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Everything posted by only1specialed

  1. well so far i've only seen the fighting spirit. thats one of those underdog stories. main character get bullied all of his life and he gets saved by a boxer and you know get involved into boxing. the story is great and the matches are actually edge of the seat thrillers most of em anyway. like i said earlier i havent seen other types of sport related anime. i guess most people might not be into these types cause there not into sports themselve...ill admit im not a big sports fan and i now nothing at all when it come to foosball and anyother sport. but i alway like to watch a good game no matter whos playing. i guess most people wont wanna watch a sport related anime cause if you think about it most people watch it for the fantasy and great stories and battles that happen on alternate universe and stuff. so they probably figure why watch something they know nothing about and probably never tried in real life (not really trying to say anything bad here so no better get offended) i would like to see more anime based on sports but only if they can pull it off like they did in the fighting spirit.
  2. im sorry but i dont agree with that. im glad that some of those detanees were tortured do you think they care about me and my men when we get captured in iraq. remeber the beheading videos they sent out. so what if some of them get torture. that way we get the information we need to help get key people and help us survive. now if these "terrorist" were to follow the geneva conventions like we are forced then yes thats wrong but they dont and thats why its easier for them to attack us than it is for us to attack them. what really pisses me off is that news of those secret holding cells became public cause now the terrorist can use that for their recruiting campaign... you guys probably wont see it from my oint of view but after being in the military for a while you look at things differently.....sorry im just ranting now
  3. how do i get paid you ask? well thats easy first you guys wake up and work your butts off and every two weeks to a month you get your pay check then you get tax and that money comes into my bank account every two weeks. thats how it works when your in the military. so please put in that extra hour or two for me cause although im in iraq right now i could use a bigger pay check
  4. well it seems thread was over by the last two post.. but still theres lots of other times when senseless nudity is. what i think is worse is pointless sex scenes in movies and tv shows. for example in underworld 2 had a sex scene in it that i thought was just stupid. whats her face had just escape and are hiding out then they start having sex.. imight have missed something but im pretty sure thats just how it went.
  5. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=3][FONT=Impact]hands down one of the cutest games ever played.......... ijust cant help but feel happy when i play that game and it so easy that even a dee-dee-dee can play it. what do you guys think.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  6. well i dont know about you guys but i really havent seen many anime based on sports but i do know about prince of tennis and theres like a basketball and football on out there. so far the only anime ive seen based on any sport is THE FIGHTING SPRIT and im in love with this series. i love the attetion to detail for the hits they get and story is funny as well. what do you guys think of sport anime
  7. theres one anime that made me cry and keeps making cry. FRUIT BASKET that manga just has sad story after sad story and i just cant help but feel bad for the sohma and miss honda. love hina got me all teary eyed at the end when all that crap is happening between naru and keitaro.....aww love.. then theres the other stuff that made me teary eyed but i forget them oh yeah i get teary eyed on some of the stuff that happens in the fighting spirit . man you gotta love these great story lines
  8. well i never knew about anime until high school and thats only cause a friend of mine showed me a bunch of evangelions amv's after seeing the attention to detail they do on characters face and their movement i fell in love witht that series and fromthere i started watching other anime... so i guess i just like how much attention to detail some of the artist goes with their characters which is missing in alot of american cartoons. the stories and plots are great but they way some of them draw is alot more interesting to me
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