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Everything posted by only1specialed

  1. holy crap... i totally forgot about this.. my bad guys. ive been playing resident evil outbreak online almost everyday since the servers are about to close... and im on vacation. ill post as soon as i can.
  2. so when are you gonna post about tori. im gonna make another post ending the night scene for me and lady unless you want to introduce her at night. but we should get the story rolling along.
  3. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=2][FONT=Verdana]you know whats funny. i bought this game about 3 weeks ago and its still in its package. i want to play it but for some reason something about it just stops me from playing. i hear about all the great things about this game and some of the crappy stuff. but overall i cant seem to pull myself to play. i guess my question is. is this game very time consuming cause i dont really have the time to be playing long games like i used to.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  4. wow you actually beat it... yeah i got lost when i played way back who knows when. i think i still have it somewhere but i bet it in bad condition. That game was freaking awesome i dont remember too much since its been so long but the style of combat in the game was sweet. it was something fresh to play and the story had me addicted. (when i wasn't lost) so far though i pretty much agree with most of the stuff you got written on there... except i dont remember using magic... man its been a long time.
  5. [COLOR=DarkRed][FONT=Verdana][SIZE=4]WWWOOO HHOOOO[/SIZE] finally made my freaking post. sorry it revolves around Eddie so much. starting to interact with characters starting now. mwahahahaha beware my spikes they tend to stab people everynow and then. [/FONT] [/COLOR]
  6. [FONT=Verdana][COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]Eddie couldn't sleep that night. His thoughts were haunted by the events that happened in the musuem. He was surrounded by a dark shadow. All around him he could see nothing. Not even his own hands in front of him. The silence was sunddenly broken by voices that started to surround him. He couldn't tell what they were sayingand the voices grew louder and louder until finally there was silence. An eeire silence like the world had stopped moving and everything had frozen in place. [B]"MURDERER!"[/B] Those words threw Eddie off. The voice sounded familiar but he could not tell who it was. [B]"YOUR A MURDERER!" "No...I'm not.... I'm not a murderer." "MURDERER! YOUR A MUDERER! MURDERER!"[/B] The voice get on going repeating the same thing over and over. Eddie's pleas were going unheard. His voice drowned out by the more powerful voice. He covered his ears screaming back at the voice pleading his innocence. [B]"It's not my fault! It's not my fault! IT'S NOT MY FAULT!" "Don't worry. i know it wasn't your fault."[/B] Eddie was shocked to hear Cat's voice again. He had only met her that one day but the voice was forever inbedded in his mind. [B]"Accidents happen and i know it was your fault. Please don't worry about me and move on with your life. There are other things you should worry about instead of what happened the other day. Besides if you keep thinking about me. How are you gonna protect my replacement?"[/B] Everything became clear. The dark shadow had disappeared and Eddie could see Cat standing out in an open field. [B]"take good care of her ok? for me?" [/B] Eddie didnt say a word he just nodded and heard a voice in the distance. [B]"Hey! Wake up!"[/B] Eddie jolted in his sleeping bag. His spikes coming out in all directions and nailing him to the floor. He heard a small shriek and feared the worse. [B]"ARE YOU OK?"[/B] he asked as he struggled get unstuck and turn around. [B]"Yeah. im sorry i startled you. I heard you mumbling in your sleep like you were having a nightmare or something."[/B] Eddie manage to free himself and turned around to see Bella sucking on her finger. [B]"Are you ok?"[/B] he asked sounding worried. [B]"yeah its nothing just a little prick. That was so cool though. How did you make those spikes come out? have you always had that power? i got mine recently. Can i call you Iceman?" 'that really is her replacement huh.... and i'm already starting off on the wrong foot.....and now i need another sleeping bag.'[/B] he thought as bella kept talking on. OOC: finally made my post sorry its long playing a little catch up. also i hope you dont mind that i made Bella sound like Cat. just trying to make that connection. [/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT]
  7. [COLOR=DarkRed][FONT=Georgia][SIZE=4]Gah[/SIZE][SIZE=2] i haven posted in a long as time. sorry guys im still trying to get my life back together since ive been back from Iraq. (its weird i kinda miss that place) anyway ill do my best to put in my part again sorry i havent posted in like 6 years.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  8. we should probably get updates on the story i think. lets see id rather go with the dimensional thing buts manly cause i got blindy's back. or maybe we can do both. torture we find him rescue him but then accidentally transport him to a different universe alla blindy not being able to concentrate. face
  9. [COLOR=DarkRed][FONT=Georgia]sweet deal yo i guess we are going with tori then. Well it looks like it seems to have been decided on doing the whole killing thing. i also like veritas idea about not really killing him but putting him in a coma or.... get this he gets sent to some other dimension. dont ask how just and idea but thats one way of not passing his powers on. maybe quan can send him off after torturing him and either zane or juliet cant really kill him. (you know the whole having a heart thingy) [/FONT] [/COLOR]
  10. ok ok last time it was charles and Eddie but that was an accidental thing. what i was thinking is that charles has one of his little relapses (cant spell that word) of his past and goes crazy on cairo. and Eddie just happens to see it. just an idea. oh and for the sisters name how about Nauq see Quan backwards to so they are opposites. revelations is starting to scare me with her enjoyment of torturing someone... but that would work too.
  11. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1][FONT=Georgia]'Kat!' Eddie thought to himself when he first saw bella. Eddie shook his head, trying to gather his thoughts. Bella couldn't be Kat. Kat was dead and by his own hands. Even still, Eddie just couldn't shake the feeling that Kat and Bella were somehow connected. Eddies eyes started to swell up as they sat down and he started to fill her in on what had happened. "How awful!" said Bella. "Why are all these bad things happening to you people?" "I wish i knew but someone is out to get us, even kill us. Right now it seems like this Quan guy might be our only ally." Eddie said. "but how come Quan knew about what happened to all of us?" asked Dorian. "Are you trying to say that Quan had something to do with us losing our homes?" said Brian. "Im not saying i know but he might have had something to do with it." Eddie replied. "But if Quan did get us kicked out of our houses. Why would he give us this house?" asked Eden. Everyone sat there silently trying to figure out why. Eddie was thinking to himself that it wasnt Quans fault he was kicked but then he started to wonder if Quan had somehow made his girlfriend cheat on him. she never seemed like the type to do it. "Well, we should probably think about it in the morning. Were all probably to tired to think straight right now so why dont we just hit the hay." Eden said enthusiasticaly. "You know thats a good idea....but where are we gonna sleep." Eddie said. No one said a word. " I figured as much. luckily i have air mattresses in my car from when i went camping. You girls can share one. i have a sleeping bag for myself and the guys will have to fight for the other mattress.... to the death!" The guys just looked at each other and started laughing. "Man Eddie you crazy man" said Dorian. "Yeah, i know." and with that Eddie went to grab his stuff. OOC: 1 week and no posting....for shame. figured id move us along.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1][FONT=Georgia]oh oh i have a name why dont we call her quef. see quan and quef... almost the same thing eh. anyway as far as another death goes. i dont think we should use Eddie again... might drive my character mad. especially since its another younger character that will die. :animesigh lets see though i can probably think of a way to kill someone else off. ill just throw some ideas when i think of some. as a matter of fact i got one right now. since ozy seems eager to kill... :animesigh i guess we can have him do the next one...with Eddie there to witness. (thats right ozy im coming for you...i mean .. charles) as far as how it goes ........ill think of that later. (im thinking of something along the lines of charles melting him of something which would be could cause thats the opposite of Eddie. ya mean.)[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=2][FONT=Georgia]"Ah Mr. Mael and Mr.Galvez I presume, Mr. Quan has intructed me to give you a tour of your new estate, Ms. Bourne and Mr. Gallows have already arrived and been shown inside, will you allow me to take you to them." 'how did this guy know my last name.....' Eddie thought to himself as he stared down this unknown fellow. Eddie and Dorian shot each other a confused glance and followed the guy in. "Olle vos, who "Ms. Bourne and Mr. Gallows?" Eddie whispered at Dorian. "i dont know dog...but it looks like we about to find out." The guy in the business suit open the front door with a loud annoying squeak. The interior looked horrible. The paint was falling of the walls. The wood on the floor looked very weak and could possibly give in at any moment. At least there was funiture but Eddie questioned if it was even safe to sit on the raggedy sofa they had. "and this is the kitchen." said there "tour guide" Eddie wasnt paying attention to what the guy was saying. he was just so shocked that this place that Dorian was given was so ......raggedy. but it would have to do. Eddie had no place to live and from the looks of it neither did Dorian. The kitchen itself wasn't so bad. Everything looked alright....until he turned on the water faucet. "Que cochinada!" Eddie said in disgust. The water came out a perfect rusted brown. he let the water flow for a bit until it finally turned "clear." At least, as clear as it was gonna get. Eddie and Dorian heard footsteps from upstairs...and dust was falling from underneath that persons footsteps. Loud squeaks and squeals could be heard from someone coming down the stairs. It was Brian, shortly followed by Edden. "Yay! its you two!" said Eden. " Now we can get this party started." Dorian and Eddie shot Brian a glanced who looked as confused as they were. "Well then ill be on my way." and with that the man in the business left. ======= OOC: forgive my post. i was late and since we arrived before Moses and Bella i had to get that party started.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  14. to my fellow friends everyone please forgive me for not posting. i have just gotten back from iraq and im kinda getting my life back together. i also dont have access to the internet unless im home in LA besides that im at work with no internet. ill post when i can but first i gotta see what i missed.
  15. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=2][FONT=Georgia]Eddie had no place to go. he had been living with his girlfriend in this town for past two years. His life was going just fine until that one faithful night. He probably should have seen it coming. He hasnt been able to hold her,let along kiss her, for a long time. Everyday he would feel more and more distant from her. Eddie knew it would end someday but he never expected it to end like that. What was more surprising to Eddie was what he did to the waterbed. He had never been able to do something like that.He also remembered the night he almost got mugged. That was another weird night. the larger spikes, the spike wave, and finally being able to be touched. 'Why is it that im starting to have these changes to me?' Eddie thought to himself. 'I could never do that stuff before and that shit that happened to the water bed.' Eddie could not come up with any answers just more questions. Mainly, where the hell was he going to stay? Eddie really didnt know anyone in this town. He didnt know anyone except for "Dorian! ill see if he can hook me up with a place to stay at." lets see if i remember where he lives. Eddie look in his cell phone to see if he had his number but couldnt find it. not even a number he thought might be his. "Well i guess ill go to where he lives." and with that Eddie took of to Dorian's aparment. ------ OOC: thats the best i could do cut me some slack aight.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  16. hey guys still kinda slow for me over here. great news though im due out of here very shortly.
  17. Eddie came home early from work. "Another day, Another dollar." Work was a slow day. He kept seeing that same news report all day. He kept looking over his shoulder the whole day. He park his car where he usually does and walked through the alley where he almost got mugged. The holes that were made by the spikes that came out were covered up by now. The holes in the apartment wall were also covered up. Eddie walked away before anyone would start asking questions. He walked into his apartment, the TV was one and there was a commercial for some TV show he's never heard about. it was called "HEROES" or something. Eddie wasnt paying attention to the TV he just wanted to take a shower and get some rest. These last of couple days since Cat's death hasnt been easy on him. His nights haunted with dreams he doesnt understand. He walked into his room to get his towel but stopped in his tracks. Clothes were scattered around. Some of which werent even his. His girlfriend giggling under the sheets and someone elses voice coming from there also. "Que chingado es esto?(What the hell is this?)" His girlfriend gasped and came from under the sheet along with some other guy. Eddie didnt say a word. the shock was too much. He snapped. the water bed exploded and in the middle of the air the water froze. both his girlfriend and the other guy were knocked out. Before either of them woke up Eddie had grab some clothing and left his apartment. Maybe for the last time.
  18. rats that is a big surprise indeed. now how im gonna get evicted is gonna be the hard part... especially since im living with someone. well ill think of something.
  19. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=2][FONT=Georgia]The images of Cat's death keep plauging Eddie in his dreams. He could swear that he can feel her warm blood on his skin again. He would wake up screaming sometimes and he would stab his couch as he jumped up from his sleep. His powers seem to have gone back to normal and he was happy he decided to sleep on the couch rather than with his girlfriend. Eddie looked at his clock and let out a big sigh. It was one in the morning. He had to get ready for work in about an hour and he had not been able to sleep at all. Eddie decided to turn on the tv and watch whatever was on. "In other news, there was a shooting followed by an out of control fire in an exhibit for the zodiac signs." Eddies heart skipped a beat. "The gunman has yet to have been identified but viewers said they saw some people exit the building from the side. Two of them covered with blood. The body, which was found after firefighters arrive on the scene, was taken to the hospital but she was already dead before she was discovered. Doctors say she was stabbed multiple times before she died." Eddie's heart sank. He didnt want to go to work, he didnt want to be with his girlfriend. He simply just didnt want to live. The only that kept Eddie going were the images of charles and how he wanted to avenge Cat's death. Eddie turned off the TV and started to get ready for work.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=3][FONT=Georgia]Eddie had left dorians place hours ago. His mind was still flashing images of cats limp body in his arms. The blood that rained down like the sprinkler system still flashed in his eyes and he could swear he saw blood on his windshield from the rain. He parked his car a couple of blocks away from his apartment and decided to take a shortcut through the alley. [B]"give me your wallet!"[/B] a youth said from behind him. His face was covered by the hoodie on his jacket and he wore gloves. The knife he held up was looked like it was from a movie or something. The rain started to really pour down and Eddie couldn't tell that he was crying. [B]"Did you hear what i said?! Give me your mother fucking wallet!!" [/B] The youth was starting to get angry and was gonna take a step closer to Eddie. Eddie mumbled something that he couldn't hear. "what did you say? You wanna die or something?" [B]"I COULDNT PROTECT HER!!"[/B] Eddie yelled with all his might. His mind was blinded with rage and he punched the wall next to him. His spikes coming out larger than ever and penetrated through the wall. Eddie didnt stop there. He pounded both of his fist on the floor and instead of it coming from his body they spikes came out from the floor in wave like form and headed to the hooded youth. The spikes stop inches short from where he stood. He fell back knowing he barely escaped death and ran off, leaving his knife behind. Eddie was shocked himself at his new semi controlled power. Before he had a moment to think he was off again. Eddie stumbled into his apartment, dropping to his knees and putting his hands to his face. [B]"Mi amor. Adonde estabas. i was so worried about..." [/B] His girlfriend stopped in mid sentence when she saw his shirt torn and stained with blood. She ran to him and was going to hug him and ask him what happened. Eddie just pulled away. His fear of killing her made him freak out and stumbled on the floor. He closed his eyes and got in the fetal position and the first time in what felt like years he felt something warm touch him. He felt warm soft arms wrap around his body. His body didnt react and for the first time in his life he cried himself to sleep in someones arms on christmas eve. ---- OOC: thats the best i could think of.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  21. to my fellow....fellows. im still having a hard time getting time to sit down and write my part of the story. im glad to see that we have a new replacement and im already looking at some ideas for some future post. ill post when i can but im having a hard thinking of what to write next.
  22. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=3][FONT=Georgia][B]"...Cat, Don't..."[/B] Eddie tried to stop cat from getting too close to charles cause he knew that he had no good intentions but... it was too late. Charles swung his arms around and pushed cat into Eddie. In that split second Eddie's heart stopped. The world around him had completely froze. He close his arms instinctily for what felt like centuries and he cold not stop himself. Eddie caught Cat in his arms. Her light body floating into his arms. He prayed to God hoping that his spikes would not come out. A prayer that went unanswered. They reacted like they normally would. They impaled her petit body with ease. Blood flew out in almost every direction. Spraying the hall and Eddie like a geyser. There were no sounds, there were no screams. Her body went limp and Eddie fell to the floor still holding her. not wanting to move and make more come out. His body was ice cold but he felt her warm blood flowing down his body. Tears started to form in his eyes. His nightmare had come true. He had killed a child thanks to the power of his curse. [B]"Why?" [/B] Eddie asked clutching Cat the ice had gone back into his body no longer piercing Cat which made more blood come out. [SIZE=4][B]"Porque me distes este pinche poder? porque me hicistes matar a una nina? porque hijueputa. PORQUE?! "(why did you give me this power? why did you make me kill this chid. why you son of a bitch? WHY?!![/B][/SIZE] Eddie yelled at the top of lungs. Yelling at the man who gave him this fate. Yelling at god for not stoping this and answering his prayers. The fire started to rise and set off the fire alarm. The sprinkler system was also activated by fire and water rained down on both of them. He tears blended with the water and Eddie's vision was blurred out. Eddie couldnt tell if it was blood or water landing on him. He couldn't make sense of what had happened. He looked around to see who was around. charles was long gone and he saw that same chick he saw in the bar yesterday. The fire still raged around Eddie and Cat body. The wated did nothing to stop the flames. Eddie couldnt think, couldnt see, couldn't hear. He didn't even notice Dorian calling out his name. All he could think of was [B]Charles[/B]. -------- OOC: oh yeah i deserve an award for that one.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR=DarkRed][COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=3][FONT=Georgia]Eddie- i killed her..... well i made my post and now im very sad. in other news im still gonna have trouble posting my part of the story however dont think of trying to kill me off cause i always have time to read.... i just dont have the time to think of my part of the story. side note- i change my story a bit so that homeboy can put the fire out the way he wanted too. somebody save us from this fire[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR][/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=3][FONT=Georgia]The 5 team group walk around the museum and stopped in front of an exhibit that had 13 stones. Cat was the first to yelled [B]"look look here is my sign"[/B] The rest of the group split up to find there own stone. [B]"this doesnt make sense."[/B] said Dorian after looking at all the stones. [B]"whats doesnt make sense?" [/B] asked Brian. everyone started to head over to Dorian and the item that had him confused. Eddie looked around and noticed that there really werent that many people in this part of the exhibit. He let his eyes wander around while everyone else looked at the object with confusion. he looked up to the ceiling and noticed it was pretty high and for a split second he thought he saw somebody. Eddie quickly dismissed the idea that he saw someone and looke back at this stone that everyone was staring. [B]"bueno pues, (well then) whats so confusing about this stone?" [/B] he asked [B]"theres only 12 zodiac signs but for some reason there are thirteen here."[/B] Dorian replied. [B]"Oh a mysterious zodiac sign, huh. What its sign?" [/B] Cat asked with glee. [B]"i'm not really sure. the symbol in the middle is just wavy. like.." "a snake." [/B] Eden said cutting off dorian. [B]"remember the day of the fight. there were snakes around us when we were getting put into the vehicles."[/B] Eden said. [B]"so then what does it mean?" [/B] asked Brian. [B]"It means that there is one zodiac that is above all the others."[/B] everyone heard the mysterious voice and looked around to see who was talking. Behind them stood a tall, lean man. the man wore a business suit and looked like he worked in the exhibit. [B]"I do hope your enjoying yourself in our little exhibit. My name is Therius Quan, but you can just call me quan."[/B] ------------- OOC: ok just so you know quan is only there to give us some back ground info on the zodiacs and a little bit of history. vicky i would be glad if you can help with that since i dont have time to think of what to say (you know being in Iraq and all.) everyone in my group can have quan explain something if you want.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=3][FONT=Georgia]All three of them looked like they wanted an answer so Brian said the only thing he could come up with: [B]"I told her she was going to get herself killed."[/B] [B]?Ay jueputa?? [/B] Eddie sigh as he said that looking at the girl who he almost ran over. He looked back in his car and looked at all the ice that was on the floor. When he slammed on his breaks he put so much force on his hands trying to keep is body from slamming on the steering wheel that he pratically tore threw it with the ice. Eden also noticed the ice that was lying around his car and looked at Eddie. [B]?See why I said it was a bad idea to shake my hand?.?[/B] Eden nodded shocked at the thought that her hand could have met the same fate as Eddies steering wheel. Brian came over from where he was standing and started apologizing for Cat?s behavior.[B] ?Man when did I become her guardian?? [/B] Brian thought to himself. [B]?Yup. No Mistake about it. You guys were in jail with me the other night.? [/B] Cat said with a smiled as if she had just done something great. Eddie and Dorian looked at each other and then at Eden. [B]?Do any of you know her??[/B] asked Eddie. [B]?I couldn?t see anything that night.? [/B] Replied Dorian [B]?Can?t say I recall.? [/B] Added Eden. Cat started stomping her feet and yelling. [B]?How can you not remember someone as cute as me? Remember I came in after you guys. I was in Brian?s cell.?[/B] The three again looked at each other and didn?t have a clue of who she was. Cat stopped talking and just stared at Eddie. Eddie didn?t know what to do. he was confused as to why she would be staring at him. Then he noticed that Dorian and Brian were also staring at Eddie. [B] ?Que pasa??[/B] he asked. [B]?Tu camisa.?[/B] Cat responded. Everyone looked surprised to hear that Cat knew Spanish. She didn?t look the type. Eddie was the most caught of guard since he?s used to everyone not being able to understand his Spanish. [B]"HEHE i take spanish class in high school." [/B] Cat said in response to everyones shock. Eddie then looked down at his shirt and realized that it was ripped. He then realized that he never took of his seat belt. [B]?God damn it I ripped my seat belt too?..?[/B] Eddie went to the trunk of his car to grab one of his work shirts while the rest kinda stood around until Brian broke the ice. ?[B]Well, wasn?t there something you wanted to ask them?? [/B] Cat looked at Brian confused. [B]?I don?t remember what it was??[/B] Everyone sighed at the same time. [B]?This girl almost got hit by the people she was looking for and now doesn?t remember what she wanted to ask them?.she?s too much for me to handle? [/B] Brian thought to himself. Eden was gonna say something until she saw the flyer that Cat was holding. [B]?Hey you got one of those flyers.?[/B] She said as she snagged it out of Cats hand with out her noticing. [B]?So I?m to assume you also have po-? [/B] she stopped halfway in her sentence when she notice that people were now starting to look at 5 people standing in the middle of street. [B]?Listen everyone get into the car and well talk there.?[/B] She said as she started to get back in. [B]?But??[/B] Dorian was gonna protest the idea but Cat was already jumping into Eddies car and Brian was following her. Eddie closed his trunk after he put his shirt on and saw that everyone was gone. [B]?Que chingados??[/B] he looked around but didn?t see where they went. [B]?Eddie come one lets get going.?[/B] Eden said sticking her head out of the window. In that instant Eddie realized that his car now have two extra passengers and Cat was already picking at some of the ice that was still in the car. [B]?When did they all get in my car??.and why do we have to take those two now?.?[/B] Eddie quit complaining in his head and got in the car. As soon as he sat down he shot a look at Dorian as if saying WTF. Dorian just responded by shrugging his shoulders and holding his hands up saying I Don?t know. [B]?Come on lets get going already I want to see this place.? [/B] Cat said jumping in his back seat. [B]?Ay Dios Mio.? [/B] Eddie started the car and drove off trying to figure out how the hell this happened? ---- OOC: sorry if my post sucked but i wanted to get everyone going to that college. also see side note (underground)[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
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