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Everything posted by konske
Chase slowly pulled away and smiled at the look on Ashara's face. He laughed a little and then held his side in pain. "Oww that hurts. Guess laughing is out of the question." He glanced up at Ashara as she hit him on the head. "Don't make fun of me. I am in a state of confusion right now, and this isn't helping." She crossed her hand across her chest and turned away from him. Chase took in a deep breath and then raised his hand. He created a small ball of fire and handed it to her. "Take it. Keep it in this pouch and keep it with you at all times." He set the flame in her hand and then set a pouch in her other hand. He smiled as he took in another deep breath and then leaned agianst the wall behind the head of the bed. "What is it? It almost looks a little important." She watched it, slolwy getting bigger and then smaller, dancing in her hand. "Its me. My life source if you will. I can't die as long as you have this with you. Even if my body is destroyed, just put that in the ground when I was killed, and I swear to you, I will return." He smiled gently and then put a hand on her shoulder. His expression looked grim, but was kind at the same time. "Are you sure you should be doing this? I mean, isn't your life at risk if someone else has this if it is that important?" She turned to him quickly, and then looked back at the flame. "Yes and no. It does make me a little more vonerable, but at the same time, it is something I have to live for. Returning to you, being able to spend my life knowing that my life is in hands that could never be any more stronger. Knowing that if I die, I will have someone that would do nearly everything to bring me back and not let my death, no matter how trivial, be for nothing." He sat up a little and then brushed the hair out of her face. "I really don't know what to say. Its one thing to know that you need to protect someone to let them live, but this, its different." She turned to him, something new in her eyes, something Chase couldn't put his finger on. "You, you are the most beautiful thing I have ever seen in my life. I do not want to let myself do something that I will regret when this is over. I do not want to have something on my shoulder saying that I could have been happy. I could have been loved even. It is something that would be the death of me. It would kill me inside, and that in itself is a death that noone should bear." He looked away for a second and then turned back to her. "Is any of this making any sense?" "Yes." She blushed alittle and turned away. Chase leaned in alittle and then smiled. It was the first time he had ever seen her blush, even if it was faint. His smiled was pure, he was really happy, content. "Thank you. I do not want to miss any chances I could have had knowing that you would leave and I may not ever see you agian in my life, no matter how long it may have been." She turned to him and then looked down agian at the flame in her hand. It was warm, something that could never burn her. "I do love you, somehow, over this whole thing, the more I got to know you, the more it grew. It was never really strong, but after I woke up, after fighting Nie, seeing the tears falling from your face, it triggered something inside of me, something of understanding, I think." He looked ather and then kissed her softly. It was not anything he was forcing, but somthing he did out of want. He felt as if he must do it, as if, he did not, then his chance may never come agian, and he did not want that regret on his shoulders. He pulled back and then looked at her. He had a smile on his face, he leaned back agianst the wall and then looked at her. "Sorry if it was some that should not have been done. My mind is a little cloudy as well." He looked away, feeling as if he had done the right thing.
Kite looked past his target and saw Aruta standing next to a black heart. He glanced over to where they were looking and saw Ashura before a strong looking black heart. He stood up tall and put his sword down. His face showed a little anger as the black heart in front of him chanrged. He side stepped the blade and then back handed the guy into a building. Kite spat on the ground and slowly made his way over to Aruta. "Pathetic really. If this is all the black hearts have to offer, then this fight isn't much to worry about." He stood next to Aruta who looked up at him. "Should be a good fight, right? I mean, Ashura is strong, stronger than she really knows." She then turned to the black heart and smirked. "Your boss better watch out for her." "Leave him to me. If he is anything like the other guy I just knocked into next week, then there really is no need to be here." Kite said, walking past Aruta and then stopping in front of the black heart. "Any who do you think you are?" The man said, glaring at Kite. "The name is Kite. So, feel like testing yourself agianst me?" He raised his sword and then took another step closer to the guy. "Fine, my name is-" He got cut off as Kite shook his head. "I don't givea damn who the hell you are. It matters not to me. You could be the damn dolly lama for all I care." He watched the man's expression change as he fully turned to Kite. "Good, I was looking for something that would break a sweat." He smirked as he swung his sword around alittle bit.
Name: [URL=http://i136.photobucket.com/albums/q196/griff189/0000zzzz-1.jpg]Christina Summers[/URL] Age: 17 Gender: Female. Type of magic: Pure Weapon: [URL=http://i136.photobucket.com/albums/q196/griff189/swords2.jpg]Claria[/URL]. It is a sword of eminse power. It is around four feet long. When it is her hand, it will nearly double her powers, but when out of her hand, it only appears as a small dagger. Signature move: Guardians Barrier - She raises her sword up into the air, as she raises the sword, a purple barrier forms around her and whatever is in a five foot raidus. As the barrier stands, nothing is able to make it through. As soon as the blade hits the ground, the barrier will fade. Mirror Shot- She will spin her sword around in a circle, when she is done, a round object will appear. As magic hit the object, it will bounce off and head back to the person who first used it. Eisel- This is a summon spell. It will summon a dragon, one who stands around sixteen feet tall and fourty feet long. He is a powerhouse, one of muscle and of magic powers. He is a pure dragon, only using light attacks, but he is able to make and offensive movement if he needs to. He is called [URL=http://i136.photobucket.com/albums/q196/griff189/dragon1.jpg]Eisel[/URL], and all Chris has to do is say the magic words: "Purge this world of all its evils. Take my hand and guide me through the darkness. Be my light, and lead me, till the end of all of the pain." Personality: She is protective of people. When she meets someone she likes, she wants to make sure that they don't get into trouble or do something that they may regret later on in life. She is the older sister of sorts. She is caring and gentle. Understanding, and loving. She is the mother that many people wish they could have. This, however changes in a fight. She gets cold feet. The idea of pain scares her. She will do anything to get away from her enamy, even sumoning Eisel, which she rarely does. She will raise a barrier and keep it up for days. It doesn't matter how tired she may become, she will keep the blade up and make sure nothing bad will happen of her, at all costs. History: She had a home once, and a family. She had two brothers, both of them older than her, but that didn't matter any. She was still the one to take care of them, and she enjoyed the task. It made her feel connected to them, something their parrents seemed to loose, their connection with their sons. It was many years ago, and Chris was at the age of ten. She was sitting under an old oak tree that sat in her back yard. It was her tree, in a way of speaking. When she was born, the tree was planted just two days afterward, to signify the growing process of her life. Every month, she would go out to the tree and mark how much bigger she had gotten, and then brag to her two brothers, who would always just laugh at her and then tease her. She didn't mind it, it was after all, attention. It was a nice home, but she knew that she should not get to attached to it. It was after all, the time of magic and death. There were many people who had their homes ruined, and this was her second home. She could not remember the first one, but she had been told that they moved to this home because the other one had been destroyed by a demon of some sort. She knew she should be careful, but how could she be cautious, it had been nearly seven years since they last lost their home. Snippet Christina walked into her home and hugged her mother. There was meat on the stove, and the entire kitchen smeeled like beef stew. She loved the smell. She took in a deep breath through her nose and then walked back twards her room. As she walked, she got a strange feeling in her gut. She looked around and then to the floor. The feeling was so strong, it tore at her insides. Soon, her father had her in her bed, sitting next to her, making sure she had not hurt herself. Her brother walked in and looked at her, worried. She smiled and spoke in a childish voice, "Its ok, I think I am alright. I just got a little dizzy thats all." She smiled her brothers and then her father. He looked up and nodded. She only had a small red spot on the both of her knees from when she fell. As she sat in bed, she looked around. The feeling in her gut was still there, and it seemed to get worse. As she looked around, the feeling got stronger, and then finally, it vanished. She looked around agian then looked down. There was a small purple aura, and then as it fadded, a small dagger was sitting on her bed. She looked around and then slowly picked it up. As she held it her hand a voice was running through her head. IT was the voice of her father, he sounded strained. She jumped out of the bed and listend. "My dear, Christina. I am sorry. We, we tried to fight it off, but, we couldn't. It was much too strong. Please, when you get this, you must run, run as far as you can from this horrid place. Your brothers, they will make sure you get away, and your mother, you will see her once you make your way to the gates of heaven. Please, I beg of you, live, make a life for yourself, and be happy. I love you, Christina." As he said the last words, the voice was gone. She began to cry and then looked around. She heard noise outside of her room and opened her door. She was stunned. As she looked up, there was a red beast stearing at her. It had blood all over its face and was growling twards her. "It looks as though I have found dinner for myself. Wonderful." It make an evil grin as started walking twards her. She began to cry. She raised the dagger into the air as a purple barrier formed around her. she looked around and then started to run. Close behind her was the beast, blood still dripping from its mouth. As it got closer, she freaked and dropped the dagger. As it hit th ground, the barrier around her fadded. She looked around and then stopped. She held her hand out in front of her, there was nowhere to go. She had run right into a cliff. She looked up and realized that it was much to steep for her to climb. She turned around and held her hands together. Out of nowhere, she heard her eldest brother's voice. He sounded proud, happy, wishful. "Chris, listen to me. I have to tell you something. I know you are scared, I am scared for you, but listen, and listen closely. I want you to repeat everything I say, do you understand?" She nodded and screamed out his name. "Good, now, repeat after me: Purge this world of all its evils, take my hand and guide me through the darkness. Be my light, and lead me, till the end of all the pain." Chris looked up at the demon and then took in a deep breath. "Purge this world of all its evils. Take my hand and guide me through the darkness. Be my light, and lead me, till the end of all the pain." She closed her eyes once more and then looked down. A bright light shone in front of her. As she opened her eyes, there stood a dragon. It was the biggest thing Chris had ever seen. She watched it look down on the demon, and then step on it, crushing in under its giant feet. It then turned to Chirs and lied down. She slowly walked over to him and sat agianst him. "Do not worry, little one. Your father had me come, he wants me to protect you. I am here to surve you, my name is Eisel, and I am your summon. Use me kind, and you will be rewarded for your good deeds. Now, rest, you have had a big day." He wrapped his tail around her as she fell asleep, not really know what had happened to her just moments ago. Alright, thats mine, hope you like it.
Kite pulled his sword out and smiled. He was begining to have a great time, well kindof. He loved the thrill of a fight, and well, this was going to be a duisy, if he thought correctly. He pulled his sword out just in time to block the blade of a Black Heart's. "Why the hell won't you die?" Was all the guy could say before Kite swung and knocked him back enough for him to have time to reach the ground. "Whats it to you?" Kile glanced up, he had a nasty smirk on his face. "Don't even think for one minute that I am going to be killed easily." His eyes locked with the guys as he landed in front of Kite, about ten feet away. This was going to be a close fight, and Kite was getting more excited by the second. He took in a deep breath and let it out as his heart rate slowed a little. "Who are you?" The guy asked. "The name is Kite, and well, by the looks of it, your worst enamy, or something like that." Their eyes never left one another, even though there were fights going on all around them. Kite took a step back and raised his sword. "I could care less about your name, but if this ends here, I wouldn't mind knowing who I was fighting. Lets just leave till the end shall we?" He smirked as the guy nodded. "So, where shall we begin?"
Chase slowly opened his eyes and then shut them agian. AS he opened them agian, he looked up. The first thing he was was tears going down Ashura's face. He smiled as he raised his hand and wiped them away. When she turned to look at him, he had a weak grin on his face. "Don't think I am going to die that easily." He tried to sit back up but was knocked back down when Ashura wrapped her arms around his neck and took him back to the ground. "I was so worried about you. I wasn't sure if you were going to make it. Oko and Riiko healed you, but I was still worried." Chase could tell that there were still tears comming out of her eyes. He raised his hand and started to rub the back of his hand. He hadn't remembered the last time he could tell when someone was so worried about him. He felt content, happy even. "I am alright. I knew you would look after me. I knew ever since the day I met you up on that mountain. You were here for me, to save me, to guide me, and to help everyone else in this group. I owe you soo much, I am not sure where to start." He sat up as she helped him. He wipped the blood from his chin and then looked at her. He smiled and then frowned. "Whats wrong? You need to be healed a little more?" Ashura asked, looking at him with a little bit of worry in her voice. "No, I am just alittle upset that I got blood all over your cloaths. I really didn't mean to push it like I did. It was reckless." He looked around and then sighed. "So, he has gone. I was wondering when he might do that." He looked up at Riiko and smiled. "Do not worry about him. He told me that he needed to go and find something around here. I also told him to meet us in the village about a mile and a half up the road. He will be back in a few days, trust me. Besides, we all need a break, or is it just me?" He tried to laugh but then stopped as a sharp pain shot through his right shoulder. He grabbed it as Ashura got a little closer. "Take it easy will you. Do not forget, you are still injured." She helped him stand as Garett walked over and then supported him. It was a little easier for him than for Ashura, after all. "Alright everyone. I say we go to that town and wait. The sooner we do that, the sooner I can get a little more rest." He smiled as he watched them nod. He turned his head to Ashura who was wipping the tears from her eyes. He knew that she was worried, and now that he got to see just how much she was, he began to get alittle guilt inside of him for making her go through that. "I am sorry. I didn't know that it would hurt you that bad to see me that way. IF I would have known, then-" He got cut off as she raised her hand. "Hold it right there, mister. I said that I would help you, and that is what I did. And besides, what would I do if we lost our fearless leader?" She smiled and it warmed Chase's heart a little. He held out his hand and put it on her cheek. He brushed the hair out of her eyes and smiled. "You really are my love. Thank you." He smiled and then they all started walking, hoping to get there before nighfall, which was just around the ben.
Chase took a few steps back and then raised his sword in a defensive position. "IF we keep this up, its gonna last years." Chase said, making a smirk. He watched Nie's movements and then frowned. He couldn't figure it out. Something was different with him, soemthing that a reincarnation should not do. He moved a little slow. His movements weren't fluid. It was if he was being controled inwillingly. Chase stood up tall and then let his sword go. "What do you think your doing? You of all people should know not to make yourself vunerable in a fight as important as this one." Nie charged him but missed as Chase jumped out of the way of his blade. "Who is it? Who is the mastermind behind this? I can tell that you are being forced to do this agianst your will, but other than that, I know nothing. Tell me already." He clenched his fists and then closed his eyes as Nie stuck his sword into Chase's right shoulder. He pushed harder until the hilt was agianst his color bone. "What are you doing, if you keep this up, I will have no choice than to kill you." He pulled the sword out slowly and then stopped as Chase's blood hit the ground with a splat. "Whats his name? Who is this person that we have to fight so hard agianst?" Chase caughed as blood came out. He smirked as blood started trickeling down his chin. "Dogi. Thats his name. Is there anything else you want to know?" He looked at Chase and then frowned. "Why, who is he, what is is purpose for doing this?" Chase stumbled a bit and then caught his balance as he caughed up more blood. "Back in the old days, therer were more than just the Chosen Eight. To be honnest, there were nine of us. Dogi was the ninth. He was incredably strong, too strong actualy. He had the ability to copy anyone's powers in the blink of an eye, and he copied ours. We had to do something about it and so, we all teamed up on him and was able to kill him. That was our final battle, our troops agianst him. He was the only one that we faught, he was the only target." Nie took a step closer to Chase and then slowly started to pull the sword out. "I don't understand. Why are you fighting us like this?" Chase looked at him and then caughed hard enough to bring him to his knees. He caughed agian as a large amount of blood hit the ground and started to create a pool. "He absorbed us. He braught us back from the dean and then absorbed out souls. All of ours but one, Adin's. He could never hurt her. He was in love with her. What he doesn't know is what you are all doing. He is begining to realize it though. Little by little. AFter you kill me, then he will get the picture. If you travel south, to the country below us, you will find him at its center. He is waiting on you all, and I have a feeling that you all will be able to kill him." Nie bent down on one knee and wispered in his ear. "You may not know this, but if you do end up killing him, you all may die. It is something that we are not sure on. IF you kill Dogi, our souls will die, and it may be the end of yours as well." He put his hand on Chase's shoulder. "Your wrong. We are not you. We will never be you, we are our own sould, we are our own persons. What happens to you will not affect us in the least. Know that." Chase looked up at him, a little bit of rage in his eyes. He slowly stood up and swayed a little bit. "I understand. You have to kill him. IF you don't us eight will become stronger, and eventually we could destroy everything. Please, hurry." He had a tear falling down his cheek when Ashura walked up. She looked at Chase and then at the ground under him. "I am gonna kill you for that." She turned to Nie, weapon drawn. She charged him. In the blink of an eye, her blade was in Nie's neck. She held it there, waiting to make sure she made the final blow. "Chase of the fire, your path has been set. Fallow it to your best ability. Please, do one task for me, finish what you all have started. I do not want to see anymore people get hurt for our mistakes." Nie smiled and then fell to the ground. AS Chase watched, Nie caught fire and in seconds was gone. "Are you ok?" Ashura asked, running up to him. She wasn't sure on what to do. She didn't know how to help. She raised her hand s as if she wanted to help him, but wasn't sure how. "Thank you. I owe you my life, my dear." Chase smiled and started to take a step forward, then blacked out. Blood started to flow alittle more as he opened the hole in his right shoulder a little more. The last thing he heard was Ashura yelling his name.
Dean sniffed the air. He spat on the ground and then looked around. "I don't like this at all. Hey, Kizan, there is something off about this place. I can't think of what it is, but it isn't good." He clenched his fist and then moved out in front of the group. "What is it Dean? What do you sense?" Kizan walked up next to him and then look in the same direction. "I see. So, she sent some of her middle vampires." He smirked and put his hand on Dean's shoulder. "Have your fun." He turned as Dean started to smirk. "Don't mind if I do." He started walking forward as four vampires jumped out of thin air, all wearing black suites. No skin was visable. "You are all going to die here and now." He looked around and then raised his hand as one of the vampires charged him. He grabbed the vampire's wrist and then twisted his hand. He smiled as it snapped and blood started to drop onto the ground. "Who are you? " Was all the vampire was able to ask before dean grabbed its nect and then snapped it in two. He watched as its head started to roll away, and then it vanished in a cloud of smoke. He turned to the other three and ran twards them. With in a blink of an eye, he had all three of their heads on the ground in fron of him. He turned around and walked back to the group as they vanished in a cloud of smoke. "They were pathetic. She will send more, I can't wait." He grinned an evil grin as he stood next to Kizan.
Chase looked behind him at everyone and then smiled. He then turnedto Nie and frowned. "You got alot of learning to do. If you really are the same person you were that long ago, why are you doing what you are now?" He took a few steps closer and then raised his hand as Ashara took a couple of steps forward. "Why are you stopping me?" She looked at him, and then turned back to Nie. "This fight, is more than what it looks like. If we really want to know whats going on, let me try and do this by myself." He turned to her and smiled. "Besides, if anything happens to me, you there to help, right?" He watched her dod as he started walking closer to Nie. As he got closer, he pulled his sword out and gripped it harder as it became ingulfed in flames. "Nice little trick, but I am better than that." Nie charged him but got his sword blocked as Chase raised his sword. Flames shot out in all directions as the battle contined. "We have to do something to help him." Oko said, wathing the fight with everyone else. "I just realized, this is the first time I have seen him fight. I am really wondering on what he is capable of." Trey said, not taking his eyes of the two. "Listen Nie, who is behind this. What is the purpose of fighting us like this? Who brought you back from the dead?!" Chase charged with full speed, not caring if the flames got to him or not.
Jake picked up his hammer and swung it around. He smiled as he saw other guards watching and looking around.His face went blank as he saw two guards walking over to a young girl. Jake slowly made his way over and then got inbetween the three. "Come on guys, are you sure you want to waist your time on a girl like that? I don't think she is hardly worth your time." He smiled as one of the guards hit him in the jaw. As the guards walked away, he turned to the girl and smiled. A small trail of blood was going down his chin as he girl smiled. "Thank you. If it were not for you, I do not know what they would have done." She wipped the blood off of his chin and then gave him a hug. "No worries. You just try to stay out of the lime light, ok?" He watched her nod and then he went on his way, making sure noone else was getting hurt or worse.
Chase looked around as everyone fianlly made it to the conter of town. He looked around and smiled as they started walking twards the cave. He knew something was up. The closer they got, the more the ground seemed to shake under their feet. He clenched his fist and then looked to his right. He shook his head and then sighed. "Its not Dom. No matter what anyone can say, its not Dom. Its someone else, and I have a feeling that I know who it is." He looked back at the rest of the group as they turned to look at him. "Its not, then who could it be? Who else could be behind the earthquakes?" Trey asked, looked in the direction that Chase turned to. He gasped an then nodded. "Ok, I agree now. Its not Dom. I don't think he would be doing something like that." Trey looked at Chase and then back twards the right. "What are you talking about? Its an erupting volcano, why cant it be Dom?" Oko asked, walking over to Chase. "Just because. Dom was not one to use heat to his advantage. He didn't like the stuff. I only know of one person that loves to have it hot and burning around him." Chase gritted his teeth and then turned to the rest of the group. "Its Nie" He watched the reaction on all of their faces and then looked down at the ground. "What do you plan on doing?" Ashara asked, and then looked at the mountian, it had smoke coming out of it. She then looked at he top and saw red liquid like stuff coming out of hte top. "SO, he is using the volcano to detroy the towns around the base." She looked at Chase and then looked down next to him. "What do you plan on doing? How are you going to get through this?" She looked up at him and sighed. "I don't know. I am trying to think of who needs to be in this fight. Besides me of course. Oko, you and Trey would be a big help, but I don't want to put them in anything that may be above them." He looked at them each and then back at Ashara. "I will help if I can." Garret said, walking up to Chase. "I guess I owe you a little bit anyway." Chase smiled and then shook his head. "Do not worry so much about me. I don't know what he is capable of, but I plan on finding out." He put his hand on Garret's shoulder as he started walking twards the volcano, a thousands things going thorugh his head.
Kite sighed. He shook his head as he got beside Ashura. "Hey, you need to be a little more careful. I know that we all just got these wings, but remember, all of us are needed for this stupid mission thing. We don't need to loose anyone." He watched her nod and then flew back over to the side of everyone. "Well, the good thing is that this is getting a little more interesting. I hope that there is going to be a good fight when we get there. I am in need for a good workout." He smirked as he did a barred role and then started to speed up.
Chase leg go of Ashara as everyone else walked off in pairs going their own way. He turned and sunk into the bench a little and then blused. "Whats with the look? NEver been hugged like that before?" He turned with a smile on his face. "Thats pretty much it. It was something that I wasn't expecting." She blushed as her face went a little back to normal. "Sorry, if it scared you. It just seemed like something I should do at the time." He looked around and then smiled. "Say, are you hungry? Everyone else went on their own ways, and well, I think it would be nice to have some one eat dinner with me." He watched her nod and smile, and then he helped her stand. As they walked, Chase looked around and then stopped. "What is it? Is there someting there that you need?" "No, I was just wondering, what kind of food do you like?" He turned to her and smiled. "It really doesn't matter to me. I like all kinds of food." She smiled as they kept walking. Soon after, they made their way to a nice resturaunt behind some shops. As they walked in, Chase took her over to at table and then sat down. He smiled sa the waitress walked over and brough menues. "So, go ahead, pick out anything yo want. Its my treat for helping me back there at the temple. I would not have been there much longer if you were not there to make sure nothing happened to me." He grabbed her hand and kissed it. "I owe you my life, and that is something that I may not be able to pay back, my gratitude." They made their orders and then they sat in silence for a moment. "It wasn't all that inportant. I mean, both Garret and Mark were there, and well, they did the hard parts. I just stood there." She blushed and looked away. Chase grined and then looked up as a bright light shown down next to them. A few seconds later, Adin stood next to them, a sweet look on her face. "Chase, Ashara. I am glad that the two of you are ok. I can tell that everyone else is as well. Good. Now, what did you all discover at the temple?" "Well, it seems as though, Ject was there. I am not sure why, but it seems that whoever is behind this all, they were able to bring Ject back, and I am a little scared that the next place we go, there might be another chosen there." Chase looked down, a little anger on his face. "I think your fear may be ture. There is something else, to the east a little, its a cave. It is not small at the entrence, but once you get inside, it is gigantic. I have gotten word that there are giant earthquakes happening around there. If it was Ject around the temple, then I am affraid that over there, in the cave, you may find Dom. If that happens, I am sure that you know who should be in that fight, Chase." She looked over at Ashara and then smiled. "Enjoy yourselves." She nodded her head and then vanished as soon as she had appeared. "This is crap. Just as soon as we get the chance to relax a little, we have to go and fight more. Well, I think the best thing we can do at this time is to finish eating and then go out and get everyone so we can leave. It must be inportant if she came here just then to trell us that." Chase looked down, a hint of embarresment on his face. "Sorry that its making this go by quick." He lookedup at her and hten simeld a little, a sorry look in his eyes.
Lee pulled the sword out of the dead body and then wipped the blood off of it. He looked around and then walked over to Drake. He pulled him off to the side and sighed. "It seems as though a deal went south with the master. The man behind it is an angel and with the dal he made, there was a spell put in it. It seems as though, every time the master uses any of his powers, they are drained and given to this angel. It may take many years, but over the time, the master will die, and well, you know what happens to us, don't you." He watched as Drake got a little madder. "What is the plan? We woun't stand a chance if we go barging in there, head on. We need something that they wouldn't expect. Soemthing like an ambush." He looked down at seed and then looked up at the top of the tower. Within seconds, he jumped to the top and stood next to Akasha. "I know you had to do it. I do not hate you for that. If anything, he needed to be killed. I am not holding a grudge." He walked up next to her and took in a deep breath. "I am sorry I had to do it. I didn't know how much he meant to you. If I would have known, I would not have done it. I would have talked to him more, I got quick on the draw. I am sorry, if it means anything." He stood next to her, watching the city as people went on with their lives.
Name: Jake Owens Age: 24 Gender: Male Personality: He is a kind and gentle soul. He is the one that is there for everyone and trys to help in any way he can. He is also the one that when the guards feel like they need to take their anger out on a slave, he is there to get in the way and let them take their anger out on him. He had decided that he will be there in the end and he is the one that will always be there to help the ones that need it the most. The last thing he wants to see is anyone getting hurt or worse, even killed. He is the big brother icon, if you will, always trying to take care of everyone. Apperance:[URL=http://i136.photobucket.com/albums/q196/griff189/ys6007.jpg]This is him[/URL] Hidden power: He has an uncanny ability to detect heat another other tempatures. He also has a small control over fire, which is growing stronger every day. Bio: One day, the day before his seventh birthday, he was taken. His sister laid before him, a pool of blood around her. He cried, more than he had ever before. IT was his family. The only thing he had left in the world, and it was taken from him. He vowed revenge, but while he was in the mines, he lost what he held so close. By the time he reached 18, he had clensed his mind, and forgotten about taking revenge for his sister. He even forgot why he was down there in the first place. What he does know, is this, after being down ther efor as long as he can remember, he wants out, and he will do nearly anything to do that.
Chase walked around, then stopped when he got next to Ashara. He smiled and tapped her on the shoulder. "Hello there. How have you been after that fight? I want to thank you. After I shot them fire balls, then I realized that I really had no power to even support myself. If not for you, then Ject would have made easy work of me." He smiled as her face went grim. "What, did I say something wrong?" "No, its not that. I was just wondering, why Ject was there, fighting us. I thought he was supposed to be dead." She sat down on a bech, and then Chase sat down next to her. He turned his head as he heard Rikko talking to Trey. "Don't they make a cute couple. If only he would get the courage to ask her out, of she would stop this game of hard to get." She smiled as she turned to look at Trey. "Um, Rikko, I think that was enough said. They-" He was cut off as Rikko started talking agian. "Its just that they seem to really like each other, and well, it seems as though they are scared to talk to each other about it." Shge turned to see both Chase and Ashara looking at them. "Nevermind them, I really don't know why he was here, but I intend to find out." He smiled at her and then stood up.
Chase looked up at the stone and frowned. "This is supposed to give me powers? What do you take me for, and idiot? This is rediculous." He turned around and started walking twards the far wall when a beam of light blue light hit him in the back. He stood, frozen for a few moments, and then turned around, a confused and angered look on his face. "What the hell was that? What the hell hit me?" He clenched his fist as the wind picked up and a small tornado formed next to him. He watched hit spin around him and then he smiled. "Ok, maybe it really works." "Wow, thats pretty neat. Wonder what else you can do with that kind of power. And it does suite you, I mean, your name is Kite and you are able to use wind, its kinda ironic, a little." Aruta said, smiling a bit. "Yeah, seems to be my luck. Wonder what else is going to happen soon. IT seems to be a little too quiet around here, I have a feeling that someting is going to come soon and its going to be a big deal too." He made his way to the far wall and sat down. He watched as the others got their powers from the stone.
Chase frowned and then stood up. He closed his eyes and then clasped his hands together. As he started to breath out, flames started to flair up around him. Within seconds, there was a tower of fire around him, roughly twenty feet high and ten feet wide. He started to breath a little harder as the flames changed to a deep blue. He opened his eyes and then started to walk. While he was walking the flames would die an all that would be left was burned ground. "Chase, what the hell are you doing?" Ashara asked, looked at him with a little confusion and fear on her face. "Wait here. There is something up there, and if I can help it, I want all of you to stay here and wait until I get there to find out what it is. I know, this is very stupid of me, but I must do this." He smiled at her gently and then started walking twards the temple doors. As he reached them, the flames died and all that was left was Chase, standing with a look of anger on his face. "Welcome, chosen one. I am glad to see that you finally made it to my temple doors." A deep voice said as the doors slowly opened with a loud creek. As Chase walked in, he looked around him to see alot of people standing around him, all of them were skilled warriors, by the looks of them. "Chase, what are you doing? Next time, don't go alone, got it?" He turned around to see Ashara standing behind him, her hand on her weapon. "Isn't this nice, two for the price of one. I am beginning to love this." As he started laughing, he walked out from behind a curtian. As he stood, he was at least eight feet tall and built like a brutal warrior. He clenched his hand around his giant ax as he took anot her step twards the two. "This is not good Chase. I think he is alittle strong." She watched Chase take a step twards him. "What are you doing?" "Listen to me, go back and get Mark. Bring him here. He needs to be here for this. Its important." He turned back to her and smiled. "I will be fine. Trust me. He won't lay a hand on me. If he does, you will take care of me, right?" He watched her nod as she walked out of the room, a concerned look on her face. Chase sighed as he turned around and faced the giant man and then gritted his teeth. "And what happened to you? What happenend to the way things were? Why are you back here, Ject? Who brough you back and why?" Chase took another step twards him as lightning bolts came flying at him. As he turned to see the door bust open and Mark walk in, he created a wall of fire that caused the lightning vanish. "Whats going on here?" Mark asked, looked at Chase, then at the giant man behind him. "You want to know what kind of man Ject was, find out yourself." Chase walked behind Mark and then got beside Ashara. "Listen, we will have to help Mark. He won't be able to do this alone. I want you to stay here and make sure nothing bad happens." He walked out the door and shot a giant fireball into the air. He struggled as he watched it exploud and the he shot two more, hoping everyone else would show up soon. He then walked into the room and sat down agianst the wall. Ashara walked over to him and leaned down. "Whats wrong, what happened? Are you ok?" She had a worried look on her face as he looked Chase over, making sure he was hurt. "I will be ok. I just used a little too much energy. Just let me rest here a little bit." He grabbed her hand, and then blacked out.
Chase looked at her eyes. The fear they held, the sadness, the confusion, even the embarresment. He looked down, trying not to look her in the eyes. He smiled and then stood up. He turned to look at her, but she still kept her head down. "Can I guess what happened? Nevermind, its none of my buisness. I will wait over here. Noone is going in without my flare anyway.: He moved over nad leanded agianst a tree. He crossed his arms over his chest then sighed. "Why, why do I have to go though this?" Oko moved a little, but still did not look at Chase. "Well, I don't know. Sorry. What I can tell you, it may help, is that if it were not you, then there would be only six, not eight of us here right now. You keep two of them here, even though they act like they want to kill each other. After the little conversation I had with them, they won't try to go that far anymore. I hope.: He went back and sat back next to her. He took in another deep breath as she leaned her head on his shoulder. "Maybe it would be a good idea if we let them handle it. I mean, the more I talk to either of them, the more they seem to get madder, not only at each other, but with me. I don't know what I should do. And the more I think about it, the less I can control my power." Chase heard her sniffle, then turned to her and wipped the tear from her cheek. "Thank you. This is really something that I didn't expect would happen when we started this whole thing." She shook her head and watched the water flow throug the small ditch. "Comeon. Stand up." Chase helped her stand and then got behind her. He grabbed her hands and raised them up over the water. "Not concentrate you body. Do not try to control the water. Do not treat it as a tool. Treat is as an extention of your own body. Some that is in you, in your blood, in your sould. It is you, and you are it. Clear you mind. Let nothing from the past be used to help you with the water, it wont help." He smiled as she looked back. "I have never tryed to use water like that. Why do you say to do it that way?" She had a confused look on her face. Chase smiled and took a step back. He raised his hand as a peaceful look appeared on his face. He looked at his hand as a small flame appeared. "It is how I was taught. I know, its hard to do someting different the first time, but, we have the same powers, for the most part. I mean, fire can take away water, and water can take away fire. We are one and the same. He saw her nod, and then turned her around and got back behind her. He raised her hands once agian and wispered in her ear. "Try it. Relax. Don't force the water to do anything it shouldn't. It is alive, it is you." He took a step back as the water started to stop and then created a pilar of water in front of them. When Oko looked up, the water started to change, after a few moments, it changed into a horse, tall and proud. "Its the same one from when I was a child." She looked back at Chase who smiled. When she looked back the horse was still there. "That means its your guardian. It is the strongest thing you can make, to a degree of course. I am sure a water dragon could destroy it, but I also can tell that with its size, it is alot stronger than it looks. So, work with it, don't try to control it. When you can do this, you will begin to appreciate your powers alot more, and eventually, the both of you will be one, or something like that." He laughed as Oko lowered her hands. After another few seconds the horse vanished. She turned to him with a small smile on her face. "Now, you tell me how you feel. What is in your mind, and what is in your heart. One of the only ways to continue is to be able to tell which is in your mind and which is in your heart. You cannot confuse them, otherwise you are not fallowing the strongest part of your body, your soul, your heart." He sat down and watched her sit and then he watied to hear what she had to say.
Chase looked back and saw Garret walking with Amelia. He smiled and nodded after Garret made eye contact and nodded back. He then turned to Ashara. He smiled agian and let it show on his face. "Thank you for not jetting off like most of the others. It seems that everyone wants to be on their own program or something." "Its nothing. I think that whatever we have to do is important, and well, someone has to be willing to go all the way." She smiled back at him as they neared a small area of woods. "This is it. In the middle of these woods, about a twenty minute walk is the temple. I say we wait until nightfall and make our way into there. It will be alot eaisyer if we split into teams of two to handle this. Anyone dissagree?" He watched them all nod in agreement. He looked at everyone then closed his eyes. "What is it? Trying to figure out who is going with who?" Trey said, walking up next to him. "Yeah, alright, here it is. Amelia, I want you to go with Ashara. Trey, you will go with Rikko. Oko, you will be with me, and finally, Garret you and Mark will go together." He watched the expressions of them and frowned. He pulled them off to the side and closed his eyes. "And, why did you team us up?" Mark asked, his voice showing him to be a little pissed off. "I agree, it may not be that smart." Garret added, crossing his arms over his chest. "Because, what is this supposed to be? A team right? Well, I think everyone here, including you two can agree on something else, you two are the only ones that really don't get along. I want you two to be a team for that reason. You two need to learn how to trust each other. That is something that teamates must have. If you two resent each other so much, then why have you gone this far? You both know that there must be eight for this mission to work, so get over any petty things you have agianst each other.." He frowned, still watching both of their expresions. "I know you two still don't agree, and you shouldn't, not with the way you are. But know this, both of you, if you want to fight so much, then why haven't you killed each other yet? Back in the old days, both Dom and Ject hated each other, but they worked as a team. They knew that they needed each other and they knew they would die otherwise. You two need each other, and if you do not have the help, you two will both die." He spit on the ground and turned away. "I still don't like it." Mark put in, cocking his head to the side. "Get over it. If you two want to kill each other over Oko, then what will that make you? Do you not think that she will hate the fact that you killed someone she may be close to? Why not let her decide who she cares the most for. It is not up to either of you to decide who she must love and who she shouldn't. She is human being, and it is her choice, and hers alone." He took in a deep breath and sighed. "Listen, I know how you feel. She is very pretty, and well, she needs to know how her heart feels. She can't have someone else leading her life for her. Its hers, not either of yours. So, I am asking, please, try to get along. I have a feeling that it will prove better in the long run. It may show her that you two are not some child fighting over a toy, but someone who really takes othes feelings into concideration." He smiled and walked back to the group, hoping his words may have sank into their heads.
Lee sniled. "Listen angel, I will be back. Start praying." He turned around and started walking twards the ones that were coming twards him. He smirked as his eyes changed yellow. He raised his hand as an angels sword was stopped by his hand. "Who is this guy? I don't remember hearing anything about a blue haired angel." He twisted hiw wrist, breaking the swork in two. "I am not just some guy. I am your death dealer." Lee smiled as he changed into his demon form. He swung Seed around twice, killing four angels, two per swing. He turned around and walked over to Drake. "Whats going on? Did you get any information out of Michael?" Drake asked, setting Gea down. "No, he didn;t get anything." Michael said, smilng at them. "Sorry Akasha." He frowned as the trew the sword at Mickael, it sliding into his gut without resistance. He watched as it started to suck at his life, killing him little by little.
Kite flapped his wings a couple times then frowned. He didn;t like that he was given all of these things, and yet nothing signifying what they were really doing was showing itself. He looked around and saw that everyone was doing their own thing. He finally shook his head and then leaned agianst the wall, waiting until it was time to leave. "When are we going to get to fight? Man, this is getting a little boring."
Chase watched as everything went on arond him. He sighed went over to Ashara. "Listen, I need you to do something for me. I want you to continue on your way to the temple. It should be about a half a day trip from here. I have to go after Garret. When you all get there. Wait outside of the temple until me and Garret get there. Once we get there, we will go from there." He watched her nod and then smiled. He headed off into the woods, after Garret. After about thirty minutes of walking, he came up to Garret sitting in a clearing, head down. Chase sighed and then went and sat down next to him. "Garret." "How did you fing me Chase? I know I didn't leave a trace." He looked over for a second, then back at the ground. "Body heat. There is noting you can do from hiding from your own body heat. I will be able to find you any time." He smiled and then looked down with him. "You have to come back. You have to finish this otherwise there may be no end to it." He watched Garret shake his head. "Why, it would be better if I stayed away and didn't bother any of you." Garret turned away from Chase, trying not to make eye contact. "Your wrong. If you don't come back, then something worse could happen. Everyone one you met could be dead by the end of the day. Who knows, its all up to you right now." Chase watched his comment make a reaction in Garret. "What do you mean. Everyone there is strong, they don;t need me." "Wrong, somewhere along the line, everyone will need each others help. If they do not have it, then it may all be over. So, make the choice, either come back, or know that if we all die, you may have been the only think that could have kept us alive." Chase frowned and started walking back twards the group.
Chase watched as everyone went their own way. He sighed and then sat down. The fire was still burning and it was getting any smaller. Even the wood itself seemed as though it had not been touched throughout the night. He smiled. "Seems as though I am able to keep it up while I sleep and have my mind focused on something else. Good." He let the smile go as Trey walked up to him. "Hey, Chase, when are we going? We talked about going last night and well, we stayed here. If we stay any longer, I don't think that we will ever make it there." Chase nodded at this then looked down a little. "We need to leave within the hour. No matter what, we have to get there today, so we will all be trying to get there as fast as possible. If not, then we may be letting something bad happen faster than it should. We have to leave." He looked up at Trey and frowned. He then looked over and saw everyone but Mark and Amelia around, waiting. "Go get them. Tell them that we are leaving soon." Chase stood up and watched Trey walk back to the river. "Alright, is everyone ready? Good, lets wait until Mark and Amelia get back and we will be on our way. If we go and only stop a few times, we will make it there by nightfall and then we can do a little sneaking around and try and get some information." He wathed them nod then waved his hand over the fire as it went out. He was begining to hate this feeling in his gut more every second. It felt like something was coming, and he only hoped that it wasn't something bad.
Lee landed on the top of the clock tower and took in a deep breath. He had searched the entire city and found nothing. He looked out, looking at the city, frowning when he heard something come up behind him. "Find her? I was told that she is out there somewhere." Gea said, standing next to him. "No, nothing." He glanced over at her, then back out to the city. "I guess this ruins out trip down to the underworld, doesn't it?" She giggled a little and then stopped when Lee didn't change his composure. "I think Drake wants you to talk to the angel we caught. He is down there, waiting for you." Gea watched as Lee jumped off the side of the tower and landed next to Drake. "I was wondering when you would get back. Did you find her?" He watched Lee shake his head. "Understood, well, why don't you try and take a crack at this angel." He smiled as Lee walked into the room. "So what now, they send the quiet one in to try and crack me? The two female demons had no luck, what, do they think you can do it?" Michael said, smiling at Lee. "Shut it." Lee glared at the angel and then started to smirk. He walked up close and stared at the angel straight in the eyes, burning a hole in the back of his head. "Who do you think I am? Just some ordanary demon that has been around for over a thousand years?" "Have you now? An here I am thinking that Drake was one of the only ones to have been around that long. What do you want, a cookie?" The angel spat in his face, but noticed that Lee didn't move. "I love pathetic peices of meat like you. They think they are so big and bad with their angel powers, and their wings. Well, learn something now, it doesn't matter how old you are, or how strong you are, as an angel. Once you loose your wings, you are a mere mortal. Someone else to kill, someone else to destroy. Lee opened his palm as his swork started to form. "ITs about time you let me at him. What ever it is you want, I will get it." Seed sounded happy. "What is that? A sword, are you trying to scare me?" Michael said, smiling at Lee. "No, I will let you in on something. This sword is special. It has a soul of its own. And you know what happens when somones blood is drained by something of that nature, don't you? Their sould, their life, their everything is sucked into the sword. All I have to do is slide him into your side, and let him do the rest. You won't have to say a thing, but you will die, and you will go straight to hell, and you will be trapped there for all eternity. So, are you sure you don't want to talk. I am your last resort, you pick how you want to end this." Lee cocked another smirk as he backed off of Michael a little.
Kite grunted as he looked around. "What the hell is this?" He clinched his fisht around his sword harder as a pair of charcoal grey wings sprouted from his back. He smiled, he liked the color. It suited him just fine. He turned to see everyone else still getting their wings. He then walked into the weaponry portion of the room and frowned. He liked his sword, and it did the job wonderfully, but it would break soon. "Well, looks like I may need to find a new one in here after all. They have a pretty big selection, so I don't think it will be that hard." He smirke as he came to a stand that had only two swords on it. His face went blank when he saw it. The sword that he knew would be the best for him.(Of course it s the one that I said he would be using.) He picked it up and slid it our of its sheith. He looked it over and then put it back in its protective cover. He set his old one down, and then walked over to the rest of them. "So, we are protecting her. I have a feeling that this is going to be interesting. Anyone else feel the same way?" He smirked as he watched her.