekinesis:[/U] the ability to move an object on the physical plane using only psychic power. Darin is also able to create shock waves with this power. [B]Position[/B] - assault and rapid response team. [B]Uniform[/B] - standard issue assault gear [URL=http://i119.photobucket.com/albums/o159/pjmckrafty/uniform.jpg](pic)[/URL] [B]Weapons[/B] - A special made G36C assault rifle [URL=http://i119.photobucket.com/albums/o159/pjmckrafty/photos020.jpg](pic)[/URL], standard sidearm [URL=http://i119.photobucket.com/albums/o159/pjmckrafty/800px-HK_USP_45.jpg](pic)[/URL], and baton nicknamed Lobo by users [URL=http://i119.photobucket.com/albums/o159/pjmckrafty/batonblacklowcostopenbp.jpg](pic)[/URL] [B]Personality[/B] - [B]Bio[/B] - OCC: sorry, im a tad bit busy so ill finish up later today
  12. [COLOR=RoyalBlue][SIZE=4][B][CENTER]Mindgate Conspiracy[/CENTER][/B][/SIZE][/COLOR] There are people born every generation that stand above others. Those who are able to do more and are superior to their counterparts. They are leaps forward in evolution, able to access traits that the rest of the generation are unable to unlock. With each coming generation they are becoming more frequent. They are the psychics and psi-sensitive people. Able to bend reality with a mere thought they are truly a marvel of human capabilities. The government superpowers noticed these people emerging in the early 1900's. They realized the potential military power that lay within these people and started research and enlistment on the psychics and psi-sensitive. Telekinetics, Pyrokenetics, Telepathics, and many others are hidden within the population and the governments set out to find them before the other governments did. They invented Psi-probes which would detect these people. This research led to the first official Psi-program in the U.S.A. named Mindgate. They enlisted the first generation of "Psi-soldiers" at the beginning of the new millennium, all adults. The government learned their mistake when the Psi-soldiers rebelled and went AWOL. They created The Movement, a terrorist organization comprised of all six of the Psi-specialist and "Meat puppets" or people who have been brainwashed by The Movement and converted into super soldiers, they have been programmed to be immune to pain, to lay down their lives without question, and to kill without remorse. The government seeing the error in their ways placed Psi-probes in hospitals awaiting the next generation of psi-sensitive individuals. They enlisted and trained these people from infancy to be the ultimate Psi-soldiers and they are reaching the age of deployment. The government is becoming desperate as The Movement is becoming more powerful and making bolder moves against government installations, they are planning something and they are deploying Mindgate to stop them. [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue][CENTER]--------------[/CENTER][/COLOR] Basically in this RP you are a Mindgate Operative trained from birth and you are not even aware of the other operatives presence. The government is about to deploy us to combat The Movement and try to turn the tides. [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue][CENTER]--------------[/CENTER][/COLOR] [U]SIGN UPS[/U] Name - Age - (above the age of 18) Gender - Appearance - (picture or vivid description) Power - (one or two powers, please give a description of each) Position - (like bomb squad, marine, special ops, etc.) Uniform - (description or picture) Weapons - (fire arms or batons) Personality - Bio - (two paragraphs at least) [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue][CENTER]--------------[/CENTER][/COLOR] If you have any questions or requests just pm me and I will help.
  13. As the others shot a man walked up and handed him a bow and three arrows. Liir then strung his arrow. He waited until the others finished. He then aimed carefully and shot. he hit the red ring. The crowd laughed as the other contestants were getting bullseye. Liir considered himself as a good archer from his training. He shot again another red ring. He herd more laughing and booing and catcalling. Liir then strung his bow and fired his final arrow. He closed his eyes and didn't even want to see were it landed. He herd some booing but cheering was mixed in with it. He opened his eyes and saw that landed right on the edge of the bullseye. Liir smiled and looked at the other contestants, they gawked at him, probably they expected better. He smiled knowing that he couldn't be matched by any of these fools in agility, especially most of them because of the heavy they were wearing. He was most drawn toward the man in heavy black armor, he was not going to make it over many obstacles today. Liir then walked over to the other contestants and waited for the officials.
  14. Liir awoke, chest down on the hard floor. He started to get up but his arms gave out and he fell hard against the floor. His arms too weak too weak, his body was drained from the torture. He heard footsteps across the room coming towards him. He tried to get up again but couldn't even move his arms. There was no way he could compete in todays competition let alone win. Then he felt soft hands lift his shoulder, he rolled over and saw The princesses servant holding him, she looked at him with pity. "That was not right what they did," She said holding up a water skin to his mouth. "What do you mean?" Liir asked. "I receiving punishment for being uncooperative?" "No, you deserved that..." "Thanks," Liir interrupted sarcastically. "I meant that when they kept torturing you after you blacked out, you are lucky to be alive," She then pulled out a smaller skin, she held it to his lips and grabbed his mouth pursing his lips. She poured the liquid into his mouth. It started to burn as it made its way down his thought. He suddenly felt his body start to tingle an ache. "It is an energy elixir, it might cause some aching and slight pain but it will return your energy of the competition," She said getting up and starting to walk out of the room. "Wait, who are you and why did you help me?" Liir said getting on his knees. "My name is Veronica, and I helped you because some of us are still rooting for you," She exited the room closing the door and leaving him in darkness. He went to snap his fingers but no flame came forth. He sat there trying his hardest to conger his flames but nothing happened. The door swung open and guards came in holding his armor and sword. "What did you do to me?" He said in pure hatred. "Those shackles you are wearing are specially made to restrict your special abilities," A guard said strapping Liir's armor on him. "Why are you getting me dressed up for an archery contest?" "The king wishes you to look presentable for your appearance," "What appearance?" Liir asked as they placed tighter shackles with strange runes on them, they had a long lead chain and the guards led him out of the room. He was led outside where he was strapped to a royal carriage. He watched as the princess and the king along with many noblemen entered the carriage. They started to move making Liir walk behind them with two mounted guards behind him. They moved through town an announcer walking with them declaring the king's victory over the last magi and how the treat was over, many villagers came to gaze upon him and watch as the man they once fear now lay shackled being almost dragged by their rulers. He was led through town but not once did he lower his head, Liir stood tall, he would not let the king shame him and bring him to his knees so easily. They reached the arena where they unhitched him and the king personally led him into the ring where the other contestants were lined up and watched as one of them was shamed in such a way. The king then dragged Liir so he was on his knees, He then brought his boot up onto Liir's back. He raised a fist in the air in triumph and the crowd roared. The king them brought Liir up and removed the chains from his shackles leaving the cuffs. "Just in case you get any ideas," he then turned raising on arm to the crowd and left. Liir turned to the other contestants and they stared at him. He kept his head low and didn't make eye contact with any of them as he walked over to the open position in line.
  15. Liir was bruised and bleeding from his bout with the witch. He was on his knees as the others walked out of the stadium a dozen guards ran into the arena and shackled him. The other contestants watched as he was led out of the arena. Xander paid them no attention. One whispered to one of the guards about what he did but the guard just told him to mind his own business and moved along. Liir's vision started to blur and the voices became muffled.Halfway to the castle he blacked out hearing the guards around him complain about carrying him. Liir awoke in a small room his hands and feet were strapped to to the floor with just enough length in the chains for him to stand up. His vision started to come back and he saw a woman bandaging his arm, she was wearing servants garb. She looked up as he started to wake. "He is waking up mi'lady," she said returning to bandaging. "Ah, good," The princess loomed over him. "Are we feeling better?" "Depend on your use of better, why did you help me?" Liir asked rubbing his head. "I am interested in you, father is always talking about how much of a scourge you are, and I find that interesting," "Interesting?" "Yes, I am excited to how you impress me," Liir looked at her wondering what she was talking about and then a male servant came running in the room. "Mi'lady, your father is coming," The man said frantically, she and both servants ran out through the servants entrance. The king entered holding Liir's mask smiling, he was escorted by two cloaked men and two guards stood at the door. "Greetings Liir, I am keeping your mask as a trophy, I mean it is only once in a lifetime that you can witness the last magi is bested by a local loony witch," The king proclaimed. Both cloaked men walked up beside Liir and two metal pillars rose up to their hands. "But I am sad to say that I am not here on good terms, my watchmen have seen scouts from your mix breed army, now you are going to tell me where they are and when they might strike," "Hmmmmm, I dont think so," Liir replied perturbed. "Then you will suffer," the king nodded to the cloaked men and then a pulse of lightning surged through the pillars and through Liir's chains. He twisted and writhed in his chains. The electrocution stopped and Liir collapsed on the brink of a blackout. The king then leaned down and whispered in Liir's ear. "The pain will stop when you answer the question," "I'll die first," Liir replied. ""Since are not useful to us dead you will live but that dosen't mean I will have to keep you comfortable," The king walked out of the room and raised his hand, both men beside him started electrocuting Liir again, he lost consciousness after a couple minutes.
  16. Xander watched as the nimble elf parried attack from both Xander and Beston. The elf jumped into the air coming down hard on Beston. Beston knocked his sword out of his hand and they started to struggle. Xander then realized his next move, he ran over to The Innocent and three her over his shoulder and ran. He turned to see both men now noticed he had her and started to get to their feet still fighting. Xander knew on foot h couldn't be a match for their speed but on a horse he couldn't be beat. He whistled and Argos came galloping up next to him. This was one of his favorite maneuvers he had done it many times in battle saving one of his men. He grabbed the horn on the saddle and jumped catching the first foot in one stirrup then pushing himself onto the saddle and stirruped the other foot. This was a occasion that made3 Xander smile even laugh. He sat the girl behind him and spun his horse around facing the man. "I thank you gentlemen, Beston for helping deliver her to me and you, for distracting him so I might leave," Xander spurred horse around and then spurred it. They took off he looked back and saw that The men were not fighting but still trying to catch up. After a moment there was no sign of either men. Xander then turned his horse and headed for his camp. After an hour of riding he finally found his camp, all tents down and all men ready and their horses ready also. He reared his horse and pulled out his horn blowing it loud for his men to hear. "We leave now, lets move back to the kingdom," Xander called out. All of his men mounted their steads and in a matter of moments they had left leaving only a couple burning fires and dust. They were heading back to the kingdom, not to bring The Innocent to the king but to see refuge away from those who are after her. Xander noticed that she would slip every now and again, he almost lost her one time. So he tied her hands around him. Then he started to feel some movement, she was waking up.
  17. "What alliance is there to make, you have no kingdom to speak of, even though I am by heir, ruler of my people, we are far from a kingdom in size, so what kind of alliance is there?" Xander asked pacing around Beston. "True, I have no kingdom, yet, but with the power I shall possess from killing The Innocent," Beston paused and pointed at the winged woman. "Well, lets just say there will only be one kingdom... my kingdom, now you can join me and there will be a seat of power waiting for you along with a guarantee that your people would be spared," Beston replied crossing his arms with a obvious tone of confidence. "That is a bold statement if I do say so myself, but I do not like some parts," Xander replied Beston looking him up and down. "ONE: knowing that when you rule my people would needed to be protected by your own demons, TWO: the killing of that women, THREE: consorting with you, call me crazy but when some rational demon is having a conversation with me and then just snaps and attacks unprovoked, I tend to hold some resentment," Beston seemed to be angered by this, his face twisting with thought as he what to do with Xander, since there was no way of an alliance all he had left was to let him go, which was not happening, or kill him and steal his soul. He decided on the ladder. He gripped his sword just when Xander whistled and Argos returned. Beston started to approach Xander as he packed his sword and shield on the horse to stop his escape. "I am leaving Beston, and you are thinking you are going to stop me," Xander said drawing his sword from the saddle. "But I am leaving, and I am taking her with me," "You seem sure of yourself, how are you going to take her when I am standing in your way?" replied Beston now perturbed. "You will either let me go with her, and she will wake up tell me why exactly she has came to a place where she is only sought to be killed, or I will have to kill you," Beston laughed at this statement. "Now that is a bold statement," Beston belted out as he jumped forward and punched Xander. Xander slid backward and fell to the ground. When he started to get up Beston held him down with his foot. Pushing down on Xander all air had left his lungs. Gasping for air Xander frantically looked around and found his salvation. The spear lie next to him. He picked it up and smashed it handle against Beston's head. Beston laughed at this and pressed down more. Xander lost all hop when he noticed that he was holding the spear upside when he hit Beston, The blade was on his end of the broken handle. In desperation He shoved the spear into Bostons stomach. Xander scrambled to his feet catching his breath and holding the broken spear and sword at the ready.
  18. Xander moved down the hill toward the ship watching the demons move northward. Xander cautiously moved onto the boat shield and sword at the ready. Xander checked the deck up and down. He only found what was left of demons and winged people. He went into the ship and halfway down the stairs he heard a lot of struggling. He descended the rest of the stairs. He started down the hallway until he heard something moving in one of the crews quarters. He crept down the hallway and looked into the room. He saw another imp standing guard at the door, a small spear in hand. There were too other pig like men feasting on a body in the corner. They then heard something they turn`ed to see Xander pulling his blade from the back of the imp. "You smell like a human, this is none of your business, leave," One of the beats said turning back to the body. "I am making this my business," Xander replied holding his sword up ans he approached the demons. One turned and saw him coming. It picked up a log and spun around. Xander put up his shield. This did little as the log hit him and sent his stumbling back into the wall. Before he could recover the demon had grabbed him and lifted him up. "Do you really think a pathetic human like you is a match for a demon of my power?" The demons breath stang Xander's nostrils. Xander gritted his teeth and shoved his blade into the demons chest. It let go of him and fell limp. The other demon now taking itself away from the body charged forward. Xander brought his blade around swiftly and decapitated the demon. Xander went over to the other demon still alive on the ground. He turned him over and placed the tip of his blade at the demons throat. "I am going to ask you a question and you will answer and i will end your pain, where is your battalion heading?" Xander asked. "After the innocent," replied the creature black blood now coming out of his mouth. "Lets pretend I don't know what that is," "I dont either but my master has a lot of interest in it and sent us after it," Xander nodded and plunged his blade trough the creatures throat. He stood and whipped his blade and sheather it. He walked off of the ship. He then brought two fingers to his mouth and whistled loud. Argos came galloping down the hill and slid to a stop next to Xander. Xander mounted Argos and sped off after the demons. After a couple minutes he found a massacre of humans and demons, it looked like there was little fighting between them and one main killer. Xander dismounted and picked up one of the soldier's spears. He walked all over the scene and then saw what he was looking for. Tracks leading away from the scene. They were very warm thus meaning that not only were they fresh but belonging to a powerful demon. Xander plotted the demons course and headed after it. It wasn't but a couple minutes before he reached a heavily armored man carrying another winged person, this one seeming to be a woman. Xander pulled on the reigns so his horse sun about. The man turned to see this new opponent. Xander lifted his spear to his side and pointed it up in the air. "Mind if I have a word?" Xander called out to the man.
  19. Xander sharpened his blade as his men were busy setting up camp. He then heard the stomping of hooves as one of his scouts rode in. He frantically dismounted his horse and ran over to Xander bowing. Xander stopped, placed his whetstone away and sheathed his sword. "Report," Xander said looking up at the man. "A ship has landed upon the shore mi'lord, and i saw a platoon moving in on it," The man replied standing up as straight as he could. "How big?" Xander asked standing up now. "About fifty or so demons," "Demons?" "Yes mi'lord," "Prepare my stead I'll investigate," "How many men do you want to go with you?" "None, but I want all men ready in case of an attack, I'll send for help if I need it," Xander entered his tent and put on his armor, he then strapped his fathers sword and his shield on his back. He walked out of his tent and his horse Argos was waiting for him. Xander petted Argos on the nose and then mounted him. One of his men ran up next to him. He handed Xander a pack of basic supplies just in case he found himself staying the night there and then the solider went off to get ready with the others. Xander reared his horse and it sped off. It was about a half an hour before he reached the shore. He stopped at a hill above the shore. He dismounted Argos and slowly climbed the rest of the hill. He reached the top and saw the ship, demons climbing all over it. Xander saw nothing else until he saw a winged warrior cane flying out from inside the ship and started carving up the demons on the deck. Xander ducked back behind the hill and took his shield off of his back. He looked back over the hill and saw the warrior gone but the demons still there. suddenly something grabbed Xander and clubbed him over the back of the head. He fell backwards his vision blurred and felt someone sit on his chest. He then felt claws glide down his cheeks. "This is a human, a young one too," said the creature on top of him. A claw cut his face and then pulled its hand away. His vision cleared and he saw it was what looked like a woman, with black hair and a gray skin. He looked at him while licking his blood off of her nail. "You are special, i haven't tasted a human like you before," she then leaned in and licked his cut. Xander then punched at her but she disappeared in a black mist. Xander scrambled to his feet, he drew his sword and spun around. She was nowhere to be seen, then a loud cracking noise came from behind him. There the woman stood, leaning on a staff. Xander watched her as she started a dancelike movement around him. He kept his sword pointed at her the entire time. "You're a feisty one," she said moving inward. "I don't have time for games," Xander replied moving around like she did. She winked at him and then suddenly lunged forward. Xander dodged but felt a sharp pain run up his leg. Three throwing spikes where sticking out of his calf. He fell on one knee and ripped them out one at a time grunting each time. She giggled at the sight and then came but behind him wrapping her arms around his neck. "If you give up now i will let you live and keep you as my pet," "Go fuck yourself." Xander replied. "Your decision," She pulled out a dagger and raised it up to stab him. Xander moved quickly pulling a hunting knife out of his boot and stabbing her in the gut. She made a moaning noise and stumbled backwards she then morphed back into the imp-like creature she was. Xander rose to his feet and walked over to the stunned creature. "I am no ones pet," Xander said as he lobed off the creatures head. He retrieved his knife and then went back to the hill to see that the demons were gone, Xander started his cautious decent down the hill.
  20. [B]Name:[/B] Xander (pronounced Zander) [B]Age:[/B] 20 [B]Race:[/B] human [B]Kingdom/outsider:[/B] The Eastern Kingdom/outsider [B]Appearance:[/B] [URL=http://i119.photobucket.com/albums/o159/pjmckrafty/c_Rohan_epi.jpg]Xander[/URL] (the one on the right) [B]Weaponry:[/B] his fathers sword [URL=http://i119.photobucket.com/albums/o159/pjmckrafty/uc1423.jpg](PIC)[/URL] ,a round shield, a hunting knife he keeps hidden, and he is known to use a spear when needed. [B]Abilities:[/B] His family's special bloodline he is stronger, faster, and more agile and a normal human. [B]Past:[/B] Xander was born into semi royalty. His family was known among the people for having a bloodline that made them physically superior to most others. His father lead a group of refugees from the eastern kingdom that they thought betrayed them with higher taxes and placing those who did not wish it in their army. He formed a society and they soon built a city. The wild horses in the area became the symbol of the people and was worshiped as such. His people domesticated the horses and were renown for such. The great wars came and his people formed a military with their leader as the general. He had his son as second in command. Their army was known for their skill on horseback along with on foot, but their praise would soon end as they were attacked by an unknown force of great power. Xander's army was ambushed as they moved in to attack the enemies main forces. Being caught off guard many men were killed and in a last desperate measure Xander's father had him pull the troops under him out of the battle and return to the city to warn the people and have them return to the Eastern Kingdom. Xander and about 40 men returned to the city and warned them, they only had a couple day before the enemy's army was upon the city and they had to return to the Eastern Kingdom. The city was completely empty and about 40 of the reserve men left to protect the city were sent with his people to The Eastern Kingdom. Xander returned to the battlefield where he witness from afar as the enemy's army moved out leaving the body's of the people and their own men. Xander and his men entered the battlefield and Xander found his father's corpse with his own sword plunged through his heart. Xander knew he could not risk staying so he burned the bodies of their dead and took his father's sword as his own. He and his men are now freelance cavaliers for the Eastern Kingdom. [B]Personality:[/B] Xander was changed after his ordeal and is cold and stoic, he very rarely smiles and is known to confront against anyone who angers him. He only really converses with his own men and even then it is only a couple words. He is referred to as "Prince of Stallions" by strangers and travelers alike but this name bothers him for he doesn't consider himself royalty.
  21. The battle winded down and only some of the stronger more adept warriors. but there was a surge among them.. The witch was clearly disregarding rules and using fatal force. Liir watched as she swung her chains around the crowd of participants, those who actually fell prey were cut down brutally. Liir was unfortunate enough to be noticed by the frenzied woman. Her companion must have been seprated because he wasn't in sight. She wasted no time in striking, she swung her chains around but this time her attack wasn't as predicable, Liir went to block but she swirled the chain so when he went to grab it the chain wrapped around his entire arm. The chain had small barbs on it so when she started to constrict it and it started to cut open the exposed parts of his arm. She seemed stronger than when he encountered her before, she seemed to have something fueling her berserk . Liir struggled with her, using his other arm to try and get some slack and relieve the growing pain that shot up through his arm. HE pulled and pulled they only progress he was gaining was that the constricting had stopped. Liir then ran forward and was greeted by a second chain that wrapped around his abdomen. Liir was blinded by the pain that shot up his arm and now the chain that wrapped around his stomach was constricting. He grabbed it to stop her from breaking his ribs. He tried his hardest to break free when she pulled him in and kicked him in the face cracking his mask. Liir looked down as the blood from his arm and now his lip were dripping blood all over the ground making the chalky soil cake up in red clumps where the touched the ground. Liir looked up and anger once more and the flames shot up the chains singing her hands as she jumped back. Liir had regained control, the chain around his waist became limp but was caught on his armor and the other was still attached to his arm, he had forgotten them ready to shoot a burst of flame the second she made a move.
  22. Liir watched the fighting commence. The entire arena was turning into a madhouse not just on the floor but in the stands. Fans were throwing rocks and such at the contestants and he actually saw a couple contestants being knocked down by something a spectator had thrown. It was as chaotic as some of the battles he had lead against the kings men. A man rushed Liir thinking that a shackled foe would be an easy target. Liir swiveled to the side and brought the back of his boot down upon the man's neck. The man came crashing down and was covered in the chalky soil. Three more came thinking the same not seeing the earlier attempt. They circled Liir keeping him on constant alert, Then one roared and ran forward. He slammed into Liir's torso and sent him crashing against the wall. The man tried his best to keep Liir pinned when he had the air knocked out of him by Liir's knee colliding with his chest. The man stumbled back gasping for air when one of his comrades grabbed him and threw him down. Liir then saw this was a [I]every-man-for-himself[/I] contest so he went on the offensive. Liir kicked at the man and a flame shot out from his foot. The man jumped back scared to death. He tripped over a unconscious man behind him. The other man seeing the flame shoot from Liir's foot ran off into the crowd. Liir started to concentrate and the shackles around his wrist started to glow red. He then smashed them against to wall making the links shatter and setting himself free. He rubbed his wrists walking through the mob trying to see if their was a means of escape, that was a no go so the only way out was to win, and so Liir set out to do that. There was a man in pitch black armor and snow white hair fighting right behind Liir, Liir elbowed him in the back and the man stumbled forward and turned to his attacker. The man then punched at Liir. Liir dodged and came back punching the man across the face. He stumbled back and was grabbed by another man, the man quickly subdued this man and was swarmed by others. Liir quickly turned and caught a chain that would've wrapped around his neck. A woman with similar eyes to himself. She didn't seem to fond of Liir, she was struggling to get her chains back. Liir pull the chains almost making her fall she let go and he swung it around the ankles of a very overwhelmed elf sending him crashing to the ground. Liir then threw back the chains and winked at her as he returned to the battle.
  23. "You really thought that you could infiltrate the capital and assassinate me?" The king asked in anger. Liir smirked but the mask covered it as he slid his sword into his hilt and placed his arms in the air as the guards moved in. "Do you think I'd be here if I didn't?" Liir replied laughing to himself. "But it appears that I might have excluded a few factors, like your vast number of guards for instance," The king suddenly dawned the look of anger, he motioned to the guards and hand Liir shackled. The ki9ng then walked over and ripped the mask off of Liir's face, the leather that held it on parted as the strings in the back snapped. His long black hair fell from the mask covering his face. "Still trying to hide eh?" the king cackled and drew Liir' hair aside, the sight surprised him. It was a young man, not much older than twenty. He had a olive tone to his skin along with about three small scars from battle scattered across his face. This boy wasn't much older that his daughter or son. Liir still smirking knew what was going through the king's mind, "How could he lead so many at such a young age?". The king turned and started pacing thinking of what to do with his new prisoner, then it dawned on him. "Liir I have a proposition, if you can take it or leave it," "I'll hafta say no," replied Liir not wanting to do anything for this swine. "Then you die," "Then I retract my earlier statement and am now listening," "Thought you would, this is the deal, you have obviously heard of the Alabaster Cup, it would be a great attraction to have the last Magi in the completion, that is if you make it through the qualifying round. If you win the completion which i doubt, you live, you go to our prison for the rest of your life but you live, if you loose, well you dont live," "I guess i have no choice but to accept," "Excellent," The king seemed to beam at his clever idea. The servants and such started to gather around the broken melted doors to catch a glimpse of the fabled heretic, then they parted a blond woman strolled in head held high, her white gown flowing in the wind. She walked next to the king and stared right at Liir. She then approached him and he lowered his head hiding his face. "Is this the legendary Liir?" She asked the king. "Because if so i though he would be brave enough to show his face," She then grabbed Liir's face and pulled it up, she turned it to get a good look at him, then she caught a glimpse of his eyes, a dark crimson. "So he is a Magi, the last i do believe," "You would be right," Liir remarked then a hand suddenly collided with his face. The princess had struck him and was rubbing her hand. "You will speak to me when I say you can speak to me," She said in a angry tone. Liir could feel the anger boiling up inside him, His hands started to warm and he suppressed the urge to show her why he was still alive. The king then walked up to the princess and placed a hand on her shoulder and whispered in her ear she turned and exited the room. The king then left right after her. "Alright we must get you prepared for the preliminary round," said one of the guards. "You might want to wear this," another said handing him his mask.Liir was able to put it on but not able to lace it because of the shackles. A guard laughed and then tied it for him, he purposely made it tight to make him uncomfortable. "Oh and you wont be needing this another said removing his cloak and sword from his back. This reveled stunning leather armor that covered his chest legs feet and fore arms, each with intricate Magi designs. "I think I might need the sword," Liir remarked. "You might but lets see how you do in the preliminaries without it shall we?" Liir was lead to the arena where the competitors were already lining the arena where they were going to do battle and they were being given the instructions. The guards called out as the reached the edge, "We have a late entry!" They then pushed Liir over the edge shackles still attached. He twisted in air and was able to land on his feet but stumbled and almost fell face forward, He steadied himslef and realized that this might not be as easy as he had hoped.
  24. Liir entered the town, the giant lion like man Orthos right beside him towering over him a good foot and a half. Liir wearing a cloak and a white mask with red makings on it that just about covered his face except for his eyes. Still most people would not get a look at this for he has his hood pulled over his face. Orthos insisted upon entering the town wearing no kind of disguise, he was proud of his noble heritage. "Sir," said Orthos respectively, "Don't you think it is a little early for this, i mean we could wait and prepare this is a major step, and we dont even know if we can grant entry to the castle," Liir glanced at him and then back at the path. "We are ready and I have waited long enough to strike at this monster, I will not wait any longer," Liir looked straight at Orthos and his red eyes flashed. "And if we can get in we will force our way in," "Sir, with all due respect,this is endangering your life and it is my duty to protect you, so I believe that we should turn back now," "Orthos I see you as some what of a brother, but you were placed under direct order to not only protect me but to listen to me, now we will have no more speak of this," "Yes sir," "And for god sakes call me Liir, its not like we have been on the road together for five years," Orthos smiled at Liir and they move along. Even though Liir was wearing a mask Orthos could tell that He was angry and disgusted at even being inside a "Pure City" the people acted so superior in Liir's eyes, it also angered him the way people feared and hated Orthos and the way he would take the thrown rocks and sour words toward him. Liir has been know to strike out on the people and his singed a few with his flames. They continued on their unaltered coarse until they reached the castle gates and approached the guards. "If you wish to sign up for the Alabaster Cup the sign ups are in town not here," said one of the guards in a monotone voice. "We seek an audience with the king," Liir replied. "In these turmoiled times the king sees no one outside his noblemen, plus none of his kind are not even supposed to be in town let alone come inside the gate," "If that is what you choose," Liir said as he thrust his hands forward shooting flame forth and knocking both guards over, Orthos took the club from his back and knocked each on the head rendering them unconscious. Liir drew his sword and spun around looking to see if any anyone was coming. No one. Liir then pulled out a pouch of black power the bartered for outside of the city. He threw it down against the gate. They both stood back and Liir held out his hand a flame shot fourth and the bag exploded. the gate a hole just big enough for Liir to fit though. Liir turned to Orthos. "You know the plan, go to the outskirts of town and wait, if i do not return within daylight, go to our camp and then come back for me in three days," Liir said stoically. Orthos nodded and sped off. Liir squeezed through the hole and saw three guards waiting for him. They froze, Liir stabbed the first guard and then the other two woke up. One brought a speak forward and Liir parried it with ease and rushed forward stabbing this man too. The second man almost sliced Liir down the middle, but luckily Liir was able to parry and kick the guard aside. He then bathed the guard in flames. The guard started screaming in pure agony. Liir knew that would bring more guards so he started running. He took a short cut through the servants quarters and he started to hear the clashing of armor as the guards ran to catch up. Liir then saw it the servant door to the throne room. He ran through it and right as he got on the other side he melted the handle and shot a flame melting the latch shut on the main entrance door. But before he could make another move there were countless swords and spears pointed at him. Liir looked up and saw the King sitting in his throne staring straight at him. "Well well, the almighty Liir standing right in front of me we have been expecting you my boy," The king said slightly laughing. [B]OCC: sorry for the late start i was out of town.[/B]
  25. [B]Name:[/B] Liir (pronounced [I]Leer[/I]) Gulwarn [B]Age:[/B] 25 [B]Race:[/B] magi, a race of telepathic people, secluded from most other societies for fear of their powers and were constantly under siege. and now extinct except Liir, he is called a witch and a heretic by some for his mere existence. The physical traits of his race are dark hair and deep red eyes. [B]Weapons:[/B] a longsword he was forced to inherit [URL=http://www.costumesnz.com/images/crusader.jpg](pic)[/URL] [B]Magic talents:[/B] pyrokenisis and second sight [B]Personality:[/B] A very idealistic person, young and stubborn in many ways, but willing to make sacrifices for the greater good. He may seem cold but he can actually be very friendly but sarcastic once you get to know him. He is known to become angered and violent but refuses to hurt an innocent, even at the cost of his own life. [B]Bio:[/B] Liir grew up among his people happily. He apprenticed as a pyrokenetic among his people rising through the ranks faster than most. His life seemed great until the kingdom declared his race and many others an danger to the supposed [I]"Pure Races"[/I] or races that didn't have natural born strength. They were a victim of genocide as a army about 4 times the size of their population attacked slaughtering men, women, and children. Liir, at the age of 12, like many apprentices was brought in to defend his people. He watched as his people were slaughtered and his own father was killed. He took up his fathers blade and ran. He was shot three times by the archers of the butchers who killed his people. He made it a ways into the jungle before he was found stumbling around delirious and clutching his fathers blade by a hunting party of Kar'raks. They took him back to their seer who healed Liir and brought him back to health. A party of Kar'raks went to go see if is stories of the battle were true. They found a ruined city and no survivors. Liir lived among the Kar'rak for many years and learned to use his father's blade in combat. Liir had sworn revenge on the man who declared his race unfit for living. He also studied and became a very intelligent both on battle and on diplomacy, knowing how to battle someone both physically and verbally with skill and grace. Five years past one day after his studies he was called to the seer. He entered her hut and she had him sit, she told him of a vision of their city destroyed like his, she also told him that she saw him as a leader of a great army to take back the world and not let any other races fall to the same fate as his. She saw his as a great leader and a profit of the people, but his power would come with losses, some of his friends and loved one he would gain along the way would be lost. Liir knew that the seer had seen this and knew she wasn't lying, he had a similar vision a week earlier. He wished it all not true but sadly it was. The watchmen had seen an army approaching the city. Liir was instructed to leave the city with one of their warriors named Orthos and to not turn back. Orthos was instructed to potectect Liir from attack as the seer had seen many perils on his journey. Liir and Orthos left town only to hear tales of its destruction. Liir is currently moving across the land rallying followers to his side and leading attacks against the kingdom's armies. He is hunted by bounty hunters and is known as one of the most influential people in the world. His name is known around the common household and is feared by some and idolized by others. He travels through [I]"Pure Cities"[/I] wearing a mask and cloak as to not reveal his identity. He was last heard of heading toward the capital city to gain followers out of the adventurers gathered there to participate in the Alabaster Cup and some say he is there to confront the king, the man who ordered his people killed.
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