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I Am Manga

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    I Am Manga

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  • Biography
    I draw mnga
  • Occupation
    Um . . . . none

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  1. I would have to say Vincent Law, from the new series, Ergo Proxy. Vincent Law is an immigrant who wants to be an ideal citizen, but in this time and place immigrants are looked down upon as less than human by most. He meets the main character of the show, re-I Mayer, and strange things happen and he indeed becomes an ideal citizen.
  2. Um. . . lets see. I do odd jobs, farm work, hay, fencing (barb wire and electric), It's hard work but feels good
  3. I kinda agree, besides, talk is cheap
  4. Well, These guys are sick. Using the internet to seduce ignorant innocent people, it's wrong, and is a threat that not enough people are aware of. I belive that they should be given a just punishment, and that it was good to have got them on national television, which reveals th gravity of this situation
  5. Well, you could probably guess how I came up with my screen name, how exciting :sleep:
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