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Everything posted by konske
Cal looked around the hall. There people from all over. A couple he knew the names of, but for the most part, he didn't know most of them. He eyed the crowd. Everything seemed to be in the right place, everything seemed to be in order, but there was a strange stiffness throughout the place. He wasn't sure what it was, but a gut feeling said that this was going to be a horrible night. If they were lucky, maybe half of the ones gathered would find their way back to where ever it was that they came from. Cal slowly made his way over to a familiar face, one of the few people he actually tollerated for the most part. "So, what do you think is going to happen tonight? I have a feeling that there is going to be a lot of blood shed before the night is done. Also, with this many half daemons about, something may go haywire." He looked at Rasic who only smiled at him. [I][COLOR="Navy"]"Damn, noone wants to talk in this place. Just what is he planning?"[/COLOR][/I] Cal looked up at Night, all the while he was getting a little nervous about being around so many people, it mostly just made him queasy. And the smell was starting to get to him. He could tell that some of the hunters here had not showered in a few days, if not months.
lets see here I'm watchin: [B]Pumpkin Scisors[/B] (I can't spell worth a crap, sry bout that) [B]Guyver[/B] [B]Black Lagoon[/B] (Which I find extreamly funny) [B]Soul Taker [/B](again, I find the show really good.) I'm not readin much at the moment, unfortunatly :(
Name: Vance Leorbid Age: 21 Gender: Male Home Planet: Lacridious Svon Appearance: [URL="http://i136.photobucket.com/albums/q196/griff189/dgrayman_1_1024.jpg"]http://i136.photobucket.com/albums/q196/griff189/dgrayman_1_1024.jpg[/URL]
[B]Name:[/B] Cal Vanhorn [B]Age:[/B] 75 [B]Gender:[/B] Male [B]Race:[/B] Half Daemon [B]Team:[/B] Hunter [B]Appearance:[/B] [URL="http://s136.photobucket.com/albums/q196/griff189/?action=view¤t=ys6007.jpg"]http://s136.photobucket.com/albums/q196/griff189/?action=view¤t=ys6007.jpg[/URL] [B]Bio:[/B] Cal is an orphan, by coice, nothing more. when he was younger, he saw many normal humans being killed by the daemons, just because. this always sat strangely with him and he never understood why. He was told a few years later that it was because he was half human and half daemon. This of course suprised the hell out of him. He wasn't sure of what he could do. So, he did the only thing that he thought of oat the time. He left the group of daemons that he was with at the time. He just wanted to be left alone. He didn't want to have to deal with all the killing, so he just left. A few years after that, him being nearly 60 years old he came accross a small village. he slolwy started to settle there, trying to live a normal life. It was working, for the most part until his old daemon clan came looking for him. They found him alright, and because of how he was living, as a normal human, his clan slaughtered the entire village. As Cal walked through the streets, something inside of him snapped. His eyes changed from their original colour of brown to yellow. A broken smile crossed his lips and he bagan to kill of all the daemons that were around. They never saw it coming, he was able to kill all of them. As he carved the last one's heart out of its chest, someone walked behind Cal and asked him a simple question. If he would help eradicate the rest of the daemon populous. Cal smiled and agreed. For the last 15 years, Cal has been hunting down anything that could have any resemblence to a daemon just for the chance to make it up to the village that was slaughtered because of him. [B]Personality:[/B] Cal is cold. He could care less for anyone elses opinioin, no matter who they might be to him. All he really wants is revenge. He hates the fact that he wasn't able to stop the killing of everyone that he learned to care about. Due to the lack of respect of himself, he hates being teamed up with others. He is afraid of the responsibility to have to look out for them if he time gets rough, so he does come off as a little cold. Cal isn't very good when people start to order him around. He likes people, but the thought that they might die from his lack of respect for himself almost causes him to go into withdrawls. He will listen to others if he feels that the the reasoning behind it is just. [B]Weapons:[/B] His main weapon in the one in the pick. Other than that, he is able to pull small blades out from his body. This taxes him however, and he is only able to pull out three until he colapses from exhaustion. There you go. If there is any problems, let me know.
Manny scaned the area as the sun was fadding under the horizon. He smiled and then turned back to everyone. "So, now what? Lets see, proper introductions? No, thats lame. Damn, what the hell am I supposed to say?" He closed his eyes and started to think as everything started to get dark. A fire was started in the middle of the group and everyone was talking amongst themselves, well sorta. Except for the few who prefered to be alone and to not really talk to anyone. Manny stood up and walked over to Nero. He sat down next to him and his face got a little serious. "Listen, don't make it obvious, but look around, tell me, do you see anything waiting in the shaddows?" Nero slowly scanned the area. "Yeah, between twenty and twenty five people are out there. What do you think we should do about it?" He turned to Manny, then started scanning the area to make sure none of the people started to come any closer. "Leave it to me." Manny stood up and then walked next to the fire. "Listen up everyone, I need you to all move away from the tree, right now." Slowly, everyone got up and walked to the other side of the fire, away form the tree. "Whats going on?" Sanagi asked, a littel annoyed. Slowly, Manny cleched his fist as sparks and waves of electricirty started to flow off of it. He opened his fist as a ball of electricity formed, it being the size of a basketball. He raised it over his head and then threw it at the tree. In an instant, there was an explosion and then the tree started to go up in a blaze, lighting the entire area. "What the hell is wrong with you? Is there seriously something wrong with your head?" Sanagi asked, walking up to him, her hands clenched into fists. "That was a little uncalled for, don't you think. We all know what you can do. You don't need to show off anymore." Ai commented, crossing her arms over her chest. "Say what you all will. But none of us besides Nero can see in the dark. The only way I could tell anything was that I felt the electric pulses from the heart beats. Look around, we have company." He smiled as he turned and started looking at all of the men that were now visable due to the burning tree. "So, it looks like the one that doesn't like us that much has sent a little bit of a welcome party to test us or something. We can't just let the introduction go to waste can we?" Isa stated, forming a circle with the rest of the group. "Well, lets just have a little fun with these guys." Manny said, pulling his sword out as it started sparking with electricity. He smirked as he started to walk twards the nearest person.
Manny looked to his right and sees Ai. He then turns to his left and sees Sanagi. He lets out a big sigh as both girls turn and look at him. He falls back, hitting his head on a root that is sticking out of the ground. "Ow, ow ow ow! That really hurt." He rubbs the back of his head as he closes one eye. He then looks up and watches the clouds pass through the leaves in the tree. He smiles as something red catches his eye. "Hey, I didnt know that this was an apple tree." He stands up then looks at his hand. He smiles and points a finger at the apple that is near the top. In the blink of an eye, a bolt of electricity shoots from his finger and hits the apple. As it falls, Manny watches it burn. "I think you cooked it a little much there don't you think?" Ai said, watching the smoke pour off the now black apple. Manny smiles sheepishly and then turns to Sanagi who is holding another apple. "You, know, its better to look around first. There was an apple right there." She points to a low hanging limb that is about neck high. Manny smiles and takes the apple. He takes a bite of if then spits it out. "That is not an apple. I dont know what that is, but its not an apple." He spits a little more out then throws the apple inot the nearby bushes. "What did you give me anyway?" Ai giggles behind him as he looks at Sanagi with one eye closed. "I guess it serves you right? You did burn the first one you went after without thinking." Ai said, walking next to him. "Aw, man. Do I ever get a break around here?" Manny sits down with his legs crossed. He makes a humph sound and then turns with his back twards the two girls.
Manny walked up tp the edge of the peak and looked down. He could see Isa and Selenia making their way down. He smiled and then turned to the rest of the group. "Hey, I think it would be a good idea if we talked about this down at he bottom. Who knows what could happen this high up." He turned back to the edge then started taking a couple of steps back. "What the hell is this guy gonna do?" Natin asked, watching Manny as his face got a little serious. "Beats me. He is strange, but he has a little bit of a hyper side to him." Kailo said, watching Manny like the rest. "Alright, so, I guess that we will have to wait for you all at the bottom?" Manny glanced over at the rest of the group and then started running twards the cliff. As he neared it, he jumped, clearing the edge. "Oh hell yeah!!" He screamed and laughed as he started falling twards the ground below. A few feet above the ground, lightning flew from his body, causeing his body to slow down alot. After a second, the lightning fadded, letting his body fall the last foot or so. He repeated the steps a couple more times and before he knew it, he was at the bottom, looking up as everyone else started to make their way down the mountain.
Adin smiled and slowly stood up. She looked around the group and then her eyes went sad. "What I am about to tell you all will not be of good news." She was mainly focusing on the reincarnatins as she spoke. "So far, you all know that you are the reincarnations of us. We chosen are not alive, not anymore. We died, along time ago. What you are looking at is a spiritual body, which does have mass, suprisingly." She watched all of their reactions. "What she is trying to get at, is well, now that all of you are here, there is no more reason for us to be here. Our time spent here is nearly up, and our task is nearly completed." Ject said, standing next to her. "Thats right, and well, it was nice to meet you all, I think it is about time for us to leave." Adin raised her hand as eight ball of energy formed behind the reincarnatins. One made of ice, one of light, one of darkness, one of wind, one of fire, one of lightning, one of stone, and one of water. "In those spheres contain our spiritual powers. What you are all not realizing is that when you touch those, we will no longer be able to walk this planet among the living." "Hang on, are you trying to tell us that you are all giving us your powers?" Kailo asked, looking at Nie. "Thats right. We are about to make the ultamate sacrafice, no we already did that didnt we? Well, we are making another big one, thats all that matters." He smiled weakly and then turned back to Adin. "As a final warning, there is someone else out there, no make that two of them. One has challenged you, the other does not know who he is. If you are able to get the one that does not know himself to help you, it will make things easier, but you are still able to do this without him. What I am getting at is this, you eight have been challenged, and unless you move on this request, the world as you see it will start to wither and die. Everything, from the planet itself, to every living thing that resides on it." "So, this is our last and final request, you must stop him. That is all I am able to tell you. We will try and store a little bit of energy to help you along your way. All you must do is call for us and we will try to be there. So, we bid you good luck, and please, do not give up."The original eight all smiled and bowed their heads. As they began to raise them, the eight spheres of energy bolted to the reincarnations, creating a column of light that flashed into the nights sky. As the light fadded, all that remained were the reincarnations, standing alone, all with questions and hardly any answers.
"Shit." Ject said, looking into the sky. "We dont have much time left. I do not know how much longer we can wait for the last one. Adin, you got a guess to run off of?" He looked at the woman who just shook her head in dessappointment. "No, I cant tell where she is." Adin looked down at her reincarnatin and smiled. "Why dont you try? Can you sense her?" Riiko shook her head and frowned. "Thats fine. You are still learning your power. Its getting dark agian. Lucky for you, Sa, and Nero as well. This is your time to shine, well not really I guess." She smiled a little and then turned to Manny. "Yes, is there something on my face?" He looked himself over and then smiled at her. "I am only kidding. You know that right? This lug here couldnt get that." He turned to Ject who hit him on the back of the head. "Stupid punk, I swear if you werent my reincarnation." He crossed his hands over his chest and then closed his eyes. "Ow, that really hurts. Oh what, now its the silent treatment? I can play that game." He smirks and then holds one hand out. On the gorund below his hand, a small tiger made of lightning forms and starts walking around in circles. It roars a little, making no sound. Manny smiles. "Little twerp." Ject opens one eye and then smiles as a lightning dragon comes and flies through the little lightning tiger. Manny begins to glare at Ject, who is only smirking. "Them two really like to play jokes on each other don't they?" Sanagi asked Dom who let out a sigh and nodded. "Hey, bro, why are you messing with the kid so much? Let him be, ok?" Dom asked in a pleading voice. "You tryin to start something here, big guy?" Manny asked standing up pointing at Ject. "Will you shut the hell up? You are being so damn loud, its getting on my nerves." Sa said, walking over to Manny. In a flash, Manny raises his hand, creating a blade of electricity pointed at Sa. "You little shit!" Ject stands up and walks right into the electricity. "You know it doesnt hurt me." He smiled and then frowns. "Next time, dont hurt my tiger." He smirks at Ject who just lets out a sigh. "They are getting on my nerves. Will they ever shut up?" Sa and Nero said in unison, glaring at Ject and Manny. "what now? I just think its a little quiet here. Is that a problem? I mean, we could always make it a little bit of a lightning show, I am sure Ject still has that in him." He looks over at Jects as Sanagi walked over and grabbed Manny by the shoulders. Dom did the same to Ject. They forced Manny and Ject to sit down. "Will you two please shut the hell up while we wait here. If you have a question ask, then shut the hell up agian. Damn, you are so annoying!" Sanagi said, a little annoyance in her voice. She then fallowed Dom and sat down on the other side of the fire pit. "Hey, I think she likes me a little bit." Manny wispered to Ject, who had to laugh a little. Then stopped as he saw her glaring at the pair.
"Immanuel Gabriel, if you dont get out of this store right now, i swear to god that I will personally smack your ass from here until sunday!" An elderly woman was raising her arm as Manny ran out of the store holding a loaf of bread. "Sorry grandma, I will pay for this one day!" He waved as he rounded a corner. He hated the fact that he had to steal for food, but he didn't have a job and well, he didn't even have a home. What other choice did he have? Don't think the wrong idea, the old woman was not his grandmother, but someone that only wants to see him succeed, in whatever it is that he is good at. The only problem is that he is only good at stuff that others would be scared of. He slowed down from his running and sat down, trying to catch his breath when a burly voice popped into his head. "What the hell is wrong with you? The chosen Eight don't steal! I should shock the living hell out of you right now, you little punk!" The voice sounded angry, yet tired at the same time. "Ject, calm yourself." A pretty voice popped into his head, scolding the one named Ject. " Listen, Immanuel, we need you to come to the mountian as soon as you can. Fallow the lightning bolts, they will guide you the way you need to go. Please, hurry." The voice fadded, scolding the man that talked before. "What the hell? Alright, so, that was the voice of Ject. Damn, and now I have to go and meet him?" He shook his heqand then looked down at the loaf of bread that he had just taken. He looked around and saw two little children huddled under a roof top. Lightning started to form in the clouds. Manny looked up and then handed the kids the loaf of bread. "Here, I don't think I will need this any more. Please, you two, cover your eyes." He smiled as they did, smiles on their faces. He looked up one more time as a bolt of lightning shot down, hitting him. As the bolt vanished, so did Manny. "Within seconds, another bolt of lightning struck the top of the mountian. As the bolt fadded, Manny was standing there, his hair frayed and smoking a little bit. "Damn, still havent quite figured that one out." He shook his head and then noticed nine other people looking at him. A tall man walked over to him then hit him on the head, "You damn retard! We dont steal, and how the hell did you do that. I havent even been able to figure that one out!" Manny rubbed his head with one eye closed, "Owww, that hurt you overgrown baboon. What the hell is wrong with you?" He glared up at the man who glared back. "Oh well, looks like I am your reincarnation, right? Nice to meet you grape ape." He smirked as the man clenched his hand into a fist. "You little punk. I am gonna kill you before you are even able to do any good. Get your scrawny ass over here!" He reached for Manny, but he dodged and then held his sword to the tall mans neck. "What?" "Watch where you put your hand there big guy. I dont mean no harm, so, calm down, will ya? There are a few more people about to make their way to the top. Hope you all are ready." He smirks as they all begin to look at him. "What did I do this time?" He lowered his sword and then started to laugh as he scratched the back of his head. [CENTER]---------[/CENTER] well, that was alot longer than i intended. so, hope you guys brought your glasses....heh....
[CENTER][I][SIZE="2"]"We may die, here today, on this land, we shall live on. Our bodies will vanish into the earth, but our sould shall never die. One day, in the future, we will be needed once more, and when that time comes, it will not be the ones you see before you, but others, the same as us, and they will be us. This last fight was one that will never see past this day. The days of spells and magic shall die here on this ground, but our lives will not. When we are needed, look to the young, they shall be us, and we shall be them."[/SIZE][/I][/CENTER] [COLOR="Red"]"So, when are they gonna get here?" [/COLOR]A tall man said, a smile on his face. He turned around as a ball of fire engulfed a small pile of sticks. [COLOR="DarkOrchid"]"Calm down Nie. they will come when they are ready. As far as that time comes, who shall know when it is."[/COLOR] A calm woman smiled sitting around the fire. [COLOR="DarkOrange"]""Well, Adin, it is said that they are to come soon. Or at least, that is what you always said. As long as they are strong, that is all that I care about."[/COLOR] The giant of a man said, looking down at the fire as lightning bolts started to dance along the night sky. [COLOR="Sienna"]"Right, you just hope your reincarnation isnt a girl, right Ject? Besides, what should it matter what gender they are. As long as they are able to do the task that we set them put to do, what does it matter?"[/COLOR] A burly man of the earth said, a smirk on his face. In the cold night air, one man slowly falls from the sky above. His laught startles the rest of the group. All eight of them stand, weapons drawn. They are ready, for they know that their enamy is close, and they know that they are of no match to him at the moment. "Where the hell is he? That low life bastard!" A girl with dark hair spits on the ground, looking around for the source of the voice. [COLOR="Blue"]"Sa, keep your calm. He will show himself soon enough."[/COLOR] Another woman said, looking behind the group. [COLOR="Cyan"]"I knew we should have searched for them on our own. Damn. Lets hope he doesn't show himslef any time soon, Eca." [/COLOR]A male with ice blue eyes said, gritting his teeth. [COLOR="Pink"]"Well, Dom, don't hold your breath."[/COLOR] The last said, pointing up at the sky as a man in multi color landed before the eight. A wicked smile shown on his face as he looked from person to person. Its not nice to talk badly about someone. You all should know that. Listen, i will tell you this, and only once. I want your reincarnations to come at me with full force. Send them. If they keep me waiting, i will start taking over this world and I will leave nothing in my wake. You have been warned, I would hurry if I were you all." His laugh started to scare even the birds away. And, as soon as he had shown himslef, he vanished into the darkenss of the night. "Adin, I think it would be smart to gather them all here, as soon as possibe." Sa said, walking next to her counterpart. "If we wait any longer, they may be hurt in the cross fire between us and him." [COLOR="darkorchid"]"You are wrong, my sister. We no longer have bodies, unlike him. We must do our fighting through them. Let us pray that they are ready."[/COLOR] She clasped her hands together as a beacon of light rose into the heavens, calling the reincarnations to their location, ontop of the giant mountian. [COLOR="darkorchid"]"You must come, you eight. You have been chosen, so head my call. Come as soon as you are able. We will not wait long. Please, hurry. We do not have much time."[/COLOR] [CENTER]---------------[/CENTER] Off to the mountian we go, that is where we will start this. See you all there.
alright...now that all the slots are filled i think its about time to get this thing started. just a heads up for all of you, it will get started in about a day. so, be looking for it. hopefully this thing will do as good as the last one. so, we shall see.
good, I like them so far. Of course, i still need more. So, signups are still welcome, so, have at it people. Here is mine. Name: Immanuel Gabriel (Manny For Short) Age: 23 Gender: Male Personality: He is a pretty care free guy. He smiles alot, despite his appearance. He is a hyper and go getter. When given the chance, he will joke around and mess with people untill they start to get angry. He does hjowever, care about people. He will use his electricity as a sheild if he is able. He would rather protect people than let them get hurt. Wether they like him or not. Appearance: Its below Rencarnation of: Ject Of Lightning Power: Due to his spontanious nature, he is able to be absorbed by lightning bolts and travel within them. He is able to exit them at his own free will. Also, he is able to feel the electrical pulses of a creatures heart beat, as well as the electrical impulses of a creatures mind, wether they are human or not. With his weapon, he is able to create a current within the weapon so that if anything touches it, they will get an electrifying jolt. Think of an electric fence, but he is able to control the ammount of voltage that travels through the weapon itself. Weapon: He uses the sword in the pic below. Bio: At the age of seven, he was struck by lightning, eight times. After the last bolt, he stood up and walked into his home. As he walked in, leverything metal started to risea nd float into the air. His parents started to freak out. They tried to grab him, but as they did, an electric blast shot from him, causing their hearts to explode, killing them in an instant. The only one to survive was his sister, who at the time was at school. When she got home, she saw her dead father and mother. She looked around and tried to find Manny, but wasnt able to. She then began to search for him. Not knowing that after he killed them, he ran, trying not to harm anyone else until he was able to control his problem. Four years later, he now at the age of eleven, he was traveling through a small town when he heard someone call his name. As he turned he saw his sister, she has a look of joy on her face. He frowned and looked away. He told her the story and told him what happened four years earlier. She began to freak out nad was about to try and attack him when his electricity shocked her, knocking her out cold. Waslking past was a man. He reached out and was able to touch Manny. Though, struggleing, he gave a small smile. As Manny looked at him with a shock on his face. All the man could do was smile and say, "I am glad to see that the reincarnation of Ject lives so strongly within such a capable young man." After the old man said those words, he nodded his head and walked off. From that day forward, Manny used his powers to try and find out the most he could about this Ject. He left hsi sister in the town, ad has been able to control his powers a great deal more than he was able to when he was eleven. He also got word that his sister got married and now has a family of her own. He misses her, but he knows that being a reincarnation means that he has a destiny that must be fufilled, and he has chosen not to die until he is able to complete his mission. there she is. as i said before, hope i get more signups, and have fun yall.......yeah....
Well, its been over a year since the last time i put this one up. It did pretty well, and, I want to bring it back and see if I can get some new blood into it. So, have fun, and the ones that were in it before, please, by all means, go for it agian. Have any questions, pm me and i will explain. [CENTER]----------------------------------------------------------------------------------[/CENTER] A man walked into a room and gasped. He was not expecting anyone else to be in the room with him. He had no clue who this person was, but he had a felling that he was about to find out. "Sit down young one, I am going to tell you a tale, it has many truths behind it, and it could possible be what you were looking for." He took a long drag from his pipe and then sat down in a rocking chair. "Listen old man, I am no relation to you. I was told to come here and ask you of the Chosen Eight." The young person sat down as told, but there was a look on their face as if they did not want to be there. "Very well, tell me something first, what do you know about the eight you so desperatly seek?" The old man took another puff from his pipe then looked at the young person sitting in front of him. "From stories, I know there were more than eight. There were hundreds, maybe even thousands, but there were eight that stood above the rest. Eca of the water, Dom of the earth, Del of the ice, Adin of the light, Sa of the darkness, Ject of the lightning, Nie of the fire, and Lia of the wind. They were gods of sorts." The old man nodded for him to go on with what he knew. "They were powerful, and one of many that could use powers at the snap of a finger. They lived many years ago, about fourhundred, but their spirit still lives with us today. They felt that their powers were given to them for a reason. They felt that it was their duty to save the world and anything living in it. But not all of their kind felt the same way. There were many that had these powers as well as some that did not that faught agianst them to try and kill them." The young person smiled and shood their head. "Go on. So far, you are right, and I want to know what else you know about them." The old man cleaned out his pipe and set it on the table next to him. "Well, after four years of fighting, it was down to one last one. Each side had thousands of troops to help them. There was the good, the side that the Chosen Eight were on, and then there was the other side, the Faction, as they wanted to be called. They were only murders in many peoples eyes though." "To go one with this story, the final fight lasted ten days, and at the end of it, only one of the Eight stood, badly hurt, she would not live much longer after this. Knowing this fact, she cast a spell on herself as well as the other seven. Noone knows what kind of spell it was, but after that day, both sides had been completely destroyed." The old man smiled as he light up his pipe once more. "True, but only two people know what kind of spell it was. And, that is why you were sent to me. I do know, and I have to ask you a question before I tell you about the spell. How long have you known that you were a reincarnation of them?" He pointed to the boy who seemed to be shocked. "Well, since I was twelve. I knew about it ever since I read the journal of my grandfather. Why, is there something strange about it?" "Nothing, the spell that Adin casted was this, 'Though we may die, here today, on this land, we shall live on. Our bodies will vanish into the earth, but our sould shall never die. One day, in the future, we will be needed once more, and when that time comes, it will not be the ones you see before you, but others, the same as us, and they will be us. This last fight was one that will never see past this day. The days of spells and magic shall die here on this ground, but our lives will not. When we are needed, look to the young, they shall be us, and we shall be them." The old man closed his eyes as he started to smile. "What is it, what is so funny?" The young person asked, sitting up a little more. "In these times, the outside, what everyone sees is wonderful. There appears to be no harm, but that is only a coverup. Down deep within our world, it is turning into a hell. Soon, the world will be ingulfed in flames, and the Chosen Eight will be the only ones to stop it. And you, young one, are a reincarnation of someone from the past. Who, i do not know, but you appear to have chosen a wonderful new body, please help find the others. You will know when you meet them, and they will know when they see you, who you really are. Now, go, you are needed elsewhere." The young person stood up and walked out of the building. "This is freaking crazy." The young one looked up to the sky and looked around. Something was pulling at their heart, and the feeling was clear, come here, now! -------------------------------------------- Alright, thats it. There will be seven signups, plus mine. I will take more, but only one of each reincarnation. Fight for them if you want to. Here are the eight to pick from. Eca- Of the Water Dom- Of the Earth Nie- Of the Fire Adin- Of the Light Sa- Of the Darkness Ject- Of the Lightning Lia- Of the Wind Del- Of the Ice Pick from one of those. In this rp, you are a reincarnation, but the reason why you are back are a mystery. Somehwere something is going wrong, and it is big enough for you to be brough back to handle it. IF there are any questions, please ask and I will answer. Here is the sighup. Name Age: 16-28 please Gender: It does not have to be the same as the reincarnation. Say Lia is a female, you may be a male reincarnation. Personality: Two paragraphs on this one please Appearance: Pic or written Rencarnation of: Which one are you Power: Goes along with the reincarnation. Weapon: Still times of melee so take it from there Bio: How did you find you you were a reincarnation, or if you want to find out later, an experience with some of your powers.
Name: Kazaki Shikimori Age: 22 Gender: Male Appearance: He is not the tallest man on the planet. He stands at 5'9" and weighs about one sixty, all is muscle, mind you. He normally wears a while shirt that has a small symbol in the back and front, and a pair of blue jeans. His shoes are a dirty brown that seem as though they have seen alot. His hair is black, and comes to the middle of his back. It has a few strands of hair that covers his left eye. His eyes are a deep green that seem to give off an aura of their own. He has a scar on his right shoulder from a bullet that went into his back and exploded while escaping the lab. It has left his right arm imobilized unless he is in his beast form. That is the only time he is able to use his right arm. Side: Beast Beast: Lion. He is a gold and black lion. His coat is a gold with black lines throughout his body. His main is black, and it has a few white stripes in it. Personality: He is calm and collected. He likes to look over a situation and try and read the outcomes. He may not be very good at it, but it helps when the situation gets rough. When alone with people, he is happy, kinda. He likes to be alone and will try to help people with their problems, but if it gets rough, he will not hesitate to get a little pushy about what people should do. He is not affraid to let people know whats on his mind. He will show everything that he is thinking even if the other person does not want to hear it. He is also a leader of sorts. He is good at telling people what to do, and uses it to the advantage of all his fellow bests. Bio: Four years ago is when it all started. He was taken from his home and put in a cell so that tests could be administered to him. He rememberes everything vividly. It is something that he will never forget. The pain, the hurt, the losses that he has suffered from that time is etched into his memory. He will never forget that doctor either. The one that everyone he was with got so close to. Dr. Mark Simmons. He was the only person in the entire project that kept everyone sane. He was a father of sorts, always trying to help even if there was nothing that he could do. He was Kazaki's father, no matter what anyone says about that. Kazaki was one of the two that escaped from that hell. He did not escape with out any price though. He lost all movement in his right arm, but he does gain it back while in beast form. He uses it to his advantage though. When in a situation that he has to change, he will act as though he cannot use his right arm until the moment arises in which he can suprise his target and kill them when the time comes. When he was seven years old, he got enraged at the sight of his brother's death. His brother was a bull. He was incredably strong, and used that very well. Then one day it happened. Some men in black suites came and tried to take his brother and him to a place that they said would help them. His brother did not want to go, so he changed and started to fight them. In the end the men killed Kazaki's brother and tried to take him. Kazaki got enraged and changed. He changed intp a lion that had not yet grown his main yet. He was able to kill one man, but the others soon over powered him, and took him to the lab. When he awoke, he was looking at doctor Simmons. From then on out, he treated Kazaki as a son, and as soon as he was able to escape, Kazaki swore revenge on the company "Dawn". The ones that had caused him and others so much pain. He would not let them get away with what they had done. sorry. I will finish later. I am running out of time and well, I need to go. The signups are still open for anyone that wants to join.
[CENTER][FONT="Arial Black"][COLOR="Red"][SIZE="2"]Sept. 3, 2002[/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT][/CENTER] [SIZE="2"][CENTER][FONT="Fixedsys"][COLOR="Blue"]The mark of the beast, what is it? In recent studies, I have found eight people with this mark. It is a small tatoo that is no bigger than a tennis ball. It is located on their left shoulder blade.[/COLOR][/FONT][/CENTER][/SIZE] [COLOR="Blue"][FONT="Fixedsys"][CENTER][SIZE="2"]I know that there are others. More than the ones that are in my lab. What does the mark mean? Where did it come from? Why has it chosen these people? These are questions that I must answer, if not for the name of science, then to keep my job. Well, my life actually. I have been threatened that if I do not find out the reason behind these marks, then I shall be killed and my body will be used for the next project. This is all for my first entry.[/SIZE][/CENTER][/FONT][/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"][SIZE="2"][FONT="Arial Black"][CENTER]Nov. 18, 2002[/CENTER][/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"][SIZE="2"][CENTER][FONT="Fixedsys"]I apologize that it has taken me so long to make an entry. I have been in my research so much lately that I haven't even talked to my family in months. I may not like it, but it is exciting. I have made a discovery.[/FONT][/CENTER][/SIZE][/COLOR] [FONT="Fixedsys"][CENTER][SIZE="2"][COLOR="blue"]It turns out that the mark has incredable power. The ones that have been "Infected" with the mark, they are able to change. I have seen it in multiple situations.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/CENTER][/FONT] [COLOR="blue"][SIZE="2"][CENTER][FONT="Fixedsys"]When they are overpowered with rage, they change into an animal of sorts. They are all so different. Anywhere from wolves to bears, and even a snake and insect. It is so strange.[/FONT][/CENTER][/SIZE][/COLOR] [CENTER][FONT="Fixedsys"][SIZE="2"][COLOR="blue"]They still have alot of human characteristics, but their appearance is that of a beast. It is truely incredable. As they change, the mark lets out a power that engulfs the "Infected", it then changes their body.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/CENTER] [COLOR="Blue"][SIZE="2"][CENTER][FONT="Fixedsys"]When the transformation is complete, they are stronger, smarter, faster. Nearly every aspect has increased of that of a normal human. Even their rage and anger has grown tremendiously.[/FONT][/CENTER][/SIZE][/COLOR] [SIZE="2"][CENTER][FONT="Fixedsys"][COLOR="blue"]I am still not sure of where this mark has come from, but it is certian that there are more out there. It is all over the news, people being attacked, as well as sightings of werecreatures lurking around the city. I really wonder how many more there are, and what thier purpose is. That is all for this report.[/COLOR][/FONT][/CENTER][/SIZE] [FONT="Arial Black"][CENTER][SIZE="2"][COLOR="Red"]Feb.28, 2004[/COLOR][/SIZE][/CENTER][/FONT] [CENTER][FONT="Fixedsys"][SIZE="2"][COLOR="blue"]It has been over a year since I last wrote in this. I am sorry. I have lost my wife and children to this project, and don't think I will ever be able to get them back. I have been told that I have been too obsessed with this project.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT="Fixedsys"][SIZE="2"][COLOR="blue"]That is true. I have learned more from these people than I ever would reading any books. They are truely marvelous people.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT="Fixedsys"][COLOR="blue"][SIZE="2"]It is wrong to call them "Infected" any longer. That was a tittle that I gave them without knowing them. Now that I have spent so much time with them, they have all told me that they would never hurt me when they leave.[/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT] [FONT="Fixedsys"][COLOR="blue"][SIZE="2"]This confused me. I didn't understand what they meant when they said that they were leaving, until a few days ago when it happened. It is something that I shal never forget, and pray that they will all be alright.[/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT] [FONT="Fixedsys"][COLOR="blue"][SIZE="2"]Three days ago, there was a rebelion. The eight people that were locked up, all became their beasts. They broke out of thier cells and headed for the exit. Six of them were killed on thier way out of the building, but two of them made it.[/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT] [FONT="Fixedsys"][SIZE="2"][COLOR="blue"]I know what is coming next. There is to be a war. The humans are going to retaliate and try and kill of everyone that has the mark of the beast. It is going to be a war between the inhumans and humans, and the winner is unknown at this moment.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT="Fixedsys"][SIZE="2"][COLOR="Blue"]I do hope that the remaining two will stay alive and for one day, they return and let me do some more research on them, to help and find out whats going on. I also pray that the company "Dawn", the one that I work for, will never find them, and be brought down in this war. I do hate this company. This is all for now. Please be safe, you two.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT] ------------------[/CENTER] [SIZE="2"][CENTER][COLOR="DarkOrange"][FONT="Book Antiqua"]Yeah, it is a long intro, but it gives some backstory. As it turns out, a war is starting. It is between the humans and the beasts.[/FONT][/COLOR][/CENTER][/SIZE] [SIZE="2"][CENTER][FONT="Book Antiqua"][COLOR="darkorange"]By beast, you can think of them as like wereanimas, just stronger and smarter. They are the top of the line and they are making an army. They are going to take down the company "Dawn", which is the one that wants to see them all in either a body bag, or a lab room for tests.[/COLOR][/FONT][/CENTER][/SIZE] [SIZE="2"][CENTER][FONT="Book Antiqua"][COLOR="darkorange"]So, which side will you be a part of?....[/COLOR][/FONT][/CENTER][/SIZE] [SIZE="2"][CENTER][FONT="Book Antiqua"][COLOR="darkorange"]Here is the signup......[/COLOR][/FONT][/CENTER][/SIZE] [SIZE="2"][CENTER][FONT="Fixedsys"][COLOR="Red"]Name[/COLOR]: [COLOR="Lime"]Easy, right?[/FONT][/COLOR][/CENTER][/SIZE] [SIZE="2"][CENTER][FONT="Fixedsys"][COLOR="red"]Age[/COLOR]: [COLOR="Lime"]It doesn't really matter, but I would like them to be older than 18[/COLOR][/FONT][/CENTER][/SIZE] [CENTER][FONT="Fixedsys"][SIZE="2"][COLOR="Red"]Gender[/COLOR]: [COLOR="Lime"]Easy, agian[/COLOR].[/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT="Fixedsys"][SIZE="2"][COLOR="Red"]Appearance:[/COLOR] [COLOR="lime"]Either a pic or a written. Give a short description if it is a pic[/COLOR].[/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT="Fixedsys"][COLOR="Red"][COLOR="red"]Side[/COLOR]: [COLOR="Lime"]Are you on the human side, or the beast side[/COLOR]?[/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT="Fixedsys"][SIZE="2"][COLOR="Red"]Weapons:[/COLOR] [COLOR="lime"]For humans only. Max of three please[/COLOR].[/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT="Fixedsys"][SIZE="2"][COLOR="red"]Beast[/COLOR]: [COLOR="Lime"]Beast only. What creature can you change into. Only one now[/COLOR].[/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT="Fixedsys"][SIZE="2"][COLOR="Red"]Personality:[/COLOR] [COLOR="lime"]Something short. About two paragraphs. It doesn't have to go in depth[/COLOR].[/SIZE][/FONT][/CENTER] [SIZE="2"][FONT="Fixedsys"][CENTER][COLOR="Red"]Bio[/COLOR]: [COLOR="Lime"]Just a little description on how you learned that you were able to chang. Your first time if you will.[/COLOR][/CENTER][/FONT][/SIZE] [COLOR="Blue"][CENTER][FONT="System"]Alright. Thats it. If there are any questions, please pm me and ask.[/FONT][/CENTER][/COLOR]
Chris sat at the base of the mountain. He had been there for a few hours and had seen four females show up. Two had found each other, while the other two seemed to be starting up to the top of the mountain. Chris took in a big breath and let it out in a sigh. Something was turning in his stomach, and he didn't like it. There were no other bodies there, none at the top, or that none that he could sense. It wasn't long ago that he could find people by their heartbeats. The heart did give off its own electrical pulse, and it was one that he could sense, but he only felt four. Something was off, and of course, he didn't like it. Slowly, he stood up and started to walk up the mountain. He looked up and started to see clouds starting to form. His face showed nothing, but inside, he had a frown on, and it was only getting worse. He closed his eyes as a lightning blast hit the ground next to him. He nodded as another one shot down and hit him. As the flash fadded, he was gone, leaving only a burnt mark on the ground. A few seconds later, he was on the top, letting the breath he had out. It was his first time traveling through a lightning blast, and it actually felt pretty good to do so. He liked it, and tried to remember how to do it agian, just so he would be able to later, if the time called for it. As he opened his eyes, he started to take a step back. There were other people on the top, and none of them seemed to be a live. He scanned them all, counting sixteen alltogether. Two of them, wearing yellow walked up to him and patted him on the back. "Its nice to finally meet you. My name is Mark. You are my reincarnation." The man named Mark smiled and then pointed over at the other man. "I am his reincarnation. His name is Ject. We would like to thank you for coming. It is nice to see that you are here, Chris. Yes, we know your name. You are our reincarnation. I have a question, how many more are at the base right now?" Mark asked, scratching his chin. Chris looked down and away and then quietly spoke, "Four. Girls. That is all I could sense." He turned around and slowly went and sat next to a rock. He heard the others wispering but paid no attention to them. "We are gonna have to work on him. hopefully, when he gets my power, he will be a little more confident in himself." Mark said, talking to Ject. "I agree. He does remind me alot of myself as a child. I have a feeling that he will grow strong. Just give him time." Ject's booming voice made Chris jump a little. Chris looked up for a second, then looked away agian. This was going to be something new, and he wasn't sure how to deal with it yet, and hopefully he would not have to do that much, or so he hoped.
Sorry it took a little bit to put this up. Eighteen bodies looked down the side of a cliff. The wind blew hard, nearly pushing a few of them back a step. The lead two, both wearing red, looked at each other and smiled. "So, Nie, I would say that it is about time that we let the new eight have a go at this battle. We have tried, and failed. It is up to them, and they won't be able to do it without us." The man smiled and then looked back down the mountain. "I agree, Chase. I just hope that they are ready." The one named Nie shook his head as he turned back to the other fourteen that were standing behind them. "Adin, Riko, it is time for you two to try and gather them here. Adin, I want you to take the ones named Desmond, Demetri, Yuuki, and Lycoris. Riko, you will be in charge of summoning the ones named Lie, Chris, Fianna, and Jason." They two women smiled and shook their heads as they vanished with a ball of light. "Nie, we have talked about it. My eight want to give our powers to them. Yes, I know, it will kill us indefinatly, but, they will need all the power they can get. I don't want to give them everything, like we had originally talked about. They won't be able to handle it." He smiled as the one named Nie nodded. "Understood. If it is too much for them, I will end it, is that clear?" Both of the men in red nodded as then glanced back at the edge of the cliff and then looked at the sky. "Shall we? I would say it is about time to give them a flair." Chase said, raising his hand into the air. Nie fallowed, then everyone else did the same. In a giant explosion, sixteen beams of light blasted into the air. After a few moments, the beams fadded, then reappeared. [CENTER][B][U]Elsewhere, in the minds of the new Chosen.[/U][/B][/CENTER] "Please, hurry. You are being called, and you must answer. Your lives, as well as everyone you know are now up to you. It is your turn to save the world, and to do that, all you need to do is make your way to the beams of light. Do not worry, you are the only ones that are able to see them. Just please, hurry, you do not have much time." The voice fadded from their minds as the beams still pulsed from atop the mountain. The journey was about to begin, and noone had any idea of what was going to happen. [CENTER]---------------------[/CENTER] Alright, to start this one off, just make your way to the mountain. It should be easy to spot right, the beams and everything. After we are all there, it will get started. Have at it ya'll.
heh, I didn't even realize that it was up. Dang, I need to pay more attention.. Tula looked around and then sighed. This was her sixth town that she had been in since the week before. She looked around. Slowly, she smiled to herself, this was the first town that noone really seemed to pay any attention to her. She actually felt a little releaved at that. She walked around town and then sat down on a bench. She had been walking alot, and she was getting tired. She leaned back into the bench and slowly started to close her eyes. She was about to drift off to sleep but then there was a loud rumble and then a small explosion. She watched the guy yell and walk out of the house, and then read the letter from the mailman. She shook her head as she slowly stood up. She walked over to the house and then looked at the hole in the side. She bent down and placed her hands on the ground. In one swift motion, she scraped her hands and then pulled them slightly off the ground. A small blue aura appeared around her, and then the bricks and peices of wood started to float. In a flash, the side of the building fixed itself and went back to the original state. She smile and then started to walk off as two guards walked in front of her. "Excuse me, but our King and Queen would like you to come to luch with them. This is not really an option, so, if you don't mind, please fallow us." The guard in front pointed twards the castle. Tula frowned and then started walking, heading twards the castle. "Maybe I should have left the house alone. Aw man, now what have I done?" She wispered to herself as the guards led her down the path to the castle for lunch.
Discuss Star Ocean: Till the End of Light [Preview][PG-VLS]
konske replied to Aberinkula's topic in Theater
Well, to put it simply, I enjoyed the game. The twists it puts into it were something that I had yet to understand until beating the game. Of course, it was long, and at times confusing, but other than that, it was decent. I like the idea of the rp, it would be nice, but alas, it also seems to be difficult to try and make something off of the game. I do look forward to see what is going to happen, and I do think I will join, but not as any of the original cast. At least, for now, I wouldn't, but that may change. Other than that, I can't wait to see how this plays out. What I can say at this point, is that the final outcome is going to be interesting, dependidng on how the story line pans out of course. -
Sean watched his roomate leave and then he let out a sigh. "I have feeling that he doesn't like me." He shook his head as Aryanna giggled a little bit and Kazar let out a heh. "And what gives that impression?" Kazar asked, watching the boy leave. "I fed his eevee, and it made him a little angry. But, it was hungry, and well, its my nature to feed pokemon." He smiled and then got a strange feeling in his gut. He turned as he saw something out of the corner of his eye. He frowned as the person got closer. "Dad, what are you doing here?" He watched his father wave and then walk up to him. "Hey, son. How is it going? I have something to discuss with the dean and so, I though I would say hi before I go and see him." He turned to Aryanna and Kazar and smiled. "Its nice to meet you. I am Seans father, Jason. Tell me, has be been causing any trouble for you two?" "Sean, no. If anything, he has helped me with my pokemon. He is pretty good when it comes to connecting with them." Kazar said with a smile. "Hang on, your Jason Williams? The breeder?" Sean's father nodded and then turned to Sean. "Yes I am. But don't let that stop you from trying to beat him. And just to let you two know, his bagon is really close to evolving. My salamance has been training with them hard all summer." He smiled as Kazar's face went blank. "Sean, I didn't know your father had a salamance. Those things are powerful." Sean nodded as his fhater waved and started to walk away. "I have a strange feeling that we will be seeing him alot more now. Darn. He is going to want to battle soon too. He likes to beat up on my and bagon. Oh man, how can this get any worse?" Sean lowered his head and let out a long sigh.
Sean looked around his room and then sighed. He fell back onto the bed as a knock on his door made him sit up quickly. He walked over and opened the door to see Aryanna smiling at him. "Uhh, hey Aryanna. What up? Is there something I can help you with?" Sean smiled back and then looked back at the two pokemon as they finished eating and then started chatting amongst themselves. "Well, I was looking for you and I think I walked in on a few new students here. I didn't mean to startle them, but I found you in the long run." She smiled and pulled him outside the door and then shut it behind him. "I have something I want to ask you." Sean took a step back and then looked around the hallway. There was noone else around, just Aryanna and him. He nodded and then got a smile on his face. "On one condition. You wanna have dinner with me tonight? We can say its to catch up on things that happened while we were away." He smiled agian and then waited for her reaction. He started to lean up agianst the wall when he heard a loud bang on the door and then silence. He heard the bang agian, and then he heard a mumble from inside the room. He opened to see bagon sitting next to the door about ready to headbut it agian. "What are you doing?" He picked the small dragon pokemon up and then looked back at Aryanna. So, you willing to have dinner with me to discuss whatever it was that you wanted to talk about?" He smiled again as bagon started to growl in a happy manner.
Sean walked into his dorm room and smiled. He looked around and noticed somone on the bed at the far corner. Sean smiled as he turned to him with a frown on his face. "How are you doing?" He waved a bit as his bagon walked in behind him and ran over to his pokemon that was sleeping. "Wow, that is a very nice eevee you have. Its coat is very sleek and shiny. But, something is different with it." Sean petted the pokemon as it sturred and then looked from him to his bagon and then back to him. It let out a small moan and then hopped off the char. "What did you do to my pokemon?" The boy asked, a little irritated. He sat up, setting his feet on the floor next to his bed. His eevee jumped up to the foot of his bad and laid back down. "I didn't do anything." He set his bag on his bed as his bagon started jumping around. Sean set a bowl on the ground and then poured a few golf sized balls into the bowl. He then set out another bowl and put a few more into that one. In a quick motion, the boys eevee jumped off the bed and started eating. "What are you feeding it? And, just who are you?" The boy asked, getting a little more irritated. "Me, my name is Sean Williams. Its nice to meet you. And I am here to learn how to be a better breeder. Its hard ya know. But, I enjoy it. And going by the way your eevee is eating, it enjoys the food. He smiled as he saw the other boys face getting a little darker.
Not bad everyone. I will keep this open for a few more days. I will post it in the forum sunday, so if anyone else wants to join by all means go ahead. I still need one for the reincarnation of Dogi, but i don't have to have it for the story. With that, be looking for it sunday. ________________________________________ Alright, I know I said that I would put this up on sunday, but I got a pm about osmeone watning to join, and now that they haven't, I decided to put it up anyway. The character of Dogi's reincarnation shall be a cp that I will control, other than that, the signups are still open to anyone who watns to play him. Just let me know and send me the profile in a pm. Other than that, have fun...
Sean looked in the room and smiled. He waved and then started to leave. "Let me know if you need anything. My room is down the hall. Have fun." He left the room and then started walking to the main hall as his Bagon started to growl. Sean looked down at the pokemon and then looked up and smiled. He saw a dog like pokemon about twenty feet away and he let out a sigh. "Bagon, relax. We are not here to fight, we never are." He patted the pokemon on the head and then went to stand next to the other pokemon's trainer. "So, your Electrike looks alot stronger than it was last year. How was your summer?" He smiled as he watched new kids enter the school. He glanced over at her, a smile on her face. "It was alright. And yes, he has gotten stronger, and so has your Bagon. He is getting closer to Shelgon isn't he?" Sean nodded as he started to laugh. "Well, Aryanna, see you around. Oh, and to let you know, I will beat you this year, our even record will be one sidded by the end of the year. Later." He waved as his pokemon fallowed him twards his room. He smiled, she was one of th only people that he actually had enjoyed fighting the previous year. It was going to be fun trying to beat her.