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About Evilucian

  • Birthday 11/09/1979

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  • Location
    Las Vegas
  • Occupation
    Hotel Management

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  1. This place randomly popped into my head just now. It's funny how that is. Decided to come back and see if it still existed. Looking at my profile, I joined back on October 10, 2006 and last posted on April 16 2011. I didn't post much while I was here. Mostly just lurking around, reading checking what was good and what to stay away from. I wish I interacted with others more while I was here. I would usually type something up, but never submit my reply for some reason. I used to hold back in fear of being made fun of or something stupid like that. That was my regret, to be more outgoing and making better connections with people. Anyways, thank you to anyone that took the time to read my little random rambling. Cheers.
  2. Currently playing Fallout: New Vegas. Being from Vegas myself it's pretty cool to see all of the landmarks that the developers were able to get into this game, from the Hoover dam, the Red Rock Canyon, Lake Mead, McCarran airport etc. That's probably why I like this game better than Fallout 3 because I have never been to D.C. so I have no frame of reference to where monuments and such were supposed to be. I have already beaten it twice and I keep finding things and situations that I didn't encounter the first 2 times. I usually get bored with games that I have to do extensive exploration but that isn't the case with this game.
  3. NES: Super Mario Bros./Duck Hunt combo. (Super Mario Bros. first though, I sucked with the light gun.) Sega Master System: Alex Kidd. Game Boy: Tetris. (Had no choice, it came with the system and my parents didn't buy another game at the time.) Game Gear: Columns. (see above.) Sega Genesis: Altered Beast. (Again, see above.) TurboGrafx-16: Bonk's Adventure. Sega CD: Mad Dog McCree. (I hated this game but couldn't stop playing it.) Sega 32X: Virtua Racing. Super Nintendo: Super R-Type. (Didn't have SNES myself, played this at a friends house.) 3DO: Crash n burn. (Still love this game to this day!) Sega Saturn: Panzer Dragoon. Playstation: Twisted metal. Nintendo 64: Ocarina of Time. Sega Dreamcast: Soul Calibur. Playstation 2: Final Fantasy X. Xbox: Dead or Alive 3. Gamecube: Windwaker. DS: Super Mario 64 DS. PSP: Tiger Woods PGA Tour. Xbox 360: Call of Duty 2. Wii: Twilight Princess. Playstation 3: Heavenly Sword.
  4. Evilucian has no profile comments yet. Why not say hello?

  5. Consoles in the order that I play the most: XBOX360 (Fallout 3, Gears 1 & 2, FF13) PS3 (for my Blu-Rays) Dreamcast (Powerstone & Soul Caliber 2) Laptop (Various) 3DO (yes I still play it) Wii (my wife plays it) Consoles that I play occasionally: XBOX (KOTOR, Halo 1 & 2) PS2 (God of War 1 & 2) Gamecube (Wind Waker & F-Zero GX) N64 (Goldeneye & Ocarina of Time) Consoles that are dust collectors: SNES NES Genesis Sega Master System Atari 2600 Handhelds: PSP DS IPhone (does this count?)
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