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Everything posted by only1specialed
[COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=3][FONT=Georgia]Gabriela sat in the chair next to Spec waiting for him to wake up. Galian and Gensis had already left to continue with what they were doing. Kain was stood behind for a while. He didn?t say anything and eventually he left. Gabriela sat in the infirmary for what felt like hours. ----------- [B]?Spec, are you gonna be a keyblade warrior like your father?? ask a girl ?I might, my dad has been teaching me how to fight.? Replied Spec. ?When you become strong will you come back to protect me?? asked the girl. ??Of course. Ill protect you as long as I live.? Spec replied. ?I'm glad to hear that.? She smiled as she hugged Spec.[/B] Spec opened his eyes. [B]?Adonde estoy? (where am I?)? [/B] he said as he looked around an unfamiliar room.[B] ?Man I haven?t thought of her since I left my village..? [/B] Spec thought as he tried to get up. He felt something heavy on his chest so he looked down and saw Gabriela sleeping on the chair next to Spec and lying on him. He just smiled and rustled her hair. She woke up and saw Spec smiling at her. [B]?Ah! Its not what you think.?[/B] She said as she got off him quick. [B]?I'm sorry. I didn?t mean to sleep on you.? ?Its ok?..have you been putting on some weight?? WHACK. ?ooowww.? [/B] Spec yelled. [B]?You know I'm still recovering from when I caught you.? [/B] [B]?So who defeated the giant heartless?? [/B] Gabriela was quiet [B]??So he doesn?t remember. I thought so.? Some of the instructors came to finish them off.? ?Damn it they come once the damage was done?. Useless bastards.? [/B] Spec said as he got up and got dressed. Gabriela turned around blushing [B]?Spec! you shouldn?t change in front of a lady.? ?That?s why I can do it in front of you.? WHACK ?and what is that suppose to mean.? [/B] Yelled Gabi as she was holding a fist at Spec. [B]?Ow alright alright I'm sorry. So how about that dinner I owe you?? ?Ok, I feel like Chinese tonight.? [/B] Gabi said as she was heading out the door. ?[B]Chinese it is then.?[/B] Spec replied as he left the room. Both friends were walking past the training grounds on their way to eat. When suddenly there was a large explosion. [B]?What the hell was that??[/B] Spec said. [B]?Look over there.? [/B] Gabriela pointed at Gensis as he stood over Galian and some girl. [B]?Let?s go check it out.? [/B] Spec said.[B] ?well there goes our dinner?..[/B]? thought Gabriela as she followed Spec.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
Discuss Gifts and Curses: The Underground [M-LVS]
only1specialed replied to Vicky's topic in Theater
[COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=3][FONT=Impact]Ok. i Switch it back to what is was before but i had to move some of the cell assignments to match what you posted. so everything so be good to go.. man ive been editing that thing all day... im glad i can finally stop worrying about it. If it still seems confusing let me know and ill try and fix it again.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR] -
Discuss Gifts and Curses: The Underground [M-LVS]
only1specialed replied to Vicky's topic in Theater
[QUOTE=Vicky][SIZE=1]Yuppers, you're good StarrStruck, nice to have you onboard ^_^ I was going to have the characters in one cell but it's better in different cells now that I think about it. We'll end up killing each other, haha (that's actually good, this is the kind of character conflicts I was hoping for). I've actually figured something really nifty out for the bad guy stuff and how to tie it in with the whole Zodiac thing. Stick around long enough and you'll all see. [B]EDIT: Oh ja one thing you can change Only, I think that the '------' part that seperates the OOC in your post stretches the page. I think. Well, it does on my screen anyway, so if you could make those little lines smaller on btoh posts that'd be cool.[/B][/SIZE][/QUOTE] dang it i decided to just change it to one whole group cell....... i knew i should have left it. oh well i aint changing it from here. until i get word to change it.... -
Discuss Gifts and Curses: The Underground [M-LVS]
only1specialed replied to Vicky's topic in Theater
[COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=4][FONT=Impact]AH ok i didnt know. well again if you guys need me to change my post let me know but for now ill leave it as is.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR] -
[COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=3][FONT=Georgia] [B]1. What religion are you CURRENTLY following? If you don't have one, then why?[/B] Im Agnostic. Born and raised Catholic. Once in school though when they started talking about evolution and all that stuff and dinosaurs. I was like "wait a minute. that dont make sense with what the bible says." Since then i stop going to church but i still feel like there might be an all mighty being up there. [B]2. Why do you follow that religion? Parents, personal reasons, etc?[/B] Cause of school and personal reasons. I always hated my aunt when she would visit cause she was so deeply devoted to christinity. She would always force it onto me and my brothers and we just got tired of it. Then theres the whole evolution theory. The dots just werent connecting. [B]3. Do you ever feel that people often critisize you because of these beliefs?[/B] No, i live in california. People here dont care too much about religion or trying to force onto others. [B]4. This one may spark a little bit of arguing: Do you believe that your religion is the [I]one true religion?[/I] If so provide evidence.[/B] of course... not. there is no such thing and there will never be one. unless God almighty gave the sermons himself. till then im just gonna wander the globe looking at people live their daily lives.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=3][FONT=Georgia]From a far away distance Bail was watching Sora and the rest defeat the demon. [B]?Tch. Damn that Sora and Misha getting in the way again.? [/B] Said bail. From behind a rock came a voice from the shadows. [B]?Indeed this new batch is a little different from the rest but Sora and Misha keep interfering.? ?Ah Satan its been a while since Ive seen you.? [/B] said bail.[B] "So what are we gonna do about this new batch?? [/B] [B]?For now just continue sending minions to them, even with that train of theirs they wont be able to escape. I have a devious plan that not even they will be able to stop. Go get Tromador.?[/B] [B]?Tromador. We haven?t summoned him for over a century. Very well then ill shall summon him.? [/B] Bail left and the strange shadow also disappeared.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
Discuss Gifts and Curses: The Underground [M-LVS]
only1specialed replied to Vicky's topic in Theater
[COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=3][FONT=Georgia]hhmm some one is posting where they shouldnt...... ah crap i should have read this first..... so are we all in one cell or like two to a cell cause i posted before i read this and i put us in seperate cells, some of us sharing cells, but there all next to each other. crap i hope i dont end up confusing anyone ill go edit my post if you guys think it confusing. hopefully not. damn and i put alot of thought and even had some translate american to 'english' for dani. let me know if you need me to change it or just delete my post all together.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR] -
[COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=3][FONT=Georgia]The cops took everyone and put them indifferent cells. Dani was put in a cell by himself. Eddie and Dorian were in the one next to dani. Eden and Beth were across from dani and finally Charles and Brian were placed in the last cell across from Eddie and Charles. [B]?Pinche idota? [/B] yelled Eddie as the cops left after putting everyone in their cell. [B]?Why didn?t you just fucking answer his question? Who the hell you think you are some bad ass rebel? AY mirame yo soy muy chingon. (oh, look at me I'm so cool) Pendejo.? [/B] Eddie was gonna continue yelling but he started to feel slightly cold. He realized he was getting too heated and ice was gonna start to surround him. So he stop talking. [B]?Oy piss off you nonce.? [/B] Said Dani in response to what Eddie said. [B]?fuck these pigs and fuck everyone else. Mate you?re lucky we're in different cells or else I?d ?ave?.? ?hey just shut up!? [/B] Yelled Dorian.[B] ?if you answered the questions you and your girlfriend could have gone home. And everyone else can go on with their fucking life.? ?whoa whoa whoa. He?s not my boyfriend.? [/B] replied Eden cutting off Dorian. [B]?I just met him today.? ?So then your just fucking up everyone?s day aint you.? [/B] Yelled Eddie. Everyone started to yell and get angry [B]?ALL OF YOU SHUT UP?[/B] yelled a cop. [B]?Fuck you too? [/B] yelled dani. That?s when the cop whipped out his beater and he hit dani?s hands that were holding the bar. [B]?OOWWW shit. You fucking pig?? [/B] Dani yelled in pain while holding his hands. [B]?Serves you right? [/B] said Eddie[B]. ?That goes as a warning for the rest of you. Keep it down in here.? ?Man I wasn?t even in that fight.? [/B] Thought Eddie. He looked across the cell and he saw Charles just lying on his bed not really caring about what was going on. Eddie decided to do the same. About an hour later another cop came in. [B]?Hey you guys got a visitor.? ?Hmm I didn?t tell anyone I was in prison?didn?t even get to make my one phone call?? [/B] Eddie thought. He got up to see who it was and saw it was somebody he didnt recognize. [B]'who is this person'] Eddie thought while looking at their visitor. [CENTER]---------------------------------------------[/CENTER] OOC just as a reminder if you guys touch Eddie remember that icicles will automatically come out of the part thats being touch depending on how much pressure you put on him. If you touch hiim you gotta be prepared to get hurt or make him avoid making contact. :animesigh [/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=3][FONT=Georgia]Hey this is to the guy thats playing bail make sure that when you have conversations with satan you make it seems like hes in hiding and your not talking face to face with him. Not until i make him appear cause i know of a great way to make satans first appearance.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
Discuss Gifts and Curses: The Underground [M-LVS]
only1specialed replied to Vicky's topic in Theater
[FONT=Georgia][COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=3]Dang your british cursing. Luckly I have a major from the british army to explain what that meant. Well anyway I decided I make my post not only a reappearance for my character but also show the big picture of what's going on all around our specific area since theres so much going on. Also so that way people don?t write a post that doesn?t make sense with what's going on.*cough* kredion *cough* In Ozy?s thread he said it was a bar fight. So I just changed it a little cause Eze said they were heading to the same café everyone was at and the fight was taking place outside. Just trying to clear up any confusion there might have been so that way no ones thread comes out of place again. I also wrote the names of the people in our area so they know where they are at in the story. My character doesn?t know who any of these people are or their names. I just added the names like I said so that we know where everyone is at. Hope you guys were cool with that if not let me know and that will probably be the last time I write a post like that.[/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT] -
[COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=3][FONT=Impact[B]]?AY AY AY ?. Tan estupido que soy. (man I'm stupid)? [/B] Eddie got to work late ?..only to realize it was his day off. [B]'Well I'm hungry I might as well hit up that café I heard about.'[/B] Eddie parked his car and was walking to the café. When he turned around the corner he saw a big group of people around the entrance of the café. He sees two guys arguing one is a Goth [B](Dani) [/B] looking freak and behind him was some chick[B](Eden)[/B]. [B]?How can she date someone like that.?[/B] Eddie thought. Eddie couldn?t get a good look at who he was yelling at[B](Dorian)[/B]. But since they were in the way of the entrance he decided to walk up and see what's going. VVRRROOMM a Kawasaki ninja was passing by but as it did Eddie noticed the rider[B](Juliet)[/B] looking at the fight. Then the rider made quick eye contact with Eddie as the bike passed by. [B]?Man she had some cool ass contacts.?[/B] Said Eddie as she passed by him. He thought nothing of it as he continued to the fight. [B]?You cocky little fucker.?[/B] Said the Goth as Eddie came up to the fight. Making sure not to make contact with any of them, for fear of injuring them. Suddenly the ground started shaking. [B] ?Que chingado esta pasanda? Un terremoto?(what the hell is happening? An earthquake?)? [/B] Some people started to run off. Eddie tried his best to avoid making contact but someone ran into his shoulder. one of Eddie?s natural defenses came up and stabbed a man. [B]?OOOWW. He?s got a knife?[/B] shouted the guy as he yelled in pain. Eddie didn?t run. He kept walking to the fight because he felt something was terribly wrong with this fight. He walked up to the fight and noticed that he still had the icicle sticking out. He calmly reached over and pull out the rest of it from his arm. He then saw another blonde guy[B] (Charles)[/B] start to get involved in the fight and he was also followed by another chick who kept clinging onto his shirt [B](Beth). [/B] [B]" another guy..."[/B] Eddie thought as he saw another guy interested in the fight from inside the café [B](Brian) [/B] Some of the people still hung around even after the earthquake.[B] ?This is gonna be bad.?[/B] He thought. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OOC: please read underground thread regarding this post :animesigh :animeswea [/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
Discuss Gifts and Curses: The Underground [M-LVS]
only1specialed replied to Vicky's topic in Theater
[COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=4][FONT=Impact]What the hell is bollocks..... and it is good for you. if you do enough of it that is. anyway im glad we werent the only ones that were confused with kredion and thanks for the opening i thought up of a new way get my character back in and still deciding if i wanna interfere cause of my curse i might just stay back so it dont hurt no one and see froma distance. lucky for charles im not gonna recognize him since my character didnt see his face. we should just let it slide for now charles. maybe fight another day or become allies on this day. if your not evil that is mwahahahahaha. this is getting very interesting. :animesigh [/FONT] [/SIZE] [/COLOR] -
[COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=3][FONT=Garamond[B]]?AAAAHHH?. [/B] The demons were running towards Inaru when a suddenly a huge mass landed on top of the first one. There stood roger young with a long pipe in his hands going through the head of the first demon. The rest of the demons stopped and stood still. All of them stared into the eyes of Roger. Roger stared back ready for one of them to make a move. When suddenly they flinched and start trying to run away. Right after they turn their back a bright light flew over Roger along with Sora flying right after the light. The light destroyed one of the demons while Sora took care of the rest. Sora and Mishu were looking at Inaru with puzzled looks on their faces when they realized Roger was staring at them. [B]?Who are you?? [/B] asked Sora. Roger put his feet together and stood in the position of attention. [B]?I'm Staff Sergeant Roger Young. Are these? those enemies you told us about?? [/B] he asked as he pull out his pipe out of the demon he killed. [B]?Yes?[/B] said Mishu[B] ?but these are weaker than the other ones we faced in the past.?[/B] Roger was just looking at Sora and Mishu. [B]?So we gotta fight our way to heaven huh? Hehehe oh the irony.? [/B] He laughed as he walked back into the room where everyone else was.[B] ?Hey? [/B] Sora yelled at him as he stopped in his tracks.[B] ?Why were you on the second floor without telling us.?[/B] [B]?I'm not useless like some of the other people here I can take care of myself and for your information I was checking the area for weapons and items when can use. You might wanna take everyone else to the second floor. If you want them to live that is.? [/B] He replied as he walk away.[CENTER] __________________________________________________________________[/CENTER] OOC: I know suppose to play as satan. Ill be using this guy as well as satan until he either dies or makes it to heaven then ill just use satan. [/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=4][FONT=Impact]Man i wish they would leave every character on there from SSMM. Pichu was so much fun to play with especially when me and my friend would double team his fox with our pichus.... man he got PWNED worsed than anyone ive ever seen. I was also getting pretty heated about people talking crap about jigglypuff. Oh man you guys have no idea how evil that little thing can be. i gave my best friend and just about anyone else a real hard time trying to hit her and knock her out for good. If i had more time to pratice i would have been able to perfect the timing for her sleep knockout attack. Im also gonna miss the iceclimbers. Those little bastards were hard as hell when someone knew how to play as them and there secret ability to be able to get back into the platform was crazy and very defensive. As far Mewtwo goes.....no comment. I cant wait for brawl and start brawling it up at my friends job.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=3][FONT=Georgia]Spec had reawaken after he heard another explosion. He looked up that Gensis was attacking the giant and blew off his arm. [B]?Damn he stronger than he appears?Gensis have you been holding back?or have you finally discovered your true power?? [/B] Spec was about to pass out as he looked down he saw Gabriela unconscious in his arms. Spec?s heart had stopped. That second felt like an eternity, an eternity that would not end. Spec got flashbacks of his past. His lover in his arms as she died.[B] ?No, Not again.? [/B] Another flashback of his brother and sister came across his mine. ?[B]NOT AGAIN!?[/B] Gensis was down surrounded by enemies.[B] "Damn! I never realized that hit was the last of my remaining of my energy."[/B] He said. Gensis closed his eyes as he saw the giant heartless charge at hit. He heard a loud clash and something heavy landed on him. He opened his eyes to see that Spec had cleared the area of remaining heartless and was parrying with the giant. He could he see a strange aura coming off of Spec.[B] ?No?.don?t spec. you must?..stop him?? he?s gone bers?.? [/B] Gabriela said as she passed out. Gensis looked up and saw Spec still parrying with the Giant. When suddenly spikes came out from behind the Heartless heading for Spec.[B] ?DRIVE FORM: DEFENDER? [/B] Spec turned grey, his keyblade revolved around him and as the spikes came down the sword swung around violently blocking and parrying every spike that came towards Spec. [B]?how the hell am I suppose to stop him.? [/B] Kain saw the power that Spec had hiding in him. [B]?that guy is not normal and to be able to mix berserk style with a drive form?.' [/B] he thought as Spec blocked off every attack and grab his sword in mid air. He took a step back and lunge his keyblade at the heartless. [B]?NOW!? [/B] Kain came up behind Spec and hit him with the bunt of his keyblade. Spec?s keyblade hit the heartless and went through it only to disappear as spec was falling to the ground. Galian ran around the corner to see what all the noise was, only to see a large shadow disappearing and Spec fall to the floor with Kain standing behind him. Behind them he saw Gensis holding Gabriela who was passed out.[B] ?what the hell happened??[/B] he ask looking at Kain. [CENTER]-----------------------------------------------------------------------[/CENTER] OOC: so we gonna get one of them underground threads or not. that way we can fill each other on someplans on what we going to do next. ya mean [/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
Discuss Gifts and Curses: The Underground [M-LVS]
only1specialed replied to Vicky's topic in Theater
[COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=4][FONT=Impact]You know i felt the same exact thing when I read that post. So i wont be able to give you a straight answer. Heck my post was thrown from butt crack inthe morning to about somewhere around 10 in the morning. i dont mind really but now it kinda threw me off a little and im trying to think of another opening for my character.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR] -
[COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=4][FONT=Impact]Well im not surprised no one has responded yet. I only played the demo for it. So far this game is actually pretty freaking sweet. Although i only got to play the very first part. i still had a blast. I really did feel like i was playing the ps2 killzone although it had a different look to it. The sounds were are still the same. I cant wait till i get a chance to buy that game. Its one of the few games that are on top of my i wanna buy a game list.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
Discuss Gifts and Curses: The Underground [M-LVS]
only1specialed replied to Vicky's topic in Theater
[COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=4][FONT=Impact]quick lets kick em while there down. man im gonna have some trouble getting myself back into the story Eddies gonna be at work all day. unless he gets fired....... hhmmm :animeswea oh and having a puppet master would be awesome for the villain (the big evil guy trying to kill us) using some of us to kill each other. but those that mean our powers can be transfered over some how. i mean if he wants to kill us for our powers then that means our powers can be transfered some way.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR] -
So how the lemonade would I go about spiking my hair?
only1specialed replied to a topic in General Discussion
[COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=4][FONT=Impact]well i couldn't take a look at your picture cause im using a govy computer and photbucket is blocked out. back when i was in high school and still had hair. I would use LA LOOKS gel. I dont know which one level it was but i would always use the yellow one. I had thick havy hair (i barely have hair now adays in the military) and i tried using gel and wax. I could never get the hang of using wax but gel as always good. just like jubei said make sure your hair is not wet but just slightly damp.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR] -
Abstinence Programs for adults?
only1specialed replied to ChibiHorsewoman's topic in General Discussion
[COLOR=DarkOrange][SIZE=4][FONT=Impact]Alright Alright. You guys caught me i got bored reading that article. hehe But i still think its stupid regardless and your right. Why dont they promote birth control and other crap like that? Seriously if they didnt listen as kids i dont know what makes them think they can change their mind now that there adults.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR] -
[COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=3][FONT=Georgia]Spec saw Kain head toward Gensis. [B]?Saves me the trouble? [/B] he thought to himself as he dodged another attack. [B]?Where the hell are the Instructors? Isn?t this their job?..? [/B] Spec yelled out as he cut down another soldier. Spec and Gabriela were fighting back to back and making sure neither of them got hurt. Spec looked back to see Gabi was being over whelmed by soldiers. Suddenly [I][B]?HEAVENS WRATH?[/B] [/I] she yelled as she jumped out of the group spinning like a dancer in the sky cutting all the enemies around her. This was Spec?s cue to make his move.[I] [B]?HASTE?[/B] [/I] yelled Spec as he charged towards his target. Spec attacked every enemy that was still in the Air doing flips in the air, jumping off enemies, and knocking them into each other. Specs haste wore off and was standing in the center of the cleared out circle they made with Gabriela landing right behind him. [B]?See all that practice did pay off?[/B] said Gabi.[B] ?Yeah Yeah I know I owe you dinner.?[/B] Spec replied.[B] ?That?s all I needed to hear.? [/B] Gabi said with a smile. [B]?Let?s meet up with Gensis cause this is just getting insane and he might need out help.? [/B] Spec said. [B]?Right? [/B] she said and both of them ran towards Gensis. [I][B]?AAAHHH? [/B] [/I] Spec looked back and saw that the giant heartless had made its move and sent Gabriela flying to the wall. ?God damn it.? Spec put his keyblade away. [I][B]?HASTE.? [/B][/I] Spec disappeared and reappeared in front of the wall that his friend was flying to. Spec caught her but the force was too great and couldn?t stop her and the both flew into wall impacting it so hard that the building shook and there was a puff of smoke everywhere. Spec still had Gabriela in his arms but was completely knock out in the crater he had created from the impact. The heartless banged it stomach and started to charge for Spec and Gabriela who were defenseless.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR] [CENTER]----------------------------------------------------------------------------------[/CENTER] [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=3][FONT=Georgia]OOC: whats gonna happen to spec and gabi, and will kain or gensis be able to save their friends. find out in the next thread DUN DUN DUN. by the way do we have an underground forum. :animeswea [/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
Abstinence Programs for adults?
only1specialed replied to ChibiHorsewoman's topic in General Discussion
[COLOR=DarkOrange][SIZE=4][FONT=Impact]MWAHahaha man people just cant stop being funny. If it didn?t work when they were in high school or middle school what the hell makes them think its gonna work when they?re freaking older. DeadSeraphim I almost always agree with everything you say and you always make me laugh, but I don?t think they?re trying to promote the whole Christian stuff. I think you might be looking a little to deep into it. Although the whole not have sex is stupid they should have some other program for free condoms or promote safe sex rather than no sex. (I have a weird feeling this is gonna be another bush bashing thread?. that?s just me though :animeswea )[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR] -
Discuss Gifts and Curses: The Underground [M-LVS]
only1specialed replied to Vicky's topic in Theater
[QUOTE=Ozymandius Jones][COLOR=DarkOrange] Hey, I replied like it was early in the morning. :P And of course he does. That's how guys like him deal with things: they run away or they kill it. He's taking the better of the two paths at the moment. :3[/COLOR][/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkOrange][SIZE=4][FONT=Impact]oh no i wasnt talking about you setting it to the day :animeswea . Anyway i dont care too much about that. i was just joking about the whole thing. besides i guess its a good thing you ran, that way our powers weren't shown yet... :animestun So whats gonna be the final word about the villains i know there still plenty of people who havent given the 2 cents but if they dont get start getting involve we just gonna have to move on. :animesigh[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR] -
[COLOR=DarkOrange][SIZE=3][FONT=Georgia][B]?Jueputa!?[/B] Eddie got out of his car and saw the guy he missed run off into some alley. [B]?That right you better run! Pendejo. La sigiente vez no voy a parar.? (next time I wont stop.)[/B] Eddie was getting real heated and he knew that was a bad thing. He noticed little ice shards forming on his hand. He looked around and saw some guys looking at him from an electronic store. [B]?Mejor que me voy antes que vengan. ( I better leave before they come over here) I don?t want them to know?? [/B] he stopped talking as he looked in his car small shards of ice were in his car from applying to much pressure on his steering wheel. He cleaned up his car and noticed one of the guys from the store came out.[B] ?Hey you okay?? [/B] He said. [B]?Yeah I'm good.? [/B] Eddie replied as he quickly cleaned up his car and got in it. ?[B]You sure you?re okay, man.? [/B] He asked again. ?[B]I said I'm good!? [/B] Spec got in his car and took off before they guy got too close. As he drove off he saw the guy looking at some of the pieces of ice spec had dropped outta of his car.[B] ?Damn it I should have just left them in the car and cleaned it later. That fool is lucky he got away. Next time he probably wont be so lucky.?[/B] Spec down the road and looked down the alley to see if that guy was still hiding there and he saw something. [B]?What the hell.? [/B] Spec didn?t stop cause he was already late for work. ?[B]Did I just see someone fly???[/B] He thought he was seeing things from not getting enough sleep and thought nothing of it and went to work.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
Discuss Gifts and Curses: The Underground [M-LVS]
only1specialed replied to Vicky's topic in Theater
[COLOR=DarkOrange][SIZE=4][FONT=Impact]I love how my part of the story went from happening really early in the moring to sometime later in the morning. dang charles just wanna run away. I originally thought that dani was gonna be on the bad side. they way i read his historty it seemed like he was heading down that way. I need to read up on everyone elses bio to see whats up but we can start fighting amonst ourselves for maybe a bit. Then once we knock some sense into the enemies some new ultimate mofo comes out with some crazy as powers. Thats when the guys we fought against decided to team up for now and take on this new threat. ya mean.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]