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Everything posted by only1specialed
[COLOR=DarkOrange][SIZE=4][FONT=Impact]what ****** up my vida huh... well as a kid my parents wouldn't let me go outside the house. I couldn't go play with my neighbors in the street. I couldn't go to a party that my friend was having. I don't blame them though i did live in south central LA in a dangerous time. Now i just have a hard time making friends and going out to meet new people. It dont matter to me that much cause i got video games and anime to keep me busy and i go out with my best friend and hang out with some of his homies. :animesigh the Marines have change me slighty now i have a bit of an easier time making new friends but i still have a hard time sometimes.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[quote name='BKstyles][font=tahoma]This answer will probably be repeated quite a lot in this thread, but it just seems like a sin to me to leave it out. Pretty much any of the [b]Final Fantasy OSTs[/b] are gold, the same can be said for any of [b]Uematsu's[/b] work really. Specifically however, i am a big fan of the [b]FFVII[/b] and [b]FFVIII OSTs[/b]. The boss musics got me pumped when they were supposed too and set the mood almost perfectly, especially [b]One Winged Angel[/b] and [b]JENOVA[/b] for their respective battles, and as for VIII the gems were [b]Maybe I'm A Lion[/b] and [b]The Legendary Beast[/b']. [/font][/quote] [COLOR=DarkOrange][SIZE=4][FONT=Impact]I totally agree with you but im not that big of a fan for part VII. i have the original sound tracks for FFVII and FFIX. I also have whats called the Final Fantasy Songbook which takes a few of the regular songs from Final Fantasy and they make it into a regular with lyrics and everything. Its in japanese though so i have no idea what they are saying. :animeswea besides that i i would listen to any music game theme soundtrack. from dance dance revolution to Beatmania even Guitarro man.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrange][SIZE=2][FONT=Georgia][B]?Can you tell me again why I'm carrying your stuff??[/B] Spec asked Gabriela.[B] ?Cause a gentleman always carries things for the lady and you?re the closest thing to a gentleman?[/B] replied Gabriela laughing. ?[B]?.? [/B] Spec just kept walking and noticed that Gabriela had stopped. He looked in the direction she was looking and saw Gensis looking at his hands. [B]?Somethings not right with him. He?s normally pissed off as usual.? [/B]Said Spec. [B]?Yeah. Lets go see what's wrong.?[/B] said Gabriela. [B] ?I knew you were gonna say that?. *sigh* lets go.? [/B] Replied Spec. [B]?HI GENSIS!?[/B] yelled Gabriela while waving at him. Gensis just looked up while trying to hide his hands from view. [B]?What's wrong Gensis did you hurt your hand or something?? [/B] ask Gab. [B] ?Its none of your business.?[/B] Replied Gensis. [B]?He probably thinks were here to make fun of him.?[/B] Spec thought. [B]?Just show me your hand I know its wounded. Why else would you hide it.?[/B] Gensis slowly pulled out his left hand. It was still red and can tell it was very uncomfortable. [B]?Looks like a first or second degree burn?.what was he doing?? [/B] spec thought. [B]?Good now just hold it like that.?[/B] Spec stuck out his right arm and grab his wrist with his left hand and he started yelling. [B]?FOREFATHERS FROM BEFORE OUR TIME I ASK FOR YOUR AID AGAIN. HEAL THIS WOUND SO THAT IT MAY CONTINUE THE FIGHT IN YOUR NAME. ROKONA LIGHT!!!? [/B] suddenly a bright light came out of Spec?s palm it was bright yet soothing. Gensis shielded his eyes from the light and in a second the light was gone. Gensis looked at his hand and the wound was gone. [B]?Listen, I was talking to Gabi and we were wondering if you would like to train with us every now and then?? [/B] [B]?What was that??[/B] Gensis asked still in a bit of shock from his wound being gone. [B]?Hm you mean what I did to your hand. Its your basic heal magic turns out I'm pretty good at it. do you think was I was bit over the top with the incantation? I kinda just made it up for fun.?[/B] Spec replied with a smile. [/FONT] [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
Discuss Gifts and Curses: The Underground [M-LVS]
only1specialed replied to Vicky's topic in Theater
[COLOR=DarkOrange][SIZE=4][FONT=Impact]Let the mod come we can handle him with our zodiac powers. :animesmil Hey that idea about dark zodiacs is pretty awesome but i have another idea to add to that, Instead of fighting one at a time everyone now and then make it like two or three at a time that way it wont be too long. We can also split the teams to fight a seperate villain in two different areas. We can probably make one of the main characters go on the dark side for a bit until he gets beaten. The only question would be who would play the villain. :animesigh [/FONT] [/SIZE] [/COLOR] -
[COLOR=DarkOrange][SIZE=2][FONT=Georgia]Eddie goes to the school he volunteers for and some of the kids are getting rowdy. Eddie quickly rushes over to stop them and once the kids see him they run towards him with big smiles on their faces, forgetting what they were arguing about. They reach Eddie and welcome him back then one of the kids ask for a piggie back ride and jumps on his back. In that instant Eddie?s body goes cold and his icicles quickly stick and impale the child on his back. Blood shooting every where, everyone screaming and running away. Eddie could feel the blood oozing down his back. [B]?NNNOOO!!?[/B] Eddie woke up and where there would be sweat was just ice. Its been a long time since Eddie has gone to the school and its also been a long time since Eddie has had a good night sleep. He woke up on the couch where he normally sleeps. His arms stuck in the sofa from when he woke up. [B]?Good thing I didn?t decided to sleep with a shirt tonight. Hehe[/B]? he thought to himself while he let out a small chuckle. His girlfriend didn?t even notice he woke up, especially since she still sleeps on the water bed they bought. He look at the clock and it was 1:30 in the morning. [B]?Pues me tengo que listar para mi trabajo.?([/B][I]guess its time to get ready for work)[/I] Eddie got up and threw on some jeans that were lying around. He grab some socks and smelled them. ?[B]They seem ok? [/B] he thought as he was putting them on. Grab his shirt threw on his work shoes and was out the door in 20 min. stepping out of his apartment door, he looked around to see if anyone was around. The hallways were light with the cheap yellow light bulbs the manager buys which didn?t really help since the hallways still seemed dark.. He went to his car turned on the radio and drove off to work. Halfway to work his radio went silent and a strange broadcast came on. [I][CENTER]Zodiac: The Gifts and the Curses! Come and see the wonder of the 21st century, a once in a life time chance to witness the power of the stars! For centuries, mankind has fabricated legends around these birth signs and many people believed them. The stars were the key to our curiosity, they always have been. But many people believe the myths around birth signs and the zodiac to simply be fantasy, a lucky guess at our personalities. The stars had granted us scared nights in which we are at our best, qualities for our personalities beyond our imagination and now they offer us one more thing: power! Many, of course, will not believe this. We invite you to witness evidence that the stars themselves have granted several chosen ones unlimited power! Come to the Harlem Academy to learn more about these secret, gifted humans! From burning objects to the touch, breathing deadly gases and enforces dark images into ones mind?[/CENTER][/I] [B]?De que esta hablando esta chingadera(what is this crap talking about). Gifts HA. I cant even hold my girlfriend or anyone else without having to worry about killing them. chinga tu madre cabron.?[/B] Eddie yelled at the radio in his native tongue for a little bit until he realized. [B]?Maybe these guys know how to cure me. Damn I should have paid attention to where this is taking place at.? [/B] Sundenly someone just stepped out in front of Eddie. He quickly slammed on his brakes and put the car in first gear to slow the vehicle and not hit that person. he managed to barely miss him/her. He stopped his car and jumped out to see how the hell got in his way. [CENTER]------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[/CENTER] OOC: just so you guys know when my character talks in Spanish ill translate it. Unless hes just yelling and cursing. Ill just leave it as is. Well I guess someone has a chance to meet Eddie and get yelled at in Spanish. If you don?t know Spanish and want to get yelled at in Spanish or talk to in Spanish by Eddie send me a message of what you wanna say and ill translate it.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[QUOTE=DeadSeraphim][size=1][color=indigo][font=arial]Welcome to being a minority. While the rest of the world (quite rightly) wants to eat healthier, you want to keep eating junk and expanding outward, and that's fine - but companies don't care about the minority, and would rather pander to the majority, in this case the health concscious types who don't want to be eating transfats in their doritos. So you have two choices here, man: Suck it up and eat junkfood that isn't as bad for you as it used to be (the horror!), or stop eating junkfood. [I] Decisions, decisions.[/I][/font][/color][/size][/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=4] [FONT=Impact]Man you crack me up. :animesmil gotta keep it real ya mean(sorry my ghetto side comes out sometimes :animeswea ) Hey just be happy were not eating soylent green or soylent cola. :animeswea If your not happy with Dorritos why not try eating some other type of chips or different flavors and stuff. i myself dont like eating that much junkfood.(i.e. chips, soda, and other small snacks) but i cant help eating at junkfood restaurants. That food has always tasted the same to me. (sometimes better than normal.) I really dont taste a difference when i ate any of the food though.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
Discuss Gantz: The new Generation [M-VLS] Spoilers
only1specialed replied to Obesepanda's topic in Theater
[COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=4][FONT=Impact]hey im down for doing the Gants rp. i havent seen the whole anime but i have seen enough to know about the show. So you can count me in too if you gonna do one :animesigh[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR] -
How did you come up with your internet/screen name ?
only1specialed replied to corpseman's topic in General Discussion
Hmm well to answer this questiong simply. There are too many people trying to claim the name specialed but there can only be 1 special ed and thats me :animeswea . I got tired of people taking that name that i really like :animesigh . i also didnt want to have some crappy numbers at the end of my name like specialeded9257042 cause thats just lame. :animesigh -
[COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=2][FONT=Georgia]?Man I'm so stuff? Spec said as they were leaving the restaurant. ?I still can?t believe you can eat as much as I do.? He said looking at Gabriela. She smiled at him and said ?well I'm not your average girl.? Then she put on her sad face on with her puppy dog eyes ?I thought you would know all this by now?? ?Why you gotta put that face on??? Spec said. ?You always make me feel bad.? ?HeHeHe I know? said Gabriela. As they walked the passed by the cafeteria Spec saw Gensis eating a hotdog by himself looking even more pissed off than before. ?Man why is that guy always pissed off?? Gabriela also saw Gensis ?HI GENSIS!? she yelled while waving at him. ?You know he probably can?t hear you.? Spec said sighing. ?but he can still see me.? She responded. Spec looked back at Gensis and made eye contact. Gensis looked at Spec straight in the eyes as they passed by. ?Man, He probably thinks were making fun of him? Spec thought as he sighed again. Both friends sat down after walking for while and a group of girls from there class were sitting right behind them. ?Its Spec and Gabriela? you know I heard they are going out.? ?Yeah I heard there already living together.? The girls whispered to each other. ?Spec about last night? said Gabriela ?!!!!!? the girls were all paying close attention after she said that. ?Yeah what about it.? Spec replied. ?You were so rough on me.? ?oh my god its true that are living together and they?re doing that already!!!? the girls whispered. ?Well isn?t that how you like it.? Spec replied. ?Yeah but you were just so hard last night.? ?oh my god I cant believe they would talk about this out in the open.? Yeah I thought they were trying to keep it a secret.? ?Isn?t it bad for students to get involved with each other? Spec replied, ?Well if you don?t want me to help you train you can ask someone else to be your sparring partner.? Spec and Gabriela her a loud thump behind them and saw a bunch of there classmates on the floor. ?Hmm I wonder what got into them.? Spec said. They got up and left. ?Hey Spec lets go shopping I need some new stuff.? Spec sigh. ?Man I hate shopping? aight lets go. Hmm I wonder where everyone else is? It seems pretty quiet this morning.? ?Yeah I noticed that too.? Replied Gabriela and both friends walked off the shopping arcade.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=4][FONT=Impact]Man i can't believe no one has mentioned [B]Pinky and the Brain[/B]. NARF nwahahaha :laugh: that show is a classic even though it was part of Animeniacs until it became its own series. [B]Ronin warriors[/B] was the first anime i ever saw i cant believe no one mentioned that one either. i was watching some of the episodes for this show on youtube.... Man stuff sure do change over time.... :animesigh [/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=4][FONT=Impact]I myself wish i could see that episode. I personally dont care if its too soon or not. I was actually wondering when he was gonna die. Not to be rude or anything but f-ing around with dangerous animals is gonna get you killed. If you cant take a simple joke like that you shouldnt be watching south part.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=4][FONT=Impact]hhmm Well ive never really heard korean music. I have a korean friend that i hang around with when i was in the US he always played Korean music when i had to travel with him. There was like 3 songs that were real kick *** and i kinda imitated what they were saying cause the songs were just that gangsta. Its been a long time since i heard those songs so i totally forgot what songs they were. :animesigh [/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[quote name='Aaryanna][COLOR=DarkOrchid'] I?ll even be dressing up my dog and taking her along. ^_^ [/COLOR][/quote] [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=4][FONT=Impact]The poor thing... please tell me its gonna look gangsta or something. like a devil or put it in a little cow outfit. hehe that would be funny[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=4][FONT=Impact]One of my favorite japanese rock bands is called AGENT 4 but im pretty sure non of you have ever heard of them. :animesigh I have no idea what there singing about and i hear the word kawaii. thats about all i know. :animeswea I think they're better than some of the American rock bands ive heard in these recent days. I also have a bunch of trance and electronica music that i bought when i was in Japan for a year. Now thats some great music right there. Way better than moby or any American trance or electronica Ive heard. Man i wish i was back in Japan. :animesigh [/FONT] [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=4][FONT=Impact]HHMM I have a very strong feeling that a moderator is gonna come by and say something call it my 6th sense. mwahaha So um can you give us an explanation of the band and what kinda music they play. i know about the Gorillaz and I?m pretty sure a lot of other people know of them but for those that dont know you might wanna give some more info on them if you wanna interest other people onto a certain band. (oh i sound like a moderator maybe i should be one *wink wink*)[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=4][FONT=Impact]HHHMMMM Let me think. Best time in my life, eh? Well i remember this one time i was hanging out with some of my best friends in my neighborhood and we just saw an episode of good ole JACKASS. we decided to buy a gallon of milk each and see who can drink it first..... Lets just say a gallon is a little bit too much milk and we had to make space..... repeatedly. Good thing we had a camera but i think that video is long lost. i wish we still had it. Oh by the way i was the only one that was able to finish the whole thing everyone else... kinda quit after a while. hehe good times[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=4][FONT=Impact]Well i submitted to be a regular player but im willing to take on the role of satan unless you want the original satan from before. im ready to get this party started[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=4][FONT=Impact]I'm an old school kinda guy (even though I'm only 20) but you can never go wrong with Sleep Walker by Santo & Johny :sleep: . That?s a classic right there. Of course kids now a days want something with lil john and stuff like that :animeangr . At my prom they played a Boys II Men song there always pretty good for that. I don?t remember what song it was though. I didn?t really care anyway. :animesigh [/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[QUOTE=DeadSeraphim][COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]I just got my first car and I love it like some kind of long-lost bastard child. It's a red Hyundai Excel (2 door), and I'm still a learner driver, but I'm really confidant in this car. It gives me a good vibe. I'm considering naming it 'Dead', to go along with the theme the rest of my property has (MacBook - Dead, iPod - Dead), but Lady A suggested DeadIV to differentiate a little. I do not know. I am still deliberating. In any case, it is hawt, and it is awesome. Yes. What was your first car?[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR][/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=4][FONT=Impact]Sweet deal yo. I remember my first car. I remember it as if I got it last year?. Which I did :animesmil . My car is a 2005 chevy cavalier brand spanking new. When I got it, it only had 5 miles on it and it only cost me 12 Gs. :animesigh Hopefully with the money I get here in iraq. I can pay it off and be debt free. Its nothing fancy or anything. It'll get me from point a to point b and that?s all I really need her for. I'm in the same boat as SaiyanprincessX. I just got my license last year but ive been driving without one for a while. Man I miss my car now :animecry: :animecry: :animecry: :animesigh .[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
Manga i made a manga and wanted comments on story line
only1specialed replied to takashi tao's topic in Otaku Central
[QUOTE=Kei][color=darkblue][size=1] One thing that I have to question (since Chikara Kokoro hasn't put in their usual two-cents yet), is why everyone has Japanese names. As CK always says, not every manga has to take place in Japan and not everyone has to have a Japanese name (it seems like manga characters are actually taking on more English-sounding names as of late, anyway). Of course, if that's what you're going for, that's perfectly fine. Just letting you know that there are other options, lol. [/color][/size][/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=4][FONT=Impact]Uh oh bro, You?re in the red zone now. You see the fire in their eyes?. :laugh: Anyway Kei does have a point. Why not just use regular American names. Hell to make it even more interesting put in a beaner name like Jose, Juan or my favorite Jesus. :laugh: All joking aside the story does seem interesting. I was kinda confused reading it thought (dang moderators were right?hehe :animeswea) if anything that link that Kei should be providing will be really helpful cause a manga is not something you can just up and decided to start. It takes tons of planning before you start on page 1. then again? I really don?t know anything about making a manga? I just really know how to make some decent stories but the basic Idea should be the same though.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR] -
When I say New York, what do you think of?
only1specialed replied to ChibiHorsewoman's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE=DeadSeraphim][COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial] Plenty of people are proud of where they live, and say so vocally, New York doesn't have to be singled out man.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR][/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkRed] [SIZE=1][FONT=Georgia]Yeah bro don?t playa hate congratulate. :animesmil Anyway the first thing I really think of is hobos, Indian taxi drivers and said taxi drivers not stopping for black people late at night :animecry: . I also think of there funny accents and pizza :animeswea . I cant wait to go to new york one day. I hope I don?t get robbed??. :animesigh[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR] -
I would like to see either the Tekken games or King Of Fighters (i know they have the movies but i wanna see a series) and if someone was good enough make a time crisis anime. I guess it would be something like 24 but in anime. That my friends would be gangsta.
Aahh gotta love that moderator. Just goes to show you that big brother really is watching you?. Anyway back on to the topic. I don?t remember that many boss fights :animeswea (its been a long time since I could play the old RE games) I think part two had some of the harder bosses but on the second version. You were pretty much already outta ammo :animeangr [spoiler]when you had to fight that blob thing?[/spoiler] :animeangr Also there was one part in RE4 that scared the bejesus :animenose outta me. [spoiler]I don?t know how many of you guys know about it but when before you fight that big fish boss(I forgot his name) go ?fishing? with your handgun before you get on the boat. Its hard to get those fish so I was there for a bit of time.[/spoiler] :animesigh Besides that I was never really scared in that game. I had more adrenalin pumping in me cause there were so many freaking enemies at some points. I consider this game to be an action/horror game cause it wasn?t as hard or scary as the original two. (I still haven?t really been able to beat RE1 with chris?. You can only carry 6 item?.. :animesigh ) [size=1][color=dimgray]Hey, buuuuddy. It's cool that you remembered spoilers but just be a little more careful with where you put them. Better safe than sorry, right? - White[/size][/color]
Gender segregated classrooms? Yay or Nay?
only1specialed replied to ChibiHorsewoman's topic in General Discussion
[COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1][FONT=Georgia]HEHE I guess we should probably start another thread for corporal punishment and just so you know I wouldn?t brutally beat my own kid. :animeswea Id just teach them that crime doesn?t pay. I'm very hurt and offended that you rolled your eyes at me?. :animecry: :p Anyway back to the main topic, I really don?t see what's the big deal in segregation. People do it naturally as I mention in my last post. of course there?s the few that kick with everyone but those are rare. If the kids all meet up during their breaks then they have there little flirting time or making out time :animenose or whatever the point Is there still together and they will have their time to socialize. It will also build the confidence for some students to go and talk to a girl/boy. CONFIDENCE you know how many kids don?t have that now a days :animesigh . Bottom line is why not give it a chance and see how it works out. If the grades improve hey good to go if the grades stay the same bring in corporal punishment j/k. :animesmil [/FONT] [/SIZE] [/COLOR] -
[FONT=Georgia][COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1][B]Name[/B]: Eddie Galvez [B]Age[/B]: 21 [B]Star Sign[/B]: Scorpio/water [B]Powers[/B]:/Night Nov 4th Snowboarding late at night, which is forbidden on the mountain due to low visibility, Eddie was going a little too fast and took a nasty spill. Landing face first in the snow he felt no pain but instead a weird sensation in his body. He got up and continued down the hill. Soon the resort security found him snowboarding and chase Eddie to stop. Eddy quickly panic and ran off. Managing to get away by a hair he return home and tried to sleep. He just kept tossing and turning all night. That weird feeling just bugging him all night. The next morning Eddie woke up colder than he?s ever been. He threw on some warm clothes and headed outside. Walking around the resort he saw same security guard and manage to avoid him. He turned the corner and bump into someone. That someone was the security guard and once the guard realized who he bumped into he snag Eddie by the collar and slammed him onto the wall. ?your that punk from yesterday? Eddie got furious getting looked down on by the security guard and he just wanted to get rid of him. At the moment Eddie felt cold so cold even the security guard felt it. Eddie shoved the guard off of him and at the same time a dozen icicles stuck out of his hands and arms penetrating the guard several times and killing him on the spot. Eddie freaked out at what happened and ran off before anyone could see who did it. Now at random times hes body will be covered with ice or the icicles will shoot out but not as big the ones that killed the guard. [B]Appearance[/B]: he?s 5?10 and has a natural tan. He likes to wear dark blue baggy jeans with a red shirt that has a big tribal symbol on the back that looks like the ying-yang symbol. He wears black skater shoes and has short dark brown hair that he spikes up. He also wears a red sweat band on his left hand and a blue sweat band on his right hand. [B]Personality[/B]: Eddie is the kind of person that will always be willing to give a helping hand. He?s always been someone that people can talk too. He?s friendly and always likes to laugh. He?s someone who does not back down from anything and always stands behind what he believes in. He hates people who think they are better than everyone else and people who really wont stand up for themselves. But there?s more to Eddie than meets the eye?. [B]Biography/Sample[/B]: Eddie was born and raised in his home country El Salvador moving to this country at the age of 15. It was around this time that Eddie would start feeling strange during the winter seasons and on his birthday but he thought nothing of it at the time. At first Eddie hated everyone in this new country. Everyone was spoiled and took everything for granted while his cousins who still live in his homeland live with the bare minimum. Over time his feelings for the people change. He got a job at a dialysis and on his spare time he would do volunteer work with children and head over to the local gym to practice his boxing. He loved working with the kids at the school he volunteered at. He would always play games with them and would tell them stories of the Ice King. the children always loved when Eddie was volunteering it made they day brighter. On his spare time he would go to the gym. He would practice his boxing techniques vigorously. He was looked up to by some of the younger boxing hopefuls. When all is set and down Eddie would come home to his girlfriend and live his days happily. Then one that fateful day when he killed that guard his whole life change. Now at random times icicles would stick outta his arms and his body would be covered with ice from time to time. One day at work on of his co-worker slapped him in the back. In that instant Eddie heard screaming. He quickly turned around to see that his co-worker was stabbed several times on his hand. Eddie felt something crawling down his back and other co-workers showed up to see what was going on only to see their co-worker on the floor screaming and Eddie standing there with blood running down his back and a ripped shirt. No one knew what happened and they thought both Eddie and his co-worker were attack by someone. That same day Eddie went to the gym wondering what the hell happened and figured he can forget about it by focusing on his boxing. He headed to the punching bag and punched it as hard as he could. His arm got stuck on the punching bag and he saw exactly why. More icicles bigger than the ones that killed the guard were protruding from his arms and were all going into the punching bag he hit. Right after that Eddie grabbed his stuff and ran home. The guys in the gym wondering what the hell happened to the bag to make the sand come out. Eddie went home confused with what had happened and why it was happening. His girlfriend came home and found Eddie in the shower with boiling hot water. She tried to stop him but he told her to stay away. The hot water was not affecting him at all since he had ice covering his body. Hours later he finally calmed down and talk with his girlfriend. He told her what happened and why hes freaking out. She tried to calm him down and hold him but Eddie would move away. Then slowly she reach out and touch his arm???nothing happened. That night they found out that the icicles only appear when his body has too much pressure pushed on it , the more pressure on his skin the bigger and sharper the spikes will be, and the ice will cover his body when it?s too hot. From then on Eddie became a bit distant from everyone else until he met the others?????[/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT]