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Everything posted by konske

  1. Alright everyone, I like the signups so far. We just need a few more. As soon as they fill, of I feel that it has been long enough, I will start it. Name: Chris Gryphon Age: 19 Gender: Male Personality: Distant. That is the main way to describe him. As if he himslef has either seen death straight in the eyes, or, somone close has, and it has scared him. He has a hard time looking people in the eyes. He can, however stand up to someone. He is the least likely person youwould think of that would be seen fighting someone that is twice his size, but he will do it without even a change of expression. He is also, smart. He can read a situation and start talking about the best ways to complete the task within minutes. This gives him an edge in some situations. There is a problem, just like everything else, he is hard to talk to. He is not one to go spilling everything on his mind, and it can get annoying at times, but most people just forget about him altogether. Appearance: [URL="http://i136.photobucket.com/albums/q196/griff189/226128157_small.jpg"]Chris[/URL], He stands 5' 7", short for his age, but he makes up for it in speed and strength. Rencarnation of: Ject Power: He can make electricity shoot from his body, as well as use it to increase his speed. At some times he will use it as a weapon, or defense. He is yet strong enough to use it to kill someone, but he is learning how to use it. Weapon: He uses a halberd that has never needed to be sharpen. Bio: It was fortold. That one day, the reincarnation of the reincarnation shall rise and risk his life with seven others to save the world. It was also fortold from his village, that one day, someone in his family would be the reincarnation of the one named Ject. Ject was the saint for the village, and as it was fortold, Chrs was born the same day that Ject was. After he was born, his mother died, due to the birth. As Chris started to cry, sparks started to fly off of his body, and in return, he was praised a god by the village. One day, he was cast from his home due to the death of his father. At the age of twelve, his father grew ill, and soon died from the illness, and from that day on, Chris decided he would test the fate of this legend for himself. As he traveled, he realized something. He understood the reason why his mother and father died. The looked around one night, seeing other people around him. He began to have a nightmare, and then it happened. His body began to erupt with electricity, killing everyone that was close. Nothing remained but the charred remains of the the ones that got to close to him during the night. After the morning sun broke the horizon, he vowed something. That the day after he does the task at hand, he may have to take his own life. Now, with things begining to become clearer, he knows that the day in which he must die is coming closer, and there is nothing he can really do about it.
  2. Sean opened the door to the school and walked in. He smiled and then took out his pokeball and let it open. As it did, a bright flash lit the area, then fadded, leaving a small armless pokemon looking around. "Hey Bagon. How are ya buddy? Sorry for the long trip. Lets walk around a little bit and find out whats going on this year." He started walking as his pokemon let out a little growl and smiled, walking beside him. "Hey, is that a Bagon? I haven't seen one of those before." Sean turned around to see a kid pointing a pokedex at his pokemon. Sean smiled and let out a sigh. "Hi, my name is Craig. Are you new here?" The guy watched Bagon as it stepped in front of Sean. "Huh, oh, no. This is my second year. I started late, and well, what can I say. This is my one and only Bagon. He is pretty strong, being able to train agianst my fathers Salamance." Sean smiled and then bent down and patted Bagon on the head. The small pokemonl turned to him and let out a happy sound and then turned back to Craig. "And by the way, my name is Sean. Sean Williams. Nice to meat you." He shook the boys hand then started on his way around the shool. "See ya round." He waved as they went around a corner, out of sight.
  3. One thousand years ago, there was a battle. The battle raged for ten days and ten nights. Then, on the morning of the eleventh day, only one remaining survivor stood. Bloody and battered, she would not live to see the sunrise. She casta spell on her, and her seven companions. This is the spell that was etched inot our history: "'Though we may die, here today, on this land, we shall live on. Our bodies will vanish into the earth, but our sould shall never die. One day, in the future, we will be needed once more, and when that time comes, it will not be the ones you see before you, but others, the same as us, and they will be us. This last fight was one that will never see past this day. The days of spells and magic shall die here on this ground, but our lives will not. When we are needed, look to the young, they shall be us, and we shall be them." After she said those words, she died, never to be seen agian until the time comes in which a new eight were to be chosen, and were to help save the world. That day did come, but it wasn't until four hundred years later. That was the day that Trey, reincarnation of Del, of the Ice; Chase, reincarnation of Nie, of the Flame; Mark, reincarnation of Ject, of Lightning; Garret, reincarnation of Dom, of the Earth; Amelia, reincarnation of Lia, of the Wind; Ashara, reincarnation of Sa, of the Darkness; Oko, reincarnation of Eka, of the Water; and Riko, reincarnation of Adin, of Light. These eight were the reincarnations of gods, if you will. Their fight was unknow, but they did prevail in the end and kill the man named Dogi. Who, unknown in the history books was acutally the ninth member of the original team, that became a trader and vowed to kill the Chosen Eight. The result of the battle was horrid. Many members of the new Chosen Eight were killed, and in return, they became gods of their time. They vowed to help and serve the people of the world, but what they did not know was that there was another force brewing in the darkness that the one named Dogi left behind. What he did was revive the Chosen Eight and used their souless bodies to battle the reincarnations. This strategy was good, but the power of the reincarnations was too much for Dogi, and he eventually lost his life to them. With his last words, he vowed that there would be a reincarnation of him one day that would try to do the same thing he had been doing. They would try to take over the world. As he died, he let out a blast that tore the reincarnations to peices. All but one were left, and the remaining one said the spell that she had known, but never had the ability to say. She agian, said the spell that would one day remake the Chosen Eight to battle the evils that may try to take over the world. As the last of the reincarnations died, the world continued on its normal path. Many a people never knowing that the battle had raged for nearly twelve days and twelve nights. But as the sun rose on the thirteenth day, there were no more survivors, and the myth became a legend once more. Now, six hundred years later, it has started agian. The battle is going to be raged once more, but this time, it will be different. The time has advanced, and there are new weapons, and new enamies. The only question is, who are the enamies? [CENTER]---------------[/CENTER] Alright, that is the background for this rp. A few of you might remember, this is a sequil off of one I did a while ago. Agian, you are a reincarnation, but what happens is this one, has no real relations to the previous. So, without further adue, here is the sighn up. Just a little reminder, here is the list of the gods that you can be a reincarnation of. Eca- Of the Water Dom- Of the Earth Nie- Of the Fire Adin- Of the Light Sa- Of the Darkness Ject- Of the Lightning Lia- Of the Wind Del- Of the Ice Dogi- Of Regeneration (This is a new one. He wasn't really in the last one. But his power is this, he is unable to be killed. The only real way to kill him is to destroy every particle in his body. Other wise, he will come back to life after a short amount of time.) Name: Age: 16-28 please Gender: It does not have to be the same as the reincarnation. Say Lia is a female, you may be a male reincarnation. Personality: Two paragraphs on this one please Appearance: Pic or written Rencarnation of: Which one are you Power: Goes along with the reincarnation. Weapon: Still times of melee so take it from there Bio: How did you find you you were a reincarnation, or if you want to find out later, an experience with some of your powers. Thats it. If you have any questions, please pm me about them.
  4. Chris walked into the hanger, Diego next to him. "It really has been a long time since I saw you last. If I am not mistaken, you were one of the first to leave here. Why did you do that?" Diego looked at Chris and then stopped as they neared the others. "I.." Chris looked away for a moment and then looked back. "I didn't have a reason to stay." He then turned and set his one bag down in front of him. He looked at his open palm and then took in a deep breath and sighed. He felt a small spark on his shoulder and then smirked. "Shit, that hurts." Diego pulled his hand back and saw the red spot on his palm. "So, you decided to hit me with a little bit of plasma. Thanks buddy." He let out a grin as he watched others file into the hanger. "So, where have you been all these years?" "Me, I have been runing. I am being chased everywhere I go. I bet there are at least two men outside the building wait ing for me to come out so they can either kill me or capture me." He glanced over at Diego. "The man named Lance has killed a man. To protect someone else, but that doesn't matter. Now, he is wanted. But, he has to get past the barriers and defenses of Chase." He smirked as he gave a wink at Diego. "You wanna turn me in now?"
  5. Money based, this should be intersting. Hard, but I will give it a try. Username- Breeder Name- Sean Williams Age- 15 Gender- Male Region-Hoen Area. Bio- Sean in the son of a brilliant breeder, Jason Williams. For Sean's tenth birthday, he was given his own pokemon egg. He had no idea what was inside, but when it hatched, the pokemon Bagon and he made a connection. They were never seperated. From that day, he just traveled around his hometown battleing his friends, then one day his father set something in his lap. He was told that if he wanted to become a great breeder like his father, he was to go to this school and learn as much as he could. Sean agreed and soon after, he was at the school, learning all that he could to become the worlds best breeder. And his friend, and partner, Bagon would be there, helping along the way. Description-This is [URL="http://i136.photobucket.com/albums/q196/griff189/Archer-UBW.jpg"]Sean[/URL]. He stands about five nine, and normally wears what you see him in. He may look somewhat like an asshole, but his is nothing of the sort. He is normally a gentle sould, but when the going gets tough, he can become an ass. And his pokemon acts about the same as he does. Pokemon- Bagon (on the verge of evolving into Shelgon. Soon but not yet of course). Attacks- Dragon Breath, Double Edge, Overheat, Thundershock. (Of course he was taught three of the four attacks, but he is a dragon after all.) Tokens- 100
  6. Name: Dane Lariot Age: 16 Appearance: This is [URL="http://i136.photobucket.com/albums/q196/griff189/09.jpg"]Dane[/URL] Personality:Dane may look like a pretty boy but don't let that fool you. He is smart, and uses strategy to do everything. The only thing that he isn't good at is talking to certian people. As in girls. Yeah, it seems typical right, but he gets alot of looks just because of hs appearance, but he can never quite think of the right things to say to a girl. When in a battle, he tries to make the most out of it. He knows that its hard on the pokemon, and that he can only do so much, but he feels that if he can get a good enough bond with the pokemon, he could care less about winning a bage, but that doesn't mean he doesn't like them. Bio: There isn't much special about him. He had grown up in a very well to do house, and has had his pokemon, Bagon since he was ten. He did start young, but his father wanted him to start that way. So, at the age of ten, he was given an egg. His task, if he was to be a breeder like his father, he would have to hatch the egg himself ang grow with the pokemon inside of it. His father did not tell him about the egg. Dane didn't even know what kind of egg it was. Then, the day it had hatched, Dane became setatic. It was his first pokemon, and it was one of his favorites. He had always been close to dragon pokemon, ever since his fathers Salamence saved him from falling off of a cliff when he was mearly four. Since that day, he had always dreemed of having his own dragon pokemon. When he reached the age of thirteen, his father gave him a ticket the Ryezuki Region so that he could further his training to become a great breeder. Dane agreed, and took Bagon with him to the unknown area that he had never been to before. Since then, he has been traveling all over the region to learn more about pokemon, and to become a better trainer, breeder, and friend to pokemon. Type Specialization: Dragon Specialization: Tournaments Starter: Bagon Starter history: Bagon was given to him by his father, a world reknown breeder, Dr. Phil Lariot.
  7. konske


    Name: Tula Age: 26 Job: Alchemist Gender: Female Race: Aegyl Personality: She is a very cheerful girl. She likes to make people smile, and in dire situations, she will stip out only the good things of the matter. She hates to see people down in the dumps. She likes to smile alot, no matter the cause, and she loves to laugh. Even though she is very kind, she does, however, have an angry side. When things are life and death matters, she will stand up and do everything in her power to try and help anyone that may need it. She will, if the cause is right, giver her life to protect others. She isn't one to cry much, but when she is feeling down, she likes to find a body of water and watch it. She loves water, and uses it alot in her alchemy. If she has the time, she will watch a body of water for hours without even thinking about it. As if she is bound to water with an unknown force. Appearance: [URL="http://i136.photobucket.com/albums/q196/griff189/p1929592.jpg"]Tula[/URL]. Snippet: Running, she seemed to do alot of that. She wasn't sure why, but it was as if people were after her. Ever since she was a young girl. She always had men, women, even children and elderly people after her. One day, when she was at a local inn, she over heard some men talking about how much money they would get for her wings. It seemed that hers was a strange color, and could give them a hefty ammount of money. A small look of fear shown her face as she turned around to see the three men watching her. She slowly stood up and made her way to the door. As she walked, she felt that the men behind her were fallowing her. AS she made her way outside, she turned around and watched them file out, one after another. There were four of them, and they all had an evil grin on their faces. It didn't take long for her to realize that she could either fly away or stay and try to stop these men from ever trying to hurt her agian. She gave an innocent smile and then put both of her hands together. The men watched her, not even seeing the small circles on the outside of her hands. She seperated her hands as sparks started to fly from the inside of her palms. She suddenly fell to her knees and hit the ground with the palms of her hands. A large circle formed around her and the men in front of her. Sparks started to fly in all directions, and then everything went dark agian. Tula started to crawl backwards as the ground started to tremble. In the blink of an eye, a large colum of water surrounded the men and then vanished. The men looked at her, soaking wet and in shock. Then quickly turned around and walked back inside, not saying a word to one another. Tula let out a giggle and then left the town, heading anywhere where she would feel safe. She looked down at the bottles on her waist. They were full of healing potions that her late father had taught her to make. They would not cure everything, but would help alot in the process. She smiled as she took a clear bottle from her waist. It was her stronges potion she had ever made. It was almost as good as her fathers, but she knew, over time, she would eventually be able to make items stronger than his. She only hoped she lived long enough to be abel to do this. She returned the bottle to its holder and then started to skip down the beaten path, wating until she came accross something or someone in which she could either help, or run from. Because to her, it started to seem like a game. One in which could be life or death, but if she took it as that, she could never hold the cheerfulness she had. And that is something she refuses to loose, to anyone.
  8. Chris walked into the training room. He had been lucky so far, not being noticed my anyone. He looked around as the lights came on with a flicker. He looked around and then closed his eyes. A small smirk appeared on his face as one robot came out of an opening on the far wall. As Chris opened his eyes, a light blue barrier formed around him, but didn't distort his vision. He watched the robot circle him, and then shoot some disks at him. They hit the barrier and then hit the ground, melting. Slowly the barrier shrank, and finally, it encased the halberd that was on his back. Chris moved the weapon to his side and then lowered the tip on the blade so that it was touching the ground. A small hole started to form where the plasma was touching the metal floor, melting it into a small bowl of liquid metal. "Sorry about this." Chris let his smirk fade as the brought the halberd up, splitting the metal humanoid in half. Slowly, three more came out, rushing him. Chris raised his hand and shot out three balls of light blue material. Two of the robots got hit, stopping where they ran, melting in place from the intense heat. The third had dodged the blast and was now running at Chris from the side. Chris cocked his head to the side and then turned around and started walking twards the exit. As the robot made it to his back, Chris once agian raised his barrier, destroying the robot upon inpact. As Chris walked out of the trining room, he saw a few others watching him. He looked at them and nodded. And then started walking twards a common room to get a snack and somthing to drink. "Lance, good job in there. You have been training, and it has paid off. Glad to see you well." The General patted his back before walking back into his office. Chris made it to the room and then shook his head. IT had been a while since he was back, and things looked to bee about the same. This could get hard, or so he hoped it wuoldn't.
  9. Name: Chris Alterio Codename: Lance Age: 25 Appearance: Five foot eleven. He never takes the cross off of his neck, no matter the situation. His tatoo he keeps visable for anyone to see it. He likes it, as if it shows where he came from. [URL="http://i136.photobucket.com/albums/q196/griff189/guys204.jpg"]Chris[/URL] Personality: He likes to keep to himself. He isn't a real people person, and for good reason. He hates society, and in return, gets out of its way. When things go wrong around him, he will either but up his barrier and wait till its all over, or jujst leave, letting what ever to happen, to happen without him. He is on the other hand, peaceful. He loves to be out doors and to watch people. He feels that he learns more from watching the world than anything else. In this reason, he may ask a question every now and then, just to get peoples reactions, and see how they handle their situations. Weapons: He is a distance fighter or sorts. He uses a halberd for anything that gets too close. He also used his power to shoot balls of plasma at any given target. Other than that, he has a sniper rifle that he carries. He has worked his whole life to make sure he never misses, and he hasn't yet. Power: Plasma. He is able to use it as a forceful object as it shooting balls of plasma at people, either burning them or killing them, or he can use it as a barrier in which nearly nothing can penatrate.
  10. (You will have to forgive me. It has been a long time since I have done one of these. I may be a little out of practice, but I think its about time to come back into the mix. So, heres nothing) It was sunny, right? Of course, thats how they all start out. A nice sunny day, something horrible happens, and then the world is changed forever. This is no different, is it? Its hard to tell, I mean, they all need help, he ones that survived that day. The city was busy, people passing by, not knowing what was going to happen in a matter of minutes. A few people had bad feelings in their stomachs, but it still didn't matter. Everyone still pressed on with their normal lives. There were a few, however. They seemes to be fixed at the sky, knowing that sometihng was coming, but what was it? How was it going to change everything? How was this day going to be the end of so many ilves. Chris Gryphon looked up at the sky, a strange feeling in his stomach. He wasn't sure what the feeling was, but he knew something was going to happen soon, and he didn't have the ability to stop it, or did he? As the day pressed on, shaddows started to surround the city, then it happened. The people of the city seemed to stop as a loud whistle started to muffle everything out. Chris looked up at the sky and started to run. He was fallowed by nearly everyone that had fear inside them. Within a matter of seconds, all Chis remembers was a large booming sound, then everything went dark. As Chris is out cold on the ground, the world around him started to change. An attack had happened, and noone knew where it had come from. Was it another country? Or was it something that was no of this world? Slowly Chris startedo to open his eyes. There was a tremoundous ammount of pain in his head. His body felt as if it were run over by a truck. He sat up, pushing the car off of his leg. Not realizing what he had just done. As his hand left the car, his eyes got big. He had just pushed a car without even trying. He slowly stood up, and then walked over to the car. He put his hand on it and then pushed it with his finger. As he pushed, the car started to slide down the street. Chris then looked at his hand. What ever the blast was that destroyed the city around him, he wasn't dead. All around him were bits and peices of people, killed by what every the thing was. All Chirs wanted at this momen was to find someon else, and know why the hell this had happened, and what it was. He started running down the street, pushing things out of his way, looking for anyone that was still alive. His second thought was what is going on? Why was he able to survive andwhy does he have this strength? Alright, this is Unknonwn Force. IT is a story of a small group of people that are different. Why they are that way, is still unknown. That is what has to be figured out. Here is the sign ups. Name: Anything and everything is ok. Age: doesn't really matter just not too young or old. Gender: Easy right? Apperance: Either a pic or writing. I don't care. Power: It can be anything. Nothing too destructive though, and only one please. Bio: Something telling everyting a little bit about your power and what you were doing when the blast happened. Please at least three paragraphs. Ok, thats it, just send me a pm if there are any questions. Later all.
  11. Name: Kite Paterson Age: 24 Gender: Male EX-#: EX-48 Power: He has the ability to control earth and its elements. Personality: He is very kind. A lovy doby type if you will. He is not one to go and try to make others feel bad. He is calm, collected, and very gently. He would much rather use his powers to help people rather than hurt them. He mainly will use them to stop others from hurting others, but in the case that he gets either annoyed or angry, he will not hessitate to use them to stop the ones behind his feelings. Biography: Eight, that was the year that everything changed. Eight, I was only eight. I awoke to the sight of bright lights. I squinted my eyes, but it was still hard to see. "Wonderful, he is awake. This is just wonderful." I looked around, and was finally able to see the outline of a man next to the table I was on. I slowly sat up and finally, slid off of the table on to my own two feet. "I am sorry mister, but who are you?" I looked up at him, a confused look on my face. I then got the urge to look around and I saw alot of science equipment. "And, where am I?" I looked back at him and then took in a deep breath. "You, my boy are alive, once more. You are in my lab, and there are a few people that are wanting to see you dearly." He motined for me to walk past him, and so I did. When I got into the room behind him, I saw two people, a man and a woman. They had tears running down their faces. I instantly got a tingly feeling in my stomach, and knew at that moment, they were my family. "There you go, Kite. Welcome back to the world you were ment to live in." The man said, as I turned back twards him. "I would like to introduce my self. I am Kale. It is wonderful to see you walk around like this." He smiled as I turned back to my family and walked over. "Now, live a full and wonderful life, won't you, Kite?" He laughed a little as my family walked be out of the building. [CENTER]Ten Years Later[/CENTER] "Kite, won't you come down here, it is time for you to know something important." My mother yelled to me from the main room. As I walked down, I got a disturbing feeling in my stomach. I walked into hte room and sat down opposite of my mother and father. "Yes, is there something wrong?" I looked at them, their faces slowly going dim. "It is about you. When you were young, you died, and well, we were so devistated, that we got a scientist to perform an experiment on you, and it brought you back to life. But it gave you more that life. IF you haven't noticed, every time you tend to get angry or sad, there has been something wrong go on with the earth. That is you." "What are you talking about? I am normal, right?" I looked at them, and in that moment, the look on their faces let me know somthing, I was begining to turn alian on them. I was loosing them right before my eyes. "You must go. You have a life to fufill. I will tell you something. You do not need to hurt people, but help them. There will be those out here in the world that want nothing more than to see you dead, and there will be others that will stop at nothing other than to see you work for them. You must not help either. You must have your own life. Use your powers to help, not hurt others. Do not let anyone you are able to help, die, that is all we ask." At that moment, my mother ran from the room, tears in her eyes. My father stood, walked to the door and opened it, waiting for me to leave. "I don't understand. Whats going on?" I asked him, walking up to him. "Go find the scientist that did this to you. The you will get your answers. Until you realize who you are, you are dead to us." He pushed me, then shut the door in my face. I was left, alone, unknowing what will come of my. SO, what did I do, I started trying to track down this man, this person that will help me get the answers that I so desperatly want. Extra info: You didn't ask for an apperance, so I added what he looks like. [URL=http://i136.photobucket.com/albums/q196/griff189/kite.jpg]Click here[/URL].
  12. Name: Zerus Anithos Gender: Male Age: 22 Alignment: Greek, He is favored by the god Zeus Appearance: [URL=http://s136.photobucket.com/albums/q196/griff189/?action=view¤t=guys204.jpg]Zerus Anithos[/URL]. He is tall, around six foot three, but he only weighs one hundred and seventy pounds. He may be light, but the weight he does have, is pure muscle, and he knows how to produce more energy out of what he has, then normal people do that are four times his size. Personality: He is kind hearted. He loves the outdoors and does everything he can to try and protect it. He enjoys the sunlight, and can tell when something bad is on its way. He is a peaceful one, never really liking the whole fighting scene, but knows that there is nothing he can do to get around it. He is bound to help, being who he is, and he knows that. He is not one that would object to anything when he is given an order, and will try and carry it out with the best of his abilities. He would never think of refusing an order, or not doing what he was told. He hates it when anyone does this, no matter how high they are in ranks above, or below him. Background: He is not of noble birth. He is the son of a common sculpter, and teacher. His mother, a widely known sculpter, taught him that if he wanted to be successful in life, to be able to use his hands. To not be afraid of anyone that will try to shoot him down, and to be proud. To not taunt those that are lower than him, but rather, help them to be better people. His father taught him to be smart, to use his mind to get around objects. Nothing can stand in your way if you can learn to over comethem. You should not look down on others, but mearly learn from their mistakes, get to know them, and learn how to not be them. His father was a bright man, always looking at the world as if he was looking into something, not looking out of it. A little while after he turned 22, his country went to war. He had been taught how to use a sword, but he felt as if he was not the one to decide who shall live and who will die. He refused to fight, and was eventually killed, by an enamy. All he did was stand there, looking at the man. He smiled as he closed his eyes. The man swung his sword once, creating a scar that ran from his right eye to his lower chin. Zerus fell to his knees where the man cut his head off. Zerus died right there, on the battle feild, refusing to fight. When Zerus opened his eyes once more, he was looking up at a throne. There were clouds all around, and people laughing and talking. He stood and then started walking twards the throne. As he reached the top, he turned around and then frowned. Underneath him was the battlefeild that he wa just at. It was clear as day. There were people dying, and others taking lives. This angered Zerus, until a deep voice came from behind him. As he turned around, he saw a god in front of him. He got down on both knees and then bowed, he was before the god Zeus. As he rose, he was rewarded with a sword. He was praised for not taking a single life in the midst of battle, and was honnored with a meeting with the god Zeus. When Zeus finished talking to him, he was give a task. To help Zeus in anything that may need to be done. To do his work, so he could watch over his people, making sure they were treated with the respect they were needed. Zerus agreed, and from that day forth, had been working for the gods, helping in any way he possible could. Belongings: He is not one of much possesion. He has enough money and wealth to last him many lifetimes, but he really doesn't care. He would rather travel around, eathing the fruits of the planet. He does have one sacred item. When he came before Zeus the first time, he was given a blade. One that will never dull, no matter how much it it used, no matter how much it is heated. It is something he cherrishes more than his life. It has been named the[URL=http://i136.photobucket.com/albums/q196/griff189/swords7.jpg] Cleaver[/URL]. And is something that has been told in fairy tales, but has never been owned by, but one man, Zerus. Snippet: Zerus walked into the hallway, fingering the hilt of his sword. He looked around, a frown on his face. There was something in the air, and he had a bad feeling about it. He wasn't sure what it was, but he knew that it was bad, and what ever it was, would be there soon. He also knew that there was nothing he could do to stop what ever it was. He stopped next to a door and then knocked. As he walked in, there was a single man sitting in a chair the size of a small elephant. No, to call this person a man would be insulting. He was a god, and one of the stronges gods to have ever been. He was Zeus. "Zeus, might you have time to answer a question I have been pondering over for some time now?" Zerus bowed in front of his ruler and then raised agian. He dared not look the god in the eye, but mearly looked at his feet. "Zerus, what is it that is troubleing you?" The god Zeus stood and walked down steps that lead to the lower floor that Zerus was on. Slowly, Zerus lowered his head and took two steps back. "I have been getting the feeling that there is something foul in the air. I am not sure what it may be, but I have a feeling that it will reflect onto us, and I am wondering, if I should be worried on this matter?" Zerus did not raised his head, but mearly looked lower as Zeus passed him and walked out onto his balcany that looked over the land below. Zerus fallowed as Zeus raised his hand and signaled him to. "It is not that you should be worried, Zerus, but that you should be willing to give everything you have to try and stop this. It is a war, but not of normal mortals." He turned and looked at Zerus, who kept his head down. "You may raise your head, do not lower it for me, not now." Zerus did as he was told and looked at the god. "I am sorry, but I do not understand what you mean. How is it not a war between mortals?" Zerus took a step forward, confusion written on his face and in his words. "It is a war between gods and the dead. There will be no mortals involved in this matter, as far as I know. All I can really tell you is that this war, will determine the outcome of the world as we know it." He turned to Zerus, a little hint of anger in his voice. "So, if you are willing, will you help us?" He asked, smiling. Zerus nodded, a smile on his face. "Anything you wish, I shall do. You need but only ask." He bowed as he turned to leave. As he was leaving, he fingered the hilt of his sword. It had been so long since Zeus had given it to him, he had forgotten the time. He only knew that he owed his soul to the god, and intended to help him in any way he could.
  13. In a world, there are demons and humans. The demons, they are a mix between human and animal, their past is unknown. Where they came from, what they are on this world for, is all unknown. The only thing the humans know is this, they are to be killed, every single one of them. That is understandable, anything new is always put on a deaths plate before it is accepted. It is only normal for any human to kill at the sight of a beast. One that is part wolf, or part bear. It is only normal that they disslike anything other than their own kind. But, the beasts are fighting back. After nearly two hundred years of killings, the beasts are finally able to get their numbers hight enough to even pose another threat to the humans, and they are doing just that. They are trying to make a statement that not all beasts are evil, but it is hard. With so many of them still killing, it is as if they want to die off the planet. Soon, the last battle will rage between the humans and the demon beasts. The victor is unknown. The humans have more numbers, but he beasts have more brains and brawns. They are bigger and stronger. IS it enough? That is a major question. Just as the final battle was to rage, something jumped into the middle and started killing both sides. It was only one man, and he was getting the best of both the demon and the human side. His name, Dogan-Sama. He is what is known as the ultamate being. One far byond those of humans and bests. He is a soul reaper. He steals the souls of the dead and use them for his own good. He has decided to rage war on both the humans and the demons at the same time. It is something both sides can agree on, if they do not team up, both will become destroyed, and eventually become the slaves for this man. That is when it was decided. A group of demons and humans got together and pitted their stronges fighters agianst each other to see who were the strongest ones out of hte group. It came down to six. So, to not dampen their chances, they sent all six, but to no avail, they were all killed and then resurected onto the other side, to serve under Dogan-Sama. Now, they have decided to get other warriors. One of legends. Both sides have warriors that have decided to stay out of the battles, but now, they are being drug into it by both sides. They have a choice, they can be killed by Dogan-Sama and then become his slaves, or they can fight, and try to kill this man that is ruinning both that live on the planet. It is their choice, hopefully, they will choose to help the cause, if not, then the battle becomes that much harder. Alright, I am sorry if it is a little bad, I put it together last minute, I just wanted to get somethign up, and well this is what came out. Now, here is the sighnups Name: Anything you want as long as everyone knows how to say it. Age: I really don't thing a twelve year old is strong enough to kill demons, or a seventy year old killing humans, make this reasonable, ok? Gender: Plaing and simple on this one please. Appearance: This on isn't hard. Either a written or pic. IF you do a pic, please put a little more in there, like height, weight, so forth and so on. Personality: IF you do not know this one, that would be sad, just something so we know how he/she acts. Race: This isn't confusing either, either a demon beast or a human. Breed: If you are a demon, then what kind are you mixed with? Elk, wolf, deer, bear, horse, I don't really care as long as it is an animal and not an insect. History: What are you known for? Why are you being targeted by this mysterious man, and why does he want you so much. Just something telling everyone of how good of a fighter you are, and of course, no god either please, I don'd want sometone that can kill fourty men in one swing, not gonna fly. Weapons: Easy and simple, Bladed weapons, spears, swords, axs, and of that sort. I think that just about does it, so, as me if you need anything, and hope to see this up in a few.
  14. Chris smiled as he pulled out his black stone. He looked at it then took in a deep breath as he changed into his dark demon form. He held out his hands as Kyrik and Tsubame grabbed them. Within minutes, they were outside of the Western Kingdom, and close to Nexus' castle. Within another twenty minutes, they were in the courtyard, looking around at the countless number of crows. Chris chaged back to normal. He looked around, all three of them, holding their weapons. Slowly, a shaddow appeared next to the wall next to them. As the shaddow got closer, Chris let out a sigh. Lunataria walked around the corner with a smile on her face. She gave Chris a hug and then took a step back. "I was worried about you. You didn't tell me you got back, and so I went looking for you." She then turned to Kyrik. "I am sorry for what I did. If I would have known, I would have never done that." She bowed as Kyrik got a smile on his face. "Its alright. I probably would have done the same thing if I were you." He laughed a little as another shaddow appeared behind them. Chris turned around and then walked to the back of the group. He slid his dark stone into his pocket, and then started fingering another one as he held his halbert over his shoulder. "Start talking Nexus. What do you want with us now?" He had a pissed off look on his face as he took another step twards the man. "I am not here to fight you, Prince. I just want you to know that you should get out of here. Someone is comming, and I have no idea of what will happen when he gets here." He pointed to the red cloud as it krept closer and closer. "I understand." Chris said as he turned to the three behind him. "Listen, Lunataria, I want you to take Kyrik and Tsubame back to the castle with you. They will watch over you." He smiled as he started to walk back to where Nexus was. "Hang on a second. What do you think your doing?" She had a little bit of an attitude in her voice as she called back to him. "I am staying here to help. He may not be the best person in the world, but I have a feeling that he is doing this to protect something. I want to help him do that." He pulled the white crystal out of his pocket and looked at it. "And what the hell do you think your doing with that? Hell, even Kyrik knows the side effects of that summon." She pointed to the stone and took a step back. "She is right, man. You use that on too many times, and it will take you over." Kyrik chimed in, nodding his head. "That may be, but it is the stronges one I have. I may need to use it." Chris looked back at the three and smiled. "Please look after my sister. She is important to the people in our country." "Chris, so are you. Even more important than me. You are the one who can talk to them the best, you know everyting there is to know about the people of our land." "I have made up my mind. As far as I am concerned, you have no choice in the matter. You will go. Do you understand me?" He had a little bit of rage in his eyes. "Do not take this the wrong way, little sister, but you are the ruler. Our parrents said that they wanted you to rule, and me to watch over you. Now, I am telling you, go. If you do not, then you are no good for the people. IF you stay any longer, you may get involved with something that is over your head, do you understand that?" He looked down at her and then turned around. He then started walking twards Nexus. "I am sorry." He wispered, then looked at the cloud as it was nearly above them. The last thing he heard was the sound of Lunataria teleporting away. "So, this guy supposed to be strong?" He smirked as he glanced over at Nexus.
  15. Chris smiled at Kyrik and then got a blank look on his face. He then turned to Tsubame and took in a deep breath. "Please, do not leave your body like that. It, doesn't sit well with my spirit. If at any case, at least not around me, I would really like that." He watched her nod, and then turned back to Kyrik and frowned even harder. "I need your help." Kyrik turned to him and smiled. "You needent ask, I am here to help. We are allies at any rate, and that is what we need to do, Chase?" He looked at Chris and then lost his smile. Chris turned to him and then looked at Tsubame. He shook his head and then looked away. "It is my sister. She, well, is in need of some help. It seems as though she went to Lord Nexus to see if I was still there, and now, she can't really leave. I am not sure on the details, but, lets just say that a birdy told me that it would be nice if she had a little help. So, I am asking you two if you could help me return my sister to this kingdom." He looked at them both and then smiled as they agreed. "No problem Chris. I think I owe you for taking in my people the way you do. It is if they are your own. I am here to help." He grined as he slung his ax over his shoulder. "As you wish, Prince. It seems as though you need the help of your people. Who am I to say no to royalty?" She bowed and then smiled. "Besides, she needs to talk to me, right?" "I guess so, oh, and miss, from here on out, it is not Prince. I hate that name. Its just Chris. I would much rather be called that. It suites me alot better." He smiled to her as they made their way to the back balcany. "So, how do you think we should get there?" He looked at them, waiting their answer.
  16. Chris slowly walked forward. A black aura was pouring off of him, and there was an evil grin on his face. He clenched his fist as a long staff with a blade on it formed. He held it next to him, the end of the hild in the ground. "Who sent you here?" "No one, we just heard that the prince lived here. We wanted a ransome." They laughed as they looked at him. Slowly, there was a sound of water hitting the woden floor. Chris smirked a little more. "So, I scare you? Incredable. You go after one of the strongest people in this country, not even knowing what he is capable of. Tell me, vampire, would you like a meal?" He cocked his head to the side, looking right at Tsubame through the wall. He watched her walk in and then turned back to the three that were in his home. "What are you talking about, how did you know I was there?" She asked him, walking up next to him. "I felt the evil aura you are putting off. Don't worry. I know who you are, but do you know who I am?" He took another step twards the three men and then stopped. In an instant he brought his blade up and cut the three men in half. He tune turned to face the girl and changed back into normal. "So, do you still want that mean?" "Well, Prince Chris, thank you. It is nice not having to take someone else's for once." She drank a little of the blood and then turned to him. "Your sister has sent me a message telling me to come to the castle, do you know what it is about?" She looked at him. "I have no idea, would you like to go with me. I need to speak to her as well." He offered his hand. She took it and in a matter of minutes, they were at the castle. As they walked in, a guard ran up to Chris and bowed. "My lord, there is a man here by the name of Kryik, he said that he really wishes to speak with you." Chris looked at the guard and then looked around. "My lord, he is being held in the dongeon. Your sister ordered him down there." "I understand. Bring him and his men to me now. If his men are injured, take them to the medical area. So, miss, what is it I can do for you?" He turned to her, a smile on his face. "I am not sure, Prince, but I would really like to speak to your sister, if that is ok." She looked at him, a smile was still on his face. "Only under one condition, you wait here, well in those chambers there. You will find a chair to sit in, pick one, there are plenty. I will be back in with my sister in a few moments." He waved as he walked into another room, leaving her behind. As he walked into the room there was a man standing next to a table. He looked at Crhis, a smile on his face. "Lord Kryik, it is wonderful to see you agian. How are you doing? I am sorry for my sister, she had no right putting you in there. I will have a talk with her upon her arrival." Chris bowed, then stood up straight as the man laughed. "It is good to see you as well. It has been too long, Chris. And you know the rules, we are normal people, no lord or prince things here. And about you sister, it is alright, she seemed to have alot on her mind. I think she said something about you not being back yet, not sure." He scrathced chin and then sat down. Chris fallowed and then they becan to talk. "I see, so you were attacked, that is horrible. On your journey back, I will go with you and make sure you make it back safely. I know you must feel alot of pain right now." Chris frowned and looked at the ground. " Thank you, it really does mean something comming from you. I know how you would feel, and it is the same for me. You are truely a great leader Chris. So, where is your sister" Kyrik asked, looking at him. Chris opened his hand as a acrow landed on his wrist. He wrote a letter telling Lunataria to come back to the castle. He then sent the crow on its way. "I am not sure. I do hope she returns soon though." He looked up and smiled.
  17. Chris slowly stood up and then slid his crystal into his pocket. He looked down at the man and then smiled. "Well, so you are mainly after your brother. It doens't seem all that right to involve your people into a war if it is your brother you are after." He started twards the door and then looked back at Noell. "You have a peace treaty with us at the moment. I want someone that is high in your party to come to our kingdom in two days. We will be waiting. Then, after you have signed the treaty that we write up, you will get your information." He sirked and then headed out the door. His ride was waiting for him in front of the doors. "Just as I thought." Chris smiled as he rode, fast, making it back to the kingdom in a matter of hours. As he got off his horse, he walked up to the castle doors. He made his way inside and then quickly walked twards the back garden. As he walked out the archway, he saw Lady Lunataria sitting on a bench, watching her garden. There was a small smile on her face, but her eyes showed distance. "My lady, I have returned to you, bearing some interesting news." Chris walked up to her and then bowed. Life popped back into her eyes as she turned to look at him. "Chris, I wasn't expecting you to return untill the morning. How did the meeting go?" She stood up and gave him a small hug. "I was worried that something may have attacked my brother." She let go and then sat back down. "No, it was a clean and boring voyage. But, the conversation I had with Nexus was intersting." He looked at her and then shood his head. "I can't put my finger on it, but it only seems like the information he wants, is something he should know. He is after this girl, mainly because he wants her to protect himself. From his brother." he watched Lady Lunataria's reaction and then sat down on the bench next to her. He leaned over and put his head in his hands. "So, you don't trust him, do you?" She asked, looking at him. "Its not that, I trust him, but I would not trust my life, or the life of anyone I know with him. I made preperations that he will come here, in two days. He will be here, to negotiate information in return for a peace treaty, one that we will get the best end of. IF he really wants this information, then he should take it, but if he does not even take time to thing over the matter. To try and determine if the information is worthy of risks he is going to take." He looked up at her and then stood up slowly. "I see. Why don't we both get some rest, I will talk to you more tomarrow on teh matter. Goodnight brother. Do you need and escourt getting to your home?" He shook his head, bowed to her and then walked away, heading twards the town, heading twards this small home in an ally near the center of the town. Yeah it was free, but Chase still set money in front of the owners doorstep every month, out of respect and gratitude. He walked into the home and then stopped. He sloly pulled out the black crystal and then held it tighter as it started to glow. Someone had sent him a welcoming home party, and the guests were getty ancy. "Who the hell sent you here?" Three beings walked out of the shaddows. Chase couldn't tell who they were, nor where they came from. All he knew was that there was no running from this fight. He held the crystal out in front of him as he became encased in a black cloud. As it fadded, he stood in one of his demonic forms. "Now, which one is first?" He looked at the three, they were still smiling, laughing.
  18. Chris walked up to the place that a Noell Nexus was supposed to abide. He walked up to the door and knocked three times. In a matter of seconds, somone opened the door, blade drawn. Chris smiled and shook his head. "Is that anyway to treat the Prince of the Western Kingdom?" He glared at the guard and then walked past him. The place was decorated as if somone important was to be coming. Chris only though that it was ment for his sister, but they did it anyway just because he was royalty. He didn't like the flashy show, but he knew that it was only curtious. "Ah, Prince Chris. How good it is to see you." A tall man in a suit of armor walked up to him and gave him a bow. Chris bowed back and then shook the mans hand. "Lord Nexus. How good it is to meet you. I am here on buisness. My sister, Lady Lunataria could not make it. She had other buisness to attend to." He let go of the mans hand and then fallowed him into another room. Chris looked around and then sat down in the chair that had been set up for him. "I understand. I am glad that it is somone of the royal family and not a negotiator that was sent. I hate talking to them, its always buisness." Nexus looked twards Chris and then nodded. "I see its probably the same for you, is it not?" Chris nodded and smiled. "You got it. I won't be staying the night. I hate it in places like this. Always trying to show off with decorations, its pointless. I am a person, like everyone else, as are you. And, I feel to be treated like a normal person. I hate royalty to be honnest. I do, however, care for my sister, in a brother kind of way, and will never leave her side." He glanced up at Nexus and tried to look into his eyes, but couldn't see them. "I see. You do realize that the country side is deathly at night. Its very dangerous." "I will be fine. I may have come by myself, but that is only for one reason. I feel that others will get in the way if anything comes for us. Its better if it is just me, then for anyone that doesn't need to be there getting hurt." "You really are the best people person I have ever met. Most only care about using their people, but you actually are one of them. You live in your village, do you not?" Chris nodded and then smiled a little. "They really look up to you. Did you even tell them that you were coming here?" Chris shook his head to this one. He knew where Nexus was getting at. "I didn't for a reason. If I would have told some of my people that I was taking a journey, they would not have let me leave without a few escourts, and that is something, like I have said, that I did not want. So no, they do not know I am here." He glared at Nexus then frowned. He didn't get this man very well. What was he really trying to gain from this?" "Then I guess you will get a mouthful when you get back, wont you?" Nexus laughed a little and then regained his posture. "Yeah, now, lets cut this shit. You really can't care that much about what will happen to me. I really want to know what you will gain from our information? What is it that you want to know, and why do you want to know it?" Chris glared harder at the man, and then sat up straight. "Oh, it seems that you don't like me very much. I am begining to like your attitude. It seems as though you are itching for a fight." Chris heard him give a small smirkish grunt. Slowly Chris pulled out a black crystal. He held it under the table, out of sight. "IF it must come down to it, then I will. But until then, you, your kingdom, they have not gained anything from this conversation, other than a possible threat. I will give you five minutes to change my mind." He stared at the man, not taking his eyes off of him. Waiting for what he had to say.
  19. Christina ran next to the group, looking at everyone and then finally resting on Trey. "Hey, Trey. What was with the dog?" She watched him laugh a little and then shrug. "Its my summon I guess you could say. He is a strong one." He smiled as they continued to run, coming up to the forrest. AS they made their way into it, they slowed down a little to catch their breaths. "I don't get it. What was with that dragon? Where did it come from why was it here, and who was it after?" Christina asked, looking behind them. "Alpha Afflictus, or so it seems. I think they are after the powers we all have, I mean, there is something special in all of us, and well, it looks as though they want it." Adam said, looking back at her. "Right, sorry. I really wasn't in it all that much back in that office area. I just wanted to see what the damage was all about. Where to now?" She looked around, awaiting any answer they might have.
  20. Chris walked into the throne room and bowed. He then stood tall and walked up to Lady Lunataria. He bowed agian when he was next to her. "How do you do my lady?" He had a smile on his face. She turned to him, a small one on hers. "How many times do I have to tell you, you do not need to bow in my presence. You are a prince, one of real royal blood. I really cannot compare to you." She shook her head and then looked back down at the letter that rested in her hands. "That may be, but I will still think of you as my queen. Therefore, I must bow. Tell me, what is this I hear of this person they call the innocent?" He raised an eyebrow as she turned to him a little, and then handed him the letter. "I see. So, you are wondering if it is wise to trust these people?" He watched her nod and then handed the letter back to her. "What do you think, Chris? You have always been a good judge of character." She looked at him, waiting his answer. He turned around to make sure there was noone else nearby and then turned back to her. "Please, allow me to go and meet these people. If I am able to trust them, then you should have no worries." She put her hand up to her chin and finall nodded. "Thank you, I will prepare to leave as soon as possible." He gave a bow and then turned around, making his way to his room, getting ready for the trip ahead of him.
  21. Christina walked into the hall way and then stopped. She moved to the side as two guys ran past her. They were yelling something but she couldnt really understand what. She turned beack and saw at least twenty cops running her way. She shreiked a little as a bullet hit the wall next to her. "We have to at least get the girl." One of the cops yelled to the rest of them. She heard alot of yeahs and lets get hers, but she was still a little stunned. She shook her head and then raised her sword. "Guardian's barrier." A faint purple aura covered the entire hallway, not letting anything get past it. A few of the cops hit the barrier and stopped in mid tracks. Christina quickly turned around and started running. She could barely see the two guys that ran past her before a little of the ways up. She looked back as the barrier started to fade. "Not good."She then started to run harder, hoping it was enough to get away. "Hey, wait up!" She was yelling at the two in front of her, but she couldn't tell if they had noticed. "Hey, I said wait up!" She clenched her fist and cursed under her breath. She has only been in this city for less than a day and already she was being chased by the cops. She knew this town was going to be interesting.
  22. Name: Chris Age: 23 Race: He is a summoner of sorts. At birth, he was given three stones, one being a stone of darkness, one being a stone of wind, and the last being a stone of earth. He is able to use these stones to become the spirit of the elements that are with held inside the stones. He is lucky to have this power, mainly because, it has been three hundred years since the last one in his family. Kingdom/outsider: Western Kingdom Appearance: This is [URL=http://i136.photobucket.com/albums/q196/griff189/ys6007.jpg]Chris[/URL]. Here is a list of the demons he has under his control. There is a [URL=http://s136.photobucket.com/albums/q196/griff189/?action=view¤t=demon11.jpg]dark one[/URL], an [URL=http://i136.photobucket.com/albums/q196/griff189/03.jpg]earth one[/URL], and a [URL=http://s136.photobucket.com/albums/q196/griff189/?action=view¤t=33.jpg]wind[/URL]. Weopondry: Besides the abilities the demons he uses, he uses the weapon in the pic. He is very good with it, and it can be used by anyone of his demon forms. Abilities: He is able to transform into any of the three demons he has in his stones. In human form, he isn't extreamly strong, but he is quick. In his dark form, he is extreamly strong, but he gets into a rage very easily. For his earth form, it is his strongest, and hardest to hurt. The only downfall is he is a little slow. And his wind form, it is fast, nearly unable to keep up with by the normal eye. Past: He is of royal blood. He is a prince, but it doesn't matter to him. He doesn't like to be called price, but mearly Chris. He is a fighter, and was trained differently then the rest of his family. They were always taught to be kind, noble, but he was the outcast. MAinly because of what he is. It was told that when the next summoner was born, they would be different, and boy is he ever. He is bright when it comes to battle plans, and will use speed to his advantage more than numbers. He is a force to be reconed with, and everyone that has heard of who he is, knows it and knows it well. As of date, he works for Lunataria. He is an adviser, mainly because the people of the land know him as a prince, and they trust his family. He is there to help her comunicate with the people, but when it comes down to fighting, he would rather be on the front line than in the back, watching. Personality: He is bold, noble, and gentle all at the same time. He is not one of the stuck up royalty types you would normally think of, but rather, he is the one that will help you take your groceries home. He is the one that will sit on the side of the road with the homeless and talk to them, see what happened in their lives, know why they are treated the way they are. He is looked up to by the people of the kingdom, but he could care less about that. He just likes to be able to talk, and treated nicely, just as he does with everyone else he ever meets, unless it is in a fight. When this happens, he is ruthless. He will go at nothing to make sure that the one he is fighting will die before he does. He will give his life for his country of course, but he will also try to do everything in his power to get out of that situation as well.
  23. Chase slowly got out of bed and stretched his muscles. He then turned to her and offered his hand. She took it as he helped her stand. "And you should. I do love you. I do now, and always will. I am here as a comforting factor, as well as a stepping stone. I am your foundation. I will never leave. I will be here until I am forced by the hand of got to leave you. Even then, he will get a strong fight out of me." He laughed a little as Ashara smiled. He walked over to the window and looked out. Slowly, a frown crossed his face. "What is it? Whats wrong?" She walked next to him and looked out the window. He pointed to the ground, and then she understood. "Its Adin. Why is shy here? Doesn't she know as much as we do on the matter?" She turned to chase who started walking twards the door. "Lets go find out. I think she is here more to help then to dictate what we need to do next." He smiled as he shut the door behind them. After a few flights of stairs, they made it to the courtyard in the back, and Adin stood there, a slolm look on her face. "Thank you, Chase, for coming out here. I did not want to desturb your privacy, but I didn't want you to go to sleep before I could talk to you." She turned to Ashara and gave a small bow. Ashara nodded back as Adin continued. "I know it seems soon, but you all must leave tonight. I know you are still hurt, but I can fix that." She looked at Chase who had a look on his face that showed a little anger. "What is it now. We all know that the next fight we have wil lbe our hardest, so why can't we rest little and be in our best shape for the fight we are going to have? It only seems fair." He turned to Ashara, then looked back at Adin. He grabbed Ashara hand and held it tight as Adin nodded. "I know. There are going to be eight people to fight, when you get there. You will have Dogi, or course, Nie, Dom, Lia, Sa, Eca, Ject, and Del. I will tell you now, that they are stronge than when you faugh them before. Do not worry." She put her hands on their shoulders and then closed her eyes. Slowly, an aura surrounded the three, and then they were left, fully healed. "Thank you. SO, its going to be a tough fight." Chase said, turning to Ashara. She nodded as they tutned back to Adin. "But we will do it. We will kill Dogi." He smiled as she vanished. He then turned to Ashara. "Lets go wake them. I just hope Trent will get there in time." She took in a deep breath as they walked back into the hotel.
  24. Christina walked through the streets, Eisel next to her. She was getting many looks, but she wasn't paying any attention to them. She only wanted to find something that looked as though it could help her. She didn't know what it was, or why she was looking, but she could feel that something there could help her with something. She stopped and then looked up. As she did, she heard a rumbleing sound, and then she gasped as the glass in a nearby building suddenly shattered. She looked under it and saw many people standing there, looking up as if there was nothing they could do to stop the shards from killing them. Christina quickly ran over to the people and raised her sword. "Guardian's barrier" Was all she had time to say as the barrier shot from her sword. Less than a second later, the shards hit the barrier and then vaporized. She dropped her sword as it fadded. "Eisel, we have to go and see what that was. I have a feeling that it was a good thing, to an extent of course." She smiled a little bit and then jumped on his back. He quickly took off into the air and was at the open window. She jumped off and looked around. It looked like a battle feild. Destruction was everywhere, and she had no idea where it was coming from. She quickly headed into the building to find the culprit as Eisel slowly fadded away, waiting until the next time that she needed him.
  25. Christina looked around the street and then sat on the curb. This was her first time to a city as big as this, and well, she wasn't sure what to make of it. Everything was fast paced and a blure. She was used to slowpaced, thinkin, and well, relaxation. She put her head in her hands and took in a deep breath. She was confused. She didn't know where to go, and didn't know what to do. She looked up at the sky and then frowned. It was about to start a downpour, and she had no place to go. "This is wonderful. I go from hic town to major city, and I have no idea of what I am doing here. Damn." She shook her head and then stood up. She turned around and then gasped. There were four men standing behind her, all looking a little thuggish. She took a step back and made sure she didn't trip from the drop on the curb. "Hey there hunny. what is a cute thing like you doing in a place like this? I think she needs to pay a little tole of protection, wouldn't you three say?" He laughed and turned back to the others who nodded with smiles on their faces. "What is it that you want?" She had a scared look on her face, something that she didn't like was to fight, and she didn't think that there was any getting out of one in this situation. "Just a little tole hunny. Nothing major. So why don't you come with us, and we will get everything taken care of." He smiled, showing his nasty teeth and disfigured face even better. Christina took another step back and then turned, coming twards her was a truck, it didn't seem to notice her. "Shit, this is not good. I think I may need a little help." She braced for an impact, but then looked up as the truck stopped and two more men got out. She watched as the new two got behind her, making sure she couldn't run. "Its about time you two got here, she could have run from us. We are going to have alot of fun with you." He laughed agian as the rest of them chimed in. "Purge this world of all its evils." She clasped her hands together and closed her eyes. "Take my hand and guard me through the darkness." She opened her eyes to see the men looking at her with a confused look. "Dammit, stop her, she is a witch. She can use magic, if we don't hurry then she will summon something!" One guy in the back said, pointing at Christina. She looked at him and smiled. "Be my light, and lead me," She let her hands fall to her side and then she raised her right one. She grabbed her sword and pulled it out. She held it in front of her, and then stuck the front of it in the ground. "till the end of all the pain." She stook up tall, resting her hand on the hilt of her sword. She looked around as a bright white light erupted in the middle of the group. A few moments later, a solid white dragon stood before them. "Eisel, please I need your help. I think these men here, I think they would like a word from you. They seem to be trying to do something here, and I really don't like it at all." She walked up next to him and set her hand on his side. Eisel looked aorund the group and let out a low growl that seemed to vibrate the bottoms of their stomachs. "I will not stand on letting you lay a hand on her. She is not something you can treat that way." He cocked his head back and then let a loud roar that carried a white light twards teh group of four. AS the beam hit them, they vanished into thin air, only leaving a pile of ash that was letting of smoke. Slowly, Eisel turned to the reamaining two, who stook in shock. "It, its a fucking dragon. Run!" The two took off for their truck, Eisel charged after then in a blur. "Eisel, stop." Christing wispered, looking twards the ground. She looked up, tears in her eyes. She ran over to Eisel and started crying on his side. "Please, do not kill anymore. They do not deserve death, just a lesson. Eisel looked at the reamaining two, they stared at him, fear all over their faces. "You two better run now, while you still have the chance." Eisel growled low as the two took off in their truck. He then turned to Christina and then layed down on the ground. "Please, forgive me. I keep forgeting that you are not your father. I will try to refrain from killing from now on. I am turely sorry." He lowered his head and then looked at Christina. "Are you hurt?" She shook her head and then wipped her tears away. "I am fine. I thank you, for understanding." She put her hand on his head and then looked around. "One thing that I a begining to relize. We need to find another way to summon you. It takes to long. If it were any longer, then the outcom may have been different." She smiled at him as the sun started to show and the clouds started to fade. She had a feeling that this city was going to be interesting.
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