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Everything posted by DarkFactor
SaiyanPrincessX wrote -[QUOTE]I also bought the binary blanket and pillow from thinkgeek.com, and the Mega Tokyo message bag, which I don't use anymore.[/QUOTE] HAHAHA! My girlfriend tottaly bought that bag after I turned her on to megatokyo back in 2003, before it was lame. She carries her books or her laptop in it and she has a samwise lord of the wrings pin on the front flap. That's gotta be like a sign of true geekness right there. And she got me a "cool thing" mouse-pad too. Once I bought a gundam wing model kit and modelling stuff and the girl at the register says something like,," oh so your into that "anime" stuff," and I replied "y-y-yess" because she was very attractive. And then she said, "aren't you a little old for cartoons and action figures" and I said, like an idiot, "NOOO, what's it to YOOU IF I watch CARTOONS!!" and I ran off with out my bag... then I had to come back for it... so embarassing. :animeshy:
I live in Elk Grove CA. Home of alot of sickos.... more than I can count. Right here in my own community there is micheal nudou (sp?) who tried to re-secularize the pledge of allegiance, by taking out the words "under God".... I have no problem with people taking under God out of the pledge... but who cares? I don't say the pledge, I haven't since elementary school. And I honestly don't care about America, this country is perverse and broken, I don't care about what parts of public life does and does not concern God. And it isn't one mans job to rally for the sake of secularizing anything. Had it been an entire special intreest group like the ACLU or the National Atheists something-or-other I would understand. But give me a break Nudou. People saying the pledge doesnt offend anyone, and no one is, or at least no one should! be made to say the pledge anyway. Political correctness is overdone in California. Our governor is Connan the Barbarian. We're home of the diseny empire. The city council keeps wasting our money. OH AND THE BEST PART.... They want to make a new arena for the sacramento kings on tax payers dollars.... The Kings SUCK! and I shouldn't have to pay for an arena that I can't afford tickets to go sit in! Let me get off the leftistis for a while because the only perosn I've even given honrable mention to from the conservative side is arny. Elk Grove is full of cow town conservatives who blaire their country music and worship football. I love football, but I would never want to stand up and be counted amongs these dip-wads. Then there's L.A. and San Francisco.... I shouldn't even have to say anything but the fact is there is no where better than the palce you live. Cali is the best state on earth and I love Sacramento. So-Cal and the Bay Area. My guess is there are only two kinds of people. People who live in california... and people who haven;t heard of it yet.
I'm sure all of these points have been made, and made in a more clear and deliberate fashion than the manner in which I am about to make them, but I'll do my best with this. Why I do not support the death penalty 1) Follow the money: If you think it is more expensive to keep murdering-criminals alive, watching t.v. working out, and doing menial labour, then you are wrong. It actually costs more to kill them, Everything down to the pad they use to sterilize the needle (which makes very little sense) to the huge cost of the autorneys which their right garauntees them during their many apeals while on death row, all of it costs money. Lots and lots of tax-payer's money. 2) If not for justice than for vengence: If they're in prison then they're off the streets. Justice is hardly administered since the murders these people commit are often violent, and yet they are disposed of humanely. There is no equity in the death penalty. Equity in the system would be a tribunal council which determines their fate acording to the severity of thei crime... Though that seems like something of a horror-sci-fi thriller than a justice system, and I honestly could never actually advocate something like that. 3) Global Conformity: Most civilized industrialized nations did away with the death penalty along time ago, and we should have left it abolished in the 70's 4) Life is sacred: Most of the people in America and our government display some degree of humanism. Logically most humanists would argue that the death penalty is barbaric. 5) Racism: the system keeps ethnic people down. That is fact. Racial inequality still exists in our court-rooms. Basically it just doesn't make sense. And this is coming from someone who had a close friend violently murdered.
Oh man, this is a brutal topic. Okay So I walked into a comic book store and there was a sale on manga. I purchased all of real bout highschool cuz it was way cheap... Then I saw a pair of japanes die... which led me to notice a box of multi sided die. 8 pairs later and I still wasn't satisfied. I found an awsome T Shirt of the Flash. I bought back issues of my favorite DCU comic the outsiders. And some very detailed Love Hina action figures... okay so I thought I was done and I saw the coolest spiderman messenger bag ever... bought it. Basically I spent over a hundred dollars.... but I got awsome deals on... comic books and toys.... when I met my girl friend an hour later in the mall food court she asked what did you buy? ..... I sheepishly gave her the list. I'm still being mocked.
If you like lots of words and simple combat I guess this game is for you. I do like the semi-unique combat and story... mostly just the story. A story doesn't even have to be that good and I get overly hooked. Square and Enix never let me down there. BEST SQUENIX game ever?? Ehh. It's true the voice acting isnt bad though, that's often a major gripe... plus the character's personalities and costuming are strikingly familiar to friends of mine... which should lead you to the conclusion that I have strange friends. :p
Hi I'm a n00b so this is my first post. Not that it's terribly important, anyway. as we all know Sony is evil, they currently own more controling shares of Hell than the devol. They've been stealing other companies concepts. Their concept for a motion sensitive controler even preceedes Sony's stealing it from Nintendo. In fact it was developed by pelican electronics years ago, you can check it out for yourself. And that control worked well, and even had a rumble fucntion!. Also the 600 sounds great if you're into blue ray but as little as I care about blue ray it isn't a major selling point, unless of course sonny sweetens the deal by thowing in a hi def T.V. in the near future. Nitendo ()WNZ Them, Microsoft's360 will ()WN them with Bungie's Halo 3... the fact is, I'm saving my money for a console with more to offer for less money, and I don't just mean shiny graphics and disk space. Because all gamers truly care about... good gameplay. Some developers seem to forget that. ... That being said, I would love to see a new game in the Katamari franchise developed for the PS3 'cuz it would be HUGE!