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Everything posted by konske
Name: Chris Age: Unknown Race: Fallen Angel Appearance: Below Personality: You could call him cold. He is not one to really care about people, he only cares about doing his job. What happens along the way is none of his buisness. Weapons: A shortsword made of silver. Bio: A few decades ago, Chris was called into a hearing. When he showed up he was given a job. One that noone else would even think of doing. As he was given the details on this strange job, he came to a conclusion. The job that he is instructed to perform in one in which he could never come back from if things get tough. He took it, but he did not leave the room empty handed. He let the council hear his words. Even the gods themslelves apologized for asking him to do this. He took this, and then told them that if he dies agian, he will not be coming back to this side of the afterlife, and if he is on the other side, he will not be one to stand down from a fight with the gods.
Ok everyone, here it is, I know its a lil late getting here, but lets not let that stop us, here we go. Anji walked through the woods, his hand in his pocket, the other one holding the hilt of his sword that is resting over his shoulder. "Ok, not after that old preist man told me about that one demon, it seems that the attacks started to get more aggresive. There is supposed to be a town around here, maybe they could help me with this little thing I wanna do." He smiled to himself as he started to jog through the woods. A few hours later, he came to a hill. As he peaked it, he saw the village that he was looking for. It was small, but he knew that there had to be some useful information here, mainly because he could see guards outside the main gates to the town. As he walked up the main gate he got stopped. "You there, what is your purpose for entering the land of comming to the land of Ease?" The guard closest to his said, holding his sword out at Anji. "Me? I got word that the town here has some news about this demon that is traveling arund the country side killing all people everywhere he may go. So, I came to get some informatioin on the matter. I want to kill this bastard, and get the bounty. I have a feeling that after I get rid of this guy, I am pretty set for the rest of my life." He smiled as the guard let him pass into the town. "Well, not that thats taken care of, I need to start getting infromation on this demon. Here goes nothing." Alright, now all you really need to do is get to the town somehow. Have at it yall.
hey all. I am sorry that I havent posted recently. everyone that has posted is in. I plan on trying to get this up tonight. if it is not up tonight, then it will be up tomarrow. so please, look out for it. and sorry agian for not getting on sooner to do this, havent had the chance.
Name: Anji Anamoshi Age: 17 Gender: Male Appearance: He is slim, but not to tall. He holds alot of power behind a strong sturdy body that has a very good build on it. He has short brown hair that he keeps spiked up into the air. He wears two leather wrists guards, and a light brown leather tunic. He has on a green shirt underneath the tunic. He wears a pair of leather boots that connect with light leather pants. He has blue eyes, as well as a nice tan. Weapon: A giant breaker sword. It is thick, about three inches wide, and an inch thick. The hilt has a small spear on the end of it. All along the blade there are jagged edges from where the sword has been damaged from the skulls and bones of the deamons he has killed. Race: Half Human half Demon Side: Neutral Personallity: A real go getter. He loves to take random jobs, as long as they pay well. He is known as a bounty hunter of sorts, so, he can be a little stuck up. He is happy most of the time, and even a little sarcastic, but its that personallity that makes nearly everyone he meets enjoy his company. Bio: Anji was born when an evil demon came into his village and raped his mother. He hated the fact that she has a demon's child in her, she killed herself, moments later, Anji was taken from his mother's womb. He grew up, and became a strong fighter. As he grew, the man that took care of him began to teach him of his trade. A bounty hunter. One that goes after people and demons that have begun to hurt the people around them. As much as he wants to be like the man that raised him, he cannon connect fully with either the side that he has protected, or the side that he has hunted. So, he decided to travel the country side in search for an answer. So far all he has found in a legend, one that he has come to see the horrors of. So, his goal now is to stop it, and to make a good bounty off of the demon as well. ok everyone. So far everyone that has posted is in. I like the bios. And for Sky's benifit, I will play the evil demon as well, so if you see the text in [COLOR=Red]red[/COLOR] then you know its the demon and not Anji. I am going to wait for at least one more sign up befor I start, so hopefully it will be soon.
Sho slowly strolled down the hall way with a long look on his face. He turned to a corridor that was supposed to house his room. He wasn't sure where exacally sure where his room was but. He did know that there were other people there, but, he also knew that they may or may not know that he was there. As he walked a little more, he felt something. He quickly set up a barrier around him as a green beam hit it. He let out his breath as his eyes turned green. Slowly the beam fadded, as did his barrier. "What the fuck was that? Oh, I get it now. I know who, and what it is. Oh, shit!" He ran down the hall and frowned as he saw Martel on the ground, out cold, as well as another entity with a hole in his head. "Dammit man. What the hell were you thinking?" He snapped his fingers as Martel started to levitate off the ground, as he did so, he noticed a door open. He smiled as he turned to look at whoever was behind it. "What is going on out here?" Alue asked, looking at Sho. "To put it simply, Martel here, got into a little fight, and took it a little far. He won, but he did not come out unscathed." Sho said, a frown on his face. He watched Alue frown herself, then turn around and go back into her own room. "Well, shit. I don't think its ever going to work out between us. she is just into that guy too much." He took in a deep breath and let it out as he turned and looked at Martel. He opened the door to Martel's room and set him on the bed that was in there. He then made his way down the hall. "This is stupid. I am going boogles over a girl. And dammit, its not working. This is stupid." He spat on the ground as he noticed something comming twards him. "What the hell. Ahh, its the girl from the train. The water one, named Hydra, right?" He smiled with a smirk and reached his hand out. "Yes, thats my name, and you are?" He looked at him with a confused look. Sho slowly slid his hand back to his side. "The name is Sho, but you can call me Kai. Nice to meet you. You know, you remind me of someone, but I will not say who, it would not be right for me to go and spill peoples little secrets now would it? He smirked as she glared at him. "Kai, the namy of a psychic, how interesting. I bet you can read how strong I am as well, correct?" He nodded at her with more of a smile this time. "What is it you want Kai? Can we help you with something?" She motioned to the ones behind her. "No not really. I want to fight someone, and well, the ones back at the room we first came to are not my type, think I could help myself to one of you?" He smiled as he watched the expressions on the peoples faces.
Sho smiled as he watched the others get off the train. he didn't like them that much but he kinda knew why they were doing what they were. "[COLOR=Red]Listen Alue, I know you don't like humans, and neither do I, but you know that we all need to be careful around them, let alone the other mutants." [/COLOR] He sat down next to her and sighed. "So what, you of all people should know that I could kill them if they come at us." She cocked her head at him and gave him a cocky smile. "[COLOR=Red]Thats not what I mean. What I mean is this, all things, wether they be human or not have a mind of their own. No one really knows what they are capable of. You corner a snake, and it will be over faster than you know[/COLOR]." He closed his eyes then took in a deep breath. "I would like it if you would not try to read my mind. Its not polite." She turned away from him. "[COLOR=Red]I'm not. You mind is intricated and I love it, but thats not what I should do, so I'm not. What I am worried about is that water girl that was just here. She is something special. Not in terms of looks compared to some people, just her power. It was big, maybe even bigger than you." [/COLOR] He smiled as she turned her head to glare at him. "[COLOR=Red]And I know that you felt that as well."[/COLOR] She nodded then looked away. "Yeah, I did, but I know I could take her if I tried." She clenched her fist as it became engulfed in flames. "[COLOR=Red]And I would be right behind you, helping every step of the way[/COLOR]." He slowly moved his hand over her as the flames died. When she turned to look at him, his eyes slowly turned into a greenish color, then fadded as he touched her fist. "So, you can cancel out my flames? Interesting." She smiled as she moved her hand away from his. [COLOR=Red]"Yes and no. I suffocate them, taking away all the air around them, making them die. But trust me, I would never do that to you if your life was in danger, only to help you if need be."[/COLOR] "It is almost time to go. Are you all ready?" The man in red said in his deep voice, looking at them all. [COLOR=Red]"Of course." [/COLOR] Sho stood up then extended his hand out to Alue, who looked at it for a second, then let him help her stand. "[COLOR=Red]So, I think we all are on the same page, what is this school gonna be like? What are we gonna do, and who are we gonna fight?" [/COLOR] Sho asked, smirking at Axel. OOC: Sorry for not posting, my internet was on the fritz..
Sho smiled as he slowly made his way over to Kredion. "Listen man, every person is put in a class. Depending on the level of your powers, depends on the class you are on. The two main guys, they are easily a level one, which is strong as hell." He laughed a little as he patted Kredion on the back. "Well, what level do you think that I would be at?" He asked, eagerly. "You, I am not sure, I am not one to level people. That is something that they will do later, me I already know what level I am at." He took a step forward. "And that is something you will find out if I ever have to kill you, or just beat the living shit out of you for something." He smiled and then started to laugh as he looked at Kredion's face. "What the hell is that supposed to mean?" Kredion asked, a little irritation in his voice. "It means that no one really knows how strong someone is, only those two over there, the class ones really know. When ever someone gets into a possition that they may not live though, their power can double, it just depends. Me, I got lucky. Not only can I move objects with my mind, but I can also tell what the hell you are going to do by reading your mind. Its crazy I know, but its possible." He smiled as he looked at Alue. "Why are you looking at her? You know that he is also going to go after her. Why do you even try?" Kredion asked. "Because, there is something about her that I like. Her attitude. Not to mention, that she herself is unsure of what her mind is telling her. Crazy talk, don't mind me." He shook his head as he walked over to her. "Can I help you with something?" She asked, not even turning her head to look at him. Yes and no. Lets see, I really don't want to wait to do this until we get to the place that we are supposed to go, but I want to see how high your fire control is." He smiled at her sweetly as she slowly turned her head to look at him. "Don't worry, I can make a barrier to protect myself, anyone else will have to worry about themselves though." He msiled agian. "Well, please?"
Sho walked into the station and saw the people there talking. He smiled as he came up to the one that he met at the cops station. "[COLOR=DarkRed]Kai Kudo, you have made it have you? You should have been the first to get here[/COLOR]." The man in red smiled as he made a gesture twards Sho. "[COLOR=Red]Yeah, I know, but I saw him show up and I wanted to watch a little until someone else got here first. Guess I waited on the right person[/COLOR]." He smiled twards Alue, who rolled her eyes and looked away. "[COLOR=DarkRed]Now is not the time, Kai. We must wait untill the others get here. Will you wait, or are you going to leave?" [/COLOR] The man asked, as a smile formed accross his face. "[COLOR=Red]You should know that I am here to stay. So[/COLOR]," He slowly made his way over to Alue," [COLOR=Red]is it just me, or is something going on here that is a little bigger than the both of us?[/COLOR]" His face got more serious as he turned to the tow that talking about war. "[COLOR=Red]I can't put my finger on it, but oh well. Hi, my name is Sho Uzamaki, but you can call me Kai Kudo, psychic, and telekenetic, sorta. Still learning how to use it[/COLOR]." He smlied as a red flower of some sort floated over to them. He bowed and held it out for Alue to get.
Name: Chelsea Rodrick Age: 18 Gender: Female Occupation: Student at the local college Bio: She is a full time student. Everyday, she wakes up and heads out the door with her bag. Then one day, something horrible happenend. One of her fellow students snapped. She began to freak out and she started shooting people. A few moments after she started shooting, she headed for Chelsea. As she pointed the gun at Chelsea, multiple things happened in a flash of light. One, the crazy student shot the gun at Chelsea, two, the bullet stopped in midair. Chelsea blinked multiple times. She was stunned. As she moved her eyes, the bullet went with it. Then she looked back at her fellow student. In the blink of an eye, the bullet lodged itself into her head, killing her. Chelsea didn't know what to do, so she ran, ran back to her family in Tennessee. Personality: She is sweet. She loves to see others smile, and does alot to see that happen. Home City and Current Residence: Born and raised in Memphis, Tennessee. She then moved to New York for college. Powers/Abilities: She is a Telekenetic.
Denzede looked around his cell room. He scolled under his breath. He touched the bars with his hand then slowly took them down as he watched the guards bring another female into the cell across from his. He sighed as he watched her move around a little bit. "Hey, you two, how much longer?" he smiled as the one that had been there longer looked athim. "Whats it to you?" She asked, slowly making her way to the cell doors. "I wanna go, please. I can be of help." His face went blank as the guards came to his door. "Come on boy. You are comming with us. You have an interrogation to attend." They both laughed as they pulled him out of the room. "Somehow, I don't think that this is going to be fun." He said to himself as thet put him in the room.
is it still open? hope so, here is my profile just in case. *Name: Denzede Mitchel *Age: 19 *Gender: Male Race: Kiso- a humonoid looking race but with one major difference. They usually have a marking on their backs. The marking is something that is hereditary, it resembles their family herritige. They are also known for having white hair and blue eyes. *Occupation: He doesn't have a job. He just does odd end jobs and makes a little money. *Side: Outcast *Appearance: He is lean, skinny, but strong. He has long white hair that goes to the middle of his back. He wears a thin, light blue shirt that is a littel loose on him. He has on a pair of jeans with holes all over them. He wears a pair of shoes that look like they are years old, but he loves em. He has blue eyes which are half coverd by his hair. Personality: He is quiet. He doesn't talk much, but he is smart. He knows how to play with peoples minds, but he doesn't like doing it. He will in dire situations though. When he feels that he is trusted, he may open up a little bit, depending on how he is treated. *History: Growing up, he became solitary. Not really knowing wht a family, freinds were. He didn't mind though. Even if he met a group of people, he tried to avoid them. This got old, however. Eventually, he tried to make freinds, but it didn't work. They casted him out as an outsider. This set him back even more, making him even more cautious of people. Thats when he started doing odd end jobs that he could at least do something with his hands. After about a year of doing this, he was taken into a prison, so he would no longer work. He hasn't talked to anyone there, but he knows it is a matter of time before something bad happens, and he knows it.
Kai slowly makes his way though the woods. He sighs as he notices the sun fading into the distance."Well, the daog may be a little mad for me not being there on time for his normal feedin." As he walks deeper into the woods, thinking that he is going back to his home, he hears something in the distance. As he gets closer, he can tell that its not just one thing, but multiple. He smiles as he gets closer. "Wow, maybe it will be some wild animal, or its family." He smiles agian, then gasped as he saw what the culprit of the noise was. There were four of them. All were human in appearance, but with small differences, that were standing out like a sore thumb. "Animas. What the hell are they doing out here, this close to civilization. I better warn them about the people around here, they may not like it, but oh well." He sighed to himself as he slowly made his way out of the woods. "Who is there?" The one is the lead said. KAi could tell that she was the leader of the group. MAinly because she stepped out in front of the other three. "Hey, hey, chill out. My name is Kai Kenske. I am not here to hurt you, but I am sure you don'd beleave me, do you? I mean, I am a human. But listen, I will give you my sword." He handed it over to her by setting it on the ground and stepping back. "Why are you here, are you leading others here to kill us or something?" She asked, a bit of fear and anger in her voice. "On the contrary, I am here to warn you. The people around this town aren't to happy with animas. They killed off the last one that came here about a year ago. I moved here to help the ones that were trying to get through. So far, not many have trusted me though." He looked at the ground as he said it. "An that is supposed to let us trust you? I have seen what your kind has done to us." She said, a little calmer than her previous tone. "No, I guess not." Kai slowly got on his knees and looked up at her. "I will stay like this untill everything is answered, or untill you decide to kill me, but I will not fight back." He smiled as he watched her eyebrows raise from his last comment.
Hope its not too late to join. I will try to make this interesting. Name - Samantha Pronunciation - Sa-man-tha Age - 21 Sex - Female Race - Sayain Height - 5' 4" Weight - 108 Hair color - Brown Hair style - Mainly pulled back, but when itis let down, it goes to the middle of her back. Eyes - Hazel Body - She is thin, but what she does have is all muscle. Skin Tone ? Tan, a light brown. Distinguished marks - She has a scar that goes along the middle of her back from her left shoulder, to her lower right back. Clothes - A red short sleeved shirt that is pretty tight. A pair of fadded blue jeans that has a hole in the right knee. She wears a pair of black tennis shoes. Other Appearance details ? A neclace that was given to her by her mother. She never takes it off. It holds a picture of her parrents inside of it. Weapons - Besides her fists, she carries two daggers that she rarely uses. Only in dire situations. Special Powers - She is able to use her power as a giant sheild that is nearly impossible to penatrate. Handicaps - She has a hard time controlling her kai blasts after she has fired it at a target. Her aim is great, but if the target moves, she cant move the blast very good. Transformations - SSJ Special Moves - Kaiken- A small beam, but when it hits, or gets close to its target, it spreads out like a fan and hits in multiple areas. Kose-A large blast that has nearly unlimited potential of destruction. The only problem with it is that the weaker she is, she weaker the blast. Don't be fooled though, it is still extreamly stong. Tistal- Her stonges attack. She makes around ten clones of herself, and they each fire a Kose of their own, each of them are as strong as a normal Kose. Bio ? Samantha was born on Vegeta. When the planet was under attack, her parrents put her in a pod and sent her to earth. She never knew the reason why earth, but her parrents did. As she spent time on her new home planet, she began hearing odd things. She began hearing about people with the same powers as her. This was nothing new, but it was new for a diffrent planet, to posses powers of the same, and even greater levels as her. Even one that seemed to be a little more primative than her own. She made a comitment right then and there, after hearing about this. She vowed to train herself. So that one day she would be able to go after the ones that destroyed her family, her home. Even if she would not be able to kill the one resposible, she knew that she may be able to make a dent. One large enough for others like her in the universe to make their way through, and eventually destroy the one responsible. She began to fight the humans. She was amazed at how strong she was becoming by just fighting the ones that look so much like her but has such great differences. As she trained more, she got much stronger. Then one day, she was changed completely. Her body became stronger, faster. Her hair turned golden yellow. It only lasted for a short period of time, but since then, she has not been able to do it again. She can feel it close, but she can't get it yet. A few days after this transformation happened, she was challenged to a fight. She accepted, and was uterly defeated. Whoever the person was in front of her, he was nearly twice as strong as she was. As he was walking away, he smiled and told her something, "Listen, young lady. For you to really take this seriously, you must train harder. If you do, you will soon come to find that you will meet the ones you have been training so long to go after. So, keep it up. I will contact you agian soon when I feel you are ready to take the challenge." With that, the man that she had faught so hard to beat, left without another word. She knows, that will all of her heart, that if she is to succeed, she needs this power. So, that is what she is training for. It is her short goal for the ultamate long goal.
Eh, I will give this one a try. Here is my profile. Player name: Kai Kudo Character name: Kaizer Age: 18 Level: 9 Weapon: He uses a Zimbato. Armor: He has a shoulder guard, a dark blue chestplate, and a pair of dark blue boots. Class:Heavy swordsman Magic (if any): Healing, very limited though Description: He stands around 5 foot 9. He has dirty blonde hair, and hazel eyes. He has a slim, muscular build, and is quick on his feet. He wears a white undershirt under his armor,and a pair of blue jeans. Money: 690g Items: He has a few potions, and a few power-ups. He doesn't like to use them much.
Sho looked around the room. He glanced at the glass that covered one wall. He knew there had to be at least four cops on the other side of it watching his every move. "Listen, Sho Uzamaki. We know that you are not human. There is no way that you could do the damage you did with those cars if you were. Either that or you are using a new type of weapon. Which is it?" The cop asked, walking a little closer to him. "I am no specialist when it comes to weapons. I hate the things. I would rather beath you head in now." Sho said with a smile. "****." He glanced behind him and sighed. "What is it Sho? Whats comming? Is it another one of you kind?" The cop reached for his gun then gasped as his hand stopped moving. "Whats going on here?" "Some people are coming and I don't think that they want me in here." Sho said as the man's arm ripped from his shoulder. "I am sorry for this." Sho's eyes turned green as the cuffs on his hands fell off. He stood up and walked over to the wall, withing seconds, the wall had crumbled. "You boy, come with us." A man wearing a dark cloak said, walking twards Sho. "And who might you be?" Sho asked, turning his head twards him. "I was sent to get you and help you. Set you free from this world that tries to stop you from using the gifts that you were given. Will you help us?" The man held out his hand and took one more step closer. "Yeah, I will. Its not hard to tell what you have planed. Its written all over your face, and mind. By the way, call me Kai. Kai Kudo, telekenetic, and psychic." He smiled as he fallowed the man from the pile of rubble that was once the police station.
I know it may be a little late, but would it be alright if I signed up? I will use one of my old ones, from a diffrent account. Name: Narra Kyoske Age: 17 Gender: male Description:He is very lean, he stands around 5'11" and has long dirty blond hair that goes to the middle of his back. He has crystal blue eyes, that feel as though they can peirce the person he looks at. He wears a white shirt that he has rolled up at the elbows and a pair of fadded blue jeans. The jeans have a hole in one of the knees and hten he tops it all off with a pair of black tennis shoes. Character notes: Kyoske is from a small town near a lake. Because of its size, he is used to the size of his new town. But, he doesn't like the fact that he had to move in the middle of his senior year of highschool. He regrets the fact that he had to leave all of his friends behind. Kyoske if very uptight. Not in the fact that he wants to fallow all of the rules, but the fact that he doesn't want to get caught up in anything that may cause him to move agian. That is the last thing that he wants to do, wether or not he likes this town or not. Dreamer Name: Temple Description: A demonic looking creature. He grows hair all over his body and half of it is black and the other is yellow. They are in stripes that resemble lightning bolts. He almost resembles a tiger, with a bad temper. He stands 7'3" in this form, and grows very large claws. His muscle size also doubles. Class: Morph
"Move, and do it quick!" A sturdy voice said in the background as a blolt flew past a young man's head. The boy turned around to see a man holding a bow. The guy then turned forward and saw the dead demon in front of him, burning. "A holy arrow. I have been fighting that demon for hours, and you shoot one arrow at him and he fries. Who the hell are you old man?" The young man asked, turning around. "I am a preist that is traveling this land. And who might you be, young lad?" The preist asked, as he put his bow around his shoulder. "The name is Anji. I am a traveling hunter. Searching for anything that seems to be of interest. So far, I have found nothing. Sounds interesting, doesn't it, old man?" Anji smiled as he put his sword over his shoulder and walked over to the preist. "Well, I may have something for you, young lad. It seems that there has been a very powerful demon lurking around. He has ravashed towns, taking the young, and killing them in front of everyone. Soon, I am affraid, he may come around here, and he may even look for someone like you. It would be best for you to get out of here, and stop at no town on the way." The preist gave Anji a bow and turned around. "Thanks old man. I will be careful. Where are you headed?" Anji asked, watching the preist. "I am going home, this is no place for the likes of me. And head my warning. Stay out of the shaddows, that is where he lurks." He preist vannished in the blink of an eye as Anji started walking down the path. "Well, looks like there may be something to do around here after all." Anji said as he make is way deeper into the woods. [CENTER]----------------------[/CENTER] Right, you got a little taste of the backstory. So, to fill you in on a little more, there is a powerful demon lurking sound the area, and someone has to stop him, or help, whichever. No one knows what this demon looks like. It will be up to a select few, that may or may not have had a confrontation with this demon to stop him, or help him take over the world by killing. Why he is killing the young, it is unknown, but all will be answered later on in the story. So without futher adue, here is the sign-up sheet: [B]Name[/B]: [B]Age[/B]: [B]Gender[/B]: [B]Appearance[/B]: Pic or written, whichever [B]Weapon[/B]: ya know, swards and spears please [B]Race[/B]: you can be demon, but if you are and you plan on fighting agianst the evil demon, have a good reason. [B]Side[/B]: good, neutral, or evil, pick one [B]Personallity[/B]: give a good description please [B]Bio[/B]: why you are going after the demon or helping him. At least one paragraph please. That will do it for now. If you have any questions, please don't hessitate to ask them.
I know that you never said anything about this , but I really would rather be either neutral or on the anima's side, if that is anyway possible. If not, then I will understand. Name: Kai Kenske Age: 17 Side: Anima Sex: Male Weapons: Kai uses a bladed weapon. He uses a buster sword. The sword is five feet long fron the hilt to the tip of the blade. IT is two inches thick, and ten inches wide. Its heavy, and thats why he has to use both arms to carry, or to use it effectively.l Appearance: Kai stands at a mere 5'10", but do not be fooled. He is pure muscle. He isn's big in size, average, if you will. He has dark brown hair, which is short, and is always spiked up into the air. His eyes are a light hazel, which have been known to change colors when his mood changes. He wairs a dark blue shirt that clenches to his body, as well as a blue and white stripped collard shirt that goes over is, both are short sleeved. He wears fadded blue jeans that have a good sized hole over the right kneee. He tops it all off with a pair of black tennish shoes. Personality: He is extreamly calm in nature, as well as gentle. He does not like to hurt things, unless he must to live. He loves to go fishing, but he has never killed anything when he goes. When around people, he gets to be shy, but as they get to know him and he gets to know then, he begins to open up. Sometimes, depending on the person, it may take longer for him to open up than others. Bio: Kai walkes out of the woods holding his fishing pole. He sets it down on the ground next to the chair that he has put next to the woods that are at the edge of his land. He sits down in the chair as his dog walks over to him and starts licking his hand. "Calm down, Dixon. I haven't been gone that long." He pets the dog on the head and looks up at the sky. He takes in a deep breath and lets it out. As he closes his eyes, he has a flashback. It is of his mother and father, of how they were murded in front of him. As he looks around, he realizes that he is only ten or so. He lookes up and stares at his fahter holding a gun. He notices that his father has pointed it at a person, no, it is not a person. But it is a human looking animal, with fox atributes. As his father raised the gun to the creatures head, he watches as it begins to cry and beg for its life. Then he remembers watching as four more of the same type of creature jumps at his father and mother and tear them to shreds. He then turns back to the original fox creature as it tries to stop the others from killing Kai's mother and father, but gets killed as well. Kai opens his eyes agian to see the stars up in the sky. As he looks around he realizes that the flashback is over. He stands up and begins to walk back to his house as he hears a gunshot in the woods. He turns, grabs his sword and takes off to find the culprit of the noise. ---------------- Well, thats all for me. I know, its alot, but oh well. If there needs to be any changes, please don't hessitate. Thanks for letting me in. I made the changes.