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Everything posted by PyrowManiak

  1. no offence, but you mom is being an idiot. like that person said, take a bat and beat him to an inch of his life, and if your mom tries to stop you, beat her to an inch of her life, and show her how it would have been anyways... then call the police :blackeye:
  2. i just live... **** emotions... :o :D ;) :tasty: :) :blush: :angel: :cross: :whoops:
  3. [size=1]take a shower, take some pills, and call me in the morning...[/size]
  4. [size=1]Not to come off as a jerk, or cold blooded, but damn how many times have i heard this whole 'my bf broke up with me but i still 'love' him...' Me, i dont believe in [b]Love[/b]... to me, its all bliss and it comes and it goes... your only gonna 'love' this person for so long and that feeling will fade... Back to the topic, get the **** over it... have some god damn dignity... he dumped you, and you still have feelings for him, so ****in what. he doesnt want anything to do with you, and you bugging him about it wont bring him back... have some backbone and get on with your life... you just need to get it through your thick skull that the guy is a jerk and doesnt like you... tough titty... it hurts, yeah, but thats not reason to melt over it... jesus... just have some fun, if you break up, oh well.. it was fun while it lasted... ~[b]Arb[/b][/size]
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