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Everything posted by only1specialed

  1. crap crap crap now its my turn to come up with an excuse as to why i might not post as much. most of you already know that im in iraq if not there you go. that said it seems im gonna do some stuff for the next 2 1/2 weeks that will make computer usage kinda difficult. if anything ill only be able to read the story and woke have enough time to think of what i want to write. please dont kill me off cause ill be reading and if anything ill post real small post to make my presence felt. ill make one last big post before i start my small ones aight.
  2. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=3][FONT=Georgia][B]?Ay jueputa.? [/B] Eddie said as he got up off the couch hearing his alarm go off. He woke up and was about to get ready to go meet Dorian and Eden but felt something weird. He looked down and his chest and saw that he had a huge heart made from his ice running across his whole torso. [B]?I love you too, babe.? [/B] He whispered to himself. Eddie was kinda annoyed that his girlfriend would draw stuff on him using his natural defense but he didn?t mind sometimes. He got up and threw on some brown cargo pants and a brown muscle shirt. He grab his sweatband that had the color of his country and wrapped it on his biceps. After stumbling around still half asleep he brush his teeth then spike his hair. Before he left he made sure to grab some of the refried beans his girl made and then left the apartment. The morning was a cool one. The air felt refreshing but he felt that was only cause he spent the previous night in that prison. [B]?The prison?.'[/B] Eddie had some flashbacks of the events that lead him to going to prison and was now regretting yelling at Dani. [B]?Que voy hacer cuando viene para mi?(What am I gonna do when he comes after me?)? [/B] He then remembered when he left the prison and walked past Charles. He remembers the intense heat that was coming off of Charles. The thought alone made Eddie shiver and ice actually formed on his arm. He brushed it off before anyone got a chance to notice it. [B]?I hope we can find some sort of answer to what's going on?? [/B] he said in spanish. Eddie reached his car and headed to Destiny?s Paradise. Eddie got there earlier than he expected. It was a bad habit he picked up from his father. As a kid he was always rushed to do something and his father would always make him hurry up but thanks to that he has never been late to work. Eden was the first one to show up. Eddie saw her turn the corner and was walking towards Destiny?s Paradise. [B]?She's even prettier today than she was yesterday.? [/B] He thought to himself as he got out of the car to wave at her.[B] "That?s one down and one to go.? [/B] He said as he was looking around for Dorian. [B]?Good morning, Eddie.? [/B] She said as she came towards Eddie with her hand reach out to shake his hand. Eddie kept his hands in his pockets as he just looked down at her hand. [B]?Sorry but like I said yesterday?..it?s not a good idea.? ?oh, right sorry.? [/B] Eden looked a bit embarrassed since she completely forgot about what he said the day before. Both of them stood next to Eddie?s car. She was a wearing a nice big jacket to keep her warm and cozy while Eddie just had his shirt on. [B]?Aren?t you cold? Its 60 degrees out here.? [/B] She said looking at Eddie [B] ?Well?.with my ?power? this weather doesn?t fade me at all. Its actually pretty nice today.?[/B] He said as he looked up to the clear blue sky. [B]?oh I see? um do you know around what time Dorian might show up?? [/B] Eddie figured she was probably intimidated to talk to Eddie. He didn?t blame her. Eddie always has a hard time talking to new people and usually kinda distances himself from them. [B]?I don?t know. He should show up soon though.?[/B] Eddie didn?t know what to say after that and was hoping that Dorian would show up soon. [CENTER]---------------------[/CENTER] OOC: is that better vicky? [/FONT] [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=3][FONT=Georgia]My most recent regret is staying up till 2 in the morning playing on my PS2 then having to wake up at 7 in th morning to go to work. It doesnt help that i work 12 hours over here in Iraq... but then again i get to play on my PS2 so i dont regret it as much... although i really need the sleep[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  4. [QUOTE=Heero yuy]I like A-ha's Take on me I think it's catchy, cool synth and just great melodies. [/QUOTE] dude i totatlly love that song. That shizzle is old school ya mean. i like Something About Us by Daft Punk its short and straight to the point. and you can just slow dance to that song like its cool. ya mean
  5. [QUOTE=nomad19] would you rather watch a whole day marathon of barney and friends... or live in teletubbyland for 2 months?[/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=3][FONT=Georgia]Dude this is like the third time i see this question...... well since i have no choice but to choose i would watch barney and friends cause thats old school. well lets see if i can think of something original. would you rather rather wrestle a bear (or panda) or would you rather wrestle the undertaker in a steel cage [/FONT] match![/SIZE][/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=3][FONT=Georgia]ive been looking further into this and it seems that they found a note that might explain why the baby might have been killed in a microwave. The note was something like this. What is red, bubbly, and scratches at the window before expoding? A baby in a microwave. :animeswea i guess someone just wanted to find out if it was true. :animesigh anyway did my post like not get read or something. :animeangr Everyone keeps blaming the woman that she did it. According to her story they left the kid with the babysitter. I'm not saying that her sotry is true but whats not to say the babysitter did it while they where away and she put it in the bed. Are there reports that say she was depressed. or is that something were just guessing. i mean all i can remember from reading the article that was posted was that they think they baby was killed in a microwave. Remember what happened last time people acted on something they thought. (WMD) so far poeple just come on here and start blaming her. if she really did it hey she can burn in hell but i need to see the evidence that points it in her direction.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  7. [quote name='DeadSeraphim][size=1][color=indigo][font=arial]Nicotine gum isn't nearly as badass.[/font][/color'][/size][/quote] [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=3][FONT=Georgia]Dead you crack me up...yet i still fear you. :animeswea anyway if he really wanted to be badass he should get the bow flex and start trying to be like Chuck Norris. he so badass he doesn't even breath... he just holds air hostage. :animesigh anyway back to the point of this thing. im against smoking especially when kids do it cause they most likely only do it cause their friend do it and stuff which i think is stupid. :animeangr anyway you probably shouldn't tell your parents until you were like 20. why 20 you ask? i dont know. you just wanted an option so i gave you one. i guess the reason i say 20 is cause by then your parents wont think of you as much of a kid as when yor 18 and thats my two cents.. not happy well then give me back my refund. :animedepr [/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=3][FONT=Georgia]Man sure we all heard of dead baby jokes and microwaves... i guess someone might have taken that joke to the extreme. and how come they arent blaming the babysitter. i mean how old was the babysitter. what if it was some young kid. like say a nieghbors daughter or something. what if she got tired of hearing that freaking baby cry and decided to take steps to help it quiet down. like a nice doze of radiation. or what if it was some geek who thought the radiation would make the baby in the the incredible hulk. Stupids thoughts, true, but whats to say im not right. the baby was only a month old so i bet it was crying like a little girl and the baby sitter was going crazy cause s/he couldnt shut her up. I mean the lady already has 3 other kids. thats another question what about the other kids did they see anything weird that the babysitter might have done. what if one of them saw the babysitter do it to the baby but she threaten kill the kid is he said anything. you cant just blame the mother for doing it. so what if they got evidence that the kid "might" have been killed by a microwave. how can they be so sure it was her. Hell what if it was the father. what major proof do they have they she killed that baby? (if they say in the article what the proof was and i missed sorry but i havent gotten much sleep lately.)[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  9. [quote name='Veritas][size=1][color=dimgray]And then it didn't help I bought FF12 and have been spending hours with my eyes glued to a tv screen for a change. Anyways I'm off to post right now. *runs off*[/color'][/size][/quote] [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=3][FONT=Impact]yeah you better go post.. and too think i was worried for nothing. i thought you got shot getting a PS3 or something bwahahah[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=3][FONT=Georgia]ok this is regarding my post. its been a while since veritas wrote anything and eclipse was gone for a while so i had to pretty much make a story for all of us there so that the story can continue. vicky i hope you dont mind that i moved my post to the next day cause the idea that i got from ozy was that iwas the next day. if not i can always change it. but seeing as were gonna have to wait a bit for eclipse to write, my part of the story can be on hold until were all good. Darren regarding you and cat heading to the bar. you can make it so that you guys talk to the bartender and he overheard just about everything we said and tells you guys then you can meet us at the next place. oh and just as a reminder cat is 14......how is she suppose to drink.......[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=2][FONT=Georgia]OOC: please forgive my companions for slacking. Ill make sure to punish them severely, j/k. guess ill finish the morning section for us seeing that eden is gone for the week and I have no idea where Dorian be at. Juliet just walked out and the guy she was with followed her. Eden kept walking towards Eddie and Dorian. [B]?I wonder why she's coming towards us?? [/B] Eddie asked himself as he took another drink from his AMF already starting to feel the buzz. The guy who caught the light bulb ran off into the bathroom. [B]?Guess he really did get injured.?[/B] Eden finally sat down next to Dorian and Eddie. At first the three were quiet. They were all strangers to each other but they also felt a strong connection within themselves. The silence lasted for what felt like hours until the bartender finally came to break the ice. [B]?So what will you be having this morning ma?am.? [/B] He asked. [B]?She doesn?t look like much of a drinker to me.?[/B] Eddie thought ?[B]Yeah can I have an Apple martini?"[/B] She replied. Eddie was surprised to see that she was drinking this early as well. [B]?Um..? [/B] Eden tried to start a conversation but she was rather nervous talking to some one she didn?t know let alone thank him for helping her out yesterday. [B]?Look if its about yesterday you don?t have to say anything.? [/B] Dorian said without looking at her. He actually caught her off guard. [B]?Oh.. Um..Ok.? [/B] She was still rather nervous and couldn?t think of what to say. [B]?It was my pleasure to cause the freak some pain anyway.?[/B] He said with a slight chuckle in his voice. [B]?My name is Dorian and you must be miss Eden.? [/B] Dorian said reaching out to shake her hand. [B]?Yes and thanks for yesterday.? [/B] They shoke hands and Dorian could tell how nervous she felt being next to Dorian and Eddie. ?[B]This is my friend Eddie. He was in the cell with us last night too."[/B] When she looked over at Eddie she finally remembered that he was the one that was yelling and cursing at Dany in Spanish. [B]?Hi I'm Eden.? [/B] She reached out to shake his hand but Eddie just waved his hand and didn?t shake her hand. [B]?Perdon (sorry) I don?t mean to offend you but it?s not a good idea.? [/B] He said as he and Dorian made eye contact. [B]?Oh ok.? [/B] She replied a bit confused. The bartender finally came back and gave Eden her drink. They all quiet down so that he wouldn?t listen to what they were saying until her left. [B]?Olle chica (hey girl) What were you doing with Dany in the first place?? [/B] Eddie asked. [B]?Yeah, I don?t see how someone a cute as you are can hangout with someone like that.? [/B] Dorian said with a smooth voice. Eden slighty blushed at Dorians comment. [B]?Well you see. I found him on my door steps yesterday morning.? ?jueputa he was sleeping on your doorsteps?what's wrong with that guy?? ?Yeah at first I felt bad for him and then he kinda just followed me.? ?So not only is he a freak but hes a stalker too, eh??[/B] Dorian raised one of his eyebrows and took another drink of his kamikaze. Eden was starting to feel uncomfortable with the conversation. She?s not used to being the center of attention and all these questions weren?t helping. The next question thought caught her completely off guard. [B]?So what's your power?? [/B] Eddie asked. Dorain shot him a quick glance with a face that said why did you ask her that. [B]?Power?" [/B] she asked confused. [B]?Don?t try and play dumb with me.?[/B] Eddie asked getting a slightly bit aggressive. [B]?I know everyone that was in that prison last night has some sort of power. You felt it yourself didn?t you? That strange vibe that was coming off of everyone else. The same feeling you have sitting her next to us.?[/B] At that moment Eden finally realized that strange vibe that had been bugging her since she first walked into the bar. ?[B]You do don?t you.? and I'm pretty sure that Juliet and that other guy who left as you came in probably have something too.?[/B] Dorian bother to try and stop Eddie. He knew all to well that he was telling the truth. [B]?Listen why do you think we were chosen to be?. ?different???[/B] Dorian asked. [B]?Pues yo no se (well I don?t know) but you know where we can find an answer.? ?Where?? [/B] Eden asked sunddenly interested in the conversation. [B]?Remember that commercial we heard in my car on the way here.? [/B] Dorian thought back and remember the commercial perfectly.[B] ?Harlem College!? ?perfecto mi amigo.? [/B] Eddie replied with a smile on his face. [B]?Harlem college is kinda far from here and?.Oh shit?[/B] Eddie stopped halfway in his sentence... ?[B] I totally forgot to call my girlfriend. Me va a matar?.. (She?s going to kill me.)? [/B] Eden then looked at her watch and then she panicked. [B]?Oh no.. I'm gonna be late for having lunch with my grandfather.? [/B] After listening to the first two Dorian looked at his watch and said [B]?Damn now I gotta find something new to do..?[/B] [B]?Look I know we all just met but let?s check out that College tomorrow. We can meet here and ill drive us to the Exhibit. What do you guys say?? [/B] Eddie asked hoping they would say yes. The truth was he didn?t want to go to something like that by himself. He probably wouldn?t really understand what they had on display. Dorian and Eden looked like they were smarter at this type of stuff and was hoping either of them would say yes or better both. ?[B]Yeah bro. that sounds like a plan.? ?Count me in too. My grandfather is big on archeology and he?s told about old myths from areas around the world. I might be able to help.? [/B] Eddie was relieved to hear that they would both join him the next day. [B]?bueno pues. A toast to new friends.? ?and to good health.? [/B] Added Eden. The three touch glasses and finished their drinks. ?[B]Ok I'm off. Can you guys meet me here at about 11 am? [/B] They both nodded and Eddie left 30 bucks [B]?Drinks are on me the bartender can keep the rest.? [/B] He said as he got up and left out the door. Eden followed soon after leaving Dorian sitting at the Bar by himself until finally got and left thinking about what was going to happen tomorrow. 30 mins later Eddie got home to see his girlfriend waiting for him?. [B]?Hey babe sorry I didn?t come home last night you wont believe what happened to me.? ?uh huh?[/B] she reponsded already not believing him. [B]?You see yesterday there was a this big fight at a bar.? ?I knew you were out drinking I can smell the alcohol from here.? ?No wait you don?t ..? ?I was up all night worried for you cause you were gone all day and you didn?t even call.? ?Jueputa this is gonna be a long day.?[/B] He thought to himself. The next day Eddie got up early from the couch. He thought about what happened last night. After his girlfriend finally calmed downed he explained everything that happened and she was sorry for yelling at him. He called in sick from work in order to be able to go to the college today and he set off to destiny?s paradise to wait and see if Eden and Dorian would show up. OOC:check out the underground cause I got a lot to say.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=3][FONT=Georgia]Roger was gonna wait till the end to take a look inside the chest. Instead he was looking at Misha holding the Keyblade. He was about to walk over to talk to her when suddenly one of the younger kids from the group yelled out ?WOW! Theres a BFG in here.? Roger stopped in his tracks. He read about the BFG in soldier of fortune and it was said to still be in a testing stage. He turned around to see the kid playing with it like a toy. The child played with the BFG until Roger came and snatch it from him almost dropping the kid to the floor. [B]?Hey I found it first.?[/B] The kid yelled. [B]?This is not a toy for children!? [/B] Roger yelled at the startled youth.[B] ?It?s so light and yet has the power of two rpgs. Recharges on its own and there is no need for ammunition unless it over heats.? [/B] Its sleek grey design rested comfortably in Rogers arms as he aimed the around to get a feel for the weapon. [B]?To think I would get a BFG in the after life.? [/B] Roger laugh out loud thinking of his comrades that he left behind. Roger then quickly slung the weapon across his back and walked off towards Misha. He decided to keep holding onto his pipe in case the BFG were to overheat. Roger approached Misha as she knelt down holding the sword and hiding her tears from everyone else in the group. [B]?Misha.?[/B] Immediately as Roger called her she stood up and faced him. Wiping her tears and hiding her sadness. [B]?Yes, Roger?? [/B] she responded. [B]?Look if you don?t feel comfortable carrying the Keyblade, I'm pretty sure ill be able to wield at. Not as good as sora but close enough.? [/B] Misha thought about it and was thinking of Sora at the same time [B]?What would Sora do?? [/B] she thought to herself and questioned if roger was trust worthy of the key blade. Roger waited patiently for her reply.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=3][FONT=Georgia][FONT=Impact][SIZE=4]hhmmm thats a tough one. I have a fear of heights...but i also fear drowning. Hmm which to choose. i would probably go with the first one cause the last thing i need is a retarded blue whale to come crashing through the barrier and flooding the city. my turn huh. gotta think... gotta think.. ok would you rather.... work in a small cubicle doing mindless work for the rest of your life... or work at McDonalds for the rest of your life?[/SIZE][/FONT][/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=3][FONT=Impact]This thread is like so 2 days ago. Well since im in iraq i had no homecooked meal. BUT they did have turkey and alot of stuff in the ChowHall. i havent been able to pig out like i did on thanksgiving for a long as time. Although it wasn't the same not being able to eat with my family at least i ate with a good friend of mine. Man im hungry......[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=3][FONT=Georgia]ok let me give you the downlow. first the darkest darkness and then god said let there be lighgt and then bang the keybalde academy was formed. hehe aight in the beginning we were all seperated and doing our own things spec was with gabi. gensis was a loner. kain was doing something... and so was Galian. then the academy was attacked by a bunch of heartless. Spec was seriously injured in the fight but doesnt remember what had happened. we all fought together and formed a new friendship. Then while i was in the hopital Galian was sparing with Sakura. He was starting to get ingulf by the darkness and Gensis came to save him. Then a little later Galian saw a nobody and took the shape of someone. the Nobody was able to stop a giant heartless and Nobody from fighting each other and actually made them merge together. so now no one trust ryumo. the guys decided to visit Spec in the infirmary and we started to introduce ourselves. then Gensis had to go pick up his "cousin" who is actually another Nobody. so now we have to Nobodies living in our academy that we dont know about. Ryumo over heard Gensis and His "cousin" talking about him and ran to Galians room. who was shaving his private parts..... and Galian overheard Ryumo talking about killing everyone and he ran to turn on the fire alarm to get everyones attention and tell everyone that Ryumo is evil. so now everyone is making their way to Galians room since its where the fire alarm was rang from. thats pretty much it. if you want to get into detail you can always read the post if you have time.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  16. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=3][FONT=Garamond]Yeah i know its an old topic Man i cant believe so many people voted no.. and see thats the problem. Most people mainly still kids in high school are only saying that they only go to school for the chicks (or guys depending on gender)... has anyone noticed that thats not the point of school. Keep the genders in the same school but different classes. that should work best instead of just seperating them in general. they can probably have like one or two classes in which they share classes like PE or Band practice and other stuff like that. so that way everyone is happy and hell boys might finally starting thinking with their heads upstairs instead of the head downstairs. Ya mean. by the way do you know the results for that school that was trying to segregate the classes.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=3][FONT=Georgia]Kain was helping Spec back to his rack while Gabriela stayed behind to talk to Jazmine. [B]?You know you didn?t have to put yourself through all this pain to get back there.?[/B] Kain said. [B]?Huh? What do you mean?? [/B] Spec asked. Kain sighed and threw Spec on the bed. [B]?ooww? [/B] Spec yelled out in pain. Gabriela came running from the back when she heard Spec yell out in pain. [B]?You could have healed your wounds when ever you felt like it.?[/B] Kain said.[B] ?I saw what you did to Gensis? hands when he burned them. No low level heal magic can cure something like that so easily and quickly.?[/B] Spec gave Kain a serious look? [B]?Okay you caught me.?[/B] Spec said with a huge smile on his face. [B]?WHAT?! You mean you could?ve healed yourself whenever you wanted and not make me feel so bad for you.? [/B] Grabiela yelled at Spec.[B] ?hehe sorry I just wanted an excuse to lie in be?.OOWW.? [/B] Grabriela punched Spec in the back of his head before he could finish talking. ?[B]You made me worry for you for nothing.? [/B] She yelled. Kain started to laugh out loud. Spec and Gabi were quite and gave Kain a puzzled look. They have never seen him laugh like that before. ?[B]Man you guys act like a married couple.[/B]? Both of them blushed and yelled out[B] ?NO WE DON?T!? [/B] just then the fire alarm went off. [B]?Ill take a look.? [/B] Said Kain leaving Spec and Gabi as she scold him for tricking her. He went to take a quick look and came back. [B]?that?s weird I don?t see any smoke or anything.? ?you think it might be? [/B] Spec started to ask his question but was cut off by Kain[B] ?RYUMO! I?ll go take a look.? ?Take Gabi with you. You might need the help. I?ll be right behind with Jazmine.?[/B] Spec said. ?[B]Ok ill go with him but call her Jamie.?[/B] Gabi said as she ran off with Kain. ?[B]Jamie, huh? [/B] Spec then sat up Indian style and clasp his hands together to start healing himself.[B] ?Once I heal myself, I?ll go back there and heal her, then meet up with the rest of the group??. I hope she doesn?t think we abandoned her?.? [/B] Spec quickly scratch that thought. The last thing he wanted to think of was someone crying and focused on healing himself before heading back to see Jamie.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=4][FONT=Georgia]Man too many people saying they would fight back or that they would hide in a mall. :animesigh did no one else play dead rising or see dawn of the dead. :animeswea No place is safe. like some of the people said the sea is the place to be (hey that rhymes...sweet. :animesmil ) Although if dead can really somehow become ruler of the undead i see no point in trying to survive. its like they say if you cant beat them join them. :animestun Let the zombie invansion come i want to see would be heroes get killed for thinking they got some sort of super human strenght while i hide out in sea or join the ranks of dead's legion. :animesigh [/FONT] [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR=Red][SIZE=3][FONT=Georgia]OOC: I see someone wants an encore of my Satan acting skillz. [CENTER]---------------[/CENTER] And out of the flames, Satan reappeared in front of him. [B]"He-help me..." [/B] these word constantly ran through Inaru's mind yet he can't speak any word of it. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=4][FONT=Impact]?Well, Well, Well. look at who I have here.? [/FONT] [/SIZE] [/COLOR] The Dark Shadowy figure spoke. [SIZE=4][FONT=Impact]?Naru, was heaven to peaceful for you? Mwahahaha?[/FONT][/SIZE] Inaru was helpless. The sight of Satan kept him speechless. His body shaking so badly that Satan just smiled at him.[COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=4] [FONT=Impact]?Is my appearance too much for you to handle? Very well then ill change into something more?.. Suitable.? [/FONT] [/SIZE] [/COLOR] The shadows started to form together and then disappeared. There stood a man in a white suit. He had blonde hair and blue eyes and had pure white skin[COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=3].[FONT=Impact] ?How is this, Naru??[/FONT][/SIZE] [/COLOR] asked Satan. [B]?I'm not Naru, I'm Inaru!?[/B] he yelled back. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][FONT=Impact]?Yes, Yes I already knew that.? [/FONT][/COLOR] Satan replied. Cold shivers ran down Inaru?s spine. ?[B]How did you know?.? [/B] [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][FONT=Impact]?I'm guessing you would like to know about yourself too, eh?"[/FONT][/COLOR] Satan?s voice came from behind Inaru. [B]?aah? [/B] Inaru quickly turned and fell down seeing Satan standing right behind him. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][FONT=Impact]?I'm guessing God thought you were useless and threw you away. But you don?t remember anything do you? Well I can help you out. I know of a location that might have some useful information for you.? [/FONT] [/COLOR] Inaru?s eyes went wide. [B]?Tell me where its at. Tell me or else I?ll?..?[/B] [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][FONT=Impact]?Mwahahaha. I don?t think your in a position to be making demands.?[/FONT][/COLOR] [B]?GGGGRRRRR?[/B] Inaru felt death start to wrap his fingers around his throat. The smell of death so over whelming he couldn?t breath. [B]?..ugh?Baal.? [/B] Inaru could hardly speak. [SIZE=2][COLOR=Navy][FONT=Verdana]?I can just easily break your neck and it will be all over.? [/FONT] [/COLOR] [/SIZE] Baal whispered into Inaru?s ear. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][FONT=Impact]?Enough Baal!? [/FONT] [/COLOR] Baal looked at Satan and reluctantly removed his hands from his throat. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][FONT=Impact]?Well then, on both sides of the beach you'll find a church. One might lead to salvation and the other will lead you to destruction. Convince your group to move to either one and you can only choose one. Pick the right one Inaru and you can find the answers to what you look for.?[/FONT] [/COLOR] [B]?No I won?t listen to you.? [/B] [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][FONT=Impact]?Well there are other ways to persuade you. HAHAHA? [/FONT][/COLOR] Everything went dark. So dark that Inaru couldn?t even see his own hand in front of his face. Fire then erupted all around Inaru. He ducked down and covered his face. He was then knocked across the flames and was caught on something by his shirt.[B] ?UGH what the hell is that smell? [/B] Inaru told himself. He looked up and saw the Giant Cerebus. Drool came down and was getting all over him. He was caught by the middle head and the other two were getting ready to bite down on Inaru. The right head came down for the kill but the middle head threw inaru up in the air like a rag doll. Inaru looked down and saw the flames that surrounded the Cerebus. The three heads were fighting each other for trying to get Inaru as he fell back towards them. [B]?Some one help ME!?[/B] he yelled as he came back and saw death smiling at him. [B]?ugh?[/B] Inaru was caught by something only this time it was choking him. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=4][FONT=Impact]?Well then Inaru. We?ll be waiting for you mwahahaha?[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR] Satan laugh as he choked Inaru till he passed out. [B]?hey??..up?[/B] Inaru heard a faint voice. [B]?Inaru wake up!? [/B] Roger yelled. [B]?Wake up!? [/B] Inaru snapped out of his dream. [B]?You alright looked like you were having a nightmare." [/B] Inaru was sweating felt like he really was choked out. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=4][FONT=Impact]?Remember you can only choose one? [/FONT][/SIZE] [/COLOR] Inaru heard Satans voice in his mind and Inaru looked around frantically. Only to see a pair of glowing red eyes coming from the jungle by the beach. [CENTER]---------------[/CENTER] OOC: sorry if my post are too big if you guy want me to make em smaller just let me know. I might get carried away when I post for satan cause hes such a BA[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=3][FONT=Georgia]hey how come she gets a podium and i only get a laptop......not fair. OH OH now that you mention it let it be charles. for some reason im just ichting to kinda go at it with charles....probably cause hes fire and im ice. How about we meet up at that university and thats when **** goes down hill. you know cause thats where there having that crazy zodiac thingy. might as well bring that into play. also it will have a live news coverage so that way those that havent really made much in meeting other characters can know for damn sure there are other out there. it can also make me look like a bad guy..... hey thats not good.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  21. [QUOTE=Nomad] [SIZE=1][FONT=Verdana]Does "welcomed anyone of any religion in [B]their[/B] country" refer to after they slaughtered countless American Indians? Sorry, my father is American Indian, as is his entire side of the family, and I haven't seen one historical record of the European Christians coming here and welcoming the America Indians with open arms, so to speak. Sorry.[/FONT][/SIZE][/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=3][FONT=Georgia]hey lets not forget what thanksgiving is about. (j/k i know that was a terrible joke) hey hey hey dont get me wrong i know they slaughtered indians and treated all the minorities like dirt. im a beaner myself and i know my people werent treated right (and who knows how many killed) by the founders of this country. I'm not trying to make it seem like the founders were freaking angels. but that is a part of history a dark part that obviously no one likes to talk about. OH and dead i always fear you whenever i post something.....ive seen your post from other threads. Anyway, i got a question for the atheist in here. i know some of you really dont care about "In God We Trust" and "Under God" but what about living in cities with references from christianity. Like say Los Angeles which means the the Angels. Do you care about that you would live in a city thats against your beliefs (cause if there is no God then there shouldnt be a devil or angels or other jibber jabber like that.)[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=4][FONT=Georgia]so hows my acting for satan?? :animeswea i really didnt know what to write so i kinda just took plots from a bunch of movies and stuff ive seen. also for the most part all we do is fight off demons like its cool until we find....what? do we got some sorta twist coming. you know like that one guy who makes those movies that always have a giant twist in the end. :animesigh :animeswea [/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=3][FONT=Georgia]OOC: ok ill do another round post to show whos in the bar again. Everything went black in an instant. Eddie was about to freak out but tried to keep his cool. After a couple of seconds Eddie?s vision came back. [B]"That is my power, I can't use it for too long though, if I do it tends to drive people insane, I think people like us might be less sensitive to it or immune, but it's just a guess....." [/B] said Dorian. [B]?Yeah, I bet. So, what exactly did you do, make everyone go blind like you?? [/B] Eddie asked. Dorian raised his eyebrow at him giving him a WTF look and he let out a small chuckle. [B]?Naw man. I can make shadows engulf a room like what you saw earlier. Also when its completely dark I can see clearly.? [/B] He said looking back at the woman he put the Umbrella on. [B]?Crazy man so that means your kinda like Riddi??? [/B] Eddie stop in mid sentence when he saw the woman(Juliet) Dorian was looking at. He felt chills go down his spine, literally. Small pieces had formed on his back. He looked at the Doorway and saw someone he didn?t know but the idiot reached out to get a lightbulb only to have it explode in his hand.(Victor) Right after another woman walked in(Eden). This time the pieces of ice became small spines sticking out of his back. Although not visible to anyone he knew they were there.[B] ?What the hell is wrong with me.'[/B] He thought. The bartender (Cairo) was confused as to what the hell had just happened and he looked at other guy that was in the bar who already looked drunk. (Zane). [B]?Hey don?t look now but?? [/B] Eddie stop halfway and realized what he just said to Dorian.[B] ?Sorry about that but that chick that Dani was with just walked in and Juliet is in here also. This might be bad I'm not sure about that Eden chick but I don?t really trust that Juliet. Sure she was fucking Dani up but what if she tries to do something to us.? ?Relax I'm pretty sure they?re cool.? [/B] Dorian said taking another drink from his Kamikaze. Eddie looked at Eden look in their direction and she slowly started making her to them. [B]?Crap Eden is heading this way.? [/B] Eddie looked behind her and saw the guy holding his hand. There was blood but there weren?t any wounds on his hand. [B]?What the hell.? [/B] Eden walked past a still somewhat confused Juliet and Juliet got dizzy for a sec. Eddie saw her eyes glow for that sec that she was dizzy. [B]? oh crap she was the one with the cool contacts?.only those weren?t contacts.'[/B] Eddie turned away and looked at his drink not knowing what was gonna happen next.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=3][FONT=Georgia]Well I'm not one to start threads[SIZE=4].[FONT=Impact] (Too much pressure from the moderators...) [/FONT][/SIZE] Anyway i was reading this article. Now I'm not a religious person or anything but the same guy who tried to get rid of "under God" in the pledge of alligance is at it again. Now hes trying to get rid of "In God We Trust."[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR] [URL=http://www.worldnetdaily.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=53050 ]In God We Trust[/URL] [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=3][FONT=Georgia]I read the article and i just got pissed off reading it. The guy is claiming that "In God We Trust" offends him cause hes an Atheist. What kinda country has America become that every one gets offended about something other people say or religious beliefs? Now what the article says might be a bit extreme like saying if the guy wins then will have to change the names of certain cities like Los Angeles which means The Angels. I'll be damned if they change the name of my city. Again im not religious or anything but why do people cry on anything that has to do with Christianity. I myself dont care about the words "In God We Trust" because God can be used for anything religion. Although yes this country was founded by Christians who ran away from Europe. They still welcomed anyone of any religion in their country. I'm not a smart person and im pretty sure im probably gonna get picked on by people who are smarter.(dead im looking at you) but i just want to see what you guys think about this.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  25. [FONT=Impact][COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=4][FONT=Georgia]you should hold out on that thought. i want to make sure vicky is cool with that. we can get a small clash going on and i know he has to kill somebody. according to that post anyway. just give it about a day and lets see what the headmaster thinks. oh and vicky if your gonna go with that plan and use me to kill her. Make it so that she falls into my chest and i hold her that way its a for sure thing since the spikes come out of my chest and arms (so theres no escape know what i mean) god i feel so.....evil and dirty talking about killing off a character...[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT]
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