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Everything posted by kumi-chanmi

  1. My favorite is Alice Nine, An Cafe, Miyavi, Gackt, SID. ^_^ The Gazette and Nightmare awesome as well!!! :catgirl:
  2. Right Now:Cheryl Lynn-Got To Be Real I was searching for this song for a while now. xD
  3. Hey! Um I just wanted to see if anyone on here likes Jrock, because I do. Anyways I wanted to see if you like it and also what are your favorite bands. Mine would be alice nine, Dir En Grey, UVERworld, Miyavi, Gazette, and also SID.
  4. Ok! I absolutely love Kaori Yuki's Angel Sanctuary! Especially since my favorite character is Sakuya Kira! I also wanted to find out who else loves to read Angel Sanctuary, it really is cool! :catgirl:[COLOR=DarkRed][INDENT][SIZE=1]I merged your thread with the existing one on Angel Sanctuary. Next time please check the directory before creating a thread to discuss one series. Also when creating a thread it?s a good idea to put more effort into it, for example you could have explained why Sakuya Kira is your favorite character. Or reasons why you like the series in general. Simply saying you like something without something to back it up is spam. ~indifference[/SIZE][/INDENT][/COLOR]
  5. I love Yu Yu Hakusho! I love to see all of the fights even if its a bit gruesome, and I also love that its funny and the characters sometimes remind me of my friends. My favorite character would have to be genkai and I love kurama too. :catgirl:
  6. Oh! Well there's lots of stuff I like to do. I love to hang out with my friends and go to places we love, I like to eat candy and lots of it especially chocolate which I really need to cut down on. I also love to dance especially if no one is looking because when I did it on the train once everyone was staring at me and it was a dare I didn't do it because I wanted to. :catgirl:
  7. I suck at math completely. I mean have gone to tutoring, I'll get it but then I will fail the test. It makes no sense!!! :animeangr
  8. I'd be with my family and friends of course. I would also have like a video recording of myself for everyone so they could know everything I could tell and couldn't tell them during my life. I would also do something funny like I always do just in case if they're feeling sad that I'm gone. I'd probly put on this big show for everyone to remember me bye and give them all of my stuff and more importantly show how much they all mean to me, but I wouldn't show that I was sad. I never show I'm sad because then they would be too and I would like my last day to be happy for their sakes, not just mine.
  9. I have no problems with asking a guy out. If he wants to ak me out then fine, but if I feel like taking the risk then i'll ask him out its as simple as that. :animesmil
  10. Oh yeah it's happened lots of times to me. Most of the time its someone telling me something and then the next day they'll say exactly what they told me in my dream or i'll say it before they can actually tell me. Then we would just stare at each other like we're crazy. It happens a lot to me and sometimes it's really scary especially when it's something serious. :catgirl:
  11. Plain out ask her and please do not use corny pick up lines. Believe me not all girls like to hear them. If you want to be all secretive and romantic write her a little note telling her you like and you want to go out. Most of my guy friends have done this and all of them have girl friends or they'll ask their friends to help.
  12. I've had lots of people in my family die. Its always hard and I try and make sense of it but nothing feels right. Especially when both of my aunts died in the same year. One was there practically everyday while the other had to visit and then go back home. I had cried a lot when the were both gone. Sometimes I still wish they were still here. Even to talk about them is hard because they're gone and I felt like I didn't do anything to help. In my dreams I still see them, just as they were before they went to a better place. I pray for them and I hope they are okay. As of now my great-grandmother is in the process of leaving. I know I have to be strong for her. She is a strong woman and I hope when she leaves I hope she'll feel like she's accomplished everything she wanted and then I'll be able to try and not be so sad.
  13. [QUOTE=Rachmaninoff] Allrighty! Now for my questions! 1 - What do you think about global warming? 2 ? What is your greatest fear and why? 3 ? What is the dumbest thing you have ever done that you regret?[/QUOTE] 1-I think global warming is kinda scary. I mean I don't think I wanna die yet. I mean honestly think and stop putting so much chemicals into the air. What's so hard about limiting on destroying the earth? 2-My greatest fear is snakes. I was five once when I had a terrible nightmare about them. I woke up and I couldn't go back to sleep because I saw them in my bed and all over the house. I had to leave my house and stay over and my uncles because of it. 3-Oh boy! Thers a lot of things I regret. Lots of them are very, very dumb. I guess the dumbest thing I ever did was play around walking up the stairs. As a result I hit the edge of it and well lets just say i had to get stitches. My Questions: 1-Do you think your life has a questionable meaning? 2-Who would you give up anything for? 3-What is the most precious thing in the world to you?
  14. I can dance to hip hop, salsa, merengue, bachata,reggeton, and there's another but I don't remember what it is! I would like to do belly dancing. I've tried it once but it was a bit hard for me. I love to dance its like the best in the world to me. I love to dance around with my friends and sometimes we hold contests. I also watch people who can't dance and some of my friends don't and I have to teach them. :animeswea
  15. [QUOTE=ChibiHorsewoman][color=#9933ff][font=lucida calligraphy] Would you rather get hit on by the dorky- looking-can't-figure-out-that-grunge-has been-over-for-more-than-a-decade guy who spends hours playing some computer video game in the library (If your preference differs from mine replace guy with girl) [center]or[/center] The freaky looking, funky smelling, cartoon character wearing way old guy guy who does the exact same thing? (Again if your preference differs from mine replace guy with girl) Yeah like either one of these is a good thing, what am I wearing a freak magnet?[/color][/font][/QUOTE] I'd take the first...the second sounds way worse. Eww...definetly worse would u go to school with your old baby pajamas(the design) or would u go to the class your crush is in with the mascot costume
  16. Zombies are awesome!!!! But I will probly fight and use my katana and some other weapons that I have located in my closets(they are in there just in case the zombies do try to take over) and if I had to hide...well I might hide inside of an abandoned hospital! Just like in the movies! :catgirl:
  17. Hmm...well I have fallen once and I don't regret it. But the one I loved I lost him out of stupidity. It hurts to look back on the past and I believe there is still hope for me in the future. Love is something that can't really be taken away or stolen, it's something inside of the heart that makes us strong and makes us feel like we have the strength to live on. Love isn't just an emotion, but its kind of i guess a part of you that hurts when the one you love isn't there. Unfortunately I do still think of him every now and again, but instead of just being sad I'm happy to remember those times that we shared. Really it's true to have love than lost, but it's also better to have loved and lost it, than no love at all. :)
  18. [QUOTE=Gavin][SIZE=1]I'll take the smurf, well-done with some fava beans and a nice Chianti. [B]Gutted alive ?[/B] Or [B]Skinned alive ?[/B][/SIZE][/QUOTE] Hmm..I'd take gutted alive. It'll hurt less and its faster. Do the chicken dance outside in underwear? or Kiss one of your REALLY gross friend with bad breath?
  19. I think of hamburgers, diversity, and LOTS of candy shops! Yay! Home Sweet Home! But I also think of school and that's not fun, but thewn I think of serendipity which is a GREAT restaurant especially if you deserts with LOTS of chocolate. Being a New Yorker is cool, I just love the city. :catgirl:
  20. I have watched pokemon, loony tunes, tiny tunes,the animaniacs, oh! and tom and jerry! actually I still watch tom and jerry. :cool:
  21. My avi is yuna from final fantasy which I love to play. My signature is actually stuff I did say to people either when I was speaking or it just came out for no apparent reason. :catgirl:
  22. I like to have lots of fun, as many of you do. I just want to know what was the best time in your life ever. Was it something crazy you did in the past or was it something you did recently. The best time of my life was actually when I first played laser tag with a few of my cousins. It was one of their birthdays and we went to an arcade. So we decided to play laser tag and everyone was taking points of everyone else. I really had a good time then. Since it was their birthday we went in a lot.
  23. there is two ways to look at this one its bull, amd the other its okay if you have a three year old and you don't want to hear him cussin. Now censoring does take away freedom of expression, but rememver when you have little kids runnin about you don't want them to hear a curse and then they'll repeat it. So for this I just have two opposing views on it
  24. All of us have a place we love to be with others or by themselves so I wanna know how many people actually like diffrent places for themselves sort of like tranquil spots for themselves. mines is just to be anywhere with a few close friends.
  25. I started to like anime because in truth sometimes reality is too boring even some soap operas. Plus anime is completely awesome and people like different things so the question is why do we like what we like?
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