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Everything posted by only1specialed

  1. oh oh oh i have an idea. since most of us are at the cafe again... that place is like a lightbulb for moths.. you can kill cat there i mean you do have to kill someone according to your last post. and to make things crazy you ca throw her on me and myself defense will take care of her. exposing me and scaring the bejesus outta everyone mwahahahaha. so how are we gonna get another replacement do you have someone else in mind (i dont just so you know) also are we gonna be destroying the town as we fight or are they like small yet big battles.
  2. [COLOR=Red][SIZE=3][FONT=Georgia]OOC: please forgive me extremly long post and for not posting i couldnt find a good opening until now. [CENTER]---------------[/CENTER] Roger sat down after the whole ordeal. [B]?Jeez, this is something I would expect to see in my kids anima cartoons..? [/B] he said out loud. Roger looked around at the destruction they caused. He saw the dead body of the hydra and those innocent people that got killed by it. He saw Misha with Inaru and others crying over the death of their friends. Ame was still holding his bag. [B]?Wonder what else he has in there.?[/B] He thought to himself. Roger was tired and didn?t care anymore. He just closed his eyes to rest for a bit away from everyone else. Everyone was resting and talking with each other. Thinking of what they will do next. Then the skies began to grow dark. Thunderstorms appeared from nowhere and a giant portal opened. A giant dark shadowy figure sat in a blood soaked throne made from the bones of the countless victims he has killed. At his feet rested a giant rotweiler. At first it looked normal until its second head rose up and the third yawn. Flesh and bone visible in their teeth. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=4][FONT=Impact]?mwahahaha?[/FONT] He started. [FONT=Impact]?Sora, Misha its been a while.?[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR] [B]?SATAN!!?[/B] Sora yelled when he recognized the voice. Everyone looked up at the portal and saw satan?s glowing red eyes. Everyone started to panic. Sora and Misha were getting ready to fight. Misha chanted another one of her spell and giant swirl from the water flew at satan the swirling vortex then erupted on fire and hit Satan only to go threw him. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=4][FONT=Impact]?mwahahahaha. Do you think such a spell would work on me. This is only and image feel free to attack as much as you want. I see you have been giving my servant Baal some enjoyment. But I have grown bored of this.?[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR] [B]?Come down here Satan. I have something for you.? [/B] Yelled Ame digging into his bag. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=4][FONT=Impact]?ah yes Ame I?ll make you a deal. I?ll come to you when you kill either Sora or Misha. Until then have fun surviving until I kill you.?[/FONT] [/SIZE] [/COLOR] Satan said laughing [B]?You bastard. Give her back to me.? [/B] Ame yelled Satan just laughed[COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=4][FONT=Impact] ?Sora, Misha I hope you enjoy your last couple of days soon you will be killed and you will make excellent collections to my throne. Mwahahaha. Go ahead and run where ever you please we will always find you. For now ill let you play with some of my minions.? [/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR] Another vortex opened underneath Satan and two minotaurs appeared from it. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=4][FONT=Impact]?have fun children and be careful of who you trust?mwahahaha?[/FONT] [/SIZE][/COLOR] Satan?s portal started to close as he laugh.[B] ?DAMN YOU.? [/B] Ame yelled as he pulled out some needles from his bag.[B] ?DIE!!? [/B] Ame threw the needles but the portal closed as they reach him. Roger came running half asleep and barely caught the portal closing. [B]?what the hell is going on? I take a nap for 5 min. and everything starts going crazy again and what the hell is that?!?[/B] Roger yelled as he pointed at the minotaurs that were heading their way. [B]?God damn it! how much fighting do we have to do to reach salvation.?[/B] He yelled. [B]?First you gotta stop using his name in vain. Second, I don?t know.?[/B] Sora replied as he got his keyblade out and ready to fight.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  3. hey whats happened to the other people that originally joined. i still havent seen any of the post from them. do you know if they dropped out for good or what. that way we can move on with the story.
  4. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=4][FONT=Impact]Well seeing how in most movies the military seems to be useless against them...id probably leave the base with M16 in hand and go somewhere like a desert or something and if that doesnt work i would pledge my allingance with dead. Maybe i would head into the mountains and creat a series of underground tunnels along with some other survivors. that way i can hide out like Osama.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=3][FONT=Georgia]Gensis left the room to give his cousin a tour of the academy. [B]?That was kinda quick.? [/B] Said Spec. [B]?Oh well, so Jazmine what exactly happened to you?? [/B] Jazmine stood there silent. She just looked at the floor. Images of the attack flashing through her head. Images of her ?friends? running away as she was left alone to fight of the enemies. Jazmine started to cry and ran back to where she had come from. [B]?Hey wait!? [/B] Yelled Kain after her. Spec looked at Kain and asked.[B] ?What happened to her?? [/B] Kain gave spec a seriously look. [B]?She was abandoned by her friends during that attack.?[/B] Spec eyes widened at what Kain told them. [B]?She was left alone and was seriously injured.? [/B] Spec clenched his fist forgetting about the pain and thinking of his hometown. Remembering the sounds of agony and pain coming from his family and his love. [B]?She said her friends haven?t come back to see her. They think she might be dead.? [/B] Kain continued. Spec?s angered rose tremendously his bandages were starting to bleed and Gabriela noticed it. [B]?Spec! Stop it! Your opening you wounds again!? [/B] Spec snapped out of it and looked at his arms. He got up and starting walking to the back of the room. Every step more painfull than the last. ?[B]Spec what are you doing? You know you can?t be walking around yet.? [/B] said Gabriela. Kain didn?t say anything to him. He already knew what he was doing and went to help Spec out. Gabriela saw Kain put on of Specs arm around his shoulder and started to walk to the back room together. She went to help out and the three went to see Jazmine. Jazmine was sitting on her bed looking out the window. The tears had dried up but her eyes were still watery. [B]?HEY?[/B] some one yelled out at and she turned around. Tears flew off of her eyes and sparkling in the light. She turned to see Spec being held up by Kain and Gabriela. [B]?You don?t have to run away from us.? [/B] Kain said. [B]?Yeah, We wont bail on you like the others did.? [/B] Spec said Jazmine saw how much pain Spec was in.[B] ?He walked over here even though he has those wounds.?[/B] Jazmine started to cry again. [B]?hey what's wrong? Why are you sad?? [/B] asked Gabriela. [B]?I'm sorry.? [/B] Responded Jazmine. [B]?These aren?t tears of sadness. There Tears of Joy.? [/B] [B]?Remember were your friends now. If you ever need anything just let us now.?[/B] Kain said [B]"and don?t forget our local mummy is right over there if your feeling lonely."[/B] He said as looked at Spec. Jazmine started to laugh. The four friends talked while outside the walls. The clouds began to look darker. [CENTER]---------------[/CENTER] OOC: had to post something where is the person whose suppose to be playing Jazmine. been waiting for like ever for him/her to post.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=4][FONT=Impact]More than anything i just wanna be back home. but since thats not happening for another 3 months or so. i just want the pinky and the brain dvd collection. or maybe even a tv cause i dont have one of those over here.... i cant play on my ps2 or anything.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=4][FONT=Impact]Thats hella easy i would gladly camp out for the PS3. i was actually gonna take a vacation just so i can camp out. too bad im in Iraq...... i would have used my m16 to fend off those PS3 snatchers. ok my turn. :animesigh would you rather defend your country in war or get over runned by our enemies during peace?[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=4][FONT=Impact]coolest song of the week. Man i got a song that should be the coolest song of the month. Around The World by Daft Punk. Yeah its hella old but you just cant stop bobbing your head to the beat of that song once it started. The music video has got to be tht greatest one ive ever seen. The lyrics are so simple too. Anyone can remember it. it goes something like this..... Around the world (repeat about 50 times or so) Now a days people want to whine and cry or tell a story in their songs but lets not forget the true meaning of music. It's for making people dance and this song should be played in most parties. (except for those snooby fancy rich people parties. They can stick with their classical music. They dont deserve this song.) and if you like that one you should check out Interstella 555.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=2][FONT=Georgia]OOC: Frosty LOL? [CENTER]----------------[/CENTER] [B]"Thanks for the ride, care to go out for a drink, as a thank you? And you still gotta show me those powers of yours, eh frosty."[/B] Dorian finished with a laugh. Eddie couldn?t help but laugh at being called frosty. [B]?I guess that?s an appropriate name? [/B] he thought to himself. [B]?Yeah ill take you up on that offer, blindy. You know I never did get to check out that bar yesterday. What with all that happened yesterday and all.? ?You want to go back to that place?? [/B] Dorian asked. [B]?Well what are the chances of what happened yesterday happening again? For all we know that pendejo (Dani) is somewhere else making someone else?s life miserable. I also doubt we run into anyone else from the jail.? ?Well I guess your right, but you still have to show me your powers, frosty.?[/B] Eddie laughed again at the name. [B]?Well I wouldn?t really call mine a power its more of a curse..? [/B] Eddie said starting to get serious. Both Dorian and Eddie got into his car and Eddie drove off back to Destiny's Paradise which is where everything went downhill. [B]?What do we do if they are still hanging around?? [/B] Eddie asked. [B]?Now you start thinking about it? well as long its not Dani or Charles we should be fine.? [/B] Eddie pulled up and the bar/café/restaurant and park his car across the street. He looked around and didn?t see anyone suspicious. [B]?Ok were good.? [/B] Eddie said as they got out and walked in. They saw what looked like a couple sitting at the bar getting a drink. [B]?kinda early to be getting a drink?but who am I to talk.? [/B] He thought to himself. They sat down at the bar a little bit far from the two that were already sitting down. [B]?So then Frosty you gonna show me your powers now?? [/B] Dorian asked. [B]?Calmate mi amigo (calm down my friend) I?ll show it to you in just a bit.? [/B] The Bartender came up to them. [B]?What would you gentlemen like this morning?? [/B] he asked. [B]?This kid looks a little young to be making drink but whatever.? [/B] Eddie thought to himself. ?[B]I?ll have an AMF and some hot tea. I don?t care which kind.? [/B] The bartender gave him a kinda confused looked but wrote it down and he got Dorian?s order as well. [B]?Let me guess you can make ice out of hot water.? [/B] Dorian said sarcastically [B]?You know I haven?t tried that but no I'm not sure if I can do that. While were waiting let me show you one my ?gifts.?[/B] Eddie looked around making sure no one case see them. [B]?ok give me a light slap on my wrist. If I did it to myself it wouldn?t work.? [/B] Dorian gave him an uneasy look. He wasn?t sure what to expect. [B]?Trust me, blindy, as long as you give me a light tap it won?t hurt you.? [/B] Eddie said. [B]?Yeah that makes me feel a lot safer.?[/B] Dorain responded. Dorian tapped Eddies hand real quick and saw what looked like ice sticking out of his hand. [B]?What the hell??[/B] Dorian said looking shocked and confused. [B]?When ever there?s too much force on my skin these little icicles come out. The more force the bigger and faster they come out.? [/B] The bartender came back with their drinks and Eddie hid his hand.[B] ?Here you go Gentlemen.? [/B] As soon as he left Eddie grab the hot tea. [B]?Here?s my second ?gift?[/B] Eddie said as he poured the hot tea on his hand. Dorian looked in shock as he poured a good amount of the tea on his hand and yet Eddie was fazed by it. [B]?Now look at my hand.? [/B] Dorian saw that Eddies hand was covered with ice. [B]?Whenever I get too hot I get covered with Ice. I guess it?s a self defense.?[/B] Eddie grabbed his AMF and asked [B]?Well I showed you mine, you gonna show me yours, blindy?? [/B] [CENTER]-----------------------[/CENTER] OOC: sorry for the long post. Also I'm not sure on the final word about this place is it a bar, café or restaurant. ill just give it a name. well call it Destiny's Paradies that way if other people pass by or they see it on the news they know what place they are talking about.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=4][FONT=Impact]easy i would be the president for 6 months. That way i'll be the first beaner president. Then take the troops out of Iraq and then bomb it and N. Korea. then once my 6 months are up he'll have to deal with the consequence. mwahahaha [CENTER]would you rather have your nails pulled out with some pliers or operated on with no painkillers?[/CENTER][/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  11. OH man musasshi once on of my favorite video games. the ps1 version that ps2 version just sucked.... i would like to partake in this rp if you can get one going. but i think it would be kinda hard to go along with a story like this. are we gonna have that fusion technique and stuff...
  12. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=3][FONT=Georgia]Roger had calmed downed and was looking around their new surrounding. [B]'what the hell are you up to?? [/B] He thought to himself. Roger heard shouting from a distance and look over his shoulder to see Inaru running back to the group. [B]?hey, they?re coming!? [/B] Inaru yelled. [B]?Sora, Misha we got company!? [/B] Roger yelled out as he got his Pipe. The demons had gotten to Inaru a lot faster than Roger thought. Inaru ran as fast as he could. He was able to hear the pounding steps of the demons that were right behind him. He could feel their breath on his neck. The feeling of death wrapping its fingers around his throat. The demon closest to him lunged out at Inaru. Ready to bite his head off. [B]?GGRRAAWWWGGG? [/B] a sound of pain came from the demon. Inaru looked back and saw that Roger had jumped down on the demon with his pipe going through the demons head. Sora and Misha were right behind Roger. Sora went in and started cut down the demons while Misha started chanting another spell. [B]?Sora!! Heads up!? [/B] Roger yelled at Sora as he hit a demon towards him. Sora jumped in the air and caught the demon with his keyblade and throwing him back down to other demons. Misha had just finished chanting her spell and a great vortex formed around the center of the demons. Sora and Roger were knocking as many of them into the vortex as they could. The vortex disappeared and half of the demons were gone. [B]?Where the hell is everybody else?!? [/B] Roger yelled as he noticed it was just the three of them fighting. A small group of demons broke off from the main group and started to head towards the small group of survivors. [/FONT] [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=3][FONT=Georgia] OOC: dang it i wanted to be the first to post for the second order..... [CENTER]Name: Brother Isaacin Ray Edwards Age: 60 Gender: Male Race: Human Alliance: Second Order Description: Isaacin has the face of an innocent old man. He?s 5?3 and looks fairly weak. He has short grey hair that he slicks back. His gentle blue eyes hide the assassin in him. He wears a large white robe with a white smooth rope tide around his waste. He has long sleeves and a hood. On his back he has the symbol of the Second Order. He also carries a wooden staff to give off the appearance of an old monk. During the night and during missions he?ll wear his hood and cover his face with a white cover. Its at this time that no one can tell how old he is or who he is. Weapons: He carries a wooden staff. Inside he has holy watered darts. He also has dart under his sleeves. Underneath his robe he carries small vials of holy water, smoke bombs and UV grenades. He also carries a special container that has his favorite ?juice? inside. Specialist Skills: A master assassin. Although he looks old and weak he is in fact very healthy and quick on his feet. He use his darts to kill from a distance and knows how to hide very well even though he walks around at night wearing white. He learned Martial Arts during his travels in China. He?s decent at hand to hand combat and prefers to use his staff in the fight. He?s an expert pole fighter and a drunk boxer. Able to sneak around and break into any lock has made this old man a valuable assassin to the Second Order. Personality: Quiet and timid. He doesn?t like to work with young people because of their reckless behavior. He?s very wise and is always happy to tell an old story from his younger days. He likes to joke around and can be a bit of a pervert. Even in the face of danger he?ll try to joke around. He tries to not show any emotion except for joy and laughter. Short Bio: Now a quiet old man but during his younger years he was impatient and reckless. He started with Section XIII on the war against the undead but when the love of his life was taken by vampires. He could not kill her. He left Section XIII and joined the Second Order in hopes of finding her and converting her before she would become a vampire. He strongly believed that the vampires hypnotize the humans into their will. Many years have passed and he has not been able to find her. To this day he still feels that she's still alive hoping she's not a vampire. Once he joined the Second Order, he began training as an assassin in the hopes that his skill would help him find his love. Some parts of his life are foggy and he cant remember some of it. During a fight with a vampire lord, he was defeated but not killed. He went missing for over a year and when he finally returned he didn?t remember what had happened. At first they did not believe him and thought he was now a spy for the vampires but that soon faded away when he continued his training as an assassin and killed many lord vampires. Now, considered an Elder, He still partakes in assassination mission with some of the younger assassins. He?s considered one of the greatest assassins in the history of the Second Order, although he never likes to act like it. Notes: None that I can think about[/CENTER][/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=3][FONT=Georgia]Kain came back from wherever he went and he brought someone along with him.[B] ?Hey Kain I didn?t know you had a girlfriend.? [/B] Spec said with a smile on his face. [B]?She's not my girlfriend. She's in one of my classes and she got injured in that rampage of heartless.? [/B] Kain responded with a slightly angered tone. [B]?Ok, Ok. Don?t need to get all mad.? [/B] Spec looked leaned over to see who was behind Kain but stopped cause he felt a sharp pain on his side. Behind Kain was a young woman. Maybe younger than him since he was pretty much the oldest guy in their class. She was covered in bandages just like Spec but she had more on her than he did. [B]?Welcome to the Mummy club.? [/B] Said Spec smiling at her. She started to laugh but started coughing in pain. Kain grabbed her as she started to fall. [B]?Sorry about that?.didn?t mean for you to get hurt more than you are.?[/B] Spec said apologizing. Kain helped her back up. [B]?It?s ok.? [/B] She responded. [B]?Well let me introduce you to everyone.?[/B] Kain said. [B]?The guy standing up over there is Gensis. The one sitting next to the bed is Gabriela and lastly we got our own Mummy.?[/B] He said as he was looking at Spec. [B]?It?s nice to meet you all.?[/B] She said [B]?I'm Jasmine.? ?So what exactly happened to you?? [/B] asked Gabriela.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  15. [SIZE=4][COLOR=DarkRed][FONT=Impact][B]1. What do you [as a member] want to see most in a RP?[/B] me i guess either action or suspense. maybe a little drama but that would be hard to do i think. [B]2. What RP rating do you [as a member] usually play in?[/B] HHMM lets see probably M not that i curse alot or anything but gotta keep it real and going on M allows me to keep it real. Although sometimes keeping it real can go wrong.... [B]3. Does humorous fun outweigh killing and gore or vice-versa? [Come on... be honest][/B] Humorous fun is the way i like to play. even on some of the more serious Rps i do i try and be the comic relief or just have my character joke around. [B]4. Do you post mainly for RP's whenever you enter the Boards?[/B] well i have nothing to do. So i kinda just sit by my laptop and think all day about what im gonna write about. (work is real slow) so i have more free time to check this out than most people do.[/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE]
  16. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=4][FONT=Impact]MWAHAHAHA Charles is a villian excellent. Payback for running from me that one time. (that is if Eddie knew it was you.) so are we all gonna end up going to that university they talk about in the commercial thing[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=2][FONT=Georgiasay tha]OOC: Man i was waiting forever for you to post. [CENTER]-------[/CENTER] [B]"Wouldn't say that, so you always this cold?" [/B] Dorian asked, raising an eyebrow with his eyes still closes, a rather odd expression, A sudden breeze whirling around them, causing a slight tingle in Dorians spine. [B]?Crap. How should I respond to this??[/B] Eddie asked himself. He wasn?t sure if Dorian was one of the bad guys since he was involved in that fight. [B]?Well, I don?t have a jacket and its pretty cold this morning.?[/B] He said. [B]?that?s a crappy excuse?.? ? and I really wasn?t expecting to stay in jail overnight??[/B] [B]?hehe I know what you mean.?[/B] replied Dorian. [B]?Phew I think he bought it. but I cant keep it a secret forever.?[/B] They finally got to his car and Eddie showed him the door. They got in and Eddie started driving in no particular direction. [B]?Any particular type of music you like to listen to??[/B] Eddie asked as he was flipping the stations. [B]?not really ill listen to just about anything.?[/B] Dorian Replied. Eddie put the radio on a little known rock station. [B]?Do you have a specific place you want to buy your sunglasses?? ?Yeah, if you can take me to Skyline, that would be great.?[/B] Dorian said. [B]?Alrighty then Skyline it is.?[/B] And with that Eddie drove off. The radio was playing [B]CREEP[/B] by [B]RADIOHEAD. ?How ironic that the first song we here is this one.?[/B] Eddie thought to himself. Right after the song the station went to a commercial. [I][CENTER]Zodiac: The Gifts and the Curses! Come and see the wonder of the 21st century, a once in a life time chance to witness the power of the stars! For centuries, mankind has fabricated legends around these birth signs and many people believed them. The stars were the key to our curiosity, they always have been. But many people believe the myths around birth signs and the zodiac to simply be fantasy, a lucky guess at our personalities. The stars had granted us scared nights in which we are at our best, qualities for our personalities beyond our imagination and now they offer us one more thing: power! Many, of course, will not believe this. We invite you to witness evidence that the stars themselves have granted several chosen ones unlimited power! Come to the Harlem Academy to learn more about these secret, gifted humans! From burning objects to the touch, breathing deadly gases and enforces dark images into ones mind?[/CENTER][/I] The radio played the same commercial advertisement that Eddie heard yesterday before he almost hit that retard that was in the road. Both Eddie and Dorian were quiet after the commercial. They both new theY each had powers but they weren?t sure what they were and the tension between both of them started to grow. Besides the radio playing music there was not a sound coming from either of them until finally. [B]?Do you think there are many more like us??[/B] Eddie asked. [/FONT] [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=3][FONT=Georgia]Spec was surprised to have seen Kain laugh. [B]?I figured this guy was a no joke type.?[/B] He thought to himself. Gensis left to go get his cousin and Gabriela just went ahead and introduced herself. [B]?Well I'm from the desert town of Aqira. I'm the Village next to Spec?s village Rokona in Eyitan. My dad owns a Inn. I always met a lot of people from around the world. Which is why I can talk to anyone pretty easily.?[/B] She said with a smile. By this time Gensis had just gotten back. [B]?Hey guys this is my cousin.?[/B] Gensis said. [B]?She's not hot tempered like a certain someone I know.?[/B] Spec said looking at Gabriela. [B]?What are you trying to say?!?[/B] she responded. [B]?Nothing. Nothing.?[/B] Spec said as he smiled and shook his head. [B]?What about you Spec.?[/B] Kain said sounded interested. [B]?Me? Well??[/B] Spec was quiet. He wasn?t one to really talk about his past or about himself. Besides his family there were only two other people he allowed to know about him. [B]?Only Gabi and her..?[/B] Spec thought to himself. [B]?We?ll I'm from a small village from Rokona. My Father died when I was a kid. He was killed in the battle of Guru. Years later my village was attack and??[/B] Spec really couldn?t continue he just sat in his bed thinking of that day. [B]?Except for my big brother everyone in my family was killed. Soon after, I came here to learn how to fight so that I can protect those dear to me. I was accepted at a late age because of my father?s Reputation and my brother?s excellence in the Academy and I?ve been here ever since.?[/B] [B]?When did you and Gabi start hanging out.?[/B] Asked Gensis. [B]?I?ve been with this dork since his first day here.?[/B] Gabi said as she hugged Spec. [B]?He?s never been this open about telling people about his past before. I wonder why now he decides to open up??[/B] Gabi thought to herself. [B]?OOww. Seriously, how can you forget that I'm hurting here?.?[/B] Spec said as Gabi quickly let go of him. [B]?Anyway enough about me, what about you Gensis.?[/B] Spec changed the subject before they started asking more questions about his brother or father or anything about his personal life.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  19. dang i didnt get a chance to talk to my cell mate. oh well. so its another free for all for right now eh. time to get some bonding going. and just to make it clear both dani and charles are gonna be villians right?
  20. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=3][FONT=Georgia][B]?bwahaha. Took a nice little beating there didn?t you Baal. HAHA.? [/B] Satan laugh at Baal as he came back from his defeat. [B]?I would have had them if they didn?t ask too many Questions.? [/B] Baal replied. [B]?Well it looks like someone is trying to call you back..?[/B] Both Satan and Baal looked down at Ame who was holding some sort of bag.[B] ?we might be able to use him to our advantage.? [/B] Said satan as the Dark vortex he was coming from started to disappear. [B]?we should gather more information on that one before we move on.?[/B] [CENTER]--------------------------[/CENTER] Roger was sitting in the back after they had defeated Baal. ?[B]what the hell happened why are we in another area? What happened to the Train? And what the hell was that freaking thing we just fought?? [/B] Misha came over to the group to explain everything that was going on. [B]?That creature we just fought was Baal. He works with Satan to try and get us to go the hell.?[/B] She said.[B] ? and right now we have no idea where we are. Baal likes to change our areas to try and get us lost and confused. He tries to make us lose hope and then he attacks to try and kill us.? [/B] Roger was listening close to what she was saying but he saw Ame holding a bag in his hand. [B]?wonder what?s in that bag.?[/B] He thought to himself as Ame put the bag away. [B]?So what are we gonna do now?? [/B] Roger asked. [CENTER]----[/CENTER] OOC: i figured i would kill two birds with one stone. [/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=3][FONT=Georgia]Spec was lying down back in the infirmary after he had left only minutes ago. [B]?See I told you. You weren?t ready to leave yet.? [/B] said Gabi. [B]?Yeah you must have landed on me harder than I originally thought. Say you never answered my question.? [/B] Gabriela looked at Spec with a puzzled look. [B]?Have you gained?? Whack.[/B] Gabriela knocked Spec in the head before he got to finish his question. [B]?OOWW. What part of I'm injured don?t you get?? ?How can you ask me something like that?!?[/B] Spec just smiled [B]?cause I like it how you look when your mad.?[/B] Before she could respond the door opened and in walks Kain. Spec was quiet and just stared at him. Behind him walked in Galian and he was actually surprised to see both of them there. [B]?Well, Well, Well, look who came crawling back.? [/B] Spec said as he started laughing.[B] ?NNggh!? [/B] He felt a sharp pain in his chest and couldn?t keep laughing. [B]'Well at least hes still in good spirit.'[/B] Kain thought[B] ?So how are you feeling Spec?? [/B] He asked with his usual tone of voice. Not sounding worried about him at all. ?[B]Well I would be fine if I wasn?t taking anymore damage than I have now.? ?Anymore damage? How are you getting more damage than you have now?? [/B] asked Galian. [B]?Well you see, every time I ask Gabi is she's gained any..? [/B] Gabriela punched Spec in the head before he could finish his sentence. [B]?OOWW. She what I mean.? [/B] Kain and Galian just looked at Spec. [B]?Man doesn?t this guy know how to treat a lady??[/B] Glaian thought. [B]?So I guess we weren?t strong enough to defeat all those heartless by ourselves huh? Guess the Instructors had to come save us.? [/B] Spec said while looking down at his bedsheet. Kain had a puzzle look and looked over at Gabriela. She made a facial expression that said to just go along with it. [B]?So he really doesn?t remember. Or maybe I might have hit him a little too hard.?[/B] Kain thought to himself. He also thought about telling him the truth or just going along with the lie. For some reason Gabriela didn?t want Spec to know the truth. Why he didn?t know. Before he could answer the door opened again. Spec couldn?t see who it was since everyone was in the way. [CENTER]-------[/CENTER] OOC: well I left it open for another character to come in or it could just be a nurse.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  22. hey ill take all the advice i can get. I'm still a Noob Rper and the main reason im doing it is cause i have plenty of time to kill at work. this is something i always wanted to try out. So even though im wet behind the ear ill try my best. originally i had Spec leave the infirmary but ill get him back in there. he hasnt fully recovered and had to go back to the infirmary.
  23. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=3][FONT=Georgia]Eddie couldn't sleep that night. He was scared of having another nightmare and accidentally stabbing his cell mate Dorian. The guards came in to release everyone. First, they let Dani go. [B]'Damn i hope he aint waiting outside. I really don't want to see this guy again.'[/B] Eddie thought to himself as he saw Dani walking out and makingeye contact with Charles. [B]'Thats another guy i hope i dont meet again.'[/B] he thought looking at charles. Next was was Charles and Brian since they were in the same cell. Then the guard came to Eddie's cell. Dorian still had his eyes shut but he was moving around. [B]'wonder why he has his eyes closed. It's not even that bright in here. It's actully pretty dark.'[/B] Eddie got up and left his cell. He looked around at who was left and hope he would never see them again. [B]'Man yesterday was just a crappy day. First that numbnut that i almost hit. Then i come to find out it was my day off. Then that stupid fight i wasn't even involved with and having to go to jail just because i was in the area! Well today cant be anyworse.'[/B] Eddie and Dorian walked out and as soon as the light from the sun hit there faces, Dorian shielded his already closed eyes. [B]"Hey man you alright?" [/B] Eddie asked. [B]"No man its too freaking bright. Hey you guy still have my sunglasses?"[/B] Dorian asked the police. [B]"What sunglasses?"[/B] replied one of the officers that were wearing sunglasses that were probably his. [B]"Damn cops..." [/B] whispered Dorian. [B]"Hey why do you need sunglasses for... its not that bright."[/B] Eddie asked. [B]"ITS CAUSE.....i have some problems with my eyes....." [/B] Eddie felt like there was more to it but didnt want to get too deep. [B]'He might some weird power like Dani..'[/B] he thought.[B] "Listen i got a car. I can take you to a store to buy some new ones?"[/B] Eddie asked as he guided him outside. careful not to touch him to much for fear of stabbing him. As they walked outside he saw Charles leaning against the wall. [B]'He's probably waiting for that one chick..'[/B] Eddie walk passed Charles and tried not to make eye contact. As he passed him he felt a cold chill go down his spine. He felt a strange aura coming from Charles. The heat that was burning inside him was coming on Eddie and with that Eddie was giving off a cold aura that Charles could feel. The two opposite aura colliding with each other. They both felt it and yet said nothing. They made eye contact for a second but it felt like an enternity to both of 'em. Eddie just kept on walking and hoping that it wasnt a bad sign for things to come. He decicded to think nothing of it and focused back on Dorian. [B]"So you want to me give you a ride or not?"[/B] Eddie asked Dorian again. [CENTER]-----------[/CENTER] OOC: sorry if i have some mispelled im using a public computer and dont have access to word and stuff..and i hope my story made sense with Charles and Eddies being opposites of each other. [/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=3][FONT=Georgia]so what where are we gonna be heading with this thing. whats the main plot to tell the truth. just us in the academy or are we fighting in the war and are we gonna be on different sides.. or are we fighting the final being to try and end the war. [B]EDIT:[/B] ok now im confused with the story first were gonna get in a fight another but then split keyblader posted something and completed ignored the fact that more heartless were coming out. This story is starting to stop making sense....[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=3][FONT=Georgia]Roger stood in the back looking at the priest as was getting questioned by Sora and the others. [B]?These guys are smarter than they appear.?[/B] Roger thought to himself. As the priest was walking on board he was tripped by Sora and revealed his true colors. [B]?what a fool.? [/B] Roger thought as he reached out for his pipe. Smoke covered the entire area and the Shrieks of the lost souls made everyone cover their ears. Everyone in the train started panicking. [B]?Everyone get off the train. NOW!? [/B] yelled misha. Roger stood behind Sora, Inaru, and Misha. [B]?let?s see what's gonna happen from here on out.? [/B] Roger said. --------------- OOC i know its short but i didnt want to get ahead of the story.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
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