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Everything posted by Syk3

  1. HINT: 250free.com wasn't working for me. -__- Just trying to make some comedy among this console war. Thanks to Charles for the names! EDIT: I'm also doing this because my banner is not working, and I'd also ask you to check out my current avatar and location, as it covers the other next-generation systems. [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=360705[/img]
  2. I'll do my best to answer these, but you ask you strange/tough questions. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Plant_Angel [/i] [B]1. What are Angel Blades? I know only of the Angel Arms, but I heard the Blades mentioned somewhere.[/b][/quote] I've never heard of Angel Blades - it could be from a whole different anime. Otherwise, maybe they are the guns? I doubt it though, since they are the last thing to blades, lol. [quote][b]2. Does Legato have his psychic abilities because he has Vash's arm? This is one Im most uncertain of, and also has his life been extended in any way because of this?[/b][/quote] That's a really good question. I had forgotten about the arm, and I figure that this must be the reason. Otherwise, I'm not sure how he would be able to do the things that Knives can do, or be able to set Vash's gun off with the a snap of his fingers. It seems that everyone in Knives's crew has something materialistic that helps them battle. [quote][b]3. Sometimes in the manga, images the back of Vash's hair looks black, is there any reason for this other than a fashion statement?[/b][/quote] Though I havn't seen this, I suppose it's just a shadow. I don't think Vash's hair has ever been or will be black. [quote][b]4. What the heck does Knives's cool black coat look like?[/b][/quote] What coat? [quote][b]6. Any one know anything of when the manga will be translated? (Then I can find out for myself ^_^)[/b][/quote] No idea. Probably soon, as it seems Trigun is going more mainstream by going onto Adult Swim.[/B][/QUOTE]
  3. I can't believe that I missed Nadesico. -__- I actually wanted to see that; I'm just glad that I can catch it tuesday and wednesday. It's good that I can watch it without having to pay for the whole series, or wait till someone brings it in anime club. ^_^ As for Evangelion, I started watching it just as it came on. I didn't pay [i]too[/i] much attention to it, but I did notice that the background music was a little off where it shouldn't of even have been playing music. I dunno, I just didn't like it.
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by {SITH} Change [/i] [B]Cowboy Funk was no filler. It was symbolic for Spike facing himself. [/B][/QUOTE] Eh, I'd have to disagree with you there too. While it is cool to have Spike fight someone so similar, it really has no affect on the plot as a whole, and there is nothing else in the series that brings up the topic of Spike fighting with himself. Fighting Vicious didn't have anything to do with fighting himself, since Spike fights so many people in the entire series, and Andy is the only person that you can see Spike's reflection in. That topic was the outlining theme in this episode, making it a filler that doesn't affect the plot.
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Endymion [/i] [B]Satan-Hercule and Bra-Bulla are completely different name changes. Bra's name change is a lot closer to the difference between Kuririn and Krillin.[/B][/QUOTE] Well, yes and no. Maybe not to the same extreme, but they're both name changes, and it's sure to make a lot of people angry who are used to the original.
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by L.A. Rod. [/i] [B]I would say that the best filler episodes of the series are "Cowboy Funk", because anybody who tries to put more significance into it is simply trying to play out the whole "read between the lines theme", and Pierrot Le Fu. The worst one's would be ofcourse Toys in the Attic and Wild Horses. To say that Balled of Fallen Angels is nothing more than a filler session is too hard to understand, and I have to restate comments I already did in a previous post in this thread. As I said before, the flashbacks of the first session give questions that are touched upon in session five; but these questions still remain unanswered which help to intrigue the viewer. The action is simply a backdrop to the central idea. The Jupitor Jazz sessions seem more like filler episodes than the balled is, but this is still hard for me to say as they do touch on the woman named Julia and the antitrust between Vicious and the elders. [/B][/QUOTE] YES! You read my mind perfectly. :) Cowboy Funk is a funny filler episode, but Pierrot Le Fu is the best (that episode is so awsome, I'm going to go watch it). I really hated Toys in the Attic A LOT, and I though Wild Horses was pretty stupid too. Ballad of Fallen Angels answers and creates many questions that have to do with the over-all plot. You find out who the bad guy and the romantic figure are, and how Spike met them. I didn't really like Jupiter Jazz too much, mostly because of the lighting and the slow story-line. It seems filler to me too in the sense that you meet a main character during the two episodes, and [spoiler]he is killed at the end[/spoiler]. They go to that planet, and leave in the end. Essentially, it does not have much to do with the story-line other than the clues with Vicious, Julia, and the elders.
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Harry [/i] [B]Why would it be wrong if they don't consent though?? You're only doing it to survive, there's no hatred or malice. [/B][/QUOTE] "Oh, well, if you're doing it to survive, then go right ahead and kill me." Lol, you have to realize that they are trying to survive as well, and maybe even try to eat you. Unless they're already dead or have consented to this (o_O), then the act would appear to be out of hatred to survive. I really don't think that this would be right. I'd just stay alive as long as I can; I can't even drink a glass of milk with a black spec in it for crying out loud! Imagine how I'd feel about eating a person. *shudders* I don't want other people eating me either though. :shifty: I know that sounds incredibly greedy, but...yeah...
  8. Let's see, I've been skiing for about 6 years, but as I only go once a year, I'm not that good. I'm not saying that I'm bad though; I usually skii intermediate slopes and rarely a black diamand. The place that I skii is about five hours away, but it's still good, since I bring my gaming consoles in the car. ;) I usually go to this one place called Timberline in West Virginia, but last year I went to Seven Springs in...Pensylvania, I think. I think I want to go to Seven Springs more in the future though, since the black diamands are a little easier, there are more things to do (like bowling inside the place), and I can relate to some of my friends who go there a lot. Although I have been skiing for a while and don't have enough money for a board, I would like to learn how to snowboard. It looks really fun, and from watching and learning from snowboarders on the slopes, I think I might be able to make it down the bunny slope. o_O The only thing I really hate about skiing is the clothes and stuff I have to put on. -__- Maybe if I had cooler stuff to wear, it wouldn't be that bad. *shrug*
  9. I heard about this a while ago, but I had forgotten the name that they had changed to. Hmm, well, to be honest I really preffered the name Bra. It comes off easier than Bulla, which will deffinitly take some getting used to. Plus, it will anger a lot of subbed fans when more learn this -- remember Mr. Satan to Hercule? FUNI seems to not care what sort of puns these names have within their families, and they are going to just edit it for a younger audience. *sigh* Nothing we can do about it now, but for the record, I wish they had stuck with Bra. >_<
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by {SITH} Change [/i] [B]People who say that Ballad of Fallen Angels is the best episode are really missing the importent exestential themes in latter episodes. The episode is to put it politly "filler." There is nothing significant to it, it is a groundwork episode where a little bit of Spike's past is reveled to set up the framework for later episodes. Yeah, it has some cool action sequences, but they hardly compare to The Real Folk Blues II, which is a much better episode. Don't get me wong, the episode is great, im just not sure if it is worth being called the greatest episode. [/B][/QUOTE] I tend to disagree. There is absolutely no way that this is a filler episode; you even contradicted yourself in saying that it has background information of Spike's past. A filler episode is more an episode where it has nothing to do with the overall plot, and is just there to provide a 20 minute seperate story for entertainment. Rather, Ballad of Fallen Angels is vidal to the series and plot. It provides background information, you see Vicious for the first time, Spike encounters Vicious for the first time since he left and they engage in one of only two battles in the entire series. And other than Ed, the episode had every character and focused on each of them. This episode is a fantastic example of classic Bebop, and show such genres as fighting, romance, mysterious, and comedic. The action is great, and it continues leaving you on the edge of your seat.
  11. Well, I would move it, but there are plenty of other threads concerning meeting other Otaku members. Topic closed; please check out Otaku Lounge to find relevent threads.
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Kenji [/i] [B]Being deprived of sleep, once I get past the need to fall asleep I get really hyper, I act like a total jackass, even more of a jackass sorry. [/B][/QUOTE] Yeah, same here. Ahh, I really love those moments. You feel totally caffine wired after you were previously really tired to go to sleep. Suddenly, boom, you feel great, and don't mind staying up the whole night...drinking coke and listening to music. ^_^
  13. Syk3


    I havn't had any rumors about me going around school lately, and I havn't heard many about other people either. I guess either my school doesn't spread a lot of rumors, or I'm never in some group to hear it. Last rumor I heard was of my friend who got suspended for 10 days for drinking, and all these rumors were going around that the suspension also included mixing drinks (alchoholic drinks, that is), selling knives, and selling drugs or something. I know most of them arn't true though. I suppose the last rumors spread were from back a couple years with these two kids...but I don't really want to talk about that. ^_^ Instead, I want to tell you my idea of getting rid of some of these rumors. Taking from that kid I mentioned who got suspended, I recommend just going along smoothly with the rumors. If someone confronts you about one, act serious, but with a little smile, and say "Yup" and agree to everything to the extent that people can tell that there is no possible way that it can be true, and that you are joking. If you don't come off as a joker, however, just laugh at them when they ask if a rumor is true, and really exagerate the rumor. Like, TheDarkOtaku was saying how people were spreading rumors about him worshiping his video game consoles. I'd say just laugh out loud, and say something like "Yup, I keep a seperate room for my consoles and bow down to them every night." *shrug* Try those kinds of things if you havn't, but if they don't work, then just think of something creative to say to them in the form of a comedic come-back.
  14. I'm going to go with Coca Cola, lol, as I usually have it at night and it keeps me up and, in your context, "high." Don't get me wrong with the brand; I love Pepsi just as much if not more. It's just that I usually get that craving for Coca Cola at night, and I'm more open-minded on the internet. Some music would do nice with that...
  15. The first computer was created by the ancient Greeks, but yeah, technology has really advanced and put our lives into a situation where we would doubt that we could live with them. They are our necesities that make life simpler, but if we had to, we would probably be able to survive without them. Obviously, lol, seeing as we've lasted this long. Personally, it's hard for me to live without a personal computer, much less all these other things that have to do with computers. If I didn't have all that...I'd probably be reading a lot more. *shrug* I'm trying to do that even with this technology. Anyway, if past generations have survived without computers, I'm sure we would be able to, but we wouldn't even know what we are missing out on, and different things would seem exciting to us back then. I also wanted to say that, to an extent, a calculator is not a computer. A computer would be defined as something that has to decide what to do, such as 'If x and y = z, Then do [i]this[/i]' or 'If x or y = z, Then do [i]that[/i].' So...these new graphic calculators would be computers, but not those other ones. If that's what you were trying to say though, then nevermind, haha.
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Meier_Link [/i] [B]how annoying, have you forgotten the rules of the forum? You've broken them. insulting me and trying to cover yur profanity with symbols. And talkin off topic. I don't go into people's profiles unless they were my friend, like Sarasan, and Madre is Spanish not French Why havn't the administrator done his job, I'm not gonna argue or reply to anymore of yur posts, u can say whatever u want EDIT: and again, you added to his spam even tho u could have just private messaged him, against the rules. I've clearly stated I didn't want to be yur enemy or didn't mean to hurt her, but you two are misunderstanding me. I have no respect for people that threatens me and call me names, that's really low and childish stuff for forum members. Take it to the Roll playing forums [/B][/QUOTE] Lol, first of all, they automatically cover profanity with asterics, in case you havn't noticed. There are younger members, and it helps sensor things; Medra wasn't doing it to be nice. Second of all, I have to agree with him. I'm not trying to make enemies either, but you seem to be making light of the information about BabyGirl's brother dieing, not to mention you were saying that you were happy when your grandpa died because you didn't have to pay money. That is the most selfish thing I've ever heard. You arn't doing anything but make Jenna feel worse, at least I would be, what with asking if she feels special and whatnot. Anyway, on topic, I have a 12 year old brother and I really do not know what I would do if I ever lost him. :( The most I can relate to, however, is my great-grandmother passing away a few years ago, which was a real blow to my entire family. My condolences to you and your family.
  17. Ahh, your dad is very protective, and while he has good intentions, everyone deserves a little privacy. I would recommend either deleting the history to a certain extent, making sure it isn't too obvious, or telling people on aim how over-protective your father is. Leaving a link to this page would be perfect. On a side note, I had no idea that AIM convos were saved. -__- Mind hooking me up on how I would find them? :)
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by gokents [/i] [B]cyko is right, he wouldnt be alive after a.d. with your logic. If you go look it up in a dictionary, which I just did to see if my suspicions were right, it means, year of our lord. Think about this, Jesus was allegedly born, and then a.d. starts. The year of our lord is the year of his birth. And actually mitch is right about the phalanx. Created by phillip of macedonia, The phalanx was a spear formation (defensive or offensive) that stacked men offset so that each spear could go through the space between the two men in front of him. The space was designed to be wide enough for this to work with 3 lines of men using extremly long spears. -I -I -I --I -I -I ---I -I -I The "I" represents the spear, and the "-" represents the man holding it. That is the general pattern of the formation and it worked well for its time since no one had thought of something like it yet. (although it seems simple to the modern mind) [/B][/QUOTE] Lol, let's try and keep this on topic. But for the sake of the current discussion, I believe that A.D. would be After Death, even though they include the years of his life. I wondered the same thing, but I suppose that those years of his life were so short that we disregard making it a seperate era. Then you have to ask yourself, should his life be part of B.C., or A.D.? Well, it seems that it has come to be known as A.D.
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Thumper [/i] [B]well i seen a trailer for a movie of outlaw star (every one knows by now prob but i thought id post anyway) [/B][/QUOTE] A movie, eh? That's pretty cool, but please keep the conversation on topic, which is about Outlaw Star's ending. You can make a new thread about the movie, or see if there is already an existing one. :)
  20. I actually used to play the Cello. You know, the big string instrument that's not quite as big a the Base (sp.?)? Yeah, I chose that in fourth grade because in the performances, we got to spin them to a certain song. ^_^ Gotta love spinning that Cello! Plus it got me out of classes in elementary school. In middle school, I continued playing but barely ever practiced at home. The teacher always told me that if I never practiced and didn't turn in a practice sheet (to make sure we were all working at home) that we would get a 'C', but I would go through entire marking periods without practicing and always get a 'B'. I guess I was...good? o_O I doubt it. I played the Cello through 6th and 7th grade, and I continued when I moved in the middle of the 7th grade. At my new school, however, the motivation to play just wasn't there, since the class was VERY small (especially compared to the huge one I was used to) and we never even got to go to cool places. Well, we did go to Bush Gardens, but it wouldn't have been as fun as going to Hershey Park at the end of 7th and 8th grade if I had stayed in my old school. They also didn't have as many classes in my new school, and I'd have to take Orchestra every other day, and gym on the others. I used to be able to do both in one day at my old school. Of course, there, they combined English and Reading. Sooo...in 8th grade I got the choice to either stay in Orchestra or have gym every day, and being the athletic person that I am, which do you think I chose? I don't really regret my decision to drop out of playing an instrument, since it would just be another thing in my life to deal with. Oh well...
  21. Ah...I finally beat it a couple days ago, after getting it on Christmas. I suppose that I barely ever play GBA, and when I do, it's either at lunch in school, at the end of the last period of the day during announcements, and on the bus. Otherwise, it's very rarely when I'll pick it up at home when I have all of these other systems surrounding me. It's like, I only need it when I'm away from other electronics, lol. Anywho, back on topic. I beat it in 5:05 with about 53%, which doesn't make any sense, because most of my time playing I was looking for items. o_O This was my first Metroid, and I must say, I was impressed. ^_^ The last part was hard at first, but when I figured out how to do it, it was very simple up to the last boss. Now to play/beat Metroid Prime! Hah, I finally got it!
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by vegeta rocker [/i] [B]Isn't it going to be released big screen in March? Or I might have heard wrong...... [/B][/QUOTE] Yup, Knockin' on Heaven's Door comes to selected theatres on March 28th. :) I can't wait, but I doubt my dinky theatre will play it anyway.
  23. Syk3

    LoVe HiNa!!!!

    It's okay Cyke, we only make it mandatory to look for existing threads on the same page, unless, of course, if the thread was very large. Either way, we can handle it; [i]we[/i] regarding moderators.
  24. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Final Flash [/i] [B]THE TWO TOWERS WAS NOT A SEQUEL!! ARGHHHTGGRHRGRHGH1+21..... *passes out on keyboard after 17 consecutive heart attacks* [/B][/QUOTE] Lol, calm down. The books are not sequals, okay? However, the movies arguably could be, and otherwise I ment the [i]second movie of a series[/i]. How does that sound?
  25. Please don't double post. Press the Edit button at the bottom of one of your posts, check the checkbox that says delete, and press delete. That is spam, and we look down on that at OtakuBoards.
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