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Everything posted by desertphoenix

  1. [IMG]http://d94132.u23.simplenet.com/images/Sopwith_Camel56/Sopwith_Camel_snoopy.JPG[/IMG] [COLOR="DarkRed"][FONT="Verdana"]This battle is in the air! Ocean weapons are easy pickings. I guess this means Kick-a Picture Thread is dead. R.i.p, you will be remembered.[/FONT][/COLOR] edit: [IMG]http://www.hauntfreaks.com/hauntfreaks/features/images/snoopy.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="DarkRed"] Dang you Ikillion[/COLOR]
  2. [FONT="Georgia"][COLOR="DarkRed"]Why was Hinata the top answer? She was a fox! Come on people, DB and I shouldn't been the only people to answer that. Which reminds me, we fought for a hentai thread not just for...stuff, but so we can ...inform ourselves about that branch of anime so we could answer questions like that. All kidding aside, I had a fun time with the game. Great job Mask, and I really appreciated your commitment. [/COLOR][/FONT]
  3. [COLOR="DarkRed"][FONT="Georgia"]1. Gluttony - Full Metal Alchemist 2. Kaede - [I]Inuyasha[/I] 3. Piccolo -[I] DragonBall Z[/I] 4.Muten Roshi - [I]Dragonball z[/I] 5. Astro Boy 6. Ed -[I] Cowboy Bebop[/I] 7. Orochimaru -[I] Naruto[/I][/FONT][/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR="DarkRed"][SIZE="2"][FONT="Georgia"]It's close enough to a full day. Kind of hard to narrow things down. Since[B] Aceburner [/B]had two I liked a lot, the Chuck Norris picture and "nuke me if you can" , he will be the winner. I see, multiple submissions. What an interesting strategy. This game is starting to ruthless. Wow, I got to stop typing everything that comes out of my mouth....soon:animedepr[/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR="DarkRed"][FONT="Georgia"]Hmmm... I wonder can you divide eternity by zero. Never mind, didn't think that was going to win. I probably shouldn't of used that trunk card so early. I don't really have that big of a library of funny pictures, so I kind of have to start searching for some now. Anyways. [/FONT][/COLOR] [IMG]http://thor.mirtna.org/oddities/lookalikes/pics/bigboss.jpg[/IMG]
  6. [quote name='ChibiHorsewoman'][color=#9933ff][font=lucida calligraphy] 1.) Who's your favorite Avatar character? [/color][/font][/QUOTE] [COLOR="DarkRed"][SIZE="3"][FONT="Times New Roman"]I actually like every character in this show, but if I had to chose, I would go with Sokka. Hard choice for me, because Sokka and Iroh are both pretty funny to me. Iroh comes close with his wit and cool background story and Zuko for that angry, raging, finding a place in the world, sixteen year old in all of us:animeswea. [/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR] [quote name='ChibiHorsewoman'][color=#9933ff][font=lucida calligraphy] 2.) What's your favorite episode? [/color][/font][/QUOTE] [COLOR="DarkRed"][SIZE="3"][FONT="Times New Roman"]The Blue Spirit (oddly, my cable box calls it "the Red Spirit").[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR] [quote name='ChibiHorsewoman'][color=#9933ff][font=lucida calligraphy] 3.) What's your favorite pairing? [/color][/font][/QUOTE] [FONT="Times New Roman"][SIZE="3"][COLOR="DarkRed"]Eh, I never thought much about other people in love. Call it jealousy or envy, it doesn't matter, but [spoiler] Zuko and Mai [/spoiler]will get my vote.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT] [quote name='ChibiHorsewoman'][color=#9933ff][font=lucida calligraphy] 4.) IF you could bend any element what would it be? [/color][/font][/QUOTE] [FONT="Times New Roman"][SIZE="3"][COLOR="DarkRed"]Would I be lying if I said anything other than fire? I am a very big fan of the element. I'm sorta clueless to the style of kong fu of the fire benders, but [spoiler] if I could use dual broadswords like Zuko, I would be in Fire Nation just to do that[/spoiler].[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  7. [IMG]http://i53.photobucket.com/albums/g51/Verfluchtz/ComealittleCloser.jpg?t=1189313876[/IMG]
  8. [FONT="Times New Roman"][SIZE="3"][COLOR="DarkRed"]I spent an entire year of waiting, and now I feel so calm and level-headed... weird. This friday is getting close, I should set up my dvr. Ten strait fridays of new episodes is what Nick said in their book 2 series summary and book 3 preview trailer thingy they showed this morning. Book 3 looks good, and I'm one of the people who believes they will make four books, one for each element. I have a friend who believes in a fifth, but only time will tell. I've first seen that trailer maybe a month ago when I realized, this is going to probably be one of my favorite shows until I die. The story and character development is just beautiful. The show entirely is looking darker and over all more epic. I wonder if anyone has seen this trailer though(apologies in advance) [URL="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KTNu3-NIAsw"]ta da![/URL] [spoiler] Don't hurt me[/spoiler].[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  9. [SIZE="3"][FONT="Times New Roman"][COLOR="DarkRed"]A tie with [B]tropical Starburst[/B] and [B]tropical Mike and Ikes[/B]. I love my tropical fruits with my favorite being mangoes. Tropical Starburst could have been number one, but they got rid of my favorite all time flavor tropical punch. I do like the two new flavors, but I feel like I'm going into withdraws without my tropical punch. I think I've found a new heavenly configuration of sugar in the form of [B]Carmel Apple Sugar babies. [/B] I think this is the sweetest thing I've tasted since a caramel from Mexico a fiend gave me. I'm loving them, but it seems like a candy that would get discontinued later on. I only had two boxes in the past few weeks, and I don't plan on hoarding them. Well I'm cutting back little by little on the sweets, because of the family history of diabetes. Well maybe I've should have done it a while ago, like when I was a mental mess of a sugar friend in the 8th grade. I'm not eating close to a pound a day anymore, but I wonder how I stayed skinny. Well maybe it was because I didn't have a completely sedentary lifestyle. Well that's behind me now, and it's time for me to start taking care of my body. *runs out the door to Walgreens with a hand full of change.*[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE]
  10. [FONT="Georgia"][COLOR="DarkRed"]Not an expert on the subject, but I wouldn't put him exactly on the hero category. His name has been praised as the one who discovered north America, but actually "discovered" the islands near central America. Not exactly sure which Island, but it was his time period when the old world became aware of the new world (after the Vikings), so I guess that was a good thing. One of my teachers in middle-school hated the the guy, and every Columbus day she went on how he was a bad man and an anarchist. I'm not really sure if my point-of-view is bias, but defiantly he was a bad guy.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  11. [quote name='John']The only flash game that matters is [URL="http://www.harveycartel.org/metanet/n.html"][COLOR=Gray]N[/COLOR][/URL], period. [/QUOTE] [COLOR="DarkRed"][SIZE="3"][FONT="Times New Roman"] N was nice. I didn't get very far though. The rez on my monitor sucks, so I had to scroll and play at the same time on bigger levels. And generally, this game isn't easy in the first place, but the demonstrations the computer does just makes you want to be as good as it. I found this game on my favorite free flash game site [URL="http://www.addictinggames.com/"][U]addictinggames[/U][/URL][/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  12. [FONT="Times New Roman"][SIZE="3"][COLOR="DarkRed"]Oddly enough I can predict bad days. Well I guess the signs can be as clear as day, like when teachers assign long assignments all due on the same day, or when I forget my lunch money. This topic strangely makes me think of astrology. People say I'm a true cancer (whatever meaning you use). Some days I don't disagree. Some days I just don't believe them, because I don't believe millions of people living in my same birthday range, across generations will have the same daily experience I will. We all can't find a special someone to brighten our day on a random tuesday. Come to think of it, I really don't know why I even look at my horoscope on random days. I do try to make smart decisions for the future, but I truly just take on days as they come.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  13. [FONT="Garamond"][SIZE="3"][COLOR="DarkRed"]I really curious how Pokemon keeps coming up:animestun. Maybe it is just me. 1. Cowboy Bebop. 2. Gundam Wing. 3. Detective Conan. 4. Initial D. 5. Gunsmith Cats. 6. Lupin the 3rd. *loses manhood* 7. Hello Kitty.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  14. [SIZE="3"][COLOR="DarkRed"][FONT="Garamond"]1). Long(1 foot). 2). Black. 3). Never. If I ever get dreads, I might dye a few of the tips a lighter shade of brown. 5). Personally, if the girl is healthy, I would like her to have hair period. I guess I'm not that picky on a girl's hair length. So far I have been wearing my hair in braids for seven years. It now comes to the bottom of my face when I take them out. I love it! Then comes picking my hair into an afro. On a good day, I can get it pretty thick and big like Huey Freeman. Other days, it just looks like I stuck my finger in a wall outlet. I really like having long hair though my mom is starting to get tired of it. My dad is very supportive and just says my mom and my sisters are just jealous:animesmil. I don't know when I plan to cut my hair off and go back to going to the barber every two weeks. Before then I want to try a few things out. I want my hair spiked like Kenpachi Zaraki...... I could pull it off. I might need my hair straitened, a large amount of jell or egg-whites, some sticks to support it, but nothing is impossible right? I'm more likely to get dreads before I cut my hair. They're a little permanent, so I'm waiting till the time I want to cut my hair off to try them.[/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE]
  15. [FONT="Verdana"][COLOR="DarkRed"]Speaking of lost exclusives, I forgot to include [I]Devil May Cry 4[/I] coming out for the 360 and PS3. Same stylish fast paced action we come to love. This is style and substance, I mean have you seen Nero's dark blue outfit going along with a red vest? Somebody working on this game knows style. To Clurr, I say IGN.com is pretty solid when it comes to finding about games coming soon. They usually have a lot of pictures and videos. I feel the same way about the new Ico project in the works as DB does, but one thing. [I]Soul Caliber 4[/I] is going to be on the 360 and PS3.[I] Soul Caliber: Legends[/I] is the action adventure game coming out for the Wii. [/COLOR][/FONT] edit: Ah, Shinmaru beat me to it.
  16. [FONT="Verdana"][COLOR="DarkRed"]Oh man, I need to get a 360 bad. I never got around to getting a job this summer, and I've been bumming off my friend's 360 for long enough. [I] -Halo 3[/I]. I played the beta, loved it,but hated the the return of the assault rifle though. More than enough cool new weapons to make up for that. Nice multiplayer maps, and the campaign look promising also. [I] -Gears of war 2[/I]. Didn't hear a thing about it. I don't care, it still makes my list anyway. Loved the original. [I]-Soul Caliber 4[/I]. I never liked [I]3[/I] that much, but [I]2 [/I]still has a special place in my heart. I just have high hopes for it. [I] -Assassin's Creed[/I]. Looks like [I]Prince of Persia[/I] mixed with [I]Splinter Cell[/I]. Scaling buildings and beam jumping seems like something I would do for hours neglecting whatever mission I was on. Nice looking fighting game play and multiple ways of getting missions done, I definitely need to get my hands on this.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  17. [COLOR="DarkRed"][FONT="Verdana"] The PC version basically gets an whole new act added to it. I say pick it up when it comes out man. It's a really nice solid game with great moments and graphics. You will experience more than the people like me who doesn't own a PC that could handle it. To add more salt to the 360 owner's wounds:[spoiler] You get to actually fight the cool looking giant monster at the end of the 360 version in the PC version.[/spoiler]:animecry:[/FONT][/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR="DarkRed"][FONT="Verdana"]The craziest thing I've seen in Tekken was one of King's strongest grabs done on me. I cried. It was the one where with his last move, he jumps in the air and spirals down ward. [URL="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lOFtCk1vxrc"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lOFtCk1vxrc[/URL] It's in this video, but you are going to have to sit through 5 minutes worth of grabs. Oh yeah, the disclaimer. What you are about to see was done in a video game. attempting to do any of these may result in serious injury or worse. Please, don't try this at home. [/FONT][/COLOR]
  19. [quote name='Tombstone'][color=gray]. I also like the Street Fighter series with Marvel vs Capcom being my personal favorite. Too bad they cost too much money to be used games. >_>[/color][/QUOTE] [FONT="Verdana"][COLOR="DarkRed"] Tell me about it. I got my MvsC2 for my Xbox 50 dollars used a year ago. Supposedly now I could sell it for more, but I just can't let it go after I got all 56 characters unlocked. I did get into [B]Dead or alive 3[/B] a lot, but my most favorite fighting game would be[B] Soul Caliber 2[/B]. Still love the balance of it, which I could only really appreciate after [B]Soul Caliber 3[/B] came out. I never owned SC3, because I never owned a Playstation 2, but SC3 had it's problems to me. It had a lot of character tweaks that felt unneeded, like they tried to turn Ivy into close range fighter and Nightmare into a god. The true new characters were nice, but the generic ones that had to share a list in the selection screen were just sad altogether. I really hope that[B] Soul Caliber 4[/B] will be as balanced as SC2. I'm really happy now that it is coming out for the Xbox360, since I'm more interested in games coming out for that in the future.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  20. [COLOR="DarkRed"][FONT="Verdana"]The title pretty much says it all. I'm just wondering what is the craziest thing you ever bought or wanted to buy. Do you regret it now or are you happily ridiculed? As for me, I always loved Zabuza's sword from [I]Naruto[/I]. Sadly, one day I started to look for a real one. I even found this [URL="http://www.trueswords.com/japanese-anime-sword-p-2807.html"][U]site[/U][/URL] that sells a metal replica of it. It looks pretty, but depressingly it's only 3 and a half feet long. I'm not settling for anything under 5 feet. Most of all, there is no way my parents would let me have a sword in the first place. Well it's a dream of mine which I have no idea when it will come true:animeswea.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  21. [U][CENTER][FONT="Times New Roman"][SIZE="4"]Arts and Crafts with Phoenix[/SIZE][/FONT][/CENTER][/U] [FONT="Times New Roman"][COLOR="DarkRed"]The 4th of July season long pasted, but there is still time for your treats to be a real blast for that person you had your eye on. You will leave a lasting impression on them. Today I?m going to tell you how to make my signature surprise cake. What makes it my signature is not the cake itself, but the surprise that I learned to combine with cake. You can actually safely bake a gift in your cake! This recipe will require a cake batter and instructions that will allow you to submerge a pineapple size object, and some everyday war zone materials will be needed. First, get a round plastic casing. This is where you can get really creative. You can fill it with a whole bunch of goodies, fertilizers, saltpeter, nitroglycerin; even gasoline makes a wonderful gift. The plastic casing should come with a lid and a lid and a pretty sleek fuse disguised as a birthday candle that opens up the casing along with the gifts. Before you even put your surprise in your cake, I suggest dressing it first. Here I use my homemade mango icing and light fluffy milk chocolate. [CENTER][IMG]http://tbn0.google.com/images?q=tbn:e7MA5CFB5MW90M:http://www.jedicreations.com/images/candles/mango/CANDM-BOC106-mango-wood-candle-holders-SV401724_c.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] But, you cannot go wrong with classic dark chocolate. Note: this one is being lit for a test demonstration. My instruction require you to lite the fuse after you complete your cake. [CENTER][IMG]http://images.jupiterimages.com/common/detail/79/83/22668379.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] When you are done dressing the surprise, you can now submerge it in the cake batter. Be careful to hide the fuse from the open flames or iron coils of your oven as you follow the baking instructions for the cake. A good fuse should not ignite in the pure heat of the oven. Don?t be put off by the expertness of this cake. [CENTER][IMG]http://bakery.grillsforallseasons.com/photos/wedding_cake3.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] They all give the same results. [CENTER][IMG]http://www3.telus.net/~dkary/postpicsplz/fire3.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER][/COLOR][/FONT]
  22. [quote name='EvaBlood']I never Done Them Never Will I Find It Pathedic That People Have To Escape There Fillthy Little Lifes And Mess Them Up Even More By Doing Drugs Or any other of there little scapegaots[/QUOTE] [COLOR="DarkRed"][FONT="Verdana"] So cruel to people making bad decisions aren't ya. I never cared much for people who do/did drugs or drugs itself, and understand the horrible things it can do. I met a guy the same age as me at a hotel who became a friend for a short while. He did drugs for four years, and was at the hotel for a rehab group thingy. He saw me at the front desk area and started to talk to me. The first punk-rocker looking guy to ever randomly wanted to talk to me, I come off as a normal looking black guy by the way. Well I understand I was the only person his age, and he was just looking for people to talk to. Really cool guy though. I found out he likes almost every kind of music I like from[I] Outkast, Incubus to Mars Volta[/I]. I said [I]Mars Volta[/I], then he started getting into Sitars:animeswea. He told me why he was there and how he deeply regrets doing drugs. All the times I talked to this guy, I couldn't help but notice a weird state of mind he seems to be in. Kind of empty, like a part of him missing. It reminded me too much of [I]A Scanner Darkly[/I], so I felt just guilty just letting our paths part ways. I don't really think these people are pathetic, just people who made bad decisions and dealing with the consequences. [/FONT][/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR="DarkRed"]I found this in one of SunfallE's posts.[url]http://www.otakuboards.com/showpost.php?p=731055&postcount=1[/url] [/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR="DarkRed"]My first poem, and it would probably be my last. I tend to abandon any constructive hobby I came across. This poem is inspired by the melody of "[B]San Francisco[/B]" by [B]Midicronica[/B]( the song used in the last episode of Samurai Champloo) and my weird ordeal where I can't strait up tell my ex-girlfriend I hate her,but I feel guilty that it's not the right thing to do. [CENTER][B]Untitled[/B] Not a day goes by, That I wonder why, Did I lose my mind? Did I miss you? Well now I?m sorry, For all the hard times, and all the good-byes. And now my life just flies, Now I?m asking why, Did you cry for me? How I could not see, Well now I?m lonely. I see you laughing, I think now at me. Not a day goes by, That I wonder why, Did I believe your lies? Heard your forced cries? When I hated you. Well now I?m sorry. For now I?m all right, Cause now we don?t fight, Well now I?m free. [/CENTER][/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR="DarkRed"][B]Icky thump[/B] sounded good enough to me to make me blindly buy the album. Nice video and I loved the messages like "who's using who? What should we do? Well you can't be a pimp and a prostitute too" and "Great Wall of Mexico". I heard the album was suppose to be as good as [B]Elephant[/B], which now I kind of don't agree with. My regrets, I really only like the songs [B]Icky Thump[/B], [B]I'm Slowly Turning into You[/B], and [B]Catch Hell Blues[/B]. The rest of the album I though was either just ok or oddly annoyed me.[/COLOR]
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