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P.J. McKrafty

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Everything posted by P.J. McKrafty

  1. Re watched as what was left of the fleet was ripped apart by the buzz droids, he had never really seen a space battle up close, but he had never herd of a battle with this much carnage. Rei watched as both Morbus and Dythos stumbled into the ship both exhausted. droids helping them to their feet and down the corridor. They had accomplished an amazing task. They were moved into the bacta bay where they rested from their ordeal. Rei was then approached by two droids brandishing blasters. "Under Morbus's order you will be detained for a short amount of time until he is rested and ready," One of the droids grabbed Rei's arm and started to lead him down the hall. Two super battle droids then accompanied them down the corridor to the detention bay. Along the way Rei saw the hangar where apparently a boarding party ship and two [B][URL=http://i119.photobucket.com/albums/o159/pjmckrafty/V-Wing.jpg]V-Wing[/URL][/B] had boarded the ship only for their pilots and crew to meet their deaths, but the ships were surprizingly intact. Rei saw his chance and took it. He drew his saber and slew the first super battle droid. Before the other could react it was stabbed through its optical senors and kicked to the side. Rei raised his hands and flung the other two droids against the wall, due to their build they were easily destroyed. Rei ran into the hangar cutting down the lowly piloting droids and deflecting blaster fire from the auto defense turrets. Re got to a V-Wing and opened the hatch. He climbed in and immediately initiated the shields. They were already low so Rei didn't have much time to act. He closed the hatch and tried to use the piloting skills he had for the jedi starfighter on this ship since it was surprisingly similar. It then levitated off of the ground and the back wings engaged. Rei turned it to the bay door controls and shot them, thinking it would open them instead it activated the emergency blast doors which started to cover the existing door. Rei acted quickly firing a missile at the door causing it to create a hole just big enough for his ship to zoom out of. Rei then shot out of the bay and into the battle aftermath. Not expecting Morbus's ships to still be patrolling the battlefield. Rei dodged fire while his shield absorbed the blasts that did hit him. Rei knew the ship would not make it far he had to land on the near by space port that lied on a asteroid a decent distance from the battle. Rei made his way off of the battlefield having dodged the last of the tri-fighters. Rei rode for a hour before he came into sight of the station, it was another hour before he could dock and get off of the ship. Rei payed the mechanic to make necessary repairs and to keep his mouth shut about Rei seeing as this was not a republic friendly station. Rei made his way through the station to the outside of a bar where he finally got some tim to rest and collect his thoughts. Meanwhile on the ship Dythos and Morbus had finished their bacta session. "Master, the jedi made his escape," said Dythos after conversing with one of the droids. "I know this," Morbus replied solemnly. "Shall I pursue him?" "No, we need to get to Randon and make repairs and restock," Morbus said retrieving his sabers from one of the droids. "After that you may pursue him,"
  2. Rei struggled against Dythos, keeping his anger in check and remaining level headed. Rei felt the heat resonate from the sabers clashing and started to sweat making Dythos smile at his opponent. "Thats what you think," Rei said as he pushed Dythos off and then shot his hand forward. A blinding light came from Rei's hand and Dythos stumbled backwards covering his eyes. He was temporarily blinded and Rei made his move. He charged forward and kicked Dythos in the stomach. When Rei went to strike him with his saber Dythos came up and blocked it making a circular swipe. He knocked Rei's saber out of the way and bringing his own saber to Rei's throat. Rei stood planning his next move not daring to temp Dythos to plunge his saber into Rei's throat. Rei made a daring move ducking fast and sweep kicking Dythos's legs out from under him. Rei stood over Dythos saber pointed right at his head. "Strange how a situation can turn, isnt it?" Rei asked getting cocky. "Indeed it is," Dythos replied smirking. He threw his hand forward and a sharp pain shot through Rei's chest. He fell back and his vision started to blur. He saw Dythos get to his feet and raised his saber to deliver the final strike to Rei.
  3. Ty stayed after hours for work, not only to fill out repost but because he didn't feel like going home. Ty watched the monitors and then suddenly the alarms went off Ty look at the monitor to seem three people beating on the door. Ty grabbed his gun and headed downstairs to the doors. He approached the doors cautiously. "Excuse me but we are closed, if you dont leave no I will have to call the police," The people just moaned and hissed like the man earlier. Then the glass started to crack. Ty backed up, "I mean it, leave now or I will call the police!" They ripped at glass and it shattered. all three of the people came charging in, Ty pulled out his gun and shot at the people, shooting one in the head killing him and missing the other two. Ty ran out of bullets and while the two were regaining their composure he turned and ran, The two men got up and took off after him. They started to catch up with him easily. Ty ran into Sports Metropolis trying to loose them. They ran in after him. Ty almost made it into the back room when one of the men tackled him to the floor. Ty struggled with the man keeping his head away from him as he was intent on biting Ty. Ty punched him off of him and reached for something to fight him off with. He found his salvation in a 9 iron that was knocked over in the struggle. He swung it and it collided with the mans skull knocking over and sending him into convolutions. Ty came to his feet and ran into the back room. He locked the door and picked up the phone. He dialed 911 wiping the sweat from his forehead. The machine said all lines were engaged. Ty heard scratching at the door and readied his club. He approached the door and opened it slowly, The man lunged at Ty and Ty struck him in the head too, the man started to get up and Ty struck him again and again in the head until he stopped moving. Ty stopped and was breathing very hard, stunned at what he had just done.
  4. Rei came to his feet and caught his breath. He started off toward where the militia was last hoping to catch up. Rei wandered through the jungle watching for the militia then he heard the sound of a wookiee roar and the unmistakable sound of lightsabers clashing. Rei then ran in the direction. getting cut by small branches and getting caught up in vines. Rei came into a clearing where he saw a sith get up and grab his saber. Rei ducked down and watched as the man ran through a already cleared path. Rei then got up and ran after the man staying a good distance behind and trying to stay silent.The man kept moving ahead not noticing Rei moving right behind him.Rei watched the man's movements and noticed him slowing down. He then crouched and took off. Rei ran to where the man stood and looked around. It was hard for Rei to find where the man had gone, he centered himself and found where the man had gone off to. Rei took off and wound up on the outskirts of a landing site, there was a bunch of droids preparing the ship and the sith from earlier talking to the man he saw in the jungle. They were talking then they started working on preparing the ship. Even though Rei detested the feeling the feeling Rei decided that he would have to board the ship. He went into his bag and pulled out a suit that was specifically designed to be compact but to let the user survive in many environments including space, he slipped it on and made a move to the ship. Rei attached himself to the closing supply hatch. the ship's engines roared on and Rei made him move and used the sound from the engine to his advantage, he cut a hole in the doorway, he crawled through it as the fire from the engines came to life and the ship started to move. It was off of the planet before Rei even knew it. he had flattened himself against a wall as almost everything was being pulled toward the hole he made. Finally a large crate was sucked against the hole sustaining the room. Rei sat in the room waiting for landing but then he realized that with the size of this ship that could be weeks away. Rei looked around the room and noticed a ventilation shaft on the far wall Rei ripped the cover off with the force and climbed into it. He was crawling through the shaft when he came to a shaft looking down upon a room where both sith men were sitting talking, Rei ducked back and peeked over the side watching them. They were muffled so he could barely hear them. Rei decided that he would have plenty of time to spy on the later so he started to move on down the ventilation shaft when he had his weight completely over another cover for the same room. It fell through Rei with it. Rei came to his knees and removed his mask taking in a deep breath. He started to look up when he flt the cold metal of a lightsaber hilt push against his forehead. "Shit," muttered Rei under his breath.
  5. Rei clambered to his feet, he looked Morbus straight in the eyes. "I will not kill him, it is not the way of the jedi, I refuse to be apart of your plot to eliminate competition," Rei called out steadying himself. "Most Jedi would tell you to come to the light side but you seem to be way far gone and I don't feel like wasting my time," "I'm sorry to hear that, well you have made your choice, and now you will suffer the consequences," Morbus replied solemnly. He raised his hand and Rei lifted with it, Morbus spread is fingers and Rei flew back into a tree. He was pinned there. "Morbus looked back at Kunzar. "If you wish to keep your life you will strike down this jedi and i will spare you," Kunzar was insulted by the sheer underestimation he was receiving, but he also knew that Morbus was a force to be reckoned with. Kunzar looked at Rei who was wincing in pain from the sheer force holding him against the tree. Kunzar looked at his saber hilt and ignited it. Morbus smirked as Kunzar approached Rei. Morbus released Rei who fell to the ground gasping for breath. Morbus kicked Rei's lightsaber to him and turned. Rei stared at his saber. the humming of Kunzar's saber was coming ever closer. Rei picked up his saber and looked at Kunzar as he raised his saber to kill Rei. Rei ignited his saber and came to his feet. "If you are planning on killing me I will not submit so easily," Rei said getting in a aggressive stance.
  6. Rei turned to see Illudin cut downward on the last of the NK guards. The guard parried and was trying to do its best to fend off both of the jedi. It became overwhelmed and was cut down by Rei as Illudin fended off one of its attacks. Rei then just grasped the concept of Illudin's arrival. He turned to see their victory was short lived as the two droidika like machines staggered forward and readied their weapons. Rei grabbed Illudin and threw him around the corner of a tree and spun around it just as a hellfire of blaster bolts flew through the air. Rei stopped to catch his breath and looked at Illudin with confusion. "Why are you here?" Rei asked breathing heavily. "The council sent me because of a disturbance," Illudin replied having centered himself and was ready to return to battle. "You need to reach the militia, they are roughly a click south of here, you have to reach them and take them towards the shore heading off the C.I.S. reinforcements," "You should do it, I can take stay here and hold off these guys," "Your in better shape to make it past them, I'll hold them off while you get the militia moving, and that is an order being a superior officer in the Kashyyyk," Illudin hesitated and nodded, he sped off in the direction of the militia. Rei reached into his bag and pulled out a EMP charge. He primed it and threw it around the tree. The shields of the turret like droids fell and left them exposed. Rei pounced and landed on one of the droidika lunging his saber through its optical sensor. But he over committed to the strike and fell to the ground with the droidika clamped around his hand. Rei herd the unmistakable sound of a lightsaber ignite, Rei looked up to see two red lightsabers crisscrossed across his throat.
  7. Rei moved through the underbrush slowly and quietly along with 17 wookiees from the village militia. They were converging on the location of some C.I.S. reinforcements coming to flank the wookiee army holding off the C.I.S. moving in from the beach. Rei knew that the wookiees could easily handle the battle droids that the scouts reported, but they also reported some droids they couldn't recognize along with a man leading them through the jungle. Then Rei sensed something moving toward him. It was a powerful user of the darkside. Rei signaled for a company halt. He then signaled for the wookiees to hide. They spread out and Rei started his head towards the source. With his lightsaber hilt in hand he scaled a tree near by and waited for him to come into sight. Rei sat and watched for about five minutes before he finally saw a droid slice through the underbrush. It was what looked like General Grievous, but he was supposed to be on the other side of the sector. Then another appeared this one looking exactly the same. Rei was stunned, Grievous had killed jedi masters let alone a jedi knight, and two of them against him was insane. Then Rei saw a man come out of the brush behind the droids. Rei watched as then made their way though the jungle but then the man looked straight up at Rei. He was seventy yards away according to Rei's binoculars and he still spotted Rei. Rei didn't know what to do the man pointed up at him and both droids started making their way towards him. Rei ignited his lightsaber and jumped from the tree. He landed on the ground soft wand watched as his pursuers came closer, there was no way for him to get away, he needed the militia to stop the advancing army. He got into a defensive stance as one of the droids came through the brush. It lunged at Rei and he parried off the attack. It then ignited a second end of its lightsaber, it swirled its staff saber and turned to attack Rei again. By this time the man and the second droid had came into the clearing and were just watching the battle unfold.
  8. Ty sat at his station watching the security monitors. The mall was surprisingly full for a Tuesday. the other guards were patrolling the mall and Ty was stuck with watchman. Basically he sat in a room and if he saw anything he would report it to the others over the radio. It was the most boring job in the security profession. Ty was just about to go get coffee when he saw something over the monitor. A man stumbling through the foodcourt and he seemed to be bleeding profusely. Ty called the paramedics and called out over the radio, "We've got a badly injured man in the foodcourt, we need someone down there," He waited for a response and then a voice came over. "I've got it, how bad are the injuries?" Rico asked over the radio. "It looks pretty bad, you need to get there fast," "Meet me there with a first aid kit," Ty jumped up and grabbed his radio and med kit. He sprinted through the mall and met up with Rico in the foodcourt. They met up and found the man sitting at a table with three people trying to help him. He was holding his arm which was bleeding very bad. The man seemed to be in his late 40's. The wound looked like a bite, from what seems like a rabid animal. "MALL SECURITY! We will handle this please back up, get out of the way," Ty called out pushing people to the side. He approached the man who was moaning and losing consciousness. "This isn't right, he has an advanced infection in this wound, it looks like it has been weeks since he contracted it," "How is that possible the wound looks brand new?" Rico asked hovering over Ty as he bandaged the man. Ty looked at Rico and shrugged. He went back to bandaging the man. The man looked up at Ty and wheezed, he eyes seemed to loose all life. He rolled back. Ty checked his pulse, nothing, He wasn't breathing either. "He's dead," Ty said closing his eyes. Ty came to his feet and Rico called over the radio asking for security to cordon off the area. They stood looking at the body, something wasn't right he paled way too fast and he didn't seem like he had lost enough blood to bleed to death. The infection was the only liable reason. Ty and Rico were filling out the report back in the office when a call came back on the radio. "HE'S UP! THE MAN IS BACK UP!" cried the voice of one of the guards. Ty and Rico ran as fast as they could to the food court where the man was. He was stumbling about, all of the guards giving him a lot of distance. Ty and Rico approached the man. Rico reached out to the man. "Hey are you ok?" Rico asked grabbing the man's arm and turning him around. The man's eyes were completely white and his skin reflected that of the skin around the infected bite. He then dawned a look of anger. He made a hissing noise and lunged at Rico. Rico struggled with the man, they fell to the ground, Rico struggling with the man trying to get him off. Before Ty could intervene the man had sank his teeth deep into Rico's shoulder. Ty grabbed the man and pulled him off of Rico throwing him off of him. The man stumbled to his feet and turned toward to Ty, he started to approach Ty. Ty drew his .44 revolver. "STOP!" he called out. "STOP OR I'LL SHOOT!" The man kept coming Ty shot the man is his left leg. The man fell top the ground but then started to get back up. Ty shot him in the right leg and it had no effect. Ty was astounded at the man's resilience, the other guards were amazed that the man had taken two bullets and were stunned from the occasion. Ty backed off and fired two shots in the man's chest, still no effect. Finally in a last attempt Ty he shot his final two shots in the man's skull. He fell limp, this time for good. The paramedics finally arrived examining the body and declaring it dead. they also took Rico off to the hospital. That was the last time Ty woud ever see Rico or live a normal day in his life. [B]OCC: basically you want to write about your first encounter with the undead, remember your character dosen't know much about the zombies.[/B]
  9. [B]Name:[/B] Rei Shenn [B]Age:[/B] 23 [B]Type of lightsaber:[/B] a yellow single blade [URL=http://i119.photobucket.com/albums/o159/pjmckrafty/Zaynes_lightsaber.jpg](picture)[/URL] [B]Appearence:[/B] [URL=http://i119.photobucket.com/albums/o159/pjmckrafty/Zaynecarrick.png]Rei Shenn[/URL] [URL=http://i119.photobucket.com/albums/o159/pjmckrafty/251px-Darca_Nyl_Mask.jpg](Rei's Enviroment Suit)[/URL] [B]Personality:[/B] Rei is a reckless outgoing individual. Always taking risks for a bigger thrill. He is big on adventure taking higher risk missions for the challenge. Rei, even though it is frowned upon by the rest of the jedi community he is always wanting to fight being one of the bast swordsmen of his generation. [B]Bio:[/B] Rei was found on the outskirts of a Dantooine scavenging colony. He was delivered from his mother by his master, Dace Diath, a highly regarded Jedi Guardian. After Rei's youngling training Diath requested him for padawan training. Rei, following in the footsteps of his master and became a Guardian. While under the guidance of his master Rei went on a higher risk mission to help bring peace to warring tribes on Kashyyyk. While protecting one of the treaty signers he and his master came under attack. While defending the signer his master was struck down by a dark jedi who was leading the assault. Rei fought viciously with the dark jedi and finally emerged victorious. After that he was pronounced a jedi knight being that he passed all three trails. Rei is considered one of the best swordsmen among his generation of jedi today being he studied under Dace Diath. He is currently on assignment on Kashyyyk helping the locals deal with Trandosian slavers and reportedly C.I.S. activity.
  10. WOW, thanks alot, you are amazing at this.
  11. [COLOR=Navy]Setsouke - accepted PWNED - accepted DaSilva - accepted Ok, I think we have enough people and we are just about to start the RP, I'll leave the sign ups open for anyone who might want to enter late.[/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]Garrett walked along with Oko in a awkward silence. Oko walked right along him holding his hand. Garrett starred off into space . Thinking about what to do next. If Dom was in the cave then that means Ject was only the beginning of their troubles. Oko decided to break the silence. "You don't need to worry about this, we can deal with this, hell it might not even be Dom," Oko said trying to get him out of his funk. Garrett turned and smiled at her. She gripped his hand tighter. Garrett then pulled the choker out of his bag. He held it out for Oko to see. "It is beautiful," "I made it for you," Garrett replied smiling at her response. Garrett fastening the choker on Oko's neck. Oko wrapped her arms around his torso and kissed him on the cheek. "So I guess you like it?" "What do you think" Oko pulled Garrett in and kissed him. After a moment of shock Garrett kissed back. They stopped and kept moving on through the woods. They reached a clearing in the trees where a large white stone stood and a small stream about 2 feet wide circled it, Garrett had visited this place many times. It was very symbolic to him and he thought Oko should see it.[/COLOR]
  13. Axel approached the stone. It started to glow like earlier when it was about to blast someone. The beam shot out and Axel held up his hand to block it. It struck his hand and then went through it like it didn't exsist and almost knocked him down. He regained his composure and then noticed that his left hand was vibrating. He looked at it to see that it was coursing with electricity. Sparks jumped off of his gauntlets. Axel held out his hand and a bolt of lightning spewed forth Axel turned to see everyone was departing. "Where is everyone going?" he called out after Aruta. "Tokyo Tower, hurry up," Aruta replied taking off. Axel spread his wings and took off after the others. Flying wasn't what he was expecting, it wasn't exactly the smoothest ride, but he enjoyed it none the less.
  14. [COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]Garrett walked around the town, he wanted to be alone for now, shopping was something he liked to do alone. "Sale sale!! Rare gems and jewels! Items used by the chosen eight themselves!!" Garrett heard over the crowd of shoppers. Garrett was intrigued by this and walked over to the stand. Many items littered the stand. Mostly junk but there were a few things that caught Garrett's eye. He saw some beautiful arm guards that had two emeralds placed in them. the emerald gave a slight glow. The leather had intricate designs etched into it with gold inlay. He was awestruck by the craftsmanship. The owner of the stand saw this and smiled. "You can't afford it," the man muttered codling his newly acquired platinum coins. "Why do you say that?" Garrett asked irritated at the statement. "You look like a traveler, and you are, I have seen you pass through here before, and a traveler like you cannot afford arm guards owned by Dom himself," This statement made Garrett want them even more. "How much?" "56 gold," The man said smirking to himself. Garrett paused thinking to himself, "If you dont have the money don't even think about bartering," "No I was just thinking if I wanted change," Garrett pulled out a small pouch and dumped the contents of it on the table. Many gold coins fell out, enough to pay and then some. The man stared in awe at the amount of gold. "I think that'll cover it, and i would also like to buy that sapphire and a leather strap if you have it, " The man hurried and gathered his gear and then took the coins. Garrett walked on placing the leather arm guards on his wrists. He then found a small secluded area of the town and sat, He began to work with the sapphire. He made it into a elegant pendent. He then started working with the leather strap. He had etched silver water designs into the strap. He was almost done with the fastening strips when Oko turned the corner of the building. Garrett quickly hid the leather strap and pendent before she saw it. She smiled and sat next to him. "Where have you been?" she asked. "Oh you know her and there," he replied smiling. "I see you bought something nice," she replied pointing to his armbands. "Yeah, I saw them and I just had to get them," Oko giggled and kissed him on the cheek. "Well, lets see if we can catch up," She said rising to her feet. "Ill be right there I have got to do something first," Oko walked towards the rest of the group. Garrett quickly finished the leather strap and fastened the pendent to it. he held it in his hand proud of his work. he then lept to his feet to catch up with Oko.[/COLOR]
  15. Hello! I was wondering if anyone would, out of the kindness in their heats, (cause i know you have some), make me a new signature and avi of zombies or anything along those lines. I would prefer it not be cartoony and be like pictures but whatever works, anything would be great.
  16. [COLOR=Navy]Okay, once we get a few more people we can start this. Quicksilver - accepted Muad'Dib - accepted Swordsaint - accepted [B] [U]My Sign-Up:[/U][/B] [B]Name:[/B] Ty Nickels [B]Age:[/B] 27 [B] Appearance:[/B] [URL=http://i119.photobucket.com/albums/o159/pjmckrafty/securityguard.jpg](click here)[/URL] [B] Status in Society:[/B] civilian [B] Occupation:[/B] security guard [B] Skills:[/B] small arms use, along with some Tia-Boxing skills and medical training. [B]Weapons before arming yourself:[/B] his .44 revolver he has from his job [B]Weapons after arming:[/B] a Remington 870 model shotgun, his .44 revolver, and a machete [B]Personality:[/B] Sarcastic and cynical. He can force people to do life threatening things just with his words. He can be friendly but only after knowing you for a while. He is calm and level headed in most situations that would place people in mental breakdowns. He is also reckless and stubborn. [B]Bio:[/B] Ty live in a blue collar lower middle class family. He was an intelligent young man, after high school started to go to med school. He met his fiance, Janet, while attending med school in upstate New York. Ty had to drop out of med school because he could not afford it. They were scheduled for marriage in the early spring when she got cold feet and ran off. Since then Ty has made permanent residence in upstate New York and is working as a security guard in the local mall.[/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]Garrett threw up stones in attempt to stop Ject's bolts but to no avail. They would stand for but a moment before turning to pebbles. Garrett knew no way of stopping him. the ground vibrated with electricity from his attacks, soon the room would be enough to stun anyone just standing inside the room. Then an idea struck Garrett, ironically like the lightning being shot at him. This was a very ore rich area. Thus meaning that there is a solid layer of ore in the ground. Garrett focused as much as he could without stopping. He then exerted a lot of power and dozens of steel rods shot up from the ground. Mark looked at Garrett and got the idea. He had made a field of lightning rods. As long as Garrett stayed away from them he would have no problem with lightning. Ject was infuriated and impressed with this. But Ject too got an Idea, He knew of one clear area. the area where the other six were. He charged and let loose a blot in that direction. Mark moved as fast as he could and just barely was able to place himself in front of it before it struck. He was slammed against the wall completely stunned. Amelia went to help him but was cut off. "DON'T TOUCH HIM!" Garrett yelled. Right as she got close a bolt of electricity jumped from his shoulder and stunned her too. "OKO, GET THEM OUT OF HERE!" Garrett yelled. The six fled the room carrying Amelia and Chase. Ject approached the downed Mark. He brought his axe up to deliver a finishing blow. He made the swing but was cut short. Garrett's fist smashed into the blunt end of his axe. The head of the axe snapped off of its handle. It slid across the floor knocking over rods. Ject had little time to react before Garrett's foot smashed into his chest. Ject slammed against the ground and slid across the floor much like his axe. Mark seemed to come out of his daze and regained his footing. "Hold him off," Garrett said to Mark as he rose. "Why?" asked Mark rubbing his head. "I'm making sure he dosen't get out, and they don't get in," Mark nodded and sped off. Mark jumped and unleashed a flurry of attacks upon Ject, he seemed that he never touch the ground. Garrett ran to the doorway into the temple. He placed his hands on the ground and right as the others came into sight to see what happened a gigantic stalagmite shot up from the ground. Covering the doorway. He then brought up three large steel pillars so that no lightning attack was touching it. There was only one way out of the room and Garrett was it.[/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]Garrett and Chase talked about Garrett's reincarnated form, Dom. Chase knew little about Dom, mostly about his history and bits and pieces of personality. Apparently Dom was a huge burly hulking mass of muscle unlike Garrett. He was always up for a good fight unlike Garrett. But there was one thing they had in common, love, apparently Dom was in love with another one of the eight, but the scripture did not say who it was. Garrett didn't care about that, he was just wondering what Dom did about his strength. Apparently Dom didn't have strength like Garrett, at least he didn't have it by the same means, Dom's strength was muscle not special ability. Garrett wandered off from Chase to sit and think. He didn't know what to do, if he could get no help from scripture he must look at history, and there was only one person who knew about the eight besides Chase, and it was Oko. Garrett sighed and stood. He strolled over to the stream where Oko and Mark sat talking. Garrett walked over and went to place his arm on Mark's shoulder when a spark left from his shoulder and numbed Garrett's hand. "Ow, is there anyway you can control that?" Garrett asked getting their attention. "Sorry," Mark said turning. "Okay, do you mind of i talk to Oko for a minute," Mark gave him a questionable look. "Its strictly educational," Mark sighed and stood giving Garrett another look and walking away. Garrett sat down next to Oko starring at the moon reflect off of the water. She placed her hand on his shoulder. "Whats up?" she asked with a smile. "Tell me about my past," She looked at his wondering what he meant then she knew what she was talking about. She reached into her bag and pulled out a brown tome with [I]The Eight[/I] inscribed in gold on the cover. She turned it open to a page with a picture [URL=http://ddo.stratics.com/content/classes/barbarian2.jpg](click here to see)[/URL] and the name Dom above it. She looked and smiled at him, he returned the smile and became fixated on the book.[/COLOR]
  19. "Red hair huh?" replied Ariador. "Yeah I think so, wears a black cloak," Erutan shrugged. "I saw a guy like that in a tavern just..." Ariador was cut off by a unsettling sight. the army he faced earlier was moving towards the city. Ariador would usually never react to this but having regained a freewill he also gained a conscience. This was telling him the demons were going to kill innocents and that wasn't kosher. "Can you hold your dog, I think the city might need a little help," "Yeah, I'll join you as soon as possible," Erutan replied picking up is wolf and setting him down. "See that you do," Ariador focused his energy and started to hover off of the ground. He did a back flip and took off at a insanely high speed. He drew his sword half way through flight and held it in front of him horizontally. He reinforced his blade with his hand and braced it. He had a feeling this was gonna be a fun battle. He collided with one of the demons almost cutting it in half. It fell to the ground but it regained its composure. Ariador was impressed with the demon's resilience to pain. It seemed like he had done little damage to it at all. It recovered and struck at him. He knocked it back with his sword. Soon half a dozen demons were attacking him. Ariador did his best to fight them off. He finally killed two by stabbing one through the head and decapitating one. He knew he would have to clear a large area of them to really turn this battle around. He started to draw a circle in the snow with his sword. He made some intricate designs inside and then pulled out a small cantine. He screwed off other lid and turned to the approaching demons. "I bid you adieu," He poured the contents of the cantine onto the center of the circle. A bright blue flash emanated from the symbol. Ariador was blinded for a moment but his sight came back along with the smell of burnt flesh. He opened his eyes to see the charred corpses of the attacking demons. "Figures that only works when I need to use it the most," said Ariador half sarcastic half honest.
  20. [COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]Garrett looked at Mark for a hint of any deception,"I accept, now rise,". Mark stood up and sheathed his axes. He looked at Garrett for a while and then a smile formed on his face. Garrett gave him a strange look and the Mark walked forward and hugged Garrett. Garrett sat there, this was one of the most awkward things he had ever felt. He pushed Mark away. "Well thats enough of that." Mark simply laughed and said "Indeed it is." then he kept walking with no inclination of conversation. As Garrett began walking as well he and Mark saw Oko standing with Chase. They just stood there, in shock of what they had seen. Chase broke the silence and blurted out "Well I guess that's..good." Oko smiled and looked at both Garrett and Mark, she saw Garrett was just as confused as Chase, but Mark was fully content and looked at her grinning wildly. She smiled back and asked "Are you boys ok to be left alone now?" Garrett answered half sarcastic but half dead serious with "I'm not sure I want to be alone with him." gesturing to Mark. Chase began laughing and said "that's ok we'll stay close to protect you." Then Garrett cracked a smile as well and they all began their final stretch to the temple.[/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]The group spit off into their groups and headed off into the woods. For a couple of minutes you could still hear the others talking, but then they all droned off into the distance. Garrett walked silent with Mark. Not even a heavy breath left their mouths. Mark watched Garrett for any movement, but Garrett paid him no attention. He just walked along hoping to get this experience behind him. He had no love for Mark and he was in no mood for a fight but Mark on the other hand had the opposite in mind.Mark drew his axes. "Don't, I'm not in the mood," Garrett told him solemnly. Mark approached him both axes drawn. He stopped and got in an aggressive stance. "I told you I don't want to fight," Mark charged Garrett with amazing speed. Garrett drew his sword and knocked one of Mark's axes out of the way but the other ax came down and cut through Garrett's cloak. Mark committed too much to this strike and fell forward. Garrett came around and kicked him in the back. Before Mark got the chance to get up Garrett was holding him on the ground by the back of his head. "Listen and listen good, you want to fight me because of Oko. I understand that, but a persistence that endangers your life is what I don't get. I have defeated you twice and yet you still fight me, I do not doubt that eventually you will defeat me. But you have no reason to fight me now, she is in decision. But hear this, if you hurt her in any way shape or form I will make sure that your suffering dose not end. She has been the only person in many years to show me any kindness." He got off of Mark. "Now put your axes away and lets go." They moved on once again in silence.[/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]Garrett looked at the cocoa left over in his hand and he handed it back to Amelia. She looked at him confused. He looked up to see her with Mark and Oko together, smiling and conversing. He looked back at the ground. A tear came to his eye and he quickly wiped it away. Amelia looked upon his sympathetically. "It wasn't right of him to do that, you care about her than him and you and I know it," she said trying to cheer him up. "It's not her," he replied. He was lying. Garrett fell lin love within a single day of knowing her. He was in no place to fall in love, he was in no place to be loved. "Your lying," she replied. Garrett remain silent, he knew she was trying to help but she didn't make him feel any better. they both moved along in silence. She would look at him from time to time. He didn't shift his gaze, it was on Oko. Another tear came to his eye, it rolled down his cheek. He hadn't felt this much pain since he learned the true extent of his powers. He pressed on.[/COLOR]
  23. Axel walked out of the armory, he slipped the sword onto his back. He wasn't planning on using it, his main focus was hand to hand combat and he was planning on doing a lot of that. His gauntlets were amazing, they were even made so you could. deflect melee weaponry if you are fighting hand to weapon combat. This was ideal for Axel because there was nothing he liked better than making a fight personal by a punch to the face. He made a few quick jabs in the air and practiced kicking. The wings surprisingly didn't hamper is balance, it was as if they wern't there. Axel then leaned against the wall waiting for the others, they seemed to be taking their time in the armory. He sat and fidgeted with his gloves. He noticed Kite who seemed in a particularly impatient mood. He walked over to him. "Names Axel," he said reaching out his hand for Kite to shake. "I thought that since we are fighting side by side we should be acquainted," Kite gave him a strange look. "Kite," he replied grabbing Axel's hand. "Kite huh? Well, Kite, do you remember how you got here? Cause I sure as hell don't,"
  24. [COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]Garrett looked up, Chase was gone, he was lone in the clearing, Chase had left. His words rang through his mind like a bell in a church. "Somewhere along the line, everyone will need each others help. If they do not have it, then it may all be over. So, make the choice, either come back, or know that if we all die, you may have been the only think that could have kept us alive." Garrett knew that his being there would endanger their lives, especially Oko's. If he got angry at one of them he didn't know what might happen. But what if she needed his protection. He would never forgive himself if she was hurt and there was anything he could have done to help her. Garrett got up to his feet, he started after them. He had someone who he cared for now, someone he would die protecting, he now decided that he will return, her fear just means that she will keep a good distance from him, protecting herself from what he could do. He picked up the pace to catch up with them. He started to run and then he saw Ashara walking at the rear of the group. He slowed his pace and stayed walking right behind her. He stayed in the back for the rest of the journey, not wanting to present himself to the others.[/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]Garrett walked on like the others, the sun was setting and they ere getting close to the temple. Oko was secluding herself from the others. Garrett knew enough about people to know when someone dosen't want to be talked to. Still Garrett was curious about why Oko was secluding herself. Garrett tried to approach Oko on many occasions but she avoided him or she would not speak a word. Garrett knew he did something wrong, he tried to figure out what he did and couldn't find out what it was. He didn't tell her of his strength, unless she saw what he could do in his fights. Garrett stopped and buried his face in his hands. He then sat on the ground while the others moved on not even noticing. He had released his anger and with it his strength. He had shown her what he was capable of doing, harm he could cause her. He didn't want a repeat of what happened before. As they made their way towards the temple he headed a different way. Away from the others. It was time he moved on anyways, he had no place with others, he was a monster, and like a monster he should be in seclusion, devoid of contact with others. He would hurt them, and Garrett didn't want to hurt anyone. He lost sight of them and made his way through some nearby woods.[/COLOR]
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