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Everything posted by NekoNikku

  1. NEON GENESIS EVANGELION is the saddest anime ever created if you haven't watched it your missing out, and if your philisophical it is just so much better. [color=#007520][INDENT][SIZE=1]Hey NekoNikku, maybe you could help us out a little. Tell us [i]why[/i] NGE is the saddest anime ever created? Share the reason philosphers would enjoy it so much better? A little more content to help the flow of conversation would go a long way. ^^ -r2[/SIZE][/INDENT][/color]
  2. This thread is for anyone who is planning on cosplaying and wants to know what character would best suit them or is just curious
  3. This thread is for anyone who is planning on cosplaying and wants to know what character would best suit them or is just curious
  4. Anime draws out so many emotions like love, fear and hate and can be very complicated like Eva. The characters have so much detail and the plot's are so unique and the character's are awesome. Anime just owns
  5. I go to highschool but I have an interview for a job at Toys"R"Us next week and if I get a job in the electronics that would be so easy Woot
  6. Hey if someone here lives in St. Catharines add me and tell me about the Garden City Festival and the anime clubs I heard about [email]bluemoonwandering@hotmail.com[/email]
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