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Everything posted by konske
Chase looked up and saw the stars brightly. He smiled and wondered to himself, What could be wrong? If it is as important as we have been told, then there is something dark, and its going to be bad if it gets out. He looked over and saw Ashara looking at the fire, watching it with wonder. "You are darkness, yet you love the flame, is that right?" Chase turned to her with a smile on his face. He raised his hand as the flame shrank and then formed into a ball. He held it out to Ashara, who just watched the flames flicker. He then moved his hand as it went back to its noral size and engulfed the wood once more. "Its, just well, don't you think its strange that we of all people were given these powers. I am sure that here are hundreds of people in the world more suited for this task, whatever it is." She turned back to the fire and sighed. "Well, we were chosen for a reason, and well, I think it was a good choice, even though we all might not get along very well yet, I am sure that it will change." He smiled and then looked at the flame. "This is rackin my damn head. Why the hell is this happening?" She turned to Chase with a little bit of anger, confusion, and fear in her eyes. He looked at her, then looked away. "Trust me, I want to know just as badly as you do, but as it stands right now, I don't know why. I am hoping, that when we finish this, whatever it is, all the answers that we want will be there. Until then, all I can really do is hope and try to make it there, to the end." He stood up and walked over to the edge of the mountain. He looked down and saw a flash. He watched, waiting to see if it happened agian.
Dean walked up to where everyone was. He spat o the ground then wipped the blood from his cheek. It had dried a little, but was still comming off. He then looked to the back and saw the dead crew. "Yeah, I guess I should get rid of them." He opened the side door and threw the dead bodies onto the tarmat. He then turned around and walked back, watching the new vampiress watching ,and the other new vampire holding onto Kizan. "Get off of him, he isn't a pole at some night club. I swear brother, you and your vampires are the most fucked up bunch I have ever seen." He cocked his head as Krishna hissed at him. "Who are you? What are you talking about by brother?" She hissed agian then stopped as dean took a step forward and got right in her face. "Listen little girl, you want to know the truth? I am way more than you can handle. Becareful who you talk to and piss off, got it?" He smirked as Kizan looked at them. "Knock it off Dean. And Krishna, be polite to my brother. He is the last living member of my family. We both killed the others." He smirked as Dean stood up. "Now then, you miss. I am sorry I havent introduced myself. My name is Dean, and who might you be?" He turned to the vampire sitting down. He sighed as she glared at him. "Oh well, next time, I may worry about a gun pointed at his head, but most of the time, it really doesn't bother me. Makes you wonder, doesn't it?" He grinned as he turned back to the rest of them.
Kite walked into the hotel. He spat on the ground and looked around. Everyone looked as though they could be a blackheart, he didn't really care anyway. He was told to make it to this place, and well, here he was. He walked up to the front desk. "Yeah, is there a letter for somone named Kite?" He watched the reseptioness hand him a small package. He opened it and found a small key with a room number on it. He made his way up to the room and opened the door. As soon as he opened it, he shut it and started walking back down the hallway. "Ain't that some bullshit. I died to a girl. What the hell, I knew I would be protecting a chosen whatever, but this. Holly cow." He shook his head then walked back into the room. As he shut the door behind him, he saw everyeon in there looking at him. "What was that about?" A girl said, she was sitting in a chair. "I was just wanting to think to myself, ain't this some bullshit. To die and then have to come here to protect some little girl. I could be doing something better with my time. "What, like trying to kill her?" A man said, sitting in the corner. "What, hell no, I don't want to kill anyting. I just want to go back. I want to go and relax." He glared at the other guy who glared back. They both looked away at the same time, and Kite let out a sigh. "Shit, better make the best of this I guess." He sat down agianst the wall, keeping his sword in his hand at all time.
Kizan stood up and looked at Dean. "How is that not your fault? I don't know of many were animals around here." He smiled as Dean shrugged. "You son of a bitch. You betrayed us." Allura said, anger mixing with the fear she held. "To be honnest, I was never really on your side. I only told you what I knew, to a degree. I never said I was going to help you, or even if I was helping my brother or not." He smirked an evil smirk at Allura. "I was actually told to kill you all the first time I met up with you. Kizan told me to leave you two alive." "You, what happened to Carmen?" "He, well lets just say that the mean on his bones was pretty good. I love the tast of his kind. Wonderful really, so pure." He grinned as he headed to the front of the plane. He started up the engines and waited for Kizan. "REady when you are bro." He helled to the back, wating for the word.
Chase hovered over the group, unnoticed by them. He smiled as he looked over. The woman, the one in the message from his head was smiling at him. She nodded as they made their way down. As they landed in the middle of th group, Chase noticed all of then standing and turning twards them. A few of the men even put a hand on thier weapons. "Please, calm your hearts. None of us are here for a fight, if I am right?" Chase said, looking around, then he looked a the woman with angelic wings next to him. "Thank you all for coming. I was worried that none of you would show." She lowered her head and smiled. "Hey, you were the one in my head." The female with the twin katanas on her back said, pointing. "Yes, that was me. My name is Adin. I was the one that put the spell in effect. I must apologize. MY spell has caused you all great greiff. But, I am sure you all want to know what brings you to this place, why you all are who you are. What your powers mean, and how are the Chosen Eight connected to you." She smiled and nodded at Chase who went and sat down, leaning agianst a rock. "You all are the reincarnations of us, the other seven from many years ago, and you,my dear, are me. I am you, but we are not the same. With the spell I casted, I made it so all of you were able to live your lives the way you wanted, with free will. Now, all of you are needed, just like I was so many years ago." She looked around, looking at all of them in the face, smiling. "Right, but why are we here. The world isn't in peril like it was back then." The man with the blue har said, looking at Adin. "You are right, but you are also wrong. This world is like an apple, if you will. The outside, the skin, its all safe, wonderful to look at, there is nothing wrond with it. But, on the inside, there is a worm, a bug terrorizing the ones that dare to make it there. There are people in this world that are trying to destroy it. None of you know of this, but it is happening. We knew this was coming, that is why you all were born, to help stop it. I do not know how they are doing it, or even what they are doing to this wonderful place, but it is known, something is happening, and you are the last hope to stop this evil. So, please, I beg of all of you, help me. I need all of your help as well. If there is one missing, the rest may not make it." She looked away from the group then raised up into the air. "I think you should all go to the temple west of here. That is the closest place I can feel the evil rising from. Once you are done there, I will be back." She smiled at them all before she vanished into a flash of light. "If you have any answers, ask Chase, he will be able to help you." Was the last thing they heard before it got quiet. Chase looked around, he could tell that noone really understood what was going on. He didn't fully, but he knew a little more that they did, being able to talk to Adin one on one and all. He watched many of them sit down, thinking to themselves. He shook his head and felt something growing in the bottom of his stomach. It seemed to get a little stronger when he looked over at the man with the hood. He seemed to be trying to stay away from everyone else right now, and Chase didn't like that fact very much. "Ok, listen up everyone. We have a short walk, but if we leave now, we can make it to the temple by morning. I don't know what to expect when we get there, but I am sure its nothing we can't all handle." Chase tryed to smile, then stood up and walked to the start of the path down. He sat down behind a boulder and looked at the landscape below him. He still didn't understand why they were needed, but he hoped that together, whatever they faced would be destroyed.
Lee walked up to the clock tower and saw drake sitting agianst the side, blood all over him. He kept his normal pace and once he made it there, he kicked Drake in the side, waking him up. "What the hell was that for?" Drake looked up at Lee, holding his side. "You were sleeping, and you told me to meet you here. Akasha will be here in a few, so don't worry." Lee looked around and frowned. "What the hell were angels doing here, and why is it they did this much to you? Your getting soft." He glared at Drake, who only glared back. "What going on with you, is Seed trying to take over agian?" He watched Lee not then let out a big sigh. "They are stealing his power, and there is nothing he can do about it. We are the last hope he has, and we need to kill these angel bastards before they get to strong." He looked past Lee as Akasha walked up, a confused look on her face. "Whats going on. Did Lee kick your ass?" She laughed as both of them glared at her. "What, it was only a joke." "Angels. They are here." Lee said, looking up the clock tower. He looked back at Drake who nodded. "So, there is another. Why has she not been helping us?" "Ask her when she gets here. Listen, Lee, I sent Gea on her own to find this other demon. I don't know if these angels will attack her or not, but she is vunerable alone." Lee nodded as Drake let out another sigh. "No problem. Akasha, watch him. You may be his last line of defense. Drake here isn't in much of a condition to fight much of anything. They may be back, and if they are, you know how to get ahold of me." He watched Akasha nod as he crouched down. Underneath him, the ground created a small crator. He jumped up, flying twards the top of the clock tower.
ALright, here it is. This is it. Here are the eight that have been allowed in the rp. IT was hard, and well, I think I have made the right choice, what I did choose should make this alot more interesting. And without further adue, here you all go. [CENTER]Eca-Of the Water-lostvoice/Oko Adin- Of the Light-True Angel/Riiko Sa-Of the Darkness-Wings of Death/Ashara Lia-Of the Wind-Knuckles' Girl/Amelia Young Dom-Of the Earth-ForestCrusader/Garrett Ject-Of the Lightning-Quicksilver/Mark Nie-Of the Fire-Konske/Chase Del-Of the Ice-Sazabi/Tray[/CENTER] I am sorry for the ones that did not make it. It was hard, I will be honnest. Well, here goes the intro I guess you could say. IC: A single person looked up at the sky and nodded. A tear was falling down her face. She was the only one. The messenger, and she was unsure of how to do her job. She knew that at one point, she would have to do this, but until that day, she never wanted to think about it. It only meant one thing, something was happening somewhere that could change the outcome of the entire planet, and there were eight people that could prevent the worst. Thats not ture, she said to herself, they were not just people, they were the new Demigods, the new Chosen Eight, and she knew in her heart that none of them knew of what they were able to do. Of what they had in store for their future, what could happen to them if they do not make it. She smiled to herself and shook her head. She could not be thinking those kind of thoughts, that was not right. She had to have faith, she knew the outcome, no, that was not right either, she beleaved the outcome that was told in the scriptures. The Chosen Eight will be reborn, and within the new ashes, eight new warriors shall be born. With them, a new age will begin, and they will lead the world into a time of peace and prosperity. The woman smiled again and looked up into the air. She closed her eyes and started to talk in her head. She nest out a message, one only the Chosen Eight would be able to hear, she only hoped that they would fallow what she asked. "Please, the Chosen, I beg of you, please, you must come and meet me here. This mountian, Mount. Sot is the birthplace for you. You must return and as quickly as you possibly can. All eight of you must get here. Something is happening and only you eight will have a chance in making the change. So, I beg of you, hurry. I do not know how much time is left until it all lost." Another tear left her cheek as she sat down. She would wait. She would wait forever until the eight finally decied to show. She only hoped it would be soon. For, something was in the making, and not a sould knew what was to be of the world. There yo all go. For your first post, tell how you get there. After that, the fun will really begin.
Lee walked through the door, nearly hitting Akasha, but was able to move out of the way before hitting her. He noticed the look on her face as he was rubbing his eyes. As he made his way thorugh the door, he saw Drake in his demon form and sighed. "Not agian." He mumbled to himself as he went and sat on a the couch. "Lee, they wanted to have a little fun, so I though I would make it a little more interesting." Drake said, laughing a little as he did so. "I don't care. Its not any of my buisness why you do what you so. I just hope that you try not to damage anything this time. Remember what happened last time. We had to replace two and a half rooms." He shood his head and sank into the couch. "Hey, agian I say, that was not my fault. I was provoked, and well, things got a little out of hand, thats all." He laughed even harder, remembering the previous encounter. "Yeah yeah, whatever you say, your the boss man after all. Tell me, what is the whole situation about the riot that is going on down there? One would figure that they could handle it before we get there, I mean, having at least half a day, they should have more than enough guards than what is needed to take those three little runts down." Lee looked over at Drake and frowned. "Your right, but as we know, it seems to be getting alot fuller down there, and well, they are tight on demon guards. They wanted you two to leave in the morning for a reason, and that is because they want to try and take them out before things get bad. You two are the last resort." Drake frowned as he changed back into normal. He picked the towel up off the ground and wrapped it around him. "I am suprised Lee. I have never heard you talk like this. Its strange to hear you talk almost like a normal human being, or at least, more than you normally do." Gea said, walking out of the kitchen. She walked over to the two of them and sat down in the near chair. "I should have told you. It was my fault. I forgot, you know I would in any other situation." Drake said, looking at Lee. Lee stood up and walked to the back door. He opened it and walked out. As he reached the large back yard, he felt his hands forming fists. He took in a deep breath as steam started to form around his feet. Within seconds, his body had changed, he was now his true self, standing six foot eight, with armor all around and glowing eyes. He opened his palm as light started to form in it. As he closed his hand, a sword appeared out of the light, it glowed red and started to talk to him in his mind. "I was wondering when you were going to change. Its been nearly two months, and well, we have hardly talked. I was getting lonely." "Quiet Seed. This is no time for you to be talking like that. Something has come up. I am sure you already know about it." Lee looked down at the sword then raised it up to his eye level. "I already know, its pretty bad down there, and from what I just heard through you, it seems that it is a little bad up here as well. You need to be more careful, and really look around before you start acting like that." The sword had a small concerned tone to it. "I know. It was reckless, but something was strange. I really couldn't feel anyone else in the room besides Drake. Something strange is going. I have a bad feeling about going down there. I fear something is forming, and there may be nothing we can do about it." Lee had anger growing in his voice as he though about it more. "Never the less, you must do what you were ordered. I will await for you to arrive. Hurry and come soon. We will talk more in person, and you must let me talk to the young demon as well." "Later." Lee let go of the sword as it vanished into thin air. He turned around and walked back into the room as he changed back into normal. He looked at Drake and nooded as he headed back to his room.
Good, I love em. I will keep this open for the weekend to see if anyone posts. After that, it will be closed. So far everyone that has a finished signup is in. So, without further adue here is mine. [CENTER][COLOR=Blue][B]Name:[/B] [/COLOR] [COLOR=Red]Chase[/COLOR][/CENTER] [CENTER][COLOR=Blue][B]Age:[/B] [/COLOR] [COLOR=Red]21[/COLOR][/CENTER] [CENTER][COLOR=Blue][B]Gender:[/B] [/COLOR] [COLOR=Red]Male[/COLOR][/CENTER] [CENTER][COLOR=Blue][B]Personality:[/B] [/COLOR] [COLOR=Red]He is warm and supportive. He hates to see anyone sitting alone without anyone to talk to. He is willing to go out of his way to make people feel warm inside. That is what he likes.[/COLOR][/CENTER] [CENTER][COLOR=Red]But know something, if somone is cold to him, he knows when to leave someone alone and let them have their space. He is not one to push somone unless he can feel that it is the last step in helping them in someway. In battle, he is the one off to the side. He will try not to be spotted and let it be a suprise that he is there. He will sneak up on a target and take them out without even letting anyone know he is ther.[/COLOR][/CENTER] [CENTER][COLOR=Blue][B]Appearance:[/B] [/COLOR] [URL=http://i136.photobucket.com/albums/q196/griff189/0399ff.jpg][COLOR=Red]Here he is.[/COLOR][/URL][/CENTER] [CENTER][COLOR=Blue][B]Rencarnation of:[/B] [/COLOR] [COLOR=Red]Nie of Fire[/COLOR][/CENTER] [CENTER][COLOR=Blue][B]Power:[/B] [/COLOR] [COLOR=Red]He can manipulate fire as well as create it at the blink of an eye. He can also feel the heat inside of people and animals, so he is good at telling where people are. Currently, he is working on how to tell when someone is moving a muscle, because they give out more heat that way, he just hasn't figured out how to yet.[/COLOR][/CENTER] [CENTER][COLOR=Blue][B]Weapon:[/B] [/COLOR] [COLOR=Red]The sword in the pic, he is able to create a flame around it and throw the flame at whomever he wishes.[/COLOR][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][COLOR=Blue]Bio: [/COLOR] [/B] [COLOR=Red]Being a young boy, he has always had a certian feeling when he sees a flame. He can't figure it out, but its like it puts a trance on his body, and he can't help but want to be closer to it and feel it between his fingers.[/CENTER][/COLOR] [COLOR=Red][CENTER]When he reached the age of eight, he got into a fight with another boy from his village. The boy was a few years older that Chase, and was alot bigger. That didn's stop Chace however. He still faught with all of his might, even if it turned out that the attempt was worthless.[/CENTER][/COLOR] [COLOR=Red][CENTER]That night, while he was sleeping, he had a dream that he was being attacked from the same boy as before. Out of nowhere, his fears started to grow, and finally, flames shot from his body as he screamed, in his dream he was trying to get away from the other boy.[/CENTER][/COLOR] [COLOR=Red][CENTER]His mother ran into his room and shouted out his name, which caused him to wake, making the flames vanish just as fast as they appeared. After this, he began to study what caused this outburst.[/CENTER][/COLOR] [COLOR=Red][CENTER]Eventually, he was able to put two and two together. His father, being a historian, told him about the Chosen Eight, and about the one named Nie. This interested Chase more, and finally he realized that the spell that was told that one of the eight put on themselves, to be reincarnated must be true, and he must be the reincarnation of the one named Nie of Flame.[/CENTER][/COLOR]
Kai watched the woman walk twards him, sword drawn. "You, where did they go? I want answers." The womanscreamed at him and started swinger her sword. Kai quickly pulledh is out and blocked hers. "I don't know what you are talking about. I haven't seen anyone else but you here." His face got cold as he looked into her eyes. "Don't you dare lie to me anymore. I know you have been helping them. And if you are here, that means, we are close." She smiled and then returned Kai's glare. He stood for a minute, looking deep into her eyes and then finally spoke. "Why, why are you after them? You cannot have a better reason than me to kill them, but you do not see me striking them down one after another." He watched her head raise up as she backed off a little bit. "What are you talking about? I thought you were helping them because you owed them something." She squinted her eyes and looked at him harder. "I don't get you. Why are you helping them?" "Because, there are many reasons. One, they need someone like me. They need a normal person there to handle shit like this otherwise it will get way out of hand. Two, I owe them this much. They may have killed my mother and father, but I know that the ones trying to protect them, they were the ones that I am helping right now. They were just as gentle, and that is what they all need right now, a gentle hand to guide them." He swung his blade around, causing her to take a couple steps back. "I could kill you right now, and then go right after them with no hessitation." She smiled as Kai did the same. "Try it. You know I am a hobbit. What else to you think I have time for besides fishing?" He gripped his blade harder then raised it as she came running twards him. He swung it down, missing her but creatinga small hole in the ground where the tip of his sword was. "What was that?" She jumped back and stood a more defensive stance. "ITs force combined with a little bit of speed. You know that you have no right to be here. Leave now, just let it go. They have done nothing to hurt you, hell go after other ones, just not these. They just want to be at peace. They are only kids. Younger than me. They at least need once in their lifetime to see what freedome is all about." He stood up tall, a tear in his eye. "No, they do not deserve any of that. They should not have been born." She charged at him, but got knocked back as he swung his blade sideways. "That is it. REmember this. I will give you a month. If anything happens to them in month, I will come after you, but I wont even ask if you did it. I will take what you are trying to take from them. As well as anyone else that is extreamy close to you. Becacuse that is what you are doing. All of them are a family, and that is what everyone needs, a family. Take theirs, and I will take yours." He spat on the ground and then charged at her. She raised her blade but was knocked back into a tree from the force of Kai. "I warned you, now what will you do about it?" He turned around and headed off into the woods leaving the woman by herself.
A man walked into a room and gasped. He was not expecting anyone else to be in the room with him. He had no clue who this person was, but he had a felling that he was about to find out. "Sit down young one, I am going to tell you a tale, it has many truths behind it, and it could possible be what you were looking for." He took a long drag from his pipe and then sat down in a rocking chair. "Listen old man, I am no relation to you. I was told to come here and ask you of the Chosen Eight." The young person sat down as told, but there was a look on their face as if they did not want to be there. "Very well, tell me something first, what do you know about the eight you so desperatly seek?" The old man took another puff from his pipe then looked at the young person sitting in front of him. "From stories, I know there were more than eight. There were hundreds, maybe even thousands, but there were eight that stood above the rest. Eca of the water, Dom of the earth, Del of the ice, Adin of the light, Sa of the darkness, Ject of the lightning, Nie of the fire, and Lia of the wind. They were gods of sorts." The old man nodded for him to go on with what he knew. "They were powerful, and one of many that could use powers at the snap of a finger. They lived many years ago, about fourhundred, but their spirit still lives with us today. They felt that their powers were given to them for a reason. They felt that it was their duty to save the world and anything living in it. But not all of their kind felt the same way. There were many that had these powers as well as some that did not that faught agianst them to try and kill them." The young person smiled and shood their head. "Go on. So far, you are right, and I want to know what else you know about them." The old man cleaned out his pipe and set it on the table next to him. "Well, after four years of fighting, it was down to one last one. Each side had thousands of troops to help them. There was the good, the side that the Chosen Eight were on, and then there was the other side, the Faction, as they wanted to be called. They were only murders in many peoples eyes though." "To go one with this story, the final fight lasted ten days, and at the end of it, only one of the Eight stood, badly hurt, she would not live much longer after this. Knowing this fact, she cast a spell on herself as well as the other seven. Noone knows what kind of spell it was, but after that day, both sides had been completely destroyed." The old man smiled as he light up his pipe once more. "True, but only two people know what kind of spell it was. And, that is why you were sent to me. I do know, and I have to ask you a question before I tell you about the spell. How long have you had those wings on your back?" He pointed to the pair of white feathered wings sitting on the young persons back. "These, since I was born. I have had them ever since I came into this world. Why, is there something wrong with them?" "Nothing, the spell that Adin casted was this, 'Though we may die, here today, on this land, we shall live on. Our bodies will vanish into the earth, but our sould shall never die. One day, in the future, we will be needed once more, and when that time comes, it will not be the ones you see before you, but others, the same as us, and they will be us. This last fight was one that will never see past this day. The days of spells and magic shall die here on this ground, but our lives will not. When we are needed, look to the young, they shall be us, and we shall be them." The old man closed his eyes as he started to smile. "What is it, what is so funny?" The young person asked, sitting up a little more. "In these times, the outside, what everyone sees is wonderful. There appears to be no harm, but that is only a coverup. Down deep within our world, it is turning into a hell. Soon, the world will be ingulfed in flames, and the Chosen Eight will be the only ones to stop it. And you, young one, are a reincarnation of someone from the past. Lia of the wind, you appear to have chosen a wonderful new body, please help find the others. You will know when you meet them, and they will know when they see you, who you really are. Now, go, you are needed elsewhere." The young person stood up and walked out of the building. "This is freaking crazy." The young one looked up to the sky and looked around. Something was pulling at their heart, and the feeling was clear, come here, now! [CENTER][I]--------------------------------------------[/I][/CENTER] Alright, thats it. There will be seven signups, plus mine. I will take more, but only one of each reincarnation. Fight for them if you want to. Here are the eight to pick from. Eca- Of the Water Dom- Of the Earth Nie- Of the Fire Adin- Of the Light Sa- Of the Darkness Ject- Of the Lightning Lia- Of the Wind Del- Of the Ice Pick from one of those. In this rp, you are a reincarnation, but the reason why you are back are a mystery. Somehwere something is going wrong, and it is big enough for you to be brough back to handle it. IF there are any questions, please ask and I will answer. Here is the sighup. Name Age: 16-28 please Gender: It does not have to be the same as the reincarnation. Say Lia is a female, you may be a male reincarnation. Personality: Two paragraphs on this one please Appearance: Pic or written Rencarnation of: Which one are you Power: Goes along with the reincarnation. Weapon: Still times of melee so take it from there Bio: How did you find you you were a reincarnation, or if you want to find out later, an experience with some of your powers.
Name: Kite Age: 23 Gender: Male Personality: Stubborn, eragant, and annoying. He likes to do everything himself, and doesn't like it very much when other people have to help him. When something comes up that results in force, he will always want to be the first to go. He hates it when he needs help, but if the situation calls for more than one person, he will not complain about it, he knows when to use help and when not to as well. Appearance:[URL=http://i136.photobucket.com/albums/q196/griff189/guys130.jpg]here[/URL] Weapon(s): [URL=http://i136.photobucket.com/albums/q196/griff189/sword.jpg]This sword[/URL] Position: Guardian
Lee got out of the back seat and stepped out of the way of Akasha. He had a frown on his face and looked a little pissed as she got in the back and shut the door. "Next time, ask." He got in and shut the door. He put the keys in the ignition and started the car. A few seconds later, they were heading back twards home. Slowly, his face started to loose its anger, and he made a big sigh. "Next time, you should really tell her to fuck off. It isn't nice, the way you let them treat you." A voice said, calmly in his head. Without talking he replied in his mind. "Shut up, Seed. I am the way I am for a reason. You of all things in this world should know." He flipped on the blinker as they pulled into the parking complex. "Man, I really need a shower." Akasha said, getting out. She was the first into the building, fallowed by Drake, and then Gea. Lee waited a minute, then locked the car and headed inside. When he reached the door, he opened it and saw Drake sitting down, eyes closed and a confused look on his face. "I just got told that somone has to go and help out down south. It seems that with the new three we just sent, a little bit of a riot started up, and well, they said that we could spare a person to help out down there." He opened his eyes and turned his head to watch Lee set the gun case holding his rifle inside its holding cell behind the wall. He pushed a button as the wall changed back to its normal form. "And, you are not sure who you want to send down there are you?" Lee said, grabbing a drink from the fridge. "It is either me or Akasha isn't it?" He look at Drake who nodded. "What makes you think that it is only the two of you?" He leaned back into the chair and frowned. "Because, if it were me making the desicion, I would say that Gea is to young to go there by herself, and as for Akasha, well, we all know that she needs somone around her or she would ge crazy. Even through she already is, so, I will go. I need to talk to Seen in person anyway." He sat down infront of Drake and smiled faintly. "What is it? Is there something else you think should happen?" He looked at Lee for a second then shook his head. "Hell no. She does not need to go yet. She should stay here and help." "We both know that she needs to be down there more so she can get used to it. She may be over a hundred, but in our books, that is still young. She needs to be down there more." He watched Drake finally agree then stand up. "You two leave in the morning then, get yourselves ready, and because it was your idea, you tell her. I am not going to be the messenger for you this time. I am going to take a shower, see you in a few." He watched Drake go to his room, then he stood up. He walked over to the girls room next door and knocked on the door three times. "Coming." He watched Gea open then door then let him in. "What is it? Something up?" She walked over to the kitchen and grabbed something to drink. "Uh, well, something came up down there." He looked away, and blushed a little. "You really only talk to him don't you? Drake I mean. When ever someone else is around, you try to talk as little as possible, why is that? Oh, well, what is it?" She smiled and took a drink of her drink. "There has been a riot downstairs, and I decided to go and help. Drake was told that one of us had to, and better me than Akasha, in my book." He sat down in a chair and looked at her for a second, then looked away. "Ok, and you had to tell me this, why?" She sat across from him, a confused look on her face. "You are going too. You need to spend more time down there. You may be stronger than the average demon, but you are still young. both me and Drake said it would be a good idea if we both went. We will be leaving in the morning, so get a good nights sleep." He stood up and started to walk to the door. "I don't have a choice in this do I?" She watched him nod as he closed the door behind him. He walked back over to his room and crashed onto the bed, asleep in a matter of minutes.
Lee slowed the car down and pulled into a parking lot. He looked around then started to drive forward slwoly. He stopped the car as Drake got out. "Find a good spot. Wait till I give the order, then take him out in one shot. IF it takes more than one, you need practice, right?" Drake smiled as he shut the door. He put a earpeice in his ear then walked off down the street. "Radio check, this is Baron, all go." He heard Drake reply, but wasn't paying much attention. He drove to the top of the parking complex then got out of the car. He walked over to the railing, holding his suitcase. "Lee, I will scare him out into the open, then you take your shot, got it?" Drake said, walking into a bar. "Check." Lee smiled as he opened the case then started to put the rifle together. In thirty seconds flat, he had the rifle sitting on the ledge, and he was looking through the scope. He sat in silence, watching, waiting. "Here he comes, get ready Lee." Drake said, walking out of the bar behind a young man. Lee watched and waited as the young man stopped walking and turned to look at Drake. He over heard a little of what they were talking about through the mikes. "So, you are here to keep the other end of the bargian. You are the soul colector? I wsa told that I had a year, and well, it hasn't been a year yet. How do you plan on killing me? Those guns you are holding, it may take a littel more than that you know? But, I am sure you were told everything about me. What is your plan, man?" The guy had a little shakiness to his voice and the heard a small laugh come out of Drake's mouth. "It won't be me killing you tonight. IT will be from someone you do not know, and someone you will never know. You have thirty seconds untill your time is up anyway." Drake turned around and looked at the direction that Lee was in. "Do it." Was all he had to say. Lee clicked the safety of and smiled a little inside. He had the guys head in his sights. He pulled the trigger and watched the bullet travel in slowmotion twards its target. Lee never took his eyes out of the scope and smiled as he saw the bullet hit the guy in the side of the head. As it traveled through, he saw the other side explode in a cloud of red beadlets. The man fell to his knees, then hit the ground face first. Within seconds, the body had vanished in a small puff of smike, leaving no trace that anyone was ever there. Lee stood up and started to dismantle his rifle. "Kill confirmed. Good shot Lee." Drake said, as he started walking back twards the parking complex. A few minutes later, Lee drove down and picked him up. "Gea and Akasha, listen, here are the directions to one of the other's house. Go there and take care of it. Lee and I will get the other one, out." He looked over at Lee who nodded and drove off twards the next target.
Kai looked around and took in a deep breath. He didn't like the situation that they were in, and he knew that if they kept up how they were traveling, they would be found the the girl fallowing them for sure. He stood up and pulled his sword out in front of him. He looked it over, checking the sharpness and how sturdy it was, making sure the hilt was not loose. He smiled after a few moments, then slid it back onto his back. "Hey, Cali, are your feet doing any better?" He walked over to her with a smile on his face. "I will be better after we get done with this trip, but for now, I am ok." She smiled at him as he put his hand on her head. He leaned in close and wispered in her ear. "Can you do a favor for me? I want you to make sure nothing happens to Kaho. I am sure you all will be fine, but I really need you to do this for me. She may need a shoulder to cry on sometime soon, I don't know." He leaned back and watched her nod with a confused look on her face. He turned and walked over to Kaho. "Hey, can I talk to you for a minute?" He helped her stand then they walked a little way away from the group so they wouldn't overhear what they were talking about. "What is it Kai? IS something wrong?" She looked at him, the same look on her face from her little dream. "Yes and no. I have a bad feeling that something bad is going to happen sometime soon, and it has to do with that girl that is fallowing us. I know that at the pace we are going, she will catch up to us in a day or so. And I couldn't really do anything to slow her down if she is right on our tail. So, I came up with something, and it may help." He gave her a weak smile as the fear on her face turned to confusion. "What are you talking about? Whats are you going to do?" She took a step closer to him not really understanding. "I am going to go back and try to slow her down. If I am able to do that, it may just give you all the time you need to make it to the place you keep dreaming about. I may not be much more help than that, but if that is all I can do, then I will do it as best as I can." He took in a deep breath then let it out slowly. "I know that we should all stick together, but we need to slow this girl down, and I am the only one that should do it. She will be less likely to try and hurt me than she would with anyone else." He gave her another smile then hugged her. "Just, be careful. She could be really dangerous." Kaho said, quietly as Kai held her. He slowly let her go then kissed her once more then turned and walked twards the group. "Hey Tankyo, did you hear all that?" He watched her nod. "Good, then you know what you have to do. Please, just be there if she needs anything, and help Cali as well." He smiled as he took off back the way they came, hoping that he didn't run into that girl later than sooner.
alright, you said you needed one more, so here goes nothing. This may not be my best, but, I will give it a try anyways. lol Name:Lee Baron Age: He only looks to be about 23 iDemon Age: 1,190 Gender: Male Personality: In his human form, he is quiet, shy, and even a little annoying. He does not like to talk to anyone, and will only answer questions if he has to. He will talk to Drake like they are brothers, but when somone else shows up, he goes back to his normal, shy self. In demon form he takes the oposite. He is extreamly short tempered. Even a hi that doesn't sound nice will make him go into a rage that is hard for him to come off of. When he is not blood thirsty, he is gentle, and will try to get out of things by letting others do the dirty work, but in any other case, when it is only him, he will not hesitate to rip someone or something into shreds or until his entire body is encased in blood. Human Appearance: [URL=http://i136.photobucket.com/albums/q196/griff189/Rei02.jpg]Lee[/URL] Demon Appearance: [URL=http://i136.photobucket.com/albums/q196/griff189/03.jpg]Lee in demon[/URL] Human Weapon: In human form he is not much of a fighter, so he carries a high powered rifle that has a scope and can kill a target at just under a mile away, given the weather is clear. He also carries a pistol in his coat just in case somone gets a little to close. Demon weapon: He uses the sword in the pic. It can split in half, and when he is not in demon form, it talks to him, only in his head though. And the is the only one that can hear it. It is named Seed.
Kai opened his eyes and yawned. The ground may have been hard and a little uncorftble, but he was able to get a little sleep. He sat up and let his eyes try to adjust to the darkness byond the fire. He smiled as he slowly got up, trying not to wake anyone else up. He walked over to the front of the cave and sat down next to Kaho. He smiled a little as he looked twards the ground. "I, I am sorry." He dared not look her in the face. He even looked away from her, still keeping his eyes twards the ground. "What are you talking about? What do you need to apologize for? We all owe you so much for the past few days." She turned to him, confusion on her face. "I, I don't really know. I feel like I have done something wrong to all of you. Its killing me inside. I don't really understand any of it, but I do know something. I will not stop, not until I am able to see all of you unharmed, for the rest of your lives." He slowly turned his head to look at her and gave a faint smile. "Thank you. It really means alot to us that you are willing to risk your life for us, and yet you know so little about us. Might I ask why?" She turned away this time, a little embarrased at her question. "You may ask. I actually thought you would ask alot sooner. The reason I want to help you all so much is the same as the reason why that one anima tried to help my mother and father when their lives were at steak, even if they were the ones that almost killed her. After watching that event, I respected animas so much after that, sometimes, when I was younger, I wished to be one." He gave a small laugh then looked at the sky. "Thank you. It is something that most people would not be able to do after something like that. I think its great that you can see past what some people do, to what everyone needs to do. Or something like that." She let out a small giggle as Kai stood up. He helped her stand then looked at her. "You need to get some sleep ok. I will take over for the rest of the night. So, go get some rest." She smiled as she nodded. She began to walk away as Kai grabbed her arm, gently, stopping her from going anywhere. "Is something wrong?" Kaho asked turning twards him. He smiled and shook his head. "No, I just wanted you to promise me something." He let go of her arm and looked away from her for a second. "Promise me, that, when this thing is over and done with, you will let me take you out somewhere nice. Maybe for dinner or something like that." He turned to her and then took a step coser to her. He took in a deep breath and then let it out. "Ok, if you want, but what if-" She gets cut off as Kai kissed her. He slowly backed away after a couple of seconds. "It is not a batter of if, but of when, we will get through this, and you better keep your promise." He smiled as he turned around. "Now go get some rest, we have a hard days walk tomarrow." He walked out of the cave and sat outside the opening as he heard Kaho walk twards where everyone else was sleeping. "I may have just put myself in a situation that will not be good for me, but hell, it was worth it." He smiled as he stared out into the forrest.
Aaron frowned as he stood up. "This is getting strange and I am not sure why it is like it is. Why are we here, and where is here?" He helped Angel stand and then gave a faint smile. "I know what you mean. Its strange. Its like we are meant to do something, but that kind of story is like a fairy tale." She gave a small laugh, and then turned to Lean, who was not getting out of the lake. "Hey, Leon, you want to help me get this fire started?" Aaron asked, walking twards the newly made firepit. He pulled a small lighter out of his pocket and frowned. He slowly lit the fire, he sighed as the flames started to get a little bigger. "Where did you get that from?" Angel asked, walking next to him. He smiled and turned to her. "Its something I keep with me. I guess you could say that everytime I have it one me, something good happens. And when I don't it only gets worse." He sat down and then laid on his back. He slowly closed his eyes and then opened them to look up at the stars that were starting to come out.
Dean walked through the woods with a smile on his face. He knew what was happening, and he seemed to be happy about it. He sniffed at the air, then sat down on a stump. A few moments later, someone came through the brush and stared right at him. "What the hell are you doing here? How did you know that someone was going to be comming through here?" Allura asked, walking around him with caution. "Truth is, I didn't, but someone else did." He pointed to his teeth then smiled. "Kizan came by, he talked to one of yours, but he didn't stay long. He was gone before I could do anything, or even get here. He knows that I am here, and I think he is getting a little nervous." He smiled bigger then stood up. "What are you talking about?" Allura asked, a small hesitation in her voice. "Kizan is different, as you know. He is no normal vampire, nor is he a weredragon. He is both, and both of their strenghts are in him, but no weaknesses. So, its only strange to wonder what he is doing in this town. There must be something here that he is after." Dean started to rub his chin then stopped. "That didn't answer my question. What were you talking about him being nervous?" She slowly reached down and grabbed a few of her bladded cards. "Kizan, he knows me, better than anyone. And I know him. I know how to kill him, I know how to weaken him. I know everything there is to know about him. He knows this as well, and that it why he runs from me. I am one of the few that could actually kill him without a problem, unless he does one thing. I would not be able to kill him if he becomes a pure weredragon, and I think thats what he wants to do." Dean frowned then looked behind him. "What is it? Is there something there?" Allura asked as Sarin and Carmen showed up. "What are you two doing here?" She asked, glancing back at them. "We had a bad feeling about you goin out by yourself." Sarin said, pulling out his new sword. "You three listen up. There are four vampires, weak ones but vampires non the less. You leave them to me, and you will know who and what I really am." He smirked as his eyes changed into a yellow color. "Whats going on?" Carmen asked, taking a step back. "I am a purebreed. The last of the werewolves. Interesting, huh?" Dean said, turning around as he grew two feet. Hid body trippled in size as his muscles grew. His face started to resemble a wolf snout as teeth started to grow. Withing half a minute, a giant werewolf stood before the three fighters. "Holly shit!" Sarin yelled, gripping his sword harder. "Just stay back." Dean growled. He let out a giant roar that seemed to shake the ground. As he finished, the four vampires jumped out of the trees and landed on him. He stood up tall and grabbed one by the head. He smiled and squeezed, crushing its skull as it cried out in pain. He swung his arm around, knocking the second ones head clean off. The body fell to the ground, lifeless as its head rolled away like a ball. He turned to the second two who couldn't do anything but hiss at him. "Listen up you pathetic creatures. You let your master know something. Tell him that his brother is back, and really pissed off at him." He jumped, landing on one, then looked up at the other one. He let out a deep growl as it fled out into the woods. He raised the vampire up into the air. He took his claw and started to dig into its chest, cutting it open like paper. He then stuck his hand in the vampires chest and pulled out its heart. He let out another deep roar, shaking the ground, then ate the heart. He dropped the dead creature as his body started to change back into his human form. "So, what do you think. Do you have a chance at beating him now?" Dean turned to the three with a gleam in his eyes.
I like it. Your in. Alright, here is mine, lets see what I can do. Name: Teil Griffin (Go figure,haha) Age: 17 Gender: Male Personality: He is gentle. He is not the one to go all out and try to stop anyone that has done something that is bad. He will try to slowthem down, as well as try not to hurt them. He is a softy, if you will, but he can get angry. When his powers get out of hand, he gets a little crazy. His eyes turn yellow instead of green when he uses his powers, and he goes all out to not only stop the people that are in his way, but he tries to kill them instead. So far, when his powers get out of hand, only one person has gotten away from him. He has yet to see that person agian, and that is for the better, he would kill him if he saw him agian. He can get cold at times. When things get rough, he tends to act a littel colder and withdraw his emotions inside and tryes to get the situration done with before he moves on and starts acting like his normal self. He likes it when people worry about him, or even care about him, but he would never tell anyone that it makes him feel safer and happier. Powers: He plays mind games. He has the powers of telekenesis, as well as psychic. He isn't the best with the psychic part of his powers, he doesn't like to use them too much. He thinks its a way of cheating, and prefers a little bit of a fair fight. He focuses on his powers to control any object, his telekenesis alot. He loves being able to make things float in the air as well as throw things at people by looking at them. Appearance: This is a picture of [URL=http://i136.photobucket.com/albums/q196/griff189/spiral35.jpg]Teil[/URL]. He stand a total of five foot eight, not the tallest person in the world, but he doesn't mind. He also wears a pair of blue jeans that fold over a pair of blue and white tennish shoes. He also wears contacts, he doesn't like to wear his glasses, so he leaves them in his bag and only puts them on if he needs to, which depends on how much he uses his powers. Bio: Teil looked out the window of his home and frowned. It was close to his tenth birthday, and there was noone in his home that really cared to enjoy it with him. Yes he was raised by three people, his mother, his sister, and his father, all of which treated him like he was worthless. He hated his life, but because of recent events, he knew that if he left his home, he would honnestly not be able to make it outside of the walls of his home. He had to be taken out of school two weeks ago because he got angry at his teacher and a desk flew accross the room. It not only freaked the other studends, and his teacher out, but him as well. He didn't know what was going on, and started crying because he was scared. Two days ago, his sister yelled at him and told him that he was a good for nothing because of what he was able to do. She said that she wished that he had never been borned. His mother yelled at her for that remarke, but all she did was tell his sister that it wasn't nice to say things like that to people like him. Teil was fed up with the things that were going on around the home. He hoped that everyone would be around for his birthday so he could ask them why they acted like they did to him. Thats when it happened. One night, the one right before his birthday, his father came home, angry. He started to yell at Teil. He screamed that it was Teil's fault that he lost his job. If it wasn't for the fact that he had a mutant son, he would still be at his work. He walked into the kitchen and grabbed a knife. A few moments later, he came back into Teil's room and pointed it at Teil. He kept yelling and screaming that he should never have had a son. That he has no longer has a son, that Teil is dead to him. His mother came running into the room and stood in front of his father. There were tears in her eyes as she talked to him. "He may not be normal. He may be a mutant, but he is your blood. How can you treat your own blood the way you do. We have all treated him like hell, and its a meracle that he has not called the cops on us, telling them his story." Her tears stopped as anger crossed her face. She watched her husband laugh and shake his head as he knife hit the ground. "Listen woman, where do you think he got these powers? I have worked all of my life to hide them, and he may be the one that lets everyone know that our family is not normal." He smiles as the knife flies off of the ground and hits his wife in the chest, then it slides out, letting the dead body fall to the ground, lifeless. Teil's father smiled as the the dead body of his sister floats into the room. Teil starts to freak out, as the room starts to shake. Teil closes then opens his eyes agian, showing solid yellow. He grits his teeth as his father goes flying out of the window and into the street. A few moments later, Teil walks outside and can't find his father. He is gone. Eight years later, Teil found some information on a school that is said could help him. He had been going from shelter to shelter, tryin to find a place to stay. This will be the first place that he will go and be able to stary for a long period of time. This is his new life, one that he plans to be proud of. But even as he goes to this school, something in the pit of his stomach feels strange. He doesn't know what it is, all he knows is that something bad may happen, and he wants to know what it is.
Lightning strikes outside of a building. ITs dark on teh inside, no lights on, noone inside. With the next lightning strike, one room lights up. Four shaddows appear through the curtains. The four seem to be talking, but wht their conversation holds is a mystery. The next morning, busses bring hundreds of students to their new school. It has just opened back up. The last time is was open was when there was a war, and that war did not end well. The war was not held between humans alone, rather they were not that lucky. IT was a war that was held between humans and mutants. Magneto had used his incredable power to trick hundreds of teenagers at this school to help him make a new world for mutants. Little did they know that the war they faught, it would be their last times to actually walk the world. Yes the war did end, but not without sacrafice. Hundreds from both sides were lost. People as young as 13 faught, and were killed by men who wanted nothing more than to see the mutant race to die out. Even Magneto fell to the force of these men. 20 years have passed since the war. Humans and the remaining mutants have started talking peace once agian, now that Magneto and his fallowers have either all been killed back in the war, or afterwards. But even with this newfound peace, there are people that do not like the idea of the school that once supplied Magneto, reopening and teaching agian. Even with the new principle, Mr. Evans, a mutant, leading the way, the school is hated. The fear people have of this bulding and its inhabitatnts still scare the people. "Evans, how many have shown up this year?" A mysterious man asked, looking out the blinds. "Four hundred and twenty eight, sofar. Howmany is needed for-" He is cut off as the mysterious man raised his hand. "It is not up to either of us. Magneto couldn't rut his place well, but we will." He began to laugh as he vanished in a puff of smoke. [CENTER]---------------[/CENTER] As you can see, this is an rp about servival. 20 years ago, Magneto ran a school for gifted teenagers, but his plans were not for good. As the students grew stronger, he used them to start his war. He paid for that with his life, and the lives of hundreds of students. Not, the school has been reopened, and the humans around the school have gotten angry. The students don't know this, but there is something going on behind the seems, just like 20 years ago. ALright, I only want a total of about 5 people max, not including me. Sazabi has one of the spots. So, please, go ahead for the other four. Here is the sign ups. Name: Simple Age: Remember, school, of they could be a teacher, but the post better be good enough for it. Gender Personality: What they are like. I need at least a paragraph, a decent one for this please. Powers: There is a limit to this. Two max, and if you use two, they have to go together some, otherwise it will not work. Any power is usable,but remember, they are teenagers, and don't really know the full extent to their powers. Appearance: Either a really good written, or a picture. If you use a pic, give a little more in writing please. Bio: I want a good writting sample of how they came to the school. What happened to them to make them go to this school. Alright, thats it. If you have any questions, please pm either me or Sazabi.
[CENTER][COLOR=Navy]Name:[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed]Clay Christoff[/COLOR][/CENTER] [CENTER][COLOR=Navy]Age:[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed]28[/COLOR][/CENTER] [CENTER][COLOR=Navy]Gender:[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed]Male[/COLOR][/CENTER] [CENTER][COLOR=Navy]Sexuality:[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed]Straight[/COLOR][/CENTER] [CENTER][COLOR=Navy]Ethnicity:[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed]German and Irish[/COLOR][/CENTER] [CENTER][COLOR=Navy]Appearance:[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed]This is a picture of [/COLOR] [URL=http://i136.photobucket.com/albums/q196/griff189/09.jpg][COLOR=Blue]Clay[/COLOR][/URL]. [COLOR=DarkRed]For pants, he wears a pair of bluejeans that have a few holes in them. He wears a black pair of tennis shoes.[/COLOR][/CENTER] [CENTER][COLOR=Navy]Position on Team:[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed]Combatant[/COLOR][/CENTER] [CENTER][COLOR=Navy]Personality:[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed]He is laid back, gentle if you will. He is not the one to go and look for a fight, but if one comes to him, he will not back down unless one or the other is out cold, or dead, if need be. He likes to protect people, and would like to be the front line if possible to protect the ones behind him.[/COLOR][/CENTER] [CENTER][COLOR=DarkRed]When he has someone guarding his back, he tends to let more out than if not. He feels that when there is someone back there, he does not have to worry about his back when there is someone there to protect his weak side.[/COLOR][/CENTER] [CENTER][COLOR=Navy]Special Skills:[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed]He may not look it, but he is one of the most skilled fighters in the world. He has trained himself for tewnty two years on twelve different martial arts styles. He is skilled, as a smart fighter. He knows when one style does not work, and is able to change to another withing seconds.[/COLOR][/CENTER] [COLOR=DarkRed]He is also a great shot. Not the best in the world, but he has taken alot of time trying to improve his shooting abilities. He mainly focuses on the rifle and pistol, but if need be, he can shoot almost anything. As long as its a point and shoot weapon, he should be an alright shot with it.[/COLOR] [CENTER][COLOR=Navy]Weapons:[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed]He had a special set of gloves made for him. They improve his force when he uses his fists. He is also trained in using a special rifle that fires sixty shots per minute, as well as a .38 semi-auto colt that was given to him by his father.[/COLOR][/CENTER] [CENTER][COLOR=Navy]First Capture:[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed]It was about two in the morning, and the nightly fog had just started to roll in from the coast. The night air was brisk, but not cold. Clay smiled from behind the building he was leaning agianst.[/COLOR][/CENTER] [COLOR=DarkRed][CENTER]It had turned out that he had been sent to a new place, for one reason, to become their new combatant. He was new in the buisness, and didn't know what was going on too well, but he knew one thing. Going by the information that the group was given at the meeting, he knew that they crew could not take one the beast that had appeared by themsleves. They would need his help, he only had to find it before anyone else got hurt.[/CENTER][/COLOR] [CENTER][COLOR=DarkRed]Clay walked down the street, looking back and forth, trying to see if there was a trace of the beast that had showed up. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw something. There was a flash of grey, then a red spray. Clay turned quickly and started to run after it.[/COLOR][/CENTER] [COLOR=DarkRed][CENTER]A few moments later, Clay caughed up to the beast He stopped, anger crossed his face. As he looked down at the beast, he clenched his fist. The beast had a victim in its jaws. There was a child, around ten or so, he couldn't tell by the look of the mangled body that was in the beasts mouth. The beast let out a roar as it let the dead body of the child fall to the ground. It then turned to Clay, and it looked like it had a smile across its face.[/CENTER][/COLOR] [CENTER][COLOR=DarkRed]"Why you!" Clay charged the beast, not even paying attention to what he was doing. In the blink of an eye, he had the beast on the ground, and he was cracking every bone he could hit. A few moments later, the rest of his crew came over and pulled him off of the beast. Clay closed his eyes and then opened them, a tear forming in his eye.[/COLOR][/CENTER] [CENTER][COLOR=DarkRed]This is why he wants to find them before they can do anything wrong. He does not want to see another chilld die by the hands of these invaders that no one really knows about.[/COLOR][/CENTER]
This doesn't sound like its too much. I'm in. Name: Aaron Martaki Age: 17 Personality: He is soft, kind hearted and sweet. He tries to act like a punk, kinda, but its hard for him. He is anything but angry, always has a smile on his face and tries to make the best of things. Appearance: [URL=http://i136.photobucket.com/albums/q196/griff189/09.jpg]Aaron[/URL] Weapon: He is more of a long arm type fighter. He likes staffs and halberts, and things of that nature. He is the medium range type of fighter if you will.
OOC: Alright everyone, I was told to get this thing going agian, or at least try, so here you go. Everything might not be that clear, but after a little bit, it will clear up alot. IC: A man smirked as he opened the doors to a small building. He stopped and looked at the lights that were coming from the ceiling. "UV lights. Interesting, smart. These people may have some hope after all." He smirked agian and shook his head as he opened another door and was introduced to a bladded card to his neck. "Who the hell is this guy?" A female said, not taking her eyes off of him. Dean grabbed the card from her hand and threw it at the wall, it nearly going all the way through. Only a small corner sticking out to be seen. "That will not kill me sweetheart." He let out a small ha, and then walked over to the table where here were peices of paper. He picked them up and then began to laugh. "Who the fuck, this guy is crazy, I swear." Another guy said, holding a shotguy to his chest, smirking. Dean looked over to the guy sitting down, holding the hilt to his once sword and sighed. "You guys are pathetic. You let Kizan do this. I know that he is strong to you people, but damn, he is no Dracula. I have seen Dracula, and he is something to be scared of, not Kizan. He is a pushover, sorta." He srugged as he walked over to the guy holding his hilt. "What do you want?" The guy looked up, a glare in his eye. "Who are you?" "Me, my name is Dean. I know how you all feel. Kizan is a little strong, but you are putting him up on a pedastool." He leaned over to the preist and frowned. "I don't like you guy. Just the smell of you pisses me off, and trust me, if you think Kizan is bad, wait till you see me pissed off. Its alot worse." He smilied agian as he turned to the female. "Just what the hell are you, and how much do you know about this mixbreed." Allura asked, glaring at he new man that seemed to barge into their conversations. "Like I said, my neame is Dean. I am a purebreed." He watched them all stand up, weapons drawn, sortof. One of them didn't really have anything, but he kept his hilt in his hand anyway. Dean smiled and showed them his teeth. "Wrong, no vapire in here. They couldn't get past the uv lights, well only two people could. Yours truely, and Kizan." "That still doesn't explain what you are." Preist said, glaring at him. "You really want to know, meet me under the old bridge tonight at eight. There will be alot of vampires there. I think they got word that I have shown up in town. Kizan will not be happy about that, but do not worry. If he shows, he is mine." He smirks and clenches his fist as he walks out of the building.
Name: Dean Race: Other, no werewolf Age: 530, he only looks 21 Gender: Male Class: I guess you could say, tracker mixed with a blade. I guess. Personality: He is cocky. He is tough to boot as well. He will not back down from a fight, and loves the pressure of the fight. The only problem, the longer the fight, the more pissed off he gets. Appearance: [URL=http://i136.photobucket.com/albums/q196/griff189/guys164.jpg]Clickety click[/URL] Bio: He has been dead for so many years. He is unsure of who he really is. As long as he can remember he has traveled and killed. Not only vampires, but also humans that had no right to live. Ones that work for the vampires, he hates those the most. One year, he finally ended up in a town that seemed to be over runned with vampires. The longer that he was there, the more he killed. Then one day, one of the vamps slipped. They gave him information on someone that he has been looking for for a very long time. He smirked as he killed the vampire. The only that that has seemed to cross his lips after that was one name, "Kizan". don't worry, I was told to do this after asking, haha