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Everything posted by desertphoenix

  1. The irony of just about to start a 4 page book report I have to do in 3 and a half hours. It really shouldn't take me more than 2 and a half, so I'm not that worried. Sadly I had a whole week to do it, but here I am now. This will be about the forth paper I've procrastinated on these boards. I felt pretty guilty about it each time. I got my work done, but only at the very last minute which is never good. Allowing yourself more than enough time is the most important thing to getting anything done on time. If you find yourself getting very distracted, take about a five minute break and make sure it only lasts five minutes. Taking a short walk works pretty well for me. And last, energy drinks never hurt but try not to crash.
  2. [QUOTE=Jeremiah] [URL=http://img519.imageshack.us/my.php?image=school1el5.jpg][IMG]http://img519.imageshack.us/img519/7900/school1el5.th.jpg[/IMG][/URL][/QUOTE] Even though he is currently in intensive care after being mauled by alligators, the parachuter was able to laugh at what happened to his plane.
  3. A lot of people nervous about the SAT or ACT. I am too :animedepr . My Act is next Saturday. 1. You figure it out, because I really don't know. 2. As much as I should be worried about school right now, I'm at that point were I just don't care anymore. When summer gets around I'll feel happy. As for now, I'm trying to see [I]Pirates[/I] this Saturday. I don't want to go with any of my friends that are couples; screw that. My network of friends is slowly fading away. I think I might have to go alone........
  4. I've kind of wondered what it would be like if [a_s] had its own channel. I'd hope it wouldn't have to worry about censorship and time. A lot more opportunities would be opened up. :D . Or they would fill the extra time with crap then crash and burn.
  5. Kind of wondering about all the [I]Bobobo-Bobo-bobo[/I] hate. The nonsense extreme randomness kind of grew on me and I like the fact that it is making fun of the show [I]Fist of the North Star[/I](which I guess is supposed to be the idea for the classic bad anime). Speaking of which, I don't exactly hate the show [I]Fist of the North Star[/I] , but I can't really get past the theme " I poke you, now you go boom" deal.
  6. Remeber this day, gators, for it will be yours for all time. Gators! Enjoy your breakfast, for tonight we dine in Florida.
  7. Look at this bad boy. This thing even comes with your own personal driver. [IMG]http://www.ndsu.edu/bus-shuttle/images/2003_fallbuslft.jpg[/IMG] Yeah I'm stuck with it until I get a car :animecry: This reminds me i need to get a job this summer to try to get one.
  8. Inspired by an episode of Spoungebob a few years back(give or take a few words): [COLOR=DarkRed]I went away to a magical place, where the birds sing as they wait my arrival. A place pure and white as the last drop of snowflake being gently placed on the peak of the tallest mountain of vast beauty. A magical wonderland of the mind and spirit. Beautiful like the circle of life as which we are all a part of. This most heavenly place I like to call the bathroom.[/COLOR] I think it was better when you had to scroll for a couple of minutes to read it all in that small IM window :animesigh. Looking back, man I was weird in 8th grade.
  9. [QUOTE=DeadSeraphim][CENTER][img]http://img150.imageshack.us/img150/3720/an20open20hand20symbol2ek2.gif[/img] [B][SIZE=4]+[/SIZE][/B] [img]http://img150.imageshack.us/img150/1533/roosterwb4.jpg[/img][/CENTER][/QUOTE] [spoiler]funny pics[/spoiler] what does the signing of the Declaration of Independence have to do with anything? But, nothing really beats sugar high. Two big bags of Starbursts and a side of Skittles and it doesn't matter what I'm doing; I'm happy.
  10. [B][I]More Bits and Pieces[/I] by Coldcut[/B]- [URL]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hf6z-hj-724[/URL] Really random, but I like random. I don't know though if this video should be used as an example why not to do drugs, but o well. The song is catchy, but there is a lengthy intro though.
  11. [quote name='desertphoenix'] I think peace is possible since in the past we addressed and tried to end things such as inequality and slavery, so I guess it would just take time.[/quote] Sorry, badly worded that sentence. Kind of meant tried to end inequality and actually ended slavery. Though I wouldn't exactly count sweat shops as slavery but exploiting people through loops holes. Still an inhuman crime though. [QUOTE=Gavin][SIZE=1]We've gotten worse ? [/SIZE][/QUOTE] That question is what I was wondering. I'm not really sure if good out weighs the bad or the other way around. Too many good points on both sides to get a clear answer.
  12. A lot of people say today aint what it used to be. When it seems like more conflict is rising, more people are starving, and nobody is caring. Do you think humanity is still trying to preserve itself? People in general do a lot of harm to the environment, and partly because they don?t care. I mean, have you ever seen trash on the ground only feet away from a trashcan? Are we looking generations into the future or are we trying to only look for what makes us happy now? I wrote this piece in hate for humanity for reasons I still can?t figure out. I know the world isn?t perfect and that you shouldn?t just focus on the negative things. There are a lot of acts of kindness such as shelters for the homeless and organizations feeding the starving in other countries. I still wonder what percent of the money owned by the top wealthy would make a huge difference if given to help the poor. I guess most people say they try to live a moral and honest life. I still think humanity might basically kill itself off. Will it be by war or careless care of the earth? Or will we come to peace? I think peace is possible since in the past we addressed and tried to end things such as inequality and slavery, so I guess it would just take time. As far as wars, have we lost are will to forgive? Not to be walked over or disrespected, but i mean to immediately resolve conflicts. Why can?t every conflict be settled peacefully? And I don?t just mean the war.
  13. [quote name='Nerdsy][color=deeppink]Think of the target audience. It's not like most anime fans have [i]standards.[/i'][/color][/quote] I don't know. I mean look at these boards, they have standards. On topic though, are you planning on making a profit or hobby? Like what 2007DigitalBoy explained, you are going to need a lot of people for stuff and they want pay checks. Then that becomes starting a small business, which I have no idea how to do.
  14. [QUOTE=oscarX]I am not talking about finaly meeting them Im talking like just having a bf or gf just to have one because you cant get one and i can tell if im dating a dude in real life internet you cant[/QUOTE] Hey, sometimes you may not know if the person you are dating in real life is really a guy :D . It's really a foundation of trust you must build in a relationship. You are going to have to take a risk in that whether it's online or in real life. Also i kind of believe if someone can get someone to like them on the internet, there is also a chance they can get someone to like them in real life. The same kind of people skills are involved, except for body language and appearance.
  15. Ren & Stimpy [IMG]http://patangello.mosaicglobe.com/files/image/ren-n-stimpy.gif[/IMG] People either loved them, hated them, or just thought the show was gross. Yeah there might have been a few jokes that weren't for it's intended age group, but I loved it and still catch it on Nicktoons Network. A lot of the old-school nick cartoons can be seen on it, although I don't think they play Hey Arnold that often. added: [IMG]http://i1.sell.com/6/143/426503/34/119/2272679-l.jpg[/IMG] Sure there were a lot of super hero cartoons in the 90's, but this one has a special place in my heart. This show is still probably high for today's standards. The story was deep, but I guess it would be being based on a comic. The [I]Evolution[/I] remake was nice, but I guess the original will always be the classic. Heck, Gambit was shown in all his glory in the 90's.
  16. [QUOTE=vegeta rocker] As for him having easy access to guns i honestly don't see why he wouldn't. He was an adult with a clean record with the police. [/QUOTE] I don't know, but wasn't his only offense on his record was carrying a weapon or gun on a college campus?...wtf if that was the case, why sell him a gun? [QUOTE=vegeta rocker] We care too much about ourselves to think about the impact our actions can have on everyone else. [/QUOTE] This is really a fact of life that should be considered everyday. This can be the root to a lot of problems in society. Heck, I guess we can even blame this for global warming.
  17. [QUOTE=Sandy]People... If the lights are bothering you at night, just [I]close your eyes[/I]. That'll help, I promise you. - one who sleeps surrounded by little red dots[/QUOTE] Very very true, but I wish it was that easy for me. I don't know, but I just find it a lot easier to fall asleep in pitch black. I know I can't be the only one, because I can't see the point of inventing those sleeping masks with the eyes painted on you see all the time in the movies. :D
  18. [quote name='Drifting soul']I have an LCD alarm clock thingy and for some odd reason I have to turn it so it isn't facing me when I go to sleep. I get annoyed by all those tiny little lights from the tv, laptop etc.[/quote] I feel you on this. I've tried turning my clock around but the light would still reflect off my walls. I just throw an extra pillow case over it. It doesn't muffle the alarm, so it's cool. For other things i just use masking tape :cool: . added: This just reminded me that i hate it when i have to sleep in the same with someone who wants to leave to tv on.
  19. [QUOTE=Raiyuu] Of course, it's very easy to look back after the event and say 'there were so many signs, why did no one notice?'.[/QUOTE] This line sticks out, and not just because it's spaced-out. I'm don't think the case was nobody noticed, but what should be done with the guy? But i guess that was your point all along. As for what my English teacher said everyone was scared of him. He had a creative writing class and in what he wrote, no one wanted to peer edit it because of all the macabre images. My teacher said he hid behind a mask of a hat and sunglasses that his teacher had a problem with. Yeah, he might have seemed to be the kind of guy that would do something crazy. But again, what is the right thing to do? I personally have no idea what the guy was like, the kind of life he lived, or his mental state. All i can do is assume how others treated him. He just seemed isolated. I guess that's autism, but i don't that's all to blame
  20. First week doing this, blah blah blah. From a lack of time to sit around and listen to the radio lately, I have been solely listening to music from OnDemand on Comcast. Two songs I like lately are [I]Dig[/I] by Incubus and [I]Smiley Faces[/I] by Gnaris Barkley. When I first came across [I]Dig[/I] , it reminded me of [I]Warning[/I] by Incubus. After listing to it a few times later, I can hear the difference now and started to really get stuck in my head. This song have a nice message also. As for [I]Smiley Faces [/I] , just plain catchy and has a really cool funny video.
  21. [quote name='hidaboy']there are plenty of things that bug me, but the one thing that is always a thorn in my side (latley, anyway), snow. sure it's cool for like the first two weeks, but eventully it gets all crusty and useless for building. and even in the stuff that gets built in the small window of time that you can do anything with snow before it crumbles at the touch get trashy-gray look to and eventully snow is just flat out messy and ine the way. later[/quote] Snow is ok, but i find it pretty weird that it's snowing this late in April in Minnesota. Even for Minnesota it's pretty odd. It's probably going to snow tomorrow, which is not good since i have a track meet tomorrow. They will probably make us run through it, just like when it rained, sleeted, and HAILED. We are not mailmen, we are track runners.
  22. I agree with Clurr and I also wonder will this thread be genre basis. Well I can't actually say one artist I like to be the best over-all. Outkast has been my favorite rap group for a long time even though my favorite rap song of all time is Gangsta's Paradise by Coolio. I can't stay with one rock band for more than a year, but right now I will say the best one is Mars Volta. I've only listen to Amputechture and it is that creepy kind of cool album. I probably should get around to their other albums. I've liked Incubus in the past for songs like Sick Sad Little World and Megalomaniac. I do like Anna-Molly that came out recently. A few genres I will get into a little, because i don't think others might. My favorite Reggae artist I will say is Damian Marley. His older works like Still Searching I've liked a lot, and his Welcome to Jamrock was a little different but is was still good. Plus you can't go wrong with a guy with dreads that long :D . My vote for favorite Reggae Metal will go to Skindred. An odd genre on paper, but they make it work. I do like Turn-tables and abstract beats, but it's kind of hard for me to find the artists that made them.
  23. Cowboy Bebop is probably my favorite anime of all time, but it gets my vote for most depressing. The whole Spike and Julia thing is just terrible.[spoiler] The slow motion death of Julia with the flying birds is pretty genius. Spike dying in the name of the one he loved, almost cried here.[/spoiler] I felt pretty bad for Faye. [spoiler] Just before Spike leaves the Bebop, we learn Faye has feeling for Spike, then later you realize there is no hope.[/spoiler] The biggest thing that hit me kind of hard was when Ed[spoiler] left the Bebop and left the good-bye note[/spoiler] :animedepr It's because of these moments I can't watch this show ever again. My mind just can't take all that at once again.
  24. I don't think there is anything right now that would make me snap, but i do have a few pet peeves. People with their headphones loud enough to where i can follow the song. It gets worse when they start singing. Self-centered people who say things like,"why should we help starving kids in Africa, it's their county's problem" in a serious way. Today my school had an assembly around the documentary [B]Invisible Children[/B] . After it, someone ask the question and another person went off on her. People persecuting me why I don't want to go to prom. This has been happening to me since New Years. [QUOTE=Clurr][FONT=Arial] There are a couple food items I love to hate; sunchips and pepsi. Now, sunchips taste pretty horrible and have a longlasting, disgusting aftertaste. Whenever someone at my lunch table has a bag of those things I scream "I HATE SUNCHIPS!" One day, someone was like "Hey Claire, do you want these sunchips?" And I reached over and grabbed the bag, and brought my fist down on it so that it exploded in every direction. [/FONT][/QUOTE] This is kind of weird to me since I kind of don't like it when people tell me the food I am eating in front of them is gross and expect me to stop eating it. I can kind of understand if what the person was eating had a powerful smell like those stupid corn nuts. I almost hit my sister when she opened a bag of corn nuts on a road trip. And lastly, when I'm talking to a friend about something we like then someone shows up to us to say it sucks then walk away.
  25. I like all kinds of music and think it's pretty much the greatest thing that has ever happened, but i guess there is one song i will go out of my way to say sucked. Barbie Girl. It was taking too long for someone to say it, so i guess i had to.
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