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Everything posted by WinnerGirl

  1. Personally, I'd rather read manga. WHen I'm watching anime, I have the tendancy to get bored and start flipping through a magazine or something, and I lose focus. xD I'm very ADD. But when I'm reading manga, I can focus more becuase there's not much else you can do when you have a book in your hand. :animeswea
  2. WinnerGirl

    Last Movie

    The last movie I watched was........ Edward Scissorhands!!! I love that movie! I have a tradition to watch a Tim Burton movie every day until Halloween starting September 20th. XD And so far, I've kept up with that tradition for three years.
  3. 1. Namie Amuro- "Come" 2. Okina Reika- "Tsuki no Curse" 3. Muse- "Sing for Absolution" 4. Bad Luck- "Blind Game Again" 5. L'Arc~en~Ciel- "Lost Heaven" 6. Kotani Kinya- "Smashing Blue" 7. Nittle Grasper- "Shining Collection" 8. Nittle Grasper- "Sleepless Beauty" 9. Bad Luck- "Spicy Marmalade" 10. Annie Lennox- "Into the West" 11. Bad Luck- "The Rage Beat" 12. Nittle Grasper- "Predilection" 13. Original RENT Broadway cast- "Seasons of Love" 14. Nickleback- "How You Remind Me" 15. Adam and Andrew- "Emo Kid" Well, it shows I like anime too much, since more than half of them were anime-related or j-pop. It also shows that I am obsessed with Gravitation (note all the Nittle Grasper and Bad Luck. XD) Uuh.... I guess some of my songs are kinda emo. (lolz) But other than that.... I think my musical interests are very well-rounded. :p
  4. I usually use different usernames on each site, but two I've really stuck with are ScarecrowDolphin1311 and Lenore. ScarecrowDolphin1311 is a play on words which expresses my love for the pairing of Kakashi (which means scarecrow) and Iruka (which means dolphin) from Naruto. As for Lenore, well, I got that from Edgar Allen Poe's classic poem. And my screenname now? It shouldn't be too hard for Gundam fans to figure out, but if you've never seen Gundam Wing, then.... well, Quatre's my fave character, and his last name is Winner, so there you go. :catgirl:
  5. Heck yes!!!! Lots of anime have made me cry. T_T Fullmetal Alchemist for one. The series finale and the movie. Naruto for another. Several fights in the Chuunin Exams made me tear up. And... more others than you can possibly imagine, such as Gravitation (Tohma's unrequeited love, perhaps?) and um... tears kinda welled up in my eyes in Gundam Wing when Quatre said he loved no one and was loved by no one. Yes, I am a sap. So sue me.
  6. I always like when there's a lot of physical action, but also emotional action as well. And of course, I always love some good shounen ai. I hate het pairings for some reason.... so if there's het romance, I'll probably try to steer myself away. But anyhoo, I love crisp, clear and simple animation. I hate when guys are way too musculer (DBZ, anyone?) or when girls are way too busty. That's just prototypical. I also don't particularly like it when there are a LOT of flashbacks. A few are okay, but I mean, come on, people!!!! I also kinda like smaller series, with like 20 eps instead of 200. :catgirl:
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