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Everything posted by De-Lor

  1. [SIZE=1]Cranium. And yes I'm a sell out. But the way they integrated four different board games is just.....fun. Other board games are ........ ....... ....... ...Sequence? Or would that be a Card game? I also use to play pinochio, yes.... Pinochio (sp?) The wooden doll with the nose... Anyways, you pretty much moved your 'Pinochio' through the storyline on the board. Tip the waiter I hated monopoly. ...I cant think of any others that I've played.[/SIZE]
  2. [SIZE=1]This really sounds like quite the interesting story, especially when you said the girl had a painting of the sky under her umbrella. It looks like the characters will probably grow pretty complex. I was wondering, where can I find this series in the states? Or is there any way to get it online yet? Maybe episode by episode?[/SIZE]
  3. I Like to play guitar sometimes, And cooking's another big one. I like anything that i can do with my bare hands. Cause having a cool table that you made is a lot better feeling than just a cool table.
  4. De-Lor

    Guitar Hero

    I am a hardcore GH player, and ido love to play on Hard, sometimes expert. But thats only because me and my roommate have made a ritual of it. We have an entire room DEDICATED to guitar hero. And wailing off behind your head with the guitar is a must, not just a fun thing to do. I mean come on, if your gonna rock, ROCK! My Favorite song to play as well as listen to is Even Rats, my second is Get Ready 2 Rokk by Freezepop. Ihavent gotten my hands on 2 yet, but its only a matter of money. As soon as i get 100 in my hand it'll magically turn into a fake reed guitar. (i wanna have both controllers so my buddies can rock out on the bass.)
  5. De-Lor

    Red Vs. Blue

    [SIZE=1][QUOTE=Tex][size=1]I can't say what season is my favorite. I think they've all got their moments. The first season, I'll say, had to be the hook for me. No matter how many times I watch it, I still can't get enough of it. I've seen every episode all the way up to their recent, 79. I must say, I laughed my *** off throughout the entire time I took to watch all 5 seasons. There are just some episodes that are priceless. I do, however, have complaints. [spoiler]I don't like how they made Donut out to be a complete homo when he used to be the smartest in season one. That just made me mad because now he's just as retarded as Caboose; if not more. And how they made Simmons seem even more like a kiss-***.[/spoiler] People argue with me that [spoiler]they feel Caboose got even more stupid; but he really didn't. They just gave him more lines, and more screenplay than he had in the first season.[/spoiler] But all around, I can't get enough Red vs Blue.....as you can tell by my new name and banner/avi set.[/size][/QUOTE] Id' have to agree with you on caboose, but [spoiler]he only became less intelligent, than he already was, when o'mally messed with his head. Ever since Tex and Church ran around his mind shooting things up, he's declined in the smarts department.[/spoiler] So there really is a good reason for his unintelligence throughout season's 3+4.[/SIZE]
  6. De-Lor

    Red Vs. Blue

    [SIZE=1]For those who don't know; 'Red Vs. Blue: The Bloodgulch Chronicles' is a small mechinema series about two outposts stationed in a box canyon. Hilarity ensues. Anyway, this small, funny, Web-series went has recently turned into a cult fascination. With four full series' produced on DVD, it's become so big that even Bungie had to commemorate it (the red and blue Pop-Venders on Turf contain the logos of the studio who created the show). Now as far as I've seen. The quality of the storyline Goes in kind of an arch. From just funny 5 minute episodes in season 1 and half of season 2, to more in depth and lengthy ones all the way to the end of season 3. But that's where it gets a little too....old. The shows is still great, don't get me wrong. But i still think thats its on its downward spiral. They're just running out of things to make fun of. What I'd like to know is: [COLOR=Green][I][B]What's YOUR favorite season is and why?[/B][/I][/COLOR] Mine is Season 3, all around. The story really starts to get interesting when O'maley shows up and everyone is blasted into Halo2. And the bloopers on the dvd. [I]So[/I] funny. [COLOR=Silver]Im slightly surprised that I don't see much more on this topic. Hmm.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  7. [SIZE=1]What is the oldest console game that you still play today? I have a tendency to lean towards BattleToads vs. DoubleDragon. My little brother and I used to play that game almost everyday. STILL have never beat it. Its incredible how hard some of those Old-School games really are! I've never met any one who has beaten ANY BattleToads game. Another one is Indiana Jones. It's not the best game, but the dynamite sticks make me laugh. ^^ [/SIZE]
  8. [SIZE=1]Sounds great. Now I only wish I had the money for a ticket. But sadly..... Halo will have to wait.[/SIZE]
  9. [SIZE=1]When things really have my head spinning, i do the obvious, have a drink. But in combination with that I'll either listen to music, sketch, and when Im feeling fidgety, ill take electronics apart and map them out. VCR's used to be the big thing, but I've moved on to cell phones, DVD-players, CD-players, and Im cautiosly testing out computers. What gets you thinking sometimes is when you put it all back together, and somehow you have extra screws....[/SIZE]
  10. [SIZE=1]Why isnt there any public groups to join? I think it would be kind of cool to have instant access to people who have the same interests as you, instead of searching the forums. But i think i could understand the downsizes to it also, as far as more things to moderate and having group forums about the same topics that are in the public forums. But still just an idea.[/SIZE]
  11. [SIZE=1][QUOTE=John] -The Mighty Mighty Bosstones (ska-core. Again, rawk on)[/QUOTE] Your telling me that there is someone out there that hasn't heard of the Mighty Mighty Bosstones? I feel sorry for them...[/SIZE]
  12. [SIZE=1]This is a band that im actually astonished that some people don't know about. Given its not exactly what everyones looking for, but they are still great. [B] [COLOR=SlateGray]Against Me![/COLOR][/B] An angry political Folk/Punk band from Florida. Im sure alot of you have probably heard them, they have a few songs out on the rock against bush albums i believe. But yes if your a fan of True Punk music, pick up Against Me!'s 'Crimes as forgiven by' EP. [COLOR=Orange]Taster:[/COLOR] [I]Cause baby, Im an Anarchist 'n your a Spineless Liberal We march together Through the eight hour day 'n held hands in the streets of Seatle But when it came time to throw bricks through that Starbucks window you Left me all alone! All alone...[/I][/SIZE]
  13. [SIZE=1]With such a great point, I can do little but agree with you. But Id also like to point out that parents aren't afraid of that(unless they themselves were brought up to believe in White-supremacy.). What most parents that I know object too is that kids at the ages of 12 and 13 are reading about a 17 year old boy and the phases of independence associated with that age. They believe that the books are influencing kids to grow-up a bit too fast. But what they really don't like is exactly what you stated. Violence. And the Infamy that comes with it. Parents believe that kids will read about these acts of violence and start to head down that path. In order to be as 'Cool' as Voldemort. I believe that this is really a stupid fear among Adults. One example. Violent Games. Parents thought that GTA and various other murder and violence games have influenced teens to be criminals. On the contrair, ever since the original Playstation came out in stores, crime-rate, homicides, and even suicides have gone down. So if anything, i think that violent media has become an alternative to violent life. Basically in the end I agree with you entirely.[/SIZE]
  14. [SIZE=1]I dont have an object either but there are two people i miss. Krystal Murray Krystal but she's really my other half, she was family in a friend, but sadly she went into the coast guard about a year ago. we still talk almost everyday. Murray was my best friend out in California, i moved to Michigan 4 yrs. ago, we still talk at least once a month. In about a month ill be living in california again, and ill finallybe ableto see both of them.[/SIZE]
  15. [SIZE=1]My usual varies, Sometimes its a Tom Collins, sometimes a SoCo lime, Longisland Iced-T, But so far my favorite is Spiced Rum and Diet Coke. I dont drink diet, i just think it mixes better.[/SIZE]
  16. [QUOTE=di.fm][COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1]Well, seeing as how the majority of people Microsoft fans or otherwise have already played Oblivion to death, I don't think another Guild is going to recruit more people to the $600 system. Besides, thats nothing Bethesda can't throw on the Marketplace for all us 360 owners. I'm not worried that everyone will exclaim; 'The PS3 version is best!' because incrementally better graphics can't justify replaying the game because, like I said, EVERYONE has played Oblivion already.[/SIZE][/COLOR][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1]You have a rather valid point, but there still are those few people that for some reason have a vendetta against other consoles. Dont ask why, i think its kinda dumb. And then there are people like me who have been saving up for a PS3 as opposed to a 360 (which will be next on my agenda). PS3's version may not have the best edge over the 360's, but people looking forward to the PS3 and that dont have Oblivion [I]yet[/I] may be inclined to wait, either until the PS3 comes out, or until 360 gets an expanded version of its own. Personally, id rather the 360 version, something about 360 controllers is very comfortable. Also, a downsize to the PS3 version (if you can call it that) is that they dont have confirmation on downloadable content yet. So it just might have to live without it.[/SIZE] [QUOTE=BKstyles][FONT=Tahoma]Personally I think it's great, simply because this means I'll get to play it now. It dosn't matter to me which version is the best, for me it comes down to which version I am simply able to play. I don't own a 360 and probably never will, and my PC isn't updated enough to be compatible with it...I already have a method of getting a PS3 which won't drain my pockets too much and I have been dying to play this game since i first read about it's release. I've played ES3, but not fully through. Personally though, i'd rather play it for PC. I'd just be used to it as a former MMORPG player and since a lot of the systems in my place are shared between me and some friends (the PS2 and n64 are the only ones that are fully mine) it would be courteous to them if i wanted to play oblivious on the PC and they could play something else on the consoles. Though it has nothing to do with whether or not the PC version is the best. In fact from what i hear out of the two, the 360 version is actually better.[/FONT][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1]I'd imagine so, only because of controls, its easier for a mass majority to learn how to use a controller rather than commands on a PC. And....Did you call it Oblivious? haha....any ways, as for ES3, Morrowind was a good game, absolutely nothing wrong with it, aside from various glitches. But I'd say that Oblivion is just an enhanced version of morrowind. Same basic principle, same basic gameplay without counting the new battle techniques. And the incredible graphics. Infinite possibilities.[/SIZE]
  17. Largo's Cool Thing makes me smile, especially when he found a use for it. Ilove the way that Gallagher switches between Largo and Piro. Although the main storyline is center around Piro and his lack of manly-hood, Largo's irrational antics give a great comical relief to it all. And if you like MegaTokyo, then give Applegeeks a looksy, the storylines a little sketchy but the artwork is very good.
  18. [SIZE=1]Apparently conquering the 360 and the PC just wasn't enough. Oblivion is now going to Debut with the Playstation 3. Exciting yes? It should be, because not only is it going for the PS3, its getting an expansion. The PS3 version will have a whole new guild to dominate; The Knights of the Nine. The polar opposite of The Dark Brotherhood. Your job as a Knight is to uphold and protect the strict laws of the Nine Godly Entities that govern the religion of Tamriel. (Basically to be a goody two-shoes.) The initiation quest takes you to the nune shrines (not located on the map by the way) to collect Holy pieces of a suit of armor, which are suppose to be chalk full of magical bonuses for you to wield. But in order to keep these Divine devices, your Infamy level MUST be 0. Otherwise you have to get it back to 0 and then do the quest all over again. Another advancement is the quality of the graphics. Although almost perfect to begin with, Bethesda thought that the clearity between distant and near landscapes was a little sketchy. So, using their extra development, they went in and made it a little more seamless. Small change, but definitely noticable. I'll try to find screenshots and update this thread as soon as possible. But tell me, what do you think about PS3 having an Expanded version of Oblivion and 360 not? I think its a jip for 360 owners and i hope they come out with and expanded version for all consoles.[/SIZE]
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