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Everything posted by sweet~chan18

  1. [FONT=Arial Narrow]Hi all im new!!! I have no friends at the moment but would very much like to make some, for people that are on myotaku you allready no me (sweetshnara16) please add me [/FONT]
  2. thats strange have you tryed telling otaku about it? maybe you should try changeing your password someone cold have got onto your site
  3. [IMG] Picture 13.jpg[/IMG] that might be a bit hard to see :animeangr so heres another one [IMG] Picture 12.jpg[/IMG] It's inuyasha ^_^ did not take me that long to draw. [IMG] Picture 20.jpg [/IMG] Simba (lion king) What do ya think?
  4. Hi yas :rolleyes: yah i no it came out like ages ago but i found it was a really good movie but i dont think they should have changed the story line :( what do you think
  5. Hi ya's :animesmil I was just wondering what you thinks the best anime Dragonball z Inuyasha Chobits all so im new lol
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