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Everything posted by konske

  1. Kai leaned forward and took in a deep breath. "What is it? Whats wrong?" KAho asked, turning to him. "Its only going to get harder now. I hd thought that I created a break for you all, but it turns out that I was wrong. I am sorry for what I have done, its not what I meant to do." He turned and looked at her. She smiled at him and leaned back into the couch. "It is ok. It was great, what you did and all, but we all knew that it would not last. Something bad was going to happenen, it was only a matter of time. It just happenend alot sooner than anyone expected." He put his head in his hands and took in another deep breath. He closed his eyes and gave a small grunt. "There is something else, isn't there? What else are you thinking?" She leaned up next to him and tured to him. "I don't know what to do. We could run, but, I don't know to where. There is nowhere to go. We maybe trapped here." He rubbed his eyes, then stopped as Kaho leaned on his shoulder. "It will be fine. We could always go to the place where your parents have set up for animas." She looked up at him with a smile, then lost it as he shook his head. "They were killed when I was a boy. They had tought me to care for all living creatures, so I have grown up to do so. I do not hate the animas that killed them, only pity them. The refuge my family created was destroyed a few years back. So far, I guess you could say that this is one of the only ones left on this side of the country." He smiled as Kaho sat up. "Well, there is nothing you can do tonight. You need to get some sleep/ Tomarrow, we will set up a plan for people to stand a little watch." Kai nodded and leaned back into the couch. "That will work for a short amount of time, but what about in the long run?" He turned to her, confusion on his eyes.
  2. I will bite....I think... Name: Kei (it is pronounced like key) Age: 17 Gender: Male Race: Kuj. A Kuj is a demon of the earth. There are four stones on his body, one in each arm, near each wrist, one on his chest, and one placed somewhere inside of his body. As long as one of these stones is not broken, he will live. A Kuj also has power over the earth, and its elements. They is a master at minerals, as well as herbs and plants. Class: He is a shaddow fighter. He ussed the earth to take out people without a sound, like an assasin. Weapon: He uses a sword that is made out of a metal found deep in the earth. It was his fathers, and now it is his. Skills: He can tell who, what, how many, and how big just be placing his hand o teh ground. Magic: He can control the earth and its metals. Appearence: [URL=http://i136.photobucket.com/albums/q196/griff189/226128157_small.jpg]Kei[/URL] Bio: Kei opened his eyes and looked at the sky. He smiled and took in a deep breath as the warm wind blew into his face, bringing the smell of the sewly bloming flowers of spring into the town that he lives in. He walked to the edge of the town, looked around, he sighed as he looked down. He knew that his hom was safe. It should be, it was on the op of a mountain. He was sure of it, the mountain had magical powers, it kept his home warm all year round, protecting it from the elements, and even giving the animals that lived nearby a chance to leave for the seasons if need be. His home was truely a paradise. Was thats right. Kei opened his eyes once more, this time to awaken him from his dream. He sat up from his bed, a tear rolling down his face. The events that took place only a year before still made him wonder why he did not kill himself on that day, why he had not done it yet. He closed his eyes hard, remembering the events that had brought him to this new village, the ones that took him, his family, his home, and tossed them around, leaving only a few to be able to tell the story, and some didn't make it past the first few days after. A year ago, something came to his home. There were multiple creatures, and humans alike that came to his home. They seemed peaceful at first, telling stories that noone had heard of. Ones that there was a demon running loose, killing hundreds, letting noone live. It would only seem right that Kei had to leave the night that the visitors arrived. He was to take his test. It was his 16 birthday, and he was to travel down the moutain, find his last stone, the one that was to be places in his body. He had to find it to be able to fully control earth like his father. He was half way down the moutain when he heard it. A scream. IT was unlike something he had ever heard before. He looked up from the rock he was on and saw it. Falling past him was the top half of his best freind. As the body fell, Kei saw a flash. He reached out and grabbed the object that flashed, it was a red stone, one that he had never seen before. He looked at his hands and gasped. He had found the stone of his race, the one that signafies his being an earth demon. He pulled out his knife and cut his stomach open. He pushed in the red stone and then vanished into the mountain. Hours later, when he reappeared on the top, in his village, everything was gone. The people, the animals, even the plats were all gone. They had vanished, all that had remained were large pools of blood. One for every living thing that had once been there. Personality: He is quiet, shy, and even looks scared. He wil nto look at anyone when they speak to him, or if he speaks to them. He seldomly smiles, and when he does, it is not that big. His eyes look like they he is being haunted by something from his past, and he cannot let it go. His mood doesn't change when he is in battle either. He is still quiet, shy, scared. But his eyes are focused on their target. He will not loose track of where it goes, but when he has to look as somone that he is fighting with, he will look down when he looks twards them. Extra Info: That is it. I am sorry that it is as long as it is, but once I got started on teh bio, I coudn't stopped. I had planed on it being a little longer, but I thought that it may be alittle too much, but let me know if I need to edit it.
  3. Sean walked up the gate and stopped. He set the mans body down then turned to Tara. "Well, thank you for the wonderful insight on how you do your job. Its not my style, but if you ever need any help, please, let me know." He smiled as she spat on the ground. "Yeah, I will, probably not though." She glared at him as he walked past her. "And where are you going? You aren't going to help me get him all the way down there?" She pointed at the man then crossed her hands over her chest as he slowly turned around. "Well, normally I would, but something came up. I have some important things to take care of. But, I am glad you asked. Heh, maybe you really do like me somewhere inside that cold outer shell of yours." He winked at her before vanishing in a lightning bolt. A few moments later he came back in another bolt behind a building. AS he looked around, he noticed something. There was a light figure sitting on a bench near a park. He got a eicked smirk and walked over next to the bench. "Who are you, and why are you here?" The girl said, standing up, glaring at him. She cleched her fist as stood up straight, facing him. "Are you really sure you want to do that here? All of those children would probable be killed. You know I probable don't care, but it would not be too good for you." He cocked his head twards her. He signaled her to fallow him as he led her to the rooftop of a near building. "What is it that you want, demon?" She had a nasty look on her face. "Thats not the nicest thing I thought angels would say, but oh well. Tell me something, what are you doing here? Why have I been seeing more and more of your type around?" He frowned as he said it, then brushed his hand through his hair. "Whats it to you? We are doing the same thing as we are always doing." She took a step closer to him, one hand glowing black, the other white. "Well, you have given me more information that you even know about, oh and to let you know something about me, you remind me of someone. You will not scare me with the litte power tricks, if that is what you are doing. The one that I care about a little bit has wanted to kill me, well, to get rid of me, haha. Thank you agian, angel." He turned around and waved his hand as he vanished in another lightning bolt, headed back to the underworld.
  4. Kai watched her get closer. "What are you doing here? Why are you out in the woods?" He watched her shrug, then look back behind her. "I was out for a stroll. Why, is there something out here that I should know about?" She gavea faint smile, then looked at him. "Nothing I can think of. My dog started to bark, so I came out here to find out what he was getting all riled up about." He squinted his eyes, trying to see her face a little better in the moonlight. "Oh, you have a dog. I would love to see it. What kind is it?" She took a step closer to him then looked up in the trees as a faint noise was heard. "What was that?" She looked harder at the trees, then turned back to Kai. He looked up for a second, then looked back at her. "Somehow, I think it would be better if you left and went home." "Are you trying to get rid of me? ITs not a very nice thing to do, you know?" She gave a small smile then turned around. "But, it looks like you have your reasons." "I am not hiding anything. I am a hobbit, I guess you could say. In town, yes I am nice, but only because I must be to be able to get my shopping done. I do not like people snooping around my home. Its a family trait. So, please, just leave me be, I do not need anyone else to come by my home today. Not after that anima came today." He turned around slowly and started to walk away when a hand came and touched his shoulder, turning him around. "What are you talking about? What did it look like?" There was a hint of anger in her eyes. "I am not sure. She did not look like she was made for land though. Shark maybe. Why do you ask? Are you after her?" Kai asked, a littel curiosity in his voice. "Yes, can you tell me where it went? I need to find her!" She gripped harder on his shoulder be fore he grabbed her wrist and pulled it off. "Listen, I told you, I sent her off. She headed west of here, back twards the town, I guess you could say. She probable headed north after that." He watched her smile, then run off in the way she came. A few minutes later Tankyo came out of the trees and landed behind Kai. "She is after Rita, isn't she?" She watched Kai nod. "What does this mean?" "It means that you have to lay low now. There will be no leaving the house, only in emergencies." He turned around and started walking back twards the house.
  5. Sean watched her pass, then let out a big sigh and smiled, "Damn you girl, hey wait up, I want to come along. I want to see how you tell who is going to be a demon and who an angel." He ran up to her and put his hands on his head and looked down at her. "What do you want?" She didn't even bother looking up at him, but kept her normal pace. She came to a room and stopped, Sean right next to her looking at the door. "I am coming along with you. So, who are you going for?" Sean asked, opening the door for her and letting her go first. "I want to find another demon. Why, do you want to come along, you are really that into me aren't you?" SHe cocked her head twards him, a small look of disgust in her eyes. "Something like that. You intrest me. Something about you really gets my soul wild, in a way of speaking." He smiled and looked over to his right. He gavea small smirk and tapped Tara on the shoulder. She stopped and turned to him in the blink of an eye. "What, what do you want? Can I not walk in peace?" Anger was growing in her voice and she was not letting it hide deep inside, she let it out, well most of it. "That fat guy over there. He was the one I killed this morning. Sad death really. I let his work kill him, heh." He smiled as Tara continued walking twards the gate that would let them into the mortal world. Sean was fallowing behind, but not too close.
  6. Name: Ken Sex: Male (I guess I will be the first one, ye-haw) Age: 19 Personality: He is generous, and kind, If ever in need, he is there to help. He tries his hardest to make everyone happy, but inside, he feels like all his efforts are for nothing. Sometimes, when he is tired, it shows how he feels. Appearance: Click here, this is [URL=http://i136.photobucket.com/albums/q196/griff189/Hum02.jpg]Ken[/URL] Bio: He comes from a rich and prosperous lifestyle. Yes, he was raised with alot of money, but you would never be able to tell. He Got himself into school on his own, no money, he was invited because of his grades, and he takes pride in them, so he is very smart, and understanding on people that may be in a hard spot with money.
  7. Name: Lance Age: 18 Gender: Male Appearance: Click here, [URL=http://i136.photobucket.com/albums/q196/griff189/guys160.gif]Lance[/URL] Personality: A devil of sorts. He is cold and hateful. He isn't really a people person, but there is one thing about him that is good. He is protective. If someone by chance can manage to make it into his feelings, he will still act like he normally does, but he will gripe about the person much more than normal. It helps to know who is on is mind, and that is the only real way to tell. Weapons: He uses the sword in the pic. He puts a spell on it normally when he fights. The sword will start to glow grey and it will start to turn into another metal. The metal it changes into is unbreakable, and seems to make the sword lighter. Magic: Earth, sort of. He does not use earth as a whole, not rocks or plants, but he uses the materials inside of the earth. Like the rare and strong metals that no one really knows about, as well as all of the materials that everyone knows about and even sometimes, the deadly ones. Bio: He was alive once, or so he thinks. Its ben so long since the time that he walked earth with the mortals, he has grown to hate the way they act. Back when he was alive, he was a normal person, waking up every morning at eight, going to work, then comming home to his boring life, trying to make it in the world, not knowing what was in store for him. One day, he awoke to a strange noise. When he went outside to see what the source of the noise was, he was attacked. By whome, or what, he is not sure, all he knows is that he was able to kill a few of the ones attacking him. After it was all over, he found out what it was that had killed him. He looked around, and started to freak out. He grabbed his head, not really sure of what to make of the situation. He looked over the blood stained ground, scared, confused, angry, even, a littel proud inside. He watched, confused, wanting to find out the reason for this betrayal. He started to fallow the dead when someone's voice stopped him from behind. "You, child, are what I was wanting from the begining." The voice was deep, calm, comforting, in a way. "What are you talking about? ARe you telling me that you planed this out, this, slaughter?" Lance turned around, fire in his eyes, the ground started to shake, peices of metal started to come out of the ground. "Yes, child. You family was weak compared to you. For you to be able to perform the task at hand, you must first have completed the one before you. For you have found the one loop hole that we all have wanted to find." The voice started to get happier, but still left its complexed demeener. "You, chile have killed your family, but, in the process, they were under a spell. This, which is wonerous, means that you have been let into heaven because you killed not one, but three people, and as you enter the gates, you will become a full demon. So, please, take all of your anger on the ones you will see soon." The voice started to laugh as it vanished. Lance looked around, anger growing in his heart, and showing with every passing moment. He slowly turned around as a grey sword formed in his hands. He clenched the sword harder as he sarted to raise, raise into his new home, boy will they be happy to see him. ________________________ Alright,thats my signup, hope you like it, and sorry its a little long.
  8. Kai watched Cali walk into Kaho's room. He smiled a faint smile and looked down at the floor. "So, it may have jus begun here, but it will never end with her." He smiled faintly and knocked on her door. "Uhh, is there anything you need in there?" He heard her mumble out a no as best she could. He then slowly turned back and walked downstairs and out to the back porch. "Kai, someone is comming. Whoever it may be, is coming fast." Kai looked up in a tree to see Tankyo staring into the woods, pretty hard. "Do you know who it is? Is it someone that could be harmful?" Kai said, turning back to the woods. He knew that he was asking for that small hope that they would be friend, not foe. "No, I think I know who this person is. She is a hunter of sorts. She has been going after Rita for a while now. I even smelled this person on you when you got back from the town, want to explain that?" Tankyo said, not looking away from the woods. "I think I know who you are talking about. When I went to town, I ran into this girl. She looked a little rough, so I said excuse me, and tryed to be on my way, but she asked me a few questions. I answered them, and then left." He glanced at her then he saw his sword sitting on the porch behind him. He slowly walked over to it and strapped it to his back. "What do you plan on doing? Because right now, I don't think it wold be a safe idea to go and see this person by yourself." Tankyo said, junping down from the tree and landing next to him. "Well, then will you go with me? Truthfully, I think it would be a smarter idea as well. I don't like the feel of this. It doesn't feel right. But, when we do catch up to this person, I do think it would be best for you to wait in the trees. They might get an idea and try to start an all out war." He watched her nod, then looked up at the only window with a light on. "I hope she will be ok if we go." He shook his head and smiled. "Stop it, she will be fine. Alright, Tankyo, lets go." He turned around and walked into the woods, her fallowing him.
  9. Sean looked around the room and sighed. He hated how everyone seemed to love talking to each other. "Looks like someone may get a little burned." He cracked a sly smile as he watched some fat guy working on a power box in the corner of the room. "So long my fine fellowed freind." He said with alot of sarcasm in his voice. He walked next to the man and put his hand on his shoulder. A few seconds later, sparks started to fly out of thye box, then smoke came off of the mans dead body. "He should have worn gloves." He laughed as he vanished into the earth and then appeared in the room with hundreds of other demons. "Shit, its the same damn thing here too. Too many creatures wanting to socialize." He spat on the ground as he heard someone laugh behind him. "Shut up you only complain because people and demons alike wont talk to you for ten minutes." Sean turned around to see a short blackhaird girl looking at him. "Shut up Tara. They may not talk to me, but seem to all the time." He smirked as he took a step closer to her. She raised her hand and stoped him. "Knock it off. We both know that I really don't like you that much." She glared at him then turned around. "So will you please stop trying to seduce me, or whatever you call it." She started to walk away as Sean caught up to her and started walking beside her. "ALright, truce, for now. So, heard anything special around here? Its getting a little bored." He smiled as she glanced at him.
  10. Kai smiled as he watched her grab another plate. "Well, I really don't care if you are ok by yourself." He smiled as she turned to him, a little stunned. "Because, I am going to help you anyway." Kaho smiled a little and went back to washing the dishes. "You are a little stubborn. Why do you want to help so much? Its like you are becoming attracted to me or something?" She glanced at him for a reaction. "Huh? No, thats not true. I, uh, am not used to people being here, so, its only natural that I try to help out. It would feel weird if I let you all do everything." He let out a face laugh and went back to washing the dishes.
  11. Sign Ups: Name- Sean Age- 18 When and how you died- November 18, 1987. He was on his way home for a reunion when it happened. He saw someone getting stabbed. He got in the way and ended up shooting the person that got stabbed, the people that stabbed the man, and then to end it up, he dropped his gun and it fired, hitting him in the head, killing him. Appearance- Theis is [URL=http://i136.photobucket.com/albums/q196/griff189/guys80.jpg]Sean[/URL]. He stands 5 11" and weighs 165. Race- Demon Short Bio- He is from a small town in the middle of the sourthern states. His hometown is Memphis Tennessee. He loved it there, but one thing he didn't like were the people. They pissed him off. The way they acted, the way they treated other people, he hated it. One day he had enough. When he saw someone getting mugged, he stepped in and killed the people, all of them. On the outside, he showed fear, but on the inside, he was happy. Glad that the ones that had done something wrong were finnaly taken out. He just didn't expect to be the reason for his own death. Weapon- He uses a home made weapon. Its seven feet long, two feet wide, half a foot thick, and has jagged edges down the sides of it. It only weighs sixty pounds though. Magic- An odd combination, Earth and Lightning.
  12. Name: Lance Age 18 Gender: Male Appearance: This is him, click [URL=http://i136.photobucket.com/albums/q196/griff189/kamuro02.jpg]here[/URL] Bio: A devil of sorts, if you will. He is cruel, and hateful. He could care less of people, and only really wants to be free, and never worry about what would happen for what he does. He doesn't care wether it is good or bad, just as long as he has fun doing it. He was killed long ago, and was sent to a place in which noone is even remembered. He was supposed to live agian to try and make a new life for himself, but anyone he came upon in this empty place, he either killed, or came close to it. He, doesn't care what really happenes to him, but only wants to be left alone. Weapon: He uses the sword in the pic.
  13. Kai walked over to the fridge and opened it. He looked around for a moment, then pulled something out and smiled. He walked over to the cubbord and then pulled out a bowl. He set the steak in the bowl and then walked out to the back porch, Dixon fallowing him. He set the bowl on the floor and then walked back into the house, and over to the stove, where Kaho was pulling the pot off of the fire. "It started to boil, so I took it off. Is that ok?" She asked, looking over at him. "Of course, that means its ready." He looked around as the last of the animas came into the house and into the kitchen. "Alright everyone. Go ahaid, take a bowl and a plate and dig in." He watched as they all got themselves some soup and bread, then sat down to eat. He smiled then sat down himself. "This is delicious. You are a very good cook. Where did you learn to cook like this?" Ruby asked, sipping on the soup. "My grandmother tought me how to cook. Its really nothing." He giggled, then looked around the table. Everyone seemed like there was nothing wrong in the world, but down deep, he could tell that it was a lie. The world was vast, yet the human race acted like there was no room for any of them. "So, whose turn is it to cook tomarrow?" He smiled as everyone turned to him.
  14. Name: Satoshi Age: 21 Gender: Male Appearance: [URL=http://i136.photobucket.com/albums/q196/griff189/dude.jpg]Satoshi[/URL] Personality: He is very caring. He is the type that wants to see everyone get along in peace. He treats Mizuki like a little sister, trying to protect her any way he can without makning her use her powers. He is gentle. He would be the shoulder someone could use to cry on if they feel the need to be heard. After he got seperated from Mizuki, he bacame a little cold. He doesn't stand up for as much as he once did. Gangirock: After falling off the cliff, he gained a power he calls Granite. (Control over the earth and its plants). What did you lost after obtaining Gangirock: He lost sight in his right eye, and feeling in his left arm. He cannot feel any pain that he gets through injury, so he could easily bleed to death. Bio: He was a scientist. He was one of hte many that performed experiments on Mizuki. He, unlike the others, cared for her. He tried to give her a normal life, something the others would have nothing to do with. He was able to get her out of the labratory, which was very hard After that, they were able to live together, with hardly any worries for about two years. Then, one day, while trying to get Mizuki's memories back, they were attacked by another member of the team thaq worked on Mizuki. Prof. William ended up kicking Satoshi off of the clif they were on. When Satoshi woke up, he was hundreds of miles away, looking into the sky, not realizing what had happened. When he finally gained his memory back, he realized what was going on. He discovered his newly found powers, and now vows to try and find Mizuki once agian and try to help her.
  15. Kai went onto the back porch holding a drink. He handed it to Rita and smiled as she took a sip. "Its sweet tea. One of my favorite drinks, so you will see alot of it here. I know you do not know me, but trust me, I mean no harm. I hate to see people, and animas alike, die for no reason. Its pointless." He looked at the sky then sighed. "Is something wrong, Kai? Anything I can do?" Kaho said, looking up at him. "No, its nothing. Listen, I will be back in a few hours. I have to go to town and get a few more suplies. I didn't think that there would be more showing up, so we are a little understocked." He put his hand on her shoulder then walked back into the house. He picked his sword up that was sitting in the corner of the room and strapped in to his back. "Going somewhere?" Ruby said, looking over at him. "Got to go to the store. Not enough food. You are welcome to come if you like? Just in case you think I may go and tell everyone in town that you are all here. Trust me, I wont." He gave her a comforting smile as he put his coat on over his sword and headed out the door. He looked around then started walking down the path twards the town. About twenty minutes later, he made it into town and looked around. He waved at the poeple he knew and smiled at the ones that smiled at him. The people in town knew him, but not well. They just knew him as a person who liked to live by himself, alone. Boy, were they all wrong. He made his way into the local market and baught a few more suplies, then started heading on his way home when he ran into someone. "Hey, not watching where you are going?" Kai turned to see a girl and smiled. "Its ok, I guess neither of us were." "I am sorry. My name is Kai Kenske. I am truely sorry for running into you. My head is in the clouds a little bit." He gave a unneeded laugh as he put his hand on the back of his head. He looked at the girl who onle smiled. "My name is Ari Hawking. I havent seen you around here before. You live near here?" She had a look of wonder on her face as she said it, like she knew something he didn't. "Me, no. I am just passing through. I am just looking around the countryside, trying to find someone. Who knows, maybe they are in this place, but I doubt it, its not their type of place." He looked around and nodded. "Well, it was nice meeting you, but I think its about time I left. I have a long way to go before I get home, so goodbye." He gave a small wave and smiled as he turned around. "Yes, hopefully, we may meet agian." She said as he made his way out of town. After another twenty minutes, the sun had set. He had to use the moonlight to see the path back to his home. As he walked up to the door, he smiled as he saw Kaho, Ruby, and Rita sitting on the porch talking like old freinds. "Welcome back. Find everything you need?" Kaho asked, standing up to help him. "Yeah, now lets get dinner started, and because you are all my guests, I think I will cook us something." He smiled as he walked into the kitchen and started to make dinner.
  16. "Are you crazy, Sil? What do you think you will do in a time of war like this? You are only 19. This is rediculous." An elderly lady said, watching the young man pach his bags. "Mother, listen to me. I did not volenteer for this job. I was asked. I have to do this. It is important to me. I feel tha I will be able to find my fahter out there somhow." He gave a comforting smile to his mother as he finished packing his bags by putting a few bottles of liquids in them. "Sil, if you find him, what are you going to do?" His mother asked, sitting down on the bad, watching him take his shirt off and put another one on. "You were the one that told me that I would know what to say if I ever saw him agian. So, now is my chance for it, to find him out in the world, and get pain at the same time." He laughed to himself as his mother began to cry. "Mom, please, I know what I am doing." He slid on the last glove, then turned them palm up to look at them. "Good, there are no damages in the circles." He placed both hands together then touched his bed as it changed into a pile of lumber. "You need the lumber more than you need my bed. Please, do not worry about me." He kissed her on the cheek and smiled one last time before taking his first steps out of the house. "Listen you little alchemist. You be kind out there. Be tough, do not let people tred over you. Be like you always are, kind, strong, stuborn, happy. Be yourself. Please, and come home to me." His mother said, crying as he made his way over the hill, and twards the location on the letter. He smiled to himself as he started to run. "This is it. Sil, the alchemist, here to help in anyway possible. MY skills include,: transmutations and potions. I can make something out of anything, so you name it, I will do it." He giggled as he looked up at the sky as he started running even faster twards this location. Here is a picture of Sil. Click [URL=http://i136.photobucket.com/albums/q196/griff189/dude.jpg]Here[/URL]
  17. Chris looked around as the others satarted their fight. He sighed and look at the window. He mumbled out loud for anyone that cared, "If you need me I will be on the roof." He walked tward the window and opened it. He sloly jumped out and flapped his wings until he was on the roof, sitting, looking at the moon. He stood up quickly and started to laugh at himself. "You are tormenting me now. Is that how it is? You all have sunk to a low level now." He gave a nasty smirk as he turned around. When he looked up. there was a figure standing wearing a dark shirt, pants, shoes, and had a neat haircut. "Chris, why do you talk so bad about them?" The man said, looking around the roof. "What the hell do you want Amer? You have no reason to be here. And we both know that you do not have the power to kill anyone, especially me." Chris said, looking away from the man named Amer. "Thats harsh. IT has been nearly four hundred years, and you still think that I am as weak as you once thought? That is not important. What is, is what you plan on doing about the ones downstairs, and the one that you all have to kill." The man got in front of Chris and looked him in the eye. He took a step back, a strange, scared look in his eye. "You weren't kidding when you said what you did, were you?" "No, I see no reason to be the poster boy for the gods. I get nothing for helping them." Chris leaned in a little closer to Amer. "You go and thell them, if they want to tell me something, get down here and tell me them damn selves. They have no reason on sending their mailboy here to talk to me." Chris smirked and walked past Amer, walking off of the roof and floating into the room with everyone. He looked around as everyone was still doing their war thing. He shook his head and went into his own room and shut the door. He took a seat next to the bed and started looking around saying to himself, "I have damned my soul for these people on this huck of rock. Why did I do it. There has to be something here that I have yet to find. What is it? Where is it? Why do I care so much about it.?" He lookded down at the ground and closed his eyes to think in private.
  18. Kai smiled to himself then looked down at the ground. He glanced over at Kaho, who was still looking at the sky. "Miss, can I ask you something? IT may be a little personal, and you may not know the aswer. But what you can tell me will help more than you know." He kept looking at the ground at she turned to look at him. He saw her nod out of the corner of his eye. "Well, I wanted to know two things really, why exacally do normal people hate animas so much. What happened in the past that have made the two sides hate each other so much? And the other, is why have you and your companions dragged yourself into this war. We all know that there are multiple places that are peaceful and sancuaries for animas. One day I plan on going there and trying to help as much as possible. But for now, I am doing what I can. He looked at her with a little serious look and watched her look twards the ground. "Please do not feel like you must answer that. Yoiu do not have to if I have traveled to a point that you do not want to discuss." He raised his hands in a way to show that he was innocent.
  19. Kai went into the kitchen and came back a few moments later with some drinks. "Please, help yourself." He set them on the dining table and sat down. "I know this place doesn't seem like much, but you may call it home if you wish. I have two bedrooms upstairs, two down here, and one in the basement. You all may pick which ones you want, I will take whats left over. Ladies first as they all say."He smiled and looked out the window. "The reason I am so out here, there are alot of people that ask alot of questions in twon. Out here, they leave you alone. They rarely come to talk to me, only when something bad happens. You have nothing to worry about. Even if they knew you were here, my home is sanctuary. No one is permited to enter if they mean harm." He looked up at Kaho and smiled. "Please make yourself at home. I do not want you all to feel like you are outsiders here. You have nothing to worry about." He smiled agian and looked in the doorway as his dog slowly made his way into the room. "So, you really do have a dog." Kaho said, looking down at him. "Yes, his name is Dixon. He is my best friend. Don't really know what I would do if he were not here with my. Without him, my life would seem a little boring." He laughed a little at the statement, then slowly stood up and stretched. "If any of you need anything, I will be out back, on the porch. You are welcome to join me if you like. It the door in the kitchen." He smiled and made his way on to the back porch. When he got outside, he sat down on the porchswing and started to rock it gently. "Somehow, I think that this may work out for the better. IT amy get dangerous out there if they are all alone." He smiled to himself as he started to whistle with the wind.
  20. Slate walked into the street and yawned. The nap he had taken only seemed to make him more tired than he was before. He looked down the street as a big smile came across his face. "Well, well. It seems as though we have ourselves a little fun going on." He quickle made his way to the fight and looked around. He put his halbert over his shoulder and looked at the people that were fighting off the demons. "We really need to get rid of these demons now, we have to get to the city of light and fast." One of the females said, slashing her way though a demons head. "That is no way for a girl to act around other people. Killing demons are only for the truely despised ones. Those that should have nothing else to live for." Slate said in a mumble as he grabbed the closest demon to him and crushed its shoulder, then backhanded it, crushing the side of its skull, causeing the closest female to stop what she was doing and to look at him. "Who the hell are you? What do you think you are doing?" The girl said, taking a step closer to him. "Not really sure. I need information, and these demons may be able to help me." He grabed another one by the collar and pulled it close to his chest. "Listen up you foul scum. Tell me who you work for, and why you came here. You may just end up like your brother over there, the one that my hand found." The demon let out a loud screatch as Slate threw him back, then spun his halbert around, cutting the demon in half. "What did it say? It sounded like screaming to me." The girl said, as she continued to kill demons in her way. "Nothing much, just that their leader is close by. Are you all going to be ok here?" He watched her nod imbetween dodging a demon's strike. "Great, I will be back in about ten minutes, if you will, please wait for me. We all need to talk." With that, he darted off into an ally. A few moments later, he came to a red aura and smiled. "You have been found out demon." Slate said as he slowly walked out into the clearing. "What is it that you want here, mortal?" The demon said in a voice that sounded something other than human. "Where did you come from. Why are you here? Do you know anything about the town of Ease?" He watched the demon smile. "What do you know?" "I was there. I killed my fair share of those magical humans. They were hard, but my and my kinfolk were able to kill them all." The demon's hand started to glow red as he began to laugh a harsh laugh. "Who was commanding you all? Who was behind it all? The ones that killed me, and my kinfolk." Slate got a smirk as the demon sent a ball of energy at him. He quickly ducked under it and started running a the demon. Within a blink of an eye, the demon had stabbed him in the shoulder, and he had stabbed the demon in the head, splitting it in two. He stood up tall and pulled the dagger out of his shoulder. He clenched his teeth as he watched the hole close up and leave a scar. As Slate was walking back to the ones he left in the street to fend off the demon's and the ones fighting them, he sighed. "I was too harsh. Should have asked more questions." He shook his head as he made his way up to them.
  21. Chris looked at the house, then at Sasuna. "Well, it seems as though he really likes you. He went and got his henchmen to take a shot at your home." He smirked as he pulled out his sword from his side. He looked down at the blade and gave a conforting smile. "This tool has always been reliable. I should really get this thing looked at, and probably rebalanced." He gripped the hilt a little tighter as he started walking to the demons in front of Sasuna's home. He swung his sword to the side, cutting the first demon in half within the blink of an eye. "Why is he helping me? This guy is complicated." Sasuna said in a mumble as she joined in, killing the demons. "Its up to the rest of you to help if you want. But know something, we are all in this together now, so if I were you, it may be smart to help her." He said with a smirk.
  22. Kai looked around and watched all the ones that he had recently met. He smiled to himself then shook his head. He never thought he would be in the position that he is in now, either help them like he said he would, or be killed, or something like that by them. He looked down at his watch and sighed. "Listen, I have to go. I really need to get home. You are all welcome to come as well. It will be alot safer then staying out here, trust me. No one ever comes to my home, except for family, and they are from a town made up of only anima. That is why I want to help you all. To fallow in their footsteps." He watched them continue on what they were doing. "Alright. Well, if you all change your minds, please use my sent and fallow me. Just be sure to knock before you come in, It bothers me when I get people that just barge in." He smiled, picked up his sword and started walking on his way back to his home.
  23. konske

    Shadows M-LV

    Anji smiled and patted her on the back. "Don't worry you all. I too am looking for this demon that has attacked alot of towns. I am wanting to get the bounty, and start a life that is a little peaceful. So, now we will be on our way." He grabbed her arm and pulled her away from the croud and into a local tavern. "Why did you bring me in here? Who are you, and why did you talk so bad about my clan? She took a step closer to him and looked into his eyes. He smiled and kissed her on the cheek. "Because, you and your clan are not violent people. They want to live in peace. And, because I have been there. They took me in, and I helped them. So, I know a little more than you think." He turned around and walked up to the bar. "Just to let you know, I did that as a favor. You may owe me something, but you are not bound to me. So, you may go on your way, just be more careful. I really don't want to have to do that agian." He ordered a drink and took a long swig before setting it down on the counter. "What are you talking about? I could have gotten out of that situation all by myself. I didn't need your help." She sat down next to him and ordered her own drink. They sat there quietly, niether talking or looking at each other. "Whatever you say. By the way, do you really want to know the reason why your clan took me in? I am not everyting you think." He smiled and turned to her, taking a sip from his drink. "Humor me. Why is it that you take interest in me, and why does it bother you so much that I think you are only human. Going by the actions you are taking, you aren't all human." She cocked her head and looked at him. He stood up and gave her another kiss on the cheek. "I am half demon. The demon we are both looking for, is my father." With that, he set the tab on the bar and walked out of the tavern, a smile on his face.
  24. Name- Slate Age- 18 Race- Demon Personality- Outgoing. He is hyper and loves to see others smile. In battle he is just as outgoing, yet he becomes protective, and tries to fight everyonr by himself. Appearance- Below Weapons- He uses a halbert. Bio/Writing example- He grew up in a village of mages. They were all trained in the use of magic, but Slate was different. He never once studied magic with the other kids and teenagers. He focused on being strong and teaching himself. As he grew up, he tought himself how to heal, as well as put up barriers that will deflect anything. He also tought himself in the art of the halbert. He became good, and even helped his townsfolk as the demon attacked his home. He, however was crushed in a building. When he woke back up, he was outside of his village, looking at the destruction that was in front of him. IT turned out from what he can remember, he was killed, then something special happened. He was brought back to life, only to walk the earth until the one responsible for his death is killed. So, thats what he plans on doing. He wants to go and see the people from his home, and that means killing the one responsible for his death, he just isn't sure on how he is going to do this task.
  25. "Shut your mouth girl. You know nothing of the reason why we have been chosen to come here. Do not judge those that you are unsure of, it is no way for someone to act." Chris walked out of the next room and into the main room. He gave a quick glare at the two that were having the discusion, then went over to the table and sat down in a chair. "And why the hell are you? Wait a second, I know who you are, or at least I have heard of you. Your name is Chris, isn't it? You are a fallen angel that was sent here decades ago to fufill a chanlenge. The only problem is that no knows what it is. So, I think that for whatever reason that we are here, so are you, right?" Kali said, taking a step closer to him. "Good guess girl. Next time, go ahead and tell my life story, it may be a little more interesting." He smirked back at her then let out a big sigh. "Oh and fairy, you double cross anyone who does this, and you won't live to the end of it." He looked over at her, she having a mean look on her face. "And what makes you think that I would do something like that?" She crossed her hands over her chest and glared down at him. He brushed it off with a smile. "The way you talk. Its pretty obvious that you don't like her, and I can tell that she doesn't like you by the way she talked back to you. But, neither of you like me right now, but I could care less. Just don't cross me, or what I was sent here to do. I may not be the strongest person in the world, but I will not quit untill I have done my job." He returned her glare with one of his own. He let out a small smirk, [I]This will be interesting[/I], he thought to himself.
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