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  • Birthday 12/30/1989

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  1. Case Closed/Detective Conan is a great anime. For some horror there's Hellsing if you're into vampires, also Trinity Blood and Elfen Lied are some good horror/sci fi ones. I don't know many if you're looking for the crime solving suspense though.
  2. Well I started with REGAMER-X when I first joined GameSpot, and REGAMER-X stands for RE[Resident Evil]GAMER[Self Explainatory]-X[Extreme], and it's sort of stuck with me since then.
  3. Who's your favorite band/composer that did an anime opening or closing? For me it would be the Beat Crusaders. They've done the 4th Bleach Opening "Tonight Tonight Tonight" and one of the Beck openings "Hit In The USA" if i'm not mistaken.
  4. Both. I watch more Anime than I read Manga, but I like both a lot. I most likely prefer anime since I'm more of visual person. Sometimes though the anime can go completely off from the anime, like with Hellsing. Hellsing was a great anime in my opinion, but there was a lot more value in the manga over the anime. [COLOR=#007520][SIZE=1][INDENT]REGAMER-X, give us a little to work with here. Since the conversation is about comparing the two media, maybe you could give us your favourite or least favourites attributes about them. Something to help fodder the coals of conversation. Remember, Anime Lounge focuses on [b]discussion[/b]. -r2[/INDENT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  5. I've never really cried much, but in FMA I did at the end a bit, no tears rolling own the cheek but the watery eyes :P [COLOR=#007520][INDENT][SIZE=1]Once again, a little more content to help the conversation flow would be nice. I've already closed a thread of yours REGAMER-X for having no content. PM me if you have any questions. -r2[/SIZE][/INDENT][/COLOR]
  6. I would rather watch dubs if they're good like Full Metal Alchemist and Bleach (which is OK). But usually all the animes I like are in japanese with english subs are have bad dubs so I watch more subs.
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