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Everything posted by desertphoenix

  1. [QUOTE=Jakehammaren]...listen to this IMMEDIATELY: [url]www.myspace.com/battleheartofficial[/url] Start with the epic, swashbuckling, plunder-inducing "Wenches and Mead" and the incredibly addicting sing-along drinking anthem "Nancy the Tavern Wench". Oh, this band makes me so happy :D Plus, 2 minutes and some-odd seconds through "No Quarter", they totally bust out the "He's a Pirate" theme from Pirates of the Caribbean. Beautiful.[/QUOTE] Tell the truth, you want a pirate thread that won't be locked by a moderator. J.k, but i'm actualy out of luck to listening to them, since my speakers blew up a lil' while ago :animeswea
  2. [QUOTE=Inuyasha7271]I hate the fact they cut Gambit a wolverine move sounds cool, but I want an X4 with GAMBIT NOTHING BUT GAMBIT SCENES OF GAMBIT SO MANY SCENES OF GAMBIT YOU COULD JUST CALL THE MOVIE GAMBITTT!!! Enough of that serious how could they cut out my favorite characters Gambit and Jubilee thats not right its dirty and wrong and they have to do a sequel now with the disappearance of Scott cause we know he's not dead there was even a part in the XMEN comics where he went missing for like a saga or two then he came back in a X-MEn new issue titled Scott returns or something.[/QUOTE] I would have loved to see an extra Gambit or two thrown in there for the sake of my favorite character, but o well. If they do make an X4, it would just seem they are milking the series a bit and same with the Wolverine movie. If they do make a X4 anyway without Gambit, I will had officially given up on mankind...again. Since Gambit is in the same age group as Rogue (I hope), I think it would be interesting to see him as a teenager, or whether they jump a few years and show him as an adult. I also don't know what X4 would do about [spoiler]Jean[/spoiler] being very dead, but I don't know the entire X-Men series all the way through to really know better. As for villains and plots, there are just too many to just pick one :D .
  3. I guess my situation is a bit different since my school has uniforms. Out-of-uniform days I see a trend, but in uniform days you can see factions. The most common everyday uniforms are khakis and a black polo, and black khakis with a white polo. People who wear khakis and white shirts most of the time are seen as preppy, and ones who wear all black are seen as emo or people who generally don't give a $#!%. Out-of-uniform days, you see a lot of what's been said in this thread, extremely tight pants, baggy pants, a legion of Air Forces, combat boots, Bondage pants are dieing a bit, the holster-top and fitted jacket thingy, flares, and so on. I don't know, but still plan to wear my baggy jeans and a dark-color hoody or a nice red, white, or black tee for years to come. :D edit: typo edit: location, North central US, City.
  4. [quote name='Jiazu']zanpakuto. [/quote] I stand now that Zabuza has the coolest one ever made. The style and the holes in it reminds me of a fighting dagger my friend owns, but five feet tall of course. I just can't believe they are trying to market a toy one that looks shorter than my arm. Not cool.
  5. [QUOTE=Kenshin DX]How do you always get away with one sentence answers lol? [/QUOTE] i guess he gets away with it with being blunt and having good grammar, idk.lol I wonder will this thread bring a debate about whether it should be legal or whether will people post their experiences with prostitution. Idk, i think it would be kind of interesting and creepy to hear people's personal experiences. This thread could have potential...or just be flat out creepy, who knows.
  6. [quote name='Kenshin DX']I think what they are doing with Spiderman is completely stupid. I mean they are going to fit in Symbiote , Harry's revenge , and Sandman into one movie? They are going to have to make this film long or rush through it fast. I also don't like they are changing how Uncle Ben died making Sandman the killer instead of some random guy. It just seems awkward. I'm sure it Will still be good it cant be nearly as bad as X-Men 3 :rolleyes:[/quote] X-men 3 wasn't that bad. Infuriating, but enjoyable. A lot of things seems to be going on with Spiderman 3, but it still looks like it's going to be kind of a good movie with the three major villains, even though i don't remember Sandman at all. He reminds me a lot of hydro though. So far, there have been more good comic book movies than bad ones imo. The irony of just seeing a TMNT commercial again, i think i that might be a must see also. :animeswea
  7. Oh I remember seeing the trailer a [I]while[/I] ago. Almost completely forgot the movie's opening day is in May. Thank god for [spoiler]Venom[/spoiler] or else I would of been screaming about how long i have to wait. But i can wait.
  8. [quote name='Infinite Balance'] I may have been the only one who noticed, but they would kill you aswell as your attackers, defeating the purpose entirely.[/quote] I'm fully aware of consequences of my actions. But i want to be original in my self-defense. When was the last time you heard a man saved himself from muggers with a bomb? But seriously, thank god bombs are very illegal. [quote name='Infinite Balance']Anywho, my weapon of choice is either a cane sword (for those who don't know a cane sword is a sword blade, consealed in a walking cane, with th head of the cane and about 5 inches as the handle) or a nice gentelmanly rapier. I like swift smooth weapons, meant for a businessman with sword fighting exp. lol.[/quote] I see someone has a sense of style. :cool:
  9. Atom bomb anyone......nobody? Yeah, i know that would take the fun out of a fight. I think it would be kind of interesting if just people began fighting with the most random things around them kind of like the game Dead Rising. Seeing people throwing lawn gnomes, plowing through people with a beach umbrella, and that random neighbors we know in real-life who actually owns a broadsword, just fighting randomly would be priceless. A tragedy, but priceless. edit: long needed typo fix
  10. Taboos are funny. I personally find it sad and a waste of money to censor the middle finger. Plus society's has an issue on saying cuss words, but anyone can say the word that directly refers to it such as "crap" to $#!%. Altogether I'm against censorship, but it's not really in my power to change all that. I don't know why, but this topic makes me think of my favorite episode of Spongebob "Sailor Mouth". Anyone who has seen that episode knows in contexts what words were used in that episode :D , but it's kind of sad since i don't think the target age group would get it too well.
  11. "The walls we build around us to keep out the sadness also keep out the joy" -Jim Rohn
  12. to medafunk: Sounds like something i kind of have called autism. I'm kind of in a strong denial that i might have something that sounds like that when i checked some of the symptoms. Some of the big ones i have are, extreme shyness, unable to make eye contact, may not hold a conversation well or studdering, using hand motions instead of words, and may prefer to be alone. I do have friends, but a lot of times i feel pretty alone. Well personally, it really sucks to feel this way. I really noticed when i figured out i lost about three possible girlfriends to other guys by not being "assertive" enough. I like a lot of the advise said in this thread and i'm defiantly keep those in mind.
  13. Akira was a classic, but what's the point of making a live action remake of it? Well in a way i would be curious to see all the special effects they would use for all the freaky stuff in the movie esp. the infamous ending. Other than that, i wouldn't care much for it since i seen the anime a few times already. On another note, video games that have been turned into live actions movies have been bad. But, i think this would be the first anime i think that has been turned into a live action movie (in America at least). Who knows, Akira might turn out ok.
  14. [quote name='Ikillion][COLOR=#0e1030][SIZE=1][FONT=Trebuchet MS]Is it just me, or is anyone else feeling that this is Marilyn Monroe take 2?[/FONT][/SIZE'][/COLOR][/quote] A possible "suicide" from depression, sure. But something just bugs me when these two people get compared. Anyone know of the conspiracy with JFK? Despite her Hollywood appearance, Marilyn was a very intelligent woman and Anna Nicole...(not trying to disrespect). Not so sure on all the details, but a little while before Marilyn dead, she stayed at the White House. She may had been a woman who know too much about something. This is were people get the idea she was assassinated in stead of suicide, plus i don't know what her motives would be for suicide. As for Anna Nicole, i am just hearing a lot of things about her baby and dead family members.
  15. [QUOTE=2007DigitalBoy][COLOR=DarkOrange]This manga was great just for being so strange and really screwing with me. It's got a very cinematic feel to it and is very creepy. It's been a while since I read it so i can't remember his name, but the main character kid is really what pulled it together for me. The callousness of his being and the general aura he gave were what kept me interesting. Honestly, though, the ending made me mad. I've heard of open-ended, but that made no freaking sense.[/COLOR][/QUOTE] I like the book for the same reasons yous said, buy honesty WTF. I know a good ending is supposed to have something to leave you thinking, but[spoiler] you don't just end a book at the peak of a climax with the main plot so left open. (i not sure if this is spoiler worthy).[/spoiler] I wonder if this is how FLCL ties into this as it makes a lot a references to climaxes.
  16. Not that I've been here a very long time, i honesty do agree with Shy in why no thread was made OB about the whole ordeal. I thought about it, but then i guessed someone who could do a better job than me would be on it. TheO really grew as a site. I first glanced at it in 2002 when there were only 8 or 9 hubs. When i revisited 3 years later, I was just surprised on how much it grown. I honestly didn't think it would still exist. So, i guess i missed out on how things came to be. I'm not a big player in either sites. I only connected both of my accounts yesterday just because i was bored. I don't submit art. I have done a lot of drawings for my highschool art classes, but i just don't have a scanner anymore. I find myself only critiquing art works and collecting wallpapers. On the OB,............who knows. But, i didn't think there would be a issue between the two sites being cut off from each other. I didn't see this as a problem till the whole scam issue, but i guess we all know now. conclusion sucks but, i haven't said this before. My hope goes out for TheO in the whole ordeal they are in.
  17. A magneto movie would be kind of interesting, but i don't think they would focus so much on the Nazi camps. Except for when [spoiler] Magneto rips a chain fence with his powers[/spoiler], i really have no clue to how they could elaborate on his Nazi camp experience of that of another little boy. Magneto growing up onto the adult as we know him kind of gets explained a bit in the X-men movies. Most of Magneto's past I don't really know, so i guess i can be taken by surprise by some things. Well i guess it's safe to say that a lot of us want to see something done more with the X-men story in the movies, but we don't want to see volumes of movies like The Land Before Time 10 and so on. I do understand there is pretty much a small army of X-men characters, but i do think a few had back stories worthy enough for the movies. Love him or hate him, i really wanted to see my favorite character Gambit have a role. He was thought about, but he got cut :animesigh . [spoiler]all i get is that he does exist in the movie universe when he is listed in the computer Mystique hacked into.[/spoiler].
  18. I didn't give this idea much thought when i first came across it, but i came across it again in wikipedia(people, it is not a reliable source). A prequel to the x-men movies, staring Huge Jackmen, has a script ready as of Oct. 15 2006(not final). The shooting may begin later this year. The movie will be based on Wolverine's past before Weapon X. As much as I kind of don't trust wikipedia for these kinds of things, I am kind excited for this movie, but i have my doubts. After watching X-men 3, I've learned that Hollywood can be cruel:animestun. But, i think i would like this movie if it came out. Did anyone else hear about this?
  19. Oh, those guys are my heroes. I'm just wondering did anyone youtube the press interview? It was pretty funny. The guys basically didn't answer any question that had nothing to do with hair (which had nothing to do with the whole [I]terrorist[/I] scare). Once again, I'm very surprised that [adult_swim] has found a way to point out people's stupid......again. I have no idea how the law works for a situation like this, but it's really more the city's wrong for overreacting i think.
  20. Well if this thread moves down to the point of no return, at least you've actually move up in my list of heroes. You bring very good solid points and suggestions to how you want to see these boards evolve to the point i wouldn't be surprised if this thread became a sticky. It could be the start of something beautiful, you never know. This may not be the steps of creating an ideal thread, but creating an ideal idea. I personally like the idea of having some kind of conversation on just making a new thread. A lot of us may be idea people, but doesn't have a clue how to go about getting that idea across *raises hand*. Trust me i would have liked to of had that in my past threads. I just don't know if a thread on making threads would just branch out too much to stay in one thread. But, i really think this just might work
  21. [QUOTE=Allamorph][FONT=Arial]Yo, guys, lay off the poor dude. His arguments may be verbosely meaningless, and somewhat irritating sometimes, but he just likes to hear himself talk. That's about it. That's all this thread is here for. So, come on. Somebody out-blither him already. (^_^)[/FONT][/QUOTE] One of the moderators already revamped this thread to the big meaning of " why are you here on the OB" well since i'm already typing and i just need to find an excuse to procrastinate from my homework just a little bit longer, i guess i might as well put my input in. I'm here, because i was bored one day. I was a big fan of the artwork and wallpapers of theotaku.com, so i stuck around for that. I don't know how long ago i've signed up, but i just decided to talk here. And well, here i am now.
  22. Smith from the boards or agent Smith? Either way I feel i deserve a cookie. At this point i don't care if it's metaphorical.
  23. [QUOTE=Adahn] [size=2]I like to make up crap and see if people will believe me. I speak the truth in such a way that you will [i]not[/i] believe me. Truth and knowledge are [i]mine[/i], and any effort I make to share is a poisoned one. This is my place to be selfish, uncaring, and unendurable, without any fear of real consequences. Here I am immortal, untouchable, and the only beauty perceivable is that which I craft with my hands. Here, you live through my work, and I through yours. This is the only art with which I am competent.[/size] [size=2][/size][/QUOTE] this pretty much sums up the definition of a lawyer. hmm, i see you do like to write. Very trippy, very intelligently. Nice. I really want to know what is the question i'm suppose to believe is going to be brought up. Better yet, how are you going to bend our personalities into you? Why is agent Smith from the Matrix running though my head?
  24. [QUOTE=2007DigitalBoy][COLOR=DarkOrange]Sure, why not celebrate Valentines day. A day about... some martyrs who died? What is it with holidays and having nothing to do with the people they're named after? No, I have no valentine. The only thought I'll even have of this day is my mom teasingly asking who my valentine is and me sternly replying, 'no one.' and her thinking she's smart and knowing better, and me wishing a comet would fall on me. The end.[/COLOR][/QUOTE] ...Jesus Christ...hide the eggs-Carlos Mencia Most of the kidding aside. I don't really know why i feel this Valentine's day should be different for me than the past couple of years. Never really cared for it, only really liked it because i could use this day as an excuse to pass out from eating too much candy. I never really had a valentine except my ex a few years back. I bought her a big bag of candy. when i first saw her in class, i threw it up in the air at her and it blew up in her arms. She was kind of in the mood where she was laughing pretty hard, but was still pissed at me. Hey i still don't care about that till this day, because it was [U]funny[/U]. Good times, good times. Well this Valentines is coming around, and there is actually a girl this year i would actually ask out. I don't think it would happen though. We are cool friends already, but she is a year older than me, so see likes to think i'm a little kid (heck i'm 6'3''). Plus, i feel like i've gotten really shy over the years, and that can only hurt me i guess. Eh, candy is a good fall-back, so i should be ok if things don't go well :D
  25. Very interesting idea, i like it. It's funny, because i actually don't want to hear about me, but i guess i'll try this, because i really like the idea. I would care more if someone had a good day then myself, even though i tend to ponder if those around me even have a soul or conscience. I do believe though there are minds behind other people, but i still wonder. I usually find myself withdrawn from others, not really ostracized but more of free choice.This is where the name scoundrel comes in:D . I have good friends still. If i could live alone in a desert, i would :D , but the thought of others kind of holds me back. I'm a free thinker who wishes not to be bound by stereotypes. It's not how i act that determines my race, it's who i am. I do have many dreams like many other, like i kind of want to be a programmer, but like many things you have to go to school for it. We all know school is pretty much a competition of " look at me, i'm better than this many people", which i really can't put my finger on what i don't like about that statement. Not a big fan of society. I kind of see it as being hard on free thinking people. Very clear to me when i saw the video for El Manana by Gorillaz. Well in this vid, there is the whole floating rock where Noodle is on. The rock represents free thought, and the helicopters represent society shooting it down. And last, i was never good at conclusions.
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