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    I like Avatar, Zatch Bell, Naruto, and Full Metal Alchmist
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    7th grader

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  1. As most of you know, Avatar: The Last Airbender (or the ledgend of Aang in some countries) , the hit nickelodeon show, came out with a video game. You can play as all the main characters. Or can you? In the second season of avatar [spoiler]Aang tries to learn earthbending from King Boomi, but Boomi is "tied up." IN search of a new teacher, they find themselves in an omnous swamp. There aang has a vision of a girl. In the next few episodes, they find the girl of his vision, and finds out she is a great earth bending master. She follows them along, and now she's officialy a main character [/spoiler] However they do not use Toph in the game for whatever reason. They use a guy named Haru, who they only ever met in one episode of the first season. I resent the fact that they totally skip Toph, who's the third coolest character in the show! (After Appa and Iroh....but that's a discussion for later) Another thing... On nick.com, there's a game called Autumn Twilight. It's a single player, full screen RPG, and it's Avatar. However they have wierd characters that you have to play as. (You have a choice of four characters to play as) However they don't exist. I really can't grasp the story to much, if I don't know who I am. If anyone has some insight to any of these problems, please reply.
  2. [quote name='Ikillion']For me there is only one thing that I can say about it...It fightens me...It frightenes me ever so much. A nose-hair fighting super hero...Now try to imagine that in real life for a second...Yes now you know my fears as well.[/quote] A guy who makes his hair come to life.....? :animestun Yeah.....really amusing. If only they can come up with something good next time around :animedepr I can't understand who likes it and I can't understand the plot. Here's a quote that backs me up... [quote name='BlackTigerGurl'] I think it is a funny anime that makes no sense [/quote] That's right..... it doesn't make any sense. I can't understand it, and therefore I don't like it.
  3. [QUOTE=Chikara Kokoro]Just for pure lack of originality I have to give this a 2/10.... The names are recycled from other anime, and not just any old anime, popular anime, really popular anime. Keep in mind that names from other languages other than Japanese can be, and more often then not are, extremely beautiful and interesting. Try to come up with 5-10 reasons why this story must take place in Japan. If you can't find any reason other than "it's manga", don't have the story take place in Japan. The personality of your main character has been used time and time again. Unless this is a parody, which I'm guessing it isn't, don?t use a high school girl who is constantly late to class as a character. A cat girl fighting demons with a samurai sword in a tight ninja outfit does not bode well for creativity or tastefulness to me. On the plus side, I do like how you described the elements and things that were happening around her. A good amount of description can translate very well into manga. Sadly, I don't see anything new in this, and I'd suggest doing something completely different.[/QUOTE] Demons, are already done, the names have already been used. I do agree with your descritption about what goes on, but honestly, it's not very creative. This is what I do, try it: First: Forget everything you have ever read or seen, or heard, anime, manga or not, do that Now think of what amazing powers or abilities you can have. And to make the story go deeper, think of reasons why they have them. Think of names that mean something. If you can't get names, ask for help. find someone who knows japanese, and turn a word into your characters name. Or use names that already exist in real life. Now use the powers to come up with a plot. But be sure you keep doing the first step at all times. Don;t think of anything else! Then it becomes uncreative. Even if you think your own ideas are cheesy, don't. Your own ideas are what will make it better. That's my critism. Don't take it too hard. Follow my steps, and you'll be alright. If you make something new, I'll be happy to read it.
  4. Nicktoons Network is coming out with a new show "Skyland" It's anime (sorta) but since it's CGI 3D it looks really bad. [spoiler]The show is about some people who soak up the sun (just like the firebenders gain their powers from the sun's energy) and they use the energy to fuel these ship thingys, and some people are rebellious, and eberything.[/spoiler] (for more info go to Wikipedia.com But seeing the previews I got all "huh? what's this?" :animestun "How could people who create anime sink so low?" The first thing I hear in the previews is this "In a world that's controlled by evil..." Well here's something for you...a lot of worlds are controlled by evil. It would be intresting if the rebillion was the enemy but.... Another strange thing is a line that the guy say: "Hit them with everything we got" That's a very....star war type thign to say. Another thing that's very "star war" like is the fact that they fly around in big space ship thingies. It doesn't have that....that....almost magic type thing anime needs to have. Also some of the people look like people from other shows Take the one person for instance. It looks like they messed up Prince Zuko really badly. And that other person looks like I have seen him from somehwere. HMMMMMMMMMMM
  5. [quote name='Fox Heart'] I'm having trouble coming up with a good story line and various names(can problem come up with some but am open to ideas).[/quote] I'm making my own too, but I can never think of names. I had to ask other people as well. Sorry! I do have some hints however: [quote name='Fox Heart']. But I can't really think of a good story line I like, If I couyld just get some kind of general base for it I could work it out, but I got nothing.[/quote] In mine, there are two tribes and one is tying to conquer the other, kind of like the Fire Nation in Avatar. Conflicting People is my favorite type of story line. Another one of my favorite typs of story lines, is where they get sent out on a dangerous mission (slay dragon, find a missing artifact, etc.) and then have a twist. (i.e. an unknown enemy) Those two are my favorite types of story lines [quote name='Fox Heart']Also I'll probably make the main character a fox but I was considering a lion. What do you think?[/quote] I fox would be my choice, but you [I]are[/I] making it. A lion vs. fox is a hard choice (Strentgh versus Stealth) Fox would be my choice, but like I said you are the one making it, it all comes down to what [I]you[/I] want
  6. What I look for in Anime, is Artwork. If any show has bad artwork, i turn it off right then and there. I do not like having to sit through a whole half hour watching lop-sided people....are they fighting? Once I decide that the artwork is good, I look for the following traits: 1. Has a good, solid story-line. It's pretty poor anime if it doesn't have a goo dstory behind it, 2. Comedy/ Tragedy is balanced. I want to be able to have milk spilling out of my nose because I'm laughing too hard, and tears running down my face because something tragic has happened. A really good example of balanced comedy/tradgedy is "Avatar: The Last Airbender" 3. Suspence. At the end of the episode, I like being at the edge of my seat going "NO, NO, NO, NO! It can't end like this!" If I do that 4 out of 5 episodes, it's good. 4. Good character development. I should have made this first, because without good characters, it won't have a good story line, the tradgey can't be balanced because you don't know the characters enough to be able to cry when something bad happens. Also, if the characters are "good" I don't mean "good and evil" but if they are maybe childish when they are comlaining that he is grown-up (like Naruto) or something where the characters don't act right, then they aren't good characters, and I'm not going to watch it. That is what Makes good anime.
  7. Once I had a dream, where I went to school with Prince Zuko from "Avatar: The Last Airbender" The teacher was really rude though. I was glad I knew at least [I]somebody[/I] I knew in my class. LOL :animesmil but yeah, and then there was this one time where I became the Avatar himself! I was scared because I didn't know how to bend, and thw whole world was counting on me. But yeah. I do Like dreaming in Anime
  8. I prefer watching the dub version, owing to the fact that I can't find the regular version. I would like to watch the regular with subtitles though
  9. [QUOTE=AzureWolf][COLOR=maroon]I prefer anime, it's a more passive experience. No thinking required. Manga also tends to be in black and white. My life is in colors, so I like my entertainment to be. ^^[/COLOR][/QUOTE] I agree. Anime tends to be more smooth, more like real life. Reading a manga book, is like reading a comic book. I can use my imagination, but it's so much cooler actually seeing the expressions, the fights, et cetera. And yes, Manga does tend to be in black and white, and I like my colors.
  10. So I have a question to all of you. Why is your favorite Mamodo, your favorite Mamodo? And why is your favorite Partner, your favorite Partner?
  11. [quote name='PaganAngel]For me, it was Chobits, even though it had a happy ending. No, it's more like because it had a happy ending. It was so cute how all the couples worked out their differences. Just the part when Hideki admits [spoiler]how much he felt for Chi, even though she was neither alive nor a Chobit... it was really ironic because Hideki was the one insisting all along how persocoms weren't the same as people, and yet he fell in love with one.[/spoiler'] The story of Freya and Elda was pretty heart-wrenching, as was the story of Minoru and his sister. That series really makes a person think. Hard.[/quote] Yes! In Avatar, when Yuae[spoiler]dies![/spoiler] And then when Sakka see's her again in the swamp! And when It's It's just so..so. sad! And what about when Appa [spoiler]leaves in the Fury of Aang![/spoiler] [COLOR=DarkOrchid][SIZE=1][INDENT][B]Waterbender[/B] I added spoiler tags to your post. Please do not discuss aspects of a show that would spoil it for others without using spoiler tags. Also it's not necessary to quote an entire post so I've shortened it for you. A good rule to follow is if your post is far shorter than the quote, you need to trim it down. If you have any questions feel free to pm myself or another member of the staff. ~Aaryanna[/INDENT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  12. I hope this works....I watch Naruto, and in my eyes, it's pretty cool, in my dad's eyes, it's stupid, so I can't wacth it. But it's still good [indent][size=1][color=#007520]I removed the quote. It had nothing to do with your post, and it was a lot longer than your entire post. And, I'm sure you know this by now, but we hope that your posts will be a little longer, with a little more content. This is just to help keep the boards spam-free with intelligent conversation. If you have any questions, feel free to PM me or any of the other moderators. -r2[/color][/size][/indent]
  13. :animesmil I can't believe the sequel came out! The awesome saga of Avatar: The Last Airbender came out with a movie two months ago. In The Fury of Aang, a library is found in the middle of the desert, and Sakka, Katara, and Aang goes into it while Toph stays back. [spoiler] Sandbenders come and steals Appa, and Toph tries to stop them, but the library is falling, and the sand doesn't help her to see. The learn that Appa is sold to a merchant in Ba Sing Se, the great wall city and capitol of the Earth Kingdom. So they head there. It ends. [/spoiler] The Sequl came out last Friday titled: "The Secret of the Fire Nation" it turns out not only are they heading to Ba-Sing-Se, but there's a whole mass exodus leaving towards Ba sing se. And when they finally get there, Aang learns the secret of the Fire Nation. I'm leaving it there, for those who have not seen the Secret of the Fire Nation. [color=#007520][indent][size=1]I'm moving this to Music, Movies & TV. Technically Avatar isn't Anime, so this belongs there. ;) -r2[/size][/indent][/color]
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